Chapter 43

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

{Instagram, 5P_HANNAH: Running back on stage for rehearsals!!! Our concert in Seoul starts tomorrow, who is coming??}

It was Emelia who had taken the picture of her; Hannah in a blank loose tank top and hair hanging down, her hands held up to cover half her face as they were behind the stage about to continue their rehearsals. Two hours later Hannah uploaded it on instagram, the excitement for their concert tomorrow hit her when the ladies headed to their room and saw through the windows how the fans are lined up outside already.

5 Pieces returned from the MTV VMA in California and headed straight to rehearsals on Tuesday morning, today having their second day rehearsals in preparations for the three-day Seoul concert. Backstage is wild with pets, Julia’s mother, Kyung Ho has come after school too, they are having such a good time everyone together that when being on the stage for the rehearsals the ladies and their crew are having a blast.

“HIGHER!” Emelia roars out in the microphone to the band.

Maria is jumping around on the stage too, the ladies moving but their minds are so tired after the long day of rehearsals. “One hour, everyone, let’s kill it!” she cheers to keep the tired crew pumped up for the last hour of rehearsals this evening.

One hour on the stage passes quickly and once the rehearsals are done, 5 Pieces are fast to grab their things and go around tell everyone to get a good night of rest before they have to leave.

Coming back to Korea has been hectic. It’s Wednesday and 5 Pieces pre-recorded their [You Thought Wrong Of Me] performance yesterday for today’s Show Champion, and now the ladies are heading out to pre-record for tomorrow’s M Countdown and Friday’s Music Bank.

The ladies had gotten ready during their rehearsals; make-up and hair, just the basics, so when arriving at Mnet the ladies get ready for their pre-recording with leather boots, dark makeup and pretty everyday outfits. The ladies are focused on how they look backstage but are talking about tomorrow’s concert with each other until they leave the room and the topic is the performance – cameras for M Countdown films them during the recording, and 5 Pieces seem to be in a very good mood.

Fans are let inside for the recording, and they too seem to be in a good mood – maybe mostly because 5 Pieces are being silly on the stage.

Hannah is wearing a long chain six times around her wrist, wearing a lot of thin rings mixed with rings she wears only midway down her finger – a trend they have for this song. Just with the accessories she feel tough, the gauzy printed shapeless dress with floral embroidered mesh on the neck and sleeves makes her feel free in her movements as the light fabric flies around freely. With the dress being so short she still makes sure it doesn’t jump up, wearing tights underneath and leather boots. Her wavy hair is easily removed from her hair with a hand taking it back, styled that way to live up to the performance, but Mi Young still walks up to Hannah to make sure her hair looks like she wants it.

Maria points over at Hannah who has to stand still while Mi Young is fixing her before the recording, the leader doesn’t care though as she is dancing to random music in her head, bouncing strangely with her legs wide parted and moving over next to Hannah with this sassy bouncing that the audience is laughing so badly over. Carolina tries to cover the leader, apologizing to the fans and whining that they can’t show this kind of image.

Maria like usually is in her own sassy world and instead of being interrupted by Carolina trying to stop her, Maria brings the microphone to and starts singing a verse from their song, her hand held out at Carolina.

“We don’t know her,” Julia whispers to the fans and smiles at the laughter.

They are excited for tomorrow’s concert, and also because [You Thought Wrong Of Me] has made an all-kill for a week now – the ladies won today at Show Champion, even if they weren’t present at the show.

Maria smiles after fooling around, closing her eyes when letting Mi Young make sure she looks okay and she smiles when Hannah touches her arm lightly and says she is silly.

“Silly is just , baby,” Maria jokes in a low voice and Mi Young removes her hands from Maria’s face when laughing at the answer – no one else heard it, which is a good thing. Maria brings the microphone to her lips to loudly sing the chorus of [You Thought Wrong Of Me] in an excited tone and this time Carolina actually joins her and Emelia is even dancing around a bit to it.

Once they will begin the recording, 5 Pieces taking their positions by the microphone stands, Maria clears in the microphone.

“Okay, ladies, enough of silliness – let’s do this,” she says in a serious tone and then winks at the fans. Maria is on fire and Emelia rolls her eyes at it.

The fans are excited for the recording, happy to see the ladies acting like this even if they should be tired. Hannah had slept most of the time on the long flight back to Korea, just to be well-rested when arriving.

Maria starts the song, singing [You Thought Wrong Of Me] in a low voice, not being silly now when they are recording.

They are passionate on the stage. They might have been silly and fooling around before recording, but now when performing they are giving their all to the song and to the message, happy they are with a crowd that understands what they are singing. Truth is that after the VMA, the ladies had received a lot of compliments – it isn’t the compliments from American stars that have put them in such amazing mood, but when coming back they have been receiving compliments and praise from other Korean idols, role models and artists, all saying 5 Pieces aren’t even Koreans but they are spreading the Korean pop culture worldwide. 5 Pieces did a great job representing Korea, K-Pop and music at the VMA. But it felt so distant and foreign when performing a korean song at the VMA, an audience that is not familiar with 5 Pieces or the time put down in synch of a performance, so when coming back to Korea and going straight to the concert rehearsals the ladies have just been having a blast with their crew, pre-recording the song with the praise from the staff, meeting fans that have spoken the language the ladies have heard for the past six years.

It’s strange how much this feels like home – South Korea – with the familiarity in every corner they walk by, the people greeting them as friends and praising them the same way a classmate congratulates you from passing an important test.

5 Pieces does their pre-recording at Mnet with an audience and then heads to KBS to pre-record for Music Bank around midnight without an audience, coming home after two and head straight to bed after washing up to try get some sleep.

August 28, 2014.

It is the D-Day for 5 Pieces’ GIRLS POWER tour to take place in Seoul. It is one of the hottest days of August, the sun is shining and white clouds are circulating on the blue sky. More than 15,000 fans are standing outside the arena, posters at the size of houses are surrounding the district with 5 Pieces on it, glowing like they have done for a few weeks, journalists are lurking around the place in the wait for the press-conference, and indoors it has been crazy all day; flower bouquets and rice wreaths has been sent in over the day, filling the corridors and entrance with love from friends and fans.

The mood indoors is at the top, dancers and the band members are heard everywhere as they are getting ready for the concert. The day’s rehearsals have been crazy and the mood continues the same way when getting ready for the concert. You can hear the excitement; you can feel it in the air wherever you are in the building. Echoing through the corridors you can out of nowhere here shouting of the crew just letting out their excitement, and once in a while when the shouting comes from one direction you can hear a response from someone else at another room. 5 Pieces’ room is loud with voices too, all of their pets are there, Julia’s mother is there, Manager Lim’s wife is there, Kyung Ho has come after finishing school so he is sitting in the sofa with Michin to play with and the five members of 5 Pieces are getting makeup done.

In the white skirt and crop top, 5 Pieces look angelic and retro, but they sound crazy.

“Who is ready?” Carolina stares at Julia. “Are you ready? Am I ready? Doesn’t my voice sound strange? Unnie, do we have more tea?”

She turns away from Julia to go to Manager Kim, having the manager leave the room to go get some more tea that is good for your voice.

Hannah keeps sighing, over and over again. It is their opening night. She knows Maria has friends coming to watch, Julia has a few friends too, Emelia has a few friends, Carolina has friends coming over as well but Hannah’s friends are busy. Kyung Ho is here though, so she shouldn’t be too depressed that Jonghyun won’t come. Taemin said he won’t come either – he is too busy with his schedule, that is understandable – but she is still depressed Jonghyun won’t come.

“That cat is going on my nerves,” Emelia mutters, glaring down at the kitten on the blanket under the makeup table.

Hannah looks away from her mirror, glaring back at Emelia. “Excuse me?”

“What, she never wants to play with me,” Emelia complains and points down at Hannah’s kitten who only wants to play with the toy mouse.

The girl with pastel purple hair pouts and walks over to the side of the makeup table to squat down, the kitten rolling around right away.

“Ya,” Emelia complains again, “Why does she only like you?”

“Shut up about that already,” Maria sighs and puts a hand on her hip when looking at Emelia. “Tiger is special because she is a gift from Mr Hannah, that’s why she can only like one person, don’t you know?”

Kyung Ho laughs louder than the others at Maria’s words and he smiles widely when both Hannah and Emelia gives him a quick look. He turns to his side to smile at Manager Lee sitting there, laughing when whispering ‘Mr Hannah’ as he found that funny. Somehow the boy understood it was Jonghyun the leader meant. Hannah picks her kitten up, kissing her and patting her while keeping a cardigan over her chest to not get her stage outfit hairy or ripped by the playful kitten. She pretend to not care about Maria and Emelia’s jokes about Tiger only liking Hannah because of Jonghyun, and not caring about Kyung Ho who seems to really love the nickname the ladies recently has started to use on Hannah’s boyfriend.

 The thoughts of this weekend’s concert in Seoul have gone back and forth for Hannah. She gets excited thinking of how fun it is to perform, of how excited the crew and ladies are, how fans are excited outside, but then she will be reminded of her weeks with all the bad comments directed to her, all the hate and how disturbed she has felt as she can’t know if fans like or hate her. It makes her thoughts parted for the concert; she is excited but at the same time she is scared. Her leg has been pretty okay, her back is okay with the painkillers, but her head is still too scared of the up and downs in her thoughts.

It doesn’t take many minutes until 5 Pieces are leaving their room, talking on their way to the press-conference. They have put on their white jackets to look dressed and ready for their concert, dressed in white and looking pretty.

The hall is filled with reporters, cameras are flashing unstoppable the second 5 Pieces is called up on the small platform to start off by taking pictures. Choreographer Janetta Huddleston walks up at the end to take a few pictures together before she sits down with the ladies to start off the press-conference together. 5 Pieces are sitting on two rows; Emelia and Carolina are sitting behind Julia, Hannah and Maria, a little bit higher on the chairs to be perfectly visible from every angle and Janetta is sitting on Maria’s left side. To start off the press-conference, 5 Pieces does their usual cheerful greetings and let Janetta introduce herself in English as well. Janetta says ‘hello’ in broken Korean before saying the rest in English.

The first question is about the tour, they are asked to explain the concept of their new tour. Maria is the one answering;

“Our concert is titled from our fourth Korean album and the concept is also based on that; GIRLS POWER has a lot of mixed performances and songs from both the past and from our recent releases so we hope our fans will enjoy the variety of 5 Pieces.”

“5 Pieces always brings out something different for each tour, what would you say is different with GIRLS POWER from your previous tours?” the journalist asks.

“I would say the biggest difference from other tours is that we are working with a live band. Last year during our Japan Arena Tour we also worked with a band and I think it is a different charm to fill the concert with live music and live singing, and I think our concert and the tour will come off more personal and emotional thanks to the live band. That is probably the biggest difference from our previous tours, I think.”

“You started off the tour in Tokyo this time, how come you decided on that and put Seoul as your second stop? What more places will you take the tour?”

The ladies have already gone through basic questions and know who will answer what, so when it comes to places and locations where the tour will go, Emelia knows she will answer so she holds up her microphone. Maria glances at her ladies just to make sure someone else will take the word.

“Our previous tours have all started and ended in Seoul so for this round we thought of starting somewhere else because our promotions this year have also been very focused on just Korea. Tokyo Dome has always been a dreamed of ours and we have always gotten a lot of love from Japan, we decided to take off with a grand start of the tour by taking it to Tokyo Dome. To have Seoul as our second stop was more to fit with the rest of our schedules as our repackage album promotions are coming to an end here,” Emelia is perfectly and calmly saying with her arm resting lazily over her legs, looking relaxed and comfortable at the press-conference. “The tour will go around in Asia for a few months and after Seoul now we will in September go to Nanjing in China and Singapore.”

A few hands are held up in the air as a new question will be asked, and the man on the side points at a female journalist who stays seated when asking;

“When the GIRLS POWER tour was announced as just a tour in Asia there were a lot of disappointments from the rest of the world that has been loving your album and waited for you to go abroad, what were your thoughts of staying in Asia and do you plan on promoting abroad in the future?”

“You know,” Maria starts to say, “We have gotten more and more recognition around the world since [Girls Power] was released and we are very happy and actually honoured for it but when we first were planning to release our fourth album our focus was to put it on Korea. We kept that during the summer and for the tour we wanted to focus on Asia because this is where our journey has started. I think our promotions for the album was very loved even if it was restricted by country, and it was loved not just in Korea but around the world even if we kept our promotions here, so that is very precious to us – we want to go around and sing our hearts out with our fans.”

“What can you say to your international fans?”

“They don’t have to wait too long,” Maria answers with a smile. “The reason we are not making GIRLS POWER a world tour is because we are preparing for more sometime next year, so we hope our fans will keep being patient for that.”

Tons of hands are held up by her words and without being given the word there are questions bursting out if they are going to release an international album soon and if they will go abroad soon and so on. The ladies just smiles and Maria actually explains to Janetta that the questions are because Maria just teased that 5 Pieces will go global in 2015. Janetta has a translator next to her, but Maria noticed the American choreographer not keeping up as to why the journalists suddenly gotten fire coming out of their mouths.

It takes minutes until they have calmed down and being told nothing can be said about international activities yet and they continue with the press-conference. The next question is still put on international market as they are asked about the MTV Video Music Awards just a few days ago.

Hannah is sitting there, smiling widely at the memory of the dream they experienced last Sunday. The ladies talk together about how incredible it was to attend the VMA, how it felt like a dream meeting the incredible stars and to watch Beyoncé perform was definitely a life-changing experience. They tell the journalists how they felt responsible and had a lot of pressure on them because of their nominated song was in Korean and so on.

They keep talking and talking, it feels like an hour has passed and they have just started.

“I want to ask Hannah how her injury is these days,” a journalist wonders after some more talking.

Hannah looks slightly taken back to be asked that and she brings the microphone slowly to while collecting her thoughts.

“Oh…” she says and embarrassedly smiles when seeing some journalists lifting their heads from their laptops or tablets to pause their writing and wait for the answer. “I got just slightly injured during the opening concert in Tokyo Dome… so I am almost completely healed now.”

“She has been very careful to let her leg heal for the concert,” Maria says next to her and the two girls smile at each other.

“It won’t be a problem at all to perform,” Hannah finishes off, takes down her microphone to quickly put it to again, “Thanks for asking.”

The next question continues; “This question is for your choreographer; how was it working with 5 Pieces on the tour and how do you see the group professionally?”

The question is translated and Julia leans forward to look at Janetta who nods at the translator when understanding the question.

“They are all very professional and straight on what they are supposed to do. Some of the most hard-working people I have ever met,” Janetta explains in English and she smiles happily when seeing the five ladies smiling at her. “We have worked together since last year, for their album and now on their tour, and they are like a family. Emelia said something to me that I really brought to heart; 5 Pieces is a body but their performance would never work without the arms and legs of the dancers and the band – an extension of the group. They are young and passionate and they know the importance of each person in the crew, which is rare.”

She pauses and is asked how she feels like a choreographer watching 5 Pieces on the stage and she waits for a second before answering;

“It’s like watching history being made, absolutely stunning.”

“Aw…” Maria smiles with a hand to her heart, looking at Janetta with a moved expression.

“What I like the most about 5 Pieces,” Janetta continues to talk after looking at the ladies, “is that they are world stars but they are the most down to earth people I have met. In this industry it is very difficult to not let the fame get to your head, which makes 5 Pieces much more unique because they are always practicing to become better at the same time as they are really loving their work. I think it is easy to work with them, and I look forward to continue work on this tour with 5 Pieces. Thank you.”

“A question to 5 Pieces; have you prepared today’s concert differently compared to the concert at Tokyo Dome?”

“First off the stage is different so we have done a few changes in the performances, and then … you will just have to watch the concert to know what happens,” Carolina answers with a try to look mysterious at the end, her bright smile makes it not work.

Other than having a few changes in the performances because of the different kind of stage, it isn’t much of a difference. No Japanese songs, they have added the most recent commercial released song that came out as a single on Monday, [Silly Boy].

Going backstage after the press-conference the ladies get ready for the concert, now feeling it nearing after meeting the journalists and they are warming up their voices and bodies backstage and simply said getting ready. They get to meet a few celebrities that have stopped by too, including members of FT Island. Honggi isn’t with them, and when Hannah quietly asks Minhwan why he isn’t there, Minhwan looks hurt.

“You only care for Honggi?” he asks in this overly hurt voice that makes her just laugh and hug his arm, apologizing.

“Honggi is filming his drama,” Jonghun answers while he is busy taking a close friendly selfie with Maria. “Hey, lady, if your hand goes further down I will not hesitate to touch your too.”

Maria bursts out laughing to have someone actually threaten her for her naughty hand, and Jonghun laughs too as it was just a joke. Maria pulls Minhwan in for the selfie, just to squeeze his too and Hannah rolls her eyes at the leader enjoying the friends’ visit, going to greet some others who have come. A few minutes later she is brought back to join a picture with her members, Jonghun and Minhwan taken by their agency’s photographer who is walking around taking everyone’s picture.

Between greeting celebrities and chatting about the concert with her members, Hannah is standing and hugging Kyung Ho, leaning back and forth and patting him on his head. She is happy he is there the whole time, and she sees he is looking forward to the concert too while he tells her the silly things like ‘have fun’ and ‘do not hurt yourself’.

The celebrities leave to go take their seats, cheering the ladies on when leaving and Hannah turns around when hearing some of the dancers’ voices in the corridor. She smiles seeing the face of one of the female dancers, but Maria gets in the way to grab Hannah’s arm.

“Myung’s family is here,” she whispers, holding out her hand though Hannah takes a hold of her arm instead.

Myung is one of the male dancers in their crew, whose brother was on the Sewol ship that sank before summer. Myung has kept them updated on how his brother is doing, that he is receiving help because the whole experience was horrible but it is the second time they will meet since the mourning. They all knew his family would come, a lot of the crew’s families come for the Seoul concert and the ladies have greeted a bunch of them already, but Myung’s family is a bit different just because of what happened before summer.

Wearing their white outfits it feels kind of strange when greeting Myung’s mother who warmly and loudly shows her gratitude to the ladies. Wearing the stage outfits when meeting Myung’s family is different from how they have met before, the ladies are still how they usually are and they are very curious to meet Myung’s brother.

You can see the resembles in the family in the way they smile. Myung’s brother looks like a younger version of Myung; Myung is 23 years old and his brother is still in high school and you can see the bigger brother kindly watching his younger brother when the ladies are in the room. He looks so proud while sorrow of his brother’s health is seen in his face, and he smiles at Emelia when the cool rapper touches his arm. Myung’s brother is shy, because to him these ladies are 5 Pieces, but he manages to smile and talk to them especially when Myung puts arm around him and keeps the conversations going. Their mother talks the most, opening their world for 5 Pieces who are interested in hearing. She tells them some personal things that you can see Myung’s brother isn’t really sure he wants to be said.

“Is it too much?” is the only thing Hannah can come up to say to him when noticing his mother babbling on and Myung’s brother stepping aside as soon as he can.

He hesitates to answer, glancing at Hannah several of times during the few seconds of hesitation. She smiles seeing his hesitation, wondering what is going through his head. He has not been able to do much this summer, mourning and trying to get better by meeting people and live on, but it is so clear in his eyes how lost he is. Most of his friends are gone, and she can’t even imagine the pain in everything he does he must feel thinking he survived but most of his classmates did not.

“You don’t have to force it,” Hannah says softly when seeing the words get stuck in his throat. If he hesitates because he isn’t sure if he should be honest or not, say ‘yes, it is too much’ or ‘no, I can handle it’.

“Mm,” he nods, looking like he knows what she means. “Thanks.”

She response with a smile.

“I’m kind of okay,” he mumbles when she doesn’t seem to ask him anything else. Again he glances at her as a shy teenager and Hannah keeps smiling softly at him. “It could’ve been worse, but … I’m doing kind of okay.”

“Kind of okay is good,” she tells him.

“Mm… Hyung says that too.”

“He cares for you a lot,” she says, though Hannah is pretty sure he knows it as she is very well aware of all the support he is getting from his family. Myung’s brother takes a deep breath to release a tired sigh. He seems to know that too based on that, looking at his brother waving his hand to their mother who is going into details about something with Julia and Maria.

“He cares for his career too.”

Hannah looks back at the brother when hearing his words, and she can’t help but to get a small frown in her forehead when wondering what he means with that. Myung’s brother turns away from the others, looking at the table behind him and Hannah to see if there is any interesting fruit.

“Hyung always talks about how great his life is, how great it is to perform with 5 Pieces… He gets to dance and enjoy his passion…”

The sadness in his voice makes Hannah wonder if Myung’s brother also wanted to be a dancer; she doesn’t know. He sighs again, slowly and deep while looking down at the fruit. She expects him to continue in that sad tone, to let him know what he is hinting on with his words, but he doesn’t continue and Hannah leans her against the table to lean back so she can look at him.

“What is your passion?” she wonders.

He picks up a grape to put in his mouth. “Nothing,” he answers. “Mom says I should go back to my plans of becoming a lawyer, but I don’t think I can do that after … what happened.”

He doesn’t want to become a lawyer and live his dream because his friends can’t live theirs, that’s the conclusion Hannah gets. She just nods at his answer, not sure if she can say anything at all for him to feel better. He gives her a glance, not forcing out a smile when watching her for a bit and then he looks down at the fruit again to take another grape.

“You’re beautiful,” he mumbles.

“What?” Hannah asks, leaning a bit closer as she couldn’t hear.

“I said that you are beautiful,” he repeats slowly, as if her Korean is not good enough to understand.

“Oh…” she blinks clueless. “Thank you…”

“I should be the one thanking,” he chuckles, lowering his head to the grapes again. “If my brother didn’t work for you he wouldn’t have these positive words that he tends to say, and then I would probably gotten too depressed to live through summer without… Anyway, thank you.”

When he manages to glance up next time, Hannah is smiling out at the room. They are basically strangers, only knowing of each other thanks to Myung who has spoken well of them both, but because Myung has worked with 5 Pieces as a dancer for years it feels like they know each other.

“What are you smiling about?” Myung asks when coming over to them. He knows Hannah is not the one saying jokes or revealing things like the other ladies, which is probably why he is more curious as to why Hannah is smiling so widely.

“You have a great brother, Myung,” Hannah says and she laughs seeing Myung wraps his arms around his brother from behind, even if his brother looks to not like it too much.

“I know. He is a lot like me,” he says while his brother glances at Hannah for what she said. He is confused as to how she could say he is a great brother for what he said; he has sounded depressed and he hadn’t really said good things either, yet she said he is a great brother. Hannah smiles widely at them both when Manager Lee says by the door that everyone should get ready for the concert now.

They say their final words before everyone head to their stations. Myung’s family goes to the audience, and the ladies get ready before heading to the stage.

Now you can hear it is near.

“I LOVE YOU!” Carolina screams at the top of her lungs walking through the corridor, laughing when some band members in front of her screams back.

Carolina’s arms flies out to welcome the band members, the back of her hand hitting Julia on the forehead that those seeing it bursts out laughing and Carolina gets apologetic when embracing the friend she hit. Maria jogs by them, asking what the laughing is for but doesn’t bother to hear the answer as she jogs by every single person to go to the director and staff to ask a few things.

Hannah comes stumbling on her feet like usually, by the time reaching behind the stage most of the others are already gathering in a large circle and she slows her steps to calm down a bit when getting in between Emelia and a female dancer. Everyone gathers to do the cheer before the concert, all the dancers and the band and their choreographers are there in the large circle, some standing behind as the circle isn’t all that big enough for every single person to fit. Maria makes sure everyone can hear them though before starting the speech.

“Second stop is Seoul,” Maria starts saying and she keeps that nervous expression though the band member holding her hand is smiling. “We have taken on Tokyo Dome with a great effort and I expect everyone to have the best time ever tonight as well. As a crew I love working with each person here and I think we have done some great and incredible things this year, where we just a few days ago we were at the MTV VMA thanks to everyone’s hard work and let’s remember the beautiful love and support we have been receiving. Tonight we will give our fans the best show we can give; with the music and with the performance, with our passion and stage, we will prove the power of 5 Pieces with GIRLS POWER. Have fun, don’t hurt yourselves-”

Emelia nudges Hannah on the side and a few chuckles seeing it.

“And let’s just have a great show everyone,” Maria says. “I’m asking you three times and we better be louder than the crowd when I ask us all, who the heck are we?”

“5 Pieces!” they laugh out at the accent Maria used at her question.

“There is no power here; who are we?!”

“5 Pieces!!”

“WHO?!” Maria screams and she shouts with the crew;

“5 PIECES!!!”

They put their hands up in the air, Hannah laughs feeling those next to her shaking their hands in the air. 5 Pieces starts singing, continuing to warm up in low voices before going quiet as the audience on the other side of the stage starts screaming in excitement as the opening video begins to play. Seoul is a lot louder than Tokyo.

The second 5 Pieces appears on the stage starting the concert with [I Want a Man] the whole arena roars out in the most lovable loud cheer and 5 Pieces do the thing they do best – they perform. Singing and dancing, they entertain their fans and they show face-expressions to fit both their performance and the happiness to see their fans.

But their overly excitement does not do well with the concert though. Don’t take it wrong, the whole concert from the fans perspective is great and fun and entertaining and the stage is great, 5 Pieces and their crew is having a hilarious time but tiny mistakes keep happening from beginning to end with someone walking off the stage the wrong side, someone glides with their shoe, they bump into each other, preparing to perform the wrong song…

It’s not a big thing or noticeable things unless you are the person making a mistake, and though the concert is seen as a successful concert – everyone bring up the tiny mistakes once it ends.

But it feels great to be on the stage, spotlights shining you up and you are moving to the music and singing with your best friends, performing with the most passionate people you have ever met. With the crowd singing fluently to each song, knowing each word in the lyrics and spotting every interaction and detail in the performances, screaming their lungs out for almost three hours – with the knowledge that you are the cause of these screams puts you in the dreamland where you are the power of so much more than your own life and light. To make thousand of people sing and dance along is really something that can put a smile in your face and keep it there. Even for a serious song, Hannah ends up smiling watching the fans go crazy.

The most incredible thing is when 5 Pieces are about to end their encore. Before the last song, they begin to perform [Silly Boy], a song that came out this weekend for a diamond jewellery brand commercial and to 5 Pieces’ surprise, the audience knows the song already. They are screaming so loudly when 5 Pieces get ier for this song, using their voices and bodies to express how the silly boy can’t win their hearts with his little tricks.

But indeed; The GIRLS POWER tour is grand, it wasn’t Tokyo Dome that created that grand feeling that they have gotten big, 5 Pieces feel like artists performing for each important fan in the audience during the concert, they feel closer to their fans with the live music and how they have put the performances, they connect with their audience on a different level than usually.

“Performing in front of you all would not be this fun if it wasn’t for all the entertainers here on the stage,” Emelia says to the audience towards the end of the concert. “Our hard working crew, our dancers and our band, are just as important as we are up here and we are having so much fun showing what we have prepared to you all. Puzzle, you know very well that we can’t finish the puzzle without one piece, right?!”

“Give a loud applause to our crew!” Carolina cheers and the ladies turn around to applaud and bow to their own crew.

“You have been through a lot,” Maria says when hugging one of the dancers, hearing laughter from their audience. “Working with these ladies isn’t easy, you know, so you deserve another applause!”

Maria starts clapping her hands and everyone follows, their crew laughing and receiving it well.

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Headline 27th: SHINee’s Taemin & 5 Pieces’ Hannah Look Daring & Stylish For InStyle Magazine

Headline 27th: SHINee’s Taemin Says He Doesn’t Want Relationship Advice From Jonghyun, But Could Ask Hannah?

Headline 27th: 5 Pieces Performs & Wins On Show Champion With [You Thought Wrong Of Me]


Headline 28th: 5 Pieces Become Women’s Role-Models In New CF For Lotion Beauty

Headline 28th: Make-Up Free Faces Of 5 Pieces In New Lotion CF Reveals The Members Natural Beauty

Headline 28th: 5 Pieces Sings [You Thought Wrong Of Me] On M Countdown + Wins First Place

Headline 28th: GIRLS POWER Tour Reaches Second Stop In Seoul With Worldwide Interest On Place

Headline 28th: 5 Pieces Thank Their Crew For Pulling Through & Finishes First Concert Flawlessly

Headline 28th: MBC Radio In Bright Light During 5 Pieces’ Appearance + Exclusive Talk About GIRLS POWER Tour


Headline 29th: 5 Pieces To End Their GIRLS POWER Tour In Seoul With An Encore Concert In November

Headline 29th: 5 Pieces Performs [You Thought Wrong Of Me] On Music Bank

Headline 29th: Watch 5 Pieces’ Seoul Concert Live Streaming Pictures On SM Entertainment’s Page

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X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^