Chapter 25

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

“Who is the most childish?”

The audience chose Emelia, and the hosts seem to think that is correct after hearing about the childish pranks she pulls on, but they look through the video to see who 5 Pieces and their managers chose. Carolina.

“Isn’t Hannah the one?” Carolina clueless asks her friends.

“Hannah is the cutest, but Carolina is the most childish,” Julia tells in Chinese to the hosts, Emelia saying the same thing to her members in Korean.

The manager in the video (hiding under a mask but the ladies can easily see it is Manager Lee) says Carolina always competes with Hannah to be the cutest but ends up being childish.

“Carolina is childish for many reasons. She can’t do anything on her own – she need someone to accompany her just to go to the bathroom or to go talk to someone, wherever we go she wants to hold your hand,” Julia says.

“And she can’t eat her own food,” Emelia points out, to which the ladies burst out laughing.

“She eats your food?” the hosts ask.

“Not just does she take of our food, but she likes to be fed too,” Emelia adds. “If I am eating something, she will point for me to feed her. Otherwise she doesn’t want to eat. It’s really weird.”

“Like a baby then,” the female host suggests.

“Like the childish child,” Julia answers.

“Are you upset?” the host asks because of her tone and Julia closes , quietly apologizing. They turn to Carolina to ask her why she doesn’t eat the food on her own.

“I think it shows our close friendship when we feed each other,” Carolina pouts in answer. “But they ignore me most of the time.”

“And if we don’t feed her, she will secretly take out food when we aren’t looking,” Maria adds. “It’s really annoying.”

Hannah nods in agreement, remembering all the times Carolina takes food from the ladies. Hannah hates that, so much.

They move on to the next, letting Carolina choose the colour and therefore the question;

“Who is the most popular among boys?” the host reads out the question and Maria shines up in a huge smile when the translator translates for them. “The fans have all agreed on one member… Their reason is because this member has gotten into a lot of scandals-”

Hannah has Julia pointing and looking at her while Hannah doesn’t even understand because the translator is too busy translating, but once she understands she lowers her head sadly.

“It looks like you all know which member it is even if we haven’t said a name,” the host comments seeing 5 Pieces’ reactions.

“Only one member is unlucky with scandals,” Emelia nods and puts her hand on Hannah’s back to prove who it is.

“But the scandals with Hannah are really nothing,” Maria is shaking her head, “there are twenty idols on the stage and if Hannah is seen talking to a male idol, she is caught up in a scandal. It is really strange. I can go around hugging people without anyone caring.”

“But … but isn’t Hannah in a relationship? She is still in scandals?” the host looks to be frowning.

“The scandals were before that,” Emelia shakes her hand. “But I think the fans are right. Hannah is probably the most popular among boys.”

“I think its Maria,” Hannah says.

“Why Maria?” the host asks, pointing over at Hannah, not knowing how nervous she is about this subject.

“She is very popular since she released her solo album, especially among boys,” Hannah answers. The woman translates for the hosts and show.

“But everyone else chooses Hannah,” the host comments and they laugh. Hannah leans forward in defeat, laughing when sitting back up and removes the hair from her face, and she laughs more when the translator translates what the hosts are saying – asking if she fainted. “Maybe your fans are upset knowing you have a boyfriend.”

“Why would that upset them?” Hannah asks.

The host looks completely taken back by her question and he looks at his co-hosts for a second. “Well… I know I am.”

“Aren’t you married?” Maria quickly asks the host in Hannah’s defence and the host laughs. “That doesn’t make any sense.” The host is married but Hannah can’t have a boyfriend because that upsets him? Hannah is thankful she has Maria speaking up for her.

Admitting defeat, the hosts ask for the video to reveal who 5 Pieces and their managers chose to be the most popular among boys. Hannah gets two votes, but the rest are given to Maria. Hannah smiles out at the audience, having the host comment on how pleased she looks and Hannah nods in silent agreeing, letting Maria stand up and take on applauses; the leader is happy she is popular among boys.

“It is Hannah’s turn to choose. Which colour?” the host asks and points at the card.

“The blue one,” Hannah points.

“There is no blue one,” Emelia laughs on her right side.

“The red one?” Hannah whispers.

“I took the red one,” Julia answers. The hosts laugh at the confusion and Emelia says she can say the colours in another language – though she is using Korean.

Hannah glances to the side before getting up, walking over to the card and points at the middle colour that she was certain was blue, and she hears Carolina say it is green. Hannah pouts when taking her seat, upset she mixed up the colours while the others thought she just mixed up the language.

They continue to answer questions, giving funny replies and constantly making the hosts and audience laugh.

One question is really strange: Talking about 5 Pieces’ mom and dad, Hannah looks questioning at the card. Apparently, Maria is the groups’ mother while Emelia is the father – mostly because Maria is the leader and Emelia is the charismatic rapper – and then it is the baby Hannah, brother Julia and mascot aka weirdo cousin Carolina. The ladies explain to the wondering hosts that fans like to give them roles, that the ladies suit these roles and so on. For six years the ladies have been sorted into different roles and characters and whatnot, being coupled up and so on. Talking about different roles, they get into music; what music roles do they have? Emelia is the rapper for sure, Carolina says she is the main vocal and also the song-writer, Julia says she is the all-around and Maria is both the main vocal and visual. For Hannah, she says she is the youngest.

The one certain married host seems to really have something against Hannah. He says that Hannah has many times been voted to be the most all-around member in 5 Pieces, being a song-writer, actress and even releasing her own book.

“But it’s not so much about the voice, right?” the host says. “Like Maria and Carolina, who are both the main vocalists. I saw this clip of you singing… can we see it?”

The staff looks it up and they look briefly at Hannah’s performance of [I Want a Man], but the new version she sang for this comeback with strong vocals.

“Is it really you who sing this?” the host asks.

“Why wouldn’t it?” Maria asks, taking on the protective role as she too senses that this host is not very nice to Hannah. Hannah wonders if he really is upset she has a boyfriend.

“It’s just that Hannah seems to be good at so many different things, wouldn’t it seem upsetting that she is a good singer as well?”

“All of us are good singers,” Maria frowns. “And we are all really good at several things.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean it like that… but if the two of you are the main vocalists… how come she can sing like that?” the host asks and the other hosts are talking at the same time so Hannah can’t really catch up to what anyone says.

“You want me to sing it?” Hannah comes to the conclusion, not really understanding what else he means with this.

“You would sing it, right here, right now? Without any preparations?” the host looks shocked.

Hannah looks at Maria who just nods, the ladies backing her up. Hannah hesitates to stand up, looking at the producers by the cameras who gives the thumbs up and Hannah turns back to her members when hearing Carolina say they will back up her vocals as the backup singers does in the actual track.

“Just at the end, I’m skipping the middle part,” Hannah says, knowing the song all too well to know how trouble she will have breathing if she does the whole thing.

It’s like getting to sing a little piece of a song to the audience; at least that is what Hannah imagines when she is suddenly standing there alone with the others sitting behind her and the audience sitting before her, cameras focusing on her.

She clears and holds on to the microphone tightly, not having a clue how this came to be, but the look of that host she has been receiving makes her actually upset. Why would her private love life make him upset? Why would it matter to a married man what a female singer does with her life outside the stage? She is upset at it and is actually looking forward to let that out in this vocal challenge. Hannah glances around her to be told when they are ready and she takes a deep breath hearing them say she can start when she is ready. Her members are there, and she knows she isn’t a fraud; it is her voice singing this song. With a deep breath she prepares herself and when looking down her expression has changed; she is 5 Pieces’ Hannah, singer and entertainer.

*Oohh ohh*

She starts off in a strong adlib, not long, but she knows that her voice is explained as the American sound as she takes it from her lungs and lets it get heard from , and the hosts that had excitedly been tousling behind her back gets all quiet. She takes a second to collect the silence around her before continuing, reminding herself to not stop.

*ohhh yeah~

Ooooh ohhhh~~ yeah yeahh~*

*I want a real man oh… yeah, yeah, yeah

I want a, a real man oh

Woo ooh!

I want a- a real man oh…… yeah, yeah, yeah

A real man oh, ooh yeah*

She knows that attitude is an important key to this song, to fit with her voice. As if this is the real stage she took on during their showcase two months ago, Hannah looks up at the audience and cameras when she starts to sing. After ‘I want a- a real man oh’ she glances behind her at her members, seeing them sitting there and smiling at her, focused and she turns back to the audience with a smile, confidence filling her and she can continue the short performance entertaining the audience with her voice.

*When he look at me I get that feeling,

When he kisses me it goes through my whole body

I want a real man oh, yeah, yeah

Real man oh, woo

I want a real man oh, yeah, yeah, real man oh, uh oh*

Skipping a part, she moves straight towards the end;

*Hey! Hey! Hey aah~

He’s the kind of man, I find a perfect match. He got class, he got spark,

A man who does all things right

He’s the kind of man who can take on my bright light, yeah*

*(A real man oh) Yeah, yeah, yeah

(Real man oh), woo ooh

Real man oh, yeah, yeah

A real man, yeeaaah~~

yeaah~, yeah, yeah, yeah

A real man oh, yeah, yeah

A real man oh, I want OH*

With her members helping out in the background to the end, Hannah does her adlib loud and strong and more powerful than anything else in the song and the audience that has been quiet most of the time she has been singing burst out cheering and even the hosts gives out impressed cheer. Hannah ends her performance with a quick ‘oh’, throwing her hand up in the air and she starts laughing out of embarrassment as soon as she is done.

“WHAT WAS THAT?!” the hosts burst out, standing up and bowing and apologizing and praising. Hannah bows back and hurries to her seat, laughing behind her hand and she has Maria commenting that what everyone just saw was what their youngest did – she means it ‘that is just a little part of 5 Pieces, you haven’t seen much yet’.

Hannah feels satisfied, but still awkward for doing it by herself and when everyone are starting to calm down she stands up and bows to the audience, apologizing in a low voice.

They continue with the filming, they answer more questions and play two more games before their filming ends and 5 Pieces are quickly leaving.

Hannah is happy when they leave the broadcast station, not comfortable with that host though she is sure he didn’t mean anything, and the ladies go on the flight heading straight to Hong Kong to perform there late that same evening.

5 Pieces went to China in the early morning to film Happy Camp and are on a tight schedule to take the one and a half hour flight to Hong Kong for the nine o’clock broadcast performance. Backstage the ladies dresses up for their seven songs performance; getting ready with hair and make-up while warming up their voices and talking about their songs, getting dressed in black leather ankle boots with platform high heels and elastic side panel details. Wearing tights to keep their legs looking nice, they are wearing a leopard dress, short with a deep v-neck and side waist cut-outs, banded waist to show off their figures and the zipper is visible up their back. It is beautiful, gorgeous, y and dangerous, yet it is not too short and the cut-outs on the side just give off a y vibe.

The weather in Hong Kong is hot and humid, but the soft rain makes the ladies certain they won’t be sweating all too much during their outdoor performance; there is a roof for the stage though.

Backstage the ladies get ready without problem. They have looked forward to perform in Hong Kong, to travel a little after staying in Korea for two months.

The Hong Kong audience is ready when the two hosts are inviting the final performers of the evening. It’s over nine already, the audience is wild and wet, and 5 Pieces take their positions on the chairs on the stage. Hannah is smiling at their dancers who have joined them in Hong Kong, and she follows the performance as [Girls Power] starts off.

Carolina starts singing in her y voice, her red hair making her the y member and the whole crowd before them starts singing their lungs out along with them. With everyone on the stage softly and ily starting to move to the opening music, the audience starts cheering after Carolina’s part, and then loudly sings along as 5 Pieces sings; *hot, power, love, hate, touch, and gain – 5 PIECES – WE KNOW NO REGRETS*. It’s crazy, how it feels to perform this song abroad for the second time ever and the crowd is singing at the top of their lungs with smiles and excitement. It seems like Hong Kong has waited for this. The ladies continue to sing with the audience loudly shouting along, *hot, power, love, hate, touch, and gain – GIRLS POWER – TO SHOW YOU WE’RE THE BEST* and Hannah notices how the audience is the loudest at the English parts, how they are really roaring out GIRLS POWER, TO SHOW YOU WE’RE THE BEST before they start to randomly scream at Maria’s part, waving and jumping in front of the stage. Maria knows exactly how to work her body and her outfit, how to sing and how to throw her long blonde hair around, and Hannah is ready to do her best too after the leader’s part.

She puts up her 13cm high heeled foot on her chair, holds her free hand to make sure the skirt to her dress doesn’t reveal her safety pants underneath while she sings her part, almost smiling out at the enormous and loud audience. She feels y performing this with her members, especially in the leather ankle high heels and leopard dress, her purple hair probably makes her the weird y, but she really loves it. She can’t wait for their concert, to travel around Asia for this.

Dancing and singing through the song, 5 Pieces do well with their crew. The audience is wild from beginning to end of the first song. The y 5 Pieces ends the first song, only women on the stage, and they are smiling when the English version of [(Dare to) Face Me] starts to play right away, the dancers walking off the stage and 5 Pieces starts to perform their second song. It’s hot, this Hong Kong weather, and Hannah is sweating during the second song even if raindrops slightly falls down on them, cooling them off.

“Pieces of one!” Emelia loudly roars in the microphone after the second song, using English, and 5 Pieces together bows in their greeting; “Hello, we are 5 Pieces!”

“It feels like we come here a lot because of the warm greeting you are giving us, we are excited to perform here in Hong Kong after not being here for some time,” Maria calls out in English: “Thanks to all our fans for coming tonight!”

Emelia is already taking her position, “We will continue with our next song, and hope you’ll keep up with the stunning energy you have had tonight!”

Taking their positions, they begin to perform [I Want a Man] and the audience is screaming right away.

They perform [I Want a Man] without problem, smiling at the loud audience and are actually amazed that the audience knows the lyrics. They shouldn’t be amazed, but when starting the fourth song [I’m Over You], the ladies are really amazed. The audience is singing loudly. They go wild for [Like That] too, followed by [POWER UP] – each song receives such wild response that you can’t even say which is the most popular.

Heading off the stage, the ladies are smiling and music begins to play as the audience keeps screaming and chanting out ‘5 Pieces’. You can feel their popularity, how thousand of people are chanting their name after six songs, and with the dance music being played 5 Pieces’ [Daze] starts off and the crowd faints out in shrieks seeing 5 Pieces appear on the stage again, performing their worldwide number one hit song.

Hot and sweaty, Hannah performs throwing her hair around, dancing on shaky legs with her members and she keeps removing the hair from her face as it gets stuck in her sweat. She loves it. The heat in the air, the heat from the crowd, the heat to perform, it is wonderful, and it feels like living in the moment performing each song for a foreign crowd they rarely visit but that knows their every move on the stage.

The Hong Kong show broadcast goes flawlessly past, and 5 Pieces head off the stage; out of breath, covered in sweat and they smile when bowing to the staff they walk by.

Manager Lee seems to be on his toes this week, he can’t be quiet for a second, saying ‘hurry up, hurry up’ and ‘we will miss the flight’. He says it even when they are at the airport, 5 Pieces have changed clothes and they are boarding the plane – even then, he says they will be late. Hannah doesn’t get it, and when asking, she realises Maria doesn’t get it either. Their manager seems stressed and no lady is interested in calming him down, because they all are too focused on staying calm themselves too; they need to change mindset from China to Korea – to focus on Thursday’s special M Countdown performance and they are heading back to the practice-room now.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

{Instagram, 5P_HANNAH: (in Japanese) It is now only fourteen days left until our GIRLS POWER tour starts off at Tokyo Dome and I can’t wait for us to meet all our amazing fans! We are excitedly practicing nonstop to have a well prepared concert for you all! It will be 5 Pieces first time taking on the glorious Tokyo Dome and you all know the reason we have come this far, and we will keep reminding you for it, wait two more weeks for us. D-14 and counting down!! ^^,}

In her sneakers, black cropped leggings and purple long tank top melting in with her pastel purple hair, Hannah had uploaded the picture of herself that she took through the practice-room mirror with their whole crew preparing to continue practice after a short break. She made sure to cover her figure with her arms and the cell phone, giving the v-sign to cover her face and a big smile. She is happy indeed, filled with excitement for their up-coming concert tour and exhaustion from practice but since there are so many people sharing her feelings she just has endless of energy to keep going. That they remind each other of that their opening weekend is in THE Tokyo Dome seems to be a little too much of a dream.

After being in China two days ago they had taken the night-flight back to Korea so yesterday they were busy performing at M Countdown’s 10th year anniversary and practicing for the concert, and today 5 Pieces have done nothing else than practicing and practicing and it is an endless of practicing. Like it had been before their comeback when they were practicing nonstop, it is the crew that tells each other to keep up and holding the mood up. Even when the ladies get tired dancing in high heels, the male dancers livens up the mood by putting on some high heels as well, and after some playing around they are all back to the serious practice-room.

This concert will be more fun than the previous ones. They talk about it, noticing how light it is, with the songs and the music, how the sound for their fourth album has a more playful sound with all the instruments and lack of modern technology. Well, it is modern technology that has made the music in the album but compared to the third album with [Black & White], the tracks for [Girls Power] have the back-in-time sound, live instruments. As some people say, this concert will contain real music and it is all thanks to the band. Practicing all together you realise how important each person is for the team, and when practicing throughout all Friday they are in silence admitting that. Hannah love working with people like this, throwing out their passion all at once and having one goal; Tokyo Dome. To pull off the best GIRLS POWER concert the history will ever witness, to make their fans go fanatic on a whole new level and to challenge themselves differently now as well.

Hannah is smiling when leaving the practice-room that late evening. She is looking forward to the concert so much that her heart is hurting, longing for it. Being busy with work is her favourite thing in the world, sweaty and tired but quickly on her feet with the excitement.

Since Taemin wants her to record the song this weekend and Hannah can not remember what song it is (though she is given credit for it) she has asked Park Hyekyung to visit the studio a little quick when they have time for him to play the track for her. That’s where she is going now. She has texted and called him during the day – okay, she texted him two times deciding when to come and he had called her earlier to make sure she won’t forget it. Hannah goes on her own to the recording studio, cell phone in hand and a towel on her shoulder; it is incredible how much you can sweat, the amount of hours they spend in the practice-room comes out as hot dripping sweat on their bodies.

With a knock on the door she peeks inside the recording-studio.

“Oh, waddup lady!”

“Hi, Pete,” Hannah smiles and looks further inside the studio. “Are you alone?”

The big Korean man is sitting in his usual chair and he lifts up his hands to let her take a look in the empty room. “It is only me here, lady. Hyekyung told me you would come, so I have it all prepared here for you to listen… just hold it a second…” He turns around to the screens and equipment where he usually works his magic to help Hyekyung make music, and Hannah takes her steps inside the room to take a seat while he finds the music file.

“Are you all still practicing?” Pete asks with a glance at her and Hannah smiles, embarrassedly taking the towel to wipe her forehead and neck.

“Yeah…” she answers. It’s already ten in the evening, and they have been practicing since eight in the morning. “What are you doing then, being here all by yourself?”

Pete chuckles a bit, “I know, it’s Friday and I’m still at the office, right?” he sighs but she smiles knowing he would otherwise be sitting at home in his small apartment and do absolutely nothing. “I had some things to rearrange before the recording this weekend. But I should be happy that I’m probably done before you, tonight.”

“Oh, thanks for that,” Hannah rolls her eyes but smiles when he smirks.

“Anytime,” Pete jokes, and then shines up as he finds the file. “Hyekyung only said you needed to listen to it? I have the lyrics somewhere if you-”

“No, I just need to hear it,” Hannah answers when seeing Pete starting to glance around with his hand waving around. She doesn’t need him to start looking around; for what she knows, Hyekyung might have brought the papers with him.

Pete mumbles some more when starting to play the music, and as soon as it begins she can recognize it, but she focuses as the voice starting to sing is not hers.

“Taemin recorded already?” Hannah wonders.

“Mm,” Pete nods, “I think he did some the same day he called you or something, just to try it with his voice. The producers all seemed a bit sceptical at first because the song didn’t suit his concept but once he tried it out – and we have your demo version – everyone agreed that you should record it together, just like Taemin said. It will be good, won’t it?”

She smiles slightly in response, too busy focusing on the song. Her song, it seems; [You and Me]. A fun song, surprisingly, she can’t remember recording it, and she wonders if she should text Hyekyung and asks why she is getting the credit for being the song-writer on this song – did she really write it?

Before she knows it the song comes to an end. “Could you play it again?” Hannah wonders.

Pete presses a key and the song starts over again. He leans back in his seat, nodding to the track and looking at Hannah who is spacing out. How can she not remember writing these lyrics? She is confused and ends up writing a text message to Hyekyung, asking if she really wrote it because she can’t remember it. In the middle of writing she receives a text message from Maria who asks if she is coming back soon, that they are continuing to practice.

Completely in a confused haze Hannah finishes her day with her members and the crew, only in the van she is sitting and talking with Carolina in the very back of the van about music. About the song Hyekyung says Hannah has written but she can’t remember it – he laughed at her text, asking if she is serious and saying the two of them wrote it one early morning after a party, but she can’t remember – and Carolina is talking about what songs she will play for the agency on the next meeting.

Hannah smiles at her friend. She ends up smiling, she can’t help it. Carolina must have over a hundred of songs just waiting to be listened by someone, and now when she has been told she will debut with her own music, she just have to sort out a couple of songs among those hundred songs. Hannah likes hearing Carolina talk about her own music because Carolina is shining and she doesn’t let anyone interrupt her; this is Carolina’s passion.

“I’m thinking of becoming a real producer, you know, work with other artists too,” Carolina is saying when they are walking in to their home.

“I would like that,” Hannah smiles.

“I could be working with everyone. Maybe start working with you ladies, like for our music and my solo, and maybe work with other SM family like EXO…”

Emelia gets up behind them; “If you could work with any artist outside SM, who would it be?”

Carolina’s eyes are glimmering and the friends’ stop outside the first house; Julia walks inside the second house, leaving the door open and while Carolina is still thinking there is a dog coming running out at them. Hannah is quickly in other thoughts, greeting the happy dog who runs around.

“I can’t really come up with an artist outside SM, but anyone would be an honour, right? I have said EXO because I think I could do well with them,” Carolina says after she has been rambling a bunch of artists and producer.

When saying goodnight, it feels weird to have Carolina walk over to the other house four meters away and they say goodnight before entering their own place. Hannah sighs when closing the door after them, staring out in front of her at the hall. On the right it is two doors to Hannah and Emelia’s bedrooms, and in front of Emelia’s room is the living-room and across from the hall you can see the big windows looking out at their yard.

“I miss the others,” Hannah pouts, glancing at Emelia who has thrown off her shoes and is heading in. Emelia turns around to look at her questioningly.


“Julia and Carolina,” Hannah pouts, “and Ryo and Michin”

“You saw them like two seconds ago.”

“I know… But it’s weird,” Hannah says and ends up grimacing when taking off her shoes on the side. “Super weird to live in two different houses but still be so close.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Emelia shrugs her shoulder, but doesn’t say anything else as she heads to the bathroom.

Hannah sighs, pouting again when going to her bedroom.

Half an hour later she is lying on her back in the bed, listening to Jonghyun’s radio and only lying there with her eyes shut. She isn’t about to fall asleep, her mind is travelling whenever there is commercial or music playing (whenever Jonghyun’s voice isn’t heard). She can’t even keep track on when she saw him last time, her boyfriend. She sighs listening to him talk, knowing they text each other every day and calls each other almost every day too, but she wants to meet him – to meet and talk, to just look at each other and to just be there.

She rolls around on her stomach and looks at her phone, starting to lazily look through the day’s conversation with her boyfriend. He writes long texts and she writes short ones, but the meaning usually gets through even if she doesn’t use all the words needed.

Before trying to fall asleep she texts him goodnight, secretly hoping he will come to the studio when she is recording with Taemin later.

‘Drive home safely, okay? I miss you.’

It feels like she has just fallen asleep when she wakes up, completely dizzy she rolls around in search for her ringing cell phone and without looking at who it is she answers – worried she might miss the call if she takes too much time to try open her eyes to see what it says.

Nabi, come outside.


The beautiful chuckle is heard on the line, “Come outside,” he repeats and Hannah is quickly up on her feet. She doesn’t question it, she hangs up and rushes out, taking a hand through her hair while running to the hall. She does try to be quiet, but her heart is racing as images of her boyfriend being outside the house goes through her brain. She throws on a pair of sneakers and is quickly out the door, she runs along the path to open the front door to their ground and it feels heavy pulling it open, but she doesn’t care as a car is standing right outside.

She must be smiling like a fool when walking up to the car. She takes a quick glance around on the empty street and the passenger door in front of her is opened so she can take a seat. Hannah doesn’t really take a seat; she puts her knee on the seat and leans over right away at Jonghyun, her lips find his for a longing kiss.

Her fingers gets into his hair, he even takes away his cap as she grabs on to his hair and her body shivers feeling his hand touch her.

There are no words said for minutes, just touch and kiss and hunger for each other. She is going crazy kissing him, his hands on her and her hands in his hair, his tongue playing with hers.

“You missed me,” Jonghyun smirks after a few minutes.

Hannah smiles when he bites her lip and she leans back when she can, her lips and touching her warm cheek, looking at him. He looks amazing, like the bad boy your mother warns you from in the movies. Jonghyun takes a deep breath and her whole body gets warm as he takes her in.

“What did you miss about me?” he smiles, meeting her eyes.

“You came here to ask me that?”

“I came here for a lot of reasons,” Jonghyun answers. She smiles and leans over him again, her hands by his neck so she can lean her forehead against his.

“I missed everything,” she whispers, her fingertips touching the end of his hair and Jonghyun breathes heavier. She likes how he reacts. “I missed touching your hair, how you look at me, how you breathe when I touch you… I have missed your hands, your lips…”

“Can I come inside?” Jonghyun whispers in a whimper. “If you’re going to talk like that I can’t hold back, Nabi. Don’t giggle at me, you know exactly what you’re doing.”

She wasn’t really sure of what she was doing; she has just missed him like crazy, but the thought of taking him inside…

“I can’t,” she whispers.


He is using a whiny voice, he really wants her. She pouts, not sure if her ladies would like it if she brought her boyfriend with her inside.

“Bathroom?” she asks.

Jonghyun smirks and starts getting out. It takes seconds until she realises he has agreed on it, while she wondered if he even understood her short sentence; okay, it wasn’t a sentence, just a word) and she is almost carried out of the car.

Giggling, she holds Jonghyun’s hand when entering the house.

“Oh… it’s pretty,” Jonghyun comments and laughs when she hits him on the stomach. He puts his finger up to his lips, walking closely behind her when whispering she should be quiet or the others should wake up. “Is that your room?”

“Sssh!” she hisses and pulls him quickly along, through the house and smiles when he slows down to try take in as much as possible. He hasn’t been here before, and the first thing she will show him is the bathroom. She is such a good girlfriend; but she doesn’t know if Emelia might hear them if they are in her bedroom, so the bathroom is the safest place.

They enter the bathroom and Hannah turns around, looking at Jonghyun.

“Is this okay?” she wonders.

Jonghyun smiles at the question and puts her in his arms, his face close to hers. “Anyplace works for me,” he answers and his smile turns into a smirk seeing her sceptic expression. “Tell me again, what you missed about me.”

She leans her head back with a laugh but puts her arms around his neck, breathing in and out while focusing her eyes on his face.

“I can’t remember what I said…”

“Something about my lips, and my big hands,” Jonghyun answers with his whole voice, face and body telling how much he anticipates this.

“I’m pretty sure I never said big…”


“I have missed your voice,” she says without any hesitation, her fingertips starts living their own word, touching his skin. “The way you say my nickname when you need me…” She is about to shake, so excited to have him here, and she bites her lip when taking her hands down his chest. “I have missed every part of your body…”

She smiles when her hands reaches his pants and she looks up to see his face-expression when s his jeans.

“I don’t have much patience, Oppa,” she lets him know.

“Good, because my patience is disappearing with my clothes,” Jonghyun whispers ily and pulls off his t-shirt.

She looks too happy, she knows it, but she has no time to focus on her face-expression before he grabs her face and kisses her and she stumbles back a step, just to be pressed against the sink. Jonghyun’s body is pressed against her, muscles pressed against her and his mouth plays with hers. All strength leaves her body and she gives herself to him, her eyes closed and her body and mind just enjoying it. When she ran out to him she hadn’t even thought of getting dressed, only wearing a big raglan sleeve t-shirt, and she think he knows that when he pulls it off her with a smile, grabbing her bare thigh.

“Nabi,” Jonghyun whispers in her ear, pressing himself against her so she moans. He grabs her head to look at her, his chest moving heavily. “I love you so much, Hannah.”

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 23rd: Chinese Variety Show ‘Happy Camp’ Films 5 Pieces’ Special


Headline 24th: 5 Pieces Performs [POWER UP] On M Countdown’s 10th Anniversary Special


Headline 25th: 5 Pieces’ Hannah Sends Longing Message To Japanese Fans, Saying Their Concert Is In 14 Days

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^