Chapter 30

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

For the next couple of days 5 Pieces almost lives in the practice-room. It is D-7 to the opening concert in Japan of their GIRLS POWER tour and that means next week at this day, they will be on the stage. Everyone is working their hardest. Dancers are spreading out, learning simple and hard steps with the international choreographer crew, the band is grasping every song, the stylists are working their hardest to fix the clothes, 5 Pieces are everywhere, the set list is almost finished and there seems that when they finish one thing they get two new things to fix. 5 Pieces starts their day at eight in the morning and practices all day and night to three or four in the morning. they go from the practice-room to the art studio where their stylists work on the clothes, going from singing and dancing to trying clothes and there is no time for anything else than GIRLS POWER.

“Wait, are we going to be in dresses for this part?” Julia asks, pointing at the current set list. “We go from ballads to [Diamond], how can we do that without changing clothes?”

“No, but we had this change in the outfits, remember,” Maria says and is fast to grab Hannah’s notebook to draw down the dresses.

“Yeah, I got that, but we are going from these acapellas and ballads to [Diamond]…”

“Are we putting in something between these two?” Emelia asks, turning to the others and pointing on the papers in her hand. “Between [Oppa] and [Diamond]?”

“But [Oppa] is also upbeat,” Hannah comments as she remembers what they have been practicing.

“It’s the soul remix,” Maria tells her.

“Sure, but it is still upbeat, is it not?” Hannah asks.

Carolina nods. “We put it there instead of in the encore because it livens up the mood after the acapella,” Carolina says and three ladies look completely clueless. They have been working so hard that their brains aren’t following the practice.

“They are right,” the concert producer comments and Julia nods.

“But I’m still curious about the clothes and changing,” Julia then says.

“But I told you,” Maria sighs, “We wear dresses but the skirt part is easy to remove. It will go simple and well.”

There is a lot of talk to have everyone on the same page. Each question is asked loudly for everyone to hear and answer. Hannah walks over to take her position, wearing a pair of navy blue patterned cropped sweatpants to a tank top, wearing two sport bras underneath.

The GIRLS POWER tour focuses more on voice than dance. BLACK & WHITE last year was so intense with the choreography, while GIRLS POWER is live with singing and the band, and the ladies practices in high heels and a microphone at hand. It is tough and rough but the result will be worth it.

Quickly Friday passes by and midnight sets the day to Saturday, and the practice-room is still in movements. When they start heading home, Hannah puts on a black v-neck dolman-sleeve top and walk with her ladies to another room where they spend the next one and a half hour talking about the different segments and concepts and outfits and outcome. They go through what they have reached so far, including the set list and so on.

At three in the morning they head home. Well, most of them do; Hannah has had Jonghyun want her to come for the past twelve hours. She texted him at midnight to let him know when she would be done with the meeting and he answered back writing for her to come to the practice-room, so that’s where she is going

Taemin has been practicing for his solo debut in the room she is asked to come to, so Hannah expects the room to be filled with music and movements. But to her surprise, no one is there. She peeks inside the room, maybe expecting Taemin sleeping on the floor with Jonghyun taking pictures of him – anything. But the room is empty. Besides from rose petals lying on the floor; she does not expect a good outcome with this.

“Hello?” Hannah asks and steps inside the room, knocking on the door even if she has walked inside. “Jonghyun, this isn’t funny at all.”

She picks up her phone to see if she read his text wrong, but she hasn’t, and just when she is about to call him to ask where he is, Jonghyun calls her.

“Where are you?” Hannah pouts, glancing around to not be frightened if he tries anything.

Are you alone?” Jonghyun asks and his amused tone makes her whine.

“Oppa! This isn’t funny,” she whines, continuing to glance around. “Where are you?”

Look in the box,” he answers.

“What-” Hannah starts to ask but spots the carton box over by the mirrors. She sighs and asks what he is doing when walking up to the box, having her boyfriend telling her to just do that for him, saying he is on his way before he hangs up. Hannah keeps pouting and she puts down her things to look at the note lying on top of the box. She knows it is Jonghyun who has written it:

One day, you will meet a guy. A guy who follows you around, watch the way you move, the way you smile, the way you chew your food, the tiny habits you have. One day, that guy will know where you tend to go when you are happy and when you are sad so he can be there ready for whatever mood you will throw at him, he will be able to read what move your body will make before you have done it because he is so amazed to see such beauty not falling apart by movements, he will know when you need to force a smile so he can make you laugh for real (because he has watched you), and he will know what food you like because he has seen your expressions when you eat and he will know that you move your nose like a bunny out of habit and hide behind others because that’s the way you are. Each thing, each word, everything about you will have enchanted this guy to be yours. Because even if he knows all your beauty and flaws, all your mistakes and passion, even when knowing everything about you; he will still love you.

Before you throw a tantrum saying I am a romantic fool in love (because I am), I want you to look in the box.

Hannah is surprisingly moved by the letter. She holds it to her chest and looks down at the box, teary and pouting at the letter. She is terrified what is in the box will ruin it, sitting there and wondering if she should just let the box be there. But she takes her courage, with a deep breath putting a hand on the box and carefully opening it. She unfolds the side towards her and leans forward to peek inside, terrified for what is in there, wondering what he has done this time, but what she sees makes her suddenly gape and her eyes are huge.

The letter is put to the side and she opens the box, staring down at an adorable gray kitten lying on his back looking up at her, rolling around happily by the sight of her.

Hannah leans back with big eyes, and through the mirror in front of her she sees movements and she jumps around in shock, staring at Jonghyun smiling at her.

“What is this?” Hannah hisses, her heart stuck in and she can’t even blink staring at him in shock. She has fallen to the side, her hand on top of the letter. Jonghyun keeps smiling and walks up to her, sitting down tailor next to the box and Hannah keeps staring as he puts his hand in it. She thinks he will lift up the kitten, but he holds up a piece of paper, holding it up under his head and he shoots a smile at her.

I am yours

“What does that mean?” Hannah asks, all face and voice and tone terrified and she is not moving an inch.

“She is me, but a small pet version and a female because she was the prettiest,” Jonghyun says and nods at his own words, his smile large at her.

Hannah’s jaw drops and she hisses again; “You got me a cat?!”

As if he is the pet, Jonghyun puts his head on the side to smile at her. For seconds they just look at each other, Hannah’s mind completely lost and Jonghyun waiting for her terrified expression to change to the next one; happy or furious.

“You…” Hannah whispers and takes her hand through her hair, shocked when looking down at the kitten trying to crawl out of the box.

“If you don’t want her as a birthday present, you can see her as an early anniversary present,” Jonghyun tells her and picks up the kitten, just a little bigger than his hand.

“Her…” Hannah breathes out, staring at the two pair of adorable eyes looking at her. The kitten can not be still in Jonghyun’s hands.

“She is an … um, American Curl. My sister has a friend whose cat got kittens before summer, so I came up with this idea… well, I had it all planned out. I even asked you if you prefer cats or dogs… I did so well,” Jonghyun is praising him self and Hannah gives him a glare for being deceived. He had texted her weird questions a while back and she forgot about it, not thinking too much about it because he said it was for his radio program. Hannah holds out a hand to the kitten, approaching carefully and Jonghyun smiles when the kitten wants to play with Hannah’s fingers. “She likes you.”

She gives him another glare, he knows she doesn’t mean it and therefore smiles.

Within minutes Hannah is smiling and playing with the kitten, letting her play with the rose petals and run around in the room. Once she starts running around in the room on shaky legs, tiny and adorable, Hannah grabs Jonghyun’s arm to bring him in for a kiss. It took some time for her to understand. That letter, it all pointed to him, and to be with her even when he can’t, he has given her a kitten to keep her company.

“I love you,” Hannah whispers against Jonghyun’s lips, hugging him tightly and hearing him groan in response. “I love you so much, Kim Jonghyun.”

Jonghyun has planned a lot. He has talked to the ladies and managers about it, making Hannah feel like a fool for once again being surprised – third time in a week. He has even prepared a book of tips and information about getting a new kitten, about this breed and how just this kitten has been living for the past twelve weeks. He has brought toys, food and whatnot that is in his car; he has everything prepared, and he does not hold back to let her know he got a lot of help from his sister and from Maria.

He sends Hannah home with the kitten after cleaning up in the practice-room, helping her to take everything in to her bedroom.

He has read a lot, and Hannah knows most things already; bringing home a new pet is terrifying for the new pet. So they take in the kitten to Hannah’s room, keeping her toys and all things in there and she has her travel crate on the floor since she does not want to get out at first. Jonghyun is amazed over one thing; how quickly the kitten has adapted to Hannah. Hannah sits down on the floor, resting her back against her bed and she is lightly tapping the fingers on the floor to get the kitten’s attention, not doing it the whole time. She and Jonghyun talks, smiling at each other and at the kitten while she gets out from her travel crate to start looking around. With soothing voices they talk, without much movement they watch her look around in the room.

“You really haven’t named her yet?” Hannah asks, lifting up her hand when the kitten comes sniffing around her.

“Mm,” Jonghyun answers. He has lied down on his stomach in the bed, his hand playing with her hair and face in height with her neck. “That’s up to you, Nabi, to name her.”

She pouts, knowing she really at naming. Even for her books when she writes she tends to go online and use these name generators, just because she can’t name a hundred of people just like that. It is the cutest kitten she has ever seen, she is so unsteady on his legs when looking around in the room and she goes from super excited to running away just because she sees something she didn’t see a second before.

“What am I supposed to do when I go to China?” Hannah whispers, looking up at Jonghyun.

“China? When are you going to China?” he frowns.

Hannah hesitates before taking out her schedule from her bag, showing him that she is spending all Sunday in China for a magazine photo shoot and live performance.

“Oh… I didn’t know that,” Jonghyun whispers.

“And I’ll be in the practice-room the other days before we go to Japan. Most all week I’ll be in Japan, Jonghyun,” Hannah says, looking worried for her new pet.

“I’ll take care of her,” he calmly responses and Hannah glares at him. “You have Julia’s mom here, too.”

“You can’t bring a kitten to meet a bunch of new people at once,” Hannah says in a matter of fact, “Haven’t you read your own book at all?”

“I did,” Jonghyun mutters and picks up the book from her bag, “And it says right here that she can be left alone for a while if you make sure she has everything he needs in the room. You can have someone come check on her if you can’t do it.”

Hannah pouts at her boyfriend. She loves the kitten, but when will she have time to be around? She doesn’t want a pet that is more comfortable around others. She barely notices the smile on Jonghyun face as he watches her worry, and when she doesn’t react to him he leans closer to kiss her on the cheek. Hannah leans away with a frown.

“You have three pets that have gone through the same thing, relax,” Jonghyun whispers.

In the end it becomes a night of watching out for the kitten for Hannah. She takes a shower and when Jonghyun has left she lies down to get some sleep with the kitten running around on the bed. Hannah lets her play with her fingers, her tiny teeth are sharp but she only plays softly. Several of times Hannah falls asleep just to wake up by the kitten either bouncing into her or playing with her fingers or crying missing her family. Each time she is woken up she calmly cuddles with her in hope she will relax, sleep or stop playing and she does fall asleep for a while at times.

When morning arrives Hannah wakes up by the cutest sound of a kitten eating. She rolls around in her bed and looks down to see her eat from his bowl, and tiredly Hannah picks up her phone to see what time it is.

It’s eight in the morning.

She gets up right away, walking to the door when her kitten only glances at her before continuing to eat and she looks outside to see if anyone is there. Closing the door behind her she looks in the room next too, knocking before looking inside to see Emelia fully dress lying on her bed, listening to music on her phone.

“Aren’t we supposed to leave now?” Hannah wonders.

“Yeah. But Yong Hyun called, saying we can come in on a test fitting, so we are leaving at nine instead,” Emelia answers and looks up from her bed with a smile. “Is he cute?”

“Yong Hyun?” Hannah frowns and Emelia laughs.

“The kitten, of course. Can I see him?”

“It’s a female,” Hannah says and then shrugs her shoulder, glancing around in the living-room from where she is standing. “When should Ace meet her?”

“Not yet, I think,” Emelia answers as she gets out of bed, “It’s still a new place, so we shouldn’t introduce everyone at once. I thought Jonghyun was getting a pet version of him, and he gets you a female…”

“Too many males here already,” Hannah jokes about their already three male pets.

But Emelia wants to be introduced first. She follows Hannah inside the bedroom, glancing around and gives out a liking sound when Hannah sits down on the bed where the kitten is. The kitten leans towards Hannah right away while focusing on Emelia, and then she runs off to hide under the quilt by the pillows.

“She is super adorable,” Emelia says and squats down next to the bed. “What’s her name?”

“She doesn’t have a name yet,” Hannah answers and Emelia smiles at the kitten reaching out his paw at Emelia who is holding up her hair like a toy for him.

“Watch out once Maria sees her. She will have tons of nicknames after her,” Emelia says. “But she is so cute! How did Jonghyun do it? Did he do an event or something?”

“I can seriously not believe you knew about this,” Hannah says as she hears on Emelia that Jonghyun must have said his plans about an event.

“It’s a kitten; you seriously think we would ruin the surprise of that?”

Hannah pouts, but lies down to tell her about the rose petals and the letter and his smile and the whole event. Ending up saying he is a fool. The whole hour Hannah is with the kitten in her room, getting dressed and leaving for a few minutes to brush her teeth and do the necessaries in the bathroom. After that hour, once their manager gets there, it is go, go and out of the door. Hannah does make sure the room is safe for the kitten, she takes pictures of the kitten and videos and fills up his bowl of water and food, makes sure she is okay before Hannah is out the door with her members. They left the TV on in the living-room to have low voices in the house for her to hear while Ace has been taken to the other house, just to not have some drama while not even being home. Hannah makes sure to let Julia’s mom know to not go to her bedroom too.

In the van heading to the art studio it is only talk about the kitten. When the ladies hear he doesn’t have a name yet it all starts, and Hannah knows they won’t rest until she has been named – but she is in no hurry to force a name on her.

The large garage that has been transformed into Yong Hyun’s art studio during the past years is filled with music when 5 Pieces arrives. He lives a floor up, but this floor is covered in clothes on racks, shoes lined up, tables of sewing machines and things needed to make magic. Yong Hyun is loudly singing to 5 Pieces’ new repackage track [You Thought Wrong Of Me] when the ladies arrive and he is shining. He looks so tired as if he hasn’t slept a bit for days and he is smiling widely when waving them in, continuing to sing and being overly excited when taking the ladies to a room further in. It is a big room where mannequins are lined up; the mannequins are just the upper body without a head or legs. And the mannequins are wearing the most beautiful dresses that look so expensive and custom made that just looking at them feels like you should pay money.

There are seven dressed lined up; each dress long and unique and the ladies are just bursting out in beautiful words praising the dresses and their stylists – it is not just Yong Hyun who has worked on the dresses but the Japanese fashion stylist Miyu Fukuda and the ladies’ stylist Park Chan Hyo are also there, being praised and smiling to their ears.

“These two on the right are for Maria and Carolina’s duet,” Yong Hyun shows, pointing to the white and creamy two dresses on the side.

“We’ll wear that for just one song?” Maria is gaping at the beauty before her, stepping forward to look at the fabric of the last dress. It is almost transparent on the legs, the transparent layers on top of each other with embroider details covering the tight top widening out in patterns over the rest of the dress is absolutely gorgeous, gold and white. A tiny belt around the waist parts the top with the skirt, and according to Miyu it is probably the most expensive clothing in the whole building – special ordered from a famous fashion designer in France. It is all thanks to Miyu’s connections and 5 Pieces’ name. all the dresses can probably be spotted for the 2014 fashion shows, but it has been custom made for 5 Pieces, to fit their bodies and to fit the stage. The two dresses for the duet has only been changed to fit Carolina and Maria’s bodies, absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, while the other dresses have a finesse to them.

Each dress is unique. Julia’s dress is a bead trim embroidered dress in white, long with a slip all the way up the left leg and it looks like a window sheer in pattern that you have managed to wrap around and make it a fitting piece of beautiful dress, the sleeves loose and transparent. Julia tries on the dress, stunningly looking down at the dress that is in two pieces. First she puts on the bodysuit, short sleeves and shaped for her s, fitting and fabric hanging down at the front and back like a mini dress, and then put on the next piece; she puts in both arms first from the front with the thin hanging sleeves of the bead trimmed fabric, this part reaches the floor and is tied at the side to have the slip up her leg, looking like a long cardigan but with the fabric hanging down beautifully over her back. It is the most explosive piece of dress, custom made by their stylists to be in two pieces – which, they say, was the most difficult dress to fix for the stage.

Julia is standing still, her arms held out and she is waving her hands to express how wonderful it feels. The fabric is soft too. This is the dress they talked about the day before; after their ballads, they will remove the skirt of their dresses to be able to move more freely, and Julia’s body-dress will look great with a jacket on top of it.

Emelia’s dress is a batik floral wrap maxi dress; the blue suits her skin colour and the dress is deep v-neck and the wrap around the waist will make it easy to show off her legs. The body underneath is of the same fabric, shorts to it. Emelia looks gorgeous, without make-up and her hair put up in a braid; she will rock the stage in this outfit as they all talk about having a wind blowing in the thin fabric to show off her deadly legs and charisma.

“Our concert will be a fashion show,” Maria is eagerly waiting to try on the long yellow dress.

The top is fitting with a square neckline, just like her duet dress, it is in a bright yellow colour with a simple pattern covering the whole piece; the skirt is light and thin with a slip up at the leg too and Maria imagines her skirt part flying around on the stage like Emelia’s. It is beautiful, and she will look chic wearing it with her long bob blonde hair. The cool thing about this dress is that you can it from the back and just take it off to reveal the same kind of top as the dress to a pair of fitting high-waist shorts, thin in fabric to fit under the dress.

The dresses are slim to show off a feminine charm and to make five ladies fit on the stage without making it look like a marriage gown catwalk; these elegant dresses will blow minds. Carolina’s dress is black, super long and heavy with the slip up by the leg barely visible unless she tries to walk, and the top is covered in gold embroider details. It is a sleeveless dress, and under the golden belt around her waist you can it, parting the heavy skirt from the sleeveless bodysuit underneath that is so gorgeous that it is a pity they will hide it in a knee-long jacket on the stage. It is beautiful to just see it removed; how graceful it will be.

“It will be shown so clearly that you have lost weight,” Julia comments to Carolina when seeing them putting on the dress piece again.

Hannah’s dress is white. The skirt is in two thin layers, long and a slip up to her thigh – not as high up as the other members – and the white piece goes up to a tight wide golden belt on her waist, the top is a very deep v-neck in embroidered material that looks transparent but is of -coloured fabric, but the illusion is y and shows off her curvy figure perfectly. It is custom made for Hannah’s size, but the v-neck will make it impossible to wear anything underneath, so the fabric is tight and strong and it is difficult to move in it overall. Her legs are free but her upper body is stuck. It looks graceful, and Hannah knows she would look really nice in it if she was blonde.

“There is no freaking way you are colouring your hair,” Mi Young gapes at her and Maria turns to glare at Hannah.

“You wouldn’t dare…”

“I never said that-”

“I’ll cut your tongue out if you think about saying it,” Maria warns. Both Hannah and Mi Young look at her in silence as if saying she went to far but Maria just nods. “I’m serious. Don’t you dare, baby.”

“It’s my hair,” Hannah says, though she loves her pastel purple hair and has no plans of dying it blonde in a long time – she doesn’t like being told what to do.

“I’m your best friend, take my advice,” Maria says and lifts her hand up as to say the conversation is done.

Hannah looks at their stylist who shakes her head. “Drama queen,” Mi Young comments and Maria clears loudly at them.

“I can hear you.”

“Oh, we know,” Mi Young giggles and Hannah joins when receiving a smile from the stylist. There are more clothes to try on.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

In the evening, Hannah and Emelia take the new kitten with them to a veterinarian not all too far away. It is a small animal clinic where the ladies have brought their pets before, so when the man greets them they are all familiar with each other. Hannah has a bunch of questions while the veterinarian is checking up on the kitten, Hannah asks important questions to silly questions just because she wants to take care of the kitten as her pet – not 5 Pieces, but Hannah’s kitten. And Jonghyun’s.

Going home afterwards Hannah sends another picture to Jonghyun, as she has been doing since she woke up to let him know how the kitten is doing. She took a picture of the kitten in her lap when taking a seat in the car – the kitten is in his travel crate when they drive but just for the picture Hannah cuddled with her a bit – sending the picture to Jonghyun and writing that she is healthy and adorable according to the veterinarian.

“I think cats are fonder of you than dogs,” Emelia comes to the conclusion when driving home.

“Mm… I think so too,” Hannah mumbles, holding on to the travel crate in her lap.

“Ryo and Michin loves us all, but for this little kitten to be attached to you already is a wonder,” Emelia comments, “I think Jonghyun should get praise for this.  A healthy kitten without name has come to our family.”

Hannah pouts at her friend. “What should we name her?”

“Mischievous,” Emelia answers and smiles without looking at Hannah because she knows Hannah is grimacing as she did earlier today when Emelia gave that suggestion.

“I called her Tiger earlier,” Hannah comments.

Emelia chuckles. “Yah, I heard that. Right when we came home before you opened the door and quietly called out Tiger. Why Tiger?”

“I don’t know… It just came. It’s cute, isn’t it?”

“She could look like a tiger,” Emelia comments, comfortable but focused driving the car, “a gray tiger.”

“Tiger is a cat animal,” Hannah thinks, wondering if she could name her Tiger. “Isn’t it childish?”

“I like it.”

“You do?” Hannah wonders.

“Tiger. We have Ace, Ryo, Michin and Tiger,” Emelia says with amusement and Hannah laughs at the names of their pets. “We finally have our first female, you know.”

Hannah hums in response, thinking of that. When Ryo and Michin came, Ace was superior. It was cool how both the dogs were of the same size as the cat, only puppies, and for that it was possible for Ace to show he was the oldest leader; how would they all act when it is a tiny little female kitten in the house?

Coming back home, Hannah stays in her room as much as possible. Maria can’t help but to come in to meet the kitten, something she has wanted to do all day, and she helps Hannah to pack a bag for their one-day trip to China in the morning. Maria has fallen for Tiger and is lying on Hannah’s bed, playing with the kitten though she won’t come out from her hideout under Hannah’s quilt, only reaching out her paw to play and then comes out to run back in and Maria is laughing ad how quick she is.

“Ace will be so upset,” Maria laughs, “he kept walking outside your door earlier.”

“You think they will get along?” Hannah wonders, worried the new kitten might not get along with the other three males.

“Heck yeah, they are our pets,” Maria answers as if it is obvious they will get along, and then her tone changes to apologize for frightening Tiger.

It’s not much to pack for one day, and since they will be working all day Hannah only packs a faux-leather shoulder bag, and she takes out the clothes she will be wearing and then hides it all nicely in the wardrobe for Tiger to not get any ideas. Hannah is humming to their songs while looking through the large black plastic bag filled with gifts from fans from her birthday, talking to Tiger as she is super interested in the content. She had found the bag in there, a gift from a fan, and she finds more and more things. Fans have reached a conclusion this year; Hannah lacks notebooks. Empty notebooks decorated beautifully, prettily and unique, there are a lot of pens as well and Hannah has brought with her four pens and two notebooks – one old notebook and a new one. She has received a lot of make-up; mascaras and lipsticks mostly, hand crèmes and wet tissues, there is a box set of good luck stones, words like ‘believe’, ‘luck’, ‘trust’ and ‘dreaming’ are on the stones and they are really pretty. Among all gifts her favourite must be the hard candy she receives – even a candy basket –, there are books too (recommendations from fans, letters writing that they are really good and hoping she will like them) and the fun part about the books is that they come in different languages; Korean, Japanese, English, even Swedish. All the languages she knows. Well, someone sent her a book in French which she can’t read but it is a picture book so it is beautiful. There is expensive perfume and even the brand new tablet, with the whole kit along with it. Secretly, Hannah puts the tablet on the side to bring it with her tomorrow, and there is a pair of rabbit slippers in the bag as well that Tiger finds too interesting. To tell the truth there are countless of things and it’s not even all of it; Hannah has already looked through one full bag; the wine glass set has already been taken to the kitchen. Hannah will probably have Coca-Cola in those glasses.

“What?” Hannah cutely asks Tiger when the kitten lies down comfortably on her legs. She has lied down on the bed with the tablet and has already started to look around at the things on it when Tiger climbs up to lie on her outstretched legs, looking like a tiny little fur stick between her knees. Hannah giggles at the kitten closing her eyes and rubs her face against Hannah’s leg. She is adorable!

Humming happily she takes a picture of her with the tablet, giggling and then hurries to take her cell phone on the side to take another picture that she can send to Jonghyun, writing ‘about to go to bed and this cutie joined me, kkkk

Within minutes Jonghyun responses while Hannah continues to take pictures of the kitten on her tablet. He writes that he is jealous even if he gave her the kitten, telling her to not forget about Jonghyun while she has Tiger. He is teasing her and Hannah happily writes back with one hand, patting Tiger with the other.

“How will I be able to leave you for one day, hmm?” Hannah wonders, lifting him up to her s so she can peck his nose. Tiger starts lifting her paw to Hannah’s face, playing with her lightly and Hannah is gaping and moving her lips to play with her kitten, making sure to not be scratched. “You better not ruin my bedroom while I’m gone, okay? Okay, Tiger?”

She smiles widely saying the name, starting to caress her new kitten and touching her ears, having her put her teeth on Hannah’s fingers without really biting and she kisses her fur before her cell phone starts ringing.

“Hello?” Hannah happily answers, as she saw it was Jonghyun.

Hannah…” he is laughing on the other line.


It’s a video call,” Jonghyun answers, still laughing and Hannah can feel her face getting red when lifting her phone up. “You’re so cute, Nabi.

“Ssssh,” Hannah tells him, pouting but he can probably not see it because Tiger rolls around to fall with her head on her chin and Hannah laughs, sitting up with the phone in one hand and Tiger in the other, holding her up so Jonghyun can see.

You two seem to get along very well,” Jonghyun says with a smile.

“Mm. I feel bad for leaving in the morning,” Hannah pouts.

Don’t worry, it will go just fine,” he assures her. “Just make sure you don’t have any cords lying around.

“Oppa,” Hannah says and he laughs, certain she knows it. Hannah remembers something from before that she hasn’t told him yet. “But did you know… I asked the … doctor earlier-”

Your doctor? You went to the hospital?” Jonghyun bursts out.

“No, I mean her doctor,” Hannah answers and motions for the kitten rubbing her face in her neck now.

Aaaah, the veterinarian,” Jonghyun says and Hannah nods, as she can’t say it in Korean, knowing she always pronounce it wrong. “What did you ask him?

“I’m going to Japan on Tuesday, and I will be gone for a whole week,” Hannah starts saying, “so I asked if I should leave her here or if I can bring her along. The doctor said I could bring her with me because we will just be at the concert venue.”

The other pets aren’t going with you?

“No… Julia’s mother is staying here with them, so they won’t come along but I can’t leave Tiger here without introducing everyone,” Hannah explains calmly and lies down on her side to put Tiger down. Jonghyun smiles when she says the name and she remembers how she too has been smiling when saying it. “Is it a funny name?”

It’s a well-suited name, Hannah,” Jonghyun answers. “I like it. And she looks wild with those things pointing out of her ears.

“It is fur,” Hannah comments, touching Tiger’s curly ears where long fur is pointing out. “I think it is very charming.”

And I think you are going to fall asleep lying like that,” Jonghyun laughs, “I’ll hang up now. I just wanted to say goodnight.

“Goodnight, Jonghyun, don’t stay up for too long,” Hannah whispers.

After hanging up she goes to bed, having Tiger jumping on top of the quilt for a while before she lies down on top of the pillow, rolling around a bit and yawning before calming down. Hannah falls asleep after that, waking up when she is playing with Hannah’s hair an hour later. Hannah cuddles with her some bit before falling asleep anew, waking up a few minutes later and she is quickly out of bed, carrying Tiger to her litter box in case she wants to do something more and she starts to clean up the pee on her pillow. She has three pillows so she throws the other one in the laundry, coming back to her room to see Tiger rolling around on the floor.

Hannah lies back down in her bed, tiredly, and moves the pillows to be comfortable, and she smiles when Tiger comes to join her.

Several hours later, Hannah is looking tired sitting in the van. She barely got any sleep because of Tiger. Tiger seems to find something to do all the time and Hannah isn’t a heavy sleeper when she is on her guard; she was prepared all night to wake up at each sound and movement.

Hannah is wearing a simple outfit in a black loose t-shirt, not fitting or showing her figure or anything and it is a really comfortable t-shirt, the front slightly tugged inside the fitting leather pants, and a black belt that Maria choose for her to complete the outfit. She is wearing the bracelet she got from Honggi and a watch she got from her fans, carrying the bag on her shoulder and she has a long cardigan held in her hand as well. On her feet she wears a pair of canvas platform sneakers, to not be all too short walking at the airport with her members but still having the feeling of wearing simple sneakers.

It is raining outside, and the trip to the airport goes by quickly. The ladies are talking like crazy today, mostly about the concert and their schedules. Today they will be in China, tomorrow they will practice and be filming for the SM Town concert, and the day after they are going to Japan.

Hannah has her bag and cardigan on one arm when leaving the van, her hand holding on tightly to her cell phone and passport and the other hand is free to reach for Emelia’s arm to walk together.

“It’s good we have Julia’s mom at home though,” Emelia is talking and Julia turns around in front of them.

“My mom?” she asks, as she has heard her name and mom being mentioned.

“Yeah,” Emelia answers with a nod, not bothered at all by fans taking pictures of them from a distance. Though it is raining, there are a lot of people there to meet 5 Pieces. “She can take care of the kids for us.”

Hannah laughs at the mention of kids – their pets – and she lets go of Emelia’s hand to take out a picture on her phone, reaching it out for Julia to show a picture she took of Tiger before leaving this morning.

“Is she your baby?” Julia teases and laughs. “You keep showing pictures of her.”

“She got her from you-know-who,” Emelia whispers.

Maria stops next to them, giving Emelia a weird stare before glancing at the ladies. “Are we talking about he-who-must-not-be-named? Are you still scared of him?”

“What are you talking about?” Julia laughs, lowering her head a bit with a smile when hearing fans scream from a distance. Fans only see that 5 Pieces are in good moods, but they can’t hear their conversation. Hannah knows what Maria is talking about and she is happily laughing soundlessly.

“Voldemort!” Maria whispers to answer Julia’s question and then gives off this large reaction as if the world is going under by the mention of his name and the girls laugh so loudly at this Harry Potter fan aka 5 Pieces’ leader.

Going up the escalator, Hannah is hugging on to Emelia’s arm and smiling as they are whispering about the amount of cell phones and cameras pointing their direction. Emelia looks behind them to hear what Manager Lee is saying and Hannah drops her arm to be prepared to get off the escalator, nudging Emelia for her to be aware of it too. Turning back around, Emelia casually puts an arm around Hannah’s shoulders to coolly walk together, and they probably look happy hearing fans cheering at their friendship.

“We look really cool right now,” Emelia tells Hannah.

“It feels like walking the catwalk or something,” Hannah smiles and Emelia agrees.

“Not that we have walked the catwalk before or anything…” Emelia adds and they giggle for joking around with each other.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 02nd: Emelia Shares Picture From The Practice Room With Their Crew


Headline 03rd: 5 Pieces Performs Their Latest Hit Songs In China

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^