Chapter 07

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

“I’m still drunk…” Maria mumbles, sitting in the chair backstage at SBS Inkigayo where the ladies are waiting in their dressing-room to pre-record today’s performance of [Girls Power].

No wonder, she has been partying all night and then heads straight to work after a refreshing bath. The ladies are a little bit tipsy, not out of order at all, but just looking like they had a great night and like, tiredly warming up for the day just sitting around and sleeping, drinking water and croaking in a try to pretend their voices are still good after drinking. Maria’s voice is the worse, Carolina and Hannah are still good because they are the two who barely had anything to drink, Emelia’s dark voice is still really cool and Julia seems like she usually is.

Staring back at Hannah in the mirror is a pastel light blue haired girl; at the saloon she dyed her hair blue instead of pink so for today’s performances she will have blue hair for [Girls Power] and then have pink hair for [POWER UP] that they recorded yesterday. Her make-up is extreme for the concept, like all the ladies have, and today she is actually comfortable in the clothes she is wearing. Leather like always for [Girls Power], but today she has a slightly loose top with a deep v-neck and 3/4-leather sleeves, and high-waist leather shorts with zipper details. With the ¾-sleeves, Hannah is able to wear accessories, and the simple detail that their stylist Yong Hyun has prepared is probably her favourite accessory this week; a golden ring bracelet on her left hand with a black ornament connecting two chains from the bracelet to her fingers, where the thin chains are connected to two rings (one ring on her forefinger and the other on her ring finger) and on her right hand she is wearing two thin rings matching the other hand, one on her middle finger and the other next too on her ring finger. She is loving the look, with the accessories, the blue hair and the black leather outfit. There is no doubt she takes a picture of it to upload on Instagram; the picture is of her sitting there while Mi Young is fixing her hair, and Hannah makes sure her left hand is in the picture and her hair and make-up is seen.

{Instagram, 5P_HANNAH: Blue Girls, Blue Power – today it is Girls Power ;) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ}

{Instagram, 5P_HANNAH: Do we look ready for today’s Inkigayo? Do our smiles not fit this concept? Too bad because we can not wipe them off our faces! Kisses from 5 Pieces}

The second picture is a selfie to Hannah with Carolina and Julia, only Hannah focusing on taking the picture while Julia with her short hair shows off a slightly pouty pose with her face looking big as it is closest to the camera and Carolina is just calmly leaning in next to Hannah’s face with a smile and v-sign held up.

Meanwhile, Maria has fallen asleep and Emelia is lying down in the sofa with a napkin over her face but you can clearly see she is gaping under there. These two have had such a fun night and their heads will during the day pay back for it. Hannah is having fun now though, talking to their stylists, managers and members about the night. Apparently members of Super Junior had showed up, Hannah didn’t meet them because she was busy hiding in her corner but their manager says she did well by being social – which says more than what Carolina did who ran off to spend most of the party at the bathroom where she was having deep talks to whoever walked there. Carolina the weirdo topped the night’s list of being the weirdest unsocial member.

“And Oppa kept saying you were at home sleeping,” Julia says and points at Manager Lee – their manager sure had fun too, the one manager now sitting and looking dreadful with a headache. Manager Lee had fallen asleep at the party, mostly from drinking but his excuse was lack of sleep, but seeing him now he definitely looks like he had too much to drink.

“I told him I was getting a ride home,” Hannah nods, knowing it is not their manager’s fault that Hannah wasn’t at home this morning. “It wasn’t planned that I would end up at Hyekyung’s place.”

“You were at Hyekyung’s place?” Maria mumbles.

It surprises them to hear her talk at all, because she had just been snoring, and neither does Maria blink or look at them though she does turn her head towards them – they are not sure if she is awake at all.

“You don’t know where Hannah has been?” Julia laughs lightly, shaking her head and leaning away to do something else, still laughing at her.

“No, well, I thought she was with Jonghyun,” Maria mumbles, not looking like she cares much at all and she lifts an arm over her head.

“He’s abroad,” Hannah mentions, right away checking her phone. He will be back tomorrow.

“Oh no…”

“Why is that bad?” Hannah looks absolutely clueless at the reaction, as if she has done something bad.

“Because,” Julia says when Maria doesn’t seem like she will answer, “you went to a guy’s place, and that guy is not your boyfriend.”

Hannah just stares blankly at her. “It’s Hyekyung we’re talking about…”

“Yeah, but Hyekyung is a guy, and you have a boyfriend, and you two left the party together…” Maria mumbles slowly while rolling her hand for Hannah to understand it.

“So…?” Hannah doesn’t understand it.

“Whoever the guy is, it’s not your boyfriend, get that,” Julia adds.

“So what?” Hannah’s voice gets lighter, not getting what they are saying at all.

Manager Lee groans next to them. “You don’t go to another guy’s place on your own, and especially not after drinking and especially not when your boyfriend is abroad,” he strictly tells Hannah.

“But its Park Hyekyung,” Hannah whines.

“Have you told Jonghyun?” Maria asks, knowing Hannah will not take them seriously unless that certain someone makes her see the sense in it.

“But he’s abroad,” Hannah whines even more, stomping her feet on the floor in annoyance.

“Fine. But either way, Jonghyun is the jealous type – he won’t like that you went alone to a guy’s place whoever it is,” Maria tells her.

Hannah pouts at them, thinking they are just putting her in a bad mood for a bad reason. She actually ended up working with Hyekyung, so nothing happened. But with this conversation stuck in her head, she actually wonders if Jonghyun would be jealous of Hyekyung – Jonghyun knows Hyekyung better than Hannah knows him, but all three of them are crazy about music and song-writing. How could he be jealous of that?

“Going out to call your boyfriend?” Julia teases when seeing Hannah heading out the room with cell phone at hand.

Hannah just grimaces, looking upset because of what they have said and she head out to go find somewhere quiet to call Jonghyun. On the way she walks by two members of a girl-group she doesn’t know and she just awkwardly smiles at them while they keeps a distance and bows, but Hannah starts smiling when some meters later sees a familiar “little” pretty boy standing and talking to some girls – idol girls, but Hannah isn’t sure if they are in a group or some duo or whatever. Honestly, Hannah has ended up loosing interest in catching up with all the groups since a while back. It’s impossible to keep up because there are always new groups debuting every week.

“Are you getting some new phone numbers now when you’re single, Oppa?” Hannah asks when slowly passing by behind Lee Honggi’s back.

Just hearing her voice he turns around in a smile, and seeing how she looks – Hannah is in slippers to her outfit, not able to wear a gown or anything over it because it is too hot for that.

“Ms Gorgeous!” Honggi sounds impressed and he is fast to wave ‘bye-bye’ to the girls and his all attention is on Hannah who turns around to keep walking, but backing to smile at him.

“I thought you went to Japan, or was it just lies that you told me last night?” Hannah teases him, and she can see how happy Honggi is to have her tease with him in front of the juniors.

“No, I’m going, but it’s still early, you know. Hey, where did you go last night, by the way? Out of nowhere you were gone. Maria fell off the sofa – you missed it. She was lying down and suddenly she was lying with her face against the floor. Absolutely hilarious. Where are you going?”

“Did you miss me or something?” Hannah laughs, linking arm with him, “You’re very talkative.”

“Yeah, I missed you,” Honggi says and something in Hannah makes her give him a weird glance because he sounds serious. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to make a phone call,” Hannah answers and she automatically starts smiling at him. “Should I tell Jonghyun you say hi?”

Honggi chuckles and he looks like he is going back and forth of what to answer, and ends up saying he will go look up the other ladies. Hannah tells him which room they are in and laughs when saying they might meet soon, and she then walks off to call her boyfriend.

She finds a corner by the stairs to give the call, looking at her nails while the call goes through. The ladies have all fixed their nails while getting ready for the stage; Hannah’s nails are simple with a clear transparent nail polish, just making her nails look absolutely good without giving it too much as her hair, make-up and clothes are impressive as it is.

The smile grows in her face hearing Jonghyun answers the call with a sweet voice; he knew it was her.

“Hi… What are you doing?” Hannah casually asks, starting to lightly clatter her nails against the window.

Not much, we are taking a lazy morning before the last concert tonight. What about you? Is the recording done?” Jonghyun’s voice is always so sweet listening to, and Hannah sighs with a pout remembering what her members said.

“We haven’t recorded yet, I don’t know what is taking so much time,” she sighs. “We had the release party last night; I told you that, right?”

Mm… Did you drink much?

“No. But the ladies told me to call you; I don’t think it’s a big deal at all, but they told me to call you. I went to Hyekyung Oppa’s place after the party, we were working on a song,” Hannah says and she realises she is muttering it, slightly upset at her members overreaction.

Mmm,” Jonghyun mumbles.

“It’s not a big deal, is it?” Hannah asks him, hearing his tone that it isn’t serious at all. “They kept saying it is weird for me to go to a single guy’s place on my own-”

You went alone?

“Hyekyung and I went,” Hannah answers.

Just you two, alone? Why did you do that?

Hannah is quiet for a few seconds, her head spinning quickly. “I was getting a ride home when we ended up at his place because we were talking about music and he wanted to show me some new tracks. Why? It’s not weird, right?”

Of course it’s weird,” Jonghyun answers, and now his tone has changed completely, letting her know that he does not like it. “Why did you go there alone? It’s not okay to visit a guy’s place, Hannah; you should’ve told me that before going.

“You want me to ask for permission? It was Park Hyekyung, Oppa-”

I don’t care who it is, I don’t want my girlfriend visiting other guy’s places. Why did Hyekyung even invite you in first place? He should know better… What did you two do there? Where you at his place for long?

“Oh please, Oppa,” Hannah whines, tiredly leaning against the window she is standing by. “We were playing with some songs, it’s the same thing in the studio but no one cares if I’m there alone? What’s the big deal?”

The studio is work, his home is not.

“We’re talking about Park Hyekyung.”

And I’m telling you to never go to a guy’s home on your own.

“I’m not having this conversation with you now,” Hannah mutters, “I’m going back to work now.”

Right, we’ll talk about it when I come back,” Jonghyun answers in an upset tone.

Hanging up, Hannah starts heading back with heavy steps. She can’t stop pouting that her members were right, but she does not understand why. It’s Park Hyekyung she went to, it’s not like one of them were drunk or that they have ever had anything going on between them.

But she has no time to tell her members about the call, because she is right away moved over to put on shoes and fix her hair and make-up as they are heading to the stage. Honggi is not the only one there though, actor Kwon Hyunsuk who worked with Hannah and Honggi in a drama two years ago as well as has spent a year on We Got Married with Maria is there as well, being greeted by Hannah with a hug and they are talking while the ladies are getting ready. Right before rushing to the stage, Hyunsuk and Honggi take a picture with the ladies before Honggi has to leave and the ladies have to go do the pre-recording.

“Good morning,” the ladies greet everyone when walking up on the stage that has been coolly prepared for [Girls Power].

Fans are present for this recording and the ladies are smiling and waving at them while taking their positions and talking to the staff while dancers are taking their positions. The stage’s floor has red stripes in it, the screens in the back are coolly written GIRLS POWER and the whole stage is quite dark with a few low spotlights focusing on the chairs there, and the main is the vintage-looking makeup table, big and wide at the centre of the stage behind the chairs has the image of having mirrors along the back but in fact is just holes as the female dancers will make appearances there.

They do the first part of Carolina singing with the camera in front of them; the ladies sitting with their backs against the audience for the choreography. Carolina is the only one shining up, the background is completely dark and they do Carolina’s part with the camera focusing mostly on her until she finishes hers by taking off the black hat, gliding it down over her face and the lamp slowly fades out and the first recording stops, for them to do it all over again but with the cameras on the ride side – they will clip it in to fit with Carolina’s great opening to the rest of the performance.

As soon as they begin dancing on the chairs, the music is loud and the fans are cheering, Hannah is making a slight grimace by herself just for a second when realising her top goes up to reveal her stomach when she leans back in the chair. She leans over the chair’s backrest after that, in her role for [Girls Power] but her mind is completely panicking, wondering if it will be visible.

Troubled with her clothes, Hannah still pulls through the song and when the music stops she turns to one of their female dancers.

“My top kept going up,” Hannah comments in a whisper, holding her hands to her stomach. The choreography makes them bend and move a lot, and usually for this song they are wearing so tight clothes that the clothes are stuck to their bodies, but the top Hannah wears today is loose – she loves that it is loose, but she didn’t think it would follow her movements so much.

“Let me see,” the dancer asks, motioning for Hannah to show her.

Hannah looks troubled glancing behind them towards the fans, but happy that Carolina is occupying the fans a bit, so Hannah leans her body to the side, and right away the top shows a bit of her hip and she is fast to cover it when standing straight.

“Ai, but it’s just a little,” the dancer waves it off.

“Let’s go monitor this thing,” Maria mumbles when walking by them, checking her nails while heading off the stage and the others are following.

Hannah is breathing and frowning when monitoring the screen of what they just filmed; her eyes are looking for her stomach to be revealed the whole time. She points it out one time to their stylist standing with them, but Emelia butts in saying she looked good. The American team of three is with them, right now standing with 5 Pieces and commenting, giving advice with them. Katharine says something to Hannah that she did a mistake there and Hannah nods, knowing she did wrong and she explains in English that her top kept revealing her stomach so she didn’t do well and the choreographer tells her it is a bad excuse and to just do as practiced.

Ignoring Hannah’s frowning, they head back up on the stage to re-do it, and Hannah is pulling her top in hopes it will somehow grow longer and not move around too much.

Yong Hyun the stylist hurries up on the stage, and Hannah thinks he is about to pass her to help Julia with something but he stops in front of Hannah and starts removing her hands from the top.

“You are ruining this piece,” he mutters at her.

“But it’s too short,” Hannah pouts, glancing down when he is touching the top as if fixing it when it is nothing to fix.

“It is not too short, it looks really nice and it looks nice for the camera too. Stop thinking about it and no one will notice the thing you keep getting annoyed over,” he is telling her in this muttering tone and Hannah pouts, knowing he doesn’t like that she always complains. He hits her on the hand again as a warning before stepping over to Julia and pretty much right away Hannah can hear someone in the audience ask why he hit her.

Hannah turns around in her chair, pouting at their fans and waving at them before turning back. She is pouting a lot today, and though some ladies are having a hangover, they are doing pretty well. Hannah is sitting next to Carolina, and the two of them overdoes a pouting expression at each other before the PD asks if 5 Pieces is ready to do it again.

The day is not easy. Hangover for most ladies and Hannah is not in the best mood because Jonghyun texts her to remind her to never visit a guy’s place on her own. They do the song seven times for the recording before 5 Pieces are done, they head backstage to get some rest and eat – oh jeez they eat cake given from fans for their comeback and breakfast, hangover food for some of them while Hannah only eats the breakfast – and soon they are busy with a few interviews and rehearsal for the Inkigayo appearances; they will appear for a comeback interview and appear to tell people they are making their comeback, so don’t switch the channel.

But when the ladies are waiting for lunch before Inkigayo will start, the ladies all look over at the door when being told there is a visitor outside who they are not letting in. it’s the person who turns Hannah’s blood cold, a woman she had for a while forgotten has come to Seoul – her mother.

“Do you want me to talk to her?” Maria is fast to suggest, her eyes looking straight at Hannah.

Hannah isn’t sure if she has a sour face-expression or if she just looks scared or maybe angry, but Hannah looks blankly back at Maria for so long that Manager Lim stands up saying to the staff she is not let inside.

“I’ll talk to her,” Hannah whispers.

“You don’t have to,” Emelia comments, the one looking furious.

“She has been here for over a week already,” Hannah sighs and stands up, “I just want her to go back to Sweden.”

Emelia stands up too, and whatever Hannah says, the rapper talks back by saying there is no way she is leaving Hannah alone with that woman. Maria is keeping her eyes on them when they leave the room, and as soon as they have left she tells the others she would want to go too, but knowing it is weird to have two back-up guardians just to meet the mother of their baby.

Hannah is making faces uncontrollably when walking with Emelia, even tearing up so she has to blink several of times to get rid of the tears. Her mother appeared in Seoul during 5 Piece’s showcase a week ago, more than a week ago, and she had showed up afterwards shocking Hannah so much that the youngest had just panicked. Emelia tells her that she doesn’t have to meet her, that if she doesn’t want to talk she can just tell Emelia and the rapper will take care of it. Hannah doesn’t react at her words at all, and they walk over to the entrance to head to a room to meet her mother, a staff went to let her mother in. Hannah has no idea of what to say, she just wants her mother to go to Sweden and not come here again.

At first glance it seems like nothing will be said between them. Hannah and Emelia have sat down in the room and Hannah’s mother sits down in front of them, and it gets quiet. Emelia glances from her friend to her friend’s mother, and the awkwardness is just growing.

“Not to hurry things up or anything but we have a show to attend soon…” Emelia mentions. Honestly she just wants to get over with this, and she think Hannah wants it too.

“Why are you still here?” Hannah asks, her voice coldly directed to her mother.

“Because you are my daughter.”

“I have been your daughter for almost twenty-two years, what is different now?”

“Don’t use that tone on me. I have spent a week in this city because of you, doesn’t that prove just how much I miss you?”

“Just because you are here for a week doesn’t prove anything to me. I have been in Korea for six years, mom, not a single time have you said you miss me. I don’t care what you are here for, or what you want to achieve, all I know is that I have spent years hearing you tell me what a disgrace I am for going to Korea, hearing you curse at me and saying I am not your daughter for doing what I do, I have heard a lot of things from you that I honestly don’t care about. But not telling me that my grandmother has passed away? I will never forgive you for that.” Hannah takes a deep breath to not start rambling in Korean instead of Swedish. “I can pay for this trip if you want, but I am not calming down for what you did. Go back home, mom.”

“Is that really what you want? You won’t have a home to go back to,” her mother warns her.

Hannah stands up, bringing Emelia with her to be ready to leave. “You told me the same thing six years ago,” Hannah mutters and turns to Emelia. “Let’s go.”

“Then I’m going back home, Hannah,” her mother says while they head to the door. “I won’t come back, and you should not come back either.”

Hannah doesn’t comment back, she just leaves the room with Emelia.

Her friend is quiet when heading back. Hannah’s steps gets faster and faster in frustration until she turns around to walk some steps back and then turns around to ask Emelia if they can go out for a bit and Emelia nods but while going out the rapper sends a text to their manager for them to know they have gone out for some fresh air. But the air outside is just warm and muggy; the whole week has been like this.

“I think it went kind of well though,” Emelia comments, seeing Hannah pace back and forth and doing some breathe exercise to calm herself.

“Hm!” Hannah scoffs, shooting laser at the wall.

“Well, it did, did it not? None of you screamed, and she took your words pretty well too… Or, yeah, I’m pretty sure it was a good and not bad way…”

“Why did she even come here?” Hannah bursts out at her friend. “She didn’t even say anything, right, right? I mean … she only came to annoy me, didn’t she? Ugh it’s so frustrating!”

She knows a lot of seniors and friends have told her to talk things through with her family because she will regret it in the future, but Hannah can’t forgive her family for not telling her that her grandmother has passed away. She doesn’t regret anything at the moment, and she fails to calm down outside; Emelia ends up suggesting them to go inside and eat, to get in other thoughts and just move on with the day.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

At the 18:00 radio program at SBS, 5 Pieces makes their visit as guests on the show. They have come straight from Inkigayo, wearing their stage outfits, to talk and promote themselves for an hour on Park Sohyun’s Love Game radio. After introductions, Park Sohyun is praising the album and 5 Pieces’ music.

“I really love your music and I know a lot of people are enjoying listening to the whole album,” Park Sohyun is praising, “5 Pieces is often known to release music that has a meaning behind it. Like for [Daze] and [Black & White], and older songs like [Original], you always sing about confidence and to be strong, 5 Pieces has that strong image thanks to these type of songs. But this time around, you are singing a little different but just as meaningful. Could you explain the concept about your album?”

“The main concept for our 4th album is about Girls Power, therefore the name of the album. I think our song of the same name is the perfect sound to explain the album and this concept, because it is a lot about giving confidence to girls and women of all ages to not want to hide themselves or be ashamed of their gender, that we have a body that gets a lot of attention and a mind and opinion all too often underestimated. With this album I think we speak up for a lot of girls,” Maria is answering the question.

Emelia adds on; “It is definitely a deeper meaning behind the concept than what many thinks. We have put a lot of focus on the image, to have our music and style fit with 5 Pieces and the meaning to our lyrics; we have gone for a mix of different genres and time to make it something new and different while also focusing on keeping it our style. In earlier songs we have wanted to reach out to all kind of people, but this time we are only focusing on the girls.”

“And for sure you are, I keep hearing so much praise about 5 Pieces and your songs and that you keep succeeding yourself over and over again, that there is no other star able to keep up with you. While the song [Girls Power] is very deep and y, it is mysterious too, right?”

“Yes,” the ladies are nodding.

“Your main track is [POWER UP]… Isn’t it a little more playful?”

“[POWER UP] is more of a fun dance track, there is a lot of expressive movements and the sound is very addictive as well,” Emelia answers.

“But this song too is more focused to the girls, right…?” Park Sohyun wonders.

“Not necessary, though on the stage the performance is owned by the girls just to fit the album concept. I think [POWER UP] is more of a song focused on having fun,” Maria answers and she nods seeing Hannah nodding in agreement.

Park Sohyun nods too, saying ‘aah’ before continuing; “One fun thing I keep having fun seeing this weekend is your hair… Hannah and Carolina in particular stands out right now, but I think I saw Maria have short hair earlier?”

“Ah,” Maria shines up to be mentioned, “I wear a wig for [POWER UP]. I love my hair, so I haven’t cut it short but I love to have the wigs on. For all of us, we were blonde for the pre-single, so we wanted to go back into our own style – therefore the colours we have now.”

Hannah is nodding and Carolina can’t stop touching her deep brightly red hair. “The members were actually fighting about having red hair, in the end I got it,” Carolina proudly says and Hannah keeps nodding, Carolina does suit in red.

“And Hannah has changed the colour of her hair too,” Park Sohyun mentions.

“Hannah was upset when everyone became blondes for the pre-single because she wanted to dye her hair so badly,” Emelia is fast to say and once again, Hannah quietly nods in agreement. Emelia smiles and nudges her arm lightly, since Hannah misses her chance to talk.

“Um… I wanted the red hair first, but they said it won’t suit me, and then we all went for blonde…” Hannah says and while she personally thinks her words makes no sense everyone else nods, understanding what she is saying. “So for this comeback I went for pastel colours, as it isn’t completely one colour… I like it a lot.”

“Other than the concept of the album, your voices seem to be getting a lot of attention for this comeback. Already for [I Want a Man] a few months ago, you received praise for taking on such a different genre than what you are used to. For this album there are a lot of explosive vocals and sounds that no one have heard before and honestly speaking, I think a lot of people are surprised that the charismatic and cool 5 Pieces can take on these crazy notes. Did you have to practice differently preparing for this comeback?”


Hannah can see Emelia look at the members, waiting for someone to answer, and eventually it is Carolina who says;

“I think we keep improving more and more, both as singers and as performers. Because we are always trying to do something different than what we have done before, we improve ourselves for each comeback,” Carolina answers and the ladies are mumbling with agreements. “When we first recorded the songs for this album, we were very excited and were trying out different ways to sing, and other than being taught something new I think we all just experienced in the studio, finding out our voices can reach a whole different level than what we have been able to show in the previous songs.”

“So 5 Pieces easily said adapt based on the song?”

“Maybe,” Carolina seriously answers and her face turns into a smile when seeing Hannah and Julia both giggle at the seriousness.

“Could we hear a part of your new songs?” Park Sohyun suggests, looking at her right where 5 pieces are sitting next to each other. “What about [Girls Power] since we will listen to [POWER UP] later?”

“Sure,” the ladies answers, nodding and Hannah leans back (sitting in the middle) for them to quickly talk about which part.

Carolina snaps her fingers for the rhythm and she counts down before the ladies in light voices starts to sing the chorus, but not so loud as they need to be in harmony and they don’t want it to be too loud for the listeners. *It’s my passion, your emotion – GIRLS GOT THE POWER (GIRLS’ POWER) – We can move you, give it to you – If you do what I do (GIRLS’ POWER) – [Maria, Julia, Emelia] All girls get up if you know it – [Hannah, Carolina] Boys come on try if you want it – WHO CAN FEEL IT? CAN YOU BE IT? We are, 5 Pieces*

“WOAAAH!” Park Sohyun starts applauding and cheering, and when realising how her reaction is she starts laughing lightly. “Without music or anything, that was just pure perfection! Somehow, though the concept is so different from the one we are used to see you with, you all still have that charisma in your songs; I think it is 5 Pieces’ charm that makes you really nice to look at. I don’t know why, but every time I hear 5 Pieces’ songs, I just want to move my body or sing along…”

“That’s a good thing, though,” Carolina smiles widely.

“A really good thing, even for me to want to move… You all must have magical powers to make that happen,” Park Sohyun jokes and they lightly laughs. “Besides from the things we have brought up already, is there something you would like to point out about your comeback?”

The ladies glances at each other, and Hannah comes to think of their songs – no one have mentioned who they have worked with – and she points at Carolina sitting on her left. The others seems to catch up with what she means, or at least Maria does as she leans forward to the microphone.

“I know that we have talked a lot in the past about making music ourselves, mostly because Hannah has participated in song-writing earlier. But I think our fans will really like that Carolina has not only written songs but she has also produced songs for this album,” Maria is saying with a hand on Carolina’s shoulder. “The songs are really well-written, and our fans will definitely not be disappointed.”

“Thank you…” Carolina whispers, her eyes looking down out of embarrassment.

“Are you blushing?” Emelia teases and Carolina is fast to look up at the radio DJ with an embarrassed smile.

“I get embarrassed to hear our captain talk like that,” Carolina cutely answers and Hannah shows her fingers cringing.

“Don’t be, don’t be,” Maria waves it off and turns to Park Sohyun. “For a while we have been telling our fans that the members have interest in producing, but so far only Hannah has really showed her skills in it-”

“What skills?” Hannah scoffs, and then is fast to apologize as it came out louder than she thought.

“But I think we have been building up the anticipation about Carolina’s skills for our fans by talking about it so often, and I think that the result of these songs have been worth waiting for,” Maria continues, not hearing Hannah though Emelia is annoyingly poking the youngest for her to scoff on-air.

“For Carolina, how was it to produce for the group?” Park Sohyun wonders.

“I liked it a lot,” Carolina answers. “I have been working a lot on my own with producing, mostly as a hobby, but when being asked to work on this album I was very excited. I think I enjoyed doing the music for the album because I could focus on making it 5 Pieces’ style and I think I saw it as a great honour to make music for us. In the future I wish we can do more music like this.”

“What did the members think of Carolina’s participation?”

“I liked it too,” Hannah is fast to say and she shoots an eye-smile at Carolina who happily turns to her.

“Carolina is a perfectionist,” Emelia mentions, “And it is really going on our nerves at times, but the result of her wanting to redo things over and over was really good.”

Carolina starts lowering her head now, and she mumbles ‘how embarrassing’ in a cute tone to show how much she loves getting praise. Julia praises her too; “My favourite songs in the album are those Carolina helped out for. Her personal taste is different from the music we make as 5 Pieces, but she worked really hard and had a lot of ideas for songs that fits the ladies as a group, so I wasn’t worried at all. With Carolina participating in the album we are also showing a more artistic side, that we aren’t just idols singing songs but that we are artists making music too.”

“Are you saying I make us more artistic?” Carolina looks at Julia with big eyes, as if she can’t believe this praise she is getting after all these years only being ignored and teased by the ladies.

“No,” Julia frowns. “I didn’t say anything like that.”

Though she did say exactly that, and Hannah laughs when hugging on to Carolina, her way to comfort their mascot from being teased by the ladies again.

They go through a commercial; Park Sohyun keeps praising the ladies during the commercial and Hannah is smiling so much that her cheeks are hurting, and when the commercial is coming to an end the ladies are standing up, preparing to sing.

“Before we will continue the show with our glimmering stars, 5 Pieces have prepared a live performance here for us. It is an honour to have them here, and to have them sing live for us is something I think our listeners will take to heart. Are you all prepared?” Park Sohyun looks at the five ladies standing with the microphones, the ladies all saying ‘yes’ messily at once. “Who will introduce the song for our listeners?”

Carolina takes the word; “The song we will sing is the main track for our comeback and a very addictive song that we hope everyone will enjoy singing and dancing along to; the song is [POWER UP].”

*Power up, get it up* Hannah whispers and moves her body lightly in excitement, smiling when Maria burst out laughing and they all go quiet as the DJ asks listeners to enjoy.

The music begins and Hannah knows the ladies are in a great mood because the moment Maria starts singing her opening; they start mimicking or soundlessly laughing towards each other. But the song is difficult to sing with the light tones, so soon the ladies are focused, but they can’t help but to smile and they too move their bodies to the rhythm. Hannah follows some of the dance moves when Emelia and Julia sings quickly in the beginning – as they keep saying, it is the kind of song you can’t help but to want to move along with.

All until the chorus does Hannah lightly bounce and smile, and then the high tones start. She has the high notes singing with Emelia and Julia, and she keeps grimacing when doing the part. Somehow it has been easier singing the song on the stage, because she has learned how to move and sing this part.

But 5 Pieces does quite well – they personally know they could do better but they did quite well – and when sitting back down they continue to talk for a bit before Park Sohyun brings up the music videos, and the ladies begins talking about the beautiful France and the place they filmed at.

“In the music video- ah, you have different versions, but it is this drama version, right? It was Hannah who had the lead role there, was it not?” Park Sohyun is asking with a slight frown not sure if her fact is right.

“Yes, yes,” the ladies answers.

“Hannah got to act with a French model, he was very handsome,” Maria compliments.

“How did you decide on who would take on the lead role? Did you play a game or what did you do?”

Hannah looks at her left, where Maria and Carolina are sitting, but Maria motions for Hannah to answer. Hannah sighs when leaning forward. “I had no idea I would have to act in the music video, so I was just focused on dancing when the director suddenly told me that I had to act out this and that.”

Julia and Emelia both laughs on her right at those words, and Carolina starts clapping her hands so Hannah goes quiet.

“We actually didn’t know one of us would have to act the lead,” Maria admits with a chuckle, “So when we started the filming the director chose Hannah because, honestly, she is the actress representative in our group and because she doesn’t really need any preparations to act, she was the best choice.”

“Ah, but Hannah is a great actress so I can see why she was chosen,” Park Sohyun praises and it is Hannah’s turn to blush. “Only last year you were really great in the drama Mr and Miss, I really enjoyed watching that drama.”

“We did too,” Emelia admits.

“If Hannah is the actress representative in 5 Pieces, are you planning on taking on any more roles?”

Hannah is smiling when Emelia nudges her on the side again for her to not be so slow at answering. “Um… I really enjoy acting and I really think I will keep acting when I have the time and if I find a good role, but right now at the moment I want to do as the ladies and focus on 5 Pieces and our music.”

“Oh… But I must say,” Park Sohyun starts saying, “The comments flooding in are commenting about how cute you all are and that you seem to have matured when you talk about music… I too think that 5 Pieces have grown a lot for this comeback, but when talking to you now, you also are very cute. I see some comments are about the SBS program Good Sister that is currently airing… I have seen a little of the show, isn’t it difficult to do the show when you have been busy preparing for the comeback?”

“I think preparing for a comeback is always difficult no matter what else you do at the same time,” Maria is saying, glancing at her members since Hannah was busy hitting Emelia’s finger away from poking her on the side, “But I also think that filming this show with our little brother Kyung Ho has made us relax a little bit more for the comeback because we can play around with him from time to time during the preparations.”

“On the show you are all very comfortable, the viewers can see that. What is your little brother doing now? Has he been watching your comeback?”

“He …” Maria starts saying but turns to Hannah with a laugh and Hannah answers;

“He has been watching our comeback and cheered us on. Right now he is hopefully playing.”

“In the show, I have seen Hannah making breakfast many times and you all seem to cook for Kyung Ho. Do you usually make meals like that?”

This time Hannah seems like she is about to say something but she lowers her head with a laugh, covering when looking back up at her members and Emelia is laughing too – for no good reason at all.

“We don’t cook that often…” Maria slowly says, her eyes’ trying to meet one of the ladies to have someone helping her out and to her surprise it is Julia who fills out;

“Hannah and Maria are very serious about making Kyung Ho grow, so they make sure to feed him well when he is with us. Otherwise, we don’t tend to cook that often though we can make simple breakfast.”

“Who is the best cook in 5 Pieces? And who cooks the most?”

The ladies look at each other, as if each other’s faces will give the answer. “Hannah cooks the most lately,” Maria mentions slowly, “When Hannah is bored she is making cupcakes, and then she leaves it for the others to eat. And for breakfast, as long as it involves eggs she is really good at making it, otherwise I would say Julia and I are the best cooks in the group.”

“What about Emelia?” Park Sohyun wonders with a smile.

“I can make a toast,” Emelia honestly answers and smirks when the others laughs.

“And Carolina only burns things, so she is banned from making food,” Maria reveals while Carolina is protesting until Park Sohyun asks what Carolina is good at making.

“Uh… ramen,” Carolina answers, causing more laughter and she is smiling happily for making them laugh – though it is the truth that she can’t make anything else than ramen.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 01st: 5 Pieces Continues With Their Flawless Comeback Stage On Inkigayo With [Girls Power] + [POWER UP]

Headline 01st: SBS Airs Episode 13 Of ‘Good Sister’

Headline 01st: Carolina Talks About Producing For 5 Pieces Album, Praised By Members & More On Park Sohyun’s Love Game Radio

Headline 01st: Hannah Blushes Being Praised As A Great Actress, Says She Really Enjoys Acting

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^