Chapter 26

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

“Are you paranoid?”

Hannah turns her head around, her whole face-expression is questioning the question she just received and Jonghyun leans back in her bed on his elbows, looking hot and newly-ed y with his hair messy, jeans not buttoned and the t-shirt is next to him on the bed.

“You have been strict to not let me come in here before; are you paranoid?” Jonghyun smirks.

“No…” Hannah mumbles, frowning when coming to sit on her knees next to him, placing her hand on his arm to caress his bare skin. “It has been a mess until now. No one has been allowed here. And I didn’t want to be rude to the ladies by bringing you here.”

“You thought it would be rude?” Jonghyun smiles, leaning his head back to smile when she crawls up behind him. “That’s cute.”

“It would be rude,” Hannah answers, embracing him from behind so he can lean on her, his face looking up at her. “It was a mess here, it still is but much better than before.”

“That’s how it is when you move, Nabi.”

“Mm…” She leans her head down to kiss his cheek.

“I like it though,” Jonghyun whispers, and she can see that his eyes are closed. “Your room, and the house – what I have seen. It’s much bigger than the last place.”

“It’s weird,” Hannah whispers and puts her hands on his face, caressing his cheeks and down his neck. He has a really y neck. “Half of the ladies are not in the same house. I have barely seen Julia’s mother at all, too.”

“She doesn’t come along to your schedules at all?”

“She came a few times, but now we are just spending the days in the practice-room – which can’t be fun so she is just here.”

“But Julia likes it.”

Hannah smiles at him, and though his eyes are closed he starts smiling too. “You know more than what I tell you,” she tells him.

“I know. I have spies everywhere, keeping an eye on your surrounding,” Jonghyun jokes and he chuckles when she hits him lightly on the chest with her palm. “Kibum heard it from someone, and then it’s Taemin who you keep talking with for some reason.”

“Taemin has called me surprisingly a lot this past week,” Hannah admits, “He is super nervous about his solo project.”

“Yea, I know that for sure,” Jonghyun keeps smiling up at her, “And you are recording with him today.”

The word ‘today’ sets an alarm in Hannah and if she had been someone else she would’ve cursed out loud, but instead she just whines and gets away from Jonghyun.

“You have to go,” she whines, just standing there and waiting for him to get up.

Jonghyun sighs and lies on his back in the bed and Hannah is fast to lean over to grab his wrist with both hands.

“Jonghyun, please,” she whispers when he doesn’t want to move.

“Why can’t I stay a little longer? I want to talk to you…”

“We can talk later, but I really don’t want the ladies to find out what we have done by seeing you here,” she says in a pouty whine. “I’ll give you a round tour of the whole place next time, when we have more time and it’s not early in the morning.”

“I don’t want to go.”

“How old are you, Jonghyun? You need to go home and sleep,” Hannah says, pulling in his arm but he just rolls around on the side to hug the quilt under him.

“I can’t sleep without you,” he mumbles, and she knows by the small smile in his face that he is playing with her.

“Fine. You want to be here when my manager comes then?” Hannah asks, dropping his hand and putting her arms stubbornly over her chest. “That round tour won’t happen if he finds you here, you know that.”

Jonghyun groans and rolls on his back again, and Hannah holds out her hand to help him up but gives out a yelp that she quickly covers to smoother the sound; Jonghyun had locked his legs around her so she is stuck and she laughs when he presses her to fall over him. “You can be mean at times, Nabi, and I came all the way here because you said you missed me-”

“Are you putting this on me, Kim Jonghyun?”

“I’m just saying,” he laughs in a light tone, wrapping his body around her and lies on the side. Hannah smiles at him, enjoying this all too much. She doesn’t want him to leave either, but she can see the anger in her manager’s face or how upset the ladies would be if they wake up and wow, Jonghyun is there.

“You really can’t stay,” she whispers.

He hears in her voice that she doesn’t want to say that and he just nods while pouting out his lips for a kiss. “Can I occupy your mind to let me stay?” he whispers against her lips.

“No!” she warns him, “You need to sleep, Jonghyun.”

“With you,” he whispers and Hannah whines again, feeling him smile against her lips. “I really need to get some hours of sleep with you, Nabi. To hold you…”

“Don’t do that,” Hannah whines, but she shuts him up by kissing him.

How he manages to leave, Hannah has no idea. She has to spend another fifteen minutes to get him out of the house, countless of kisses and touches and sweet words, but he then leaves knowing she has had a great night thanks to him.

But that doesn’t mean she gets a lot of sleep. Three hours later, the house is waking up and Hannah is soon sitting in a daze on the way to practice.

Most of the day they practice, go through things they have gone through during the week to make sure everyone is on the same page and after an early dinner, Hannah go to the recording-studio. Carolina is going on her own meeting too, which makes it feel better for Hannah that she isn’t staying for practice.

SHINee’s Taemin is smiling when Hannah enters the studio. He is standing up with both hands on the table that he is slightly leaning over and it seems like she has interrupted in the middle of a discussion.

“Hi,” she shortly greets Taemin, Pete, Park Hyekyung, an assistant and SHINee’s manager, all gathered in the room. “Don’t let me interrupt, keep talking, go on.”

“You’re not interrupting, we were talking about the song,” Hyekyung explains and motions his hand for Hannah to either join the conversation or take a seat. Hannah comes inside and the conversation goes on, she just jumps right in. there is no talk about who wrote the song or who will sing what parts because the song is already dived into a duet and what they need to do is just to record their parts. Hannah has sung the song for the demo, but that was just her singing through it, now she will have to sing it correctly.

They go straight to work, talking through the song from beginning to end and then starts talking about the first parts they will record and Taemin suggests Hannah to record first.

She takes the paper with her and go inside the recording booth, clearing and warming up slightly.

“We’ll do the ‘yeah, we go crazy’ first and then listen through it,” Hyekyung lets her know and Hannah nods to let him know she hears it.

In a low voice she repeats it for herself and just when she is going to ask if they could play the part for her once before recording, Hyekyung presses the button to tell her exactly that;

“We’ll play the part for you first before recording.”

He knows her all too well here in the studio and Hannah nods again before the music start playing. Taemin has already recorded his part in the beginning, so Hannah just follows after that and she nods when feeling ready.

Starting to record the song [You and Me], there is nothing wrong with taking the high pitched tones. The whole song is very high pitched, which Taemin shows worries for when he records, but he listens to Hannah first. It is the first time they are working together in the studio, and though Hannah says she doesn’t have any memory of making this song; once she gets in her head that they ask for HER opinion of things and asks how SHE wants it to sound like, Hannah ends up taking the leader role by taking decisions. She is far from being a producer, but she knows how the lyrics should be sung. She gets into the feeling, of what was thought when writing it even if she can’t remember writing it – the words and the sound makes her understand. To be honest she doesn’t understand each sentence in the lyrics, and that is probably why she is pretty sure she hasn’t written it because when Hannah write lyrics she has a story to follow, some thought or a key sentence. This song seems to be about a couple going out to party because they like to go crazy. But the guys in the studio love the song so much. And even her nervous good friend Taemin loosens up a bit.

“It’s good?” Taemin asks two hours later when taking a seat next to Hannah.

She gives him a glance that does not look good.

“Taemin, as your friend, I love you, but as your co-worker, I absolutely dislike you at the moment,” she mutters at him, tiredly leaning back in the sofa and putting her feet up on the chair in front of them. “You have asked me the same question each time you have been recording. If it wasn’t good, you would still be standing in there, right? So please stop asking me that because you are doing just brilliant.”

“Brilliant, you think?”

“Yes, brilliant,” Hannah answers, turning her head tiredly on the side to see him stare out in nowhere. He has been spacing out, lost in other thoughts a lot today. Wearing a hoodie, she guess he hides under the hood when going outside the building but in here now he has it hanging on his shoulders, as if he wants to take it off but not entirely. Hannah is wearing a gray cutout-shoulder printed top and blue sweat shorts.

Hannah puts her hand on Taemin’s back, caressing it.

“Stop worrying so much, the music is great,” she tells him.

“You think?” Taemin grimaces at her.

“You seriously don’t see it,” Hannah sighs and her caressing hand pats him on the back, “You will see it when your album is released, Taemin, it will be really cool.”

“See what?”

Hannah shrugs her shoulder. “You seriously can’t disappoint your fans, Taemin; they probably fell off their chairs and cried of happiness hearing that you are preparing for a solo debut – how do you think they will react when you come out with the song? You look hot in it, too.”

“But what if it isn’t the concept they expect me to take?”

“I expected you to take it,” Hannah lightly says.

“You really didn’t think I would get this pretty-boy concept?” Taemin asks, doubting her words and Hannah frowns at him.

“Your solo debut is different from the image you have in the group,” she tells him and just with those words he seems to understand what she means. “Your fans will hope it is different from SHINee because this is just about you. Don’t over think.”

She takes away her hand when he leans back, and they sit quiet for a bit. Hannah wonders if Hyekyung will come with the coffee soon for them to start again. She glances at Taemin and sees how lost in thought he is; not lost in thought, but deep in thoughts, and she looks the other side to see if she has received a text message on her phone - nothing.

“It’s driving me crazy though,” Taemin admits, “And Jonghyun tells me to stop calling you so much when you need to sleep.”

“But you don’t listen to him,” Hannah nods, liking that Taemin doesn’t do everything Jonghyun says.

“Yeah… He says he can give me bunch of advice, but in the end he only says the same things I have heard for years. It’s okay, but … you actually have experience to help me out,” Taemin says.

“Well…” Hannah starts but this time it is Taemin who gives her an annoyed glance.

“Your advices are helpful,” he mutters.

“Are you seriously muttering at me for not thinking my words matter much?”

Taemin nods, pulling in his pants and she wonders if he too is waiting restlessly for Hyekyung to come back. “Jongin is a good listener too, it’s different with you though because I believe your words-”

“Oh please, as if you don’t believe what he says,” Hannah laughs and Taemin smiles.

“He is stupid when it comes to advice, you know that,” he smiles.

“Are you seriously sitting here and pointing me out as a good friend or something?”

He glances at her, leaning away from her a bit and then looks straight ahead with a slug smile, crossing his arms over his chest as if he is proud over something. “You know, Hannah, when you made your debut with [Burning], everyone was jealous of you. Little Hannah, debuting as a solo artist before anyone else: I compared myself a lot with you at that time, mostly because we were both the youngest and we met every week, but it was fun seeing you run around being terrified the whole time.”

“And now you are asking me for advice,” Hannah fills out and Taemin smiles widely.

“Exactly,” he agrees, as if that was what he was going to say.

Four years ago, Hannah was sitting like Taemin. She was terrified to release her own single, and at that time she had a lot of friends helping her out but no one had the experience. She wonders if he means it is different now; that he knows she speaks of experience and not just things that will make him feel better.

The door opens and Hyekyung enters with his back holding up the door, his hands holding a cup of coffee each for himself and Pete.

“Are you two ready to continue? My brain is restarting now,” Hyekyung says when walking over to the chair Hannah’s feet are on. She smiles as she turns the chair around for him to sit, and he smiles back to thank her when rolling over to Pete.

“The song is good, isn’t it?” Taemin asks and he grimaces when Hannah hits him on the arm. It is more a reflex than anything else for her arm to fly to hit him.

“It’s good!” she answers him.

“I’m asking the professionals,” Taemin explains with his hands held out, but receives a harder hit on the arm. “AOW! What was that for?!”

“You have called me all hours of the day all week and now you don’t think my opinion matters?” Hannah answers, showing her own hand to tell him to rethink that a little bit, they aren’t serious though talking like this. Hyekyung and Pete just look at them, not sure if they should answer Taemin’s question just yet based on Hannah’s reaction.

“Your opinions and advice matters, but it also matters what the producers think too,” Taemin explains, looking at her with an expression that tries so hard to be serious while behind it lays a face filled with smiles and Hannah nudges his arm again when they both burst out in smiles.

“You two are so strange,” Pete points out while Hyekyung just smiles, both producers turning away to focus on their work.

“They are alike,” Hyekyung tells his friend. “This song will turn out amazing thanks to that.”

“It will; all thanks to my friend,” Taemin says as he stands up, his fingers touches Hannah lightly to point her out as the friend, “Thanks for helping me out.”

You are the weird ones,” Hannah laughs at them.

They continue to work on the song, a few changes and more recording, and time just flies. It is a lot of fun working with these people, but both Hannah and Taemin wants to re-do their parts twice as much because they are both nervous. Hannah is nervous to feature in Taemin’s song while Taemin is nervous to do well on Hannah’s song. Hyekyung is amazing for understanding that because when Hannah records, he makes her be satisfied by asking Taemin if that part was good enough and depending on Taemin’s answer they continue or not, and then vice versa when Taemin is recording. He knows that their opinions matter to the other, both wanting to do well for fans and each other, as friends and colleagues.

Hard work and many smiles, they have Emelia drop by quickly to let Hannah know that the ladies are leaving so she will get a ride home by her manager, and while finishing up in the studio, Jonghyun shows up – he is deadly curious of how it goes.

“Play it, play it,” Taemin tells Pete, excited to play the result for Jonghyun.

Jonghyun sits on the table at the centre of the room and he pulls Hannah closer to have his arms around her, resting his head next to hers and listening to the song. He is absolutely quiet from beginning to end, probably knowing his opinion will have a huge weight on both Hannah and Taemin so he is putting his music knowledge in the focus and smiles when the first chorus starts. Hannah wants to turn around and see his face but Jonghyun holds his arms tightly and heavily around her for her to not turn around so she will just have to wait. The song feels three times longer just because she is waiting to hear the thoughts going through his head.

Pete likes the song, he is moving his head along to the music and Taemin is looking both nervous and excited, reminding of Hannah.

When the song ends, Hyekyung say a few words that Hannah doesn’t listen to, all she hears is that Jonghyun knows exactly what the genius producer is saying and he comes in with good critic about the song. Hannah looks up at him in the end, smiling when Jonghyun presses his chin on her forehead.

“Are you all done now or…?” Jonghyun asks the people in the room.

“We are finally finished,” Pete answers tiredly and Hannah smiles, feeling thankful that everyone work so hard.

“Is it good, Taemin?” Hannah jokes with her friend and Taemin just laughs.

“It’s good, Hannah,” he answers and they both sees Jonghyun’s questioning look at them. “Inside joke, Hyung, something you wouldn’t understand.”

“Are you two having secrets from me?” he asks and then looks at Hyekyung who stands up from his chair. “Do you know what they are talking about?”

Pete gets up from his seat. “They have had a few deep hours talking about advice and if the song is good, I seriously didn’t listen or get it,” Pete says with his hands all waving around really showing he had no interest in what Hannah and Taemin have been talking about these hours.

Since they are all done with work for the day, Jonghyun takes Hannah’s hand and looks down at her.

“Ready to go?” he asks.

“I’m not leaving with you,” she smiles and Taemin laughs. They all turn around to say goodbye to the producers.

“Are you sure? Because I am pretty certain-”

“You said you didn’t drive here today,” Hannah interrupts him.

“I didn’t,” Jonghyun says, “My manager is giving us a ride. I’m the best boyfriend that way.”

Taemin is walking with them, cell phone at hand.

“Didn’t your manager go home already?” Hannah wonders, seeing on her own cell phone that her manager has texted, writing that he heard Jonghyun is sending her home so she can just leave when she is done. It’s nice to not have to go search for her manager to let him know she is getting a ride home; or having him glare at her for getting a ride home by her boyfriend.

She glances up at Taemin who smiles from his cell phone.

“Oh, I’m not going with you. Jongin is picking me up,” Taemin answers.

“His boyfriend,” Jonghyun teases and Taemin looks at him, looking so offended that Hannah actually holds back a loud laugh.

“One day I can be able to beat you in arm-wrestling,” Taemin warns him.

“Ooooh!” Hannah says in excitement and laughs when Jonghyun puts his fingers against her ribs. “That’s fun, really.”

“Before winning over me, you have to win over her,” Jonghyun says and puts his arm tightly around Hannah’s shoulders.

“You think I’m weaker than her?” Taemin gapes, pointing directly at Hannah.

Hannah gapes back at him. “I’m walking right here, you know.”

“Yeah, but I’m not weaker than you,” Taemin grimaces.

Jonghyun is smiling so widely seeing Hannah raise her eyebrows at Taemin.

“Why?” Hannah asks. “Because I’m a girl?”

“Oh yes,” Taemin frowns.

“Let’s arm-wrestle,” she is fast to challenge him, not taking the idea that he thinks he is stronger than her just because he is a guy. She then turns to hit Jonghyun on the chest. “And you will not get away from starting this.”

Jonghyun smiles and holds his hand up, pretending to be innocent while it would be really fun to see Hannah arm-wrestle with Taemin. Actually, he wants to arm-wrestle with her too.

They leave the building together, Hannah and Taemin promising to arm-wrestle sometime soon before parting and Hannah gets inside SHINee’s van, awkwardly greeting their manager when Jonghyun takes the seat next to her.

Jonghyun breathes out when they are out on the road, smiling on his left where Hannah is sitting and he holds out his hand to take it in hers.

“I think it’s your birthday soon,” he mentions after a while.

“Oh please,” Hannah breathes, leaning her head back. “I had totally forgotten that.”

“No, you hadn’t,” Jonghyun laughs.

“I had!” she answers, moving their hand back and forth and smiles at his laugh.

“Your birthday is in two days,” Jonghyun points out and Hannah gives him a disliking glance. “What? You’re working on your birthday, Nabi, I know that, but that doesn’t mean I will forget it.”

“You know what I want on my birthday?” Hannah asks and Jonghyun raises his eyebrows at her. “Absolutely nothing – no cake, no presents, no singing, no surprises – I want absolutely nothing else than to just go through the day.”

“Not even a kiss?”

She rolls her eyes and looks out the window with a smile, hearing Jonghyun laugh at her ignorant answer. He kisses the back of her hand and starts humming along to the song on the radio – his manager is listening to music to not hear the couple sitting behind him.

Hannah turns her head back to look at Jonghyun, grimacing when wondering why he brought up her birthday. He smiles back at her, looking loving and adorable.

“Why did you bring that up?” she wonders.

“What did I bring up?”

“My birthday.”

Jonghyun shrugs his shoulder and looks in front of them for a few seconds. “I don’t know. If I wanted to take you out on dinner one day, would you deny it because you’d know I did it because it is your birthday present or would you come because you would want to make your boyfriend happy?”

“The first”

“You didn’t even think of that one,” he frowns and Hannah smiles.

“I don’t need a birthday present, we have talked about that already,” Hannah whispers.

“I know…”

“Don’t get me anything.”

He pouts at her. “As your boyfriend-”

“As my boyfriend, Kim Jonghyun, I hope you will take my words seriously and not ignore it,” she warns him and Jonghyun breathes in, watching her for a few seconds.

“You’re very serious right now,” he notices and she gives him a glare. “You only use full name when you are serious.”

“I’m glad you noticed.”

“That’s so y.”

She gapes at him and Jonghyun looks surprised at her expression, as if he has never said anything like that before, but Hannah makes a quick glance in front of her and Jonghyun burst out into a smile, kissing the back of her hand again.

“He doesn’t mind, right, Hyung?”

“What?” the manager asks.

“You don’t mind us having a moment back here, right?”

“I can’t mind, Hannah; Jonghyun always talks about you so it is actually a relief he isn’t sitting next to me smiling at his phone and saying how much he misses you.”

“See?” Jonghyun looks happy but Hannah just grimaces at him.

“I pity your manager,” she says and while Jonghyun says she is mean his manager is very happy behind the steering wheel.

Coming to the house, Jonghyun sees Hannah getting strange.

“What?” he asks.

“There are a bunch of cars here…” she mentions, seeing cars lined up on the side of the road.

“I’ll follow you inside,” Jonghyun says when the car stops. “Maybe the ladies have invited some people over.”

She grimaces at the thought, muttering that they wouldn’t do that.

“We are planning to have a housewarming party before letting people see the house,” Hannah tells him after saying goodnight to his manager and walking to the door.

“Am I invited?” Jonghyun jokes.

“If you have the time,” she jokes back and giggles when he tickles her through the door to enter 5 Pieces’ ground.

And Hannah stops right away.

The houses are lit, the lamps are on and there are loud noise coming from both of the houses, loud music and voices. Jonghyun puts a protective arm around her, guiding her to the front door of the house and let her open it, inviting her in to the hall filled with shoes. How many people are here? The noise is super loud and Hannah hesitates to take off her shoes. Since the hall has such a wide view straight ahead it is easily seen that the living-room is filled with people and there are people out on the yard as well. Hannah wonders if she should go hide in her bedroom – because she is not dressed for a party – or just go see what is going on since she has heard absolutely nothing about a party, but before she gets the chance to choose she sees Maria point at her from the yard. She rushes through the glass doors of the living-room that are standing as much open as they can, as if the living-room is one with the yard outside, and before knowing it Maria is coming running to Hannah.

“Why are you back already?!” Maria shouts over the music, laughing and her breath smells of alcohol.

“What’s going on?” Hannah asks.

“It’s our housewarming party. I know we hadn’t prepared for it but Julia had this idea and she got upset and we called in people and it is really fun. I left a present on your bed, please wear it and come party, okay? Jonghyun, thanks for coming, please get dressed, okay?” Maria gives Hannah a brief hug and when jumping off to go dance in the living-room, Hannah turns to glare at Jonghyun.

“You knew about this?”

The smile in his face is forced and he pushes her lightly inside her bedroom, closing the door firmly behind them.

“You knew about the party?” Hannah asks again, completely shocked. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“They asked me not to,” Jonghyun answers and he gets defensive seeing Hannah’s expression, “They said it would be a small party with a few friends.”

She turns away from him, disappointed no one had told her and she sees what is lying on her bed. Two short black pieces of clothes doesn’t look like anything Hannah could fit in and hearing Jonghyun apologize behind her she sighs and pulls off her clothes.

Jonghyun stays by the door, watching her change from her practice outfit to the set of a black tulle panel top and skirt, and he gets to see her stand by the mirror and trying to make it look good. It’s short, super short, and whenever she pulls it down too much the top falls out from begin tugged in the skirt and she starts over to tug it in correctly.

“You look nice,” Jonghyun whispers from the door, receiving a glare from her.

Hannah tries her best to look good. She ruffles her hair a little when failing to fix her purple hair, she puts on the tiniest makeup to at least look decent and after sighing countless of times to the mirror she decides to add on a pair of over-knee-socks in black, just to not feel too on her legs, and Jonghyun steps out the room before her.

She can not understand why they didn’t tell her. She wanted to clean up and be prepared to have a bunch of people coming over. Nothing in her mind explains why no one told her there would be a housewarming party tonight. Did they come up with it today? Just this evening? Yet there are so many people there.

Outside the door, Maria and Julia have caught Jonghyun, asking how pissed off Hannah is.

“She doesn’t like surprises,” he sighs and Maria shakes her head.

“She should be used by now,” Maria says. “And what the heck happened to Taemin? He was supposed to come and say you were on your way!”

“He is here,” Julia says, nodding when Maria glares at her. “He and some EXO members came together awhile ago.”

Maria keeps glaring at her for a few seconds before pointing at Jonghyun and saying the one to blame is Julia.

Hannah sighs again, deciding she looks decent enough to step outside, and slowly opens the door to find Jonghyun stand there, waiting for her. She hadn’t thought much of it earlier, but he is nicely dressed in white t-shirt and light ripped jeans; he looks hot and y and he sees her take him in.

“Only for you, Nabi,” Jonghyun says with a smirk and hold out his hand for her.

“I’m still angry at you,” Hannah lets him know and closes the bedroom’s door behind her and walking towards the living-room, not touching his hand. Rounding the corner to the living-room the music stops and the whole room filled with people bursts out;

“Happy early birthday!”

Hannah stands still for a second. The view is a bunch of half-drunk people, all smiling and excited, lifting up their drinks. There are no particular decorations over than the words HAPPY BIRTHDAY hanging on the wall behind everyone, and after taking most things in, Hannah turns around, walks by her boyfriend and hides around the corner.

“What happened?” she hears some voices asks but loudly, Maria tells everyone to party loose before the music goes on and Maria jumps around the corner where Jonghyun is standing.

“That’s what this is?” Hannah asks, super happy over the loud music so no one can hear her voice being louder because she is pissed off.

“No,” Maria frowns. “Yes … And no. Wait, Hannah, it is both a housewarming party and a birthday party. It seemed like the only way to not let you think the focus was too much on you.” Seeing how Hannah glances at Jonghyun behind Maria, the leader adds; “It’s a surprise party. You’re a when it comes to your own birthday and we want to celebrate you the same way everyone else is celebrated and this is the best solution. You look y and all our friends are here to see the house, to congratulate you and Tiffany, and to get wasted – could you please make the rest of us happy by dropping your inner grudges and have fun?”

Jonghyun breathes out, not having a clue of what the leader is saying in her mixed languages but based on Hannah’s pouting face-expression it is probably something that will make their night a lot of fun.

“There are drinks waiting in the kitchen,” Maria finishes off and gives Hannah a hug, “Happy early birthday, baby.”

When the leader leaves, Hannah glares at Jonghyun. He didn’t hide that it was a housewarming party; he was hiding that it was a surprise birthday party. Upset she walks past him; the house is again in movements to the music, drinking and dancing. Not a lot of people sees her walk past to the kitchen, while those in the kitchen raise their glasses and congratulates her. Hannah only smiles widely when seeing SNSD’s Sunny and Taeyeon by the kitchen table.

“You are going to love these,” Sunny says while making a drink, glancing up at Hannah. “I’m making you the best strawberry drink in the house.”

Hannah leans over the table, fascinated by the mixer and bottles and ingredients on the table. It seems like the party has been going on for a while. She knows Jonghyun is in the kitchen too, following her, and she turns around to see him right behind her.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” she tells him, touching his chest as if telling him to wait, and she disappears to the next room, happy no one is in there.

She isn’t there for long, and when coming back Sunny gives her the drink and watches the youngest of pieces take a sip of it.

“Whoa,” Hannah breathes and smiles at Sunny. “That’s really good.”

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 26th: 5 Pieces Scores Another CF Deal, Releases CF For Mineral Water + Behind The Scenes Video

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^