Chapter 52

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

To spend all Friday at the hospital watching TV, sleeping and being told about test results without being allowed to be on the phone or have any other visitors than her manager is dreadful and horrible and it feels like this day it is twice as long than a normal day. But a normal day for Hannah is spent doing a lot of things. It’s after dinner time when the moving to a different room begins, and Hannah was excited to have her members drop by so she can hug them and apologize to Carolina – but it’s too late for any visitors today.

So Hannah spends the night turning around in bed and sighing as the doctor removed her laptop, not wanting Hannah to stay up at night.

Leaving the room is no option so Hannah lies there in bed thinking for a few hours before ending up going to sleep.

The next day is hectic. No, in fact it is slow and annoying but she is allowed to have visitors so it is hectic with visitors; Carolina comes for an hour during the day between her schedule. She is bright and beautiful, glowing and talking nonstop about yesterday’s debut stage on Music Bank and today’s recording at Music Core – Hannah watched the show yesterday and had Manager Lee tell Carolina she watched it – and today that one hour is only talked about Carolina and her solo debut. Emelia and Julia had come earlier, both of them were still there when Carolina came but left to go support Carolina at today’s recording as well. Hannah gets to chat with Maria over Skype on her laptop, assuring the leader to not come back to Korea just because Hannah is at the hospital because Hannah is doing well and the doctor says she can leave after the weekend if her condition doesn’t get worse. After school, Kyung Ho comes too, staying with the mind that makes Hannah laugh. He knows what it’s like to be at the hospital, he grimaces when its dinner time and the nurse comes in with food for Hannah and he gets to go to a hospital restaurant to eat with Manager Lee but returns as soon as he can to continue talk with Hannah.

By the time Doctor Song comes in the evening, Kyung Ho is lying next to Hannah in the bed and they are watching an episode of the drama he is in at a few episodes, to have Hannah give her opinion as a teacher and sister.

And like that, Hannah’s day with visitors ends with the doctor sending Kyung Ho away to let Hannah rest. But as soon as Hannah is alone, she grabs the laptop to sit up half the night when no one is around. There are nurses passing by her room, checking in on her every hour or every other hour throughout the night but Hannah makes sure to shut her laptop down and hide it under her quilt to pretend she is sleeping.

On the laptop she checks what’s new online; she follows all Carolina’s interviews and performances, all articles written about the mascot and keeping up with checking her instagram and twitter accounts, though she doesn’t update she read other peoples updates.

In the end she is looking at things she has written, about her book and even writing a mail to her publisher and editor about the next book in her ‘Joe’-series. Her publisher has mailed her this week to start plan for the next year’s release, and since Park Hyekyung has been told to not talk to Hannah about work she decides to work on her book. She doesn’t fall asleep until four in the morning.

The weekend is spent keeping updated about Carolina’s solo debut schedule; she calls her members a lot out of boredom and Kyung Ho visits her with Emelia a lot. On Sunday in the evening, Emelia stays for a bit longer than she is allowed because she and Hannah end up having a deep conversation about their friendship, Carolina’s solo debut, about Hannah being at the hospital and the night Emelia and Honggi spent in the corridor, about Hannah’s body condition, about 5 Pieces… They talk about so many things that the ladies have no problem to talk about but for Hannah and Emelia they haven’t spent time alone like this to talk the same way they used to do. There is always another lady around, always a schedule to go to, they never take the time to talk between just the two of them. Emelia says that’s why she keeps getting upset and irritated at the youngest all the time.

“Just because I got a boyfriend?” Hannah wonders, lying on her side in bed with Emelia sitting in the wheelchair Hannah has used now and then.

“Just because of … everything,” Emelia shrug her shoulders. She is sitting with her feet up on Hannah’s bed, looking very relaxed in the wheelchair now after she has been rolling it around in the room for a while. “Work, work and … work? I think. We work together all the time, we talk about work or the people we know, and it’s never really just the two of us hanging out anymore.”

To think about it, Hannah has no memory of doing anything with Emelia for a few years. Not going out for dinner, not going to the movies just the two of them; Hannah can take walks with the dogs with Julia, she has been training with all of the ladies at least once (beside from Emelia), she has gone shopping with Maria, making music with Carolina … But nothing with Emelia. Thinking back, Hannah actually misses that. The two of them were inseparable from third grade up to when they went to Korea in ninth grade, and ever since then they have showed their great friendship being part of 5 Pieces and their fans are aware of that Hannah and Emelia are the childhood friends that have been best friends since that first day in school when Hannah walked up to Emelia, introducing herself. Ever since then, the two of them started to walk around the school building talking between every class. They were indeed inseparable.

Emelia smirk seeing Hannah’s face-expression.

“Let’s run away when we are in Japan,” Emelia suggests out of the blue.

“What?” Hannah laughs, hugging her pillow.

“You and me, let’s run away when we are in Japan for the SM Town concert”

“Why just when we are in Japan?” Hannah wonders, already knowing that it will be a rare time for her to meet Jonghyun.

Emelia rolls her eyes. “Because you are in the hospital so running away with you now or in the up-coming week will go against what I stand for – which is giving you as much rest as possible. You will be stuck at home when you get home tomorrow,” Emelia answers.

“I can’t wait to go home,” Hannah slightly dreams away but then smiles, “How should we run away in Japan?”

“Oh, we could always just run away at the after party,” Emelia says with her imaginary. “Someone distracts the guards and the other grabs the car key.”

“No one of us is allowed to drive in Japan,” Hannah reminds her.

“Imagination, Charlie, imagination,” Emelia laughs and leans back in the wheelchair. “Do you think we can get this one home? You could ask the hospital to let you use it for a few days.”

It is Hannah’s turn to roll her eyes, but she is smiling. “If I can’t leave the hospital using my own pair of legs, the evil doctor will not let me leave.”

“Yeah, right, you said that before,” Emelia chuckles. Hannah has shown an annoyed attitude at her new doctor. Doctor Song is professional and she seems to understand exactly what goes through Hannah’s mind. The second night in this room, Doctor Song removed Hannah’s laptop and cell phone and paper and pen to not let her stay up at night, not sleeping. That doctor ruined Hannah’s work when she is not allowed to work, which made Hannah upset and she has been a child around her doctor (more than before when she was upset she was at the hospital again) and Emelia knows all about it.

It is four days at the hospital and on the fifth day Hannah is at home on Monday to rest. To her own surprise she is completely exhausted from going to the hospital to her bedroom at home, and she ends up sleeping from lunch to the evening when Tiger wakes her up.

The kitten didn’t like Hannah when the lady came home. Drenched in the hospital smell, Hannah had to take a shower for her own kitten to not treat her like a stranger, and when being woken up in the evening Tiger just wants someone to play with her. Hannah doesn’t have much energy at all to play; she just rolls her kitten around a bit before lying there in her bed. She is too rested to fall asleep but too tired to do anything else.

Just like at the hospital, Hannah rests at home without being allowed to do anything. And she it exhausted, she doesn’t do much at all though her brain seems to be hyperventilating to do something.

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 “Where are you going?” Hannah calls out when Emelia on Tuesday is heading to the hall to leave.

Emelia laughs, as the same thing was repeated yesterday whenever Emelia was near the hall. Hannah is sitting on the floor in her bedroom, playing with both Ace and Tiger wearing her pyjamas as she has been wearing since she showered yesterday. Emelia had just passed her bedroom when Hannah asked the question, and Emelia leans back to smile at her friend.

“I am going to the agency, just like yesterday, to practice for my solo comeback,” Emelia calmly and sarcastically answers the question. “You can call me anytime you want and Julia will come check in on you later, is that okay for you?”

Hannah nods, lifting her hand up for Tiger to jump after.

It’s a bit empty in the house when Maria is nowhere to be heard or seen, Emelia has spent the days out and the evening she tries to watch a movie with Hannah who only dazed off, Carolina has started her promotions now and Julia is today going to the golf court with her mother. It is the second day Hannah is at home, and the only company she has is their pets. Tiger loves it, Ace loves it, Hannah kind of likes it but she is bored, and Emelia just wished she didn’t have to practice for her comeback when Hannah is home alone like this.

But in the end, the most annoying thing these three days is the constant check-up by her managers, Emelia, even Maria keeps calling to make sure Hannah is not working out or practicing or in any way working. Jonghyun is busy in Japan but he is texting a few times a day, and Hannah lets Kyung Ho know she is doing well and making sure he is focusing on school when he isn’t on set.

Emelia takes her leave after hugging the pets a bit, leaving Hannah with Ace and Tiger.

“So…” Hannah asks the two cats. “What do we want to do today?”

She doesn’t do much for some minutes, just sitting there and playing with the pets. At the moment it seems to be the only thing she wants to do today. She checks her phone, sees that fans are asking her for an update on social media. Hannah has thought of it these days at home, wanting to let her fans know she is doing well but she has no idea what to upload. A picture on instagram – but what kind of picture would that be – or write something on twitter – but what kind of text would she writing there. Should she let them know she is alright by saying so or should she continue to pretend nothing happened?

With a sigh she lies down on the floor, looking at Tiger crawling after a string on the floor.

What should she do today?

The housemaid in training, Kim Yong Eun, arrived a few minutes before Emelia left and Hannah can hear her cleaning upstairs. The housemaid has gotten rules to follow; she is not allowed to enter 5 Pieces’ bedrooms (as the ladies will clean those places on their own), there is actually a very strict list of things that has to be followed all from what kind of brands to buy, what groceries, even the location of the things and when cleaning there is a lot to know about what kind of products to use, where to clean and what not to never touch. It is her second week at the job, and since she is only there two times a week it is her third day of work – after some training with the housemaid in the other house. Their job is mostly to keep the house clean and keep the kitchen filled. The ladies do their own laundry but can leave a not to ask for the maid to do it if necessary. It is rules that 5 Pieces have made together and have sent to the agency, both houses have their own tiny detail as Julia has a lot of electronics in the kitchen for her coffee and teas and she wants special things. When the ladies had looked through the differences of their two papers of rules it had been quite funny to see how unhealthy one house is while the other isn’t, beside from Carolina’s constant request of having instant noodles; Hannah is the one asking for eggs in her household.

Housemaid Kim has done a pretty good job so far. Maria wants the ladies to make sure the maid does as instructed, about the way she cleans and how she sort things out in the kitchen. But she seems to be doing kind of okay.

“Let’s take a bath,” Hannah tells Tiger, rolling around on her stomach to pout at the kitten she pats on the back. “You need one too, Ace.”

After ten minutes she leaves her room while putting her hair up in a bun and head to the bathroom with both Ace and Tiger following her. She closes the door and starts preparing the bathtub. The water has just started to run when Tiger is about to jump in, being stopped by Hannah who caught the kitten just in time.

“Why are you so impatient, love?” Hannah asks in a soothing tone to her kitten.

Ace is more relaxed, lying on the floor meowing and stretching out as if preparing for a bath while Tiger is excited to try this new thing in the bathtub. Since Ace is relaxed Hannah starts giving Tiger a bath, softly talking to the kitten who is extremely loving to move her feet in the centimetres high water. Hannah is sitting in the bathtub too, wearing underwear and a long t-shirt that she doesn’t mind get wet from bathing the cats.

Tiger loves water. She is not still for a second because she wants to lie down and roll around in the water while Hannah has been told to bathe a kitten slowly to not surprise the kitten for the feeling of being drenched in water. She doesn’t use any shampoo on Tiger, her fingers giving the kitten a massage while bathing her with just warm water and Tiger loves it all. Ace gets up on the side of the tub to watch for a bit before lying down on the floor to wait. Hannah takes her time with the kitten, and when drying her up the kitten just wants to get back in the water. At the time Hannah starts giving Ace a bath it is clearly said impossible to keep Tiger away from the bathtub, so in the end Tiger gets to play in the water while Hannah gives Ace a bath.

While bathing Ace her phone starts making a lot of sounds over at the sink; text messages to begin with, to then calm down before starting again. Hannah can’t leave the cats in the bathtub so she ignores it, thinking it could be Carolina wanting to explain the few hours of working today or it could be Manager Lee wanting to check in on her, but since the person is not calling it could be Emelia wanting to check in on her already.

She takes her time playing with the kittens in the bath before wrapping them up in towels and drying them both. Tiger is playing with her fingers and the towel while Ace is just rolling around liking the towel and Hannah rubbing them dry. She had forgotten about her phone until it is calling and since she can reach her phone she answer it on the loudspeaker to not let Ace run away without being done.

“What?” she answers the call, knowing it is just someone who wants to check in on her. That’s the only reason someone contacts her this week.

YA!” Lee Honggi bursts out in a light tone on the phone, startling all three of them in the bathroom. “What could you possibly be doing to be too busy to answer my calls when you are resting at home?

She actually laughs at her friend’s outburst and he sounds so irritated at her laughing.

“Did you get worried, Oppa? I was bathing, that’s all,” Hannah answers, trying to dry Ace and Tiger while talking to him.

Oh… you were?” he chuckles, sounding a bit awkward. “Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?

Hannah grimaces at the thought of having a schedule. She is supposed to be in Japan tomorrow, spending time with her boyfriend. “I’m not allowed to have any plans, Oppa, you know that,” she tells him as they had talked during the weekend. She feels bad for what she did to him, having him send her to the hospital. But he seems to be happy she is alright. Her friend laughs at her answer as if he is the one with a plan.

Let me come over later. I can bring you chicken and we can watch a movie – you will be resting and we can hang out. I’ll bring other things if you want too, just tell me what you want,” Honggi suggests.

“Oppa,” Hannah smiles.

I can be there in an hour,” Honggi answers. “Okay, okay?

“Okay,” she ends up saying.

What more than chicken do you want?” Honggi wonders. “Bibimbap?

“I’m not that hungry,” she tells him.

I’ll bring a mix of surprise for you then. See you in an hour, Sunshine,” Honggi brightly finishes the call and Hannah barely has time to say goodbye before he hangs up.

Looking at the time she sighs, already exhausted from bathing the two cats, and she wonders what she is supposed to wear when Honggi comes. She finishes drying up the two cats and then head out the bathroom to go get dressed. Ace follows her and Tiger jumps around after them both, trying to play with Ace. The kitten then stops and hurries to run along the wall to Hannah’s room when hearing housemaid Kim come down the stairs. Ace stretches out his legs outside Hannah’s room before pushing the door open to get inside where Hannah is changing underwear and pulls on a bohemian style summer dress, short but big with long wide sleeves and in white with flowers on it. She found it yesterday in a bag from her wardrobe, something she received at a photo shoot during the summer, and since she will just be at home she can wear it. She puts on a pair of shorts underneath and soft socks, takes her hair out of the bun and soon enough after cleaning up a bit in her bedroom she sits down on the floor outside her room – after putting a blanket there first – to play with the two cats a bit more.

While sitting there she can hear the maid working. It sounds like she is cleaning up in the bathroom now, as if Hannah messed it up – Hannah cleaned up after herself, putting everything back like she always does.

On Friday she will be in Japan with her members, with SM Town and rehearse for the concert on Saturday. That’s when Maria will be back from Sweden, and that’s when Hannah will make her first visible appearance since she went to the hospital last week putting everyone into a fright.

Carolina had been so nervous all weekend during her promotions. She told Hannah how she was prepared to be asked about Hannah being back at the hospital all the time, each person asking her if Hannah is okay, but truth is that everyone wanted to know how it was for Carolina to prepare her solo debut, how she came to produce the whole mini album, what the ladies are saying about it, congratulating her for the positive response from fans and that she actually has made her solo debut – at last.

SM Entertainment had told media and fans last week that Hannah’s schedule is cancelled, just to let them know Hannah will get to rest. A lot of fans seem to be very confused whether Hannah will attend the SM Town concert this weekend or not, coming with all kind of conclusions and repeating SM Entertainment’s statements about Hannah being at the hospital and about cancelling her schedule – based on that she should not attend the concert. But based on 5 Pieces’ official schedule and other statements there is nothing saying Hannah will not attend the concert. Hannah wish she could assure everyone to just stop asking questions and worrying – maybe Honggi can help her later to figure out what to do. She hopes she will be in a good condition on the concert, to prove to their fans that she is perfectly fine.

“Excuse me.”

Hannah looks up with a pout at the maid standing as far away as possible, looking at Hannah with a polite smile.

“Are you going to stay in all day? Because … I was told I would work in an empty house,” housemaid Kim says, trying to sound apologetic but for Hannah it is a polite way to tell Hannah to get out.

“I am not allowed to leave, sorry,” Hannah answers, lifting her hand up for Tiger to jump after it. Tiger loves jumping after Hannah’s fingers.

“Right…” the housemaid breathes and turns away to leave but turns slightly back. “Is there a possibility you could go to the other house while I clean?”

This time Hannah looks at her with a blank expression. Is this girl trying to kick Hannah out of her own house?

“No,” Hannah simply answers. “I will be watching a movie with a friend soon.”

“But I have to clean down here.”

Hannah grimaces, angry at the housemaid. “I’m not interfering with your work, but if it is such a painful thing to have me being in my own house, I can step outside for a bit,” she angrily says and gets up on her feet, bringing both her phone and the blanket with her. Both the cats follow her like tails and Hannah get out the front door with slippers on her feet and she makes sure both cats are after her before she shuts the door closed without listening to the housemaid’s apologizes.

Hannah puts down the blanket outside the door and starts complaining to the two cats but she doesn’t have time to sit down on the blanket before hurrying after Ace to not let the cat run away to get dirty after the bath.

She sits down outside the door on the front porch, having the two cats playing with her on the blanket and she gets to text her friends to keep them updated that she is still well. She is exhausted though, leaning her back against the wall and it is really difficult to keep her eyes open after just a few minutes. Maybe she should’ve bathed the cats tomorrow, when Honggi wouldn’t come – though she didn’t know that an hour ago.

It reminds her; Honggi should be here soon.

As if coming on command, she can hear someone knocking hard on the door down at the street and she hurries up on her feet with both cats running after her to open the big door to the street.

“Sunshine!” Honggi burst out in a light tone and he laughs happily at the sight of her while Hannah holds her foot out to stop Tiger from running out. “Why didn’t you answer me when I was ringing the doorbell?”

“Sorry, sorry, the maid kicked me out so she could focus on cleaning,” Hannah explains and she laughs when he gives her a weird grimace but to not be questioned of what she just said she gives him a hug of greeting after closing the door behind him. “Which means I couldn’t hear the doorbell, sorry.”

Honggi laughs when he spots the blanket outside the house’s door, asking if she really has been kicked out of her own house. He is so amused at that, imagining Hannah sitting there on the blanket being bored and waiting for him.

Like always he is in such a bright mood, starting to chat away asking what to do with the bags of food he has in his hand if she has been kicked out of the house.

“We could take a walk or something first,” Hannah suggests, shrugging her shoulder, “we can bring Michin and Ryo with us.”

That bright smile of his is gorgeous, she has no idea how she could’ve caused him to worry last week the way she did. That smile is directed to her, so bright and happy and she just feels guilty.

“Ya,” Honggi laughs and wraps his arm around her shoulder to hug her next to him, smiling down at Hannah. “You think I would let you go on a walk just like that? You are not allowed to go anywhere, remember? Emelia told me that you are not allowed to leave this place.”

He points a finger in front of her while talking, pretending to be the good friend who listens to what others tell him.

“You spoke to Emelia?” Hannah wonders while removing his arm from her shoulders.

“We can be outside in the yard while waiting for the maid to finish up,” Honggi suggests. “And are you sure she kicked you out? You weren’t running around while she was cleaning?”


“Come on,” he laughs and grabs her arm to round the house.

“You spoke to Emelia?” Hannah repeats in a happier tone for him to answer.

“Mm,” he nods. “I had to ask for permission to meet you. She was very direct on that.”

Hannah shakes her head over how incredible weird her friend his; Emelia. That is so typical Emelia that Hannah can just shake her head. Honggi suggests they sit outside to eat, since Hannah says they can’t be inside, and they both set up the food on the wooden porch facing the yard.

“It looks delicious!” Hannah claps her hands in excitement seeing Honggi unpack stir-fried rice cakes, stir-fried spicy chicken and Korean rolled omelettes.

“I know, doesn’t it?” Honggi excitedly cheers too in a light voice, taking out two chopsticks from the bag. “It’s still your favourites, isn’t it?”

Hannah gives him a pout, holding Tiger in her lap for the kitten to not jump at the warm food. How can he know her favourite food? It’s not like they meet that often. Honggi smiles though, a sound from his throat saying he is laughing and he picks up a bit of an omelette to hold it out for her. Hannah grimaces at him but takes it, and she can’t hold how much she loves the food.

“This has been your favourite food for years, Hannah, you’re too simple like that at times,” Honggi smirks and puts some food in his own mouth. “Mm, it’s really yummy! Eat, eat.”

She smiles at his enthusiasm and tries the rice cakes, shaking her legs over how delicious the food is. The energy she lost bathing the cats is quickly returning and Honggi laughs seeing her have a much better appetite than last week, telling her it is a good sign. He is smiling extra much today, his tone is slightly higher than usually and Hannah can’t help but to think it is to keep her cheerful. She appreciate it, he has sent her a lot of text messages with happy smiles and whatnot to keep her in a good mood. She think he does it for her to not feel guilty for ruining the dinner last week, for making him worry and having him witness her like that.

“Whatever you’re thinking, stop that,” Honggi pouts at her. He is the cutest person she knows when he pouts, no one can pout as cutely as Honggi, and he continues to eat while still pouting.

“What’s wrong with what I’m thinking?” Hannah says in a try to mutter but she grimaces when trying to hold her laughter that he probably doesn’t take her seriously at all.

“You’re thinking of that night,” Honggi answers like a wise person, pointing a finger at her again. “I can see it in your face.”

“Oooh, you can see it in my face?” Hannah jokes and rolls her eyes.

Honggi laughs and nods, saying he really can see what she thinks about.

“By the way,” he asks after eating for some time. “You’re actually going to the concert this weekend? You think you can handle that?”

She nods, stretching out her leg on the side to put Tiger away from the food as the kitten keeps touching Hannah’s arm to be fed. Ace is playing with the plastic bag Honggi has left by the wall.

“Are you sure?” he asks again.

“Oppa,” Hannah says in a warning tone.

“I just want to know if you can handle being in Japan three days from now. You look tired already,” he says in a concerned voice.

“I’ll be fine. I have three more days to rest,” Hannah says with a smile.

“Last time you said you’re fine I had to drive you to the hospital because you were throwing up and shaking,” he reminds her in an angry tone. “What did the doctor say about you doing the concert?”

Her lower lip pouts out at the reminder and she looks out on the yard.

“I don’t want to worry about you anymore, Hannah,” he tells her, the smile long gone from his face. “You need to stop saying that you are fine or that you will be fine, because in the end you are not fine and I am really, really tired of hearing that from you.”

“Okay,” she mutters.

“Okay, what?” Honggi asks, putting down his chopsticks. “You are really going on my nerves when you continue working as if nothing has happened or as if nothing is wrong, I don’t know either what I can do other than quietly watch from the side.”

“Then don’t you think I’m tired of myself too?” Hannah asks, putting down her own chopsticks to hold Tiger with both hands as she gets annoyed by the kitten trying to reach over her for the food. “Whatever I do is wrong. You think I want to go to the hospital all the time? Do you really think I want to go on your nerves or make the ladies worry? I have already talked about this with Emelia.”

“Talk to me too,” Honggi mutters, “I don’t know what’s going on, other than you saying you’re fine and everyone else saying you’re not fine.”

“Don’t listen at what others say.”

“Then what? What do you want me to listen to when you’re not talking?” Honggi bursts out, accidentally kicking the bowl so his chopsticks fall out.

“I am talking you’re not listening!” Hannah answer and glides away to put her feet down on the grass, glaring at him with Tiger in her arms. “You keep talking and talking that I can’t say a thing! You are going on my nerves!”

He scoffs and leans back against the wall, grimacing and glaring back at Hannah. “You’re really something else, you know that?” he mutters with pouting lips.

“Ya,” Hannah says in the way he does.

“YA what?!” Honggi shouts at her, almost throwing something to show how frustrated she makes him. “I came all the way here instead of resting on my day off with your favourite food and you call me ‘ya’?”

“You got mad first, remember?” Hannah mutters and puts Tiger down on the grass before turning to Honggi. “I’m too tired to fight, Oppa.”

Honggi quickly crawls over to her, face to face to Hannah and he has exactly the same mood-swings as Hannah. He looks at her with a mix of curiosity and worry.

“Are you tired?” he asks, short and serious with big eyes. “Do you want to go inside and rest? You do look a bit tired…”

“Oppa,” Hannah laughs and pushes him away. “Worry about yourself for a bit, okay?”

“Do you worry about me?” he cutely asks, coming up close again.


“Okay, okay,” Honggi pouts and sits down tailor. “I’m not mad at you; I’m just frustrated that’s all.”

She nods, sighing out at the yard seeing Tiger play with the grass. Ace has fallen asleep. “I’m frustrated too,” she tells him in a low voice.

From the corner of her eyes she can see Honggi nodding, hearing him mutter that they both are frustrated. Before she knows it he moves closer to put his arms around her from the side, resting his head awkwardly on her shoulder. He sighs, followed by Hannah, and she can’t help but to rest her head on his.

“I’m really sorry about that night,” she mumbles.

“Don’t think about it,” Honggi mutters. “I get in a really bad mood when thinking of how much you scared me. I’m not sure what’s more scaring; you shaking in the car or Emelia freaking out at the hospital.”

“Did I say that I’m sorry?” Hannah mumbles anew.

He gives out a ‘humph’ against her shoulder, his hands entwined tightly for his arms to hold on to her.

“Hannah,” Honggi whispers, “Do you have energy?”

“Energy for what?” she sighs, sounding like she has no energy at all.

“Show me around,” Honggi answers. “I haven’t looked around out here.”

“There isn’t much to see.”

“I saw a bike on the other side.”

Hannah giggles, patting him on the leg to get up. “That’s Emelia’s. I’ll show you all the bikes we have. Kyung Ho has one too.”

She lets Ryo and Michin out from the other house to have them run around in the yard before going to show Honggi around. She even tells him all the plans the ladies have for the place, plans they have only spoken greatly but never really done anything about.

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“I’m home!” Emelia cheerfully calls out in the evening coming back from her practice. She kicks off her shoes and happily squats down when Ace comes meowing her way. She can hear the TV and whispers to Ace if they are watching some typical action movie.

On the way to her bedroom she peeks over at the sofa, and she really shouldn’t be surprised for what she sees.

Hannah and Honggi has spent most of the day together, eating outside, looking around and even taking pictures, playing with the pets and when sitting down to watch a movie they ate some ramen. What Emelia sees is the two of them sitting next to each other under their own blanket, sleeping in the corner of the sofa. Tiger is not seen, but she is lying by Hannah’s leg under the blanket.

“Sleepy heads,” Emelia says to Ace, “Aren’t they, Ace?”

She snaps a picture of them before going to her room to leave her things, to go take a shower and see if there is any snack she can eat.

It’s like this food radar when she enters the kitchen after her shower, wrapped in a bathrobe and her hair in a towel. Something is not like it should be. She can sense it, and she starts looking through the kitchen right away. The fridge is weird. The yogurt is not where it should be, all the strawberry milk and the eggs are messed up, but the worst part is that Emelia’s pudding is on the wrong shelf.

“Hannah!” Emelia roars and shuts the fridge door, “How dare you touch my pudding?!”

Hannah rolls a bit to the side towards Honggi so she can look behind the sofa over to the kitchen where Emelia stomps their way.

“I told you to never touch my pudding!” Emelia roars at her, finding it pretty unbelievable that Hannah dared to touch the only thing in the fridge that is 100% only Emelia’s.

“I didn’t touch it,” Hannah mumbles, rubbing her face and leaning her head back when seeing how close she is to Honggi. Her knee is bent over his leg to look behind them, but she doesn’t remove it as she is too focused to whisper to not wake him up. “It was the maid. She keeps moving things around.”

“I told her last week to make sure never, ever- never, to touch my pudding beside from when getting it at the grocery store and when putting it in the fridge. That maid is hopeless,” Emelia angrily points out and storms back inside the kitchen to change every position of every item in the fridge.

Hannah relaxes in her back to stop looking over the sofa to the kitchen, and instead she looks at Honggi sleeping next to her. He is sitting with his head on the side, his double chin shown and he looks like a dog in his peaceful sleep. It’s the opposite of Jonghyun; Jonghyun would’ve woken up when Emelia came home, such a light sleeper. Honggi is still sleeping even after Emelia’s roar about pudding and Hannah talking right next to his ear. He’s cute, and he has been really nice today even if they fought that one time.

“So, what have you two been doing all day?” Emelia asks while sorting out in the kitchen.

Quietly Hannah puts Tiger in her arms, removes the blanket over Honggi to move up from the sofa, heading to the kitchen to walk. “We talked quite a lot, watched some movie… Did you know that the maid moved the ramen too? She put them in the cupboard above the fridge. I mean, who does that?”

Emelia nods. “Apparently, that maid has her own things going on here – I found the cat food put next to the trash.”

“Why would she put it there?” Hannah grimaces and sits down by the kitchen table.

“Who knows,” Emelia shakes her shoulder without any care for the reason. “Maybe she thought the cat food was in the way or something.”

“That makes no sense.”

“Neither does the sorting of the fridge. That person can’t think; I mean, who would seriously put pudding next to the milk? Does she not know that Maria can easily confuse the two and then complain that she took a weird thing for breakfast?”

Hannah gives a smile. How can the maid know that? Not even their manager knows that.

It’s not much to do. Hannah walks back to the sofa, placing Tiger on Honggi’s stomach and she starts changing channel in search for something to watch.

“Emelia,” she quietly calls out after seeing what’s on TV.


“Isn’t Carolina performing today?” Hannah wonders, not seeing the program anywhere on the TV guide.

“Not today. She’s performing tomorrow,” Emelia answers. “It’s Show Champion tomorrow.”

“Oh…” Hannah nods for herself. She thought that was today.

She leans back next to Honggi, glancing at her friend and wondering if she should let him sleep or wake him up.

“How are you feeling?” Emelia asks.

“Um… okay,” Hannah answers. “Oh, by the way, there is some chicken in the fridge if you want some. Honggi had it with him.”

He is still sleeping, even if she is sitting right next to him and talking to Emelia some meters away in the kitchen. She can’t stop smiling at him though. Tiger has already left, not wanting to sit on Honggi, and instead she is in the kitchen wondering if Emelia will feed her something delicious.

Hannah stays in the living-room until Honggi wakes up. By that time, Emelia has already walked to the other house and come back after talking to those there. She was told by Hannah that Julia and her mother had come by earlier to take the dinner walk with the dogs, close after that had Hannah and Honggi fallen asleep. Hannah probably fell asleep first.

Honggi yawns and stretches out comfortably on the sofa when Emelia sits down on the floor. She has Ace in her lap, caressing and brushing the cat.

“She is really allowed to do the concert so soon?” Honggi asks Emelia in a low voice.

“Oppa!” Hannah calls out from her room, as she could leave once Emelia was there and Honggi was awake. She just went to charge her cell phone. Honggi laughs extra loud because Hannah heard him.

“The agency said she can perform,” Emelia answers and glances over towards Hannah’s room, though the wall separating the hall to the living-room is in the way. “Friday is more like a try-out rehearsal, to see if it’s not too much too soon.”

“Ya,” Hannah says and throws her hand out towards Honggi when coming back to the living-room – Tiger walking after her in her own pace. “Why do you still ask others when I have already told you?”

Honggi smiles at Hannah. “Emelia is not others.”

“That’s right. What did you tell him?” Emelia asks.

“I said I can perform…” Hannah pouts.

“That’s all she said,” Honggi tells Emelia and the cool rapper laughs.

“Of course that’s all; it’s everything that has been said. But you know,” Emelia turns to Honggi. “We have a lot of dance performances, but the agency is suggesting us change it to ballads so she doesn’t have to dance too much.”

“Singing is just as tiring though,” Honggi says.

“At a concert, yeah,” Emelia nods. “Your heart just pounds like crazy.”

Earlier when Hannah had showed Honggi around, she had told Honggi about uploading a picture on instagram since fans are every minute asking if she is doing well and if she is resting and so on. Honggi gave her directions on the picture before he took it of her standing by the bike, holding it and looking down so the hair fell down. Honggi became a professional photographer, even holding up a leaf for affection, the background is green and the wall is there. It doesn’t really show anything, you can just see Hannah from the side looking down. It is the dress that makes it according to Hannah, while Honggi says it’s the hair that makes it.

{Instagram, 5P_HANNAH: I hope everyone is enjoying the warm day, last day of September ^^,}

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Headline 27th: Carolina’s Solo Debut Songs Does Surprisingly Well On Korea’s Music Charts Before Album Release


Headline 28th: SM Entertainment Says Carolina Came With over 20 Completed Songs For Her Solo Project

Headline 28th: Carolina Debuts On Inkigayo With Unique [Lazy Love Song] And Beautiful [I Wish You Were My Love]

Headline 28th: 5 Pieces’ Carolina Performs As A Solo Artist On Hallyu Dream Concert


Monday, Headline 29th: Carolina Debuts With The Release Of Her Solo Mini-Album [Lazy Love Song]!

Headline 29th: SM Entertainment Shares Footage From Carolina’s Debut Event


Headline 30th: [Lazy Love Song] Mini-Album Songs Enters The Music Charts With High Ratings


OCTOBER, Headline 01st: Carolina Continues With Her Solo Debut On Show Champion With Two Songs

Headline 01st: Carolina Answer Random Questions About Preparing Her Debut


Headline 02nd: Music Video Teaser For 5 Pieces’ Secret Comeback Released Worldwide

Headline 02nd: Carolina Is A Flower Girl In Solo Debut Of [I Wish You Were My Love] And [Lazy Love Song] On M Countdown

Headline 02nd: 5 Pieces’ Carolina Talks About Producing Her Own Songs & Dreams To Be A Producer At Radio


Headline 03rd: Carolina Performs [I Wish You Were My Love] On Music Bank And Hands Out Flowers To Fans

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^