Chapter 40

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

Maria sits down next to Hannah, covering the youngest view of the room and leaning forward to fix her make-up a bit, interrupting her own hands to sing along to the music Emelia is playing – their own song [You Thought Wrong Of Me]. Hannah is pouting at Maria who doesn’t even give her a glance, too busy fixing her makeup and singing.

“In twenty minutes you’re up,” Manager Lim says when entering the room, “A backstage interview. You will be out the room in fifteen, and after the interview the trainer will be here for Hannah.”

He hands the paper to Maria first, putting it on the table and patting Hannah on the shoulder to remind her of being prepared to when the trainer arrives – the trainer is here to warm up Hannah’s leg. But she can’t think of her leg now. Last weekend they weren’t really at a music program, as they had the SM Town concert, Music Core was an outdoor concert and Inkigayo was pre-recorded. This performance is also pre-recorded, but they are there to promote it and Hannah just lets her shoulders sink. She knows she will show a good face for the cameras, but being backstage she can’t stop pouting seeing her members behave as if they haven’t seen the comments.

The fifteen minutes passes by slowly, and when leaving the room, completely ready in their charismatic leather boots, pretty outfits and chic makeup the ladies leave their room and are almost right away greeted by a younger group. Hannah lowers her head in an awkward greeting passing the younger group and she turns around when someone grabs her hand.


Hannah removes the hand quickly, with big eyes looking at the younger group who saw Taemin run up behind the ladies to scare Hannah by taking his hand in hers. In blonde hair, white suit and smoky makeup, SHINee’s Taemin looks like a vampire; a smiling mischievous vampire who greets the ladies that turns around after Hannah’s ‘ya’. She doesn’t like holding hands, he knows that, but now in particular with antis writing anything bad they can about her cheating on her boyfriend and whatnot because of one duet, she does not like showing they are good friends now – not with a junior group watching. To her luck, Taemin is talkative to tell the ladies how hectic his day has been and Maria is glad to know he too is doing the backstage interview.

It feels extra hard showing a good face during the interview. Hannah is mostly just focusing on smiling and doing her best to listen to what the others are saying at the same time, listening well to both Taemin and her members at the well rehearsed replies to the questions, sounding natural like the seniors they all are. The hosts though, they are awkward; they have been awkward all summer during interviews, but they are getting better at a few parts.

It’s a good thing no one lets her talk; Hannah’s mind is too busy with everything else to know right or left.

When the interview ends, Carolina wraps her arm around Hannah’s to walk back to their dressing-room, just to have Taemin hurry up behind them to ask if they are getting up on the stage though they have a pre-recorded performance.

“Hannah,” Taemin chuckles when they reach 5 Pieces’ door. “Are you avoiding me or something?”

“No… Why would I?” Hannah mutters, glancing at him to try not make it obvious that she is avoiding him; avoiding standing too close to him.

“You moved to stand on Carolina’s other side when I came…” Taemin answers, “I’m not that blind.”

She grimaces. “I’m not avoiding you,” is the answer he gets from her but Taemin moves to stand at the other doorframe when Julia walks by them. He looks at her, arms crossing his chest and a small frown appearing between his eyebrows.

“It’s because of my fans, isn’t it?” he asks.

“Not just your fans, you know that,” Hannah admits when realising he knows why she wants to keep some distance between them.

“I’m still sorry for it,” Taemin says in a low voice.

“You have told me that,” she gives him a soft smile and then nods a bit further away. “Your manager is waiting for you.”

“Hannah…” Taemin mutters with a bigger frown.

“Don’t feel sorry for something that’s not your fault,” Hannah tells him exactly what her members usually tells her, and she lightly hits his arm when heading inside the room.

The trainer is already there, waiting for Hannah to come for the two of them to start doing simple warm-ups and exercises. The joy in it is that the ladies join in for the easiest parts, just for the fun of it, and they make the room laugh when Maria does the easiest part and complains how tiring it is. They are overdoing it, just to make Hannah feel better that she spends a few minutes warming up the leg she got hurt at their concert.

Her mood lightens up by then, and she is smiling when the ladies are heading to the stage to make a brief appearance during their pre-recorded performance to not disappoint the audience present today.

A crowd cheers when 5 Pieces walks up on the stage. Their pre-recorded performance has already started so the fans seem happy to see the ladies are still going up on the stage. Though the music is already playing the ladies just joins in their own performance and continues to perform as the pre-recorded performance. Fans are cheering and enjoying the stage though it isn’t the actual performance, making the ladies happy to be on the stage.

It doesn’t last for long though. A few seconds before they are told to head off the stage, Hannah sees a placard held up in the audience that reads ‘Hannah, get lost!’. She looks somewhere else, pretending she didn’t see it and pretends backstage too she never saw it, though she sees Emelia glance at her; making Hannah certain at least Emelia saw the placard too.

It’s quiet between the ladies waiting for the ending. Hannah wonders if she should find an excuse to not have to go back up there, just for now, but before she finds a bad excuse she is walking with her members up on the stage.

Last week their song had been high on the charts for the music programs, even running up for first place during its first week on the chart, but as expected it can’t win because there are too many antis voting against them. As soon as they get up on the stage, taking the front to be one of the first place runners with [You Thought Wrong Of Me], Hannah dares to look out over the audience in search for the placard. Block B is standing behind 5 Pieces – Emelia can’t stop turning around to them – the hosts are standing on their right side with the new group WINNER standing as the other front runner and standing next to Julia on the girls’ right side is Taemin, giving pretty smiles to his fans and moving his arms being nervous standing there on the ending stage for the first time as a solo artist without his own members. He tells Julia it is somehow better knowing 5 Pieces is also promoting at the same time.

Hannah lowers her head when she spots the person who had held up the placard, feeling the hate rush from that stranger to her and she closes her eyes for a quick moment feeling a hand hold on to hers. Looking up at her left she sees Maria standing there, staring straight ahead and waiting for the commercial to end. Hannah is still looking at Maria when the ending begins, the hosts counting down that the voting has been counted and the winner will soon be revealed. Hannah wonders what Maria’s expression means; is she nervous? Does she know that Hannah takes on the blame that they don’t win?

They have been winning all year. In January with [I Want a Man], throughout the promotions of the fourth album with the pre-release track [Girls Power] and followed by [POWER UP], breaking records and going global with the Korean release. Now for the repackage album, they can’t break any record or say they are popular, or even think they can get any further – because of Hannah.

It is nice loosing to a rookie group, a debuting boy-group. Hannah has no idea of who they are but Carolina seems to have watched a show with them or something. Like always, they deserve to win.

The fingers holding on around her hand are held tighter as Maria watches the winner numbers being shown on the screen and Hannah looks too just to not look like she is paralyzed by Maria’s face. The screen shows the two front-runners and the numbers going up below, and she sees her own face look completely depressed on the screen standing next to the focused Maria, Emelia and Carolina. Julia isn’t even seen standing on Hannah’s right side.

“And the winner is…” the host says, and the numbers stops counting and shows the winner, music begins and the hosts continue to the cheer; “5 Pieces, congratulations.”

Emelia gives a jump out of happiness, even throwing a fist in the air and she laughs when turning to Carolina, both of them surprised that their jaws are dropping but happy when Carolina getting the microphone to say the speech in gratitude. Though Hannah saw the winner being shown she just looked at it, taking a deep breath in surprise only when the hosts said their name as if confirming it isn’t a mistake. It’s like the world is spinning.

5 Pieces won’t win with [You Thought Wrong Of Me] because of Hannah, we’ll make sure of that’. Were all those comments not true? Were there not thousand of antis voting against 5 Pieces because of her? She is certain there was, there is, and she puts a hand over when realising she is about to cry – they still won. She looks at her left; at Maria who embraces her in a hug and Julia hugs them from behind just briefly before she turns around to be congratulated by Taemin and others. Maria gives out a cry hugging on to Hannah, hearing the ladies are already done talking in the quick acceptance speech and she lets go of the youngest to hold on to her arm and turn around to cheer with the members.

As soon as she can Hannah turns away from the audience, both her hands on her cheeks to make sure her tears doesn’t leave her eyes and she lowers her head to the idols heading off the stage as the hosts says their ending. Should she apologize to their fans? Should she apologize to her members?

“Congratulations,” Taemin says, patting her arm when walking around in front of her, biting his lip in a smile when their eyes meet and he looks surprised to see that she is crying. She should apologize to Taemin.

She can’t get out a word as the tears flood down her cheeks by the sight of him and Taemin embraces her in a hug, congratulating her again and patting her friendly on the back, turning them on the side for the audience to not see his face either.

“I’m sorry,” Taemin whispers. “If I knew it would turn out like this I would never have asked for the song to begin with.”

Hannah lifts up her hand behind his shoulder to hide her face from the idols that turns around on their way off the stage, not getting down quickly enough as the encore is about to start. “Don’t apologize,” she tells him, though everything that goes through her head is that she should be the one apologizing. “I’m sorry, Taemin.”

“Now you’re apologizing,” he smiles and leans back, nodding with his lower lip leaned out. “You still look pretty.”

She gives him a small glare, making him laugh and he puts out his arm for Maria who comes up to them.

“Congratulations on winning,” he smiles, looking like an independent friend when giving her a hug and Maria happily jumps with him, them both holding on to Hannah who is standing with her back towards the audience. Maria starts to sing her first part of the song for the encore, adding a ‘thank you’ to the audience and waving happily.

Taemin clap his hands and bows to the ladies when heading off the stage, leaving Hannah in Maria’s embrace. As soon as Maria’s part ends, she hugs the youngest tightly, not turning them around.

“Hannah,” Maria says in her ear, well aware of the tears flooding down Hannah’s cheeks. Her tone is of a leader, and Hannah nods. Maria is looking out at the audience, completely serious. “Whoever is stupid enough to curse at you is not worth it. That idiot out there, among his anti-friends, has lost in their pact to make you be guilty of our song not winning – our fans are better than that. Stop feeling guilty and celebrate the win with us and the love-lovers we love. Okay?”

Hannah nods again, but the second Maria stops hugging her and turns her around Hannah lowers her head and covers her face with her hand and microphone. Maria holds on to her other hand firmly.

Carolina starts to sing the chorus, filled with mixed emotions and Emelia is smiling hearing their fans chant “don’t cry, don’t cry!” to the ladies. Hannah wants to go hide in the corner, but the hand holding hers is holding her firmly on place and she tries to turn to the side to hide behind Maria but that hand just won’t let her. She can’t sing along for the two lines in the chorus and Maria finally lets go of her hand when the leader’s part of the chorus is about to start; the leader wants to hold the trophy and bow while singing, and also to show a good encore performance at the front. Hannah is about to turn away again, not finding the strength to hold back her tears, again she is stopped from turning away and this time it is Carolina who runs up to her, puts both her hands on Hannah’s head (the microphone in hand too) and Carolina looks to be crying too when lightly kissing Hannah on the cheek and embracing her for a hug. Hannah is startled by Carolina doing that, getting more startled hearing Carolina give out a low cry.

It is Carolina’s song, sung by 5 Pieces. To see the comments from antis that they will make sure the song won’t win because of Hannah had hurt her, both for the success of the song she has been praised by from the ladies and also for Hannah who really has nothing to do with it. When hearing their name being called out, Carolina had gotten such a shock and when hearing their fans chant for them to not cry she noticed Hannah in tears and just had to share her emotions with someone who also shows how relieved they are.

It feels like hell when Emelia sings her part because Hannah knows her time is next and she is still having the need to step off the stage. The chant to not cry goes louder as if the fans know Hannah is not capable of getting out a good sound.

Emelia sings *Listen to me for a second and then you’re done*, adding her usual charismatic ‘yeah right’ adlib as if really telling it and Maria starts to sing Hannah’s part while turning to the youngest standing the wrong way now when Carolina has let go of her. Maria sings the first line, *you say you are first*, showing up in front of Hannah with that confident smile and the youngest can’t help but to smile too.

With the loud cheer from the crowd Maria wipes Hannah’s tears and the ladies sing the rest of the verse together, adding ‘thank you’ and bows to the crowd. Hannah is taken to the front again, this time Maria lets her hide behind her, as long as she is at the front, and Hannah glances out at the audience that is chanting “don’t cry” to Hannah and Carolina while singing along to the song.

The lyrics are great. The music is powerful, like you really get an attitude to it, and though Hannah just a few seconds ago was crying she puts the focus on her voice and looks almost angry when turning her emotions against the antis when singing with her members. The cameras are turned off since a while now, and the ladies are performing the encore for the audience. Hannah can see the disappointment in the one anti she had seen earlier, the one who she lowered her head for, and now she stares right at him as if her members confidence has passed over to her, as if winning proves that their fans are not disappointed in her for doing a duet with her friend, and she is angry for letting herself put herself in this situation when she could’ve been backstage telling ladies that she is proud over the song she did with Taemin and she thinks the ladies’ front-running song is the best. Her attitude is important and she sees how the audience loves how it shines from her once she sings the chorus, staring straight at the antis.

*You thought wrong of me~!

If you just tried to understand~ nooo

How it feels to love you’d know,

A girl’s heart can be hurt by your words

I would listen to her~

‘Cause I know that it hurts~

When a man like him you wanted, ([Maria] wanted!)

But he’s taken you for granted (granted!)

And everything you dreamed will be gone~~*

She can’t help but to hide behind her members at times while singing though, happy they help her out more than necessary too and she smiles when Maria stands next to her, bouncing with her and singing the last line together for the long note. In the end, the tears are tears of being relieved. As if everything has fallen off her chest when their name was announced, Puzzle has proven to be incredible once again.

Her head hurts when they get backstage and she starts crying anew when the ladies start to hug each other once they have closed the door after them.

“You’re stupid,” Emelia tells Hannah.

“You’re stupid!”

Hannah laughs behind her tears because it was Carolina answering and Emelia turns her head to the side to put her arm around Carolina for the three of them to hug. “We are all stupid and for having talked all day you are the stupid ones for even getting those comments on your minds,” Emelia tells them and hugging on to her two friends.

“Ya,” Maria butts in, actually crawling in under their arms to get in the middle and trying to hug them all but failing so she tells Carolina that an invisible arm is hugging her too. “Tell Julia to join.”

“I’m right here,” Julia answers from standing outside the three-man circle with her arms wrapped around Carolina and Emelia, and with Maria standing at the circle with her legs bent and Julia even gives her the trophy.

“Right, ladies. Love, love, love, and love some more,” Maria babbles while wiping her nose. “Don’t forget that love is the key and I love you all.”


“I love you all and thank you for breaking your hearts living our dream together,” Maria continues and while it seems like complete gibberish, her words come from the heart with tears causing her nose to run. “And I will be the one apologizing for not giving us the confidence before taking on the stage before but Appa said our encore was heart-wonderful and I think it’s worth it. We should take a drink – I need a drink.”

She breathes out slowly and starts waving her hands for them to break apart so she can get out, so she can go get some more tissues.

Hannah sits down with her own tissues, the room filled with talk and voices and Carolina’s quiet whimper from the corner as she is watching the already uploaded video of their win on M Countdown.

It takes a minute until Hannah is calming down and before her mind can start roaring out in million of thoughts, Taemin shows up by the door. That guilty look on his face should be sensed miles away, and Hannah pretends to not see him when he walks inside the room, congratulating Maria first because the leader saw him and made it known for the building that ‘Taemin is here!’

Hannah gets up on her feet to take off her shoes, as they will have to leave soon she should get ready.

When putting the shoes by the clothing rack so her stylist can take them later, Taemin walks up from behind her, walking over to her right side to sit down on the make-up table, his hands held together and he leans back a little to see her face.

“Hi… Are you angry at me…?”

Hannah shakes her head, not looking up while she is lightly pushing her shoes with her toes. She hasn’t looked in the mirror to see how horrible she looks yet.

“You know it was never in my thought that you would get any comments like that,” Taemin says in a low voice. Hannah is aware of that the people in the room are all busy on their own things, to get ready to leave and to calm down from the surprise win. No one takes much care in Taemin visiting, since he is family. “Jonghyun Hyung will be furious when he sees I’m the reason you cried.”

“It’s not that, Taemin,” Hannah sighs and looks at him, pouting to hold her posture when seeing how upset he actually he is. Upset and sad; he is sorry for the past two weeks of hate and spiteful comments to Hannah, the ruthless behaviour of his fans.

“It’s all because of that,” he nods.

“I’m sorry,” she pouts and then smiles feeling her tears returning. “It wasn’t supposed to go like this, was it?”

She smiles when wiping her tears, feeling bad and apologetic to him. if they had let another member of her group do the duet with Taemin the comments would have been all good; no comments about cheating or jealousy because the other members of 5 Pieces have a better reputation than Hannah who has past scandals with every male idol she talks to.

Taemin smiles at her question. “Mm, it seems something went wrong in the planning. Even SM said our duet would be positive because of our previous collaborations.”

The difference from then and now is that everyone knows Hannah is in a relationship. Being together with Jonghyun changes a lot; no one minded Taemin playing the piano for Hannah’s [I CRY] two years ago, fans loved linking her with male idols and create absurd scandals that were gone a week later, but working with Taemin for the new song [You and Me] a year after announcing she is together with Jonghyun has put their minds somewhere else. She can’t work with male artists now? Last year for her drama she acted with Kim Jaejoong and it seemed like people took it well. Jaejoong’s fans maybe are old enough to know when work is just work…

Hannah is so confused with it all, the different reactions all the time.

“Why did you make such a promise?” Carolina asks with a sigh when the ladies are ready to leave half an hour later.

“Why not?” Emelia asks, obviously amused. “The rest of you did the challenge when we were away; it’s only for a good cause.”

“Yeah, but why drag the rest of us in to it?” Carolina asks. “The ice water is not something I want to experience two times.”

“It’s for a good cause,” Julia laughs, linking her arm with Carolina to leave the room. “We’re going.”

Hannah gets her things to go with the ladies and their crew, to go outside the building and ask fans if they want to do the Ice Bucket Challenge together. She has her phone in hand because her boyfriend won’t let her pass easily after seeing the ending of M Countdown – repeatedly he says he will come by after his radio tonight.

Outside the building there are always fans waiting to spot their idols after a show, and fans starts following 5 Pieces right away. Instead of hurrying to the van the ladies go to a more open space while talking to the fans, asking if they have heard of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and so on. Hannah is quiet; hearing a few fans quietly asks if the ladies are okay and congratulating them over the win, commenting on this and that. Hannah is too embarrassed to get out a word, ashamed for what she did at the encore – for crying, for letting the bad comments reach her, for loosing it completely.

The focus is on the Ice Bucket Challenge once Emelia and Maria starts telling their fans how they have planned to do it; with their crew filming, the ladies will talk about the challenge and then have their fans throw the ice water on all five ladies. Explaining how they want to do, the fans seem super excited and the ladies keep commenting that they shouldn’t have all too fun throwing the ice water at them. The fun chatting with the fans are kept while some staff brings buckets of ice water, and when the buckets are brought over the ladies starts making the fans laugh when showing how nervous they are.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

“Whoa!” the radio DJ applauses when 5 Pieces finishes their live singing of [You Thought Wrong Of Me]. “That was the great live by 5 Pieces, everyone. Whoa! That was incredible.”

“Thank you,” Carolina smiles happily after taking her seat. Hannah sits down next to her, shyly smiling because the ladies had a lot of fun singing the song on the radio. They were standing next to each other with the microphone stands, and couldn’t help but to do the simple movements from their choreography performances, feeling the song to their core.

After the Ice Bucket Challenge outside Mnet, 5 Pieces went on a separate radio appearance (two went to one radio and three went to another station) to promote the repackage album, and now they have met for another radio appearance that is about to be finished.

After some final words, the ladies thank for them and during the radio’s next song they take pictures with the DJ and hand out their repackage album, thanking everyone when starting to leave.

The rain has started to fall roughly outside during the evening, there is even thunder circulating through some parts of the city, and on the way home the ladies are looking on their phones to see comments about their radio appearances, their Ice Bucket Challenge that even was mentioned on the news tonight because reporters was at the seen to see 5 Pieces and their fans outside Mnet, about their M Countdown performance and winning and comments about 5 Pieces’ reactions to the win. There isn’t too much focus on Hannah; Carolina had also shown tears on the stage so a lot of comments are about how thankful 5 Pieces are for the love they have received the whole year, and that the members all felt pressure with the negativity put on them these days because of Hannah’s duet. Everyone seems to know about the “5 Pieces won’t win because of Hannah” anti comments and comes to the conclusion that is why 5 Pieces was in such a shock and tears during the encore. Even if the whole thing wasn’t shown on TV, there had been a few people in the audience sneaking a short video or picture of it and people that were there have been writing on their accounts that 5 Pieces all finished their encore with a long bow, both apologizing and thanking their fans.

Hannah smiles hearing Maria say she can’t wait to come home and throw off the jeans she is wearing. Hannah too is looking forward to come home and wash up. Though her black skinny jeans and white sequined lip print t-shirt are pretty comfortable, she wants to shower and feel fresh. The ice cold water shower earlier was a mess and her body is still cold from it, and the ladies had washed off their make-up afterwards to look decent for the radio appearances. Her wrists are filled with bracelets of all kind, her own style that she likes, and she is busy removing the first few of them to be ready to shower when coming home.

“Ooh…” Emelia says from the front seat and turns around, looking to the back at Hannah who looks up hearing Manager Kim ask who that is.

A car is standing outside 5 Pieces’ house and with the van stopping a few meters in front of it, Emelia tells the ladies manager that it is Honggi.

“And we all know who he is here to see,” Maria comments, waving her hand to the girl sitting behind her. “Don’t be gone for too long, baby, we got an early schedule in the morning.”

Manager Kim doesn’t say anything, she just tells them to hurry in from the rain. Hannah skips the umbrella and just holds her cardigan over her head when being the last one out the van, closing the slide-door after her and jogging over to the car standing there.

Honggi smiles when she opens the passenger door to his car.

“Hurry in,” he calls over the rain, waving his hand and though Hannah wants to come up with a good question to ask if he is there to see her or another lady, she still gets inside because of the rain. Once the door closes after her the rain is distantly falling on the car and she can hear Honggi laugh when removing her cardigan to put it away for her. “Why didn’t you bring an umbrella?”

“What are you doing here?” Hannah asks, removing the hair from her face. Honggi just laughs when she looks over at him, motioning for her to put on the seatbelt.

“I thought you needed to be put in a better mood,” he answers, waiting to drive off until she has the seatbelt on.

Hannah is about to ask why he thought that, but then grimaces and looks out the window. “You saw M Countdown.”

“Hm, not really… But I saw the video online and thought I would make you feel better,” Honggi answers and gives her a glance just to start laughing, “Why are you wearing a white t-shirt when it’s raining, Hannah?”

His hand goes to the backseat, making her frown and cover her chest with her hands because the rain does not make her like wearing a white t-shirt when wearing a dark bra underneath. She laughs when Honggi takes out his jacket from the backseat to put over her.

“Ooh, what a gentleman,” she teases with a smile.

“What do you mean? I am always a gentleman,” Honggi chuckles and nudges her arm with a laugh.

Hannah smiles at him, sighing when smiling out the front window at the night streets and heavy rain. “Where are we going?”

“To… our favourite place?” Honggi jokes and she gives him a frown. “What? You can’t come up with just one place?”


“Don’t change the mood, I like it when you smile,” Honggi interrupts her from moving on and does a fun movement with his hand that keeps the smile in her face. He is putting her in a good mood, like he wanted too, and honestly she is thankful for it though her mood has been pretty okay being with her members. “When are you going to America by the way? Shouldn’t you go soon since the awards are on Sunday?”

“We will go on Saturday, in two days,” Hannah tells him.

5 Pieces will attend MTV’s Video Music Awards on Sunday; something that still feels to be weeks away though it is already after midnight, so it is now Friday. Because of the bright way he brings it up she tells him in a bright way about the awards, saying in a high nervous voice that only the most popular international artists will be there, mostly just American and English stars like Ariana Grande, Nicki Ninaj, Taylor Swift, even Usher, Maroon 5 and Beyoncé will attend! And on the side there is 5 Pieces, the unknown girl-group promoting in Asia. Honggi just laughs hearing how pumped up she gets talking about it, yet she can laugh with him over her tone and they continue to talk about Honggi’s drama.

They are talking in high voices when he parks the car by the Han River, and Hannah just laughs as she knows that this indeed is their place. The Han River has always been a get-away place for the two of them, though she hasn’t been here in forever with him. In the middle of their talking, thunder breaks loose further away and they both gives out a surprised shriek before laughing at each other.

After sitting there and watch the thunder go further away, Hannah ends up patting Honggi on the arm before she opens her door.

“Ya!” Honggi get shocked, hearing Hannah laugh when she gets out in the rain, leaving her bag and his jacket behind. Honggi looks shocked out the blurry window at Hannah opening up her arms and grimacing when looking up at the rain. “Crazy.”

He gets out after her, running around the car and screaming from the rain while Hannah is laughing.

“You’re a crazy person!” Honggi shouts but he is smiling seeing Hannah continue to laugh.

“Don’t you remember dragging me out the car once in the rain?” Hannah calls out to be heard in the rain. They are both completely drenched already and their smiles are addicting.

“How can you remember that? It was four years ago!” Honggi laughs and gives out a shout of going crazy in the rain when shaking his hair. He laughs with Hannah when grabbing her hand and hurrying along the gravel path. Of course no one is crazy enough to be out in the rain at this hour, leaving it to these two crazy friends. They don’t run straight but keeps playing around in the rain, the laughter going crazier and crazier.

Further away there is a fountain, and Hannah laughs when Honggi goes up on the side of it, balancing and randomly singing in the rain that he is walking on a slippery path or something that just makes Hannah jump and laugh, shout out that he is the crazy one.

“My friend!” Honggi shouts out to the rain, laughing, “My friend here next to me says I am crazy! She is crazy for dragging me out in the rain when I had planned us to have it cosy in the car!”

“You’re crazy!” Hannah laughs next to him.

Honggi squats down, smirking at her and Hannah looks troubled he might fall in the water behind him. “Hannah. I am indeed a crazy person, which is why we get along so well, didn’t you know?”

“Oppa,” Hannah giggles and steps closer so she can grab on to him if he looses his balance, or maybe for another reason. “When you’re standing up there I really want to push you down.”

He laughs, super happy at her confession and he holds out both his hands. She knows his intentions and shakes her head, stepping back to not have him push her in to the fountain but steps back up when Honggi starts waving and loosing his balance, his whole face says he is about to fall and she hurries forward to grab on to his wrists, just to have Honggi give out a laugh and take a step down in the fountain and starts dragging Hannah with her.

“Honggi!” Hannah screams and sits down on the right side of the fountain side, screaming and lowering her head to not cross in to the water.

“Hannah!” he screams with a laugh to imitate her. “We’re already drenched in the rain, hurry in!”

He squats down on the other side, stopping to pull her and instead holding on to her over the side and smiling widely when she looks up.

“Hurry in,” he says, smiling the adorable way of Honggi. “Let’s go complete crazy tonight, ha? You and me, just like old times.”

“Oppa, I have to go home soon,” Hannah tells him.

“I know, I know, that’s why you should hurry in and go crazy before we have to go back.”

She pouts at him and Honggi imitates her, just to have Hannah lean forward and push him. they both laughs when he falls down on his and Hannah gets over to step in the fountain too, helping her friend back up and start to kick around the water. Honggi laughs in her ear when embracing her from behind, trying to get a piggyback but Hannah is laughing so much that they both falls down on their knees and she throws water on him, Honggi throws back and she wonders how she can have this much fun going crazy without drinking alcohol. Maybe she indeed is crazy.

When heading back to the car they seem to realise how crazy they are and they are laughing when sitting down in the car, dripping wet and not able to say anything at all, just laughing and glancing at each other.

“I guess I’m the best medicine when you’re feeling a bit down,” Honggi is smirking when they are getting closer to 5 Pieces’ home.

She doesn’t say against him, mostly because she has had a lot of fun going a big crazy in the rain. She has always loved the rain; maybe the weather makes her a bit crazy. Either way she apologizes to Honggi for the wet seats in the car, thanks him for lifting up her mood and nudging his arm when he says he will take her out when she comes back from America too – maybe not in the rain but for some fun – before she tells him to get home safely and gets out of the car to hurry inside the house.

“YA!” Emelia bursts out the moment she sees Hannah in the hall. “What the freaky heck happened to you?”

“Um…” Hannah stares down at her drenched body and clothes. “Well… you know…”

Maria is heard run from the sofa to peek inside the hall and her jaw drops seeing the youngest. “What the heck, baby!”

“It is very simple to explain this,” Hannah answers while taking off both shoes and socks. “We went to the Han River, and it was raining so when leaving the car you get kind of wet… … and that is what happened.”

“What the heck, baby!” Maria repeats.

“I’m getting a shower,” Hannah says and sneaks by them both in a hurry to go to the bathroom.

She hasn’t even reached the kitchen when her cell phone rings and she stops to pick up the phone from her bag to see who it is. Maria shows up next to her.

“Ooh…” Maria nods, stretching out her hand to answer the call but Hannah stops her to stare at the leader.

“He doesn’t know I went out with Honggi,” Hannah hisses and stares at Emelia coming up to them.

“What’s the problem with that? Just answer the call,” Emelia answers and Maria grabs Hannah’s phone.

“Oh, Jonghyun!” Maria happily answers and gets up on the sofa to walk along it, not getting Hannah a chance to get the phone back. “Yes, she is jumping here next to me. Oh, you’re right outside? Of course we’ll open the door for you.”

She hangs up and gives the phone back to Hannah who is gaping at the leader. Maria pats her on the arm when sitting comfortably down in the sofa.

“Just take a shower, baby,” Maria is relaxed.

Hannah whines and runs to the bathroom while Emelia goes to open the entrance door.

She takes a quick hot shower, muttering and pouting. She throws all her clothes in the laundry and washes up completely before heading to her bedroom with a pout, wondering what to tell her boyfriend. Only wrapped in a towel she gets inside her bedroom, and though she knows Jonghyun was there she gets a surprise seeing her boyfriend standing by the window with his back towards her, wearing jeans and a white t-shirt that both suits his body perfectly. He is holding Tiger in his hands, in a low voice talking about the soothing rain even if he hears Hannah close the door after her. Quietly she goes to her wardrobe, keeping an eye on her boyfriend for him to not turn around while she gets dressed – quickly putting on underwear and a long raglan-sleeve t-shirt – putting up her wet hair in a bun while walking over to the window.

Jonghyun is talking in a low voice to Tiger about Hannah being ashamed of getting dressed behind them, wondering why she is like that after all this time and saying she has a beautiful body but he won’t turn around because Hannah wouldn’t like that. He knows she is listening, that’s why he says it and he gets quiet when feeling a pair of hands slink inside his back pockets and Hannah rests her chin on his shoulder.

“I know you were watching me from the window reflection,” she whispers with a pout.

“I got caught,” Jonghyun smirks to the kitten sleeping against his chest. He turns his head a bit on the side, probably looking at her in the mirror reflection but she gets to see more of his profile. “How are you feeling?”

She puts her arms around him for a hug, putting down her chin to press her cheek against his back. “Right now, I feel relaxed.”

“Mm… That’s good.”

“Let’s sleep,” Hannah whispers, “You sound tired.”

She can feel him chuckle and she lets go of him to slink around him to get Tiger out of his hands, cuddling with her before putting her down in the cat bed and when getting back up she smiles having Jonghyun standing in front of her, wrapping his arms around her to bury his face in her neck.

“Emelia said you are leaving in two hours,” Jonghyun mumbles. “And here I come while you should be sleeping.”

“All of us are awake anyway,” Hannah pouts, wondering if she should tell him she just came home before he came.

Jonghyun yawns when raising his hands up, stretching his back and looking at Hannah who can’t help but to look at him with a bit of confusion. “Help me undress,” Jonghyun moves his shoulders and Hannah rolls her eyes when taking the hem of his t-shirt to pull off him.

“Are you a baby?” Hannah wonders quietly, letting him put the t-shirt away while she s his jeans. “Not undressing your self…”

“I find it romantic,” Jonghyun answers in a low voice and lets his arms fall down on her shoulders. “You can study my body while undressing me…”

She snorts so suddenly that it even surprises herself and Hannah covers with a laugh when looking up at him, and Jonghyun smiles at her reaction.

“Hey, look here,” Jonghyun starts saying as if he is going to lecture her, stepping closer to her and with his arms holding her closer too. “My butterfly is laughing at me right now?”

“I’m not.”

“You so were,” Jonghyun mumbles and leans down to kiss her. “Now lie down and sleep. I have to go to the bathroom.”

He leaves the room and Hannah squats down to pat the sleeping kitten some more before she fixes Jonghyun’s t-shirt to have it on the desk chair and she lies down in bed, checking the alarm on her phone while waiting for Jonghyun to come.

When he comes back he has a frown in his face, carefully closing the door after him.

“Nabi…” he starts to say in a wondering tone. “Why are all your clothes drenched?”

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 21st: 5 Pieces Makes Their Comeback On M Countdown + A Touching Encore When Winning

Headline 21st: 5 Pieces Let Fans Pour Ice Water On Them, Announce Donations For ALS + Challenges Park Hyekyung

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^