Chapter 24

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

It felt like she left something behind when going back to Korea on Saturday night, just because she went there with Jonghyun and came back without him. It made him happy when she texted him that on Sunday: it felt like she missed something. But for the next two days her schedule has been crowded. Yesterday the ladies had their goodbye stage on Inkigayo, they had some final interviews and a nail polish commercial filming, and also their concert practice half the night. Today is also hectic. The ladies have been up since early to film a refreshing and feel-good mineral water commercial, they have been goofing around on Instagram with silly pictures together before Emelia and Carolina had to go on a meeting, letting the other three finish up before they will go practice for their concert together. Today it is D-18, the concert is nearing.

“‘Believe it or not but 5 Pieces has two members on the list as two of the hottest women on the planet, and remember, this list is written by an Australian worldwide known site’. I can’t melt it either,” Maria says, leaning back in her seat in the dressing-room for the commercial filming.

“It’s the third day you bring that site up,” Julia smiles from the mirror, removing her make-up now when their filming has ended and they are getting ready to go practice. Hannah is the last one finishing up taking the pictures for the commercial, but as soon as she comes they will leave.

“Yeah but for a good reason; do you have any idea of what people are writing?” Maria is shining so much since the ladies found out this past weekend that Maria and Hannah are on Australia’s list as two of the WORLDS HOTTEST women ON THE PLANET. “How awesome isn’t that?”

She shows Julia what is written on the site, comments about 5 Pieces’ two members.

“Top models, top A-list actresses are on this list – and the two of us,” Maria says and points at her-self and the door that represents Hannah. “‘The two 22-year-olds are part of one of the most talked about groups (5 Pieces) at the moment and they have received respect and global recognition with their music and probably because of their different road to find the spotlight. They are new faces to us but they have been in the music industry for six years already, and there is no question that these young ladies not just have a great talent for music but that their two complete different appeal have made us swoon over their hotness and asked why we haven’t seen them earlier!’ I’m telling you, Jul, our hotness is getting too much for the world, I’m not sure how they will handle it when we release the next album.”

Julia rolls her eyes again and gets actually relieved seeing Hannah come inside the room.

“The hottest baby!” Maria cheers loudly.

“Maria won’t stop talking about that Australian list,” Julia comments to Hannah.

“And Julia seems jealous she isn’t on that list.”

“I’m not jealous.”

“Oh sure you are. You are jealous because the world recognizes the two of us-”

Hannah walks out the room again, staring up at their manager who is waiting for them to get ready. She sighs and steps aside for him to look and tell them to get their things; and Hannah walks back inside to change clothes without having the other two ladies argue about jealousy and hotness.

She has barely changed clothes when her cell phone is ringing. She knows they are late, thinking it is Emelia or Carolina calling to see what is taking so long, and for that she takes on her shoes first so she can grab her things and leave while answering the call.

“We’re on our way, okay?” she answers in the rush to leave the room, the others have already left.

Ha-ha, Hannah.

That is not a lady’s voice. Hannah puts her phone away to glare at the display, and realises it stood Taemin on the screen. How could she not see that?

“Oh, Taemin-ah, I’m sorry,” Hannah apologizes with the phone by her ear again. “I’m late so I thought it was the ladies calling to nag.”

Mm, aah,” Taemin says as if he is nodding, understanding. “Do you have time to talk? It won’t take long.

“Yeah, sure, what is it?”

Hannah stops as she is about to drop the things in her bag, not holding it correctly while rushing out. She is hungry too. She wonders if they will get something to eat before they will spend the rest day and night practicing, but hearing Taemin’s voice she wonders if he has his own worries – and that makes her worry, because whatever the boys say about her, she is not good at giving advice.

Do you remember the song you made with Hyekyung Hyung at the start of the summer? The [You and Me] track,” Taemin says and starts humming to it.

“Maybe… Why?”

She recognizes it, maybe, a little, but she has no memory of it. She made it with Hyekyung?

I want it for my solo. Can I have it?

“Why are you asking me that?” Hannah frowns, finally getting out of the building to the van where the others are waiting for her. “I’m sorry, guys.”

Maria just waves her to take a seat and Taemin is talking in her ear. “Hyekyung said the song belongs to you because you wrote it, he was pretty much your assistant, he says. But I accidentally heard it in the studio now and I just … Hannah, I really like the idea of us doing this song together.

“Whoa, whoa, us together? Like you and me?”

It is a duet, Hannah, who else would I sing it with? And even if it wasn’t you who had written it, no one else is suited, don’t you think? You’re pretty much the only girl I talk to in this industry,” Taemin is saying and Hannah is so lost in thought that she doesn’t even see Maria mouthing in front of her face who it is she is talking to. Maria keeps looking at her, not sure if she should worry or not seeing Hannah’s confused face-expression.

“Taemin, you can take the song, I’m sure you’ll lift it up,” Hannah tells Taemin.

And you’ll sing with me, right?


You have to! You didn’t hesitate to give me the song then you can’t hesitate to sing it with me. And Hyekyung Hyung says you can record it in the weekend when you have time, it will be really good, Hannah, like our song, you know?

She had no idea her friend can be so annoying, and she can’t even remember what song he is talking about.

“I’ll talk to the others about it…” she mumbles.

Are you doing it?” Taemin wonders.

“I don’t know.”

Nuna!” Taemin calls out, knowing just how much she hates being called that.

“Fine!” she answers and leans back with a sigh. “I’ll do it, okay? Just because it’s you, Taemin.”

He chuckles, like the evil magnae of a group. “I knew you’d do it because it’s me,” he chuckles, “It will be great, Hannah.”

“Don’t call me Nuna again…”

I needed an answer quickly because if I didn’t get the answer on this call I would have to get another song and I really love that song, Hannah, and thank you so much I’ll make sure you won’t regret it!

She ends up smiling. Taemin is still nervous and worried, he talks like that.

“You know you would never make me regret anything, just keep your focus straight, okay?”

Ha-ha… yeah, I’ll try. Thanks again, Hannah, I’ll call you again soon.

Hanging up the call, she sees Maria sitting in the seat in front of her but she has turned around to stare eye to eye with the youngest.

“What the heck was that about?”


Hannah spaces out. Yeah, what the heck was that about?

“I’m making a song with Taemin?” she asks Maria.

“You are … making a song with SHINee’s Taemin?” Maria asks back. Julia looks out from the passenger seat. Hannah had sat in the very back out of habit, though now in the van she can sit in the middle seats next to Maria since there are just three ladies there. She was too busy being on the phone.

“Mm…” Hannah nods, frowning at the leader and her lip curls up strangely. “I have absolutely no idea…”

She texts Taemin to get answers, asking him what she just agreed on, and he doesn’t answer until the ladies are entering the practice-room. He writes that they are singing a duet together for his mini album, his solo debut, and Hannah shows it to Maria. But they don’t have time to talk about it because everyone is ready in the room; making the ladies having to change shoes and prepare and they start working.

Hannah is wearing a pair of black distressed leggings, which he loves to wear when practicing because they go all the way up to her waist, meaning they do not glide down and they are just sitting perfectly; to a long t-shirt and she starts off practice in a pair of sneakers.

“This is [I Still Want You],” choreographer Katharine Dorsey says, taking the front of the practice-room.

[I Still Want You] is from their album, an R&B track with soul and blues – and the lyrics was written by Hannah.

“Since it has that back-in-time element in the sound, where you just want to swing your body along, we are going for a mix of choreography and just play along with it. in other words, it will look like you are just expressing the song when singing it while you in fact have a choreography, get it?” Katharine says and she smiles brightly when taking on the dance floor to show what they have come up with so far.

She drags out one of the chairs they use for [Girls Power] and puts up her knee on it, holding on to the back of the chair as she starts to sing to the music they are playing. The ladies are watching, thinking it is fun how she is imitating the singing, but their focus is on her body; swing back and forth, these tiny things that the choreographer colleague Kade Bristol points out for them, and the good thing is that Hannah can already imagine herself perform this song that way. Just go with the flow, just feel the music. The beat is simple, it isn’t a song you can dance to, but it has this swing in it that you just want to move your shoulders or something. The vocals in the song are probably the main part, which could be why they won’t change it into a dance track or just soul, but keep it the way it is with the live band and flow.

One hour becomes two. Hannah puts up her hair in a tight bun, a female dancer does the same around the same time and another dancer jokes that the two of them are getting serious now; and two hours becomes four.

Working on the concert, practicing, is actually fun. They get to ball their ideas back and forth, help each other out and decide things; there are a lot of opinions in the room and they listen to each opinion to reach the best solution, to reach the best concert possible. To have Americans, Koreans, Japanese and Swedish people mixed together is hilarious in its way too and definitely there are things happening in the practice-room that they will remember for sure, and before they know it, it’s over midnight and no one even notices that because they continue to practice and plan and practice even more until the clock hits four in the morning.

While they are leaving the practice-room, Hannah makes some of the dancers laugh when they see her squat down and up a few times, and she just smiles. Her mind is dull from being tired but she is clearly awake, happy and sweaty.

“I’m stretching,” she says, feeling it in her back and in her legs when squatting down, her knees spread wide. Some dancers follow her but just laughs after doing it one or two times.

“I’ll see you in a few hours,” they laugh and leave the room.

Hannah smiles, waiting for her members to be ready to leave too and she leaves the building with Emelia at first.

Standing outside in the dark, breathing the air and waiting for the others, Hannah sees that Taemin has actually called her two times after three in the morning, and texted her. She gives him a call, standing by the door to the building.

He answers without letting it ring for too long, and Hannah calmly asks why he had called, talking in a friendly tone.

I’m too nervous,” he breathes, his voice all shaky. “I have called everyone I know, it is really annoying. I don’t know what to do. What if no one shows up for my solo promotions?

“Now why wouldn’t anyone do that? You have million of fans.”

I don’t know! I keep thinking no would will think it is good enough with just me, you know? I can dance really well, but can I dance and sing well for a whole song? What if my voice isn’t enough?

“Taemin-ah…” Hannah quietly says, hearing something in his voice that she doesn’t think she has heard in years. “You went to LA to learn this cool choreography, didn’t you?”

Yeah… But-

“No, listen to me,” Hannah continues to say in a low calm voice; “You have worked with SM’s best producers, have you not?”

Mm… Jonghyun made a song too.

She knows Jonghyun did a song for the solo debut of SHINee’s youngest, mostly because Jonghyun have showed her how proud he is over the message in [Pretty Boy], how well Taemin and Kai represents that song too. They are great together.

“Exactly. It is a pretty awesome song, Taemin,” Hannah tells him, “and you have practiced a decade for this, have you not?”


“And you have a lot of people believing in you, have you not? I’m not talking about your fans now, I’m talking about your friends and family.”

To that he chuckles. “Yeah, I do have people believing in me…

“And we believe in who we know you are, not what we expect you to do, okay?” Hannah says, always confident when trying to give others confidence. “You are a great singer and you have enough experience to know exactly what to do on the stage. And if you are worried, remember that you will have dancers backing you up if possible.”

Mm…” he quietly says.

“Are you at home?” Hannah wonders.

Yeah… I can’t sleep.

“I’m sorry for calling,” Hannah sighs, walking to the van when the ladies start arriving.

I’m happy you did. I needed that, Hannah.

“Can you go sleep now?”

I don’t know. I feel better anyway, thanks.

“Call anytime, Taemin, don’t forget that.”

He smirks again, apologizing if he interrupted her sleep or practice, and they say goodnight before hanging up and the ladies take their seats in the van. Hannah leans back, being in deep thoughts thinking through the day’s practice and her call with Taemin, completely lost in thoughts and not even aware of that she has closed her eyes. She wants to practice until the concert is, but she knows they have almost three weeks left and she can’t practice 24/7 until then, though she wants to. She wants to be prepared, she doesn’t like the things they haven’t prepared yet, the clothes that aren’t ready; she wants the concert to be here. She can’t wait to be on the stage and perform, representing GIRLS POWER.

“I got some exciting news for you all,” Carolina says, sitting next to Hannah at the back of the van, Julia and Maria are sitting in front of them while Emelia is at the front with their manager.

“I can’t handle listening to anything that anyone has to say,” Maria mutters, covering her face with her hands.

“Oh, but this, you want to hear,” Emelia smirks.

Maria groans, not wanting to hear, but she doesn’t complain when hearing Carolina preparing herself.

“I’m making my solo debut before the year ends,” Carolina says and her eyes are so busy to look at the three unknowing ladies to see their reactions.

“Yeah sure,” Maria rolls her eyes and sinks deeper in her seat. “Wake me up when we’re home.”

Hannah had gaped, about to get excited for their friend, but on Maria’s lack of reaction she wonders if it is a joke or not.

“It’s true, they confirmed it today…” Carolina whispers.

“Do you have any idea of what we are up to this year?” Maria mutters. “We got our repackage album being released next month, we have our tour starting off next month as well as SM Town’s tour starting off next month, we are going to go to America for our album preparations, and there is talk about a Christmas single already too.”

“But they said I will get to release my own…”

Carolina’s voice dies out and she leans back, turning to look at the window. Hannah glances at her. She isn’t sure what to believe. The girls have a lot to do, that’s for sure, but at the same time Emelia let them know earlier that she is going to release a Korean single in a while; a few weeks promotions, nothing big. If Emelia can release something, why can’t Carolina?

Quietly Hannah holds out her hand to touch Carolina’s arm, noticing how upset their mascot got, but Carolina just looks further out the window to hide her face. Hannah keeps her hand as close to her friend’s arm as possible, tapping the seat between them, looking in front of them, and she gets satisfied when Carolina finds her hand to hold on to it. Hannah doesn’t say anything, and she knows Carolina wouldn’t want to show that she is sad over the lack of reaction; all Hannah does is letting her know someone is there, someone takes notice of her.

The ride home is quiet, only Emelia at the front says something to their manager.

Maria really does fall asleep, so when arriving home they almost have to carry her inside and up the stairs – Hannah and Emelia helps out, just to have Emelia let go in the stairs since they can’t really walk three at once and it is a mess getting her to bed with a whining Hannah. Once Maria is in bed, Hannah wanders around a bit, wondering how Carolina is – why did they have to move to two houses?

“And they said moving would be fun,” Hannah mutters, standing in the living-room and muttering for herself while trying to see over to the other house.

“Go to bed,” Emelia complains by her door.


“Go to bed!” she complaints louder.

Hannah pouts and goes to the bathroom to wash up, her thoughts goes back to Taemin. She is surprised he called so late (or so early probably) and comes to the conclusion that he must be really nervous for his solo debut to call her. Though Taemin had trouble falling asleep, Hannah has no problem at all. Even in her new bedroom, where things haven’t really gotten fixed, she lies down and falls asleep quickly – forgetting to set the alarm on her cell phone.

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In the morning it is not a good air between the ladies. Carolina is angry at everyone, Hannah is upset she didn’t set the alarm so she is newly woken up when they go to the agency, Maria is complaining because of Carolina being angry, Julia is complaining because of the others and Emelia is ignoring them all. They head to practice like that, heading straight to work.

Hannah is in the same leggings as yesterday, just wearing a different top to it. Once they get into practice, they are really into it, continuing as if they haven’t been sleeping for a few hours in between.

Things seem to go really well, until they take a break and Carolina disappears. It’s okay to disappear as long as you are back to when the break is over; she isn’t.

Hannah touches Emelia’s arm. “I think she is upset from earlier,” Hannah tells Emelia in a low voice.

“Then let her be,” Emelia shrugs her shoulders. “She’ll come back, it’s not like she can skip practice.”

But twenty minutes passes. After ten minutes Hannah was touching Maria’s arm and she told their manager too and after twenty minutes Maria finally decides to go find their mascot, grabbing Hannah’s arm because she doesn’t want to go alone.

They go around and searches, gives Carolina a few calls and looks around some more, eventually finding Carolina sitting in a room by herself, curled up in a chair and hiding herself when the two ladies peek inside.

“What are you doing? We are all waiting for you,” Maria says, entering the room and making sure Hannah is right next to her.

Though the leader enters with light steps, trying to liven up the mood and make her come along, after the first words she realises it is not going to get that easy. Hannah stays in the shadows, letting Maria sit down next to Carolina and ask what has made her upset.

“I told you in the van that I’m finally getting to release my own single and you completely ignore me!” Carolina cries behind her hands.

“You’re releasing your own single?” Maria looks shocked.

“I said that!”

“You told us?” Maria gapes and turns to Hannah, mouthing ‘did she?’ and Hannah nods. “Oh my lady, I’m deeply sorry, I don’t remember that! I’m so sorry… I must have been an idiot, right? But you will finally make your solo debut? Isn’t that great? It’s terrific! Lady, this is great, you should have punched me or something!”

“Okay, okay, okay!” Carolina starts whining and Hannah smiles seeing Maria rambling on and hugging Carolina, patting her on the head and continuing to ramble all until Carolina laughs and says that’s enough.

When finally heading back to the practice-room, Carolina looks at her two friends who came to get her.

“They said I can produce my own single,” she reveals, “My own songs for my solo debut.”

Two girls’ gape at her, just openly gaping at her and Carolina finally gets the reaction she wanted. She looks shy and deeply happy when Hannah stumbles a bit and Maria just moves her lips as if talking without getting any sound out.


The ladies all give a jump at the sudden voice and they see Manager Lee walking to them with furious steps.

“Where have you been? Practice should’ve started an hour ago! GET IN THERE NOW!”

“Ya! Don’t you YA at us! We’re having a moment here, you stupid idiot!” Maria roars. “Our lady is making her solo debut!”

“GET IN!” Manager Lee shouts and points over at the door.

The ladies get inside the practice-room, and without letting their manager ruin their mood, Maria shouts out for everyone that Carolina is going to make it big, throwing her arms around and really showing the right reaction that Carolina has wanted.

They continue to practice, there is a meeting in between and then they just continue to practice for the rest of the day.

5 Pieces goes home earlier today, so they can go to bed early and wake up early, because in the morning, 5 Pieces head to China.

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Happy Camp is a Chinese variety show, one of the most popular shows of China, and today they have hired a bunch of people to have dancing on their big stage – brightly dressed in laid back clothes, everyone is ready to dance with 5 Pieces’ [Like That].

“We have top star guests today. They are the world’s most influential artists, some of the hottest women on the planet too… I am shaking just thinking we met them backstage just now!” one of the hosts excitedly says in Chinese.

“Are you that happy?”

“Aren’t we all that happy?” a third host comments.

“Weren’t they glowing?” a female host says with amaze in her voice.

“Yes! They had a great presence. Almost that you just want to bend your back and let them look over you the whole time…”

“They are already looking over us the whole time… But come on, can’t we invite them in? I’m so excited!”

“They really doesn’t need an introduction… just their name speaks for everything they stand for. They are the world’s best artists, are they not? Please stand up and clap your hands, for 5 Pieces!”

Standing at the top of the stage, with people on both of their sides, 5 Pieces are standing with microphones ready as [Like That] begins to play, Emelia smirking over the audience’s loud cheer;

*1… 2… 3… 4… Happy Camp, are you ready?*

Starting to dance, it is all so fascinating. All these people, all these Chinese people crowding on the stage in their own clothes, the big audience that tends to sit down is standing up, and everyone is enjoying dancing along to 5 Pieces song. Just like it had been in Korea, they have learned the dance. The ladies watched these strangers rehearse earlier, staying impressed at how devoted people are in learning something together, and now they do it together. The crowd getting their wish fulfilled by dancing with 5 Pieces, and 5 Pieces living their dream by inspiring people for all this; the whole performance is flawless thanks to everyone dancing with 5 Pieces. The charm to it is that even if they are all dancing to the same song, a lot of people have their own feeling in it or dancing on their own, but the result is beautiful. Everyone is enjoying the song, and that’s the goal for the five ladies.

“Please introduce yourself,” the hosts suggest when they are standing there for introductions.

“Pieces of one,” Emelia starts off and the ladies together greet; “Hello, we are 5 Pieces.”

In Chinese each lady introduces herself, just saying their name pretty much besides from Julia and Emelia who both says they have looked forward to come here and some kind words but the hosts are constantly talking between each introduction of the ladies that Hannah think she is just blankly looking at them and having no absolutely clue what they are saying. Having a translator doesn’t do much because there are five hosts constantly talking.

“Oh wow!” the host bursts out once the introductions are over at Julia gives out a laugh at how he gapes at his co-hosts. He laughs at the female host standing next to him. “5 Pieces are known as some of the biggest fashion icons that you can see our colleagues here have tried to wear popular items.”

“This is the latest popular trend by 5 Pieces,” the female host says and shows off the clear red platform patent stilettos she is wearing with the platform in an animal print and she is wearing a patterned playsuit to it.

The hosts all asks at once what 5 Pieces thinks of it, if they admit it is a trendy outfit and they also points out the sneakers that 5 Pieces are wearing, laughing because the ladies aren’t wearing stilettos at all. The only heels 5 Pieces has are the ones hidden in Hannah’s studded colour-block hidden wedge sneakers in red, black and white, and no one really points that out. Once the translator have told the ladies the main question – if the female host’s outfit is suited to be pointed out as 5 Pieces’ fashion points – Maria is the first one to give thumbs up.

“I love those shoes,” she tells them, letting it being translated.

The female host glows. “I never think I would hear 5 Pieces would say they like my shoes.”

“Where did you buy them?” Maria asks, and everyone laughs when it is translated. The female hosts waves her hand saying she can say it later and Maria again nods and gives the thumbs up.

“I have gotten a new best friend,” the host jokes, looking excited to just talk to Maria.

“In 5 Pieces, who is the most interested in fashion?” the other female host wonders.

Hannah looks to her left to hear what the translator says while Emelia is already answering the question, and when knowing what the question is both Hannah and Carolina points at their very left where Maria is standing. In Chinese, Emelia says “All of us are focused on what is trendy, but Maria has the most interest in it.”

“It looks like you all agree on that,” the host teases but the ladies honestly agree.

“We have had EXO come here three years in a row,” the male host says to the ladies, continuing with the show instead of talking about shoes and fashion, “And you are both from the same agency in Korea. Are you close?”

“Super close,” Emelia answers with confidence. “When they were preparing for their concert I used to spend hours talking to the EXO members.”

“SUPER close,” Julia teases with the hosts though.

They talk some more before moving over to the first segment, when they all sit down with hosts on one side and 5 Pieces on the other side and next to the hosts it is a big card where they will play their game. Before the game, they talk a bit. The hosts ask what is the best and worst in living together.

“When it comes to the worst…” the ladies start to say and drag out on it to think of what to answer. “The worst thing should be to not going on each other’s nerves.”

“Oh, why is that?”

Emelia says; “Since we are all very different we have different habits. And I think when being together 24/7 like we are, we go on each other’s nerves a lot. These days we are practicing for our concert, so when coming home after practicing we are all very tired and sensitive. The other day, when coming home, Hannah stood by the window in the living-room and she just stood there. I got really annoyed and told her to go to bed.”

“But why did it annoy you when she stood in the living-room?” the host wonders. Hannah laughs behind her hand when hearing what Emelia says, and Carolina frowns asking why she stood by the window when coming home.

“Because I saw her stand there when going to my room, so all I could think of was Hannah stand there by the window all night. It was super weird,” Emelia answers the question, staring at the hosts that say they can feel how weird it must’ve been all from Emelia’s face-expression. The eyes then turn to Hannah, to ask why she weirdly was standing by the window when coming home from practice.

Hannah hesitates to say anything, her lips twitches and she laughs behind her hand again hearing Emelia say she was completely lost in thought.

“Um…” Hannah starts off and smiles widely at the talkative hosts coming with more comments. “I was thinking of the members, I think.”

“Does she usually stand by the window like that?” the host asks Emelia as if this is very important to solve.

“No. Usually she goes straight to her room so I found it weird. I’m happy she hasn’t done it more times.”

They laugh at Emelia’s words and Hannah hides behind her out of embarrassment. It’s not like she can openly say she wanted to know how Carolina was feeling because of many different reasons, so she ends up just coming out as a weird person. The hosts ask what is good about living together then. The silence of the five ladies makes the audience and hosts laughs and asks if there is nothing good about living together.

“There are good things…” Julia says and then looks at Emelia without a word.

“Definitely there are good things,” Emelia nods and the hosts can’t stop laughing now. One of them even falls off the chair, saying it is hilarious how lost 5 Pieces looks at the moment.

“Would you rather live on your own?” the hosts asks when calming down. “Living together or living apart, which is the best?”

“Oh, that would be living together,” Julia answers. “We are all comfortable and we can rely on each other when living together. But to just sort out the best parts of living together… that’s hard.”

“Aaaah!” the hosts seem to understand why they couldn’t say anything earlier. “So you all like living together but there are so many good things about it that you can’t point it out, aaaah then we understand!”

The card standing next to the hosts has different colours on it, and behind each colour there is a number to where the hosts have the questions, and the hosts explains to the viewers that 5 Pieces and their managers were asked these questions before the show – as well as the fans in the audience – so it will be a question where the answer is one of the members, and that’s what they will find out.

Starting off with the first question that Julia chooses, they are asked ‘who is the most childish’.

“Before we let the members answer, we will say that today’s audience chose Emelia as the most childish member,” the host says and Emelia looks surprised.

“Me?” she asks and points at herself, looking at the audience. “Why would you choose me?”

“Let’s ask the members, why do you think the audience chooses Emelia?”

“She is very childish,” Maria answers and waits for it to be translated, “She likes to pull on pranks and scare people. It’s really childish.”

“What pranks do you pull?” the host asks.

“I don’t do much of it lately, but just simple things like prank calls, put things in their shoes…”

“You’re the one putting things in our shoes?” Carolina suddenly reacts, gaping and the ladies laugh.

“Who did you think it was?” the host wonders.

“The cat… …”

Hannah smiles widely at her friend. Emelia have done these things for years, putting out fake bugs in the apartment and whatnot for the fun of it, and changing things on your laptop/cell phone for the fun of it.

“The worst time was when she put a balloon in the toilet,” Julia reveals and the hosts are all gaping and laughing and asking what she meant with that. “On April’s Fools day, she put the balloon in our toilet so when lifting the lid, the balloon came out. It was clever because we have two different bathrooms, so Emelia doesn’t use the same one in the morning.”

True. Hannah smiles, but she can’t remember the prank though she knows they are talking about the apartment.

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Headline 21st: 5 Pieces Get Goofy On Instagram

Headline 22nd: Maria Thanks For Being One Of The Fifty Hottest Women On The Planet With A Kiss On Instagram

Headline 23rd: 5 Pieces Rocks East Asian Nail Brand ‘Gemini’ In Promotional Video + Video

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x. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^