Chapter 38

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

It is Monday evening, August 18; a day filled with excitement from many different directions.

After the SM Town concert on Friday the artists went to the after party, in which Julia won a 2-day vacation in Amsterdam (Europe) with a friend. No matter how much some of the friends begged to come along, in the end she decided to go with Emelia. All weekend they planned and talked about it, and today on Monday they finish their filming early to take the noon flight to Amsterdam. The exciting part is for the two of them to be in Amsterdam, and for the other three to enjoy some time without them; and another exciting part of the day is the release of Taemin’s solo mini-album. Hannah and Maria have both gone crazy on their phones for him, texting him and showing their excitement and also showed their support online for him. Taemin keeps promising to sign a copy for them. Sunday and Monday has been spent filming a commercial/music video by 5 Pieces, which was what Emelia and Julia finished early. Before the release of their album the girl-group had collaborated with a jewellery brand for crystal accessories (diamonds), and this is their second collaboration where the agency has even dug up a song the girls recorded for the album half a year ago, therefore this collaboration will be released all around Asia as a commercial, music video and even a Korean single.

It is during the day’s filming that Maria brings it up, another exciting thing about this Monday;

“Appa, have you ever heard of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?” Maria asks.

“The what?” their manager looks confused and Maria looks eager.

“The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is a challenge where you dump a bucket of ice water on yourself and challenge three other people to do the same,” she explains and is fast to continue before being interrupted with stupid questions; “The idea of the ice bucket is to put awareness of the disease ALS, and to encourage donations. It is extremely popular. Even celebrities are doing it, which makes million of more people aware of it. It is really good!”

“Why are you telling me this…?” Manager Lim asks, glancing at Hannah, worried they might have some bad ideas with this.

“We have been challenged,” Maria happily answers, completely excited while Hannah grimaces a bit.

“Who challenged you?”

“A bunch of people!” Maria gapes as if she can’t believe it, “Completely insane but I love a great challenge and I love donating and this is perfect.”

“But you know,” Hannah starts, “It is you either donate money or do the ice bucket thing.”

Maria gives her a stare. “You told me before that we will do it together.”

“Yeah, but-”

“We are doing both! People get more excited to do it too if they know we have done it,” Maria is fast to say with a finger strictly pointing at Hannah. “And now we have to decide people to challenge too.”

That is what Maria has been planning most part of the day when filming the music video.

When coming home early that evening they have their stylist Mi Young with them, and food, of course. Carolina has gone to the agency to prepare for her solo debut, and Julia’s mother has come other with all the pets to eat dinner together and for the ladies to tell about their Ice Bucket Challenge. Mi Young has no intention of doing it, simply saying she will donate, but she has come to gladly help out to throw ice at them.

Just as they have sat down to eat, the doorbell rings.

Hannah looks confused up at the others, Julia’s mother looks confused too when asking if they are waiting for someone at the same time as maria hurries up on her feet.

“I forgot to tell you,” she tells them but disappears while continuing to talk.

“What did she say?” Hannah asks them, but neither Julia’s mother nor Mi Young heard.

About two minutes later, Hannah recognizes a voice in the hall and she looks at the kitchen entrance with a smile as actor Kwon Hyunsuk comes inside after Maria, followed by Kim Hyejong. Two close friends who start introducing themselves when Maria says there is enough food for them too; Maria had told Hyunsuk about the challenge and he had jokingly asked if he could come watch, which ended up with Maria telling him to come, that they could watch a movie together afterwards. During dinner they are talking about the challenge and showing videos on their tablets or phones, and Hannah gets to explain to Julia’s mother who Hyunsuk and Hyejong are; as she can only remembering seeing them at the party a few weeks ago.

Finishing dinner, Hannah disappears to bring out Tiger; as they haven’t met before. Michin and Ryo get super interested at the kitten in Hannah’s arms, but Hannah doesn’t let Tiger down because she doesn’t seem to want too.

“Oh my, he is adorable!”

“She,” Hannah says.

“I say the same thing all the time!” Maria calls from another room – Maria always says ‘he’ to Tiger though it is a female.

“She is adorable,” Hyejong repeats and gets her hands and face closer to try cuddle with Tiger who stays put in Hannah’s arms.

They come to the conclusion that Tiger doesn’t like Hyunsuk, but fancies Hyejong. Hyejong is in heaven when having Tiger in her arms, silently laughing and walking around as if she is holding a baby and she keeps jokingly say she will take Tiger with her home. Hyunsuk tells her to watch it or they will be kicked out by Hannah.

They get ready to film the challenge after dinner. Hannah is wearing a black t-shirt and leggings, while Maria is wearing a colourful top and shorts. Hannah’s leg has gotten better during the weekend; she is still sensitive to bending her leg too much, so when deciding on how to do the challenge it is not a god idea to be sitting down both because of Hannah’s leg and because the grass is wet from the day’s rain.

“You will get wet anyway; just do it,” Mi Young complaints after a few minutes discussing it.

She has been standing ready with two cell phones; holding her own and Maria’s, while Julia’s mother is holding Hannah’s next to her and the other two friends are holding their own to not miss the fun in this. They are already smiling by the thought of how fun this will be. With some more discussion, Hannah and Maria end up standing next to each other, barefoot on the grass and with their own ice bucket next to them. Hyejong has a bucket of ice next to her as well, saying she will do a video too; not the same as Hannah and Maria, but after them.

When they start filming, none of them can hold back their smiles, it comes automatically out of nervousness.

“Pieces of one,” Maria starts off and Hannah joins her to say;

“Hello, we are 5 Pieces.”

“I am Maria-”

“And I am Hannah.”

“And we have been challenged to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge,” Maria starts saying and claps her hands together, turning to Hannah who nervously nods. Maria explains the challenge, and while she talks Hannah’s eyes follows something out of screen until she turns around and the cameras too can spot Michin walking away. They are filming at the middle of the yard, the wall and grass behind them to not reveal the house and for that keeping the location secret, but it were not planned for Michin to run by. He keeps a distance, walking over by the wall completely uninterested, so Hannah turns back to nod at what Maria says before they take a deep breath and picks up the buckets.

Maria is moving her feet, almost squealing and Hannah laughs.

“This is serious mood,” Maria breathes and Mi Young for them before Hannah dumps her water over Maria, the leader screams and looks like she will run away but instead pours her water over Hannah and Hannah turns away with a cold scream.

“Unnie!” Hannah screams as soon as she turns around, seeing Hyejong rushing forward and throws the water on Hannah and Maria – though Maria had the time to back a few steps and they both screams again.

“You said you wouldn’t use it!” Maria complaints, while Hyunsuk reminds them of challenging people.

“I challenge Kim Hyejong!” Hannah shouts out, rubbing the water out of her face.

Maria gets up next to her, shaking from the cold. “I nominate Carolina, Kwon Hyunsuk and Kim Heechul!”

Maria is about to leave but they tell Hannah to say two more and they both whines, “Pretty boys SHINee’s Taemin and EXO’s Kai!”

Maria then rushes away to get out of the wet clothes and get warm, leaving Hannah slowly squatting down in the coldness.

“That was hilarious,” Mi Young laughs out once she has turned off the cameras.

The next half hour they are uploading it on Instagram, twitter and 5 Pieces’ blog. Only the blog and twitter gets the whole video, so on Instagram they direct people to the whole video and they upload information about the donation as well; all of them donate money when sitting there getting warm.

{Instagram, 5P_HANNAH: I did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge! Don’t forget to donate and you can see the full video and get more information about how to donate here (link)}

The rest of the evening they are being lazy watching movies and talking, mostly talking, and Hyejong keeps wanting Tiger in her lap though the kitten ends up going to Hannah (which makes Hannah very happy) and they have a really good time with Mi Young, Hyunsuk and Hyejong. Julia’s mother goes back to the other house after some time, keeping the doors open for the pets to run around freely. It hadn’t even taken half an hour until the articles came out and comments were spreading online, and by the late evening the friends have fun seeing comments online how they heard Hyunsuk was there, squealing that Hyejong is hanging out with 5 Pieces, how thoughtful the two ladies are for not forgetting the donation and spreading the information rather than just doing the challenge, and sometime during the evening does Carolina call to ask why people are telling her to throw ice water over herself – she hasn’t followed much, so it will be hilarious to do this on her.

Around eleven that evening the friends are getting a little tired because their ideas are rocking awesome. Carolina is on her way home; and they decide to give her a surprise ice bucket welcoming. Hannah planned on her own, asking Carolina through text messages who she will nominate for the challenge, as if secretly preparing her friend and Carolina answers names while saying she will do it tomorrow because she is tired.

They all stand between the big wall and the houses; Hannah standing with two cell phones and Hyunsuk standing with two as well, while the other three are ready with the water and ice buckets, all their focus being on the entrance door. They are hiding in the dark of the night to not get caught right away but neither to startle Carolina before she has even come inside.

And then they wait, excitement growing inside them.

Then she comes. Hannah is standing ready when hearing the car-door slam shut and they wait for her to come through the entrance door, all of them standing on guard when it is opened and then they wait for a bit as Carolina comes inside. The door closes behind her and she looks up from her feet hearing something, and startled she gets three buckets of water thrown at her from three different directions and Maria walks up in front of the cameras to say it was a success.

Carolina is just standing there with her arms held up a bit, mouth open and water dropping, and the others are laughing so much while also putting warm blankets around her as they are done filming.

“Welcome home, mascot,” Maria laughs and embraces her for a hug. “Your face was priceless!”

“That was awful!” Carolina cries out, unable to move.

“Once you see the video, you will say it was priceless,” Maria tells her, patting a blanket over the wet hair. “But first, we will get you dry.”

Carolina could’ve gotten hurt and sad by the surprise welcoming, but because of Maria warm treatment she forgets all about it and allows her to be led inside.

“Hyejong is next!” Maria calls out after them.

Hyejong looks at Hannah. “I think I’m going home now,” she jokes and Hannah laughs when grabbing her arm, saying she doesn’t have to do it.

“But she challenged you,” Mi Young points out.

“I donated,” Hyejong simply shrug her shoulder.

Hannah laughs, happy to have good friends around and they all head inside to continue to watch whatever movie is on. Carolina joins them after changing clothes, asking if this is what they have been doing all night while she was working.

“We are hard working humans, and humans need lazy moments too,” Maria is fast to tell her in defence before showing her cell phone. “I sent this video to you so you can upload it. It will come on the blog too.”

Hannah goes to her own world for a bit, reading a text message from Taemin while listening to the others talk. Taemin is visiting Jonghyun’s radio now, and he told her about it earlier today and now he keeps asking if she is listening. She writes back that she isn’t listening, busy with other things, but after a few minutes she slinks inside her room with Tiger just to know why he was so curious.

Turning on the radio on her tablet, Hannah sits down on the bed and listens to it. it’s way after twelve now, and she can hear Jonghyun and Taemin talking about the songs in the mini-album, from Changmin writing [Ace] to Jonghyun writing [Pretty Boy] and the meaning behind it. she must’ve come just in time because after a few minutes they start talking about [You and Me], and Hannah gets nervous to hear opinions of it she hasn’t heard before, even considering turning the radio off as it feels like she is listening to a private conversation between two important people in her life. But to her surprise, Taemin only praises the song. “As soon as I heard it, I wanted to sing it. I gave Hannah a call and begged her, but she didn’t even hesitate to give it to me. The hard part was to make her sing it with me, and I think she agreed to it because we are friends, so as friends it was a lot of fun performing it together at the SM Town concert.”

Hannah is smiling softly listening to them talk, hearing how seriously they are talking about everything. The smile is there until they go further in on it, Taemin saying “it is different hanging around Hannah compared to my other friends because all my other friends are guys, but Hannah is comfortable to be around. She is a good listener and is always taking time if I ask her.” And after talking a bit about it, they decide to give Hannah a call, to ask if she could go out and meet Taemin because he need to talk…

“Maria!” Hannah rushes out of her bedroom, terrified, jumping on one leg in her rush. “They are going to call from the radio, and I know they are going to call so what do I do? Will I pretend I don’t know anything and if then what should I say- I can’t-”

She freezes when the cell phone in her hand starts ringing, and she looks up at Maria’s big pair of eyes not understanding a thing. The cell phone keeps ringing while the room is frozen. Hyunsuk asks in a low voice if she is going to answer that, and Hannah whines before running out; she actually runs out to the yard, answering the phone without thinking, as she doesn’t want to be rude.

“Hello?” she answers with a dry throat, stopping to move when realising she is out of breath.

Hi, it’s Taemin,” he quietly says and Hannah wonders if they are going to try trick her that he really need to talk or something. How should she react to that? Play along… maybe?

“Hi,” she says, breathing out with the phone away from . Her whole mind is panicking now of what to do. She can not believe they called her without a warning!

Are you busy? What are you doing?” Taemin wonders.

“I’m at home,” Hannah answers. “Not busy, why?”

I wanted to talk to you, could we meet?” he asks and it is almost as if she can see Jonghyun directing him quietly on the side.

But wait… she has talked to Taemin during the day; she knows he is supposed to be at the radio at this time.

“Now?” she asks him.

Mm… I really need to talk to someone,” he answers in a low voice.

“Okay,” Hannah answers, smiling at herself at the idea forming in her mind and she looks up at the black sky.

Really? Sure you can do it?

“Mhm, it’s okay, if you need to talk,” Hannah answers. “Do we meet after your radio or do you want to meet during commercial?”

He is about to say something but the word gets stuck in his mouth, followed by laughter that is not just his own and Hannah is smiling as she caught them.

“Taemin, you told me that you were going to the radio tonight,” Hannah explains.

Hannah, please introduce yourself to our listeners,” Jonghyun chuckles over the phone.

“Hello listeners of Jonghyun’s Blue Night, I am 5 Pieces’ Hannah,” she simply greets herself actually lowers her head as if she is bowing to the listeners. The laughter continues on the other side over the embarrassment to have completely failed the call.

Taemin has been saying how much he likes your duet [You and Me] here on my radio,” Jonghyun is saying, “and he said you did the song with him because you are friends, what are your words on that?

“Um… It’s probably true,” Hannah shortly answers and over the phone she has two friends complaining about the bad answer. “I didn’t really have much of a choice when he called me. He talked a lot and I had no idea what I signed up for.”

She must have used the wrong words because a low mumble of an apology is heard from Taemin, and when thinking through what she said she realises it is about the bad comments she is still receiving.

“You two shouldn’t talk too seriously on the radio,” Hannah reminds them and Jonghyun chuckles.

We have gotten those comments on our comment board already. Somehow we always end up having serious discussions,” Jonghyun says and Hannah nods, knowing that all too well. “Hannah, what are your thoughts on Taemin as a solo artist?

Hannah has given me a lot of advice,” Taemin opens his mouth.

“Taemin has … I think he will do perfectly great as a solo artist,” she answers and she can hear chuckle on the other end from Taemin, “He is really talented and he knows his fans well. I am happy for you, Taemin. And thank you for saying such good words about the song.”

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In the morning Hannah and Maria goes to the gym, they don’t talk much at all while having a trainer help them out and when coming home they both take a shower and do their own thing before Maria goes back to sleep on her day off and Hannah heads out the door. Out of the blue it feels like she had been called in for a meeting at the agency, so she goes to the agency with Carolina who had slept in the morning, and nervously Hannah goes with her manager to the meeting while Carolina goes to practice for her solo debut. She is taking every chance as possible to practice for her debut because 5 Pieces will be quite busy these weeks with promotions, the concert and they will go to USA a few times too.

Nervously she sits down at the meeting, having Manager Lim there, Park Hyekyung and Pete, and then just a few more people from the agency’s production teams. After six years she can figure out where they want to go with this meeting, but she doesn’t dare to guess out loud in case she is wrong.

The meeting begins with a bunch of useless talk about Hannah, 5 Pieces and solo promotions so far. Hannah’s solo promotions; how brilliant they have been, how much popularity she has received and what an individual artist she has formed at the side of 5 Pieces with her acting, writing and song-writing. They talk all about her acting debut in Japan to the most recent track with Taemin before adding in the other ladies’ solo activities. They talk about Emelia who will release a single within two-three months, Carolina who is preparing her very first solo project after being a radio DJ and how much Carolina is being part of her own project, they talk about Maria even releasing a full-length album last year and so on. The point in the useless talk is that Hannah will make a solo comeback; and the idea of that both excites her and frightens her. At the moment she can’t think of any reasons though.

“Hannah will be the second member of 5 Pieces to release a full-length album,” she hears them talk. “If we call in four to five producers we can have the album ready to New Year…”

She can only hear them talk and talk, plan this and that until taking a break and Hannah is quickly out of the room with her phone in hand.

“Maria,” she breathes out when her friend finally answers the call.

Yo, baby,” Maria answers with a laugh at Hannah’s voice, “I haven’t fallen asleep yet, I’m stuck playing games. Did you know that Minho is the worst looser ever? Oh, how did the meeting go? Are you done already?

“They want me to release my own album – full-length album,” Hannah says, completely lost in her own world that she barely registered what Maria said, too eager to tell her.

Really? That’s great, baby! But what’s with the tone, isn’t that a good thing?

Just hearing Maria’s voice makes Hannah’s brain start working and she knows the good and bad with her solo. “I’m being hated at the moment; I can’t do that.”

Hannah, listen to me,” Maria says over the phone and Hannah hears her sit up in the bed, “Those antis got nothing on you. Our fans would love your album, so don’t hesitate when you get the chance, okay? But you are focusing on the wrong things here, anyway, who is making the songs?

“What do you mean…?”

I said it when I made my album; it need to special to be a full-length album, didn’t I say that? I loved my album because it suited me, and we worked hard on the music to make it my style, right? That’s what Carolina is busy doing now; her colours and her style for her solo. You need to do the same. Ask if you can help out with the music- Ah, and don’t say against me now, Hannah, we have talked about this haven’t we? You said you wanted to make it personal, it is your words and I am just reminding you of them.

Hannah can’t remember saying that, but she can have said it because it sounds like something she would want.

“Do I just say I want to participate? What if they don’t want me to?”

Ask them and call me whatever outcome. Why wouldn’t they want you? Maybe they just doesn’t want to put that pressure on you, but ask, and think of what is going through your head now, and remember that when you are there.

After talking to Maria, Hannah returns to the room; the meeting isn’t starting yet but Hyekyung is sitting there going through things on is tablet.

“Oppa,” Hannah whispers over the table.

“Yes?” he quietly asks without looking up.

“Do you think I could write my own songs?” she whispers, even leaning over the table to keep it between the two of them. Hyekyung looks up in surprise. “Maria told me to ask at the meeting, but I’m asking for your opinion first.”

“Do it!” he answers, so excited that Hannah has to lean back. “I was going to suggest it too. I have a few old songs that you have sent me, I am looking through them now to have it as back-up but if you personally want to do it, go for it!”

As soon as Pete and the others returns, Hyekyung is looking slightly happy, but as the meeting continues he notices Hannah not finding the right time to speak her mind. Hannah’s mind is spinning, going crazy thinking of what to say, when to say it, and she is really trying to collect her thoughts.

“What if Hannah produces the album with us?” Hyekyung suggests out of the blue, actually interrupting the talk about the concept and the whole room goes quiet. Hannah gets stiff by the silence, unable to swallow.

“You think you can produce a whole album, Hannah?”

“Maybe not the whole album…” Hannah mumbles, lowering her head. If Maria was here, or any of her members, they would tell her to speak up for herself. She can’t do that. But everyone is staring at her. “I want … to make it a personal album.”

“Of course, of course,” the director agrees.

“People will expect more of Hannah for a full-length album, especially after all songs she has written so far,” another one comments and Hannah looks at Hyekyung across the table. He is nodding in agreement.

“You’re right, people will expect more because it is Hannah. Hyekyung, you will work with Hannah for the songs and we will forget the date and just focus on making music at the moment. We won’t set a date or decide the concept yet, just make the music and think through what you want to do.”

It goes better than expected, but as the meeting continues she realises there is a big pressure to do well on her part. They keep saying fans and listeners will expect a lot from 5 Pieces’ Hannah, the one who has written topping-chart songs before, memorable and emotional song, and they will expect even more and better songs for the album. When the meeting finally ends Hannah is in more disbelief than she was when entering, going from being clueless to have lost it all.

An own album: and on top of that, her own album, with her songs and her message.

“Are you alive?” Pete jokes with her.

Hannah shakes her head, wondering if she is laying half-dead somewhere and just dreaming away.

“It’s a big step, an album,” Hyekyung says when coming inside the room with a bottle of water for Hannah and coffee for himself and Pete. The meeting has ended and everyone has gone to work, but these three have sat down in another room. He sits down with a sound. “How are you feeling, Hannah?”

“Dead,” Hannah bluntly answers and she rises her gaze to see the two surprised producers. “I have no idea.”

She takes a deep breath and picks up her phone, staring at it for a bit. Her own album… She manages to write a text message to Maria, writing that she doesn’t want to wake her up and adding that she is going to help write songs to the album.

“It’s no reason to panic about the time, as they said,” Hyekyung tells her, “so we should just focus on making songs. I can look through what we have and choose some demos I think would suit you and then we can just go through them; we can talk about ideas and do new things. Bring your own ideas too.”

“You really think I can do it?” Hannah pouts.

“Aah, there it is,” Pete laughs, leaning back with a huge smile. “I thought you were never going to ask Hannah’s first basic question when receiving a new challenge.”

“Hannah, you think all that praise in there was because we expect you to fail?” Hyekyung asks, “The agency knows your potential and are ready to bet on it. I will help you as much as possible with anything you ask of, so let’s just work as we usually do, okay?”

She sighs and nods, putting down her head on the table and she pouts at her own thoughts.

“But this will be fun,” Pete smiles in excitement, “Carolina is going crazy with her solo and then Hannah will do twice as crazy for hers… And here I thought Maria’s solo project was the craziest one.”

They aren’t really doing anything, just talking and letting Hannah melt in the news. She is just lying with her head on the table, spacing out and waiting for Maria to answer on the text message.

It doesn’t take long until they part ways, deciding to talk more over the phone if it is anything and meet next week or the week after if they have time. Hannah is then picked up by Manager Lee, as Manager Lim has gone to work with Carolina.

It has been a week since Manager Lee had his outburst on Hannah, and they still haven’t talked about it. Mostly because they have been busy and mostly because they haven’t really gotten any time alone, and now in the car Hannah is completely lost in her own thoughts about an album. A single is okay, she has done that before, but a whole album – a whole album with her voice.

“What do you want to eat?” Manager Lee asks.

He gives her a glance and snaps his fingers in front of her to get a reaction, repeating his question. Hannah just shrugs her shoulders in response before looking out the window again.

“Don’t stress so much about it,” Manager Lee tells her, on his own deciding on a restaurant to get food from because he knows the ladies like it there – and he doesn’t want Maria to complain for not knowing where the food is from.

Hannah sighs and leans her head back, thinking of what he said last week. All from the painkillers to telling her he likes working with her. She can’t understand it though, but she knows she has done all the wrong things to her manager.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers.

“There is no need to apologize for that, it’s understandable,” Manager Lee says, thinking about her album and Hannah breathes deeply by the thought of it.

When giving her a glance as she stays quiet, he gets startled to see her glare at him.

“What, what?” he asks, completely confused with that glare.

“I’m sorry about my attitude,” Hannah tells him and she can tell on his face that he knows what she means.

“Hannah, last week-”

“You meant every word of it and you don’t regret a thing you said,” Hannah finishes the sentence for him.

“It’s not that. I went overboard; I shouldn’t have lost my temper that way…” Manager Lee sighs, obviously frustrated for his behaviour.

“You should loose your temper more often then,” Hannah mutters, “to let some of that frustration out.”

“Same goes for you,” his voice gets serious and he gives her a quick glance. “You keep building things up, Hannah. What happened at the rehearsals? You were about to fall apart several of times and not once did you talk about it.”

“I talked to a lot of people!” Hannah bursts out, quickly on the defence when the focus is turned to her. “We were with the SM Town people – tons of people to talk with.”

“As far as I saw, they did most of the talking.”

“Are you done?” Hannah scolds him, in a bad mood and she pouts looking out the window.

“I’m just saying-”

“Don’t say it,” she mutters and puts her hands up over her ears.

Manager Lee stops the car outside the restaurant, telling Hannah to stay in the van and then he goes inside the restaurant to take the order. Hannah knows it takes time to prepare the food, usually he can even come sit in the van and even a waitress will come outside with the food, but she guess he doesn’t want to come back to the van because of her.

Sitting alone in the van she watches people across the street, the usual Seoul traffic, and she sits there lost in thought watching the strangers. Back in Sweden when she was going to and from school she was always on the bus, listening to music and wondering where people were going, how their morning had been like, what kind of work they do… Always curious about others, yet she rarely has time to think of that anymore. And she smiles over that thought; she will not have time because she will be making her solo album, her very own full-length album.

Her cell phone starts ringing and she answers it with a smile seeing it is Maria.

Baby!” the leader is cheering. “I can not believe it, you actually said something at the meeting? So you are going to work with Hyekyung now or are you signed up with someone else?

“Hi-hi, I’m working with Oppa, of course,” Hannah says. “And he did the talking at the meeting.”

“No way… so you ended up not talking?”

“I said I wanted to make it personal, so they have removed the dates to be ready and I will work on the songs with Hyekyung and Pete,” Hannah says, frowning a bit as she hears something in Maria’s background. “Aren’t you sleeping?”

Maria laughs. “I was. I have been up for a while now… are you on your way home?

“Mm… I’ll be home soon. Have you checked in on Tiger?”

You know I have,” Maria answers. “I’ll see you when you come home.

“Mm, see you soon,” Hannah says and they hang up, and Hannah starts texting Jonghyun to ask what he is doing. He has been pretty quiet for a few hours.

She is lost in thoughts again when Manager Lee returns, and she keeps being lost in thoughts while he drives her home. Jonghyun hasn’t answered her text when she gets out of the van, hurrying around the van to help Manager Lee with the food and he takes notice of her limping when she rounds the car. Hannah sees that.

“I have been sitting in a car, what you expect?” she coldly asks him and carries it through the door with her manager a bit behind.

She gets inside the first house, taking off her shoes in the hall while calling out that she is back and to her surprise she hear voices that do not belong to a lady at the same time as she spots the shoes in the hall that neither belongs to a lady. At first thought she thinks Hyunsuk is here today too, but the pushing and laughing pair hurrying through the house and rounds in from the hall to the hall are not Hyunsuk. Hannah backs in against Manager Lee when EXO’s Kai and SHINee’s Taemin rushes up to her. She did not expect that.

“I told you she was buying food,” Taemin chuckles and takes the bags of food Hannah is holding.

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Monday, Headline 18th: 5 Pieces’ Maria & Hannah Accepts The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge + Challenges Carolina, Taemin & EXO’s Kai!


Headline 19th: SHINee’s Taemin Says “Hannah Didn’t Hesitate To Give Me The Song” + A Failed Surprise Call?

Headline 19th: The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Can’t Be Avoided For Carolina When 5 Pieces Is Around

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X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^