Chapter 19

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

“It will not be this 3-hour concert that we all are used at having. We will reduce about an hour; give it the same power as if it would be three hours. Let the concert contain the songs from this fourth album and then add a few more songs from before that we know your songs will want,” one of the concert directors says during the Sunday evening meeting.

5 Pieces is sitting at the meeting with the production crew for their next tour GIRLS POWER. The meeting has been on-going all day though 5 Pieces have been at Inkigayo for a few hours; the others have been here all day planning and scheduling for the concert tour. This is when the production crew is explaining the decisions with 5 Pieces and the main bosses.

“We will have the concert based on your current concept, the name GIRLS POWER will be the main focus and we have planned to have different segments where each act of the concert has a story behind it to be as creative and individual as a woman’s power,” the second producer explains, “The concert will be 5 Pieces’ message to fans that you have wanted to deliver for this album, and we will have this…”

Images is being shared on the screen, things that has taken weeks to prepare are going through.

It feels like there is just a bunch of businessmen talking and talking, repeating how this concert will show how 5 Pieces have matured and become musicians for their fourth album and third tour. Their sixth year.

Last year 5 Pieces were on their second tour BLACK & WHITE, and it was a lot of promotion to show it was an exclusive tour for 5 Pieces’ fifth year since debut, it was a lot of different styles in the concert to reveal the different sides of 5 Pieces and the music was explosive. For this concert, they will have a live band and show a more vulnerable side next to the powerful image. This will be the fourth album concert, focused on GIRLS POWER and the mix of feminine strength to be sweet, to be y, to be powerful – to be a woman. 5 Pieces is not teenage girls anymore, one of the directors says, this will be 5 Pieces’ concert to show they are real women now.

D-40 until the opening concert in Japan at the dreamlike arena Tokyo Dome where 55.000 fans will attend! Not just 55.000 fans, but there will be three days of the concert, meaning there will be around 165.000 people attending the opening weekend for 5 Pieces’ GIRLS POWER tour. Just the thought of standing on that stage without SM Town, by just 5 Pieces, that is incredible. Hannah longs for that stage, as all of them do, and when the staff mentions the name one time the ladies glances at each other and they know they all are repeating ‘we’ll take on Tokyo Dome…’ with those glances.

Earlier today they filmed a short video with information that will come out tomorrow, saying the date and location for the concerts and happily wishing to see their fans there.

When the break eventually comes, Hannah follows Maria to the bathroom. Instead of using the bathroom like Maria, Hannah stretches her body to be able to handle sitting down for another hour. The planning for a concert takes time, but Hannah doesn’t know why the ladies have to sit through all this time because most of the time the ladies are just sitting there.

After the meeting, they go to the practice-room to practice for [Like That].

Wearing the same blue patterned cropped sweatpants as Emelia, Hannah is in a black short-sleeve pleat-front t-shirt and to not be all too short next to her members she is wearing a pair of hidden heel sneakers in black and white. Emelia has the same pair in red; they are going for a twin-look today, the ladies still in make-up from Inkigayo and Hannah’s hair is big and wavy but far from as elegant as she keeps taking her hand through her hair.

Emelia keeps turning back and forth in front of the mirror, looking at her skinny figure in the gray tank top. It is Kim Ji Hwa who prepares the camera in front of the mirror while the ladies are getting ready. They go through the song one time before they will film it, like a dance practice video before they will film the music video tomorrow.

5 Pieces take their positions to begin, and Hannah keeps taking her hand through her hair to try keeps it away from her face. She smiles as she can see in the mirror that when their choreographer teacher rolls the camera and plays the music, 5 Pieces starts to make stretching moves – stretching your arms up in the air, stretch them to the sides, bend forward or stretch your neck. They look like they are going to begin a workout routine, and meanwhile the music is simple, an intro with Emelia’s voice slowly counting up to four before she says ‘5 Pieces’ – that’s when the music really begins and 5 Pieces begins to show the choreography as one.

The crazy thing about filming the practice of this song is that the ladies don’t seem to care too much about the camera because their eyes are on their mirror reflections. At the end of the chorus you can hear Maria say something real quick but no one hears exactly what so Hannah just laughs while dancing, moving the same way as her members. Maria’s voice is heard again and in the mirror reflection Hannah can see that she is just having a blast dancing to the song, lip-synching and making noises. They can’t stop smiling.

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“Woah…” Hannah gapes when she walks through the corridor. The floor is filled with people in this building, office workers and children, everyone there to film 5 Pieces’ [Like This].

Hannah can’t help but to look shy when smiling at the faces turning to her, and she is about to turn around to hide around the corner for the others to arrive but has an arm link with hers to walk straight out. The pastel mint hair is long and freely without the pretty curls or waves as she usually has for this album promotions, and she feel that her clothes are too short in the graph-check pleated skirt in black and ivory with a matching owl printed graph-check top, looking like a dress but the skirt feels short even if she is wearing safety pants underneath and thighs, to a pair of sneakers. The concept for [Like This] is very simple with either shorts or a skirt to a top suited to the bottom, and the loved sneakers are always welcomed to wear.

Looking up at her right, Hannah sees the long honey brown hair of Emelia’s; her hair long and straight with blue and green and purple hair extension, and Emelia greets the people they walk by as if they are all friends. Emelia is wearing darker tights than Hannah and a pair of flat boots to her knees, a pair of short jeans shorts and the coolest zipper-sleeve printed t-shirt in black and white covering her shorts and it looks simple and rocking.

“Impressive, is it not?” the music video director looks pleased with his hands on his sides, smiling widely as Hannah and Emelia steps up to him.

“Very,” Emelia answers.

The filming for their music video will feature this office, where 5 Pieces and children will go through to make the businessmen get up and have fun to their song. Emelia and Hannah do not hesitate to go around among the hired crew and easily chatting. Hannah is curious about these people, talking to middle-aged men about their work and being fascinated to hear they are fans and all the good things 5 Pieces does for them just by their music though Hannah is more interested in how they came to decide to do this filming, smiling widely at the children when talking to them and hearing just how cute the children are. Julia makes her entrance as well, going around greeting everyone even if she is a little late and she burst out into chatter with the director when spotting him.

Julia looks like a young lady in her blue set of sleeveless floral top and shorts, simply wearing a pretty necklace along to it and a cute headband to her short dark blue pixie haircut.

With just the three ladies present, they go through what to film with everyone and the director looks excited for this kind of project. Before starting, Emelia and the director both ask everyone to have fun and do their best. It is different working with people like this. Hannah is constantly aware of that everyone around them aren’t used to the cameras or the brightness of the extra lights, which is why she cheers everyone on brightly before and after the first filming, letting the nervous ones know that they should just focus on smiling and having fun other than where the cameras are.

The three ladies make sure it’s not awkward filming for their video. They are bouncing around and cheering everyone on even when the cameras aren’t rolling and after some time they are helping out to go through the choreography. The director is having a blast as well, laughing and telling everyone they are doing great before asking them to film the same part another time.

Checking the results on the screen by the director’s corner, the ladies keep smiling. This music video will turn out great.

The whole day 5 Pieces films the music video in a flash mob theme; in the office, in a school corridor, between buildings where their dancers make a big impact among the others. There are so many people working together, but a camera filming for some special making-of is more interested in asking questions about some of the citizens who have been hired for the flash mob theme to dance along. 5 Pieces’ dancers have done a great job finding people, even filming their missions as they have travelled around the city and asked homeless people being on the streets if they want to get a one-day job. All the homeless got to sign a contract to be treated with hair-care, to spend the weekend at a hotel where they got to spend a few hours practicing the choreography – and to get paid for it. The homeless people look like everyone else after being treated with haircuts and new clothes, they look great for the video and more than gladly shake hands with not just 5 Pieces but with the dancers as well. With children and grown-ups, the ladies couldn’t care less about themselves (making their own managers and stylists annoyed when working) because they want to care for the big hired crew working with them during the day.

It’s late when 5 Pieces come home to their apartment, their bodies exhausted from the full-day workout with the choreography for [Like This], yet they all get into packing their things.

The office that Hannah and Carolina shares look empty besides from the furniture: Hannah’s things are all put away in boxes, all her papers and books, paintings on the walls and everything she had on her side have been put away. She has nothing left in the room, the boxes piled up outside the room. Carolina has been packing away her things well, though her things are a keyboard and music equipment; much larger than Hannah’s books and papers.

Hannah’s bedroom is starting to look the same; her bookshelf is almost empty on books and pictures, and she has taken down the things she had on her walls. Yet she is far from done.

“Aish,” Julia sighs tiredly when taking a seat in the sofa downstairs, her hand held up on the backrest as to where Emelia and Hannah are helping out to pack down all their movies and albums collections on the bookcase. They only help each other out in the kitchen and living-room; the other places they only pack down their stuff and then ask around who owns this and that. Julia sighs loudly again and Emelia gives Hannah a smirk, the two of them sitting on the floor to pack the box.

“What is it, Julia?” Emelia ends up asking when hearing Julia breathe in to prepare for a third loud sigh – it’s obvious she wants some attention.

“I had forgotten how tiring it is to pack…” Julia sighs and leans over the backrest to look at her friends tiredly. “I end up just staring at my room, not knowing where to begin.”

“And here you have been going on and on about moving and how fun it will be,” Hannah sighs, continuing to put the DVDs in the box. Emelia smiles at them both as she continues to pack as well.

“It will be fun – once we have moved,” Julia answers. “Or if we had the time to pack during the day time.”

“We have the day off tomorrow,” Emelia mentions.

“Yeah, but I have other plans then,” Julia says and lies down in the sofa.

“What plans?” Hannah wonders. Emelia’s silence shows she knows what plans Julia has, which puts Hannah in a mood for not knowing; but she lets it go as she could easily have forgotten about it as well.

“Just … hanging with some friends,” Julia shortly answers.

“You make it sound like something special if you talk like that,” Emelia chuckles at Julia and then tells Hannah that she is going for lunch with some friends.

“And what are you going to do tomorrow, Hannah?” Julia asks from the other side of the sofa.

Hannah thinks about it for a few seconds. “Packing, I think,” she answers. She had wanted to go to the gym, but according to her manager she is not allowed to do that.

“Hannah still hasn’t seen the new house though,” Emelia comment, finishing another shelf of albums to go to the next one in the bookcase. “Have you seen the pictures?”

Hannah shakes her head and Julia sits back up in the sofa to look down at them. “Really, you haven’t? We can go tomorrow then. I’m going there after lunch with Appa to decide what we need to buy,” Julia tells her, “I’ll come pick you up after lunch, okay?”

Julia is really interested in moving. She has been looking through curtains and new furniture, even been asking if they can renew a few things and whatnot. While Emelia knows a lot about the new house, Hannah hasn’t shown much interest in it at all, and she hasn’t listened to their conversations either. Emelia’s plans for tomorrow are known for them all: driving license. Hannah has no idea what steps there is to get a driving license, but according to Emelia, if she makes it through tomorrow’s test she will get her official driving license in about two-three weeks. Now that’s something fun.

Julia looks over her shoulder when someone comes down the stairs, seeing Carolina enter the living-room with Michin right after her.

“Can’t you do something about him?” Carolina whines, slightly freaked out to be followed by the little dog; “He kept scratching my door with his paw…”

Julia smiles widely. “If you didn’t eat all the time, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t follow you like that.”

“Yeah but still…” Carolina whines, taking her now empty bowl into the kitchen with Michin happily following. When she comes back she looks upset, probably because of Michin stopping next to her. “Maria said we should go to bed soon…”

“No she didn’t,” Emelia is fast to say and Hannah gives her a frown.

“How would you-” Carolina starts to ask but Emelia cuts her off;

“Because tomorrow is our day off, meaning Maria will sleep half the day and she will spend half the night in her bed reading fan-fiction or being on Skype with her sister and she wouldn’t care less what the rest of us are doing,” Emelia simply explains without taking her attention off the packing. Typical Emelia to always focus on her uninterested character with that I-know-everything tone, while Hannah just sighs, being tired and wanting to go to sleep, which she will once they have filled the next box.

Carolina sit down in the sofa for a few minutes until Michin has lied down, and she hurries upstairs on her own to not be followed and soon after Julia gives a laugh by herself and takes Michin upstairs to try pack a few things before going to sleep. Hannah and Emelia finish packing for now and head upstairs to sleep.

Maybe it’s a good thing her manager told her she is not allowed to go to the gym tomorrow, because when Hannah is taking off her clothes to get to bed, her body is all stiff from the day’s movements.

Tiredly, wearing a long tank top, Hannah begins to go through her daily stretching routine to soften up her body. While stretching, taking her time, she looks at the notebook she had found when packing the other day, an old notebook she can’t remember she ever had even if it contains her handwriting. She finishes her stretching and lies down in bed to look through it.

The notebook contains a lot of things. Just random English words written here and there, one-page imaginary scenes, even poems or song lyrics; the notebook is filled with scribbling that Hannah has no memory of ever writing down. Page by page she scans through what it is written. Without finishing looking through it all, she puts it on the side as her eyelids are heavy, and she leaves the lamp on her bedside table when she fall asleep.

In her sleep she dreams of [Like That] and dancing to the song, each time she turns to her left or her right she is smiling at a familiar face belonging to her members. The joy and fun they have when dancing to this song, how their surrounding gets crowded by more and more people dancing along with laughter. But the crowded it gets the difficult it is to move and Hannah’s heart begins shaking when people keep bumping into her. Eventually it is so crowded that just standing up is difficult, she keeps being pushed back and forth from shoulder to arm, and when looking around she can’t see her members anywhere, just a bunch of strangers. She tries to move, to try finding someone she knows, but she can’t move an inch on her own as she is just pushed on the place by others.

With a pant she sits up, her whole body shaking and her eyes staring out in her bedroom as the feeling of being pushed in a crowded area lingers from her core out to her skin.

Carefully she breathes out, even her breath is shaky from the nightmare and she looks at the side with a hand to her chest. She hates nightmares, how her whole body reacts to it as if it was real. Just as she thinks she can lie back down and sleep, the bathroom’s door is heard and Hannah stares up, suddenly wondering if she had given out a sound when waking up for Emelia to come but ends up turning to look at the time.

“Oh, did I wake you?”

Hannah shakes her head, blinking up at Jonghyun. Maybe it is because she woke up so suddenly, the fact that she didn’t hear him enter or just the sight of her boyfriend in nothing but underwear walk up next to the bed where he puts his cell phone next to hers on the bedside table that she can’t find her voice to answer his question. Jonghyun smiles and handsomely takes a hand through his hair before sitting down on the bed, looking at Hannah with curiosity.

“What woke you up then?” he wonders, and a smile begins growing when he asks; “You missed me so much you couldn’t sleep?”

Though it is not the reason she woke up, his confidence makes her smile and her smile makes him think that is the reason. Slowly he leans closer, his hand held on the bed between them as support and Hannah closes her eyes when his head tilts to the right. She waits for it, the seconds feel long without being touched and just as she glances to see a glint she closes her eyes as his thumb touches her chin, parting her lips. His thumb leaves her chin right before his tongue temptingly over her lips. It wakes her up right away and she almost gives herself away with a moan, but his tongue leaves and she opens her eyes to see his face tilted to the side in front of hers, his eyes closed and she closes her eyes anew with a butterfly in her stomach. She opens just a little bit to welcome his tongue anew; he her tongue with his lips slightly touching hers and it takes a lot of strength to not throw her arms around him for more.

A strong hand grabs the back of her neck, locks of her hair gets stuck between his fingers. Though his grip is strong, his lips on hers are sensual and he leans her back so carefully and soft as if he worries she might break. From the way he kisses, Hannah knows it won’t be long until he says they should get some sleep. She enjoys the kiss until then, and when the kiss breaks as he whispers just those words to her, Hannah smiles and puts her arm around him as he lies down next to her under the quilt.

Without a word they go to sleep, knowing they can talk in the morning. Hannah doesn’t have a schedule, and Jonghyun doesn’t have to leave early either, giving them the chance to sleep without worry about hurrying out as soon as they open their eyes.

Falling asleep this time is soothing, like the big bed is finally warm and filled the way it should be.

It’s over nine in the morning when Hannah wakes up by her phone constantly vibrating on the bedside table. Just as she is about to react to it, the phone is put in front of her and she groans when taking it and turning around to face the wall. It had woken Jonghyun up.

She hasn’t been able to focus her eyes on the phone yet when Jonghyun groans behind her as he rolls around to spoon with her, his arm put around her and his face hiding in her hair. He breathes out and Hannah looks at her phone, noticing that Jonghyun seems like he is going back to sleep.

‘5 Pieces Is Listed On Forbes The World’s Most Powerful Celebrities’, it says on the text message from …

Hannah blinks a few times before realising she text message is in fact from SNSD’s Tiffany, followed by a link that leads to the homepage with the whole list showed. Beyoncé is first, of course, and Hannah starts scrolling down. Ellen DeGeneres, Jay-Z, Katy Perry, Jennifer Lawrence… All the A-listed celebrities in the world are mentioned, some sport celebrities as well, and at the end of the list she reads it; 5 Pieces.

-The world’s most shocking stories in the history; five Swedish childhood friends who went to South Korea to create the girl-group we all know today as 5 Pieces. 5 Pieces have released singles all around the world from the start of the year and broken records with their Korean album [Girls Power] which was released at the end of May, which is loved worldwide and has broken international records for best selling, most viewed and most downloaded and just to have more than half of the songs on the album enter the music charts worldwide is proof enough that 5 Pieces’ popularity has reached everyone’s ears. With the amount of commercial deals, their own shoe line as well as joining a jewellery brand collaboration, performances and promotions of 5 Pieces, there is no wonder as to why they made it on the list-

Hannah is speechless. She starts to look around to see if Tiffany is just playing around or if it is true, but it must be true; it is all over twitter, it is written on the news pages, and she sees that Emelia has already uploaded a picture Forbes had used of 5 Pieces onto Instagram, writing ‘thank you for this’ and the link.

“Who is it?” Jonghyun mumbles in her hair, barely opening his mouth.

“No one,” Hannah whispers as she sends a text message to Tiffany and checks the time on her phone before closing it all down, her body relaxing when she lies the phone down by her pillow. But she is clearly awake. 5 Pieces entered that list? How is that even possible? Do they make that much? She is certain the ladies will talk about that later, she would want to walk to them right now and ask if they make this much to enter the list but since she knows it is their only day off, most of them should be asleep.

“You’re tense.”

The mumble behind her ear takes her back to her room, and she knows another reason as to why she shouldn’t get out of bed. She puts her hand over his that is held around her, slinking in her fingers between his, and again she relaxes. He kisses the back of her neck, not bothered by her silence since she is relaxing in his arms and they lie like that for a while.

Hannah’s mind is too talkative for her to fall back to sleep, and she wants to get up and start packing or at least get something to eat, but she doesn’t move because Jonghyun sounds to be falling asleep. Her hand is all stiff as she wants to caress the back of his hand with her fingertips but holds the urge to move her fingers in case it would wake him up.

Her phone gives off a sound, almost startling Hannah. Jonghyun doesn’t move an inch while Hannah picks up her phone to see the text message, and though she thinks it is Tiffany writing something more, it is in fact Emelia who has written something.

Have you checked the ticket sale? It’s sold out! Hannah, all seats in Tokyo Dome – SOLD OUT!! Can you believe that????? … I hope I didn’t wake you up. Oh, and Tiffany texted me – did you see on Forbes? Seems like life is great for us these days ;) Can’t wait for Maria to wake up and hear her talk about it all day.

Something strange is really going on. Their concert in Tokyo Dome is sold out? The tickets went to sale this morning; it’s already been sold out?

Carefully she turns to look over her shoulder. Jonghyun doesn’t move. He seems to be sleeping again. Continuing with her carefulness, Hannah slowly begins to get out of bed. First she removes his arm held around her, then she puts the quilt away and she glides down to the end of the bed before grabbing a button shirt to put over her tank top before heading out the room. Jonghyun stays sleeping in her bed.

Emelia is in her bedroom, lying on her bed patting Ryo and smiling up widely when Hannah comes up to her.

“It’s sold out?” Hannah sounds shocked, reaching over to pat Ryo when he waves his tail happy at her.

“It’s completely sold out,” Emelia sounds proud and she lies down on her back next to Ryo. “All three days – sold out.”

“ALL THREE?” Hannah hisses.

They are having three days in Tokyo Dome: is it possible for someone not as big and popular like TVXQ or the Japanese artists to do that? Emelia nods, her shock have become happiness. “There is even an article out on it already, writing that the tickets are now on sale but they had to change it within minutes because three days at Tokyo Dome were sold out under a minute.”

“That’s not possible,” Hannah gapes and falls down on her knees next to the bed, gaping at her friend.

“That’s what we said when finding out we’re having three days in the Tokyo Dome,” Emelia keeps smiling widely, “But the tickets were sold out under a minute. Ah… it’s so great…”

It’s true that the ladies have longed to have their own concert in Tokyo Dome, but they all were doubtful they could have three days in a row. Who would come watch? One day they could accept, maybe two days without filling the whole arena, but three days completely sold out?

The two girls gets quiet after that, both thinking of their concert in Tokyo Dome, it is D-38 until the first concert. Hannah keeps patting Ryo, amazed if their tickets have been sold out, and she wonders if all these people coming to their concert will think it’s worth it.

“All of a sudden… I feel tons of pressure for GIRLS POWER,” Hannah whispers as she realise they will have to perform in front of all those people with a two-hour concert.

“Mm,” Emelia looks to agree with her, turning to lie on the side to pat Ryo as well. “I bet we’ll go through many speeches with the crew about the honour and one in a lifetime opportunity this will be.”

Hannah gives a sudden smile. “Maria will have a speech prepared for sure,” she giggles, feeling better knowing they is a big crew working on this together. “I have to go back.”

“Mm,” Emelia nods, smiling at Hannah. “Have fun with your boyfriend.”

Smiling she goes to the bathroom next to Julia’s room to wash her face and use the toilet before she walks back inside her bedroom. Only in the bathroom did she realise it was not her own shirt she was wearing; no wonder it smelled so nice.

Jonghyun is lying on the side the way she left him, and Hannah smiles. Hugging on to his shirt around her she lightly puts a few things in a box at the corner of her room, seeing that Jonghyun has his own bag and clothes at the end of the bed – that’s where she had blindly taken his shirt earlier – and Hannah ends up sitting by the bed, looking at her room.

Though her bedroom doesn’t have any windows she has gotten used to it after a year. There is the bathroom in one side which has been fun as she has shared it with Emelia, she liked how she had gotten her room to look like with books and pictures put around, and the room holds a lot of memories for her. She is curious as to how the new house will look like; if the yard is as big as they have pointed out and how her room will end up like. It better be a lot better than this apartment to be worth moving too, which means the house has to be a special and exclusive house to live up to the expectations after this apartment. She hopes their pets will like it there too; a yard must be a lot of fun for the dogs though.

With a yawn she lies down on the bed, Jonghyun’s next to her. Crawling in under the quilt she turns to lie on her side, putting her arm carefully around Jonghyun to hug him from behind. She feels small hugging him from behind, but it feels nice, and she loves the scent of Jonghyun that she breathes in just as much as she loves feeling his skin against hers when she rests her face against his back. He moves his head just slightly before his hand searches for hers.

“Where did you go?” he asks in such a mumble that Hannah takes her time to think through what he actually said so she doesn’t rudely ask ‘what’ in bad habit.

“I went to the bathroom,” Hannah answers in a low voice, pressing her forehead against his back. “Did I wake you?”

“No,” he answers. She can hear the smile on his lips. “I’ve been awake for a while; wondered where you’d gone… … Hannah…”

The way he says her name makes her a little suspicious, as if he is guilty of something and she is just about to turn around to see if he has done something in the room when his hand holds on to hers so she can’t lean away. He moves her hand further down, right below his stomach, and guides her to feel that he has gotten hard. She stares at his back, shocked by the direction of this.

“Seriously?” is all that leaps out of her and she can hear that guilty chuckle from him.

“Yeah… This is what you do to me, Nabi,” he says.

In many ways it makes her smile, and she moves her hand to satisfy him. Morning with Jonghyun; this day can’t begin better than this.

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Seoul city is probably the most fascinating city that Hannah has ever witnessed. The mix of modern and historical buildings is all over the city, and Hannah looks around the streets they pass by, crowded by people on certain streets while other streets are completely empty. Going from the expensive apartment area to a completely different area where you can barely see if there are houses on the other side of the three meters high bricks walls or trees. The car makes a stop outside one resident; the high wall made of stone covers the view other than the brown ceiling of a house.

Driving the big car is Julia, dressed in a pair of washed jeans shorts and a rose printed t-shirt in black suited for the warm weather, matching it with sneakers and her short hair. She parks the car with ease, comfortable with the big size that she has been driving around for this year, and she sneaks a glance at Hannah and then out the window before turning the engine off. The music stops and silence enters the car, just to have the doors opened and they head out.

Hannah is comfortably dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a black number print perforated tank top, hiding her hair under a tilted cap that she holds onto when looking up at the wall.

“High security, don’t you think?” Julia jokes when rounding the car to come to the side with Hannah, “Come, I’ll show you around.”

They walk to the big door in the wall; more security is taken care of here that Julia explains to Hannah. Opening the door, they walk to the side on a nice stone path. The villa in front of them is huge, and the stone path leads two ways; to two villas.

“Because I am in charge of this move,” Julia continues to talk, “I have gotten the privilege to choose house. My mom and I will be in this house on our right, along with another lady.”

The two villas look like opposite twins; the colours and structures all the same, but the front doors of theirs are both towards the centre where the big entrance of the yard is. Walking through the door of the right villa, it is a huge hall with a simple door parting it from the rest of the house, as if telling people you are not allowed to wear your shoes on the other side. But the place is gorgeous. Hannah looks around at the empty house, looking in each room and looking up the stairs. The windows on the other side are enormous and look out over the yard. The yard looks boring, just grass and a tree and some gardening along the wall surrounding the place, but the yard is huge on the length for the two villas. There are two bedrooms next to each other along the hall on the left side, and the house opens up to the right to a living-room and a kitchen, the centre of the house has a staircase and behind it is the bathroom. Julia has chosen her room to be the one facing the yard, though the both bedrooms is very alike in size and structure, Julia’s bedroom is brighter. She even tells Hannah how she plans to put furniture and everything around, writing down a list she comes up with at the moment. The second floor has one bedroom, which Julia has decided will belong to her mother just so she can have her own space when the ladies are working and comes home in the middle of the night and such. It is nice to have her think that. The second floor has also a living-room, a lot and tons of space, a bathroom and another room that Julia think they can use to store things. There is a balcony here as well, and Julia says she will take her plants there or out in the yard – all depending on what her mother thinks is the best.

The living-rooms, both upstairs and downstairs have the walls made of glass to view the yard. It is very pretty, it feels fresh and wide and open, yet the thick tall walls surrounding the villas and yard is still private. Julia opens the slide doors of glass to bring Hannah out in the yard and over to the other house, constantly talking and explaining and coming with ideas.

Like the outside, this villa is a twin of the other but the other way around. If you stand in the hall facing the yard, you will have the two bedrooms on the right and the rest of the house to the left.

There is no place Hannah can say ‘this is my room’ or that she has a part she can imagine how it will look like, especially not the way Julia is rambling. After showing the whole place, Hannah and Julia are in the kitchen waiting for their manager, stylist and some hired person arrive for them to begin the talk of how to have this look like.

“When is your mother coming?” Hannah wonders.

“At the end of the week, on Sunday, I think,” Julia answers, looking around in the kitchen. “I want to have most things prepared by then so she can move in right away.”

“Will you have moved in too?” Hannah asks, starting to imagine the ladies living apart, though just for a short while.

“I want to. But Appa isn’t so sure. But I mean … it would be fun to be here when my mom comes, because she is here for me, right? It would be nice to make her feel comfortable.”

Though Hannah understands her friend, can they really make a completely empty house feel like a home in less than a week? Its Tuesday today and nothing has even begun to be moved in. Hannah wouldn’t mind letting Julia’s mother live in their apartment until the move is complete, but Julia wants her mother to come straight to this house.

“It’s unbelievable though,” Julia smiles out at the wall. “My mother is actually moving to Seoul.”

Hannah smiles at her, their eyes lock for a moment and it’s like Julia wants to cry just by the thought of having her mother around them. “I can’t wait for Sunday to come,” Hannah laughs, “Your mom will probably not say much at all.”

“I hope she will like it here,” Julia comments.

“Of course she will,” Hannah smiles widely, “You two are a lot alike; if you like it here, your mother will too.”

“Mm… probably,” Julia says and smiles.

The weird thing about Julia and her mother is that they are the splitting image of each other, both on their looks and by their personalities. Julia’s mother is just as calm as Julia, not the talkative person unless she is alone with a person; they are not the ones to talk to everyone about their deep feelings but does not hesitate to openly talk about small things and gossip. Hannah smiles thinking of how happy Julia is these days, all her thought seems to turn to her mother moving to Seoul. Hannah can’t understand the feeling, but she understands how great it must feel just the thought that your mother will soon be around every single day.

“Maria keeps texting me,” Julia suddenly chuckles when seeing her cell phone. “She is the only one among you guys who has showed interest in preparing this place, but it’s fun she has no interest in coming here today but she keeps texting me to remember things…”

“She doesn’t want to spend her day here, I guess,” Hannah says with a mile.

“As if the sofa is better,” Julia sighs and shakes her head. True, Maria will spend the whole day lying around in the sofa, sitting with her laptop and watching TV while eating and cuddling with the pets. Carolina is probably still sleeping.

Hannah picks up her phone, thinking it is either Jonghyun or Maria giving her a call; Jonghyun calling to be adorable and Maria to make sure Julia got the texts. But it is Emelia.

“Hi!” Hannah brightly answers the call, putting on loudspeaker for Julia to greet her as well.

GUESS WHO HAS A DRIVING LICENSE?!” Emelia is shouting on the phone, making Hannah and Julia laugh when shouting out ‘congratulations’ to her.

“How did it go?” Julia is fast to ask, and Hannah goes quiet letting Emelia ramble on about her driving test and Julia comment as she has done it before. But the point of the call is for Emelia to boast about getting her driving license; well, she actual driving license will arrive in one-two weeks but she has a paper she can use until then.

Oh, and guess what,” Emelia laughs, continuing; “Appa said Omma is coming over to make dinner because I did well. You can thank me later.

Their day off seems to be exactly what they want it to be. Two of them lazily lying around in the apartment, one making a successful goal in her life and the other two planning for the move – though what Hannah mostly does is just spacing out or she is writing random things on a notebook she brought along, letting the others take care of the house.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 29th: 5 Pieces Wins Triple Crown On Inkigayo + [POWER UP] Performance

Headline 29th: Last episode of ‘Good Sister’ Airs On SBS


Monday, Headline 30th: CF For 5 Pieces’ Ramen Brand Revealed In East Asia & Southeast Asia

Headline 30th: Swedish TV Airs Exclusive Reportage Of 5 Pieces In ‘24-Hours Special’

Headline 30th: 5 Pieces Praises K-Pop, SM Entertainment & Have An Honest Interview For ’24-Hours with 5 Pieces’


JULY, Headline 01st: 5 Pieces Is Listed On Forbes ‘The World’s Most Powerful Celebrities’

Headline 01st: GIRLS POWER 3-Day Concert Tickets Sold Out Under 1 Minute!!


Headline 02nd: 5 Pieces Release 7th Japanese Single [Rainbow Of Summer] Along With PV

Headline 02nd: Japanese CEO Talks About 5 Pieces Being Outside The Frames In A Positive Way

Headline 02nd: 5 Pieces Performs & Wins On Show Champion With [POWER UP]

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

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X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^