Chapter 39

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

Mature content warning...

“Weren’t you coming tonight?” Hannah asks, absolutely confused over the two eager friends.

“Yeah, but my schedule got changed so I have a midnight schedule instead,” Taemin answers and gives out a sound when seeing what they have bought. “We brought food too.”

“What?” Hannah gapes, turning around to take her manager’s bags to follow Kai and Taemin in. Taemin gives Kai the two bags Hannah had held.

“We brought food with us, but we didn’t know you were bringing it too,” Taemin starts explaining, “So we were almost betting if you would come with food or not… Only Kai said you wouldn’t, since he doesn’t know you as well and I was clever enough to take side with Maria and Jonghyun.”

Entering the kitchen, Hannah sees her boyfriend sitting on the floor with Tiger next to him just as Taemin said his name and Ace is lying on a chair. Maria is sitting by the kitchen table with a chicken drumstick, wearing sweats and sitting very laid back, even raising the chicken to greet them happily but all Hannah does is kicking Jonghyun’s feet.

“Why didn’t you answer my texts?” she asks, making him laugh.

“I told you,” Maria chuckles to Jonghyun and takes another bite of her chicken before telling Hannah; “He wanted to surprise you.”

Hannah gives Jonghyun a disliked glare before turning away to put the food on the kitchen table, Manager Lee joins in the conversations about the food and the reason why they have guests.

Yesterday when doing the Ice Bucket Challenge, the two ladies had nominated Taemin and Kai to do the challenge within 24 hours: after Taemin had visited Jonghyun’s radio he had to call Hannah to ask about it before agreeing to do it with Taemin tonight when their schedules ended. That’s why they are here now.

While watching all the food on the table Taemin is boasting that he bought the food, because he is now a hardworking solo artist.

“Your album came out yesterday,” Jonghyun reminds him.

Kai laughs at the reminder and Taemin pushes his friend’s arm, not saying anything against Jonghyun but putting the blame on Kai instead.

Sitting down to eat they are almost talking in mouth on each other, every single person wants to talk and even if they don’t talk to everyone around the table the kitchen is still filled with voices. Hannah tries to hear everything that everyone says, having a lot of problem doing so because everyone is having different conversations and she keeps having someone trying to talk to her; ask of her leg or how she will do with the album and so on. Jonghyun even complaints when she doesn’t seem interested in talking, she just wants to listen, but gets satisfied when she keeps smiling at him.

“So how are we doing the video?” Taemin asks when he seems to be done eating.

“We will pour ice water on you two,” Jonghyun is fast to say.

“No way,” Taemin says. “You’re not doing it on me.”

“Then I will,” Maria says and Taemin looks upset.

“I won’t,” Hannah cutely says and Kai gives out a laugh.

“Why not? It would be hilarious to do the honour,” Maria is smirking, excited by the thought of pouring ice water on someone else.

Jonghyun is just smiling at Hannah who pouts. “She doesn’t want the attention,” Jonghyun chuckles, and they all seem to understand that, just to have Hannah change the attention by asking who will pour the water then.

“We’ll do like you two did,” Taemin says and nods at the two girls.

“Oooh, throw it at each other,” Maria seems excited just by that thought, making everyone around the table smile.

“Or we can have everyone throw water at Taemin,” Kai suggests.

“Call!” Jonghyun agrees on the joke.

Hannah giggles and reaches out for another drumstick, hitting Kai’s hand away when he wants to take the one she wants to take and quickly puts her drumstick on her plate, starting to eat while listening to the conversations around the table that goes on.

Before deciding to do the Ice Bucket Challenge, they decide to go out on a walk with the puppies. Julia’s mother goes with them, as she is surprisingly the one knowing this neighbourhood the best and Manager Lee leaves after getting some food, and just to get out from the house is noisy. It is noisy getting on their shoes after cleaning up in the kitchen, it is noisy gathering the pets, it is noisy holding on to the pets, it is noisy leaving and it is noisy walking down the street.

“Are you sure your leg is hurt?” Jonghyun jokes when seeing Hannah run down the street with Ryo, having Michin running after them dragging Kai along.

“I’m completely fine,” Hannah calls with a hand up in the air, bouncing away with Ryo.

“Until she is still for ten minutes,” Maria tells Jonghyun, letting him know her leg hurts if she is still for too long – the stiffness returns and becomes pain. “Hey, don’t run too far!”

“Hannah will always sound like your kid, Maria,” Taemin jokes before he starts running after them, calling for the puppies to create some craziness. Maria smiles feeling happy that they are all aware that Hannah is her baby – not Jonghyun’s baby but Maria’s baby, and Maria’s baby only.

The walk is insanely fun. They keep talking and doing wide hand motions when explaining things, walking around on roads they haven’t walked on before, and whenever they meet neighbours they will greet them politely and lowers their volume to not be of disturbance of others. They find a lot of things on the way; a convenience store just a few minutes away and a playground a little bit further away. It should feel strange to be outside walking like this, but with a new neighbourhood and no paparazzi really aware of 5 Pieces’ new location, and with just a few friends, it feels surprisingly a lot more comfortable and relaxing than expected. After twenty minutes walking Hannah’s leg is hurting from moving a little too much, and she is slowly walking at the back, stopping for a few seconds when she thinks no one is watching and putting her arms around Jonghyun when Maria points at some resting place they can sit down at. Because the leader of 5 Pieces is also a little weak against walks, especially when she can’t walk the pace her long legs are made for – meaning they walk too slow for her so her way out is to sit down.

Sitting down it doesn’t take many minutes before deciding to do the Ice Bucket Challenge here. They have almost walked around back to the house by now, so it is just a few minutes away if you walk in a good pace. The reason they decided to do it just here is because Carolina has just come home and called to ask where everyone is, so to bring Carolina here they let Maria and Julia’s mother go back to help carry the water, ice and buckets. Kai was too lazy to help out carry, Taemin used his difficult schedule as an excuse, and since no one asked Hannah it seemed like no one cared to ask Jonghyun since the couple is glued to each other sitting together.

With the four of them left with Michin and Ryo, Hannah is having Jonghyun tiredly lean on her shoulder and talking to the others while Taemin has sat down on the ground to play with the puppies.

“Hey,” Jonghyun says and points over at something. “Isn’t that a water faucet?”

Hannah looks, but has no idea what word he just said, but Taemin turns around and says it is, before Jonghyun leaves Hannah’s side to go see if there is any water in the water faucet – she still doesn’t understand the Korean word but is pretty sure she wouldn’t understand the point in figuring out if there is water in it or not anyway.

“We can get water from here – the others don’t have to carry heavy water,” Jonghyun says when coming back after checking that there is water running.

“Ooh…” Hannah says and she smiles when he gives her a smile.

“Or we can make them carry it anyway,” Taemin evilly jokes.

“No way,” Hannah answers with a grimace, already picking up her phone and ignoring the friends comments on that she is boring. Jonghyun rests on her shoulder again while she writes the text message to Maria about the water.


Taemin looks at the side when Ryo suddenly runs away. The leash he was supposed to hold on to is not held in his hand, and Hannah looks up right away seeing the white dog running away at the sight of another dog far away.

“Ryo!” she calls out when hearing Taemin call the puppy. In a dark tone she tells him to get back here, and the puppy stops, the second she sees hesitation she tells him again to come back, and she doesn’t even have to get up from her seat other than lean forward to pick up the leash from the ground when Ryo gets back. She is pouting and sends her text message while not being aware of that even Kai has looked up from lying on his bench, looking at her.

The puppy sitting next to her – Jonghyun – smiles proudly and does not have anything against putting his arm around Hannah to pull her towards him, to kiss her on the forehead.

“You can be strict at times, Hannah,” Kai bluntly says, and Taemin chuckles.

Hannah just frowns, not getting it.

“You haven’t heard her being strict yet, just wait until you go on her nerves,” Taemin says as the guys talk as if she wasn’t there – and she doesn’t understand the conversation so it wouldn’t matter if she was there or not. “When Hannah gets stubborn and you go on her nerves, you do not want to be-”

“Hey,” Jonghyun interrupts him and kicks his foot out towards Taemin who automatically leans away with a smile, though the foot was a meter away from him.

“What are you talking about?” Hannah mutters, moving her hand for Ryo who again is showing interest to the dog too far away.

“You,” Taemin and Kai answers at once and Taemin ads: “Your tone when talking to these two is very strict, and Jongin isn’t used to that.”

“Ooooh, Taemin-ah, you aren’t either,” Jonghyun chuckles and Hannah turns to give him a frown.

“If anyone is strict among us, it is you,” she tells her boyfriend.

“Hannah has a dominant side she hides from you,” Jonghyun tells Taemin and Kai as if Hannah hadn’t said anything, but she knows that’s not the case because he hugs on to her to let her know he heard and listened. “While you think you get to decide things, Hannah is the one letting you decide. If you ever go out to eat with her, you will notice that she is the one deciding who chooses the restaurant, even if she makes you think you choose it.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Hannah says, but the look on Jonghyun’s face says she knows what he means. A thing Jonghyun loves about Hannah is that when she doesn’t care where to go or what to decide, she is dominant enough to make the other person do the decision. She decides who makes the choice; he knows that well enough. Kai doesn’t seem to get it though, and Jonghyun just smiles at their lack of knowledge on the female mind.

Taemin shakes his head too, not having a clue of what Jonghyun is trying to say.

They sit there and talk until the others come, and then Hannah can let go of Ryo’s leash because he just wants to run to Carolina and Maria. Julia’s mother isn’t with them now; since they didn’t have to bring water it seems she didn’t have the pressure to come back, and she said to them she wants to finish cleaning up in the kitchen.

Maria and Carolina have brought buckets, ice and towels, and the two challengers Kai and Taemin are getting nervous when they pour water and ice in the buckets. Jonghyun is just as excited as the ladies, while Taemin can’t be still and Jongin keeps backing away. They must be loud, but the street seems pretty empty and no one cares if a few young people are going crazy with the recent trend of throwing buckets of ice over their heads – sounds pretty normal. In the end it isn’t the two boys dropping ice water on each other, but they gets to sit down with Maria and Jonghyun standing behind them with the buckets above their heads; Carolina and Hannah are filming. It is hilarious. Both Taemin and Kai try to act manly, but they keep moving their arms and shoulders nervously when waiting for the ice water to be poured over them, and the evil pair Jonghyun and Maria both pour it out slowly just to get the hilarious reactions of their shoulders going up to their ears and bodies shivering while their mouths are wide open in the cold.

They will laugh all night and for days at this.

The best part is probably that the guys have to leave after that; for work, and the ladies are at home laughing at the video they had filmed. Hannah doesn’t take part in sharing Taemin and Kai’s Ice Bucket Challenge video, mostly because she is receiving enough hate as it is ands he had done her best to not make a sound in the video for no one to understand that she was present too. It seems like a fun game for fans to guess who took part in the production of these kinds of videos; who filmed, who threw water and who was watching on the side laughing. For Hannah and Maria’s video fans had gone crazy knowing Hyunsuk and Hyejong were there; they had gone crazy seeing Jonghyun pour water on Taemin because Jonghyun has no problem to talk and laugh and be heard (he just had to be recognized) and Maria’s body as well as laughter was recognized in the video, making people comment like crazy that 5 Pieces’ Maria was there. Plus, Carolina made it known she was filming because of something she said when filming, so another member of 5 Pieces was there, which lead to questions asking if Hannah was there too just because Jonghyun was there and she is the member of 5 Pieces said to be closest to Taemin and Kai. But Hannah is quiet about that.

When going to bed that night, Hannah first thinks she will fall asleep quickly. But she doesn’t. She listens to Jonghyun’s radio and after trying to sleep for half an hour she is too restless and starts to fix in the bedroom; there are still things to organize, boxes to unpack and things to be put in place. Her room has looked decent and most of all she had just made it safe for Tiger by putting the unsafe things in boxes, which she has to go through some more now. Tiger is also lively, playing and being cute, maybe happy that Hannah isn’t asleep yet.

Going through the box from her previous office is a lot of reading; a box filled with papers and writing pads and whatnot that she has collected throughout the years of both lyrics and ideas to stories to write, or just words or cool replies. Hannah is pretty fast to sort it out though in three different piles; one to keep, one to store away and one to throw. While going through her papers and reading she comes to think of the album she will help to make, her own album, and she starts to re-do the piles for a fourth pile where she can put eventual song-lyrics. It is surprisingly a lot in that pile.

It feels good that Emelia isn’t here, no one to tell her to quiet down, and Hannah can even keep her door open and go to the kitchen without Emelia curiously peeking out to ask what she is doing – not because Emelia does that very often, and the walls are pretty solid, but the idea of having the whole floor by herself is pretty nice. Maria is sleeping upstairs and Carolina is sleeping in the other house with Julia’s mother. Though Hannah thought Carolina said she was going out on karaoke with some female friends; probably SNSD members, because she asked if anyone wants to come along. But you never know when Carolina will be back from that; she loves karaoke and can stay up all night or she will be a responsible person and come home within two hours. You never really know with that girl.

Hannah is just about done with her paper sorting when her phone rings, and she smiles seeing it is Jonghyun calling now after two in the morning when his radio has ended.

The call is short, and when hanging up Hannah cleans up in the room a bit quickly and goes to wash herself too while waiting for Jonghyun to come.

Wearing a whole black pyjama set of a ruffle-trim top and shorts that she must’ve received from fans recently because she found it in that bag, Hannah is not ready to go to bed while waiting for her boyfriend. She wants to feel tired, but for some reason she feel more awake after cleaning up in the room; making her wonder if she will watch Jonghyun fall asleep because she probably won’t fall asleep.

She unlocks the front port for Jonghyun and opens the door to let him in, wearing a cardigan over her bare shoulders and arms.

Jonghyun has changed clothes since last time they saw each other, now wearing black jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt, and again wearing a cap. But like always he looks great and Hannah smiles like a fool just seeing him.

“What’s this?” Jonghyun asks as he stumbles out of his shoes when lifting up the side of the cardigan to see what she is wearing underneath, he too wearing a foolish smile as he eyes her.

“Night clothes,” Hannah simply answers, but blushes that he notices it.

“For me?” he teases and Hannah quietly shakes her head. He makes a face, wondering if that is true while following her to her bedroom about two meters away.

Tiger has absolutely no interest in coming close, and Jonghyun doesn’t do anything else than greeting her from a distance while taking in the room. He must have a scanner in him because he notices it is different from when he was here before; asking Hannah about the papers covering her desk.

“Um… just things I have looked through,” Hannah answers, sitting down on the bed and looking over at her desk. She hadn’t cleaned up the pile of potential song lyrics in hope she can spend the day working on them; she doesn’t want to forget it so she leaved the things there.

“Aah,” Jonghyun says, leaning a little towards the desk but Hannah clears so he stops, turning to her with a smile. “Did you hear the radio? I talked about the Ice Bucket Challenge.”

Hannah nods, saying she was listening. Jonghyun smiles, happy she is listening whenever she can. He is stunned watching her sit there smiling up at him, and he steps closer to her, removing his cap to lightly throw on the desk and he takes both hands through his hair as he takes another step closer to her; when she lifts her hands up as if preparing herself for what he will do he takes her hands in his and leans down to plant a kiss on her forehead.

“I can’t remember last time we were together,” Jonghyun mumbles in a y voice, putting his leg up on the bed and slowly he puts his arms around her to try lift her a bit further in on the bed.

Each movement he does makes her swallow with expectations, letting him lead, and when his lips finds hers she lies down in bed with him on top of her. She can’t remember last time they were together like this either, though she actually means it while Jonghyun knows it was on her birthday party three weeks ago when they both were drunk. They make out, kissing passionately with hands slowly moving over each other’s bodies, just to have Jonghyun stop and sit up. Hannah smiles seeing him take off his watch first, put it down next to his leg and he then starts removing his earrings, which makes Hannah giggle and she lifts herself up to get further back in the bed to lie down on her pillow without looking away from him, and Jonghyun crawls after her with the watch and earrings in his hand so he can stretch over to the bedside table to place them there. As he stretches over, Hannah’s hands goes around his waist, slinks under the hem of his t-shirt and she meets his gaze when he takes a hold of the hem to pull the clothing off. She manages to his jeans before he leans down to kiss her, interrupting her from removing more clothes from him and Hannah lies down in the bed again with Jonghyun over her. Jonghyun might tend to talk about Hannah being dominant in mere secret, but right at this moment she is in his hands – Jonghyun is the one in charge, the one deciding where to kiss, where to touch, what piece of clothing to remove, how to make her moan… He is in complete control and she can only give herself to him, and she gladly does.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

The first thing she sees in the morning is the sleeping face of her boyfriend. It makes her smile. But she doesn’t move. Just trying to stretch out her body under the quilt makes her understand her leg will hurt, and she prepares herself to make a plan of how to get out of bed without waking him up, to get to stretch a bit. She doesn’t turn around to see what time it is and she seems to forget her plan of getting up while watching Jonghyun sleep prettily next to her.

She likes looking at him, and from this close his features are even more noticeable, and she drowns in them when watching him.

It takes many minutes until she decides to get up to stretch, worried he will wake up before she has the chance otherwise. Carefully she lifts the quilt off her, grimaces of the pain in her leg when she sits up, and the whole time she checks on Jonghyun to see if he reacts to her movements. Standing up on her feet she starts to look around in the room to see where Tiger is; she is curled up sleeping on her cosy mattress underneath the windowsill on Jonghyun’s side of the bed. Knowing where they both are, Hannah soundlessly starts to do her morning exercises to warm up her body and for her leg to not be in so much pain.

Tomorrow they will work like usual again, when Julia and Emelia comes back from Amsterdam in the morning. It has been relaxing not working this week thanks to the two of them being away on the trip SM Entertainment had let Julia win, though she again is reminded of the slight panic of her own album… Besides from the album she has been told about, the week has been relaxing. It feels good, right before they will have to start their schedules again.

This weekend, in a few days, 5 Pieces will attend MTV’s Video Music Awards in California, America. And next weekend the ladies have their GIRLS POWER three-day concerts in Seoul, the same weekend they are finishing their promotions of the repackage album and the week after the concert the ladies will be in the America to record songs with Melissa Allen for the up-coming international album release. There are a lot of things that will happen, and in the meantime Hannah will be preparing for her solo album. It’s all so weird. They will attend another award show in America; they will have THREE days of their concert in Seoul; they will again go to America to meet Melissa Allen, and Hannah is making her own album! When did 5 Pieces start to do these things? What happened to just struggling to attend five schedules in Seoul on one day? Since when did 5 Pieces get this big?

She ends up sitting by the desk, looking through the papers in a daze for a few minutes before lying back down in bed next to Jonghyun with Tiger in her arms, placing the kitten on her stomach.

A hand is put over Tiger and Hannah looks up on her left side at Jonghyun.

“You’re awake?” she whispers, blinking at him.

“Mm…” he mumbles without opening his eyes and he moves closer to her to hug on to her, careful of Tiger though, “It felt empty next to me so I woke up.”

“Sorry,” Hannah whispers, still looking at his face barely an inch away from her.

The corner of his mouth goes up in a smile, just a little bit. “What were you doing?”

“I picked Tiger up,” Hannah answers. His smile grows feeling her pat the kitten but her face doesn’t move away from his; he doesn’t have to open his eyes much to know she can’t stop looking at him, of what she can see from this close.

“You were by the desk,” he points out.

“I… was lost in thoughts,” Hannah admits and she smiles seeing him finally open his eyes to look at her, having to lean back a bit to see her completely.

“What were you thinking about?” he wonders.

Hannah puts Tiger down behind her back when she rolls over on top of Jonghyun; her hair falls over them like a curtain to hide their faces and Jonghyun’s hands does not hesitate to hold on to her waist, an amused smile in his face. “I thought about a lot of things… About my schedules these next weeks, and how incredible nice my boyfriend looks when he sleeps.”

“Oh, really?” Jonghyun chuckles in a dark tone before lifting his head up to kiss her. “I would love to hear more.”

She giggles and takes away his hands to sit up, sitting on top of him. “Okay… Do you want to see what I was looking at?”

As Hannah gets out of bed, Jonghyun laughs. He rolls around in the bed, his face against the pillow and arm hugging on to the quilt over him as he watches Hannah sit down by the desk to look at her papers.

“I meant in bed,” Jonghyun smiles at her, and he laughs seeing her confused face-expression. Jonghyun gives up. “Tell me what you have there.”

He continues to lie in bed while Hannah picks up a few of her notes and comes over to sit on the bed by his legs, not wanting to show him until she has looked through what it is. She tells him about the album that he already knows about, and her ideas of music just bursts out of her. She wants something new in her album; something that is new for her, something she hasn’t showed before. But when it comes to lyrics she isn’t sure what to go for, which is what she talks to him about; love, hate, life, unhappiness, happiness – there are so many things to write about and she has so many words and inspirations in her notes that she isn’t sure where to begin and where to take off. Jonghyun listens well, and when getting to read the papers he understands what she means. On one piece of paper she can make twenty different songs from the words, sentences and ideas written, and several of times he has to remind himself that she probably didn’t write all these things at one time but that she gets an idea and quickly writes it down somewhere until the paper is filled with random words and quotes. Of course his idea is to write a love song, because the two of them are in love and Hannah sighs when lying down in the bed with her papers; making sure Tiger doesn’t rip them apart.

They take a break when deciding to see what to eat for breakfast. Hannah leaves the bedroom first with Tiger following behind her while Jonghyun gets dressed.

It’s so quiet in the house. Maria is probably still asleep, and Emelia’s room is empty. Hannah looks through what to eat, wondering if Jonghyun wants a Korean-style breakfast or if he can eat something simple. After seeing what they have she head back to the bedroom to ask what he would like to have.

“What would you rather have-” Hannah starts to ask but when looking inside the room she stops midway in the question seeing Jonghyun look at her desk, and his face is not happy. “What is it?”

Jonghyun looks up at her, without a word he lifts up a piece of paper that he had read. “It reads ‘He still left’.”

Hannah is completely dumbfounded to what he means and Jonghyun looks at the paper to point at the date written on the paper. Hannah rarely writes the date when writing because most of the time it can be words written under several weeks written on the papers, but Hannah knows the lack of words on that piece of paper, and the content can only mean she wrote it on probably the same day.

“You wrote this when you had broken up with me,” Jonghyun tells her and reads again. “‘You have already walked out the door’. Hannah, what is this? You walked out the door, remember? He didn’t, I didn’t – you were the one who left. Why did you write it like this, as if I was the one leaving you?”

She takes a deep breath hearing him, seeing how hurt and angry he is.

“You know that’s not what it means,” she tells him in a low voice, stepping inside the room but Jonghyun’s glare makes her stop her steps.

“I got no damn clue what it means. You left me, remember? You walked out the door and left me!”

Without knowing how this happened she is staring at him with tears in her eyes, remembering Valentines Day all over again, and seeing that it is still hurting him so much surprises her. Jonghyun breathes out in frustration, staring at her and before she knows it he throws the paper away in the room, hesitating before he grabs his long-sleeve t-shirt and says he needs to leave, stomping past her.

The second he passes her it is like all air leaves her lungs and she realises this is exactly how she has been treating him. She has walked away from him so many times, leaving without talking it through and the tears in her eyes are painful as she tries to breathe, hearing Jonghyun put on his shoes in the hall. Terrified that what happened half a year ago will happen again, honestly not having a clue what could happen, she can not let him walk out that door.

She gets out of her room, not wiping her tears when seeing him struggle to put on his shoes and in fear when he reaches for the door handle she rushes forward and pushes him against the door so he can’t open it.

“Where are you going?” Hannah cries at him.

“You got no idea how it felt for me when you left the hotel that day!” Jonghyun shouts at her, crying. He hadn’t been able to put on his shoes quickly because he had started to cry. “You wrote it in reverse on that piece of paper without even understanding it and I seriously hate you for it, Hannah! I love you too damn much but you forget that you’re the one who walked out on me!”

Hannah puts a hand on her forehead at his words, not sure if she is crying or holding back her tears but Jonghyun is letting it all out.

“Do you have any idea of terrified I am every single minute of the day that you will do the same thing to me again?” Jonghyun asks her and Hannah shakes her head, more to say she won’t do it again while she can’t find the words for it. “I am terrified I will lose you, Hannah, and it frightens me whenever I think of what you told me. We’re not on the same page, damn, I know that! But I know that you love me too-”

“I love you,” she answers with a cry.

“But you still left that day, even if you love me.”

“And you are about to do the same now,” Hannah cries, about to fall apart on the floor by the thought of him walking out that door.

Jonghyun opens his mouth at her cry, pausing for a second seeing she looks like he did at the hotel. “I will never leave you,” he whispers.

Hannah cries behind her hands, lowering her head at those words. She knows he was about to leave, yet he says he would never do it. He grabs a hold of her wrists, removing her hands and she thinks he might repeat his words or wipe her tears, but he presses his lips against hers. Wet from tears and desperate, she kisses him back right away and puts her arms around his neck to not let him go anywhere, her grip around him is tight and Jonghyun holds his arms around her. His grip should hurt but she can’t feel how tight he is holding her, too busy holding on to him and kissing.

When feeling him throw off his shoes she takes a step back, Jonghyun stumbles with her, and she breaks the kiss by turning around, her hand holding on to his neck for him to come along since she can’t get a grip of his bare upper body. He hurries with her inside the bedroom, turning around for her to close the door after them and Jonghyun backs in to the desk, his hands held out when Hannah walks up to him. She wipes the tears in her face with the back of her hand before he takes a hold under her arms to lift her up, and their lips meet again as Hannah sits on his knees, having Jonghyun holding his arms around her for her to not fall as he is half-sitting, half-standing against the desk. While kissing he tries to move further back on the desk, struggling a bit as they are too busy kissing and he drops down a hand on the desk when Hannah’s fingers goes through his hair and they both give out a jump when the lamp on the desk falls down on the floor with a lot of noise.

 Hannah is about to look down to see what happened but Jonghyun bites on to her lip and holds on to her to not let the lamp interrupt them. The desk keeps hitting the wall when they continue to shift positions, which ends up with Jonghyun’s frustration and he pushes Hannah up against the wall to kiss her anew.

“What’s going on in there?” a voice interrupts them, followed by a knock on the door next to them.

Hannah gasps in fear and Jonghyun leans away from her, and within a few seconds they realise they have ruined the desk and all her things are on the floor, Hannah can’t even look at him when turning to the door, keeping it close.

“Did we wake you?” Hannah whispers.

“Well, duh, I thought it was an earthquake,” Maria answers on the other side. “Then I realised we aren’t in Japan so I had to come see what you are doing. Tiger is in the kitchen alone too.”

“Sorry,” Hannah mumbles, her whole body reacts when Jonghyun leans over her from behind, his hands goes around her waist and she is about to shiver.

“You’re not having a fight, are you?” Maria asks, knowing Jonghyun is there.

“No,” Hannah whimpers with his hand going in between her legs. She puts her hand on the door to keep herself from falling by his hand.

“Good. I’ll go to the other house for breakfast; Julia’s mother is an angel there. Come if you want some,” Maria says before leaving, calling out that she is bringing Tiger with her.

Hannah moans as soon as she hears Maria’s voice outside the house talking to the pets, she leans forward against the door and Jonghyun breathes heavily against her ear, his hand still between her legs.

“Jonghyun,” Hannah breathes and leans her head back against him, her hand goes to the back of his head to hold on to him when holding back her moans.

“Hannah,” he answers in a husky voice, his other hand goes up to her . She doesn’t know if she should keep her eyes open or closed, each time she opens them she shuts them again with a moan leaping through her lips. “I will drive you just as insane as you hade made me, Nabi, and then I will remind you of it so you’ll never leave me.”

“I would never leave you,” Hannah whispers and grabs his hand that is between her legs, not stopping him, just not knowing what else to do.

“I’ll make sure of that,” Jonghyun whispers in her ear.

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Hannah doesn’t leave the neighbourhood for the whole day, and it feels so great. She stays at home, talking with Julia’s mother and spending time with their pets (all of them) and she boll ideas back and forth with Carolina. The great about Carolina is that they both are workaholics; even on their day off the two of them wants to work on music; Carolina wants to show off the songs she has made and she more than anything else wants to help Hannah out to talk about the solo album and concept. The beauty of the new house is that they can sit out in the yard and do their thing, Carolina bringing out her guitar and Hannah can play with the pets at the same time. Julia’s mother is with them outside, enjoying the weather. Maria is out most of the day, but she too notices how they all seem to enjoy having the day off. Not one of them has a schedule all day; it feels great.

In the evening they go on a three-hour spa treatment; Maria, Carolina, Hannah, Julia’s mother, Mi Young Unnie, and female Manager Kim. A group of girls enjoying three hours of spa treatment of facials, manicure and massage, sending pictures to Emelia and Julia who are on their way back from Amsterdam to show off how great Julia’s mother is having.

It is a great day to finish before starting Thursday with their usual schedules.

Emelia and Julia will come from the airport between nine and ten in the morning, and the other members are already at the photo shoot before that. Today’s schedule is this photo shoot, their M Countdown appearance and a radio program afterwards – the pretty part about the day is that they have already pre-recorded their M Countdown performance last week, leaving today just to appear to promote themselves throughout the live broadcast.

“I like this,” Maria is smiling at the solo picture she has taken, going through the pictures with the photographer to see if they find any useful shots.

“All of them are good,” the photographer comment with a pleased look. “It is a joy to have such a photogenic model…”

“Oooh,” Maria smiles and then laughs when the photographer asks if she can to a few more shoots; she gladly goes back to the plain background to take a few more.

The concept for the photo shoot is no makeup. Have you ever seen a celebrity pose for the camera without makeup before? Have you ever seen any person, a role model, go around without makeup before? The campaign of the photo shoot and commercial 5 Pieces have been assigned for this time is a Lotion Beauty, and 5 Pieces will spend the day taking pictures with bare faces and simple clothes, a plain background and speak up that a good lotion can make us love ourselves; we will love the way our skin feels and how smooth it looks when we look in the mirror, and we won’t need to cover underneath makeup because we will feel confident and pride in our bare look. Maria is the perfect model, both with and without makeup: her eyebrows have almost disappears, she has bags under her eyes but her skin is pretty, her eyes are beautiful and she looks great just looking straight in the camera. Maria has the confidence to go bare for a photo shoot and she has pride in the concept and meaning. Maria is the perfect role model, just because she doesn’t hide her flaws, she shows them to let her fans know everyone have their own insecurities and flaws, and that it is okay to have them.

Maria goes on and on about it in the dressing-room, crazily talking about how much she loves the campaign and she can’t wait for it to come out, talking about this and that and getting into a wild discussion with anyone in the room who dares opening his or . Hannah likes it though. She loves seeing Maria being in a fiery conversation about women and feminism, about stereotypes and pretty much anything because Maria always says the things Hannah can’t come out to say, their leader always knows how to say it too while Hannah always makes misunderstandings. Carolina is very quiet most of the time, only one or two times does she join in the discussion to go crazy with the others.

But nothing is like when Julia and Emelia come. The whole building shines up. Hannah is out from her seat when hearing they have arrived and she is probably the first one to throw her arms around the two friends, bursting with questions about the trip and short vacation and surprising her friends by how happy she is to have them back. It’s not weird for Hannah to get very happy over small things, it is more that way they know her to be, but lately she has been less and less like that, which makes Julia smile widely and get in an hour-long field trip story of their journey, letting Emelia come in with comments here and there and everyone is listening well while doing their own things on the side.

Their time at the photo shoot seems to entertain everyone. The ladies are unstoppable. Though Emelia and Julia were just away for three days, the ladies show undying love to each other by talking nonstop about their week so far and the campaign, they are hugging and holding on to each other that makes the staff extremely happy. 5 Pieces friendship is at the top half of the day when working on filming the campaign photo shoot which will continue tomorrow. The ladies are just in a great mood being back together and even their managers seem surprised over their good moods.

The moods changes once they head to M Countdown. Their performance has been pre-recorded but they still put on make-up and bring clothes with them. The reason the mood change is because when looking online at M Countdowns homepage and at other places, bad comments are written because of Hannah’s duet with Taemin for his solo mini album. ‘The reason 5 Pieces hasn’t won yet is because of Hannah, and 5 Pieces won’t win with [You Thought Wrong Of Me] thanks to the hate she makes us feel’ is the kind of comment seen everywhere they go online.

Arriving at M Countdown, Hannah quietly sits down by the makeup table and pouts at her members watching them settle in. Her mood is completely ruined by the thought she is bringing down her group, that their hard work on the repackage album won’t do well because of her and that the song Carolina wrote and produced is not doing well all because of her.

Has she reached the part where her relationship with Jonghyun hurts for her best friends?

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Headline 19th: SHINee’s Taemin & Kai Take On The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge


Headline 20th: Emelia & Julia Reveal Pictures From Short Amsterdam Trip!

Headline 20th: SHINee’s Taemin Reveals On Radio He Gained Confidence Working With Hannah


Headline 21st: 5 Pieces Stuns The Cover Of China’s ‘Harper’s Bazaar’ In The September Issue

Headline 21st: Pictures For SHINee Taemin’s InStyle Photo Shoot With 5 Pieces’ Hannah Shows Off Their Great Chemistry Together

Headline 21st: Taemin Comments On His Duet, “Hannah & I Are The Same”

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X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^