Chapter 47

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

They go out to eat breakfast, eating toast at a café and happily talking about the picture Hannah and Taemin sent Jonghyun yesterday from Carolina’s music video shoot. They talk about a lot of things, constantly smiling at each other. The toasts and omelettes are delicious, juicy, and Jonghyun makes Hannah laugh when picking the second toast up with both hands and he takes a large bite of it while looking at her.

“When you meet the ladies,” Jonghyun says while chewing, “What are you going to tell them about our night?”

Hannah does her best to not laugh out loudly at the straight-forward question and she even puts a hand to her chest to now swallow her food wrong. The first thing that comes out of her is; “What?”

“You always tell them about our meetings,” Jonghyun casually says as if it is the most normal conversation ever. “I know Yong Hyun and Maria are your typical girlfriends to talk to … about me.”

“Oh, really…” Hannah snickers and shakes her head when taking some to drink.

“I’m curious what you will tell them,” Jonghyun continues, just because she doesn’t tell him what she will say.

Hannah shrugs her shoulder, putting her glass down. “I don’t know. They usually shoot me with tons of questions before I can get a word out.” She smiles and shakes her head again when seeing Jonghyun rest his elbow on the table, leaning his chin on his hand to look at her. “What now?”

“You’re blushing,” he answers, looking and sounding so pleased at the statement he gives out.

“Oh- Of course I am,” Hannah stutters and hides her self a few seconds before kicking his leg under the table. “You’re talking about … those kinds of things at a restaurant.”

“It’s a café,” Jonghyun corrects and then ily continues; “And yes, I am talking to you about our night because I love that colour on your cheeks and I want to be prepared to what nicknames your friends will give me this time.”

He laughs when she rolls her eyes at him and she smiles as it was funny. They don’t give him nicknames based on what she tells them, they give him nicknames based on … something she doesn’t know because Hannah’s friends speak constantly about pretty much anything so it doesn’t make any sense at all.

“You can always call me when you have been questioned, so I can hear what you spill,” Jonghyun teases and Hannah chuckles.

“What about you then?” Hannah wonders, glancing up to see him when he asks what about him, “Who do you tell about our night?”


“Not your mother.”

“Oh jeez, no way,” Jonghyun laughs. “No, that’s funny. No. I have male friends I tell.”

“You mean you exaggerate things to some friends,” Hannah guesses and Jonghyun laughs again.

“What makes you think that? Is that what you think I do?” he laughs. “I don’t need exaggeration, Nabi, you know that very much.”

She laughs this time, hiding behind her hand out of embarrassment and Jonghyun laughs when she continues to laugh.

They finish their breakfast and Jonghyun convinces Hannah to let him pay for it because Hannah had paid for the hotel, and before leaving they both need to use the bathroom.

“Did you see this?” Hannah asks when Jonghyun comes out from the toilets. She shows him her cell phone.

The café is bright in colours, it is open with a lot of windows and it has been really nice eating breakfast here. The early September weather in Seoul is really warm but the sky is filled with dark clouds though no rain is in the air, but it feels like the opposite to be here than how it was in New York. There isn’t a bunch of people crowding outside the café with large cameras and cell phones focusing; Hannah doesn’t have to wear sunglasses in Seoul, it feels free.

But what she shows Jonghyun lets them know that they are still recognized.

“Yeah, I just got a text about it too,” Jonghyun answers.

Hannah’s manager has sent a text message with a fan-taken picture of Hannah and Jonghyun eating at the café, the picture taken through a window and with some distance and her manager has written a warning to be careful. Its no “hide yourself” or “don’t grab attention” in the text message, which is different too, just a “be careful” warning.

“You want a ride to the agency right away? You’re still a bit early,” Jonghyun comments when they walk out of the café.

“Um… could we stop by at my place? Hyekyung said I can bring Tiger with me to the studio if she doesn’t ruin the furniture,” Hannah answers, glancing up to see a few people across the street standing with cell phones pointing to the couple. Hannah looks another direction, shy, awkward with the cameras, and she can hear Jonghyun talking in a casual tone about the kitten be bought her.

She puts her arm around his when rounding the corner to walk down the street, not completely comfortable hearing giggling from across the street as they are being followed.

“Do you want to run?” Jonghyun whispers and Hannah laughs.

“No, I’m fine,” she answers, but she still glide her hand down in his to entwine their fingers. “I have a question though.”

“What question? How your hand can fit so perfectly in mine?” Jonghyun asks and squeezes her hand in his. She laughs again, taking a step away from him but since they are holding hand she can’t go too far and Jonghyun happily takes her back to his side. “What’s the question, Nabi?”

“What you said before… about wings widening,” she starts to say and she pouts when seeing him look somewhere else with a smile. “What did that mean?”

“Isn’t that obvious?” he laughs.

“No,” she answers, leaning forward to look at him while he doesn’t look at her. “What did you mean with that?”

He moves their hands a bit back and forth, being quiet for a bit while Hannah keeps looking at him. It is obvious Hannah is impatient trying to be patient, she is almost shaking her hand in his trying to make him answer, and that makes it hard to hold back a smile for Jonghyun. “You are a world star now, Hannah, that’s what I mean.”

“You mean the wings are fame?” Hannah frowns. That is not the answer she wanted.

“Kind of. I mean … we started out the same, getting popular in Korea and around the world where K-Pop is known, part of the Hallyu Wave,” Jonghyun explains, “That’s where I am, where SHINee is. But 5 Pieces is not there anymore. You met Beyoncé, Hannah; in what end of the world did you expect that to ever happen? You have taken a leap away from me.”

“No, I haven’t,” she mutters and she nudges him on the side when he is about to say she is naïve. “I am being threatened for collaborating with Taemin because he is the super star, Oppa.”

He leans his head back to laugh at her. “You’re too adorable,” he comments and Hannah gasps at him.

“It’s not adorable,” she says but Jonghyun leans closer to her, shaking his head with the indeed most adorable smile.

You are adorable. You were threatened by his fans because you are with me and they felt jealousy that you get to have a y boyfriend and then have Taemin as a friend. It was not about fame there,” he explains to her.

“And you know that for sure?” Hannah wonders with sarcasm.

“I know for sure that your wings are widening; as 5 Pieces, as an icon, as a global star, as the iest woman on the planet- Don’t deny it, Hannah, as your boyfriend I know for sure,” Jonghyun says and he leans against his car-door for Hannah to not get inside, stepping her up in front of him. “It’s good for your career, but when you head abroad for a world tour and album, I will be staying here as the front face of our country.”

“Do you even know what you are saying?” Hannah asks with a smile, taking a small step to the side, “Those people are probably filming us over there…”

“Let them,” Jonghyun chuckles and wraps his arms around her for a hug, hiding Hannah’s face against his chest. “Your wings are widening because you are growing as a human being, Hannah. You are being recognized as an icon, as a role model… That’s what I mean. You are a goddess and I wanted to tell you that.”

She can only smile, shy that he is hugging her when they are both so aware of their surroundings and the squealing from a distance, but she is blushing and she loves what he tries to tell her. This is what he sees; he sees her as a goddess. Jonghyun smiles at her silence. He leans away from the car, one arm around her as he opens the passenger door for her and then walks around to take his seat behind the steering wheel. Hannah hides her face behind her hand when they drive past the people that had been filming and taking pictures of them, Jonghyun turned his cap around to hide under that, but once they have left the street he turns it back around and spots Hannah smiling out the window.

“You will have to send me pictures every day,” Jonghyun says. “Or I will go crazy missing you.”

“Only if you do the same,” Hannah answers, smiling at him.

Jonghyun smiles back and takes her hand in his.

They go to 5 Pieces’ house. Hannah brings her things with her inside, the bouquet she had gotten from Jonghyun too, and comes back to the car with Tiger held in one hand against her chest and Tiger’s travel bag (a new one that they had gotten in Japan during the concert there). She has the luck of not meeting any of the ladies, and leaves a note on her door to let them know why Tiger isn’t there.

Jonghyun drop her off a bit away from the agency to not raise too much attention from the fans outside the building, and to Hannah’s luck there aren’t a lot of people outside the agency at all so when she is spotted they are actually backing away with cell phones held up and they ask questions or comment where Jonghyun is (they have also seen the pictures online), asking who the kitten is and saying it is cute. They say it all while Hannah passes by to reach the entrance, and she waits until someone opens the door for her as she can’t remember the code, and then head inside without saying a word to the fans outside.

With Tiger comfortably held to her chest she head straight to the recording studio, smiling to Pete and Hyekyung who are playing the music and working on some arrangements on the song they recorded yesterday.

It is straight to work. Pete tries to sit with Tiger in his lap but the kitten keeps trying to leave so not until Pete is scratched does he let her go back to Hannah who is already into talking about what to record today. Tiger ends up being in the travel bag when Hannah records, not seeming to mind. Tiger is already comfortable with Hannah’s schedule. If Tiger is in a loud environment or in a strange place, like the recording studio or in a dressing-room, she will be calm in the travel bag and outside it she will want to explore or play with something. By putting her in the travel bag seems to let Tiger know to calm down, if she isn’t there for too long of course. Hannah takes her out many times, keeping the kitten in her lap when talking to the crew or letting her play.

After recording for some hours, a producer at SM Entertainment called Kenzie shows up to help out to make another song. The lyrics has been written by Kenzie, the music has she made with a bunch of other people and it is SM Entertainment that put her to record the song with Hannah. Though it was said Hannah and Hyekyung will be working on the songs, it doesn’t hurt to work on songs with others. And the song is good, Kenzie is great. She helped out for 5 Pieces’ album, and she has made hit tracks countless of times. She is kind too, her tone strict and she is effective in the studio.

Kenzie isn’t there the whole time, and when deciding to continue tomorrow she leaves, but the others continue. They move on with other things; they go through past demos, Hannah has a bunch of lyrics and papers she goes through with them and they try to brain storm, talk ideas and concepts and album and whatnot. Hannah writes down everything in a new writing pad.

For hours they continue to work without recording anything. They listen through a hundred of songs and demos, old songs of 5 Pieces or of Hannah that they have never used, they don’t look through much of Hannah’s papers because she doesn’t show much and she hasn’t brought a lot with her either.

It’s way over midnight when Julia knocks on the door and comes inside to ask if Hannah wants a ride home. Julia has had the day off, enjoying it with her mother and their pets, but when Hannah didn’t come home Maria went over to their house to ask if anyone could drive over to see if the workaholics are not planning to go home tonight. Julia takes Hannah home to sleep.

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{Instagram, 5P_HANNAH: I am sleepy…}

She is sitting by the table in the recording studio for the picture, her elbow on the table covered in papers and her two writing pads to rest her cheek on her hand and her other arm is stretched out on the table to take the picture with her phone. She kept making faces before finding the best look and took the picture.

After another day in the studio, it is over midnight and Hannah can’t hide her tiredness. She has been singing and talking all day with the people in the recording studio, having not just Pete and Hyekyung here but other people coming and going as well, and Kenzie was here to finish the song she wrote.

A few hours earlier an article came out saying it is rumoured Hannah is preparing a comeback. Hannah got dumbfounded by hearing that, Pete even asked how many hours they have been in the studio for such a thing to be spoken of. Apparently a journalist had found out a member of 5 Pieces is preparing for a comeback, how is unknown, but with Hannah seen as the only member stuck inside the agency for now three days, it seems like she is the chosen one. A representative from the agency came by the studio earlier to tell them that SM Entertainment will not give a statement to the rumour because truth is that Hannah is in fact preparing for a comeback, but she has just started to prepare so they can not really say she is preparing it yet – who knows what can happen – and since the lady who is preparing is Carolina, her teaser will come out in a few days so the agency thinks they will let Carolina release her teaser and everyone will forget this sudden rumour.


She looks up when hearing her name, softly smiling at Pete who is sitting with his fifteenth cup of coffee today.

“You can go get some rest in the other room while we sort things out,” Pete suggests.

“No, I’m fine,” she answers, clearing and looking at her papers. “Which one are we doing now?”

They have decided to pull an all-nighter, just because they have found their rhythm and they seem to know what they want to do. Hannah starts off listening through things with Hyekyung and Pete, they talk and try to come up with things. Hyekyung goes to the bathroom and Pete continues to play music.

Hannah turns her focus on her writing pad, doodling and getting lost in thoughts.

Her first full-length album. She has recorded two songs so far, she thinks of the songs and of the styles in the two songs, if there can be something there. She doodles down the names of the songs, [Return (addicted to you)] and [Slow Down]. She write down some of its lyrics, her paper becomes a big mess, and she add words she remembers people during meetings have told her, random words like ‘special’, ‘music’, ‘personal’, ‘my words’, ‘expectation’, ‘new things’, ‘new challenge’.

The word ‘new’ pops up several of more times in her head than the times she writes it down.

She continues to write. ‘Something new… a new chapter… a new album… a new concept… a new Hannah…

Hyekyung comes back from the bathroom and he manages to take a seat and turn his chair around before seeing Hannah staring at her paper. “What have you come up with?” he asks, recognizing Hannah’s brainstorming face-expression.

“I don’t know…”

“Out with it,” he says and slides over to her table, but Hannah doesn’t show him the paper but instead looks at him with a question-mark on her forehead.

“You have constantly said the word ‘new’ to me ever since that meeting,” she tells him.

“Okay…” Hyekyung quietly says, expecting more to come from her.

“A new Hannah,” Hannah says, “A new me, a new album with a new concept and a new personal message. That’s my album.”

“A new me…” Hyekyung repeats, slowly turning to the other table and he starts nodding when grabbing a pen and paper to write it down. “I like that. [Burning] and [Butterfly] are the typical pop tracks, right? I made them. You were y but not boldly y, you were … pop.”

“A new me is more personal,” Hannah says.

“How can it get more personal than [I CRY]?” Pete wonders.

Hannah leans back in her seat, hitting the pen on her writing pad and she wonders how it can get more personal than the song about her suicide message.

“Talk about everything,” Hyekyung answers, his eyes focused on Hannah. “This is a new you, about your happiness and pride and what you have accomplished. If it is a personal album it is all about you and what you want to talk about, what you want to say.”

“I want that,” Hannah says and points at the speakers still playing the music. “That sound, electronic.”

“Futuristic,” Pete nods and he turns to his table.

She writes down what Hyekyung said: ‘happiness’, ‘pride’, ‘accomplishment’ and ‘this is what I want to say’.

“I want attitude,” Hannah mutters when the music is stopped, the duo starting to work their magic.

“Of course. You will step up and proudly say ‘this is the new me’,” Hyekyung says, a bit eager to start. “I need the beat.”

Hannah keeps thinking of inspiration. Christina Aguilera and Beyoncé, of the charisma her two role models have in their music and concepts, on girls’ power, she thinks of being aggressive, of what concept it will be. y or just tough, if it will be sensual or … where will this go? What message does she want with this new Hannah?

She continues to write down things, random things, bluntly writing anything that comes on her mind and at times crossing some words when realising that is going a bit too far away from the rest. Hyekyung and Pete are working their magic, pressing buttons and putting in a beat on a new track, just adding things to it the same way Hannah bluntly write down things on her writing pad. They know what they are doing and Hyekyung goes from playing with all his buttons in the studio to writing things down on his paper.

Hyekyung rolls his chair over to Hannah while Pete is working, he shows the piece of paper to Hannah. He has written lyrics, ‘a new, new, new me standing before you, you- you- your eyes are blinded’ and ‘a new, new, new me standing here tonight’. It suits the beat he has made and Hannah nods.

He rolls back to continue making the music.

After half an hour, Hannah is standing up in the studio, moving along to the beat. It is y, and far from done. In an adlib she gives out a high note.

“The tone can get high in it,” Hyekyung compliments her. “I think that’s good for you. You can do this overly high short notes, we can stack them… Pete, do it from the beginning again.”

Pete starts the track they have made so far from the beginning, and Hyekyung is moving his hands and saying they can do something here, something inviting and mysterious, and he then gives out a bad note of what Hannah had done.

“If you do that in the beginning, it will be great. Like a real ‘aow!’ sound.”

Hannah nods, agreeing to it.

They haven’t even finished the track before Hannah head in the booth to record just that part; ‘aow!’ in the highest tone she can manage.

It is the only thing they record for the song. After that they just continue to create the track, trying to write a brand new kind of lyrics.

In the morning they are still working. Somehow Pete finds a different track on the computer, and he plays it because he reads the concept is about the same with the electro-pop sound, and when playing it Hyekyung gets into a different song and he brainstorms right to the music Pete plays.

They are overly tired and Hyekyung is even standing up, saying something to Hannah who is standing up bouncing to the music, repeating his words in a singing tone, and whenever she can’t hear what he says she just loudly mumbles it out. This is them brainstorming. They are just coming up with things, playing with words and the music, writing things down and repeating everything. They are having fun.

A few hours later Hannah is sitting at the set for Carolina’s second music video, day two as she began yesterday. Because Hannah didn’t come yesterday, she stays at the set for the whole day after being in the studio today, just to make sure Carolina knows she is there and caring.

Well, the last two hours Hannah is half-asleep in the dressing-room and Carolina actually waved at their stylist to let her sleep, because Hannah has explained her night and she has been social for the other five hours she has spent here. Emelia was on set all day yesterday, Julia showed up briefly before going on lunch with some friends and she came by briefly today too before leaving and Maria came, stayed for several hours and then went home to sleep.

Heading home, Hannah is tiredly listening to Carolina who brightly is talking about her week filming two music videos. She can not believe she has finished two solo videos, the countdown for the first teaser is making her scream excitedly and Hannah only laughs and joins in the cheering.

At home she takes a shower, covers herself in lotion and gets dressed in a yellow logo print t-shirt and a pair of blue drawstring-waist shorts before joining Kyung Ho and the others in the other house for a late meal that Maria and Julia somehow managed to make together with the help of Kyung Ho.

“He did most of it,” Maria says and points at Kyung Ho when the friends are gathered around the kitchen table, enjoying the meal.

Kyung Ho is smiling happily. “Maria told me everything to do, and then she fought with Julia who told her to help out,” he tells them the story and Emelia sighs at the leader who burst out in fake laughing as if pretending he just said a joke.

Their little brother has been busy with school and acting in a new drama a few hours a few days as he doesn’t appear much in the drama, which means he hasn’t met the ladies much at all but he is always talking to them over the phone. He is in a hyper mood eating with them now, after spending some hours with Maria and Julia and all the pets. He has been running around in the yard and through the houses with Michin and Ryo running after him, barking and jumping, they have had so much fun playing together. All the pets likes Kyung Ho, loves to play when he is around, but Tiger is the only one not wanting to be picked up by anyone else than Hannah. She almost scratched Kyung Ho when he wanted to pat her earlier; it was a good thing Julia’s mother was there to catch it before anything happened.

After eating, Hannah, Emelia and Maria head back to their house, Kyung Ho gets a ride home by Emelia and mean while Hannah and Maria sit down in the living-room to watch a movie.

Hannah sits tailor in the sofa with a blanket in her lap and Tiger on top of it, patting her little kitten that rolls around on her back to open and put her paws on Hannah’s hand.

“I was asked outside the agency who this is,” Hannah tells Maria while they are starting to watch an episode of The Big Bang Theory – to not end up watching a two or three hours long movie when they should go to bed.

“Tiger?” Maria distantly asks as she is singing along to the opening song. “Well, our fans should know our pets enough to know there are three of them and since Ace is the gift from fans, they know how our cat looks like. Oh- math, science, history-

Hannah joins her in the song; “unravelling the mysteries. That all started with the big bang! BANG!

Hannah does it a bit quieter to not frighten the kitten in her lap but Maria does it excitedly and laughs when leaning back in the sofa, satisfied with her fluently keeping up with the words.

“You should introduce her then,” Maria says, “We did it with Ace, and we did it with Snowball and Brownie.”

“I can’t believe you still call them that…” Hannah mumbles with her head down to play with Tiger.

“But you got to admit that my names on them are pretty good. Poopie-Pie is cute too.”

“That’s just wrong,” Hannah grimaces.

“But it’s still cute.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Fine. Ryo and Michin are cute names too, but my names suits them very well,” Maria finishes and adds; “We can make an introduction next week, after Nanjing.”

Hannah leans her head back with a smile. “We’re going to China tomorrow,” she comments. It comes and goes for her, as if she needs to remind herself that they are having their GIRLS POWER tour in Nanjing for two days the day after tomorrow.

“I know. I just told you; Nanjing,” Maria distantly says as if she didn’t know Hannah just reminded herself of it. “And next weekend we are taking on Singapore. I can’t wait to eat ice-cream there.”

Hannah giggles. Maria has a thing for ice-cream – no, correction; 5 Pieces has a thing for ice-cream – and Maria’s favourite must be travelling around and eat ice-cream from different places. Singapore has given her the memory of having good ice-cream. Hannah can’t remember it though, not sure if she has eaten ice-cream there, not remembering when they went there last time…

Interrupting her confused thoughts is Emelia coming back home, the friend taking a seat in the sofa with a blanket around her and she gives out a laugh before telling;

“Kyung Ho must be the smartest kid that age. We went from one interesting subject to another in the car,” Emelia tells. “And he does know the importance of dragons in fantasy stories.”

“Dragons?” Maria frowns.

“Yeah, dragons. The boy is reading Eragon, I’m just going through the facts with him,” Emelia answers. “And he knows I will always win on the games we play. By the way, he wants me to remind Hannah to call him tomorrow before getting on the flight.”

“Mm…” Hannah nods.

“Oh, I like this episode,” Emelia nods at the TV and Maria gives her a glare.

“Shut up about it,” she warns the rapper from telling them what happens in the comedy show.

With Emelia arriving, the boss cat Ace makes his appearance in the living-room. He seems completely fine at first but then stops a meter away from the sofa, and Hannah chuckles seeing him stare at her and Tiger rolling around in Hannah’s lap. Maria laughs seeing Ace change completely in his standing position and under a minute the three ladies are watching him slowly make his careful approach as if he is hunting or trying to not be caught getting close.

The cat stops below the sofa, looking up towards Hannah’s lap before walking a bit further away to jump up in the sofa, almost lying down next to Emelia who is looking down at him. The ladies just can’t help but to smile widely at Ace’s sudden behaviour. He has played with Tiger before, so why he is suddenly so weird is strange.

Hannah continues to pat Tiger with her hand, Tiger continues to roll here and there on her back in Hannah’s lap and it takes some seconds until Ace has slowly gotten a bit closer with his back paws still as close to Emelia as possible.

“He is watching your hand,” Maria points out.

Hannah ruffles Tiger’s head a bit and she holds in her laughter when Ace lifts up his paw, slowly with his eyes completely focused on Hannah’s hand he lifts his paw over her leg and in small movements he touches Hannah’s hand as if trying to hold it away. Maria falls down in the sofa laughing over how cute the cat is.

“What is it, Ace?” Hannah wonders, hearing the boss give out a growling sound.

Ace puts his front paws on her leg and leans down with his head to push his face against Hannah’s wrist to try push it away from Tiger.

“That is too adorable,” Maria laughs with a hand over to not be too loud.

The cat keeps showing his disapproval that Hannah is actually showing a lot of love to Tiger. It isn’t the first time Ace has seen it, but it is probably one of the first he has showed this reaction. The ladies just laughs at him a bit, and Hannah is on her guard when Ace starts putting his paw on Tiger to push the little kitten away, only feeling a bit satisfied when Hannah starts patting them both. Emelia would want to put Ace in her arms and cuddle with him, but Maria says it would only make Ace more jealous towards Hannah and Tiger.

For Ace, he is the boss in this house and with 5 Pieces he is the number one. He has showed that to Michin and Ryo, and with a good raising the ladies has given a lot of love to all pets, meaning Hannah who now has another kitten near her heart has to teach their boss pet that Tiger is now part of this family.

“They played a lot yesterday,” Hannah says. “Ace was really careful with her, like an older brother.”

“Yesterday morning,” Emelia smiles, “Before you left for two days and one night. How did your recording go?”

“I told you that already.”

Emelia chuckles, “No, you did not. We mentioned it briefly at the dinner, but Carolina interrupted to talk about how she was the one deciding during her own recording a few weeks ago.”

Hannah pouts, pretty sure she has the memory of telling the ladies about her recording.

“Hannah,” Maria smiles, “You told Carolina at the set, she said that. We should go to sleep to keep our minds sharp tomorrow. We have rehearsals as soon as we arrive in Nanjing.”

“Do you like saying Nanjing?” Hannah asks her, smiling. “You keep saying it.”

“Nanjing – Nanjing. It’s a cool name. Nan Jing. I can pronounce it well, don’t I sound Chinese?”

“No,” Emelia shortly answers and leaves to go brush her teeth.

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Headline 09th: Idol Couple Jonghyun & Hannah Capture Attention Out On A Cute Brunch Date Together


Headline 10th: Hannah Rumoured To Be Preparing For Solo Comeback


Headline 11th: Julia Congratulates Super Junior On Winning M Countdown


Headline 12th: Nanjing Shows They Are Ready For GIRLS POWER At 5 Pieces’ Arrival For The Concert


Headline 13th: 5 Pieces’ GIRLS POWER Tour Hits China Tonight

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++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^