Chapter 17

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

After Inkigayo, 5 Pieces went for a fan-signing nearby before their schedule of the day ends. Carolina rushes to the agency to record more music, while the others go to film the last hours of Good Sister. They have been filming during the day, as Inkigayo is at SBS they have been able to film a lot and Kyung Ho has been there, and EXO’s Baekhyun and Suho have appeared many times as they are MCs of the show. Just a few days ago it was revealed that Baekhyun and Taeyeon are in a relationship; Hannah was not expecting to have Kai, Baekhyun and others send text messages to her for advice because Taemin had told them that Jonghyun isn’t that good at giving relationship advices – Hannah had nothing to say either, other than there is no going back.

In the middle of 5 Pieces rehearsals at Inkigayo, Kyung Ho disappeared from the room and was found standing in the corridor to look at Taeyang who just arrived. Taeyang saw the boy and talked to him; while it was obvious Kyung Ho knew exactly who Taeyang is based on his shy behaviour. When the ladies came back from rehearsals, Kyung Ho was sitting on the sofa in the hosts’ room, eating fruit with Baekhyun. During the day J-Min came to 5 Pieces room as well, making a brief appearance to exchange words with mostly Carolina.

After finishing their schedules the four ladies and Kyung Ho head home to make dinner and do their final personal interviews. The apartment is loud as everyone is talking about dinner, who will do what, when to do it, shouting at Michin to get out of the way – the ladies are stressed making dinner together and Kyung Ho is just getting in the way wanting to help out. It’s not a serious mood, everyone smiles and giggles, pushing each other in different directions.

“Open this for me,” Emelia says and turns to Hannah, giving her the bottle for Hannah to open the lid.

After some tries, Hannah walks over to let Maria try opening it, and Maria opens the bottle with her focus somewhere else and Hannah gives it back to Emelia. They are hungry and while cooking they all share tiny pieces of the in-making ingredients, feeding each other and Kyung Ho is always nearby with them.

“A fan once asked me if she could become my water bottle…” Maria is randomly talking while cooking.

“And how did you answer?” Kyung Ho wonders, standing on a chair next to her with Hannah on his other side. He is supposed to help out but ends up just looking and talking.

“I told her to finish her studies first; I don’t want a magician who can’t even finish her spells correctly, right?”

Kyung Ho and Hannah both looks at Maria with the dumbest face-expressions while Maria shakes her head as if she can not believe a girl wanted to do such a thing before finishing her studies. For Maria, a magician can cast a spell to transform into a bottle, so she means a student magician can fail with the spell.

“Maria never talks sense,” Emelia mumbles in her own corner and Kyung Ho turns to smile widely at Hannah.

Standing by the kitchen worktop there is small cameras in front of them by the wall to film them as its trouble for the camera-team to stand and film when the wall is in the way. Hannah points at the camera for Kyung Ho and the two of them starts waving to it, making the same expressions and playing with the camera while Hannah helps out with making food.

It doesn’t take long standing there when Hannah makes a grimace by herself and she puts a hand on her back. She has been leaning forward just a little when standing by the kitchen worktop, making it uncomfortable for her back and with her usual troubles, her pain returns quickly when standing the wrong way. Being uncomfortable she tries to finish the chopping a little faster, ending up going to the bathroom pretending to use it while she in fact just sits down a bit until it starts hurting and she head back outside to finish up. Kyung Ho was focused on Maria at that time, asking questions, but he turns around as soon as Hannah comes back, giving her a glance before talking to the others again and he glances at her one more time as she continues helping out.

“I can do it if you want,” Kyung Ho ends up suggesting, lifting his hand to take the knife from Hannah, “I do it like this?”

He has Hannah show him how to chop but even when he tells her she can go away, that he can do it by himself, Hannah looks ready to grab the knife from him if he is waving it too much.

“Nuna, go sit down,” Kyung Ho waves his other hand at her, pushing her on the arm.

Maria laughs hearing how stubborn he is to do it himself and ends up telling Hannah what else she can do while Maria keeps an eye on Kyung Ho. The boy let his eyes follow Hannah as she walks across the kitchen to the fridge and then looks at what to do when Maria puts her hand on his for him to not put the knife anywhere else than on the ingredients.

For the last episode, 5 Pieces are making dinner for the whole crew that has been filming them for the 17 episodes. If the show will reveal that the dinner is for exactly everyone, they are not sure, but what the ladies think about is to end this filming with generosity. It is a good ending of the show; that once dinner is prepared, the ladies and Kyung Ho sit down around the kitchen table to eat and talk about these past months filming and when almost being done eating they set the table in the living-room for the staff as well, making as many of them sit by a table though a few are standing up or sitting on the floor. It is a pause of the filming, only Emelia walking around with a borrowed camera to interview the director and a few staff by her own.

They do the dishes together and prepare to go to bed; when Kyung Ho has fallen asleep, the camera-crew is thanking for them and leaves with all the equipment, and 5 Pieces sits down in the now empty apartment.

“It will be weird though,” Maria comments while Emelia is preparing to turn on the recorded episode of Running Man that aired earlier this evening – the one with 5 Pieces. “Now when there won’t be cameras here every week and Kyung Ho won’t sleep over as often.”

“Not that we will live here for long,” Julia adds and looks around on the walls. “It’s all strange.”

Feeling at their peak with [POWER UP], the ladies are ending the filming of Good Sister after four months and after a year in this incredible two-floor apartment they are going to move again. The one-year contract will come to an end in a few weeks, and by then 5 Pieces will have moved. Talking about moving, Carolina hadn’t made a fuss about it after finding out the other members wouldn’t mind moving. They can move in two weeks; Julia is already planning how to pack their things though the ladies won’t pack most of the things as they will have people do it for them.

They sit there; watch Running Man and talks for a long time, at a few moments thinking of waiting for Carolina to come back from the recording studio but in the end they all go to bed as they need to get some hours of sleep.

It’s half past four in the morning when 5 Pieces are back up on their feet, waiting until the last minute to wake Kyung Ho up. Hannah helps him to pack his things as he will come with them to the ramen commercial filming before his school begins, and the boy gets to sleep during that time.

The commercial filming takes place in a building on the third floor, so before Kyung Ho is leaving, the ladies decide to run down the stairs with him to wake up for the filming; for the fun of it, Hannah takes her cell phone and films them running down the stairs, it is a mess and you can hear their fast footsteps and laughter and cheering to hurry up as if they are racing down the stairs. The ladies regret it as soon as Kyung Ho has left and they have to walk back up those three floors.

After filming the commercial, the ladies change into new sponsored clothes and head out for some charity work; by visiting a children hospital. It is planned for them to be there, donate and give out toys for the children when walking around visiting the rooms, but the ladies ends up spending more than three hours there as they play and talk with the sick children. 5 Pieces love children; it is a fact by now. Even the awkward Carolina have fun playing with the children, and Emelia says it is she has practiced having Kyung ho around for a while.

Ending the day early, 5 Pieces go on their beauty treatment to prepare for tomorrow’s schedule.

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5 Pieces is at a colourful photo shoot for CeCi magazine, wearing colourful nail-polish, going out with colourful lipstick and softer focus on the eyes to not make it too much. Each lady has her hair styled differently, with curls or a cool braid, ruffled crazily or just long with extenstions, and they live up the different outfits of dresses, a shirt with shorts, a long thin cardigan, with all kind of crazy high heels. Carolina goes with red lipstick to suit her red hair, and she look stunning in a close-up with her colourful nails by her face with one finger touching her lips and a lock of red hair trying to fall over her nose. She looks great with a lot of necklaces and a white top, her face being the colour in the picture. Hannah goes for a softer make-up for her pastel green hair, with lipstick and instead with a lot of colours on her clothes. Hannah is the only one receiving praise for her eyes during the shooting, though Maria and Carolina receives the most praise overall. Hannah only receives praise for her eyes, how playful her eyes can look, and it’s not the first time Hannah hears that either so when being in the room to change clothes she and Julia stand closely to the mirror to act with their eyes, ending up laughing when their stylist asks if they are going crazy.

After the photo shoot they head to the next location to film for a new Japanese song.

They had recorded the song at the start of the year and forgotten about it until recently when the agency said the song will be the closing theme for a summer Japanese anime that will begin to air in a few days, so 5 Pieces go to the simple set to film the anime PV.

While changing their look with make-up, hair, and their nail-polish, the ladies are practicing the lyrics of the song they don’t really remember recording. Listening to the song, the ladies hold on tightly to their lyric sheets to sing along to their parts; just to know how to lip-synch later. The concept is simple; they wear different colours on a skirt to a different top above. Hannah has her white top tugged in the skirt and knee-high socks to a pair of high heels, her green hair styled in a thick side-braid. The backgrounds for the filming are a simple one-colour screen, and depending on the lady the colour is changed. Hannah has a yellow screen to her black skirt, Maria has a black screen to her pink skirt, a pink screen is it for Emelia’s green skirt, Julia has a green screen to fit her blue skirt and Carolina’s yellow skirt fits the blue screen.

The staff is Korean, and a behind-the-making camera-man is on the set as well, though 5 Pieces are supposed to speak in Japanese.

Hannah and Maria are caught standing by a table at the back of the set to eat of the snacks and food. Hannah starts waving with her whole hand at the camera, smiling for being caught while Maria just keeps eating.

“Hello,” Hannah lowers her head when she has finished chewing, speaking in Japanese; “Welcome to the set of [Rainbow of Summer].”

“This is yummy,” Maria comments, turning around to stand next to Hannah.

“We brought food with us for the staff but it seems like we will eat it up instead,” Hannah says in a low voice and points at Maria who just nods in agreement. There is a lot of food and more in boxes, but it will probably be 5 Pieces eating up half of it anyway. The camera-man suggests Hannah to say a few things about the new song and Hannah looks at Maria, who just stares back at her as Hannah is in charge of speaking Japanese. “The song [Rainbow of Summer] is a nice summer ballad, is it not? It is raining outside now, but Carolina said before that after the rain come the rainbow – we will look out for it while filming this.”

One by one the ladies are filming with their own background colour, and while Emelia is filming, Hannah is standing on the side watching and waiting for her turn.

“Emelia is pretty,” Hannah says out loudly in Japanese when Emelia’s filming is done and Emelia laughs at the sudden compliment. Hannah smiles to the side at the camera she saw was filming them. “She’s pretty, isn’t she?”

Happily, Hannah waits for her turn and then goes shy once she stands in front of the screen, feeling awkward to just be lip-synching and lightly smiling. Maria shows up to stand next to Emelia on the side, and the two girls starts giving directions to Hannah while the staff are laughing, the director smiling too. Once they start the filming, Emelia leans towards the camera filming her and Maria.

“Hannah is the prettiest,” Emelia whispers in Japanese and glancing at the camera-man with a smile before starting to boast; “My childhood friend, is the prettiest.”

During the day and evening when filming, the ladies also take Polaroid pictures of each other, endless of pictures that they will have to sort out later as some of them will be in the single’s jacket album and others will be printed into small cards that will come along with the single; the Polaroid has a match with the anime, though Hannah isn’t sure what it is other than the romantic summer anime will have a key thread about the Polaroid so to be part of that concept the ladies take Polaroid pictures.

For the last filming, with all five ladies together, they finish the day’s filming with a silly shoot of 5 Pieces standing behind each other and doing weird waves and movements with their arms. It will show up in the PV as a last fun part. It isn’t much they film overall because the anime will be the main focus and 5 Pieces will just appear to show who are singing.

Finishing the video filming, 5 Pieces head home to return the next morning for the jacket album; to take pictures with pretty much the same concept and also to sit down for an interview. Looking and feeling pretty in their simple skirts and outfits, the ladies are talking lightly and joking during the interview.

When they are all done, only Hannah and Emelia stay behind. The interview was taken with a Japanese woman, while the staff was Korean, and now the two girls change clothes to do another interview. Hannah is in a blur most of the interview, speaking well of course, but she can’t remember much once they are done. Hannah does the interview after Emelia, changing place and Hannah is happy her green hair is still in a braid as she feels prettier like that.

“What is the image you think 5 Pieces has?”

Hannah takes light breath thinking about it. “5 Pieces’ image…” she starts saying in Japanese and continues to say; “Recently we have said 5 Pieces’ image is Girls Power.” Even in Japanese she can say that, their image has levelled up in 2014. “And I think that contains most of our image. Strength in individuality, I think, because even as a group we show that there are five members in the team with different colours and personalities, and that we work hard to fit that into the group 5 Pieces.”

“If you weren’t a part of 5 Pieces, what do you think you would be doing instead?” she is asked, the same questions Emelia had answered to. Emelia had said she would probably be travelling a lot if she wasn’t part of 5 Pieces, maybe studying languages.

“My dream has always been to become an author, and I have published books so … I think I would do that,” Hannah quietly answers.

“Would you like having that as your profession?”

“Mm,” Hannah nods and then smiles realising she isn’t sounding that excited about it. “My personality is like that. I can spend days in my room just writing if I had the time, so being an author suits me well. But … since I am in 5 Pieces, I think my personality has gotten more outgoing.”

“Tell us a bad habit of Emelia.”

Hannah opens to answer but closes it with a laugh, embarrassedly hiding behind her hand. A bad habit she has? “What could it be…” she thinks loudly and keeps having a big smile in her face when becoming distant, wondering what bad habit Emelia could have. “Emelia has a bad habit of … I’m not sure how to describe it, but she has a bad habit of itching this part of the lips.”

“Cupid’s bow,” the interview says in Japanese when seeing where Hannah points.

“Yeah,” Hannah nods. “She uses her nails to itch there and I don’t know why. She has done it for as long as I have known her.”

Emelia had been given the same question about Hannah and answered that fans knows about it, saying;

“She troubles a lot about her looks these days. Hannah isn’t the type who cares of what others think, she is very stubborn when receiving comments about how she looks, but lately she has been troubled of being healthy during our tight schedules. It’s not about looking good for others but to be healthy to pull off our schedules. Her bad habit is that she does it quietly, trying to not let others see her troubles. I will do my best to keep that bad habit away from her.”

Hannah takes a deep breath hearing the next question about performing, and she looks distant again when answering;

“Performing as a solo artist … I depend more and more on the audience. I was so moved by my fans when I performed [I CRY] because I didn’t have anything to hide behind. I had no dancers and I was just standing there, singing; and I was worried each time I walked up on the stage. The audience, my fans, moved me by continuing to show support even if I stood on the stage as the solo artist Hannah, without my members.” She pauses to think a little more, her whole vibe on the camera comes off seriously and deep. “It gives me a rush to stand on the stage, if I can explain it that way. My whole body might be shaking backstage, I never know if I am just waiting to go up there and give my all or if I am scared of how it might turn out. It’s a thrilling feeling to be on the stage, I love every part of it.”

She smiles after saying that and the interviewer asks if her members make that difference, if it is more thrilling to perform as 5 Pieces or solo.

“I always try my best whether I am alone or with the others, I get in a trance of giving my all because of the people in front of the stage,” Hannah answers. “It is our fans that are always giving their all into cheering us on that makes it thrilling, that makes it more precious to do my best to give them everything I got.”

“What about 5 Pieces?”

She smiles, knowing she is speaking from her heart. “5 Pieces is the source of the dream that is our fans. Without 5 Pieces, there would be no Hannah and no fans. So 5 Pieces is the heart of it”

“That’s all questions we have, thank you,” the interviewer stands up and Hannah is fast to follow, reaching out her hand while the staff claps their hands.

“Thank you for your hard work,” she politely says, and now she and Emelia have to hurry to Show Champion to perform with their members.

The hard work of 5 Pieces continues in the shadows after their Show Champion performance when they head to the agency to start practicing a new choreography for the follow-up song on their album.

5 Pieces is in their practice-room for hours, surrounded by choreographers Janetta Huddleston, Katharine Dorsey and Kade Birstol who are the “A-Team”, the creators of 5 Pieces moves for the fourth album and who now have worked on a choreography for the follow-up bounce R&B reggae track [Like This] that they are teaching the girl-group.

The choreography for [Like This] is fun and hectic, with a lot of work on the legs as they have to be moving for the whole three minutes of the song. This song will be a fun song to perform as the follow-up, the kind of perfect flash-mob track where you just jump in and follow the bouncy rhythm. It is not the same difficulty as the other songs; the choreography is enjoyable where they move special parts of the body depending on the verse since the song is about letting loose and just move to the rhythm. Absolutely exhausting and the ladies are dripping sweat while dancing, not for a second thinking they can sing more than a line for this song live. But for now they work on the choreography; to learn it. In less than a week they will film the music video for it.

Even after midnight the ladies are going through what they have learned to keep these parts in mind, they go home to sleep – ending up spending two hours packing a few things before going to sleep for two hours and they have to go for a photo shoot again.

It’s Thursday now, but there is no M Countdown today so the ladies have a photo shoot for High Cut and a fan-signing event scheduled during the day before they will return to the practice-room.

The photo shoot for High Cut magazine has the concept of y Red, where the members were clothes or high heels in red, with a y and edgy make-up and styled hairs. Maria looks stunning in a short blonde wig, styled to cover almost half her face and with her tall, thin body she lifts up the red dress in any position she gives. Emelia has a more sophisticated look with soft eyes (unusual for the charismatic rapper) and red lips with a red dress and her hair styled wavy, pulled away from her face where her skin is fair and beautiful. Carolina looks artistic with red high heels, a black and white a-line dress with her styled red hair, sitting on a high chair for her shoot. Hannah likes the long red dress she gets to wear that has a long cut up her thigh but still not revealing other than it is to show off her super high heels, and the top is tight and shaped, showing off her s-line even like that. Each lady show off her own style even with the y red concept, a more mature look suited for their [Girls Power] album.

Though the ladies look y for the camera, they are endlessly fooling around together, including having Maria stand and dance with high heels in her hand. They are really crazy; it’s amusing for the staff and the ladies are staying awake, practicing the new song in between too though just lightly as they don’t want to get sweaty during the photo shoot.

After the fan-signing, 5 Pieces head to the agency where their dancers have been learning the choreography during the day – meaning 5 Pieces comes in the middle of their practice.

Quietly the ladies go along the wall watching their dancers going through the choreography, having a Korean choreographer with them as a translator. Hannah drops her bag in the corner before sitting down with her members to watch the practice. Within minutes they take a break and the dancers sits down, some of them, while others stay standing to either go through some steps or go use the bathroom.

Maria goes to use the bathroom, and when coming back she is in a lively conversation with the female dancer Eun Dae. The two of them sit down next to Hannah, and the youngest hears that they are talking about the actor Kwon Hyunsuk who was acting as Maria’s fake-husband in We Got Married. His name catches her attention and after trying to hear what they talk about she asks what they are talking about because she can’t understand.

“I’m getting advice from Eun Dae of the texts that Hyunsuk has been texting me lately,” Maria explains to Hannah.

“What texts?” Hannah wonders.

Maria gets quiet for a few seconds, just looking at Hannah as if checking if she is serious or not. “Hannah!” the leader bursts out with a disappointed sound, “You don’t remember that we talked about it in the car – several of times?”

She is a little taken back to be told this and Hannah swallows nervously.

“I do remember,” she answers. She doesn’t remember.

Maria sighs. “That’s typical you,” she comments but doesn’t seem upset with it as she starts talking about the text messages again. “And it is weird because I like him – not that I-want-to-be-with-him way – but more in a comfortable way, you know? And we have talked about relationships and intimate things and both of us think we are not the boyfriend/girlfriend type, I mean, he isn’t my type, you know? But then he text me this… It’s really weird…”

Since Hannah can’t remember Maria talking to her about it in the van earlier, she borrows Maria’s cell phone to look through the text messages herself. It’s nothing big, just Hyunsuk has written ‘saw your stage today, looked really y’ and ‘how can you text me and not think of me, that’s kinda weird, really weird. I have been thinking of you now for a while’. But Hannah has seen their conversations before and doesn’t get the big deal. The deep parts of their conversations can even be raw, so Hannah has absolutely no idea what Maria is talking about. Before even saying that, the others in the room begin asking if they should begin practice and Hannah is quickly up on her feet to warm up.

It’s an easy dance, and before they know it they are lightly dancing on their feet and smiling at each other. Though the choreography is easy, it is not easy to figure out everyone’s positions and to not be in the way for each other, and to be in synch is what they will practice after that.

They practice for a few hours, taking their time to go through the details with their choreographers and the smiles on everyone’s faces make the mood bright and that makes it also easier to learn.

It’s late when Hannah sees the text message from Jonghyun, asking if she is at the agency still and if there is a chance they can meet. He sent it forty minutes ago, and Hannah quickly writes that she is still practicing and don’t know if she can leave, but just in that moment someone nudges her on the side and when glancing up she sees Myung nod at her to across the room, a smirk in his face.

The attention from everyone in the room makes her blush and turn away to take the cell phone she just put away and with small fast steps she crosses the room, her head low and without a sound she slinks through the door, pushing Jonghyun with her. Before the door closes behind them she can hear one of the male dancers say how cute she is when blushing like that.

“What are you doing?” Hannah hisses, not stopping to push Jonghyun as far away from the room as possible. Her whole body is warm from embarrassment and she just wants to hit him over and over for coming to the practice-room for everyone to see. She will have the whole crew make fun of her later.

“You didn’t answer my text,” Jonghyun smiles at her, loving her reaction. “So I thought of seeing if you’re still here before I head to my radio.” His hand goes up to her neck, removing her hair to touch her skin and Hannah stops her steps to stare up at him; she is sweaty from practice, she knows he saw that, and her heart is still beating strangely from embarrassment even if his eyes holds hers. “You look y.”

His comment makes her roll her eyes and Jonghyun laughs, moving them to the side in the corridor where his hand on her neck makes her look up for his lips to touch hers.

“I’m happy to let you know that everyone in that room are now aware of that you are mine, and only mine,” Jonghyun whispers against her lips.

Jonghyun and his possessive need to tell everyone who she belongs to, and he is prepared she will say he belongs to her as well, but now Hannah just puts her fingers in his hair and holds him closer for a deeper kiss. His hands are put on her waist, holding on to her tightly with his fingers while they are kissing. The warmth in her body now is not from embarrassment and she can feel his body getting warmer under his clothes too, just from kissing each other.

She could stand there for minutes, having him this close to her; but she knows she has to return to practice and turns her head to the side to break the kiss. Jonghyun kisses her neck lightly, it tickles in a warm way that almost makes her moan, and she can feel him smile in her hair.

“Practice,” Hannah breathes out, one hand has let go of him to have her wrist rest on his shoulder and hand turned up to not touch him.

“I think you’re all good,” Jonghyun mumbles and lightly touches her cheek with his lips, amusement filling his voice. “But I wouldn’t mind practicing some more with you-”

“Oppa,” Hannah whines when understanding what he says and she hits his shoulder lightly, leaning her head back against the wall with a smile when he looks at her.

“Dance practice, I know,” he winks with a chuckle, and then takes both his hands through her hair, leaning closer with his forehead against hers. His breath is warm on her lips. “I just wanted to see you… and kiss you…”

She lifts her chin up to kiss him lightly on the lips. She has never been good with words, and she can’t come up with anything to say after the desperate low tone in his voice when he said that, as if he couldn’t handle going to his radio without seeing her. She loves the thought of that, and even if he tends to text her, letting her know he thinks of her, she loves hearing that tone when he says it to her face.

Jonghyun smiles seeing her expression and he gives her another light kiss on the lips before his hands on her waist makes them step away from the wall.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he whispers in her ear before giving her a final kiss.

“Do well at your radio,” Hannah whispers back, her eyes blurry when looking up at him. He makes her knees all week even after all these years. The smile he gives lets her know he always does well, and when parting she is not in a hurry at all to enter the room, her heart fluttering at these minutes she saw him.

“Oh-oh-oh! Look who’s back from meeting her dream prince,” Shiwon’s voice is clearly heard in the practice-room when Hannah returns.

He laughs as she lowers her head and Emelia hits him on the chest, telling him to not tease their baby, but before they return to practice Emelia loudly enough for the others to hear as she asks Hannah what she did with Jonghyun for those short minutes she was away, making her blush deeply right before the music begins playing and the others laughs – both from the teasing question and for Hannah’s blushing cheeks.

She can’t stop feeling the warmth to her cheeks when returning to practice, for half an hour she keeps blushing from time to time thinking of how Jonghyun was standing by the door earlier and his attention was on hers and everyone else in the room looked at Hannah too before she noticed him.

When practice finally ends, everyone are getting their things and talking about the day’s practice.

“Hannah, Hannah,” Carolina giggles and shoves her cell phone up in Hannah’s face. “Look at this. It says we were voted as the idol-group parents want to babysit their kids, that’s unbelievable, isn’t it?”

“Ya, little mascot,” Maria butts in and puts her arm around Carolina’s shoulders, ditching the others’ conversation about the practice and Hannah has to lean back to see it is an article Carolina is showing her. “It’s all because of Good Sister you know; it says in the article that we showed a lot of qualities as older sisters that the parents in the vote said we seemed the most suited, and on top of that we could teach the children different languages and such.”

“Which other groups can do as well,” Hannah mentions and is fast to look away when receiving a glare from Maria.

“We would be perfect babysitters, Hannah, no question about it,” the leader says and lightly punches Hannah’s arm before heading to the door and loudly calls out for everyone: “Sleep well, beauties! Let’s work hard tomorrow too!”

“Good night, princess!” someone in the crowd of dancers answers back and Maria leaves the room with a satisfied smile.

Going home, Hannah listens to Jonghyun’s radio on her phone and she keeps listening when getting ready for bed, sending a text message once she is under her quilt that she is going to sleep now and wishing he drives safely home after his radio.

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In a dress of light material and glittering details around the deep see-through neckline and slit up the thigh for dance movements, 5 Pieces can not hide their body-lines at all. The dress is gorgeous and the ladies look y for the stage at Music Bank, completing the outfit with cream lace high heels. Hannah dyed her hair into a pastel mint colour this morning, the hair at the front moved over her usual parting for a lift on her hair, to have her hair in a free and loose style to fit the performance.

Hannah looks at a picture she let their stylist take of her and Julia. With Julia’s short hair-cut she looks like a boy even if she is wearing the same dress as Hannah, and their stylist compliment them for looking like a homoual couple where one is the curvy and y girly girl and the other is the short-haired tomboy. They laugh at the thought of it when looking at the picture. It is true that Julia doesn’t have the curves as Hannah, but her body is like a pear and she looks pretty, and she does not hesitate to compliment herself either when deciding to upload the picture.

{Instagram, 5P_JULIA: Backstage at Music Bank}

“If he wants to invite me out to meet his friends, does that mean something, you think?” Maria asks Hannah the second Hannah sits down in the room.

Maria can’t stop asking them about Hyunsuk, and even if Hannah this morning asked if he has feelings for him, Maria said she isn’t attracted to him that way. Hannah never knows what to tell her friend and just shrugs her shoulders. Maria sighs at the response, and it is quiet a few seconds between them as they are both busy with their own cell phone.

“Jonghyun told me last week that his mother wants to invite me to dinner some day,” Hannah mentions, not looking up from her phone though she sees Maria look up from hers.

“Oh, really? And what was your response?”

“His mother doesn’t like me,” Hannah pouts. “He knows that.”

“Maybe that’s fair since your mother doesn’t like him either,” Maria raises her eyebrows at her and Hannah gives her a glare.

“My mother likes no one.”

“Still, you are a very easy person to like, I think his mother is prepared for that,” Maria tells her.

“So you will meet Hyunsuk’s friends too?” Hannah wonders, looking at her friend who grimaces as the attention is back on her. It takes a few seconds before Maria mutters;

“You can’t compare your boyfriend of many years to my friendship with Hyunsuk.”

“Not yet,” Hannah teases and she laughs when Maria gets this super shocked face-expression right before she pushes Hannah’s arm.

“How dare you!” the leader says in her diva-way and keeps pushing Hannah who lies down in the sofa laughing, starting to whine when Maria brings up her bare feet in the sofa to start kick her . Maria laughs at Hannah’s whining and puts her feet on top of the youngest to lie down laughing too.

“So none of you are going to give up on your stubbornness because of attractive men?”

Hannah laughs behind her hands at stylist Yong Hyun’s question. He has been sitting next to them fixing a bracelet to Maria and has obviously heard their conversation the whole time.

“Ya, Oppa,” Maria starts saying, lifting her chin up to look at him. “I am a very busy lady who not just is working hard with my career but is also about to make a big move to a villa; I do not have time to follow an attractive person around no matter how interested I am in it.”

“So you’re interested?” Hannah flies up to sit facing the leader, her eyes big with curiosity.

“Mm… She probably is, the way she has been talking about him lately,” Yong Hyun comments and Maria sighs.

“I am not interested. But you must admit it is weird if he isn’t interested – just look at me, I am everything a man needs, right?”

“Maybe he doesn’t like that you fart all the time,” Emelia mutters when walking by them.

“Ya, pale face!” Maria bursts out and grabs a pillow to throw after the rapper.

Hannah pats Maria on the leg. “Do you want me to ask him if he is interested?”

“Baby, you sound to be the most interested,” Maria sighs and lies more comfortably. “But … if you’re that interested in knowing, it wouldn’t hurt to ask…”

Hannah giggles at the thought, knowing Maria wants to know if Hyunsuk has any interest in her. She takes a better grip of her cell phone and asks Maria what she should write in the text to Hyunsuk.

“Ladies,” Manager Lim enters the room with Carolina and Julia, “Please get ready for the stage now. Hannah and Maria get up, get up.”


“No but, Hannah, hurry or you’ll be late. Mi Young, could you please fix her hair?”

Hannah sighs and puts her cell phone away with a pout, having to get ready for the performance.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 22nd: Maria Heats Up Summer With Her Amazing Visuals For ‘Cosmopolitan’ Magazine

Headline 22nd: 5 Pieces Performs & Wins On Inkigayo With [POWER UP]

Headline 22nd: 5 Pieces Meet Their Culture Obstacle On Tonight’s ‘Running Man’

Headline 22nd: ‘Running Man’ Breaks Rating Records Thanks To EXO & 5 Pieces + Tonight’s GAME POWER Has A Sudden Twist

Headline 22nd: Episode 16 Of ‘Good Sister’ Airs With A Lot Of Silliness


Monday, Headline 23rd: Seoul & Nanjing Added As GIRLS POWER Tour Stops For August-September

Headline 23rd: 5 Pieces & Kim Kyung Ho Charms In New Ice-Cream Commercial

Headline 23rd: 5 Pieces Visits Children Hospital With Donations & Toys, Spends Three Hours Playing With The Children

Headline 23rd: Carolina, Maria and Emelia Listen To Troubled Stories On ‘Hello Counselor’

Headline 23rd: 5 Pieces Surprise Viewers With Their Mature Thoughts On Tonight’s ‘Hello Counselor’


Headline 24th: Hannah Asks Fans To Watch The Last Episode Of ‘Good Sister’ This Weekend By A Video Of 5 Pieces & Kyung Ho Running Down The Stairs


Headline 25th: 5 Pieces Performs [POWER UP] On Show Champion


Headline 26th: 5 Pieces Voted By Parents In Korea As The Idol-Group To Baby-Sit Their Children


Headline 27th: 5 Pieces Show Countless Of Adorable Faces When Eating Ramen In New CF + Making Film

Headline 27th: Maria & Carolina Gape Cutely For The Camera In Recent Selfie

Headline 27th: 5 Pieces Performs On Music Bank With [POWER UP] + Wins Triple Crown

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^