Chapter 41

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

When Jonghyun comes back from the bathroom he has a frown in his face, carefully closing the door after him and the jeans hanging loose and ed over his hip.

“Nabi…” he starts to say in a wondering tone. “Why are all your clothes drenched?”

“What?” she chuckles, sitting up in confusion.

“The clothes you wore at the radio are in the laundry – I saw it hanging over – and everything is completely drenched,” Jonghyun answers, leaning his back against the door and looking confused. “Did you walk the dogs at this hour?”

“No…” Hannah mumbles and glances down at her hands. Of course he knows what clothes she wore at the radio, it is typical him to know everything; she should have been more careful. “I got something to tell you… I didn’t really know when to say it because you looked like you wanted to sleep…”

“What is it?” Jonghyun keeps frowning, not sure what can come out of .

“When we came home earlier after the radio, Honggi was here.”

“Wha- Why was he here? In here?” Jonghyun bursts out, pointing down on the floor.

“No, he was outside in his car. Jonghyun-”

“You got in his car?” Jonghyun gapes. “Without asking me – no, without even telling me? When did you get home? It still doesn’t explain why your clothes are wet. What did you do?”

“Jonghyun…” Hannah pouts at his angry reaction.

“So, what did you do?” he asks, even raising his chin to her.

“We took a walk in the rain for the fun of it,” Hannah shortly answers, still pouting at him, upset at his angry reaction and sorry for not telling him earlier. “It was fun and I wasn’t gone for long…”

She gets quiet when Jonghyun leaves the door, angrily removing his watch and taking down his pants, his whole chest moves in the same way he does when he is angry so Hannah puts up her knees to her chest, hugging the quilt when watching him. She doesn’t want to say anything more, the confidence she had to tell him that it was fun but no big deal is off.

When he walks up next to the bed he gives out a deep sigh.

“Just for the fun of it?” he repeats her words, putting down his phone on the bedside table. “You met Lee Honggi and got yourself drenched in the rain when taking a walk with him, just for the fun of it?”

“If you’re jealous, I can take a walk in the rain with you too,” Hannah suggests in a try to lighten the mood but ends up pouting again when Jonghyun looks at her.

“If I’m jealous? You’re saying if I’m jealous that you got drenched in the rain with Lee Honggi? Is that what you’re saying?” Jonghyun asks and gets on the bed, leaning over to her face and grabbing on to her hand so she can’t hide when he gets too close. “I think I will have to tell you in ten years too that you are too naïve around guys. The t-shirt you wore was transparent – did you wear a jacket over or something?”

Guys and the things they take notice of are really strange. “There is definitely something wrong with you,” Hannah whispers to him, slightly annoyed, “Why is that on your mind? You think I would go around being absolutely stupid to my own clothes?”

Though she had walked around in the rain in just the t-shirt, knowing it was transparent but not thinking it matters in the pouring rain and she was wearing a well-made bra underneath. She keeps pouting at Jonghyun’s angry face-expression, staring at each other.

“I like your s,” Jonghyun confesses. It is such an abrupt confession that Hannah almost snorts again. “And I don’t want Honggi to look at them.”

“He wasn’t.”

“He probably was,” Jonghyun whispers, still sounding angry. “Don’t do it again.”

“Don’t do what?” Hannah asks, her tone challenging him and she knows he notices that in the way his eyes twitches.

He turns his head a bit, showing that he doesn’t like the tone of that she will say against him again. “Don’t meet Honggi without telling me, don’t walk around in the rain in white or transparent clothes, and make sure I am the only man you ever meet alone and say you had fun with.”

“So you are jealous,” Hannah smiles after hearing what he has said and she giggles when he presses his forehead against her even if he looks all serious and y.

“Don’t play with me, Hannah,” he growls.

“Then don’t be so jealous, Jonghyun,” she says, her hand goes around his neck firmly. “And kiss me before you break my forehead.”

He gives out a frustrated sound but kisses her roughly, the kiss deepens and Hannah puts both her hands in his hair, holding on to him.

She can feel when he wants to break the kiss, maybe want to say they should get some sleep, but she wants to kiss him a bit longer. Holding on to his hair tightly, she lifts up her right leg around his waist and leans to her left, turning them around so she sits on top of him, holding him down to not break the kiss. Jonghyun touches her bare legs, lightly at first but then harder.

They kiss for a long time, rough at first, then calming down a bit and it becomes softer, continuing with light kisses until Hannah lies down next to him, looking at each other.

Jonghyun rolls around under the quilt to put his hand on her cheek, caressing it while they pout and do grimaces at each other.

“Try to get some sleep,” he whispers, blinking softly.

“You too,” Hannah whispers back. But she smiles and cuddles in for a hug and breathes out against his chest.

Less than two hours later Jonghyun wakes up by the spot next to him growing colder.

With a groan he rolls back and forth in bed a few times before hearing Hannah ask if she woke him up. Blinking, he adjusts his eyes to the room and sees Hannah walking around with the flashlight from her phone to see anything in the dark room. He groans again when rolling around on his stomach, lying to see her better and more comfortably.

“Hannah, you can turn on the lamp,” he mumbles to her.

“No, go back to sleep,” she whispers. “I’m leaving in a few minutes.”

He watches her try to get dressed in the dark, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “Hannah…” he whispers when seeing her grab her bag. “I won’t get a kiss before you leave?”

She pouts in the dark and gets over to the bed, tiptoeing even if he is awake and he looks completely comfortable when she leans down to kiss him, liking that she does not hesitate for it. She lies down in bed with him until it will knock on the door, whispering to each other and holding hand. She likes his hands, his long fingers. There is a lot of things she likes with her boyfriend, and when she has sat down in the van heading to work she texts him that he should really go back to sleep knowing she will think of him spreading out in her bed.

“What’s the talk about ‘standard beauty’ anyway? Who the heck decides that?” Maria is asking on the way to the Beauty Lotion photo shoot.

“A lot of professionals,” Manager Lee is answering.

“That’s stupid. There are billion of people in the world; you can’t sort out the standard beauty by that.”

“They sort it out in the country. The standards of what people see as most beautiful in each country, what changes most people want…”

Maria is sighing and looking upset, completely devoted in the subject with their manager. “No, it still doesn’t work. What people see as beauty is what we have been told since birth is beauty. We are told by grown-ups as a child that ‘this dress is pretty’, ‘that hairstyle suits you’, asking why we have old pair of shoes and judging based on our looks – beauty is put in our minds depending on our surroundings and what we are told from birth.”

“What’s wrong with liking the outside then?” Manager Lee asks, pretty much the only one who isn’t a member of 5 Pieces or SHINee’s Key who is daring to challenge Maria on such an important patter.

“Nothing. It is the extremeness that is wrong. Why is it such a big focus on beauty that people undergo surgery to find it? Why can’t natural beauty be the standard beauty? I seriously hate the focus put on all of this, on all … surgery and how to look better and better, how to change your whole outer appearance because we since birth are told we are not good enough.”

“Surgery is about being satisfied in yourself, it’s not about what other people say.”

“That’s bull,” Emelia butts in and then raises her hands when Manager Lim turns to give her a glare.

Maria joins in: “Its complete bull and you all know it. If we weren’t taught by others that there is something wrong with the way we look, we wouldn’t want to get surgery. It’s basic like that.”

“So why do you think you know about it and not the rest of the world?” Manager Lee asks annoyed, and he ignores Manager Lim’s sight that this conversation is just sounding like an old couple nagging.

“Are you a complete idiot or what?” Maria raises her voice at him, angry. “Why do you think we’re the only ones aware of how commercial works? You think we are the only ones in this business? Go ask the director when we get to the set, the answer you get will be the same as ours, and put that idiotic look on your face down your pants because no one wants to see how uneducated you are.”


“WHAT!” she bursts out at Manager Lim, completely furious to have someone talk like an idiot; “Appa, you can not tell me you take sides with that idiotic reasoning! And you, Ji Young, are you really a manager of ours? How can you be so stupid and still spend so much time hearing out conversations, are you shutting down your hearing around us or what? Ya, are you even listening to me now? In what part of the world does it sound like a good idea to make a complete change in how you look just because some so-called-professional men have decided what the standard beauty is and that every person should look like that? It’s sick!”

Hannah leans to the side to look through the van from her back corner seat; her hair falls down on Carolina’s shoulder.

“Are they not done yet?” Hannah whispers to her friend. They have two sections in the car; the back seat where Hannah, Carolina and Julia are sitting is always in their own section while the rest of the van is in this loud section of discussion pretty much all the time.

Carolina shakes her head, leaning a bit towards Hannah so their heads touches. “Maria is in her own monologue now; Oppa does well for not butting in now.”

Hannah nods and leans back, putting her focus back on her phone while trying to hear some of Maria’s monologue about the same plastic surgery and standard beauty they brought up before leaving.

Arriving to where they will continue their Beauty Lotion commercial and campaign filming, Maria turns the monologue to Hannah as they walk together inside and Hannah is nodding and agreeing with her best friend. 5 Pieces’ thoughts are the same when it comes to beauty, plastic surgery, feminism and a lot more; the important topics are important to have the same among the ladies. Maybe that’s why they grew stronger in their friendship a long time ago; when in school getting in on the subject of beauty, makeup, surgery and the view of teenage boys versus teenage girls the discussion was wild and fiery with the ladies sounding to be in an argument though their thoughts and words were the same.

The Lotion Beauty campaign is great. Without make-up, the ladies took simple pictures yesterday. Solo and in group, they did short video clips too for the campaign. Without make-up and styling their hair lightly, the ladies took on black and white pictures as well as coloured ones to show off sophisticated looks, smiles and poses with confidence to say they are confident without makeup thanks to the smooth lotion.

Carolina had taken on a feminine look with a cardigan, showing her piano nice hands near her face for the pose in the close-up. Hannah had worn a white top, some bracelets and she was showing a bright smile while messing with her hair on the command of the photographer, looking fresh and free. Maria looked serious, in a white cropped tank top in a sheer long-sleeve on top she was starting straight ahead in her new short hair-cut. Emelia was in a black t-shirt and jeans with a belt, her long honey brown hair a bit wavy and she posed mostly with her arms, taking on a simple look with a small smirk in her face. And Julia looked masculine in her short black pixie cut for the solo pictures, but for the group pictures she looks like a little girl with no worries as the ladies took on all kind of poses while being both photographed and filmed for the campaign; they look serious just standing next to each other, they wrap their arms around each other to laugh or make faces and they turn to each other to happily point out good points about their skin from the lotion. Easily said, they are enjoying their free skin and only seeing good things.

Today they go for a more daring, cool look.

In their [You Thought Wrong Of Me] hair and makeup, outfits too, 5 Pieces do the commercial where they talk about always working being covered in heavy makeup, how nice it is to get it all off and put on the smooth lotion and all that selling words. The ladies are having fun today too, trying on the lotion on the set and talking to the staff, learning more than necessary about the product and even getting tons of it since they are the models for the lotion now.

Being ready for the stage after that, the ladies head to Music Bank to perform their newest song and do some interviews.

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“Maybe we should just wear bags over our heads,” Maria whispers with a dry voice on Sunday. “I mean… There is no way we can go back in there. There is no way we just met that person.”

Maria is having a panic attack after being greeted by Maroon 5.

Two days ago 5 Pieces were thanking and bowing to the audience at Music Bank in Seoul after winning first place as the song of the week. And after stepping on the airport on Saturday, 5 Pieces have moved like robots, spacing out and panicking countless of times. The flight was terrible and terrifying. The ladies were even talking about crashing, they were so afraid to get off the flight in America. The whole flight they only had one thing on their mind: MTV Video Music Awards. The yearly award show has only the biggest international artists attending, like Miley Cyrus, Beyoncé, Katy Perry and who not of the artists you hear wherever you go around the world! 5 Pieces have been very good to not panic about it before, which is why they can’t stop panicking when getting off the flight and they go to the rehearsals and are in constant work. Backstage they are too busy to practice of their performance, going crazy and panicking to everyone and everything (only people of their crew, of course, they don’t want to be seen as completely insane foreigners that never have spotted artists before). There is always trouble in America when going for rehearsals with the stage collapsing or rehearsal schedule changed, you can’t walk through certain corridors backstage and it is really the weirdest commands given by the artists that 5 Pieces doesn’t even dare to touch the fruit in their own dressing-room.

5 Pieces has been invited to walk the red carpet, to attend the whole show, even to perform and they have been nominated which is just really incredible because the song they are nominated with is [Girls Power]; a Korean song from their Korean album that has only been promoted in Korea but since it’s music video was released on YouTube it got so much global attention. It is all insane.

The ladies are still looking flawless, their stylists working their magic while 5 Pieces are talking about covering themselves, hide them selves and just run barefoot away from here.

Life is a journey, and 5 Pieces embraces it with shaking hearts and unsteady legs, but when getting out on the red carpet they look confident, beautiful, feminine and absolutely gorgeous.

“Coming right up on the Red Carpet here at the 2014 VMA, first time attending and looking stunning at first glance, the crowd is out of breath already by the sight of these pretty girls is 5 Pieces!!”

Julia can’t see correctly in the hot California sun, one hand held up to cover her eyes from it to see around her and she smiles seeing a crowd cheering on her right. In a black mini dress; sheer crochet contrast, side cut-outs and loose hanging down. It is pretty and simple and it looks pretty to the short pixie haircut in black, gorgeous high heels and simple accessories with the simple French manicure on her nails.

Emelia steps up next to her in a more complicated dress; her long hair is straightened and just a hint of messy, wearing a ethereal embroidered crop top to a matching maxi skirt that has a mesh shell underneath that covers down to her thighs. Emelia looks up, her eyes small in the sun but she looks charismatic and like she is the owner of the city. She fixes the big bracelet on her right arm, wearing a tiny chain necklace that is hanging down to her bellybutton. Emelia turns to look over her shoulder when Hannah gets up next to her.

The youngest is wearing a black lace inset gown; a long gown with a slit up her left thigh, lace halter and back in a nice shape to her figure. Her pastel purple hair is wavy and put over her right shoulder. With high heels she looks taller and her figure looks better, the dress shaped perfectly for her. Thanks to the simple look of the gown she only needs to wear a few rings as accessories to complete the look.

Carolina is showing off her fair skin in a two piece cocktail dress with a beaded high neck sleeveless top with a matching short slim beaded skirt. The special beaded fabric look glorious in black, gold, blue and different patterns, showing off a completely different vibe of the redheaded member of the group and her skin looks like it has never seen the sunlight in a pretty white colour. She is holding on to the hem of the skirt tightly with both hands when getting out of the car, first to not let it reveal anything and then to pull it down an inch once she is up on her feet, hearing the cheering crowd and massive of people talking.

Maria is last but not least, wearing a navy blue lace long sleeve gown which is absolutely stunning on her slim model body and the lace is covering her arms, up to her neck and down covering her feet, the covering part of the dress underneath the lace is like a high-waist skirt, short to reveal her legs underneath the lace fabric, the top is shaped sweetheart and cropped, and from head to toe she looks like the true red carpet model walker with her straight long bob blonde haircut and bold red lips.

Feminine and confident, all five ladies are absolutely shining on the red carpet and they are holding their expressions with the red carpet filled with people; mostly just staff, and a bunch of people are showing 5 Pieces where to walk.

Carolina link arms softly with Hannah as they start to walk all five together, but after a few steps the space between the ladies goes wider as they all have their own walk in these dresses and the staff surrounding them makes it like that; just a little bit of space, making them look like five celebrities walking the runway rather than five best friends sticking as close together as glue. Hannah and Carolina are lightly walking with their arms linked, smiling at the cheering audience around them and the hot late August sun makes even the light dresses feel warm. It is good there is a soft breeze in the air.

“Do you hear?” Carolina asks, looking at Hannah and showing a big smile.

Hannah tries to hear what it is, hearing people cheering and talking around them. She looks at Carolina, confused but trying to hear what is making that big smile in her friend’s face, and she opens to ask what it is when hearing the chanting; 5 Pieces! 5 Pieces! 5 Pieces! The chanting comes from the crowd, the fans are chanting, there are 5 pieces’ fans in the crowd and Hannah burst out into a smile as she and Carolina giggles at their name being chanted in America at this kind of an event. The two ladies look up and smiles when waving to the people they see chanting their name, receiving a great response.

Just a little bit tension in their bodies is gone seeing there are people supporting them here, but it is still overwhelming. It hits them differently to have people chanting their name, as if this all is a dream; the ladies aren’t walking there feeling out of place and beautiful, to know they walk the same carpet as the biggest international stars, that 5 Pieces in fact is lying at home in bed dreaming of a far away dream.

But it is real, which feels really weird and when a staff member tells the ladies to stop for pictures you have five confused ladies looking around because there are photographers all around the place and they don’t know if they should turn around or keep facing forward or who is even taking their picture.

For the whole red carpet the ladies keep standing up in a line to take pictures, standing with the promotional background several of times with the crowd on top of the terrace. The ladies even raise their hands up to some of the fans stretching down their hands, to shake hands or try doing high fives. These people know who 5 Pieces are!

“You look gorgeous!” a young man who reaches down to touch Maria’s hand calls out.

“You too!” she answers and gives the thumbs up pointing at the 5 Pieces’ t-shirt he is wearing.

She waves when walking with the ladies, smiling with her friends and getting more nervous for each step they take. They get closer to the journalists, curious if someone even wants to interview them.

Hannah, still behind held by Carolina in the arm, turns around to make sure the leader is keeping up with them, and Maria holds out her hand to Hannah. With Carolina’s arm linked with hers on the left, Maria holds on to her right hand and they walk up to Emelia and Julia who have been stopped by a reporter. Julia and Emelia are without a problem answering the question of who they look forward to see the most tonight, and when all five ladies are seen together in the camera the reporter asks them about their clothes, saying how beautiful they look and asking who they are wearing. Typical and simple questions the ladies are all prepared to answer.

The ladies stick together while moving from one reporter to the other, being guided to who to talk to and starting the interviews without having all five ladies next to them, just to have them come in for the second question and join in.

“This is your first time attending MTV VMA. What are your thoughts and feelings after coming here?” a female reporter asks, adding a lot of feel in the question and talking quickly. With the crowd cheering loudly during the question, Hannah looks at her right where Maria is standing, knowing the leader probably missed the question too and Hannah is by now holding lightly to Maria’s wrist as they are standing tightly to fit in screen.

“This place is just amazing,” Julia is answering while Maria turns to Hannah to whisper in her ear that she didn’t hear the question. Hannah didn’t hear it either, so they decide to listen to the other ladies instead. “We have literally been freaking out every minute since arriving; it is really amazing to be able to be here.”

“I can not see you have been freaking out at all! You all look absolutely stunning and confident tonight.”

“Thank you!” Maria answers with a big smile hearing what the reporter said.

“You are performing tonight; what can we expect from 5 Pieces? You have had a lot of hit songs this year and you are nominated in three categories, is it possible we will see 5 Pieces try to steal the show?” the reporter wonders, again talking quickly but the ladies all manages to hear it.

“There will be no way we will try to steal the show with all the great stars performing, but we will definitely have a lot of fun performing tonight,” Maria answers and Hannah nods, seeing Emelia nod too.

“What about the songs? You are nominated with the song [Girls Power], the only non-English song nominated tonight, how does that feel?”

“You know, it is incredible to know that music can reach out on such a large scale even if it is in a language you don’t understand, and that our Korean songs are receiving so much love and support to this level, we feel very honoured and we have a lot of weight on our shoulders to show it off in the best way possible. We will do our best and our performance tonight can show that the language doesn’t matter.”

“Does that mean you are performing [Girls Power] tonight?” the reporter looks like she just got some juicy information.

“You know,” Maria starts to say, smiling, “You can never know what music we will perform. It is our first time performing at the VMA so we want to keep the mysteriousness until we are on the stage; we might say we will perform [Girls Power] and end up doing a completely different performance, so you can never know.”

It is gibberish but it is social gibberish and the reporter laughs wishing them a fun night and sending them off to the next reporter.

There are surprisingly a lot of reporters waving 5 Pieces over. They are asked if they are expected to win, but the ladies say they are nominated for three categories and just that it feels like a win. Hannah and Carolina are the quiet two today; Julia talks surprisingly a lot. An interviewer asks who they rather want to sing on their birthday party; Beyoncé or Ariana Grande. Five ladies answers Beyoncé, laughing and saying you can’t say no to a legend.

“Jessie J said she looks forward to see 5 Pieces perform most of all tonight, because she has met you before and said you are adorable off the stage but stunningly charismatic on the stage,” the reporter says.

“She said that?” Maria smiles, giggling a bit, “We met her briefly one time and she is just stunning herself. We look forward to meet her again.”

“Who do you look forward to meet the most tonight?”


“Beyoncé,” Hannah answers and she smiles when Maria is fast to say;

“Ed Sheeran.”

“I want to see Usher,” Carolina says, “And Taylor Swift. I’m a huge fan.”

“We heard the cast of Teen Wolf is here too,” Emelia adds, “so we will keep our eyes open to see them because we are big fans of the show.”

“Right! Dylan O’Brien,” Maria says and nods to the camera as if telling everyone he is the best.

“We will be crazy fan girls tonight,” Julia jokes. “It will be a lot of fun and I can’t wait to see Jessie J’s performance.”

Continuing, the ladies are starting to relax a bit, but they have reached the end of the carpet and when finally being comfortable being on the carpet they are done.

Maria is hyperventilating when stepping inside the building, both hands waving in front of her face and she is taking deep breaths having Manager Park’s hand on her back to keep her moving.

The ladies just walk and walk backstage it feels like, not really sure of where they are going but they stop by an MTV sign to take a few pictures, adding in some selfies on their phones too and they exchange their nervousness with some staff. Walking a bit more, they are about to walk past a corridor cut off with a bunch of people. Dancers, all incredibly preparing for the stage or waiting, and everyone just looks so relaxed and professional while all Hannah can see is the sign that this corridor belongs to Beyoncé!

It has been talked about for some time now, but the group stops as their manager and crew starts talking to Beyoncé’s crew. They are actually talking to Beyoncé’s crew! Hannah even recognizes some of the dancers, quietly bouncing in her heels holding on to Carolina. She wants to leave. Being this close to a legend’s room is unthinkable, and she is quickly hurrying down the corridor when their manager motions for the ladies to keep walking. They are unable to meet Beyoncé – Hannah is happy for that, worries she will loose herself completely if she meet someone that great.

The ladies go to their room, to make sure they look okay, to use the bathroom and to wait to go take their seats with the audience. Their dancers and crew are nervous too, they will wait here and they are talkative, the room is filled with the Korean language and it is comfortable hearing it while knowing the rest of the building is speaking English.

{Instagram, 5P_HANNAH: This is 5 Pieces backstage at the VMA! Looking pretty but posing crazy, like usual ^_^ Will anyone watch the live broadcast??}

The ladies upload selfies on SNS; twitter, instagram, even a quick update on their blog to keep their fans around the world updated on how excited they are. Responses comes right away, fans writing they are watching, that 5 Pieces looked hot and stunning on the red carpet, writing how proud they are and so on. It is the best support the ladies can receive; their fans support. No matter which country or language, the support of fans is what has taken them all this way so the ladies know they need to do their absolutely best today, to keep their fans’ pride at the top.

A staff comes to their room, bringing Manager Park outside to have a chat and when the manager looks inside the room he has a big smile in his face.

“Who wants to meet Beyoncé?”

Julia gives out a laugh, hitting Hannah on the arm. “He asked who wants to meet Beyoncé,” Julia laughs.

“Her manager just told me she is in her room, if we go now you can meet her,” Manager Park says, waving at them to come but no lady budges.

“Are you scared?” one of the dancers jokes

“Hurry up, take the chance,” another one says, grabbing Maria’s hands.

Maria takes a deep breath, turning to her ladies with a huge frown between her well-drawn eyebrows. “Should we?”

“It is now or never, ladies,” Manager Park hits the wall for them to hurry up.

Emelia is up on her feet, walking over to make the other ladies move to the door and Hannah keeps turning around to ask if they should look in the mirror or if they should bow if they see the legend and she is just terrified to meet the biggest role model in her life.

Walking back through the corridors is horrible; Hannah gets a headache walking with her members, rubbing her hands on her skin to get rid of the sweat. She wonders if she will shake someone’s hand, if they actually will get to see Beyoncé in real life, wondering if she will be tall and glorious and goddess-like, how she will sound if she will talk, what they will say…

Hannah trips on her on feet, almost falling straight forward but Carolina stumbles with her and they both grab a hold of the friends in front of them, creating laughter for being so nervous that they even stumble. The ladies are all nervous, terrified actually. You can meet a lot of people that you look up to or have watched on TV for years, but to meet Beyoncé is like meeting God at the port to heaven – it is something that only happens once and you should do it when you have done all in your power to be given the honour to be in such presence.

The ladies are even holding hands when standing in the corridor nearby Beyoncé’s room, waiting and shaking and not even able to say a word to each other because they can just feel that a goddess is somewhere nearby.

Beyoncé’s manager comes back to them, smiling and holding out his hand to finally greet the ladies.

“Beyoncé says she had wanted to meet you earlier but she wanted her daughter to be here too, so you can go inside now,” the manager explains.

Maria turns around to the ladies with a frown when they start walking, in Korean asking if they are going to meet the whole family Carter but no lady wants to say a thing. Hannah’s heart is up by when they reach the door, the manager knocking and peeking inside even if he just came out from there, and then he opens the door and steps aside to let the ladies enter. Carolina’s hand grabs a hold of Hannah’s, the two of them walking in last among the ladies and they are so deadly nervous that when seeing inside the large dressing-room, they can’t even bow to be polite because Beyoncé is in this gorgeous long body-fitted dress and she is looking at them with this bright magical smile. With big earrings she seems to have been getting her hair out from being tangled and she steps forward in high heels, her hands letting go of her hair and earring to hold out her right hand – that smile is dazzling!

“It is such a joy meeting you,” Beyoncé says with that dazzling smile, looking straight at Emelia as they shake hands. “You are … Emelia, right?”

“Whoa… how did you know?” Emelia awkwardly laughs, not able to breathe correctly. Though Emelia isn’t big of a fan, just an admired of Beyoncé, standing in the same room as her and even being spoken too, makes even the charismatic lady breathless. The ladies are just staring at her, and Hannah starts panicking wondering if Beyoncé actually knows 5 Pieces.

“What do you mean ‘how did you know’?” Beyoncé laughs. “Everyone knows who you are, you are 5 Pieces. Hi.”

She shakes hand with Julia too, and Julia lowers her head in a bow, saying her own name to be polite and Beyoncé says she knows all of their names.

“Oh, this dress is pretty,” Beyoncé says when turning to Maria. Maria is just staring at her. “You all look so pretty and young. How old are you?”

No one seems to want to answer and Beyoncé laughs, leaning a bit forward to shake Carolina’s hand, looking her straight in the eyes with a smile and glancing at Emelia who says they are all twenty-two years old. Hannah’s fingers are twitching when taking out her hand, and she doesn’t even know how the hand-shake feels like because Beyoncé is seeing her with a smile and Hannah is about to tear up seeing how close they are.

“I want to introduce someone to you,” Beyoncé then says when she has shaken hand with their manager too. “This is a future fan of yours; she really likes all your songs, always dancing to the song … [Run Out]?”

She hesitates a bit on the name of the song, and glances back to 5 Pieces to get confirmation about the song and Julia just gapes at her while Maria mutters it is a Japanese song.

“I would have met you all earlier but I wanted her to meet you too.”

Beyoncé holds out her hands and when turning to the ladies she has Blue Ivy sitting on her hip, a baby beauty with the resembles of her father and charm of Beyoncé as she looks at the ladies who are stunned by this presence: Beyoncé looks like a mother holding her daughter, that goddess-like smile looking at her daughter when asking if she sees who they are.

Blue Ivy turns around, hiding with her head on her mother’s shoulder to not see the ladies and Hannah think Maria is going to start waving her hands. Beyoncé just laughs though.

“She is shy,” she reveals. “But I assure you, she might become your biggest fan soon. Right, baby?”

5 Pieces are just stunned, they can’t do better in the presence of Beyoncé; they are actually standing in front of Beyoncé!

“I have always been curious to meet you,” Beyoncé continues to say, smiling at 5 Pieces, “It is a very warm story to hear how you went to South Korea and started working with music there. Are your families still living in Europe?”

Julia nods, Carolina nods, Maria and Hannah are just frozen, but Emelia shakes her head.

“Her mother has just moved to Seoul to live with us,” she answers and points at Julia. “Everyone else lives in Sweden.”

“Are you planning to have your families move to Seoul?” Beyoncé wonders.

It is a wonder to hear her voice! She looks gorgeous, her body is great and her face is shining – she is a goddess among men and 5 Pieces should be down on their knees in front of her.

“No… They have their lives in Sweden,” Emelia says. Hannah has no idea how she can answer the questions, how she can even look Beyoncé in the eyes.

Blue Ivy turns her head a bit to be able to sneak a peak at the ladies while they are talking. She then turns back to her mother, saying something in her mother’s ear while touching her hair. Beyoncé smiles and asks Blue Ivy to say it herself, and the girl looks at 5 Pieces.

“Your hair … why is it blue?”

Maria and Julia both look behind them and look at Hannah, and Hannah blinks realising the question is to her. The girl is adorable!

“Purple,” Beyoncé whisper to Blue Ivy

“Why is your hair purple?” Blue Ivy repeats and Hannah looks at her hair.

“Oh, I dyed it,” Hannah answers in a nice tone, “Does it look weird on me?”

Blue Ivy shakes her head. “You look like a mermaid.”


“Thank you,” Hannah smiles, glancing at Beyoncé who laughs and then down at the floor, absolutely embarrassed and shy.

She can’t stop shaking. They even take pictures. Beyoncé stands in the middle, they take one with and without Blue Ivy – the one without her can be posted online – and Hannah stands as far away as possible as she does not think she would be able to stand too close to Beyoncé.

Heading back to their room, the ladies are letting out the breaths they haven’t been able to take out and Hannah is shaking her hands while Maria is waving hers.

“She is not human,” Emelia breathes out when they almost are by their room. She turns around to her members while walking. “Did you see how she was glowing? Absolutely stunning…”

There is a camera crew that has followed them during rehearsals during the day for a Korean program, and they now too spot 5 Pieces returning to their room. Hannah looks at the camera-woman with huge eyes, lifting up her shaky hands.

“We just met Beyoncé…” Hannah says in a low voice, gaping as she stops in front of the camera-woman filming her. “See how much I’m shaking…”

“Did you say anything to her?” the camera-woman asks, smiling because of the ladies’ behaviour.

“Who? Me?” Hannah gapes at her. “What could I possibly have to say? I just stared at her! Oh my, I must seem so weird…”

“Don’t worry,” Carolina whispers next to her, “All of us were weird. No one can talk sense in front of Beyoncé.”

Hannah still gapes at the camera-woman, not knowing what to say even now. No words can describe meeting the best person alive. Not because they have time to talk it through; they are told to go sit with the audience.

After meeting Beyoncé it is all a haze, all the celebrities they meet when taking their seats – it is all a haze. They greet people, they are polite and even bows out of habit, but it is all in a blurry haze and they will probably not even remember what they have said. MTV VMA the main show hasn’t even started yet and 5 Pieces are already feeling like they have won all the prices.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 22nd: 5 Pieces Shows [You Thought Wrong Of Me] By Winning At Music Bank


Headline 23rd: 5 Pieces Wins On Music Core + Performs [You Thought Wrong Of Me]

Headline 23rd: Fans Wish 5 Pieces A Good Trip To California For MTV Video Music Awards


Headline 24th: [You Thought Wrong Of Me] Does An All-Kill With Inkigayo Win + 5 Pieces’ Pre-Recorded Performance

Headline 24th: Watch 5 Pieces Take On MTV Video Music Awards Live Broadcast, Stunning Red Carpet Appearance

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^