Chapter 27

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

“Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot!” the room is chanting and Hannah is looking at the laughing Tiffany standing next to her by the kitchen table. Lifting their own shot, the people in the kitchen chanting, the two girls laugh with their eye-smiles when raising their tiny glasses. Hannah puts it by her lips and turns it upside down when leaning her head back, swallowing the strong liquor all at once to the cheer and then grimacing, feeling Tiffany lean on her with a laugh.

Maria is screaming the loudest in the room at the third shot swallowed by the two girls, screaming with her are B2ST’s Yoseob and SNSD’s Hyoyeon. Tiffany grabs the fourth shot right away, lifting it to Hannah to take it and when Hannah takes it, Tiffany lifts up another one for herself. Their crowd cheers anew and the two girls looks at each other before taking the shot, hearing laughter around them when making similar grimaces over the strong liquor.

Hannah jumps after the fourth shot and she looks at Tiffany, wondering if they are taking the next one right away but Tiffany links her arm and says they have to dance a bit first.

No one keeps track of what time it is, Hannah isn’t sure if it has been an hour or two since she came but her mind is blurry and she has walked around greeting people more than one time – the grudge she held when first coming home is far gone. Tiffany doesn’t go dancing like most of the others do, and Hannah sees how her friend leaves her to go sit down next to 2PM’s Nickkhun. Just as Hannah turns around to go get another drink, a pair of arms wraps around her. She manages to turn around first, and she smiles up at Jonghyun.

“I’m not letting you take more of that,” Jonghyun whispers by her ear, turning her around to walk out of the kitchen. Hannah is smiling, and she can see their couch and living-room is filled with people sitting down talking or standing up dancing. Out on the yard there are more people, chatting and dancing, and everyone have a drink in hand.

Instead of being in a bad mood and getting wasted, Hannah is in a great mood and she starts dancing randomly to the music when Maria is dancing her way. With Jonghyun’s hands on her hips, Hannah moves randomly with Maria, going into this 5 Pieces-can’t-dance mood and she is smiling widely hearing how entertained her boyfriend is.

They are dancing for a few minutes though, because Hannah is quickly running out on the grass, holding on to Jonghyun’s hand until she throws her arms around Kim Hyejong, one of the good friends Hannah learned to know when filming Midnight Dream.

“Hyunsuk said you maybe wouldn’t make it,” Hannah says, giggling in Hyejong’s ear before leaning back.

“He is so full of it,” Hyejong giggles back. “And I wouldn’t miss it in the world. Are you giving me a tour?”

Hannah glances back, seeing Jonghyun smile at her.

Hyejong giggles and the two girls starts to head inside, Hannah talking about who lives in which house before they disappear inside. Jonghyun doesn’t come along this time, instead he finds some friends to talk to. Without Jonghyun behind her, Hannah shows Hyejong the kitchen first – to get something to drink for them both, that she asks someone else to make as Hannah can’t fix drinks. With a drink in hand, Hannah shows Hyejong around, with their arms linked she points around on the second floor and explaining that everything isn’t fixed yet and so on. In each corner they meet more people and Hannah introduces Hyejong to them even if she has met some of them before, just because she can’t keep track on who people meet; the blunder is when they meet their co-star Hyunsuk in the second house and Hannah introduces the two of them to each other and they can’t stop laughing.


Laughing, Taemin comes over to her.

“You are going down,” he says and grabs her arm to take her with him.

“Where are we going?” Hannah laughs, stumbling out on the yard.

“Arm-wrestling; I am going to show who the winner is,” Taemin answers.

Reaching the first house, Hannah first thinks they are going to the living-room but with a lot of voices it has been decided to be in the kitchen and she laughs seeing how a few people are talking about the rules and saying the looser has to drink and whatnot. Taemin points at Hannah, saying the two of them are going a round.

A lot of people laughs, and Hannah isn’t sure if they find it silly for a boy to challenge a girl or if they think she is stronger than him. Hannah isn’t sure which she believes in either, she just wants to be stronger to not be seen as a weak girl. The people around them are a blur, a celebrity blur of friends that surrounds 5 Pieces’ home, drinking, and dancing and having fun.

They clear the side of the table and Hannah pushes Taemin to the other side for them to start. She puts her right arm on the table, lifting her hand up and getting ready with Taemin in front of her, hearing all kind of voices; bets being set and she can just smile at Taemin when a shot is prepared for the loser.

“Are you ready?” Taemin asks.

“Are you getting scared, Taeminnie?” Kai laughs, looking to be the most excited person in the room.

Taemin smiles though, not bothered by the words and just asks if they are going to start. He puts his hand by Hannah’s and they hold on to each other tightly, getting ready with the other hand behind their back, and someone’s hand is placed over theirs to be the judge on when to begin. Chanyeol takes away his hand and shouts out that they can begin and the two fighters start off. Hannah starts laughing right away when they put strength in their arms, his hand tightly gripping hers and she lowers her head from laughing. She will have to go use the bathroom after this.

He is stronger than she thought he would be, but Hannah wins. The whole kitchen roars out and Taemin asks for revenge right away while Hannah holds up the shot for him to drink.

She sneaks in to the bathroom while everyone is roaring, coming back out and hearing more roars over the next game and before hearing who played against who, she is dragged back to play again.

Taking the other spot is Kai, and Hannah laughs, leaning away.

“Why?” she asks.

“Because we can,” Taemin answers and Kai waves for Hannah to give him her hand. She sighs and takes his hand, just to let go to take her drink, receiving comments about getting drunk while Hannah waves her hand.

“I won’t get to drink the shot, so I can do this,” she explains and receives a lot of cheers for the confidence and she smiles at Kai when getting in position.

“You got a lot of confidence winning over Taemin,” Kai comments, “And I will make you take that shot.”

It’s exciting with the people cheering around them and Hannah’s right hand holds on to Kai’s, and the game starts. The cheer around them is super loud, chanting for Hannah and chanting for Kai and laughing so much. Hannah is laughing again; her nose is wrinkled putting in her strength. Kai is stronger than Taemin, like slightly stronger and she thinks he will win – for just a second.

“What’s wrong with you?!” Emelia pushes Kai when he looses, laughing with the others. Hannah had no idea where her friend came from, pretty sure Emelia has been sticking to the corners to have deep conversations with guests.

Hannah joins the others to cheer when Kai has to take the shot.

She is about to get up to ask Sunny to make her another drink, when someone grabs her left hand and pulls her back down. Hannah smiles widely seeing Jonghyun holding on to her hand, tightly, over the table and his eyes are holding hers just as tightly too.

“Whoa!” someone calls out. “Couple fight!”

Hannah’s smile is enormous, hugging his hand with hers.

Someone comments on their hands and Jonghyun’s smile is just so freaking hot.

“Hannah is left-handed,” he says, his whole face filled with love and Hannah bites her lip. If there weren’t people around she would kiss him.

“Wait, are you saying Hannah won over both Kai and Taemin with her wrong hand?”

“I told you so,” Emelia shakes her head.

Hannah smiles at the comments, but her eyes are focused on Jonghyun. He had been standing by the table, watching them the whole time and smiling because he knows she is left-handed but she has had too much fun laughing with the others for commenting on that.

Pete shows up in the kitchen, his voice heard talking about arm-wrestling and asking who has won and laughing when seeing Kai’s face-expression, cheering with the others when Hannah and Jonghyun gets ready to begin their game. Pete and Hyekyung are here; everyone have known about the party all day, a bunch of idols are there too, so many people.

They start off, and compared to the previous games where Hannah burst out laughing right away, she is just smiling widely looking into Jonghyun’s eyes, only starting to laugh when those around them starts commenting on the vibes between the couple.

“Let’s get the party starting!” someone cheers from the living-room, followed by more loud voices and a member from B2ST enters the kitchen to grab some bottles of beer.

“The FNC team is here,” he says, “Honggi has brought some stuff with him.”

At the sound of his name, Hannah slinks her hand out of Jonghyun’s, all of a sudden feeling distant. She looks at her curled fingers and glances up at Jonghyun, hearing those around the table complaining when she stands up, saying she lost or they should do a rematch.

“I lost, I lost,” Hannah admits and grabs the shot to swallow it before leaving the kitchen.

“You’re so boring!” someone calls behind her but Hannah is already in another room where the loud music doesn’t let her know who called.

In the living-room, probably the one who had cheered that they are starting the party, is a member of CN Blue – who now is given a bottle of beer and reaching out his hand to greet some people he either doesn’t know or just wants to be friendly with. Hannah takes a glance inside the hall when walking towards the yard, and she has to stop her steps when almost bumping into someone.

“Easy there, pretty one,” he says with a hand firmly holding her arm, and Hannah looks up to see Honggi’s pretty face smiling down at her. “Whoa, y one, Hannah!”

He glances down at her outfit and Hannah is certain she is blushing, feeling the skirt being too short again.

“I didn’t know you’d come,” she says. She can need more to drink, seeing how well-dressed he is in a white and black long-sleeve shirt and cropped jeans. He wouldn’t be Honggi if he didn’t wear something odd; therefore the colourful socks. But he looks great and Hannah takes a step back seeing his eyes on her.

“We’re very late though,” he smiles and glances up and down her body again.

She nods. “There are a lot to drink in the kitchen, enjoy,” she awkwardly says and turns to the yard, hurrying out too fast that she stumbles down on the grass and gets support to not fall by someone she doesn’t look who it is even if she apologizes.

Hannah walks over to sit down with some others on the grass, turning to sit with her back against the house so when she lies down on her back in the grass, no one can see under her short skirt.

“What happened with the shot competition?” Taeyeon laughs, patting Hannah on her thigh.

“Tiffany disappeared,” Hannah says as an excuse, though she had totally forgotten about the competition she had with Tiffany; as these two girls are the ones celebrating their birthdays this up-coming week.

Hannah closes her eyes for a second before rolling around on her stomach to see over at the house, seeing everyone partying in both houses and outside as well. Taeyeon, Baekhyun and some others have taken it calmer here further away in the grass, joined by 5 Pieces’ dog Ryo who is enjoying Taeyeon’s attention. Hannah rolls on her back again and looks up at Jonghyun coming over to them, simply talking to the others when lying down next to Hannah, leaning over her and she smiles when he kisses her on the cheek.

“What was that about?” he whispers in her ear.

“What do you mean?” Hannah whispers back.

“When Honggi came?”

She swallows and hesitates to answer, rolling her eyes before smiling at Ryo. Jonghyun nibbles on her skin, his teeth on her cheek to get her attention and Hannah giggles.

“What was it about?” he whispers in her ear again, his tone a lot more serious.

“Nothing,” Hannah answers, “It wasn’t about Honggi.” He lifts his head up to meet her eyes, and Hannah smiles at him. “I was worried you would get upset if I won in arm-wrestling.”

It is such a lie but truth is that Hannah doesn’t know why she freaked out when hearing Honggi was there. Was she really nervous? That Honggi suddenly appears in their new house? Was it because both Honggi and Jonghyun are there at the same time? Or could it be because Jonghyun has showed how much he dislikes Honggi being around her… There could be many reasons as to why she gave that reaction, but for now she can tell Jonghyun it was because of the arm-wrestling. And she is right about one thing when saying that lie; Jonghyun’s focus turns on the arm-wrestling.

“You did well in there,” he smoothly whispers against her skin.

“You two are impossible,” Taeyeon giggles and leans towards Baekhyun. “Let’s pretend we don’t know those two.”

Jonghyun kisses her on the cheek again, ignoring everyone else. “I still want to finish that match, Nabi. Don’t think for a second you can win over me like you won over the boys.”

“The boys?” Hannah laughs, lifting up her back against him before sitting up, turning to be close to her boyfriend. “If you win over me in arm-wrestling three times tonight, cutie, I’ll give you one wish. And you better drink a shot each time you loose.”

“Deal,” Jonghyun growls deep in his throat and bites on to her lip real fast, making her lean away with a laugh and he grabs her arm to pull her close again. “And don’t call me cutie.”

Biting her lip, Hannah smiles widely at him. “When I win, I make the wish.”

Getting up on her feet, she holds out her hand for Jonghyun, and they walk back inside the house hand in hand.

“Rematch!” Kai excitedly jumps, his hoarse voice laughing when Hannah and Jonghyun enter the kitchen. Emelia is fast to fix new shots, and Hannah sees Honggi standing by the table, turning around to smile at her.

“Three shots, EM,” Jonghyun orders, “This will be a fun match.”

“They have been doing arm-wrestling,” Emelia tells the new guests, “Hannah won over these two before and then she lost against-”

Hannah takes the bottle from Emelia to pour the shots, muttering to Honggi standing next to her that she never lost to Jonghyun; the game ended before anyone won.

“And whose fault is that?” Jonghyun smirks. He is so excited to play, already getting into position and he holds up both his hands for Hannah. “Which one, Nabi?”

Hannah takes up her right hand on the table, almost feeling the excitement in the air from both Jonghyun and the others in the room. She doesn’t want to know if Honggi is excited, but everyone’s voices keep talking and talking and she is aware of that he touches her arm when he laughs. Emelia is so drunk that she sloppy puts her hand on top of the couple’s and counts to begin the first round.

Completely serious, it is the alcohol making her do this. Hannah is so focused, not hearing the laughter around them but she smiles a little when hearing Honggi ask if Hannah could really win over Jonghyun. Seeing Jonghyun’s eyes shift at her smile, she only knows one reason for it; jealousy. He knows it is Honggi who makes her react, and before she knows it he has put her hand against the table, winning the first round. Jonghyun looks happy at first, straightening his back with a smirk that turns into a despiteful glare when Honggi puts his hand on Hannah’s back telling her she might be more lucky next time.

Hannah takes the glass that Emelia reaches out for her, and swallows the shot at once, grimacing and waving at Jonghyun.

“Round two,” she breathes out and then blinks at Emelia. “That one was disgusting.”

Emelia smirks and shows the bottle of strong liquor. “Honggi’s homecoming present,” Emelia answers and Honggi leans happily on the table.

“It’s strong, isn’t it?” he chuckles, seeing Hannah is still grimacing. She nods and waves to Jonghyun again, taking up her left hand this time and they chuckle around her, Taemin even asking if she is getting serious now.

“I am not loosing,” Hannah tells Jonghyun and waves her finger for him to give her his hand.

Jonghyun smiles and gets ready too. “I’m not so sure about that.”

Round two is even for a start, more people gathers in the kitchen and the couple is so excited that they are giving out sounds showing how hard they are trying to win.

“Come on, Jjong, you can’t loose to a girl!” Honggi hits the table, laughing and more joins in. Emelia only laughs at their words, her voice goes louder and louder and louder when Hannah looks to be winning. Once Jonghyun’s arm is leaning back, towards Hannah’s goal, it is hard to gain the strength and she manages to press his hand down.

The room cheers loudly and Hannah stands up, her hands in the air giving and getting high-ten and she is laughing at Jonghyun when he has to take the shot, just to laugh more when he shows how strong it is. Hannah is pretty sure the Koreans can’t handle liquor the same way the ladies from Sweden can, because with the amount of shots Hannah has taken compared to Jonghyun, he gets drunk from one glass. Honggi is laughing so much on her left side and Taemin keeps saying Jonghyun is getting beaten by his girlfriend.

“Taemin, don’t forget she beat you first,” Emelia tells him.

“If one more person says a negative thing about me bring a girl, I will punch that person like the girl I am,” Hannah is excitedly jumping, receiving laughter for being on fire over this. Hannah pushes Honggi on the arm before pointing a finger at him. “There is nothing wrong with being a girl, idiot.”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Honggi defends himself with a laugh.

It is Jonghyun who laughs when Hannah glares at her friend. “By saying it, you mean it.” she turns to her boyfriend. “Last one, are you ready?”

“I’m ready to win, Nabi,” Jonghyun ily answers and holds his hand up for her.

“Don’t think so, cutie,” Hannah answers and takes her position.

“You are so fun when you’re drunk,” Taemin laughs at them.

Hannah laughs, excitedly taking Jonghyun’s hand and smiling at him. If he thought Honggi had taken her attention a few minutes ago, he is certain no one will make her loose her attention on Jonghyun. Jonghyun knows he is the only man on Hannah’s thoughts, especially after Honggi’s comment; Jonghyun knows her too well to not bring up anything that can bring up a discussion about being a girl is different from being a boy. Hannah is stronger and more mature, but she is adorable mixing that with alcohol.

The third round is an excitement for everyone in the kitchen, filled with chanting and cheering and laughing while Hannah and Jonghyun are both trying to win the arm-wrestling game.

Jonghyun hugs her hand tightly when pressing her hand down, feeling her strength disappear when he has the upper hand in the match. The room is cheering at his win, more excited to have Hannah drink the shot, and without hesitation she swallows the strong liquor with Honggi laughing next to her. Honggi is filled with joy that Hannah drinks his shot, and Jonghyun is happy he didn’t loose against her, while Hannah is waving her hands at the strong liquor and grimacing to the laughter around her.

“I want a round too,” Honggi grabs Hannah’s shoulder, laughing so much when finishing his bottle of beer. Hannah giggles and rounds the table to take Jonghyun’s place, feeling her boyfriend put his hand on her back when she gets into position, holding up her right hand for Honggi.

“You think you can take her?” someone laughs when Honggi gets into positions too.

“It will be my joy,” Honggi laughs and takes on to Hannah’s hand, holding it firmly and tight. Hannah can’t hide how nervous she is, having Jonghyun’s hand on her back and Honggi’s hand holding on to hers.

“Boys are so silly,” Maria says when coming over to them, “Always wanting to win.”

“Hannah has won too,” Emelia says and points over at Taemin and Kai, the two fans who have been rooting for Hannah most of the time – because if she looses to someone else, Taemin and Kai are further below.

“Well, that’s no surprise,” Maria smirks and holds out her hand to grab Hyunsuk’s arm when he comes over to them.

“Oh, Honggi,” Hyunsuk says, and Honggi strangely takes his left hand over his right arm to greet the friend.

“We’ll talk later, Hyunsuk, I’m about to win over Hannah here,” Honggi says, his hand still firmly gripping hers.

“Yeah, yeah, enough with the talk,” Jonghyun waves at them to begin, putting his hand on top of the fighters and Hannah looks up at him. Honggi looks up too when seeing Hannah’s expression. Jonghyun doesn’t like seeing them hold hands for that long.

They start the game and Hannah is laughing out when Honggi moves his hand back and forth, fooling around. Several voices complains around them and Hannah loosens up until Honggi focuses, and they start the game on their own command. He laughs at her strength and he is so talkative.

“Honggi!” Hannah laughs when he keeps telling the others that she is really strong. She gives more strength in her arm, his hand leaning on the side for a few seconds before Honggi laughs and starts turning the game around. The chanting grows louder around them, and Honggi is so obvious that he lets Hannah take the upper hand again just briefly. Jonghyun complains with the others that the game goes on for too long; knowing Honggi is dragging out on it. Hannah is completely unaware of it, only laughing at the silliness in the match. Honggi feels how she starts loosing up in her strength, as if she is giving up because of his silliness, and he loosens up too, just about to ask Hannah something when she pushes his hand down in the table.

“YEAH!” Maria roars out and burst out her chest against Hyunsuk with a laugh.

Hannah laughs too when standing up, dancing happily when telling Honggi to take the shot and complaints arise around them telling Honggi he was acting silly because he knew he would loose and Honggi is laughing, saying this and that while grabbing the shot glass.

The talk about whose turn it is next starts and Hannah takes a step away from the table, smiling up when backing into her boyfriend and he happily puts his arms around her, turning her around for a hug.

“I have a wish,” Jonghyun whispers warmly in her ear. Hannah smiles up at him, the alcohol making her dizzy and unsteady on her feet, she can’t even focus her eyes on him, but she asks what it is. Jonghyun leans to her ear again. “Kiss me. Kiss me right here, right now.”

She giggles at the wish, putting her hand at the back of his neck to whisper in his ear;

“That’s not your wish,” she tells him, “I’ll kiss you either way.”

Jonghyun smiles before she kisses him, her tongue finding him for a passionate kiss and she goes up on her toes to wrap her arms around him.

A chair falling to the floor makes them turn around, not many in the room seemed to have heard it as most of them are too busy taking shots, but loud voices asks “where are you going?”. Hannah sees Honggi’s back leaving the kitchen, bumping into someone and when he glances back it is not the chair he had made fall earlier he looks at, it’s Hannah and Jonghyun.

“I’ll be right back,” Hannah tells Jonghyun, clapping him on the chest and meeting his eyes. “Don’t go anywhere.”

She hurries her steps after Honggi, hoping Jonghyun doesn’t follow, and she almost runs into the wall when heading to the hall. Honggi is already out the door when she catches up to him.

“Honggi!” she calls, holding the door open when throwing on someone’s big sneakers and she goes out after him, managing to grab his arm before he has crossed the stone path to the port leading to the street. “Lee Honggi, stop!”

“You want me to stop?” Honggi turns around, throwing her hand away dramatically and his whole face tells her something is wrong. Alcohol and emotions, but she can’t tell if he is angry or sad, which makes her take a step back. “I came here to congratulate you on your birthday, Hannah, and all I see is you wrapped up in Jonghyun’s arms!”

“He’s my boyfriend, what did you expect?!”

“And I’m supposed to be your friend,” Honggi growls and points at himself, “You completely ignore the fact that I like you and instead you make out with Jonghyun right in front of me as if knowing you are together isn’t hurting me enough!”

His words make her angry and before she knows it she pushes him with both hands on his chest, making him take several steps back.

“You’re an IDIOT!” she scolds him, screaming at him. She can’t even see him correctly, her body is shaking of anger and she is pumped up after the latest hours. She pushes him again, but Honggi doesn’t step back as much as he expected it this time. “How dare you come here and pretend it’s about you?! Stop making me the bad guy in your drama, Honggi! You either go with me inside, or let me show you around as my friend, or you can leave right now and don’t ever think I will talk to you again!”

She pushes him again, just to show how upset she is, and then takes a frustrated step back to glare at him.

Honggi looks back at her, moving his mouth a bit as if he is considering his options. After a few seconds Hannah crosses her arms over her chest, continuing to glare at him and Honggi looks at each movement she makes.

“I’m attracted to you, Hannah, I can’t help that,” he swallows.

“I don’t care about that,” she shakes her head.

“You don’t care or you can’t care?” Honggi asks.

“I’m not talking about this with you,” she sighs and takes a step back, “I would like it if you could go in and have fun with us, but I’m not talking to you about the same thing you have brought up for years now. I’m too tired of that, Honggi.”

“But I’m reminded of it every time I see you. It’s frustrating for me to be around you and all I want is to just take his place,” Honggi answers in a light tone. Hannah opens to ask whose place he wants, but then remembers they are talking about Jonghyun and she looks away, biting her lip. “I can’t be here if all I see is him holding on to you.”

Her eyes are sad and upset when looking at him. “I’m not forcing you to stay. I didn’t even ask you to come,” Hannah answers. “You came with the knowledge that Jonghyun would be here, which means you knew exactly what you would see.”

“I didn’t think you would rub it in my face, though,” Honggi tells her and the way he says it directly at her makes her gasp in surprise; he is blaming her.

“Are you serious right now?” she asks, about to continue when seeing his eyes go behind her and Hannah turns around to see Jonghyun by the door.

“Is everything alright?” Jonghyun asks, the question directed to Hannah but his eyes on Honggi.

“See, you can’t even leave the room without him following,” Honggi comments and he looks angry when she glares at him. “I would never hold you in a leash like that.”

Jonghyun steps out of the house, his voice is heard but before a full-sentence leaves him Hannah tells him to stay out of it.

“You will never hold me in anything, Honggi,” she tells him, and though she doesn’t know it both guys looks at her as if she says something too strong. She is frustrated. “Why are you so annoying? Wasn’t everything fine in there just now? Why does it matter if I have a boyfriend or not when you have said so many times that you can be friends as long as I’m next to you? Why can’t you stick to what you say, Honggi?”

“Because I love you!” Honggi bursts out, “I can’t stick to my words because I am waiting for you to get over him there and come back to me!”

“You-” Jonghyun starts roaring but Hannah holds on to him, pushing him away.

“Go inside,” she tells him and Jonghyun stares at her with big eyes.

“I’m not leaving you alone with him!”

“GO!” Hannah shouts at Jonghyun.

“NO!” Jonghyun shouts back at her, grabbing her arm and Hannah glares at him, just as angry as she has glared at Honggi. But she grabs his hand, as if she will throw it away, but she removes his hand from her arm and holds on to it, turning back to Honggi. She is too drunk for this.

“I’m done talking to you, ever,” she tells Honggi. “Go home.”

Honggi looks like he will talk back at her, but glances at Jonghyun and he grins. “Fine. I’m leaving. Call me when you’ve broken up.”

He turns around to leave and Hannah’s hand holds on tighter onto Jonghyun’s when feeling how he wants to run against Honggi’s back. She pulls Jonghyun with her back inside, holding on to his hand so hard that he doesn’t start to argue with her. Throwing off the shoes, she goes to her bedrooms door, opens it and drags him with her in, pushing him over to the bed for her to close the door behind them, locking it. She is angry when turning towards Jonghyun, who had fallen down on the bed but is standing back up now. He starts talking about what happened out there but Hannah pushes him down on the bed again, grabbing on to his neck to press her lips against his when she sits on his lap with her legs on each side of his. He groans when she holds on to his hair, pulling his head back so when she stops kissing him she can look him straight in the eyes from above him when he opens his eyes.

“I’m yours,” Hannah tells him, her voice confident and determined, yet questioning with her grip of him hard. “Am I yours?”

“You’re only mine,” Jonghyun answers in a hoarse voice and takes his hands on her face to kiss her again.

“Then you’re only mine,” Hannah answers against his lips, moving on top of him.

His hands are quickly lowered, grasping on to her thighs to press her closer.

“I’m never letting you leave me,” Jonghyun mutters, one hand on her face so he can bite on to her chin. “You’ll always be with me, right, Nabi?”

Hannah giggles, smiling up at the ceiling. Her thoughts aren’t on Honggi anymore. She breathes deeply when he kisses her neck, her hands goes through his hair, down his neck and she nods when he waits for an answer.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

The party continues. Everyone is going crazy, drinking and dancing, meeting friends they don’t always have time to meet. It’s almost four in the morning. Hannah has joined the others again, her hair is a big mess and she is jumping around to the music, not feeling y at all though she just had , all she knows is that everyone is drunk and she is jumping herself dizzy with Kai moving next to her and Taemin has just disappeared somewhere.

A new song starts to play and Hannah gapes around in the living-room before Taemin comes running over to them, and he starts screaming along to his own voice in the song when it begins. Park Hyekyung has started to play [You and Me], which surprises Hannah since the song hasn’t even been released yet. Which also means not many knows what song it is, having the drunken people just move along to the beat while Hannah and Taemin are jumping and singing the song with all their might.

She is smiling and laughing, jumping and throwing her hands around, singing the song she is said to have written, and the song that is sung by Hannah and Taemin through the loudspeakers. Kai is just following them, moving but not singing. She smiles at them, and she smiles widely at Hyejong joining them.

With the household being so large, two houses, the many guests can spread out wherever they want. Alcohol is in the first house kitchen, but everyone brings their bottles and cups wherever, going to chat, or go on a tour to look around, catching up with their friends, drinking and so on. In the other house there is also music. Julia’s mother has been there all along, first being introduced to people and frequently having a lady somewhere around while others try to talk to her in English, and she doesn’t seem to mind having a huge party going on to four in the morning – though it isn’t ending just yet. Some have left, having a schedule in the morning, while others can’t seem to have a thought in the world that the sun is about to rise, to welcome another day.

Emelia has fallen asleep, now lying in her bed but an hour ago she had been carried from the other house by B2ST’s Doojoon before he had to leave. They have even been playing games on the yard; Hannah did it too for a round, but everyone started to fight about the rules so she went to the living-room where she now is dancing with some others.

Their stylists have left too, as they are working on Sunday like so many others. But they came and had fun, that’s what matters.

Hannah dances and sings with Taemin for the whole song. Never has he seen him so drunk before, but they are having a blast.

Julia has disappeared. Someone asks Hannah where she is, but Hannah has seen her maybe two or three times tonight, and then it’s nothing more about that.

Each time someone knocks on the bathroom’s door in the second house, someone calls out that it will be occupied for a while. Carolina ends up being the one knocking on the bathroom’s door, as the noise in the first house is too loud for her. Now when members of SNSD have left, Carolina is thinking of going to bed, therefore she needs to use the bathroom.

“Just a second!” someone answers on the other side of the door.

“Julia?” Carolina asks, knocking again. “Are you sick?”

“No,” Julia chuckles on the other side, and then groans. “I’ll be right out.”

“…” Carolina stares at the door, and she backs away when hearing a moan. Julia is not alone in the bathroom. Terrified, Carolina swallows and walks away, her whole face pale as she do not want to imagine what is happening in there. But she can’t leave the house, and she is waiting for Julia to come out.

After a few minutes, Julia comes out from the kitchen which is between the living-room and bathroom; taking her hands through her short messy hair and she pulls her long skirt to make it sit correctly on her before she lazily dances over to some friends. Carolina knows for sure what has been going on, and the smug on Julia’s face doesn’t hide it either. But the smug on Julia’s face does not cover the lost expression on Manager Lee when he leans against the kitchen doorframe, a beer in hand and looking like he is so drunk he can barely stand up. Carolina’s eyes are about to pop out before she turns away, staring when hurrying her steps to the other house. Is this nausea? She is pretty sure she can throw up; and she has not been drinking other than tasting a few drinks from her friends.

Carolina walks right into the first house’s living-room, this house for sure more popular than the second house because of the loud music here. She doesn’t care that she pushes Kai away when grabbing on to Hannah’s shoulders with both hands, staring into Hannah’s red hazy eyes.

“I have something to tell you,” Carolina gasps and starts pushing Hannah away from the loud music.

Hannah laughs, bouncing when hugging on to Carolina’s arm and looking to leave her soul with the others who are dancing. Sweaty and drunk, she is placed in hall with Carolina, but Carolina stays quiet as some people are about to go outside for a brief fresh air or something. Only when the hall is empty does Carolina’s panicking eyes look at Hannah, wondering if Hannah will even remember this night tomorrow.

“I think I just heard Julia have with Ji Young Oppa,” Carolina says in one short breath and she has to hold her breath when looking at Hannah for the reaction.

Hannah just laughs. “Yeah, sure!”

“I’m serious! They were in the bathroom, I heard it. And then they came out together, all messy!” Carolina hisses. “I don’t know what to do!”

“If they now did anything, they will probably have forgotten about it tomorrow,” Hannah whispers to Carolina, as if she is pretending this is something important no one can find out about. “I don’t think Oppa would risk being fired for doing something inappropriate like that.” Hannah pats Carolina on the shoulder, telling her it is nothing to care about – not believing in it either. Carolina is still panicking though, and after using the bathroom in the first house she goes to her bedroom in the second house to pretend she is not present.

Hannah goes back to the living-room, dancing for maybe a minute with the others before spotting Jonghyun sitting in the sofa with some others, he is trying to follow their conversations but he looks like he has been drinking too much, taking his hand through his hair. His eyes meet Hannah through the crowd and he smiles, that crooked y smile of his, and she knows he had earlier watched dance and have fun with the others.

Happily she takes her time to the sofa, dancing with some people and being congratulated by others so she has to give away hugs to thank them, and when reaching the sofa she does not hesitate to sit astride Jonghyun, removing the hair from his forehead to kiss him lightly.

“You can go sleep in my bed if you want,” she suggests to him, her hands by his air and she looks at his face. Jonghyun places his hands on her waist, one hand goes down her and it seems like he is making sure the skirt is covering everything before his hand goes to her waist again.

“How can you still be energetic?” he asks her, smiling at Hannah who is smiling back. She shrugs her shoulder in response, putting her head on the side.

“You look tired.”

“So do you.”

Hannah giggles, knowing her eyes are so tired and the alcohol is still running loose in her system, but she is surprisingly energetic; this is probably the best party she has ever been on, and she knows she will have the worst headache in a few hours. She lowers her head to kiss his neck, she it lightly before patting him on his chest and she sits up, holding her skirt down when getting up on her feet and she smiles at Jonghyun who reaches his hand out for her.

Instead of going to bed they take a bottle of water and head outside to get some fresh air. Jonghyun is hanging over Hannah, drinking some water before giving her the bottle. She is breathing calmly, enjoying the cool morning air this late July, her body is sweaty and her hair is sticking to her neck and she is feeling really good. Jonghyun steps up in front of her with his lips on hers, and Hannah giggles at first since he is still leaning over her with his arm around her shoulders, but then she feels something wet in her face and she holds him away by holding on to his t-shirt in her fist. In front of her, Jonghyun is beautiful, even when crying.

“Why are you crying?” Hannah asks with a smile, just about to lift her hands up to wipe his tears when his hands are on her cheeks, holding on to her when leaning closer to give her a wet kiss. His thumbs caresses her cheeks and his lips are soft and wet on hers, sending shivers through her skin, so sweet.

“I’m overwhelmed,” Jonghyun whispers, breathing on her lips and his hand touches her hair, moving a lock. His eyes are closed and his nose is touching her, and Hannah can’t open her eyes because he is so close to her. “I’m overwhelmed thinking that you are mine. You … my butterfly with so much talent and charm, such power…”

She giggles, about to say that he is drunk when his lips touches her softly again.

“I have never seen so many guys being interested in arm-wrestling against a girl before,” he smiles against her lips, his hands continues to caress her hair now. “And when you won… damn, Hannah, you are flawless.”


“No, no, no, no, no,” he whispers, holding on to her face to keep her as close to him as possible, his thumbs caressing her cheeks as if he needs it to calm himself, not Hannah. “I want you to know, Hannah, just how incredible you are to me. How much I love just the fact that a woman like you is in my presence, how overwhelming it is to have you as mine…”

He is really drunk. Hannah just smiles and nods along, pretty sure he would continue even if she told him he is saying this because of the alcohol. It’s better to just nod along and listen to what he has to say. Jonghyun nods too, snivels from the tears before kissing her and Hannah laughs. She puts her arms around his neck, smiling when kissing him back.

“You’re only mine, Nabi,” he whispers, holding on to her hair to keep her head still, giving her many light kisses. She can’t stop smiling, hoping she can take him to the bed soon so he can sleep this off.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^