Chapter 02

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

“What are you going to do about your mother?”

There is no hint of joy in Hannah’s face when she glares at her friend. Emelia knows the look right away and rolls her eyes, probably knowing that mornings are not a good time to bring up sensitive subjects – but then again, with Hannah it is never a good time to bring up anything that can’t make her smile.

“She has been here since the showcase, are you just going to ignore her until she heads back to Sweden?” Emelia asks.

“That is exactly what I plan on doing.”

“No, it’s not,” Emelia shakes her head.

“How do you know?” Hannah mutters, turning away. “Don’t answer; I don’t want to talk about it.”

Emelia raises her head to look down at her. Being friends since third grade, over thirteen years, Emelia knows Hannah’s family better than any of her friends. “I know you want to talk to her, Charlie, you still have questions, don’t you? I can go with you if you want, and I know Maria have told you the same-”

“I do not want to talk about it,” Hannah spells out and the moment she hears the van unlock she opens the door to get inside. Emelia is the only one calling her Charlie, a nickname Hannah got as a child that only her family members uses – Emelia should be the closest to family Hannah has, not that she minds being called that. Taking her seat she takes out her earphones to block out the talk, and one by one everyone fill up the van. Hannah is sitting at the very back, while Emelia is sitting on the passenger seat at the front, leaving no room to talk.

Hannah’s mother showed up after the showcase, backstage, as if she has the right to be there at all. They have gone through a lot, so many fights and too many things have been said. Hannah loves her mother, something she always will, but after trying to make her mother understand that the life she has chosen in Seoul being part of 5 Pieces is the only life she wants and having to every time face her mother who wants her to go back to Sweden – things have gotten out of hand. Not just did her mother curse her out over the phone last year, saying what a disgrace Hannah is to the family, Hannah’s grandmother died last year without anyone telling Hannah. She was the only one still in contact with the girl, and no one told her about it, Hannah had gone back to Sweden with her members for a few days and she had ended up crying by the gravestone after finding her grandparent’s house belonging to someone else. Hannah might have forgiven her mother for cursing her, but she will never forgive that woman for not telling her about her grandmother’s death – especially not since her mother has been reading the e-mails Hannah has been sending her grandmother, for months and months, and not until Hannah just recently wrote a final mail after being at the grave, her mother gained conscience and maybe felt bad for not telling her about it, that could be why she is in Seoul now.

Her mother is staying at a hotel in the city, and Hannah fears that she might show up anywhere the way she showed up at the showcase. But she will not let that ruin her mood, day, week or comeback.

“I am so dead and starving at this very moment,” Carolina is whining at the back, sitting next to Hannah in the van.

Maria turns around in her seat in front of them. “Carolina, you do know that starving is dying from lack of food, right? You can’t starve if you are dead.”

“At times, Maria, you surprise me with your knowledge,” Emelia admits from the passenger seat.

“Ha!” Maria scoffs loudly – three times too loud than necessary, making the others smile – and the leader leans to the driver’s seat to look at Emelia. “We had the same grades in middle school if you remember, Emelia. And I am extremely good at words – whether it’s in Swedish or Korean.”

Hannah is sitting at the back, smiling at her members while pretending she is listening to music.

The whole group had gone to Sweden together about a month ago, to get a few days off after hearing their album had been delayed and to regain strength and focus by visiting their home; Hannah had gone back to Korea as soon as possible the moment she could think straight, because Emelia told her she can not sit by her grandmother’s grave during those days. Instead Hannah went back to Korea to cry and grief in the apartment, making a mess and going crazy. She is happy that now when her mother has out of nowhere showed up, Hannah is too busy to think too much about it – there is always a way to distract herself when her friends are around. 5 Pieces may be seen as a girl-group for many, but for the ladies it is a family of their own: Five sisters, not five members.

Today the girl-group is going to film a mobile game app commercial, starting off in the morning the five ladies make their transformation with make-up and hair; they begin to film the commercial after going through the concept and scenes. 5 Pieces begins the filming, doing small parts for the commercial before the main character for the filming makes an entrance:

Kim Kyung Ho is about to turn ten years old, he has become a child actor and a popular one thanks to his pretty face, mature mind and simple for going for his dream to become an actor you can respect and watch with delight – he wants to entertain viewers sitting in front of their TVs at home with his acting. Besides from acting in dramas, mostly tiny roles where he appears for one or two episodes, he has filmed a movie and this year he is starting to get a lot of requests, all because of one thing; his connection with 5 Pieces. For four years he have known the members of 5 Pieces, being known for a long time as their Korean little brother and being thanked during speeches and more as one in the family, and in 2014 he has surely gotten recognition from the reality-show Good Sister where Kyung Ho gets to live with 5 Pieces and live as brother and sisters. Thanks to the reality show, they have gotten some commercial deals together.

The director is laughing when they are rehearsing through the scene, 5 Pieces and little Kim Kyung Ho making the director and staff all laugh when saying their lines and funnily moving around for the scene. The highlight of the filming is when 5 Pieces’ members are sitting together in a sofa of the living-room themed set, all of them engaged in the games that they are playing on the tablets – Carolina and Maria have a tablet each and the other three members are brightly cheering them on, covering the sofa and sitting on the armrest or on their knees to get in different heights. The set is loud for a few seconds when the ladies pretend to be loudly engaged in the game shouting ‘yes, yes!’ or ‘go left, go left!’ and goes quiet on the producer’s command. After all shouting, they move on with the scene where Kyung Ho comes inside and starts scolding them.

Their commercial will be in different versions. In one version Kyung Ho will scold 5 Pieces for playing games when they have other things to do, and in another version it is 5 Pieces who scolds Kyung Ho, there is also a version where Emelia and Kyung Ho are playing the game together and are all immersed in it. Each version is fun to film, but it takes time.

When not being in front of the camera, the members take turns being devoted to their pets that have come along on the filming. The staff seemed to be charmed by the two pet dogs Michin and Ryo, who are both quiet but they are constantly waving their tails and being excited at everyone around. Their favourite person must be Kyung Ho though, because every time the little boy isn’t filming he runs to play with the dogs.

While Kyung Ho plays with the dogs, the ladies are practicing the choreography for their comeback whenever they get the chance and aren’t busy having fun with other things. At the centre of the set, Maria starts dancing with a chair, amusing the staffs who see her and soon Carolina is waiting to use the chair for practice as well while in the dressing-room Hannah and Julia are having a pair of chairs to practice with as well for [Girls Power].

“Are you going to be blue for long?” Kyung Ho asks Hannah when their filming is almost coming to an end and he comes to the side where Hannah is sitting with Michin in her lap – she has a blanket to not get the sponsored clothes hairy.

Hannah laughs because he means her hair yet it sounds hilarious to have him ask her simply with ‘blue’. “I’ll go pink for M Countdown.”

“I like the blue one,” Kyung Ho says, as he has seen her with pink hair before. He sits down next to her and starts patting Michin the way Kyung Ho knows the dogs like it. “I like pink too, but blue is fiercer on the stage.”

“Oh… really?” Hannah smiles at him. “Maybe you should get blue hair too, so we’ll match.”

Kyung Ho laughs real loud, pushing Hannah’s arm and saying he will never get blue hair.

“I’ll get a wig for you instead,” she teases and laughs again when Kyung Ho almost falls off his chair from laughing.

The first time Hannah saw Kyung Ho was at the hospital four years ago. The little boy was so tiny and young, yet he had the most pleasant voice and a very mature mind when it came to life and living. Being stuck at the hospital for a few weeks after her coma, Kyung Ho was like an angel watching over her, reminding her of the life she loves to live and pushing her lightly back up on her feet. The boy has spent most of his life being sick, about three years ago he got better and almost right away he asked Hannah to help him find auditions to go on as he had during the time at the hospital realised he wants to become an actor, and strongly he told Hannah he do not want her to help him get the part of a drama or anything like that; all he wanted was to know what auditions there are, and he would take care of the rest. With his own talent he got one tiny appearance in a drama several months later and slowly it went forward, last summer he went to 5 Pieces’ opening concert in Seoul and took a picture with the ladies where SM Entertainment revealed that the new child actor is in fact the little brother of 5 Pieces who has been mentioned a lot. Before that, 5 Pieces’ fans had only heard there was a boy at the hospital that had become like a brother to 5 Pieces, they couldn’t connect it with a name or face until last year and surely Kyung Ho has gotten popular since then. Hannah understood what he meant when he said he wanted to make it on his own; he got popular by himself first, knowing everyone would call in to try get him if they found out 5 Pieces’ little brother wants to be an actor. He is doing well.

“Let’s go film, pretty boy,” Maria says when coming up to them. As soon as Kyung Ho stands up she hugs him from behind and starts to slowly waddle to the set. Kyung Ho smiles at the affection and holds out his hands and moves left to right, hearing Maria laugh behind him. It’s comfortable to fool around between each other even when working.

Manager Lim comes up to Hannah, lightly tapping her shoulder to tell her she can go change as it is only Maria and Kyung Ho left to film. Hannah nods but stays to watch the final filming, only leaving when Manager Lim tells her she should change now before Maria is done, so she carries Michin with her to not have the dog run around on his own.

In the dressing-room, Julia and Carolina are now laughing and joking with a stylist about some pictures they have taken.

“Oh, Hannah, are you going to the concert tonight?” hair stylist An Mi Young asks the moment Hannah comes inside, a big smile in her face from laughing with the others.

“Hannah went yesterday,” Julia is fast to answer for Hannah who only manages to open before closing it again.

“So? Going twice is alright, is it not?” Mi Young shrugs her shoulder at Julia and then nods at Hannah. “Are you going?”

Hannah shakes her head but before she can answer it is Carolina who says; “Hannah will be practicing instead, but Emelia said she will go.”

“Emelia will go again?” Hannah gapes at them and leaves Michin to Julia for Hannah to go change.

“Yeah… Or I think so, I’m not sure, depending if they let her because she went yesterday and you two need to practice…”

“You do know that it doesn’t make a difference for Emelia if she practices for two hours tonight, right?” Julia jokes with Carolina. Hannah smiles at them, wondering if she will end up alone in the practice-room tonight and within seconds hoping for it as that means she can practice by herself – it’s rare to practice alone lately because of their schedules, all of them ends up practicing together.

Hannah changes her clothes quickly and is soon hugging on to Michin when heading back out to see the last minutes of filming; among the ladies she is the one who always need to keep an eye on Kyung Ho when he is in front of the camera. She can’t drop the older sister feeling, a protective image of a person who just has to look over him. Kyung Ho often asks her for help, for advice when he during filming has questions about something. Just today he is just following directions and letting 5 Pieces lead, having fun filming the commercial because it is a fun commercial.

Wrapping up the filming, Kyung Ho is hugged by Hannah and Maria before the ladies leave for the practice-room. They still have a few small hours left before most of them will head to the concert.

“So who is going to the concert?” Hannah wants to know when the girls walk inside the practice-room. It’s Sunday, no dancers or teachers are there today, just 5 Pieces.

“All of us?” Maria asks.

“I’m not going,” Emelia answers as if she knew the question was mostly directed towards her.

“You’re not?” Maria looks surprised.

“Hannah and I are staying to practice,” Emelia answers, “I have to show her how to move…”

Hannah laughs the loudest at the joke, she gives out such a loud laugh that even Maria has to point at her and laugh. Hannah isn’t the confident one, but for some reason she found it funny that Emelia will show her how to move.

“Our comeback songs are all about the iness, EM,” Maria talks for Hannah with a hand on her hip, “Do you dare compete against our y baby of who moves the best to [Girls Power]?”

The ladies are all smiling, joking with each other and Carolina is the one accepting the challenge to have a dance battle as she walks over to turn on the music. Hannah can’t stop laughing, this whole scene is hilarious, but she still follows Emelia’s lead by kicking off her shoes and Julia laughs too seeing the ladies get ready and Maria even shoots out five chairs as if saying all of them are doing this.

It isn’t much of a battle, it is more like a dance practice where 5 Pieces overdo their movements and really go full-out for what they hope is too much iness for the mirror to handle, though they laugh out loudly over the music at each other.

In 5 Pieces, each lady has her own image. Hannah has always had the image of being the cute and y magnae, and she has been more comfortable being called cute than y because when she was first called that she wasn’t feeling y. That image just seems to grow more and more with time for fans since in reality shows Hannah has shown herself to be cute but on the stage she is y – therefore, the image. Maria has the leader image, though she is more like a diva leader; though she can seem like a diva thinking about herself and with an attitude, fans knows she is a true leader for the messy girl-group. Julia is the sweet girl, all fans have known since their debut that when 5 Pieces are in an argument it is Julia who doesn’t say a word but in silence waiting for it to calm down. Sweet Silence is what fans calls her, and Julia likes that she has a calm image compared to the diva image or scary one. Emelia is the scary one; she has shaped her image by herself to be the charismatic rapper of the group, her pale skin and the dark make-up around her small eyes made her look like a ghost and Emelia took advantage of that to become the scary ghost of the group. Only when she went to the idol farming TV show Invisible Youth a few years ago did her image become Playful Charismatic rapper, because Emelia if anyone loves to tease and play pranks on people. Carolina says she is the mascot of the group, the members says she is the weirdo and fans says she is the bright member. Bright meaning she is always smiling and positive, and that is probably the main reason for all the names she is called; Carolina is like a mascot with her unbelievable positive attitude, but she is also the weirdo because no one understands how she can spend 99% of her day being in a good mood and everyone in her surrounding enjoys it in their own way.

Practicing just the five of them, they repeat the song a few times and takes their time in between to tease each other for the overly “iness”. Hannah isn’t sure if they are even trying to be y or just imitating others who are said to be y but whatever they are trying they are getting comfortable with the song and laughing at each other so much that they can’t even keep their balance. They take a break to eat dinner and then returns to practice, going slower this time to instead watch through the music video and look at face-expressions and details and read comments to know what part fans liked – only to realise fans doesn’t point out certain things in the music video for [Girls Power] because all they comment is ‘that is hot’, ‘wow that is for sure y’ or ‘hotness overload’.

Not much time after that three of the five ladies leave, and for a few minutes Hannah and Emelia are just sitting in the practice-room surfing the internet. Emelia lies down on her stomach, yawning and looking through on her tablet.

“Aren’t you curious to know what your mother is doing?” Emelia brings up.

It’s like firing up a bomb, and Emelia glances up at Hannah as if not being sure she is making the bomb explode or if it is just beginning to shake. Since they have had a great day, Hannah doesn’t fire up, but she does roll away from Emelia on the floor, resting her head on her arm. “Maybe… I wish she goes back to Sweden,” Hannah mumbles. Emelia is the only member daring to bring up the talk about Hannah’s mother these days, though all of them are wondering what will happen since Hannah’s mother is still in Seoul all by herself.

“Yeah, we all do. But do you think she will wait until you talk to her? Like … what if she shows up at our schedule or something? If you just stopped by her hotel-”

“I’m not going to see her.”

“But if you do, she might go back to Sweden. You can tell her personally what you want to say and tell her to leave,” Emelia tries.

“I have nothing more to tell her. And she has nothing she can tell me either,” Hannah mumbles and turns her head away. She want her mother to leave and she understands what Emelia tries to say, that if she just gets done with it her mother will leave; all of them wants her out of there. Hannah can’t relax being scared her mother might walk in through the door wherever they are, and she do wonder what her mother is doing these days in Seoul; is she just staying at the hotel? “I don’t think she would explore Seoul, not even trying the food other than McDonalds…”

“That’s why you should talk to her.”

Hannah whines. “But I don’t want to.”

“I can talk to her, though I don’t think she will talk to me.”

“She will curse you out,” Hannah smiles at her friend. “Mom never liked you.”

“Yeah, I know,” Emelia smirks, looking at her tablet. “I don’t mind though.”

“I don’t mind either. She never likes anything that I like,” Hannah sighs and rolls around on her back. “We should focus on practice.”

“Mm…” Emelia hums but doesn’t move an inch.

Hannah lies still too, picking up her cell phone. After a few minutes in silence, just the two of them in the big room, Hannah asks; “What are we doing tomorrow?”

“We got … another commercial filming with Kyung Ho, we are going to try some outfits with Yong Hyun Oppa… oh, you can never guess; we got practice,” Emelia ends with sarcasm and smiles when Hannah looks at her. “Why are you asking?”

“Just curious,” Hannah shrugs her shoulders and gets up, finally. “We should practice. [Girls Power] or [POWER UP]: we have practiced [Girls Power] a lot these days because of the awards show on Tuesday, but we have the whole comeback on Thursday…”

“Let’s do both then.”


Emelia chuckles when getting up on her feet, putting her things on the side to start practice with Hannah. The youngest puts on the music and within seconds the two ladies fill the room with movements and passion. They surely were focused when practicing with the whole group, but with just the two of them they don’t fool around as much though it is like always strange dancing without the other members or with the back-up dancers. Emelia is relaxed dancing like this, going with the flow of the music. That is really good, she knows the choreography and to be able to go with the music to do it is something that makes it look comfortable dancing; Hannah is more of the one adapting to the surrounding and mood, so she too gets relaxed with Emelia and moves along to the music. The choreography that at times can be felt like they have to move quickly and can’t keep the fast pace is suddenly easy to keep up with, and it feels really good for Hannah to know she can relax to the new songs when practicing, not being too busy to focus on everything.

They practice lightly just the two of them, taking a break to eat some snacks.

“The tone is so high in this comeback,” Emelia shakes her head simply while putting in chips in . “Then it drops low for some parts. The chorus in particular is difficult.”

“But the chorus is easy with the high note because you just have to sing it out, and we are all singing together,” Hannah comments.

“Yeah, yeah, sure, but imagine performing this for a few weeks; our voices will be exhausted.”

“Most of your parts are low though.”

“That’s because my voice is low,” Emelia smirks; actually happy she doesn’t need to do the ridiculously high adlibs or parts of their comeback songs. “Maria pulls it off perfectly too.”

“I think it is Maria’s kind of level, she can hit the low parts as well as the high ones,” Hannah nods in agreement, focusing more on drinking her Coca-Cola than eating the chips that Emelia focuses on.

“Mm… but you can do both too. Not the way Maria does it because your voice is more like … the kind of voice that can pull off anything, while Maria is more this light shouting adlib or whatever; you do her parts just as good, but in a different way.”

“Maria’s voice is completely clear, mine is not,” Hannah mentions. She has always envied Maria; their leader who is tall and skinny, who speak her mind with confidence and believes in herself, and who can mess up but turn it into the best thing that has happened, and she has a great voice when she is on the stage. Back during their debut times when they were often compared as the female DBSK, Maria was out of question chosen to be the female Xiah Junsu.

Emelia smiles, knowing Hannah would never say her voice is great. “I like your voice more though,” Emelia says.

“You’re just saying that because Maria isn’t here,” Hannah leans back with a laugh, covering so all Emelia can see is that eye-smile of her blue-green eyes almost disappearing in the laugh.

“No, it’s true, I really like your voice. You can do ballads as well as pop, these … I don’t even know what it’s called, but Christina Aguilera.”

“But that’s because I sing those songs all the time, you know I like that,” Hannah says, starting to put her things away.

“You know what I mean,” Emelia smiles, “The style.”

“Ah, some fans say I’m a better singer than Carolina now,” Hannah remembers and says it the second she remembers reading it somewhere. “Comparing us from now to the past, they say I have gotten much better.”

“Or it’s just because you are getting parts that shows off your voice more,” Emelia mentions.

Hannah shrugs her shoulder at that, knowing she isn’t a better singer than Carolina. Emelia stuffs more chips in , glancing at Hannah who puts things back in the plastic back.

“Carolina is more focused on learning how to sing correctly,” Emelia starts to say, “You and I, we are more like the ones who sing with the emotion.”

Laughing and agreeing, Hannah nods. “Seriously, I can’t remember a thing from vocal lessons, but my voice just goes with what I feel is right.”

“Yeah, we are true amateurs,” Emelia jokes and smiles widely when Hannah grimaces, “professional amateurs, because we rock on the stage and our voices are really cool but we doesn’t take the serious vocal lessons as much to heart as Carolina. Julia is somewhere in between, don’t you think?”

“Mm,” Hannah nods, glancing at the bag of chips.

“I’m done,” Emelia says and starts putting the bag away after seeing Hannah glancing at it, the youngest wanting to start practicing again. Emelia pushes the plastic bag to the wall and gets up on her feet. “Give me ten minutes; I have to use the bathroom first.”

Emelia leaves the room and Hannah head to turn on the music to continue practice while waiting, carefree when starting to dance to 5 Pieces’ comeback track.

When first debuting the ladies had a hard time changing from a band to a group, where only Maria at first were singing to when all of them had to sing. They struggled for a year to even get a praise from their vocal teacher, their debut track was good thanks to the great producers they worked with but 5 Pieces was not known as a good vocal group in the beginning. They have improved and improved greatly for each comeback, and now they can not get enough of praise from teachers and seniors and fans and media about their voices, especially after [I Want a Man] back in January. With their fourth album, Hannah is sure the people watching them will have taken notice of their growth since last time, how mature 5 Pieces have finally become.

The song has almost come to an end when it knocks on the door. The music is reaching is ends while Hannah turns to see who it is, through the glass on the door she can see who it is at the same time as SHINee’s y man Kim Jonghyun opens the door to come inside.

“Hi,” he smiles at her and takes a swift glance through the room, and starts walking straight in.

“Hi… What are you doing?” Hannah asks, becoming suspicious to see him walk right over to her. His steps are determined and in a reflex Hannah starts to back away, her eyes meet his and she is suddenly laughing with her hands held up. “Jonghyun, Emelia will be back any minute.”

“I don’t care,” he says and just as Hannah is about to take some fast steps backing away from him he grabs on to her arm and lightly pulls her closer.

Being pulled closer his cologne reaches her and Hannah breathes in with her eyes closed just as his lips touches her, a light kiss on the lips until his lower lip moves to deepen it and his arm wraps around her. She is pulled into a daze, following his lead and melting in his arms. This is the man who kept her company when she was alone in the apartment, all the other members were in Sweden; he kept her company and kept her sane, Jonghyun stayed with her most of the time.

“You didn’t answer my call,” Jonghyun mumbles and kisses her again. Just as his fingertips goes through her hair, Hannah’s hand touches his, stopping it because she knows her roots are sweaty. Jonghyun just smiles, leaning back but both of his hands go through her hair and Hannah pouts up at him. “Your cheeks are rosy; could it be because of me or because of practice?”

“Because of practice, of course,” Hannah answers, but her pout turns into a smile.

“You’re such a bad liar,” Jonghyun laughs and gives her a peck on the lips, his thumb caressing by her cheek. “Did you see Taemin yesterday?”

The change of topic makes her frown and Jonghyun smiles warmly. “No…” Hannah answers while thinking of what she did yesterday, “Why?”

“He said he saw you at the concert, but you were too busy laughing and singing that you didn’t notice,” Jonghyun is saying with amusement shining over his whole face. Looking at him, Hannah just can’t help but to smile, he is handsome but his smile is childish. “Was the concert that good, you think?”

“Oh… You’re jealous because I didn’t say in details how good the concert was last night?” Hannah laughs and lightly pushes him away.

“I remember that you didn’t come to my concert,” Jonghyun answers in a light tone but when Hannah looks at him he is full of smiles, teasing her, yet all Hannah does is pout at him before sitting down in the sofa. “You can come to it in another city instead.”

“You okay with that?” Hannah asks with a sigh, the guilt hits her as they were fighting when SHINee had their concert in Seoul so Hannah didn’t go to it, she couldn’t handle going to the concert even to support them and she feels bad whenever remembering it.

Jonghyun nods, still smiling when walking up to her.

She gives out a laugh when he does not hesitate to lean over her and puts his legs on each side of her, a position that girls usually have and that’s why Hannah laughs leaning back against the backrest and covers with both hands, looking up at Jonghyun who is smiling at her surprise.

“What are you doing?” she laughs and almost screams when he bends his back to reach her lips with his – her hands waving in her laughter.

Jonghyun laughs at her reaction, only kissing her lightly. “Please come to one of SHINee’s concerts this year,” Jonghyun smiles at her, caressing away the hair from her face. “And stop laughing; this is the only position for you to not get away.”

“You’re sitting on me,” Hannah laughs, again putting a hand over from laughing so much. Jonghyun laughs too; even he can’t help but to find this position humorous, and he ends up gliding down on the side to sit next to her, one leg still over hers though. Hannah turns her head to the side, smiling at him. “Why are you in such a good mood?”

The smile grows in his face. “You noticed? Well… my girlfriend is making her comeback this week-”

“Ya, don’t use me as an excuse,” Hannah laughs and hits him on the leg. “Tell me what it is.”

“It’s SHINee’s anniversary today, and I got a message from a fan who wished us as a team many years together with our fans and then wished me personally to be happy in my relationship,” Jonghyun proudly says and lies down with his hands under his head in the sofa, smiling widely hearing Hannah giggle. “So in the end you are my excuse for being in a good mood.”

Hannah looks the other way when hearing the door, and she smiles when Emelia comes inside.

“Oh, he’s here,” Emelia comments seeing Jonghyun’s shoe poking up at the sofa’s armrest. “Don’t you ever work, Jonghyun?”

“Only when I’m not here,” Jonghyun jokes with a big smile. “All the others are off working now so I got some spare time before my radio.”

“And you decided to drop by because we do not have the most nerve-wracking comeback of our history coming up this week…” Emelia is saying while crossing the room, her back facing them.

“Emelia…” Hannah whines.

“She’s joking,” Jonghyun tells her with a laugh.

“Hannah never understands any jokes, she’s too serious for that,” Emelia tells Jonghyun and he completely agrees; he smiles charmingly when Hannah gives him a glare.

It’s really nice that her ladies like her boyfriend, Hannah will forever be grateful to that, and though she looks upset that they are joking about her at this moment she is happy they aren’t fighting. But she still pouts when pushing Jonghyun’s leg away so she can stand up, stretching when walking over to the music.

“We should practice,” she mutters to Emelia who only nods and says it is a good idea.

Jonghyun stays lying in the sofa while Hannah and Emelia return to their practice. The first minute Hannah can’t seem to focus, only looking at Jonghyun through the mirror reflection where he is smiling at them from where he is handsomely lying, and then she somehow manages to get more and more focused on the practice. He has seen them practice many times before, Hannah once tried to teach him the dance choreography for [Girls Power] but the moment she put one leg gracefully over the backrest of the chair he stopped; he lasted for a few seconds anyway.

When he leaves later, the two ladies continue to practice until the rest of their members return and most of the night 5 Pieces go through the choreography. After a few hours of sleep the ladies head to their stylist’s garage-turned-into-clothing-storage to try out some clothes for their comeback and such, and that is where they spend a few hours of Monday before they will go to clothing commercial filming with Kyung Ho.

Today the last teaser for their music video is released, the sixth teaser for [POWER UP]: 5 Pieces are getting ready by the make-up table, dramatic eye make-up and gowns covering the dramatic stage outfits and the five ladies are hovering over the table the way girlfriends tend to do when getting ready. Gossiping about girls power, the article says, as the ladies are talking; “He was fighting with her again.” – “No way” – “About what?” – “He doesn’t like it when she has an opinion of her own. You know what she said?” With curiosity the ladies all asked what she had responded with, and Maria is the one talking; “It’s Girls Power, baby” and the girly laughs fills the room in the teaser, interrupted by a man peeking inside to say “Ladies, the spotlight’s yours”. 5 Pieces smile at each other; “Let’s show them, ladies” and laughs when hurrying out.

Tomorrow, it is Tuesday the 27th of May. Their album will finally be released, the drama version of their music video will be released, they will perform…

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Headline 25th: Episode 12 Of SBS ‘Good Sister’ Airs With High Ratings

Headline 25th: 5 Pieces Show Off Their Support At EXO’s First Concert Alongside Other SM Town Artists


Monday, Headline 26th: [POWER UP] Teaser 6 Reveals 5 Pieces’ Gossiping About Girls Power

Headline 26th: Filled With Expressions, 5 Pieces & Kim Kyung Ho Models For Mobile Game APP Promotion Posters

Headline 26th: Maria Surpasses 2 Million Followers On Instagram

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X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^