Chapter 21

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

“When you sing this part here, you’re supposed to keep it soft and follow the beat without going full out like you did for the other song…” Hyekyung is explaining to Carolina in the recording studio on Sunday evening.

Hannah is sitting in the back, her eyes so heavy that she can barely focus and she keeps closing her eyes for a minute or two while just listening and she doesn’t feel bad for it because Maria is almost snoring in her corner of the sofa and Emelia has put down her head on the table with a cardigan over her head while Julia has stepped outside to talk with her mother on the phone. 5 Pieces is recording an English song they have been given by a Swedish producing crew the agency has been working with, they have finished their performance at Inkigayo, and Julia’s mother has arrived to a messy house with just a bed and food really prepared.

Doing an English song with a Korean crew in the studio, having directions from a Swedish crew across the globe, the ladies really need to depend on themselves. 5 Pieces are the best ones at English, helping each other out with pronouncing; especially for Hannah who lets the words be sung with the melody and one specific word in her part comes out too weird that Carolina keeps trying to fix it for her. The other members have a better pronouncing; though according to Hyekyung, it is just that perfection in small details.

It is a two-day schedule of this recording and they have about three songs to record this evening and tomorrow, working on an American single comeback or it’s for the album or whatever; they are recording in English and that’s the point of these two days. The ladies are so tired from moving this past week that they are knocked out in the recording studio, taking their time recording one by one and having a lot of water and healthy drinks for the throat to not sound as tired as they feel when recording.

After going to the movies on Friday, Hannah has only seen one article written about it and she had this huge hot conversation with Maria about how pissed off they get because of the stalkers that had appeared and then the article just wrote that Hannah and Kyung Ho went to see a movie together, adding pictures taken but no one commenting how extreme it was or that they were followed and so on. One person had commented on the article that people should leave them alone, meaning at least someone saw how annoying it must’ve been to have people take pictures of you when you’re trying to go to the movies, a little boy and his sister. Maria had even said you could see how pissed off Hannah was and telling Hannah it was cool how even the article commented that Hannah protected Kyung Ho by covering him with her own cap. Hannah had freaked out on the phone with Jonghyun too about that, so furious over how people thought it was okay to follow them because they thought Hannah was in the car with Jonghyun. It’s the end of the weekend and she is still so angry about that.

“Who is up next?” Hyekyung turns to the sleeping ladies, smiling up at Manager Kim who has entered the studio. No one seems to react to his question. “Hannah, if we re-take your part now and stops after that for you all to go home and sleep.”

Hannah nods, grabbing a bottle to prepare .

“You’re about to wrap up for now?” Manager Kim asks.

“Y-yeah…” Hyekyung answers, glancing at his colleague Pete and then at the ladies, “We got all day tomorrow to finish so just get some sleep and come back ready to do the rest of it. I just want Hannah to finish this one part here.”

The youngest is already heading inside the room with her lyrics sheet, preparing to do the part Hyekyung wants her to do and after seeing the people on the other side of the glass have stopped talking she asks how she should do it differently. While Hannah records her part, their manager is waking the other members up and says they are leaving in a few minutes.

Julia and Carolina leaves first, the two of them going to the house to sleep there while the other three members go to the apartment as the last furniture such as beds and bookcases. So the reason the ladies can’t go sleep in the house is because they don’t have anywhere to sleep there; Carolina sleeps on the couch in the second house, Julia’s bed is there and Julia’s mom has her room prepared with the necessary things because she will get to buy her own things in the up-coming days.

The apartment is empty now, Maria can’t even find her toothbrush and Hannah has all her clothes packed in the house; it’s like going to bed and wake up without being able to shower and change clothes and it feels awfully wrong all of it, but the good part is that they will spend the whole day in the recording studio so it doesn’t matter what they wear.

Without make-up, in the same clothes she wore yesterday and feeling like she really needs a nice shower, Hannah is hiding under a cap when the three ladies arrive outside the agency.

“Carolina isn’t answering again,” Hannah sighs and puts her phone down in her bag where she has a bunch of unnecessary things, making her phone disappear quickly in the mess.

“Julia and Carolina have already gone to SBS to film Star King,” Manager Lee tells them from the driver’s seat, parking the car, “They will come after lunch. Don’t forget anything.”

“Yes, yes,” Emelia says and jumps out from the passenger seat first, sporting a sleepy smile when hearing a few people from a distance given a sudden scream. A few fans are always outside SM Entertainment’s building, fans of different celebrities but always happy when spotting any famous face. Hannah gets out of the van before Maria because the leader is too slow, and Hannah hurries up to the building’s door after Emelia while Manager Lee takes Maria’s bag for her to get out as well.

At this hour there is a secretary sitting inside the door, and when seeing who arrives on the security cameras outside she opens the door for them without letting Emelia having to enter a code. The ladies enter the building and without question they head straight to the recording studio to begin their work. Park Hyekyung is like always already in the studio with the engineer Pete, ready to begin working with the ladies today and he knows them all too well that what he said last night was true; after some sleep the ladies are awake and ready to kill the new songs in the studio.

Late after lunch do the last two members arrive, and Julia is super talkative in excitement that her mother is in Seoul. The sad part is that the ladies won’t go home until midnight, as they are spending the whole day in the studio.

Close to dinner time, Jonghyun begins asking Hannah through text messages that she can’t translate well, ending up responding with question-marks and Jonghyun texts her ‘I’ll come get you later’. What he means with that is a larger question-mark than the previous ones and Hannah forgets all about it for two more hours of work until it knocks on the door and there he stands – adorably smiling and his puppy eyes scanning the room before greeting everyone.

Handsome and nicely dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, Kim Jonghyun looks like a god when he takes a step inside the room, still holding up the door when asking Park Hyekyung if there is a chance he can borrow Hannah for a few minutes. Like always when he wants something and there are people in the room, Hannah can’t help but to blush. She looks at their producer, glances at Maria and Julia, and then looks over at Jonghyun who holds out his hand when Hyekyung says Hannah isn’t recording again in a while (you can borrow her, Jonghyun). Hannah walks up to him, takes his cold hand in her warm hand, and she hold his arm with her other hand when following him out the room.

“How is it going today?” Jonghyun starts asking when leading her away from the room, smiling at how warm her skin is when she holds on to him.

“I’m tired,” Hannah honestly answers, but she can’t stop smiling when he looks down at her. His smile grows.

“I wanted to ask if you have time to go on a date on Wednesday,” Jonghyun asks, slowing their steps. The smile has softened, and he turns them to face each other to see her face-expression.

“A date?” Hannah asks.

It’s not that they have never gone on a date before, but just the word date doesn’t come up that often. It’s more likely Jonghyun asking if she has the time to meet and he will pick her up, but they don’t use the word ‘date’ to it…

“Yeah,” Jonghyun chuckles, “an amusement park date.”

“Are you serious?” Hannah frowns, as she now imagines the two of them walking around with fifty stalkers after them. “After what happened a few days ago for me and Kyung Ho, you serious want to go to an amusement park together?”

He nods, completely serious. “Well, actually, it will be a double date. Taemin came up with it.”

This is getting more and more confusing. Jonghyun can’t help but to smile in amusement over Hannah’s face-expression getting more and more confused; first he asks for a date, then for an amusement park date, and all of a sudden Taemin will come along for a double date. “I didn’t know he was dating anyone…” Hannah mumbles, staring out at nothing with a frown as she can not remember hearing of Taemin even being close to date a person recently.

Jonghyun laughs. “He’s not dating. He and Jongin want to go have some fun, and they asked if we want to come along. It’s a way for you to hang out to those two, since I don’t want you hanging out with them alone.”

“Because they are handsome?”

It’s his turn to frown even if she said it with a laugh. “Because the three of you left alone in an amusement park will end up having you loose each other and never finding the way out. I’m coming along as the grown-up,” Jonghyun answers with the most handsomely serious frown making his eyebrows look adorable and Hannah just wants to hug his face, but she laughs when hearing what he says.

“You will definitely not be the grown-up,” she laughs at him.

“So you’ll come along.” It’s not a question, it’s a statement, and Hannah nods with a big smile. “Good, because it’s killing me that I don’t have an excuse to tell your managers just because I want to meet you”

“You don’t need an excuse to meet me,” Hannah says and giggles when he wraps his arms around her.

“According to your mean managers, I do,” he sighs, holding on to her tightly and Hannah just smiles over his shoulder. She is a little uncomfortable for not have taken a shower, but the idea of going to the amusement park with her boyfriend and two friends is something she would say is freaky fun. She must make sure she has time for it on Wednesday.

To not be the kind of boyfriend who interrupts his girlfriend’s work, Jonghyun sends her back to the recording studio and he stays there for a little bit to hear what they are recording.

As soon as he has left Hannah tells her members about the amusement park date.

“Seriously?” Maria grimaces greatly while Emelia gives out a laugh.

“What?” Hannah looks questioning at them; even Carolina looks to imagine something that will bring trouble.

“The four of you are like the worst combination ever,” Maria explains and forcing out a worried face-expression. “Are you sure you won’t get lost together? Will we have to go through the don’t-trust-strangers part?”

“That’s silly,” Hannah shakes her head.

“I pretty much agree with them,” Pete comments, smiling when having their faces turn to him. “I haven’t worked much with EXO, but Jonghyun says Taemin and Kai are exactly the same, and Taemin looses things and is just as naïve as you are-”

“And then we have Jonghyun who will probably bring more attention to you all with his actions than anyone else,” Maria adds.

Hannah pouts. She knows they are just teasing her, but she knows there is a little truth in their words too. She knows they will have fun, but she too worries a bit. Will they become four lost children in a foreign candy land?

“I’m sure it will go well,” Hyekyung ends up saying.

“But we are still going through what to do and what not to do when strangers approach you,” Maria strictly says with a finger pointing at Hannah. “And we must look up which park you are going to so we can teach you where the exits are.”

“And I will have a serious talk with Jonghyun,” Emelia says in a low voice. “If he even dares to look away from you for a second…”

“What are you talking about?” Julia frowns at Emelia imagining Jonghyun loosing Hannah in the crowd or something. “It’s the boys we will have to tell all security checks because Hannah won’t remember them.”

Pete and Hyekyung both give out a laugh.

“Very fun, ladies,” Hannah pouts. “Are we going to record or not?”

“Do you have Kai’s number?” Maria suddenly asks Hannah. “We need to have everyone’s number in case of an emergency.”

The faith her members gives her makes Hannah just lean back and whine behind a pillow. She is almost 22 years old, not two, and her friends are all grown-ups as well – um, on age they are all grown-ups, but for sure they won’t be as lost as her members makes it seem like.

When the day finally is over, all five ladies go to the house. The last things from the apartment have finally been moved and the ladies can prepare their beds. Since Julia’s mother is sleeping they all go to their rooms to make their beds and go to sleep. The second house where Julia and Carolina are in, they go to bed right away while the first house is in full movements as the three ladies make their beds and starts fixing their rooms.

Hannah stands by the doorway to her new bedroom, the large window covers most of the shorter wall to the right and that is pretty much the only thing in the room that has its correct place because the double bed is standing at the centre of the big bedroom, there is a bunch of boxes filled with books, papers, writing pads, large boxes for clothes, hats, shoes, there are paintings leaning against the wall that will sometime be hanging on the wall, somewhere in the house her wardrobe is supposed to be but Hannah hasn’t found it. Standing there and staring inside her bedroom, Hannah has no idea how to do all this, where to put the wardrobe and she will need the bookcase that is standing outside the bedroom. She can hear Emelia in the room to her left be moving her bed over the floor, and she remembers that Emelia has a completely new bed that she had pointed out in a magazine for their staff to get for her.

Sneaking over to the room that does not contain her own troubles of sorting everything out, Hannah peeks inside to a room almost identical to her own, besides from that the big window to the left has the pretty view of their yard while Hannah’s bedroom view is of the front of the house which is the small path leading to the houses and the big wall parting them from the rest of the world. Emelia’s room is just as messy as Hannah’s, other that she has pushed everything to one side of the room so she can feely move her bed to the long wall right next to the door.

“Yo,” Emelia says when seeing Hannah standing there. “What would you think if I paint the room the same colour as the bed?”

“Brown?” Hannah asks.

“No, its beige,” Emelia answers, not bothered by Hannah saying the wrong colour while she looks at the low double bed in light beige fitting the beddings in a darker beige colour. “If I can find the same colour as the bed, it will look like everything melts together. And I can have other things in the room standing out more.”

Hannah just nods. It’s soft and simple with beige, and Emelia nods with the same thoughts before saying she will tell their manager about it in the morning.

“Are you going to buy colours tomorrow?” Hannah wonders at the mention of Tuesday.

“Um… I think Julia is going shopping with her mother, but Maria and I have a clothing brand photo shoot most of the day so Appa said we will write down a list the rest of you can get for us.”

“Maria is painting her room too,” Hannah comments, wondering if she should do something with her room as well – but Hannah can’t come up with a colour she wants.

“Yeah. Appa said they are calling in some people to do the ground painting for us, since Maria wants to paint some own stuff. I think Carolina and I just want to pain the whole room… My room will look the best though.”

Carolina is getting her dreamy pink bedroom, Emelia is going for modern beige, Maria can end up having yellow walls filled with fluffy clouds and artistic figures. Julia hasn’t said a thing about painting, but she has a lot of ideas about furniture, and then it is Hannah who has no idea about anything. Since the ladies won’t have a separate room as an “office” this time, they have to fit their things in their bedrooms – it’s a good thing they all have spacey bedrooms – so Hannah will at least need a desk for all her things and she will probably need another bookcase or a bigger one.

Hannah gets a big review of how Emelia plans her room to look like before Maria comes downstairs asking if anyone of them have shower supplies she can borrow for the morning.

“Use the shower downstairs, Mi Young has fixes supplies in there already,” Emelia answers. “But don’t remove it because I have to shower too.”

“When are you two leaving tomorrow?” Hannah asks, though Maria walks to the kitchen where the door to the bathroom is.

“It’s not scheduled until noon, so we’re not leaving until then,” Emelia answers.

“Besides, you and me,” Maria comes back after making sure the bathroom has what she needs for a shower, pointing at Hannah when saying; “We have a beauty appointment tomorrow morning, leaving after eight.”

“Right…” Hannah remembers.

Maria and Hannah had decided to go tanning and get manicure tomorrow morning, and by the mention of that Hannah remembers that she already know about the photo shoot Emelia and Maria are going to because Maria was talking about what time would be the best to go tanning. In six hours they will have to leave home for the tanning. Though its six hours left, the ladies stay up for a few more minutes talking about this up-coming day.

Tiredly they go to bed, in their own messy room filled with boxes and a smell they are not used with, and Hannah stares up at a new ceiling when trying to get her eyes to close for sleep. There are way too many things going through her head that Hannah can’t fall asleep at first and then she wakes up several of times. She has no idea how she wants her bedroom to look like, she knows they will have to practice for their follow-up track [Like This] that they apparently will only promote for a week, there is a nerve-wracking concert coming up in a month, the whole moving has made her loose track of everything and her mind is still thinking if she did well in the recording studio today. She is excited to go to the amusement park too, worried and slightly terrified of how it will turn out like, and her spinning head goes back to that this will actually be their last week performing [POWER UP] as they next week will perform [Like This]. One and a half month they have been promoting this, not going abroad or focusing on much else than promoting their fourth album. And it seems like they will prepare for a repackage album to be released at the end of next month, SM Town will have a concert and Hannah ends up lying in her bed at six in the morning just staring up at the ceiling, her eyes huge. Thinking through all the things they have to do make her wonder if they even have time to do everything; no wonder her agency turned down the offer for her to feature in season two of the drama Midnight Dream – though she must call the director to wish them good luck, which she hasn’t done yet.

Getting up before seven, Hannah walks straight inside the shower after finding out an outfit to wear. Emelia is surprisingly still asleep so Hannah tries to be as quiet as possible when getting dressed. Maria comes up too, taking her half-hour shower, while Hannah looks around in the kitchen.

“We have nothing to eat,” Hannah comments to Maria when the bathroom’s door is opened, “Other than rice and ramen.”

“Let’s buy something on the road then,” Maria simply says. “Or we can go steal some food from the other house.”

She peeks out from the bathroom, a sneaky smile in her expression and Hannah gapes at her. “You’re serious?”

“They are probably sleeping,” Maria says. “What time is it?”

Hannah looks at her cell phone and says it’s almost eight in the morning, seeing Maria thinking for a bit before waving her hand and disappearing inside the bathroom again. Hannah walks up to the room, not sure what Maria meant. “We’re not going?”

“Sure we are, I’m just getting my things. Are you ready to leave? Get your things so we can just sneak over and then head out when our ride is here,” Maria answers and Hannah is quickly hurrying to her bedroom.

But she has no idea what to bring because she can’t find anything in her room. She goes through what she has in her bag and decides that’s okay before taking it with her to leave. Today she is wearing a parrot-print sleeveless a-line dress in black, fitting it in a pair of knee-high socks to not feel too bare on her legs, and it is a very pretty and relaxed style that Maria has to compliment on. The leader is in colourful leggings and probably the biggest tank top she could find, yet her model-like body lifts the clothes up.

Sneaking inside the other house is not even half as exciting as they had imagined it to be; they take some bread and leave a note in the kitchen before they rushes out to the van waiting for them.

Hannah and Maria haven’t even met Julia’s mother yet. It’s weird, since her mother came two days ago, so they will have to make up to it maybe later today. They go get a tan first, which is in and out under twenty or thirty minutes before they head to get manicure. Like usually, Maria knows exactly what she wants and Hannah sitting next to her sits and looks through some colours, getting suggestions and slightly quickly deciding on one of the suggested ones by getting purple base with a hint of sparkle at the nail bed. It’s very pretty. The two girls doesn’t talk much at all other than nails, colours and style, which is what Maria talks about and Hannah mostly nods or gives a slight comment here and there.

With pretty nails done Hannah and Maria head back to the house: Emelia and Maria will go for their photo shoot, having Manager Kim driving them, while Hannah and Carolina are going to the hair-saloon with Manager Lee. Julia and her mother have already gone shopping with stylist Mi Young and Manager Lim, leaving the house empty.

Carolina is just as talkative as Maria; just not with Hannah. At the hair saloon Carolina is talking to the hairstylists about the moving and all those things while getting her hair coloured in the same red shade, and Hannah is sitting at another chair getting her colour changed again after having pastel mint for almost two weeks and before that she had pastel green. Hannah doesn’t mind not being in the middle of their conversations, quietly listening and being in her own thoughts.

This morning when Julia had woken up, she had washed up and been excited for this day. After getting dressed in a navy blue short-sleeve printed-accent top and a pair of light jeans shorts, Julia walked to make some coffee to wake her mind up.

Compared to the first house next to theirs, this one has furniture and looks like you can live in it. Sure there are still boxes around but there is a kitchen table with chairs in the kitchen, there is food in there as well, there is a sofa and a TV and even a painting on the wall as well as a clock. A lot of things had been done in this house before Julia’s mother arrived, and even more had been fixed once she had arrived because Julia’s mother is a very handy woman. She takes great care of the pets too as she has always had dogs around her, which is also why Julia knew what to do when the ladies first got pets.

Julia prepared coffee and went to turn on the TV before heading back to the kitchen to eat a light breakfast when she saw the note on the kitchen table.

Happy birthday, pieces’ little squirrel! Sneaked in for some breakfast, no one noticed (we are super ninjas) and have now left for work. It’s too bad we can’t be around on your day, but we’re sure you will have fun with your mom, right?? Hugs and kisses, your amazing captain Maria (and baby girl Hannah wishes you to enjoy your day)

“They can’t mean that…” Julia sighed and threw the note away before stomping to her bedroom to give Hannah an annoyed text message asking if no one will be around on HER birthday.

Today it’s Tuesday the 8th of July, in other words meaning today is Julia’s day. Julia knew the ladies would be busy in the morning; photo shoot, hair saloon visit and Julia too will go shopping with her mother, but to get a note in the morning that says no one will be there makes her actually angry. On Emelia’s birthday they spent the whole day making sure she knew it was her day, making fun of her during their schedules and playing jokes and celebrating; on Maria’s birthday they were doing fan-signings where even the fans were letting Maria know whose day it is, and today on Julia’s birthday no one will be around.

Her mother, with short hair and looking like the older version of Julia, came downstairs for the coffee while Carolina was still sleeping.

“Hannah doesn’t answer,” Julia angrily said at her cell phone. “And Emelia says she doesn’t know anything.”

“She will answer when she has the time, don’t you worry,” her mother assured.

“Yeah, but why would they say we won’t meet? We have even decided to eat dinner out… they won’t come?”

Before her mother could answer, Emelia entered the house in a loud voice – two puppies came running to her in excitement. Julia looked angry when Emelia came inside the kitchen, and while Emelia went straight to the fridge to see what food they had, Maria asked if they really won’t celebrate her birthday in any way.

“How would I know?” Emelia shrugged her shoulder, looking and sounding like she didn’t care much. “I got a photo shoot after lunch, I won’t be here.”

“Apparently no one will.”

“What about Hannah and Carolina then?”

Emelia didn’t answer because a cell phone began ringing of a manager asking what time to pick them up. It wouldn’t be a bad birthday to celebrate it with her mother, Julia knows that, but she is jealous the other ladies had big promotions going on during their birthdays while Julia just celebrates in the shadows with her mother.

Julia and her mother spends almost four hours shopping; furniture, paint and small things with Manager Lim and stylist Mi Young, taking forty minutes to eat lunch – also ice-cream to celebrate Julia’s birthday – and then they go shopping some more where Julia finds a really pretty sleeveless gathered-waist floral dress in blue, the perfect dress for her.

For dinner they are going out; something they have planned. They go home to change clothes, Julia getting dressed in her new floral dress and she sneaks in to the other house to find a pair of platform high-heel sandals in brown that belongs to Maria. She is so pretty, Julia knows that, and she knows that Maria will not get angry at her taking the sandals for two reasons: one, it is Julia’s birthday, and two, they look great on Julia.

The short pixie cut is not styled at all, just straightened, and Julia is heading out with her manager, stylist and mother to eat a birthday dinner.

In the car the conversation is about the heeled sandals Julia has borrowed, she is smiling when looking at them.

“And you have kept telling me over the internet how your feet are hurting from high heels,” her mother shakes her head.

“That’s when I’m dancing in high heels – now I will just sit down with them,” Julia answers. “And these are more comfortable than the ones we wear on stage.”

Julia will have to teach her mother Korean; in the van they all can’t keep a good conversation because Julia has to translate back and forth to Korean- to Swedish.

Though Julia is happy with how her birthday has been – spending the whole day shopping with her mother for the house – she is angry and upset that none of her members will be there for the dinner.

She tells the others about it in the van, once again, how the photo shoot Maria and Emelia is doing won’t be done yet and how Hannah’s new hair colour had gone all wrong so she and Carolina are stuck at the saloon fixing it.

“I mean, how much wrong could the colour go? She has had green and pink already!” Julia is complaining and she turns to Mi Young. “And Carolina could come to my birthday dinner, right? There is nothing wrong with her hair, is there?”

“Yong Hyun said he will come,” Mi Young quietly says and Julia turns away with a frustrated sound, looking upset. She knows Yong Hyun will come because Julia gave him a crying call that NO ONE of her members will be there, and even if Emelia says she will come though she will come late, Julia knows a photo shoot can drag out. She is happy that Mi Young and Yong Hyun and a few others will come for the dinner, but what really matters is her members; the ladies are always so serious about their friendship that congratulating each other the best way possible on their birthdays are important, but all Julia has gotten was a note and a bunch of excuses through the phone along with a ‘but enjoy your day with your mom!’ Julia has even thought if her mother is the reason her members make excuses, if there really is nothing holding them up but they just think Julia would want time with her mother or something, but then she wonders if the ladies really would miss out the chance to eat a lot of food.

She is slightly sulking when they arrive at the restaurant, happy to be with her mother and in a good mood that they will eat delicious food. The restaurant is a floor down; a waitress shows them the way. This restaurant is lightly dim and the stairs down makes the friends laugh because Julia can barely walk in her high heels that she holds on to her mother tightly.

“This is not a flattering way to walk,” Julia laughs deep in , making Mi Young laugh in front of them as well. The waitress keeps smiling as well, letting them take their time.

Coming down on the restaurant floor the light is even dimmer, so dim that you barely see anything at all and Julia’s mother asks if restaurants in Korea are like this; at lunch the restaurant they were at where bright while now for dinner it is dark. They follow the waitress who explains the restaurant’s concept for them, following her through the dark lit place to the back. Not a single person is around.

“Didn’t Yong Hyun say he is here already?” Julia wonders.

Before she can get the answer from anyone, she hears someone count down ‘3, 2, 1’ before a few people starts singing the birthday song. Julia thinks of telling her stylist to stop, giving out a laugh, but it’s not just her stylist singing.

Her jaw drops wide open when candles and light lightens up the restaurant before her, and Julia puts both her hands to cover as she can see all four ladies stand among friends, singing the birthday song all together and on the big dining table there is a birthday cake – the cake is gorgeous in a simple blue colour with flower decorations and it is just really pretty but Julia can’t see it as she is scanning each face singing the song to her.

Julia’s mother gets such a surprise seeing how her daughter starts crying over the surprise, not having any idea of how moved Julia is.

As soon as the song ends Julia is embraced by Emelia.

“You said you wouldn’t come!” Julia bursts out at her members, crying over Emelia’s shoulder. “I was so mad at you! And you-!”

She points over at Carolina and Hannah who are also moved and smiling over Julia’s reaction.

“Your hair looks great!” Julia shouts at them, so angry for being fooled and for bursting out in tears in front of everyone.

“We lied,” Carolina excitedly starts telling, hurrying up to get to hug her as well. “Hannah’s hair was okay the whole time, we went here to prepare. Did you see that?”

Carolina shows the crying birthday girl what they have hung around on the wall, letters spelling HAPPY BIRTHDAY and pictures and whatnot, there are balloons and everything showing that it is a birthday party.

“And I thought you guys didn’t want to be with me on my day,” Julia cries again.

“Who would want to miss this, really?” Maria tells her.

Blowing out the candles first, Julia continues to go around being congratulated by everyone and Emelia puts cake on her cheeks right before they will take pictures together, after that they will finally get to eat the delicious dinner.

While waiting for dinner to arrive everyone sitting around for the birthday dinner – dancers, stylists, even the choreographers have been invited – they are taking pictures or looking through the pictures they took earlier. Hannah is fast to upload a picture of the ladies that they had taken before sitting down; Julia in the middle with cake in her face, smiling and posing prettily while Maria and Carolina are both making some super hero pose and Hannah is holding up a picture of Julia, standing behind the others and Emelia is just looking cool with a happy smile next to Julia. Also in the picture you can see the table is behind them and stuff on the walls behind as well.

{Instagram, 5P_HANNAH: Guess whose day it is today~~ well yes it is our Julia’s birthday today~ Cake and dinner for the birthday lady, doesn’t she look pretty??? A lady she is for sure~~ Happy birthday, Julia!!}

{Instagram, 5P_EMELIA: Julia, you’re now 22 years old, and I got this video of you crying when we surprised you, you didn’t expect that did you? Happy birthday!}

The dinner is the best, everyone is laughing and chatting. Everyone greets Julia’s mother, some of the dancers’ even stand up to bow politely to her, and Julia is in heaven seeing how her mother is in conversations and not being left out just because she can’t speak Korean. The ladies are really nice to her, giving her a lot of attention, and just like Julia expected Maria says the shoes fits her really well.

Julia can’t stop smiling when eating her meat, enjoying the delicious food.

“How could you finish shooting so early?” she asks Emelia, not letting go of the fact that four ladies had told her they couldn’t make it and then they are at the restaurant, surprising her with cake and singing and they have prepared a whole party for her. How could she for a second doubt her members on her day?

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Monday, Headline 07th: 5 Pieces’ Emelia & Carolina Looks To Have Fun With CANON’s Camera In New CF


Headline 08th: 5 Pieces Show Off Their Feisty Attitude For ‘CeCi’ Magazine

Headline 08th: Puzzle Congratulates Julia On Her 22nd Birthday

Headline 08th: 5 Pieces Shares Pictures & Video Of Their Surprise Birthday Party To An Emotional Julia

Headline 08th: Julia Poses With Friends At Her Birthday Party


Headline 09th: 5 Pieces’ Hannah Appears In European List Pointed Out To Have The 4th Best Beach Body For 2014

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

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X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^