Chapter 44

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

Aki Hanako is standing by her drum set on the stage for 5 Pieces’ GIRLS POWER tour on Saturday a few hours before the third and last day concert will begin. She is laughing at the pastel purple haired young lady who is playing on the drums, taking the time while everyone has left after rehearsals to wait for the concert to begin. Hannah loves the drums, the only instrument on the stage that she can play and they talked about instruments during lunch.

After the concert on Thursday, 5 Pieces went on a radio program to talk about the tour and their repackage album, and they had done promotions on Friday too before the second day concert though they go through things before the concert to not make as many small mistakes as the first day. Today is the third day, and the last day in Seoul too, and also the day they will film the concert for their DVD. They have filmed backstage during all three days but today the actual concert will be the main focus on the filming so it is very important to know what to do.

Hannah finishes playing on the stage with some few members of the band, heading backstage laughing and chatting. She likes that there are so many women in their crew, a female drummer, a female pianist, also the one playing the trumpet is a woman; it is half-half with women and men in their crew and that feels good, especially since all men know that when the women talk; the men shut up. The same way women don’t interrupt men. It is all about equality for the GIRLS POWER tour. She is in a great mood going to 5 Pieces’ room, smiling when walking over to her corner where Tiger is under the makeup table and her bag with her cell phone on the chair next to. She was smiling when walking inside because of the cameras, and she has barely walked to the chair when Maria sits on top of the makeup table with one long leg crossing the other and cell phone resting on her leg in her hand.

“Look what came for you,” Maria says in a flirty tone, glancing over at the camera to make sure Hannah is being filmed.

Hannah looks at her friend, her eyes follows Maria’s outstretched hand to see what she is pointing out.

A large bouquet of flowers are filling half a metre of the makeup table further away and Hannah looks confused when Maria is pointing at it. “For me?” she asks and Maria is excitedly nodding as Hannah walks over to the bouquet to see what it says on the note.

Fly like a butterfly tonight, as colourful as these flowers – your Jabjong

She puts her hands to her cheeks when feeling them heating up in a blush and she looks around the room before turning away of embarrassment. Maria laughs over how cutely she reacts. Jonghyun can’t come tonight either, and he didn’t come yesterday. For two days he has sent her a bunch of text messages, but tonight he is performing at an event so he won’t be able to text her as often – this is the result, flowers.

“I will get a boyfriend too,” Maria comments, glancing at the large bouquet that Hannah takes over to her side.

“Maria,” Emelia sighs from the sofa where he has lied down to get some rest – some rest meaning playing some online game with Kyung Ho sitting in the armchair next to her, “You have said for too many years that you are getting a boyfriend.”

“So? I will get one eventually,” Maria shrug her shoulder.

“Are you buying one?” Kyung Ho asks, causing all the ladies in the room to burst out laughing.

“No, pretty,” Maria cutely tells him, “I will find a really sweet but not overly romantic boyfriend one day who can really sweep me off my feet when I need it.”

“And where will you find him?” Emelia jokes.

“Once I close my eyes at night, I find him,” Maria tells him. Kyung Ho looks a bit confused while Emelia chuckles.

“She means he is in her dreams, Kyung Ho,” Hannah explains with a smile to the leader who looks actually pretty proud.

“And I tell you, Kyung Ho, that man in my dreams always comes out just the way I want him to.”

“Oh, which means you will stay single for the rest of your life then,” Emelia says and groans in complaints when Maria throws a shirt on her. “Ya, you almost ruined my game!”

“I will haunt you for the rest of your life, Emelia,” Maria threatens her as a joke.

“I thought that was already decided,” Emelia says, “You know, with the group and all…”

Maria seems to get her point and looks a bit confused at how she will respond to that. “True…” she mumbles and without another word she walks out the room, leaving Hannah and the camera and Kyung Ho waiting for what her good response would be. Maria left the room, for probably the first time ever. Hannah doesn’t talk about it; she is too busy texting Jonghyun a picture of the flowers and to write something sweet.

While getting hair and makeup done for the concert the ladies are talking about the day’s rehearsals where they had cameras to know where the cameras will be going and where they will be filming for the DVD, going through details and they practice their acapella and the singing of a few songs they think they need to go through. They get massage if needed, Hannah is lying down on the floor in a separate room with her legs straight up along the wall to straighten her back and she is in the silence there meditating before the concert to calm herself. She is taking her pills to keep up with the concert, to not let any pain in her body or headache interrupt her giving her best. Hannah has decided to change her mindset on her body; she can’t be selfish and think she can handle the pain; instead she takes the pills if needed to not have to go to the hospital again.

They do their usual thing, getting ready and meeting stars coming backstage, they do their cheer with their crew and before heading to take their positions for the concert to begin the ladies gather just the five of them in a group hug.

The concert is like it should. Excitement, bright lights, loud screams, a lot of movements and singing – 5 Pieces are at their aces. On the third day they know what they are doing, they are familiar with the stage and where everything is, when to stop to not fall and where to stand to get the best light.

They go from intense dancing to smooth dancing, from fast singing to great adlibs, they sweat and run around, they interact with each other and the fans because that is the best entertainment they live for. 5 Pieces are y and powerful for this concert, they are emotional and feminine, and the audience is great for each song.

Performing is a joy. Hannah throws her hair around, letting loose during their performances and she enjoys each song to the maximum because of the energy she receives from their fans.

5 Pieces are standing at the extra stage with their microphone stands for [I’m Over You], singing and feeling the music with the live band while the audience is singing along with them. They like performing with the microphone stands, to have something to hold on to and to keep as your main point to stand by. Hannah can’t stand still. Her back is hurting by this point, she keeps stepping back and forth, nodding along to the music when she isn’t singing and she smiles at how great they can hear the audience singing passionately along with them.

Slowly the song comes to an end and Hannah lowers her head in a great smile before looking around at their audience, at her members and happy that they aren’t in Japan anymore because it now means she doesn’t have to do the talking. Maria is smiling widely too, touched by their fans like always and she can never seem to control her emotions at this point.

“Because we are filming for the concert DVD today we wanted to remind everyone to be extra loud…” Maria starts to point out and laughs at the cheers from the fans.

“We didn’t say anything,” Carolina comments next to her.

“I know!” the leader answers brightly, “But everyone were SUPER loud anyway!”

“Woah…” Hannah nods. “As expected of Maria.”

Faces looks at her in confusion and the ladies ask ‘Maria?’ because it was the fans that were loud, not Maria.

“Mm,” Hannah nods, aware of her innocence factor she is putting on because of the responses from the audience. “Maria said she appeared in EVERYONE’S dreams to tell them to be super loud today.”

“Ooooh, really???” Carolina gapes while the audience is screaming greatly at the ladies being themselves.

Emelia blinks at the two dumb and dumber ladies in the group. “You actually believe that?”

“Yes!” Hannah frowns in answer.

Maria is just looking proud and tells Hannah she did well, smiling when the fans are laughing around them. Emelia picks her microphone up from the microphone stand and asks while pointing around at the audience;

“Did anyone here dream of Maria last night?”

A lot of fans actually scream that they did and the ladies laugh. Hannah laughs too, loving how silly the ladies and their fans are with each other.

“Oh, I did too!” Julia points out and claps her hands together once as if she just remembered it and Hannah squats down on her heels with a laugh. More people are screaming their hearts out at Julia’s words and Maria laughs loudly in the microphone.

“You did?”

“Yes…” Julia answers and looks to be trying to remember what she dreamt. “I am pretty sure she was nagging about us doing well today, and then I woke up … and I wasn’t sure if I had dreamt it at all because she was nagging when I woke up too.”

Emelia raises her hand, giving Julia a high five while others are just laughing out loud.

“That’s not nice,” Maria tells her though with a grimace.

“With everyone having nightmares of Maria-” Emelia starts to say and she raises her chin to Maria when the leader stepped forward to look at her in a threatening manner, “-we will continue to perform the next song for you all. This is one of our most recent songs that I think you all know, so please sing along and show us that no one should think wrong of you. This is [You Thought Wrong Of Me].”

To the cheer of the crowd, 5 Pieces begins their next charismatic performance.

Hannah thinks they have done well. The whole concert goes by just great, the ladies have a lot of energy and they run around when needed but even when not needed they are just showing tons of energy.

Until the last song.

For the very last song for the very last encore, 5 Pieces performs the ballad [The Rainbows Colours] and the ladies are walking around among their fans for the first half before gathering on the stage. Going around among the fans is touching, to see the fans more closely and the ladies are close to their fans like this. When the song ends, the ladies get in to a group hug and their fans start screaming and crying loudly. The group hug is to tell each other they have done this too; they have performed three days at Tokyo Dome, and now they have successfully finished three days in Seoul. No one has gotten injured this time, nothing bad has happened, it has been a successful concert and the ladies are again in Seoul where their career started and where their fans seem to be just as involved in this career as 5 Pieces by trying to attend as many things on the schedule as possible. Seoul will always be the heart of this career, of 5 Pieces; that is why the five ladies hug each other tightly.

Carolina runs away once they get off the stage. All she need is some time to wipe her tears and then give her a hug.

Their Seoul concert has ended, the third and last day, and Carolina runs away because she is crying.

Hannah is crying too, she is laughing; but she is crying. Emelia and Maria are both being led backstage to gain strength, to be given something to eat or drink to not faint after the concert while Hannah gets to sit down and have a doctor held her with her back. Julia is completely exhausted, sitting down next to Hannah and drinking water, wiping her sweat with a tissue and having a stylist helping her out while the ladies are interviewing their staff of how the concert went.

“Nuna!” Kyung Ho comes jumping inside the room after some time, laughing. “You were great! The best concert so far!”

His hands on Maria’s arm are making her bounce with him and she laughs at how pumped up he has become from the concert. Truth is that he said almost the same thing yesterday, but he entered more charismatic and said “the – best – ever!” in the same way he had heard and seen Maria do earlier that day talking about something he didn’t know.

Emelia is first out the room to greet members of Super Junior that had come to the concert after their Music Core performance, so they didn’t have time to come before the concert started. Hannah is laughing when walking out the room, after making sure her make-up isn’t completely ruined and she is happily greeting and thanking the idols and friends outside. She has greeted everyone she sees when she is taken to the side to do a quick final interview with the DVD camera.

“The concert was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it a lot,” Hannah is answering the simple question of how the concert went. She can’t stop smiling, and she keeps moving to rest her weight on one leg and then on the other. “I think all of us were probably too excited and we had a lot of energy thanks to the fans. The fans were amazing, I was so moved performing for three days and I do wish our fans who came had just as great time as we had-”

She is interrupted by someone congratulating her by patting her arm and Hannah is quickly bowing as Donghae walks by her and she laughs to the camera.

“It’s sad it’s over but it was really fun,” she finishes and laughs brightly, waiting for him to thank her for the interview. Standing next to the camera-man is Honggi, who is smiling at her and Hannah is smiling at the camera-man when saying some final words. She is too aware of her friend standing there and when the camera-man finally thanks her she thanks him back with the biggest smile and turns straight to Honggi when she is done, not knowing she is still being filmed.

“Well done,” Honggi laughs when they hug each other, Hannah laughing in the excitement to have finished the concert without making anyone worry.

She takes a turn with him before getting out of the hug to point down the corridor to where everyone else is gathering.

“I thought you wouldn’t come,” she tells Honggi, still smiling widely.

“Ha-ha, I have told you all week that I’m coming on Saturday. I have been filming the drama all week, so I’m exhausted,” Honggi tells her, “You look exhausted too.”

Hannah shakes her head. “But you’re coming to the after party, right?” she asks, knowing a lot of people can’t come because they are busy doing other things but 5 Pieces are ready to thank all their staff and crew at the concert’s after party.

“Ooh, you want me to come?” Honggi looks slightly surprised and Hannah pouts. “I’m coming, don’t worry about that. Ah, Hyung!”

They both turn to greet other people, and Hannah is quickly wrapped in taking pictures and wrapping up at the arena as their days here are over. Cameras keep filming and even interview some of the celebrity friends, Kyuhyun speaking well but sounding like he is making fun of 5 Pieces and Maria interrupts Eunhyuk and Leeteuk’s interview with her elbow pointing out as she is constantly fixing her hair.

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“CHEERS!” Maria roars out over the tables where everyone are holding up their glasses after a very short speech of having fun, loving each other and something about GIRLS POWER.

Hannah is cheering with the others before she laughs seeing Maria wave at her, and Hannah gets up on her feet to do a love shot with Maria to the cheer from the others around their table. Hannah is wearing a white split away lace dress, a long gray knitted cardigan and over-the-knee gray socks to a pair of sneakers because high heels are too tiring to wear. Everyone has gotten dressed for the after party and is enjoying good food and drinks; the crew, staff, friends and 5 Pieces are gathered at the restaurant. The whole floor has been hired for the after party and the place is filled with voices talking and laughing.

They talk to pretty much everyone, about the concert and about their lives, about the next schedule and about how tipsy they are getting. Hannah is drinking Coca Cola because she has been taken pills and can not drink alcohol to that. She is having fun with everyone though, enjoying talking to their crew and she ends up spending half an hour talking to Myung and Emelia about Myung’s brother and family and all of their families.

It gets really emotional talking about their families, Hannah even hugs Myung and pats him on his back as she can’t come up with anything nice or good to say.

On the way to the bathroom, she sits down next to Honggi as he was waving at her, and she quietly listens to the people he is sitting with. She is tired and wants to go home and sleep, hugging the cardigan around her and ends up pouting at her legs because her stylist had chosen this short dress. It is pretty indeed, but it is short. The long cardigan is good though, she lets it fall off her shoulder to not get too hot and she is not taking it off because that would feel too for her.

“Tired?” Honggi asks, leaning against her.

“Mm,” she answers, glancing up at the people around the table who are in a wild discussion about something she has honestly not listened to even if she pretended to.

“Do you want a ride home?” he suggests.

To this, she smiles up at him and shakes her head. “I’m going to the bathroom,” she tells in his ear before getting up. On the way to the bathroom this time she checks her phone.

Jonghyun said he would come as soon as he came back to Seoul from his event. He texted when he was on his way back, asking if she was having fun and the usual, so she thinks he should come soon. If it wasn’t for him, she would already have asked someone for a ride home. The bathroom visit is quick and Hannah goes to sit down next to Myung; Emelia has gone to sit somewhere else and Myung is listening to some conversations while sitting with his phone. Everyone seems a bit tired, yet no one wants to go home from the after party. Or, at least there is no one saying they want to go home. Hannah picks up her own phone again; no texts.

“I heard a certain director came yesterday,” a voice says by her ear and an arm is put over her shoulders. When looking up, Honggi is smiling, squatting down next to her on the bench she is sitting on.

“Who?” she asks, not sure what he means

“Midnight Dream,” Honggi laughs and Hannah smiles. The director of the drama they starred in, Midnight Dream, came by the concert yesterday to show his support and to give her some insider information about the second season they are doing and for Hannah to say she is watching the drama – the director knows that because he has received her texts.

“He came with an actor I don’t know,” she tells Honggi who nods, happy to hear she knows who he talks about. “And he said he has thought of making a reunion … season, sometime. With the original and new cast.”

Honggi nods again, his arm still around her. “Yeah, I heard that too. He asked about my schedule and ended up saying it might happen next year since everyone is so busy this year.”

She laughs as it sounds a little like what the director told her yesterday. Leaning her head back his arm is in the way, so in the most casual way she takes his hand in hers to remove his arm, patting him on the leg when leaning towards him in her try to look behind them and ask him if his friends won’t miss him.

“I came all the way here for you, Sunshine,” Honggi tells her, smiling when she look up at him. “I have to leave soon anyway.”

“Mm,” Hannah nods and she laughs when he repeats her ‘mm’ in a questioning tone.

“You still don’t need a ride home?” he asks her.

Hannah sighs and looks down at her phone, wondering when Jonghyun will come. She wants to go home, get a shower and sleep so she is rested for tomorrow’s schedule. They have a performance at Inkigayo and a bunch of final activities before finishing the promotions of [You Thought Wrong Of Me] after just three weeks.

“Are you hitting on my girlfriend, Honggi?” someone asks when coming up behind them. Even Myung looks up by the voice.

Honggi laughs and stands up seeing Jonghyun stand there, greeting each other with friendly smiles and Hannah just leans her head back to look up at her boyfriend.

“I wouldn’t dare take that challenge,” Honggi jokes with him.

The hand put on Hannah’s hand makes her smile while Jonghyun talks to Honggi. Honggi then leans down to give Hannah a hug and say he is heading home, telling her it was a great concert and to call him when 5 Pieces comes back from America. When he walks off, Jonghyun lifts his legs over the bench to sit down where Honggi just sat and he puts his arm around Hannah to pull her closer, softly kissing her on her hair.

“You two seemed close,” he mentions in a low voice before bursting out in a smile seeing Myung sit on Hannah’s other side and he leans over Hannah to greet him.

“We were talking,” Hannah answers in a low voice in Jonghyun’s ear while he is leaning over her.

Jonghyun sits straight again, his arm around her and he points at the bottle on the table. “Is this yours?”

She shakes in response, watching his face as he pours up a glass to himself, and she just looks at him as he drinks it – the small shot glass of alcohol. She even watches him put down the glass, taking him in and breathing in the scent of her boyfriend. Jonghyun turns his head to look at her. He too looks tired and she pouts slightly when meeting his tired gaze. His hand on her shoulder slightly touches her hand while watching her.

“You did well for removing his arm from you,” he mumbles.

It takes a few seconds for Hannah to know what he talks about, and she frowns when knowing what he means. “You were watching us?” she asks.

“I entered the room and saw someone have his arm around my girlfriend; I wasn’t rational by rushing in but took a deep breath and greeted some people,” Jonghyun says in a dark tone.

Hannah is dumbfounded at first, wondering if he is looking for a fight with her based on his tone and words but watching him a bit more she wonders if it is something else. To not have anyone else listen, she slinks her hand up his chest to his shoulder and leans in to his ear to whisper;

“Are you ually frustrated, Jonghyun?”

It twitches in his face at her question and he is smiling when she leans away to look at him. He is. But he doesn’t answer her, instead he pours himself another glass and Hannah starts smiling when Myung starts talking to them.

It doesn’t go further than that. Taemin comes too, it seems like all members of SHINee has dropped by and Hannah stands up to hug them when they passes by. Hannah stays next to Jonghyun, letting him talk to people and she too talks to a few. One time he is leaning over her legs to talk to Myung and two others from the crew while Hannah has her arm on his back to lean a little behind him to talk to Taemin.

Taemin has been sweet since he yesterday won over 5 Pieces on Music Bank. He had been so cute when he got surprised over the result and after the show he had sent thankful and apologetic text messages to each member of 5 Pieces, while the ladies were congratulating him for his first win. Even now he is talking about it, but more saying that he won again at today’s Music Core over 5 Pieces and he apologizes for it – he is silly and Hannah knows her members will tell him that because he if anyone deserves to win.

Even if Honggi had said he was leaving he is still there forty minutes later, making Hannah laugh when sitting down by their table and she is fast to bring up the subject about the director they know – as this director always seems to talk about a reunion. It is strange to sit there and talk with both her boyfriend and Honggi with other friends, not sure what it is but something in the core of her body is slightly nervous. Especially when she leans forward to hear what Honggi says over the table and Jonghyun’s arm falls off her shoulder, and he instead places his hand on her back, his fingers tapping at times to the low music playing in the room and it distracts her greatly as if just hearing his voice when he talk to the others isn’t distracting enough.

Through the night she becomes ually frustrated too.

Jonghyun must notice, she is certain of it when she starts glancing around and waiting to go home. When Honggi does leave as he had been waiting for someone to send him home since he has been drinking, Hannah turns to Jonghyun, her lips touching his ear when she asks if he will sleep over tonight. He nods at her, taking his hand through her hair and probably sees that frustration and desperation in her eyes. She can’t even kiss him here because of all the people.

She leaves his side when needed with her ladies, and Hannah asks them when they are going home. Her body and mind might be exhausted from the concerts, but she really needs her boyfriend right now. It has been building up inside her since he arrived and when she looks over at where Jonghyun is sitting she can see that he is looking at her. She puts a hand to her hip and gives him this frustrated look before turning to look at her members, still standing with the hand on her hip, and she listens to her friend chat and talks about four different things at once.

“We are leaving in like half an hour or something,” Maria tells Hannah, patting the girl on the arm as if saying she can go back to have fun. Carolina has already gone home, getting a ride by Manager Kim earlier when Hannah was busy talking to Jonghyun and her friends.

But Hannah glances back at Jonghyun, his eyes on hers, and she turns to walk to the door. When glancing behind her next time, Jonghyun is on his feet, patting someone on the shoulder to say he will go to the bathroom perhaps, and he hurries through the big restaurant to catch up to Hannah outside.

“Are you leaving?” he wonders, a few meters behind her while she stops outside the toilets.

Hannah shakes her head, turning to him and smiling when seeing his eyes go up and down eyeing her. “I think I am ually frustrated,” she tells him and opens the door to the bathroom with toilet booths.

“You need to stop sounding innocent when saying those words,” Jonghyun breathes behind her and stretches over her as she goes to each booth, he is the one opening each booth to make sure no one is here.

At the final booth, Jonghyun puts a hand by her waist to lead her inside and he locks the booth after them while Hannah wraps her arms around him. When his lips finally touch her she has longed for it so long that she moans right away, and she giggles at her own reaction but enjoys the kiss when Jonghyun shows he has longed for her just as much. His hands under her dress, touching her legs and grabbing her , her hands goes through his hair, they are kissing each other passionately and warm, then they are kissing each other sloppy and .

The door to the bathroom opens and the couple freezes right away, trying to hold their breaths too while listening to someone enter one of the booths. It is the men’s bathroom, because it is less used than the women’s, and Hannah looks up at the ceiling with a smile hearing the guy doing his business. It is incredible how much he is peeing; even Jonghyun rests his forehead on Hannah’s shoulder with a smile. The guy leaves the booth, and while Hannah expects to hear him wash his hands, he just leaves the bathroom and she grimaces at the thought of all bacteria on his hands. Jonghyun gets her attention by kissing her shoulder and she gasps when his hand touches her .

“This won’t work,” Jonghyun breathes on her neck, his body pressed against hers. “I really, really need you. When can we leave?”

“They said half an hour,” Hannah whispers, grimacing when he doesn’t see as she holds in another moan. They can’t have in the bathroom, they both know they will wait until they are at home, but to make out in the bathroom is okay.

“Let’s go get some air,” Jonghyun suggests, his hands gets out under her dress and he holds her close around her waist, kissing her on the lips.

Leaving the booth they both stop to look in the mirror; Jonghyun fixing his hair with a smile at what her hands did to his hair while Hannah fixes the smeared makeup by her lips from the kissing.

Hand in hand they walk out the restaurant to get some air and cool down, just to see Maria stand there with her phone by ear, the van standing by the side of the road and Maria sighs when spotting them.

“Why don’t you answer your phone?” she asks annoyed, holding up her phone to show she was calling Hannah. “We’re going home now. We just have to wait for Julia and Emelia. Where did you disappear to?”

“Bathroom,” Jonghyun simply answers and Hannah gapes up at him for how casually he tells Maria that.

“Well, couldn’t you at least have heard me call you?” Maria just sighs and looks at her phone. “Why aren’t they coming out…?”

Maria is tired and she ends up sitting down in the van to wait for the others. Hannah and Jonghyun are outside the van until Julia and Emelia starts coming with some from the band who are also heading home, most people have or are leaving. Most heading home to sleep after the tough concerts while others have had this as a pre-party before going out on the club.

In the van heading home Hannah has Jonghyun leaning over her, kissing her while Julia is excitedly singing along to the music filling the van. Maria looks to be falling asleep and Emelia seems to be on her way to fall asleep too. No one cares about the couple making out in the back.

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Sunday is the last day of promotions for 5 Pieces and since morning they have been doing interviews, rehearsed for their live performance for Inkigayo this evening, they have watched responses about their concert and most of all the ladies have been so exhausted that at every possible chance of rest their eyes closes and they get to rest for a few minutes. All of them are so exhausted, mostly from the concerts because their bodies are stiff and tired that just lifting your hand to eat is tiring, and then because they were at the after party half the night; Julia and Maria have a hangover while the others didn’t drink as much. In front of cameras they are their typical selves, doing interviews the way 5 Pieces do their interviews and greeting staff the friendly and polite way 5 Pieces usually does, but when the door is shut behind them for some privacy they let their exhaustion out.

But Inkigayo is a place filled with joy. Taemin is there, Super Junior is there, EXO’s Baekhyun and Suho are there, and 5 Pieces are constantly brought into conversations and games with their friends. Emelia and Maria disappears to Super junior’s room where they are playing online games, Hannah and Taemin sit down to not really talk but to sit there with their phones pretending they are doing something while they both in fact are about to fall asleep. Carolina is over at KARA’s dressing-room for some time before coming back to 5 Pieces’ room to sigh in exhaustion and sit down to rest. A few minutes later the ladies are brought together for another interview.

The last day of promotions for the repackage album, and tomorrow they are going to America to record songs with Melissa Allen for a few days.

Rehearsals for [You Thought Wrong Of Me] went well during the day but afterwards the ladies are complaining at each other for things they need to do much better at the live. Their voices are tired today, which is strange because their voices have been pretty okay for the three days they have had their concerts, and now they are tired as if their body knows they don’t have to sing for almost three hours today. Just one song is enough.

The ladies are wearing their own kind of delicate dress. Maria is in a black and red lace sleeveless dress with a high neck and a flowy skirt, suited for her skinny model body and her blonde long bob haircut has two small braids in it, slightly wavy and messy for the performance and red lips to fit the red in her dress. Carolina is wearing a sequin and bead encrusted vintage-inspired chiffon shift mini dress with a deep v-neck and a matching thin kimono cardigan on top with a cool necklace in mysterious shapes around her neck. Emelia is in a black party dress with mock neck, lace inserts and bell sleeves, beaded trim covering the dress beautifully, wearing boots making her legs look thin and pale but she is rocking the style with her long hair hanging down. Julia shows off her body in a Victorian-inspired mixed lace fit and flare mini dress with a satin skirt, the black piece suits her short pixie haircut perfectly. Hannah is in a black long sleeve lace fit and flare mini dress with a deep-v at the back, wearing over-the-knee socks to not show off her legs like her members whose legs are much prettier than hers. The necklace she is wearing is heavy and is covering all her chest but it is pretty and she loves it just as much as she loves 5 Pieces’ whole look today. Their tired eyes actually suit the concept.

5 Pieces is among the last performers, but one of few live performers since Taemin, Super Junior, KARA, Winner and SISTAR are all pre-recorded. Everyone is present though, going up on the stage for half their performance to please the audience present.

When getting up on the stage for their performance, 5 Pieces bring their microphone stands with them, waving and bowing to the audience that starts to cheer. At Inkigayo the audience is a few meters behind the staff, and though you can see signs from a lot of artists performing today there are fans of 5 Pieces present too.

Maria starts to sing, and the audience gets quiet. Not a sound. Maria sings her part looking angry, expressing the song, Julia sings her part and Carolina sings her part. The audience starts clapping their hands to the rhythm, one or two cheers are heard when Carolina starts singing the chorus in a high tone. Watching the audience, Hannah is certain they like the performance. The hands clapping along, the silence to hear them sing, yet at the same time Carolina and Maria singing the chorus is wondering if you can hear how tired their voices are. Carolina’s voice is heard to be tired, you can easily hear it on her, but Maria’s voice is as flawless as always on the stage. The leader sing the second half of the chorus and by that time Hannah think she can hear a few fans chanting something in the audience. She can’t hear what is chanted, she could be mistaken too.

After the chorus it is Emelia’s turn, and the ladies does their performance like they have practiced, getting up behind Emelia in a V-shape so when the fingers in the song starts snapping they move their heads from right to the front to the left. Hannah thinks the audience is singing with Emelia, not sure what else it could be because you can’t hear it that well.

Hannah takes the top of the microphone stand in her hand when her own part comes, feeling charismatic when singing and  moving the stand back and forth with her arm like her members are doing, and then she pushes it away to step forward when singing *and make a rule for each step I take*. She is into the song, but the back of her head is wondering if the audience is actually singing along or if they in fact are chanting something.

She sings with Julia, looking at the camera in front of her before her voice rises for the last line to prepare for the chorus, she sings *waiting for you to call back. I’ll wait~*

That’s when she hears the chanting. In Korean she can hear the fans chanting ‘perfection, perfection’ in low voices and when she starts singing the high noted chorus she is smiling so widely that several people in the audience start cheering. Hannah wasn’t the only lady hearing it at that time, Julia had heard it too, Emelia had heard it earlier, while Carolina is thinking the audience is singing the wrong lyrics and Maria only thinks they are randomly chanting on 5 Pieces because they like the song. Hannah makes sure to look at the audience when she is singing, trying to see who are chanting and realising that most of them is actually chanting. She wonders if they had prepared it beforehand or if someone just started to chant and more followed.

Finishing the song, Hannah does her best to hold back a smile as she sings the last words *cause you thought wrong of me…* and she bows down deeply with her members before walking off the stage waving to the audience cheering at them.

“Did you hear?” Julia whispers happily when they head to a room near the stage to wait for the ending. “That was beautiful!”

“What did they say?” Maria wonders, grimacing so much because she was guessing towards the end that the fans had been chanting their name but based on Julia’s reaction she wonders if her guess is wrong.

Emelia puts her arm around Julia, smiling proudly. “They were chanting ‘perfection’ through pretty much the whole song.”

“No way! That’s so sweet!” Maria gapes and puts her hands in her face. “They really did that?”

Carolina is the only one looking confused, as she on stage had thought the audience was disrespecting them or something. And it turns out the audience said ‘perfection’? She is confused over that. Hannah gives her a hug. Their last performance for these promotions

“We have to add that in the speech later,” Maria reminds them, pointing at her members who are standing closely together. She then waves her hand when seeing Hannah and Carolina look clueless as to what speech she means. “The ‘thank you’ video we are making after the show to thank our fans for all their love and support throughout our fourth album promotions. Duh, it’s not like you can forget we are making that because we have talked about it all day.”

“I didn’t forget it,” Carolina mumbles.

Hannah had forgotten it, so she pouts.

Taemin comes to stand with them when waiting to get up on the stage, looking like he is a vampire with that pale skin and makeup, dressed in black and looking so tired as if he is on his way to fall asleep. Maria tells him what the audience had done during their performance and Taemin smiles saying “so that’s what they were chanting”.

When heading up on the stage with the other idols the ladies are waving and bowing to the audience that had been chanting to them. Their smiles are bright and happy, all exhaustion wiped off at the moment.

Hannah keeps looking over her shoulder, standing at the side of the stage that is filled with idols and she smiles seeing Taemin standing behind the ladies. Super Junior is standing at the other side of the stage, and everyone is busy communicating with the audience in one way or another. Hannah regrets not promoting [You Thought Wrong Of Me] more than what they have done, most of the time these past three weeks they have pre-recorded their performances and done concerts instead. The first week they had the SM Town concert (one day but most of their performances were still pre-recorded), second week the ladies had been in California and the third week now they have had their GIRLS POWER concerts so only Inkigayo, the very last stage, is live. 5 Pieces has been promoting songs almost nonstop all summer since their album was released at the end of May, still she loves performing so much it will be sad to end their promotions even after three months.

Emelia is standing next to Hannah on the stage when the hosts start talking about the nominees for today. Emelia is nodding while listening to their juniors talk, putting her arm around Hannah and looks at the audience while the winner is being counted. She grabs Hannah’s hand to wave it to the audience and Hannah just smiles seeing some fans pointing at them and bouncing in their seats waving back.

“Oooh…” the host says as the numbers goes up high on the chart between first and second place. Over his reaction, Hannah and Emelia looks at the screen just as the numbers stop.

“5 Pieces, congratulations!” the female host calls out.

Hannah leans her head back with a laugh hearing their name and she hugs on to Emelia as they both laughs. Taemin pats them both on the back, leaning close to congratulate them. He claps his hands with the others when Maria gives the microphone to Carolina, the audience cheering and the ladies smiling brightly. Super Junior on the other side of the stage are jumping, Donghae runs up behind the ladies, Kangin too, to get visible for the camera and to congratulate the ladies while Carolina says her speech, she thanks their managers and stylists, their choreographers and dancers and the band, fans and members, SM Entertainment and friends, families and everyone who have supported 5 Pieces for these promotions and she seems to be choking up when Maria is rubbing her hand on her back.

“Thank you so much,” she says and hands the microphone to Maria to get rid of it, doing her best holding back her tears with a grimace. Emelia is standing with her arms around Hannah and Julia, and she keeps her arms there when the ladies finishes with Maria’s ‘thank you’ and they all bow.

“Congratulations again, please prepare for your encore,” the host says.

Maria turns around with a scream, accidentally screaming right in Kangin’s face and she laughs, apologizing when receiving a hug from him. Hannah turns around too, bowing to Donghae who has walked up to their side before she hugs Taemin who is congratulating them again. She starts bowing to Super Junior and KARA and the other artists, someone slinks a microphone in her hand and when turning back to the audience she is pumping her hands in the air happily, laughing as Maria starts to sing the song for the encore.

“5 Pieces! 5 Pieces! 5 Pieces!” Super Junior is chanting, like always stealing the spotlight while the other artists are leaving the stage. Emelia and Julia are dancing to Super junior’s [Mamacita] and then to Taemin’s [Danger] before the stage is left for 5 Pieces and their encore.

When Carolina starts to sing the chorus, Maria runs off the stage. No, she runs down in front of the stage, and the audience is going completely insane as she approaches them with Emelia after her. The cameras are turned off during that time and the ladies can continue their encore while shaking hands with their fans that so passionately moved them earlier by chanting ‘perfection’. Like a final interaction with each other.

These days have been surprisingly less tears than expected, but a lot more smiles. The ladies have actually finished their Girls Power promotions of the year, each song they have promoted has done an all-kill on the charts.

Starting with [I Want a Man] as soon as the clock hit 2014 back in January, followed by the song [Girls Power] in April, the album release and [POWER UP] in May to the start of July where they promoted [Like That] briefly and now during August they have again hit the headlines with [You Thought Wrong Of Me]. On top of it all, 5 Pieces are spoken about worldwide with not just their music but also the message behind the songs and concepts, they are spoken of as if they are on a different level and somehow these promotions have overwhelmed a lot of people. Bold concepts, strong comments, they show feminism but never speaks about it though it is so clear in their songs.

And on top of it all, they are now spokespeople for the Lotion Beauty where their makeup free commercial is creating a bunch of talk. Maria has commented on it, the headlines today says ‘Maria Wish people Didn’t Obsess About 5 Pieces’ Appearance’ as she had commented in the commercial interview; “The thing I dislike the most at the moment is the obsession about appearances, how we are expected to look a certain way. No one looks like the models in the magazines, not even the models themselves, so it’s a shame the world wants to achieve an non-existing perfection.”

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 30th: 5 Pieces Poses For Beauty Campaign Without Any Makeup With The Caption ‘I am Beautiful’

Headline 30th: 5 Pieces Gain Attention For Saying “You Are Beautiful” In New Commercial

Headline 30th: Watch 5 Pieces’ [You Thought Wrong Of Me] Performance On Music Core


Headline 31st: Maria Comments “It’s A Shame The World Wants To Achieve An Non-Existing Perfection”

Headline 31st: 5 Pieces Talk About [Girls Power] Album Promotions & Their Music Evolvement For 2014 In Recent Interview

Headline 31st: 5 Pieces Says Goodbye To [You Thought Wrong Of Me] Promotions + Wins First Place On Inkigayo

Headline 31st: Inkigayo Audience Surprises During 5 Pieces’ Goodbye Stage By Chanting ‘Perfection’, Never Expected 5 Pieces To Repay Tenfold During Winning Encore

Headline 31st: Korean News Channels Share Footage Of 5 Pieces Hit Collection Of 2014 To Wrap Up 5 Pieces’ 4th Album Promotions

Headline 31st: 5 Pieces Share “Thank You” Video After Ending Their 3-Months Long Promotions


Monday, Headline 01st: Wardrobe From 5 Pieces’ GIRLS POWER Tour Brought Up In Media To Be Made By World Famous Designers


Headline 02nd: 5 Pieces Spotted In America!

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++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^