Chapter 42

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

Ariana Grande opens MTV Video Music Awards with a performance, and Hannah finds herself just staring. This is one of the hottest singers in America at the moment? She has heard the songs countless of times on the radio, it is good music, but the live performance isn’t good. She is happy to know she isn’t the only one with these thoughts; Julia comments that she is barely even dancing but she is already out of breath, not completely singing either. Carolina tells them to be quiet as she loves the performance.

It is good that only their own crew speaks Korean, meaning no one knows what the ladies are commenting. They aren’t saying much though, and when Nicki Minaj starts her performance they are just quietly listening. Hannah is just trying to hear what the lyrics are, failing completely and then their attention is on Jessie J. Maria is bouncing in her seat for that performance, her hand waving in the air for the chorus and she is lip-synching the lyrics; Emelia is also showing that she enjoys it.

It is a live concert of your favourite radio songs.

The ladies sit there and politely watch the show, not really talking to anyone because everyone is above them. After the first award has been given out to Katy Perry (the ladies applauses happily because Katy Perry has greeted them friendly and that is just wonderful), there is a guy who comes out and starts telling the worst jokes. Hannah looks at her members, seeing that it must be some kind of American joke because the ladies don’t seem entertained about the jokes like the crowd.

There is a short break; the ladies get some water to drink and they look around a bit from where they are sitting, ending up exchanging a few words with Demi Lovato who comes over to them. Maria was hitting Hannah on the arm when spotting the red-dressed Demi Lovato coming their direction and while the happy big-smile artist is having a pretty normal conversation Maria blurts out that she has been a fan since Camp Rock – creating more conversations and Demi even takes a selfie with the ladies, ending up just having Carolina seen next to her and Maria further in the back.

After the break it is Taylor Swift’s performance, and the ladies are actually having fun randomly moving in their seat to the chorus *shake if off, shake it off*. Maria and Carolina enjoys it the most, Emelia looks bored and Julia is looking at her nails from time to time.

The woman after Taylor Swift presents the next award, and again it is the black and white talk and the ladies really can’t understand why people are so focused on their skin-colours. How many hours have 5 Pieces been in America this time? Since yesterday. And half the time they have heard jokes about skin tones and culture, it is all weird. But Maria’s annoyance about that is gone as soon as Ed Sheeran wins and she is looking over at him with big eyes and clapping.

“I can’t believe it,” she breathes to Hannah, eyes stuck on Ed Sheeran. “Oh, he is already done? That was great though… He is so relaxed, don’t you think?”

“Is it your kind of man?” Hannah jokes.

“I would not hesitate if he asked me out, if that’s your question,” Maria answers dreamily.

They continue for a few more minutes and Hannah is quietly listening while her members are whispering as Dum & Dumber 2’s cast members are on the stage; Jim Carey is always welcomed for entertainment, but the ladies say they can’t understand they have made a second movie. Hannah hasn’t seen it though, and Maria pats her on the leg saying it isn’t worth it either – it is rare of Maria to say that so Hannah takes her word for it. But Jim Carey is still funny; Hannah is smiling. They are seeing so many starts here tonight, all kind of stars and it is super exciting.

The two actors on the stage will present the Best Pop Video Award, Emelia does a hand motion but not until 5 Pieces’ name pops up on the screen as one of the nominated does the ladies remind themselves that they are actually not fans enjoying a real live award show, but they are actually there are singers. It is sick to hear their Korean song [Girls Power] heard in the arena even if it is just briefly, because the ladies can see a few stars in the audience nodding their heads – though they nod their heads for all the nominated.

Jim Carey says something, Hannah can’t hear what but she covers to lean to Maria to say he sounds just as funny as in his movies. He probably said something like ‘and the award goes to’ before he starts opening the envelope. Maria smiles at Hannah’s comment.

“5 Pieces!” he calls out and the music starts playing, he adds; “With [Girls Power]!”

The female empowering song in Korean is playing and Hannah gapes at Maria who sinks down a bit in her seat; not feminine at all and she seems aware of it when the artists sitting in front of them turns around and Hannah is fast to follow her members on standing up. In habit of being in Asia, the ladies lower their heads and bows to people before shaking their hands and they have to hurry out from their seats.

Maria is bouncing forward, holding on to Hannah’s hand and they are having the biggest smiles when heading over to Jim Carey and Jeff Daniels. Hannah covers with her free hand and she smiles at Maria walking with her and Maria holds on to her arm with the other hand to hurry their steps a bit. When walking out on the stage the ladies all put down a hand to the audience on the sides who are holding their hands up to them, Carolina does funny high fives while Maria just walks through. Hannah and Maria hurries a few more steps before reaching the stage where Emelia accepts the moon-man award and hug the two actors who are both saying that 5 Pieces is amazing.

Jim Carey hugs all five members, congratulating them with this huge smile and he just looks like he does on TV that it feels like you should be hugging your TV and not a real man but the ladies thank both actors and Emelia can say she is a fan of theirs too.

Turning around, the whole arena goes quiet. The music has stopped and the ladies are facing thousand of Americans, tons of their favourite artists and faces they have never expected to see in real life before.

“Thank you all so much,” Emelia smiles, almost laughing at the strange feeling in her stomach, spotting Jennifer Lopez sit among the stars in the audience. Emelia glances at her members standing with her. “We didn’t prepare to say anything because we didn’t expect to win but … thank you for loving the video and song, thank you for that. We- We want to thank all of our fans around the world, all the fans we love so much and who have made us come this far, our agency and our incredible crew that has been working with us, a huge thanks to our families…”

She quickly passes the microphone on to the next lady and Maria happily takes it.

“This is our first time at the VMA. As 5 Pieces we have worked a lot for the past six years but this is the first time my mind is so blank of what to do because of all the incredible people here… Um… Since [Girls Power] is a Korean song, I want to say a few words in Korean too,” Maria says and for the first time she actually seems shy to speak in public. She continues in Korean; “A huge thank to SM Entertainment, our seniors and juniors, our families who we love, our incredible crew – this is awesome – and to everyone who has helped us get this far, you know we would never have gotten anywhere without you all.” She continues in English; “Music has no boundaries with language, thank you for this award. A big shout to Puzzle, thank you!”

“We love you!” Carolina happily cheers when holding on to Maria’s hand on the microphone and the ladies happily bows politely before turning around to head off the stage, all five surprised to see the two actors still there and they will go together off the stage.

Halfway off the stage they all take a picture together, Carolina holding the award and Jim Carey asking if he can get their autograph. So when getting backstage, they get a piece of paper to have 5 Pieces write their autographs.

After that the ladies walk to their room backstage to get prepared for their performance.

Manager Park is grimacing a bit when taking them to the room.

“You all seem surprisingly calm…” he comments to them.

“Mm…” Maria frowns, looking up at him. “Why is that? I am just feeling empty inside… as if all emotions are left on the stage…”

“It’s too much to take in, that’s all,” Julia answers. “We just got a moon man at the Video Music Awards – we are in America! I don’t think we can melt this so easy.”

Carolina nods, as if believing everything she is told. Emelia puts her arm around Julia.

“I can’t freak out just yet because we still have to prove ourselves with the performance,” Emelia tells them and it is like a switch; 5 Pieces freaks out because they have just won an award and now they have to go up there and prove why they got it.

Manager Park regrets commenting in first place when noticing the ladies panicking backstage.

While panicking they still get ready, changing clothes and filling up on their makeup. Hannah wears an animal printed cropped top underneath an edgy leather overall shorts, her legs in tights to look nice and fit to the pair of red lace-up platform boots. She looks cool with smoky eye makeup and pink lips, her purple hair wavy and she keeps putting it over her right shoulder for her concept.

Maria’s solution to not go completely insane is to take pictures. She pulls Hannah in with her for the full mirror selfie, Hannah in her outfit and Maria wearing a festival dress with lace accent in a camel colour, matching her white nails and perfect to her black over-the-knee leather boots. The two girls look slim and tall in the mirror when taking pictures, standing together like best friends with arms around the other and looking like teenage girls. Maria laughs when looking at the fourteen pictures they end up taking on her phone, first asking Hannah which is the best and then deciding Hannah is not good at choosing and ends up taking five new pictures by her self when not feeling satisfied at all.

“Are you ready?”

Hannah takes a deep breathe when that question starts circulating around the room when the minutes are being counted. She takes a hold of Emelia’s arm when they gathers for a circle, dancers and 5 Pieces all gathered and the rest of the crew of stylists and managers listening outside the tightly gathered circle.

“Maria,” Emelia says when they are nervously waiting for the leader to say her speech.

Maria takes a deep breath, waving a hand in front of her face. “Could someone else please do this? I’m so shaky I think I’m going to cry if I say something.”

“Carolina,” one of the female dancers suggests and Carolina first looks excited to be given the honour, and then gets slightly embarrassed when a camera is held up above them to film the circle. 5 Pieces are standing with their hands in the middle, dancers surrounding between and around them to form the tight circle and Carolina is staring at the hands when trying to come up with what to say.

“Everyone…” she starts off when a female dancer tells everyone to listen. “Imagine that this is our concert, that every single person out there is our fan and that we will do like we always do – have a great time to entertain them. Let’s just go out and have fun, no pressure-”

“There is tons of pressure,” even Julia admits and they laugh at her breathing the comment out. “Sorry, Lina, continue…”


“No mistakes though,” Emelia fills in with a finger pointing around on everyone with a smile, “Because whoever makes a mistake will have to face me.”

Carolina just laughs at the ladies interrupting her, lowering her head with a smile as a dancer says a few words too. She doesn’t mind; she couldn’t come up with anything to say so her silence let them talk. But once everyone has said their own sentence, they nudge Carolina to finish it off.

“Like Captain tends to say; you all look gorgeous tonight, so let’s bring out GIRLS POWER to the performance. Powerful and with a complete puzzle, we will rock the stage!”

“YEAH!” Maria excitedly shouts, already jumping in the excitement and Carolina looks happy; they all look happy, nervous but happy.

“MTV VMA will never know what hit them,” Carolina jokes.

“Do it three times,” Maria whispers to her.

“We do it three times; who are we?”

“5 Pieces!” the crew laughs out.

“If we are going out there you better be more excited. Who are we?” Carolina happily asks.

“5 Pieces!!” they cheer.

“WHO ARE WE?!” Carolina roars out and her hand goes up in the air before the others as everyone screams out together;

“5 PIECES!!!”

Their hands flies up in the air, followed by random cheering and loud calls, the excitement to get on the stage pumped up as they start to leave the room.

Julia has put on dark red lipstick to her short styled hair, a few shades darker than the red dress she is wearing. It is a dress that turns heads; pleated detailing at skirt, cutouts at waist, and a hot pink collar with crystal detailing and the same pair of high heels as Hannah but in black. She looks gorgeous, feminine with the dress but charismatic with her hair, dangerous with the lips. She keeps styling her hair on the way to the stage, her fingers sticky once they are behind the stage so a stylist give her wet napkins to wipe it off, letting her check how she looks in the mirror.

The ladies are nervous, it is easy to tell. They are stretching and warming up while waiting for their turn, eyes looking around at their surroundings at the American staff and listening to what is happening on the stage.

Microphones in hand, they are told to go take their positions in the dark and the ladies walk together up on the large main stage, up on the extra around platform at the centre. It is big, and the ladies sit down on their chairs, nervously sitting in the dark. Hannah is moving her fingers to get rid of the nervousness, smiling at her members and making sure the chair won’t glide away.

5 Pieces is presented, the actresses smiling on the side of another part of the stage.

“This group has blossomed like a foreign flower; growing up in Sweden but have spent years making a name in Asia, and finally they are making a name for the rest of us to dream about. We all got to know them last year as the young girls putting us in a Daze, but this year they have blossomed into young ladies singing about girls power and hitting the charts worldwide. For the first time here on MTV Video Music Awards, the winner of Best Pop Video, let me introduce the dangerous and charming chameleons of a new generation – it is 5 Pieces!”

The crowd cheers, not magically loud, but it is a great cheer still makes Hannah’s heart shake a bit more than it was when hearing the exaggerating presentation.

A spotlight shines up on Carolina sitting on her chair; the crowd goes louder right away as she starts off her low y introduction for the Korean song [Girls Power]. She is wearing a pair of hot pants; her legs look y in high heels resting on the chair, but what probably receives the most cheer is the black sheer chiffon blouse revealing her black bra underneath with front button-up design and cuffed sleeves, a neck tie detail as well. It is a classic retro look, the blouse tugged inside her shorts with a belt for details and with her red hair and makeup she looks taken from a children-allowed burlesque movie. Finishing the outfit is the hat finishing off the y mysterious vibe as she touches the hat a bit when looking up, singing;

[Carolina] *In this not so friendly world,

That is waiting outside

So baby, me and my girls, are giving you a chance

SHOW A LITTLE SKIN, to put you in a DAZE



The crowd cheers extra loud when hearing her sing the English parts, which are probably the only parts where the crowd knows what she sings actually. But the ladies are focused, turning around and moving on their chairs in the choreography, moving ily after the introduction part when the stage lightens up in soft spotlights. It feels like they are at a club, performing for the rich.

*Hot, power, love, hate, touch, and gain



*Hot, power, love, hate, touch, and gain



Hannah throws her hair up to look out when the ladies start to sing the part, *hot, power, love, hate, touch, and gain* in Korean while the rest is in English. Yet, the ladies can hear people sing along to the whole thing, cheering when 5 Pieces says their name. the ladies are dancing with their chairs, lifting up their legs and leaning back and being as y as they have been earlier this year when promoting this song. It is the first time performing it outside Asia.

A few fans at the front starts to roar insanely when Maria makes a twirl out of her chair, kicks up a leg on the seat and leans forward to rest her arm on the backrest, and with a clear high voice she sings her part with the y confidence that 5 Pieces’ leader is known to have, embracing the cheers and the spotlight.

[Maria] *I have heard you call me out like a wolf~

Roar and roar for more and more, you beg~

[Hannah] You know you want a piece of me~

That is what a female’s body get~ hey*

For Maria’s last line Hannah gets up on her feet, kicking up her right foot on her own chair’s seat and she is ready with the microphone by her lips and hand below her hip when singing her part, taking up her hand along her s-line until she removes the hair on her left side to have it behind her shoulder. It will be difficult to keep her hair over the right shoulder, and Hannah can’t seem to care about her hair when she rounds her chair and looking out judgingly at the audience singing her last line. She turns the chair around, bends forward with straight legs and the audience cheers at 5 Pieces and their female dancers as they perform [GIRLS POWER].

[Julia + Carolina] *Imagine what, would happen if I let,

Get you close enough, get a little touch

Come to the reality, you never want to believe

Baby this is our lead

[Emelia] How?*

[CHORUS, 5 Pieces] *It’s my passion, your emotion


We can move you, give it to you

If you do what I do (GIRLS’ POWER)

[Maria + Julia + Emelia] All girls get up if you know it

[Hannah + Carolina] Boys come on try if you want it


We are, 5 PIECES*

*Hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu (GIRLS POWER)

Hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu (GIRLS POWER)*

Everyone gets off their chairs and Hannah gets down with one food after the chorus, stepping down completely to take a few steps, looking slightly to the side to make sure she gets in the middle of where the others are to dance for her second line before Maria steps forward, slowly moving forward while doing her part;

[Hannah] *We’ve been hiding in the back some time~

But now we’ve gotten out of our minds~

[Maria] I know you want a piece of me~

Now get down on your knees, baby~*

[Julia + Emelia] *Imagine what, would happen if I let,

Get you close enough, get a little touch ([Maria] ooh!)

Come to the reality, you never want to believe

Baby this is our lead

[Maria] Why?*

5 Pieces stand facing the crowd at the front of the stage with their female dancers standing with them the other direction during Julia and Emelia’s part, everyone moving their hips back and forth, circulating their wrists and moving their feet in synch. Hannah smiles a bit when seeing the audience is enjoying the performance, the spotlights are bright and powerful for the performance and Hannah’s smile disappear when trying to focus on the song, to be serious and confident and y and pretend it is 5 Pieces’ concert and not MTV VMA. At Maria’s *why?*, the chorus begins and all women on the stage starts to dance with the chorus blasting on and the audience cheering loudly to the live singing and dancing with bodies pumping and hair throwing, poses taken and the feminine body showed off.

[CHORUS, 5 Pieces] *It’s my passion, your emotion


We can move you, give it to you

If you do what I do (GIRLS’ POWER)

[Maria + Julia + Emelia] All girls get up if you know it

[Hannah + Carolina] Boys come on try if you want it


We are, 5 PIECES*

After Hannah and Carolina’s part in the chorus the ladies sing in English, taking a few steps back and turning around to sing *we are, 5 PIECES* and the second that part ends, a completely different song begins to play and the English song that was released at the start of the year called [(Dare to) Face Me] starts in the middle, and as if it is two completely different videos cut in together, 5 Pieces and their dancers start dancing to the new track right on beat to Maria’s singing and the whole arena seems to cheer at the change.

[Maria] *Hey boy! You don’t even try to get my hint,

Those little tricks you got up your sleeve, try to chase me

Now let’s get you walking, baby!*

The female dancers walk to the sides with the ladies who all spread out along the sides of the main stage, and they dance to the song together while Julia sings her part;

*A pretty little accessory linked on your arm,

Show me off to your friends, aren’t I pretty for sure?*

[Hannah] *Hey boy! Stop bragging about what you got

Now I dare you, dare you to face me*

[PRE-CHORUS, 5 Pieces] *(Ha-ha-ha-ha) Hey baby boy,

I’m not a little toy, not your pretty doll (Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha)*

[CHORUS, Maria] *I’m telling you this one time,

Don’t you play me, you won’t dare

([Emelia] I’m ready) Dare to face me*

They dance through the chorus too, smiling and playing with the fans in front of the stages, flirting with the cameras too. These ladies know what they are doing. Maria sings the chorus, and Hannah moves her body to the beat with the two dancers next to her, enjoying it and she is pretty sure the audience can see how the ladies are having fun performing, both in Korean and in English. At the end of the chorus, Emelia prepares for her rap, her *I’m ready* is dark and unless you listen you probably don’t even hear it because of Maria being in the spotlight.

[RAP, Emelia] *Women like us, ha, we know how to do it,

Pretty doll, I am for sure, but independent women we are, I teach you;*

Emelia starts off her rap in the most powerful dark female rapping tone and she leaves the main stage, the crowd goes wild at the sudden rap by the lady who is wearing a simple short black dress with a cape overlay, scoop neckline and high heels. Emelia continues, the rap is the same as usually with the melody at least, because the lyrics is re-written by Emelia for this performance and she is bouncing forward to the rhythm, looking like a woman in the dress and her hair moves freely, she looks like a bad lady and the audience is bouncing along as she raps;

*Girls got power, look at us and envy what we got

We are 5 Pieces, I tell you, enter our world (if you dare)

Ha, no disrespect, you will show me respect

I make my own money, stop boasting you silly one, don’t you dare

Got my own spotlight it makes me shine, don’t you put shame on me

I dare you, dare to face me, if you dare, face me*

They are at one of the smaller extra stages, surrounded by the audience when her rap ends and 5 Pieces are already in position as [Girls Power] continues where it was cut off earlier, the soft feminine dance part and all five ladies are looking charismatic while their bodies are feminine – the audience is screaming at 5 Pieces going back to the hit song.

*Hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu (GIRLS POWER)

Hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu (GIRLS POWER)


Each dance move is made in synch though the ladies do different moves for the last part, moving their whole bodies and limbs and there are a few roars that stands out extra much in the audience. The embarrassing part for Hannah is when she spots J.Lo in the audience (her mind goes crazy for a second thinking Jennifer Lopez… Jennifer Lopez…) but is interrupted in her thoughts when the chorus begins and she moves with her members while singing the last part of the song;

[CHORUS, 5 Pieces] *It’s my passion, your emotion


We can move you, give it to you

If you do what I do (GIRLS’ POWER)

[Maria + Julia + Emelia] All girls get up if you know it

[Hannah + Carolina] Boys come on try if you want it


We are, 5 PIECES*


They dance the last part, the spotlights are shimmering and slowly softening until you can barely see. 5 Pieces stops when the music has died out, and now they will test their crowd.

When their repackage album was released, the music video for [You Thought Wrong Of Me] seemed very popular worldwide. It actually seems more popular abroad than in Korea because Korea is still sensitive about the subject.

5 Pieces take deep breaths, a little out of breath from dancing and they get nervous when the music stops as they know who are in front of them – all these great artists – and they are about to perform a brand new Korean song on American soil. Maria leans her head down, standing at the centre of the ladies and she brings the microphone to her lips, a few seconds after [Girls Power] has ended she starts off singing [You Thought Wrong Of Me] in a low voice;

[Maria] *You thought wrong of me…*

You said it was just a mistake…

I could tell you what I wanted,

But I’d rather pack my bag and go on*

With just one line sung in Korean with the music that started at the same time, the audience starts clapping their hands in the air to the rhythm. Maria is looking at the audience in front of her, and Hannah remembers what the ladies said during rehearsals; ‘tell them the story with expressions as they can’t understand the lyrics’. 5 Pieces will try to do their best to show what the song is about with their voices and expressions, and Maria is taking that seriously, the light is soft and focused on 5 Pieces standing there and there is a wind blowing up at them for effects.

[Julia] *I’ll be drinking with my girls,

And look at hot guys

[Carolina] I can do whatever I want,

And you can’t say anything about it

‘Cause you did that to me*

Maria started to walk away from the extra stage after her part, out to other places of the maze stage, and Carolina joins her to be ready to sing her part after Julia. The ladies don’t have a choreography now, they are just moving freely on the stage and Hannah is letting her body bounce to the rhythm while lip-synching to a few parts when the ladies are incredibly greatly expressing the song with their voices and emotions and expressions, spreading around. Emelia takes on a challenge when pointing at a celebrity during Carolina’s ‘cause you did that to me’.

[CHORUS, Carolina] *You thought wrong of me~!

If you just tried to understand

[5 Pieces] How it feels to love you’d know,

A girl’s heart can be hurt by your words…

[Maria] If you listened to her~

‘Cause I know that it hurts~

When a man like him you wanted, but

He’s taken you for granted

And everything you dreamed will be gone~…*

For the chorus the ladies really get into the song, going down on their knees to the audience and touch hands, they are entertaining the crowd while heading back to the main stage at the end of the chorus where microphone stands are waiting for them. Both male and female dancers are walking up on the main stage, wearing vests and looking charismatic when joining 5 Pieces by standing in the background.

Emelia starts her part, her first line *you thought wrong of me…* standing at the centre with the ladies walking up next to her and behind her in a V-shape, and she smiles a bit when doing the second line, knowing what will come and wondering how people will react;

[Emelia] *You thought wrong of me…

If you put down your phone, baby

Listen to me for a second and then you’re done… (yeah right)

[Hannah] You say you are first,

And make a rule for each step I take

[+Julia] ‘Cause you think that I’ll be faithful

[Hannah] Waiting for you to call back

I’ll wait~*

For Emelia’s third line the ladies sing along for the first few words, and then like soldiers standing with their hands on their backs, legs slightly standing apart, and every single person on the whole stage turns their heads to the side at the same beat, and the audience starts to scream when everyone on the next beat look at the front, then to the left and back while Emelia is singing her part. She finishes with her adlib ‘yeah right’ while Hannah, most of all, takes a step back to hold on to the microphone stand, the others follows for her part to have the youngest sing while they all to the beat bounce their microphone back and forth to the side. At the end of Hannah’s second line, singing *and make a rule for each step I take* she pushes her microphone stand to the stage to walk past it, feeling tall in high heels and she walks over to the audience in front of her, seeing them start to bounce at her nearing, singing with Julia to then squat down with a small smile singing *waiting for you to call back* as she takes out her free hand to touch some of the audience’s holding their hands out for her. She bounces when squatting like that singing the higher part, and the pain in her right knee hurts but she gets up on her feet to coolly walk to her place as the ladies sings. They have removed Hannah’s chorus to make the performance shorter, so the ladies are going for the highlight ending right away, standing in a line facing each other back and forth depending on who you sing with.

[(Carolina) + Julia] *You don’t deserve this girl’s love, [Julia] you should learn to listen to my voice by now

[(Julia) + Carolina] Say it’s another mistake; [Carolina] don’t think I’m falling for that

[(Julia) + Hannah] If you thought I’ll just follow the game of yours, [Hannah] you thought it wrong~~*

[Emelia] *But you thought wrong of me…

You’ll never understand… ([Maria] And you won’t understand, oh~~)*

[Maria] *Until you know the feeling of a broken heart, that day she’ll be another … man’s~~~

[Julia] you should’ve listened to her~ [Maria] You don’t care how it hurts~~

[Carolina] Until you know the feeling of a broken heart, when you are taken for granted,

And everything you dreamed will be gone…*

The loud voices and high notes, 5 Pieces’ ending of [You Thought Wrong Of Me] receives a lot of cheers and screams and applauses, the ladies singing flawlessly and Carolina’s last part is so loud that when she softens her voice for the last words to let it die out with the music the ladies just stands there on the stage, breathing and watching the cheering and applauding audience who thinks it is over. Hannah is in the middle, standing like a soldier just like her members, and she puts the microphone to her lips, the audience still cheering.

[Hannah] *Cause you thought wrong of me…*

In a low voice she sings the last part, and to the last sound of the music afterwards, she drops her hand to her side, her other hand is put on her hip and she shows off her s-line in a final pose to show that this song is about women and her friends are doing the same next to her.

They keep their mask until the arena goes out in louder cheers and Hannah has this smile pushing through her mask and she is fast to bow with a hand covering her chest, politely thanking with her members before they rush off stage.

It’s done. They have done it.

Hannah is more shaky than sweaty when getting off the stage, too paralysed to feel the pain in her leg and unable to speak when seeing Maria breathes out with a hand on her chest, also unable to really gasp what they just did. Once you are on the stage it is like Halloween; you become a different person who has a mask of confidence and power on the stage but when getting off the stage the mask is removed and the ladies are just gaping at each other.

They have actually done it.

Carolina puts her arms around Julia, shaking from the nervousness she has felt. They have actually performed two Korean songs at MTV’s Video Music Awards. They did it!

“OH – MY – PIECES!” Maria cries out once they are in their room and she falls apart next to a chair, crying out that they have done it.

All of their feelings that have been built up, all the tension and excitement and pressure, everything makes them exhausted now when it all lets go at once.

Half an hour later they sit down in the audience; too paralyzed at their own performance to take too much notice of anything anymore. Carolina is hugging on to Emelia’s arm, not letting go.

They sit there quietly for the rest of the show, talking only when others talk to them, and the highlight of the night wakes Hannah up when Beyoncé’s performance starts. She sits and just gapes at first, having Maria close once and Hannah just stares. For most of the songs Beyoncé performs, Hannah is moving her lips to the lyrics as she knows it, but she is clapping her hands, standing up, staring, she is breathing heavily as if she is watching God. This is the role model Hannah looks up to the most in the world. Beyoncé. She looks so charismatic on the stage, flawless, real perfection, and she is just the best performer in the world. Hannah wants to learn a lot from her, but she is so stunned watching Beyoncé in real life perform. It is incredible. And the music is great, the meaning behind each song is touching and warming and Hannah takes Maria’s hand during [Jealous] to show that she really likes it. The ladies are all standing up together when Hannah is not sitting down, and Hannah is certain the ladies are all stunned by the goddess on the stage.

Life is completed after meeting Beyoncé, Hannah is certain of that. She has forgotten all about her own life, about the people she knows and her own goals in life; everything is completed after seeing this, and she gladly sings when Beyoncé says “sing” and holds out the microphone in the middle of a few songs. Hannah knows it all too well, the lyrics and the songs, and she doesn’t even know that the camera captures her biggest fan-mood moment. The camera for MTV catches her two times, since when catching her the first time she was so into the moment Beyoncé has created that they just had to take a second catch of Hannah’s fan-mood.

For Beyoncé’s performance of [Flawless], 5 Pieces look like they will almost salute her. Hannah knows the talk about feminism is huge within the group, and Beyoncé is a big role model for that. The difference between Hannah and her members is that Hannah mouths the lyrics flawlessly while her members are just enjoying the music by listening to it and dancing. They are enjoying it, suddenly at Beyoncé’s concert.

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Headline 24th: 5 Pieces Brings Home VMA*s Best Pop Video And Receive Standing Ovation By Jennifer Lopez And More After Performance

Headline 24th: The World’s Biggest Celebrities Impressed By 5 Pieces’ Performance At MTV’s VMA

Headline 24th: Music By The World, 5 Pieces Are Given Applauses And Praise As The TOP5 Highlighter Of The Night

Headline 24th: 5 Pieces In A Haze After Meeting Their Role Model Beyoncé

Headline 24th: Top American Stars Comment On Meeting 5 Pieces At The MTV VMA After The Show, Only Praise Given


Headline 25th: 5 Pieces Sell Diamonds For Independent Women In New Asian-Released CF

Headline 25th: 5 Pieces Collaborates With Jewellery Brand For Second Commercial After [Girls Power] Success


Headline 26th: Media Catches 5 Pieces Returning To Korea After MTV Video Music Awards In California

Headline 26th: Maria Shows 5 Pieces Rehearsing For Seoul Concert D-2, Excited To Perform After Being At The VMA

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X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^