Chapter 32

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

“*I~ I~*,” Maria is loudly warming up her voice while checking her make-up in the mirror. “*I~ want a maan~ I want a man!*”

She looks over her shoulder to see the vocal teacher widen his mouth and Maria imitates while singing;

“*I want a man!*”

“Woooh,” Emelia sounds impressed at the leader’s bright vocals and Maria gives her a weird glance as if asking ‘have you never heard me sing before’.

Hannah is checking her clothes in the mirror, making sure the White Suit looks as it should. The high-waisted flattering look of the classic a-line skirt is lace-up at the front to give off the glamour silhouette, and it looks pretty with the white crop top, fitting with zip-up closure at the back and custom made to have the neckline look different for each lady. Hannah’s has a nice v-neck; Julia has a sophisticated collared neckline. The crop top has black stretch bands at the sides, which you can’t see when they are wearing the white feminine suit blazer. The feminine, retro glamour look for the opening of their GIRLS POWER concert is called White Suit – basically because it is a white suit for females – and 5 Pieces are looking glamorous walking around backstage in these angelic suits. During the press-conference they had actually surprised a lot of people, being asked about the concert’s concept and if there will be any songs from their past as if 5 Pieces in 2014 tries to get a completely new image than their previous one.

Carolina’s red hair is hanging down in classic curls, her lips are in a strong deep red colour and her make-up is simple to not ruin her fair skin with focus on the upper part of her eyes for the thick eyeliner and pin-up style; Julia’s hair has been straightened out and combed to the front to simply let it ily mess up in its own way with soft eyeliner around her eyes and no rush to colour her lips other than a natural colour; Hannah’s long pastel purple hair is simply curly and her make-up is of big lashes, glitter and eyeliner along with a soft lipstick; Emelia’s long hair is put up in a backcombed quiff to be braided down to the back of her head where the braid gets twisted in to the free hair and somehow managing to stay hidden as it falls down with the rest of her hair, her make-up is edgy in gold and glitter; and Maria has her long bob hair straightened, her make-up bold and strong with bright red lips.

On their feet the ladies are wearing a pair of white peep-toe shoes with double platform and baguette cut, with a crystal-embellished heel – the pair of shoes they don’t walk around wearing all the time.

Hearing Maria practicing her singing, Carolina joins in, repeating whatever Maria does.

“*I want a man! Who can! Take on my light, oh! I want a man, who does! All things right!*” they sing together. You can just hear on them where this is going and Julia smiles when Emelia starts clapping her hands to the soul beat, Maria starts bouncing along to the claps and turns around to sing with Carolina; “*You’re the kind of guy, I find, a perfect match!*”

Carolina waves at the two last ladies and Hannah looks at Julia, seeing Kyung Ho sitting and smiling in the sofa, digging the sudden vocal warm-up. Most people in the room are used at 5 Pieces playing like this. Following in on the chorus right away, Julia sings with them;

“*You got class! You got spark!*”

And Carolina adds her own adlib, *You got spark baby oooh* and Hannah smiles when joining the other ladies;

“*From top to toe you are my style! I want a man and that man is you – I want no other one but you~~*”

As if they really can read each other’s minds, as the chorus came to an end they all sang out the ‘you’, wailing and whatnot until they laugh. Kyung Ho is fast to applaud them when they are done, having Tiger in his lap.

“Are you ladies ready?” Maria is laughing, still bouncing of the excitement and she laughs. “Let’s do another warm-up.”

Calming down on their movements, the ladies steps closer to each other and starts harmonizing, warming up with an acapella with their vocal teacher listening carefully; he is ready to point and give a motion to the lady making a mistake. After warming up the ladies continues to practice and talk to their crew. Hannah is stretching and getting her body ready for twice as long as the others, maybe even three times longer; just to not have her body start hurting in the middle of it all.

“I’M NERVOUS!” Emelia shouts out when hearing they are going to the back of the stage now.

She gives out a sudden laugh and jumps next to Hannah who is fast to lean towards Mi Young for protection to whatever it is Emelia wants, but Emelia just jumps on the spot, up and down, up and down. Hannah lowers her head laughing when Emelia is chanting at each jump that she is nervous, saying it in Korean, Japanese, English, Swedish, Chinese and other languages Hannah doesn’t know and then just coming out with random letters that makes the staff laugh. Just before coming back to their room they had been greeting friends in another room; Japanese celebrities that have come to watch the concert, a few Korean celebrities too.

Hannah is almost last out of the room as she had first left without changing into the stage shoes, and she is nervously shaking her hands heading to the back of the stage. Coming to the end of the corridor she can see how crowded it is of staff standing behind the stage, there is security and staff, dancers and the band. Hannah lowers her head to most of them, wishing them a good concert and feeling the nervousness creeping up when the sound of fans on the other side the stage hits her, the sound of 55,000 people waiting for the concert to begin. All shaky she follows Emelia, standing next to her and she starts spacing out right away instead of getting ready. Not until all of them are there does the crew gather around, all of them fitting in one circle, tightly standing together. Hannah can see that all of them are nervous, how excited they are to get up there and show what they have shown, how they want to show that they have gotten better since last time they saw each other and she can see Maria looking around at everyone to wait to begin.

“Go,” one of the male dancers says.

“Me?” Maria asks and they laugh because she is always the one giving a speech. “I have told you guys all week that we will do well and perfect. Not because we always do that but because we have given so much energy and passion to get here and we will receive hundred times more once we get up on that stage. GIRLS POWER started off with a lot of questions, and we have all the answers now. I think it will be a great journey to do this tour with all of you and I know you are honoured to do it with me as well-”

“Maria…” Emelia says in a low warning and some of them chuckle. Hannah smiles with the others when seeing Yong Hyun putting a white hat on top of Carolina, as she had forgotten it, and he fixes it so it looks good while Maria continues to talk.

“This here, right now, is the beginning of our GIRLS POWER tour,” Maria quickly says after warming up, her voice focused; “together we will make Tokyo Dome move and sing, and damn I feel so proud to be here with all of you passionate people. And though I know half of us are guys, I want to thank you all for making this Girls Power. Tonight is all about that. And tonight is the start of our tour. I love you all and don’t be scared to mess up. Be safe up there and enjoy yourselves. I will ask you this three times and you better answer me loudly – who are we?”

“5 Pieces!”

“That’s not it – who are we?”

“5 Pieces!!” they cheer and Maria stomps with her foot.


“5 PIECES!” they scream in response.

“GIRLS POWER, FIGHTING!” Maria roars out as they all are throwing their hands up in the air.

Hannah turns around, laughing when embracing one of the female dancers and she cheers some of the people in the band on, then shake hand with choreographer Katharine Dorsey and she is given the custom made white glitter microphone that they have used all year.

The last minutes feels like forever, Hannah isn’t sure if she has done all she need to do though but she is excited seeing everyone getting into position. With the ladies walking to take their position, Maria takes a hold of Hannah’s hand, squeezing it lightly.

“Are you about to cry?” Hannah teases.

To her surprise, Maria nods, not looking next to her at Hannah. “We are actually at Tokyo Dome.”

“Maria,” Hannah whispers and takes Maria’s arm lightly to get closer to her. “We are having three concerts in a row at Tokyo Dome.”

Maria gives her a glare. “Is that supposed to make me less nervous or what?”

She then puts her arm around Hannah for a quick hug before they take their positions, again she squeezes Hannah’s hand and Hannah squeezes it back before they let go, getting ready as the concert is starting.

GIRLS POWER tour takeoff at Tokyo Dome: Hannah smiles just at the thought of it, all nervousness is supposed to have turned into excitement after their cheer but she can still feel how shaky she is. The opening video is shown, welcoming everyone to the tour and introducing the ladies of 5 Pieces. Hannah holds on to her microphone with both hands, then let’s go with one hand to shake it and she clears , hearing the crowd cheer over the video.

“5 PIECES! 5 PIECES! 5 PIECES!” the audience starts chanting after a while and Hannah looks at Julia lowering her head, wondering if the ladies’ hearts are pounding like hers.

New songs will be performed for the first time, a brand new concert. This is nerve-wracking. What if they have forgotten something? So many questions pop up and they are interrupted when the spotlight turns on and Hannah is facing the too big stage and the 55,000 fans waving purple glow-sticks in front of them. Something is stuck in seeing the massive view of a purple ocean and she for a second forgets everything; who she is, where she is, what she does, what she is supposed to do, everything is like forgotten. She doesn’t strike a cool pose like Carolina who is holding on to her cool white hat, she isn’t even aware that she is standing at the top of the stairs at the centre of the large stage with her four best friends. Seconds passes like that, and it is not until the first trumpet playing that Hannah realises the truth and she is aware of how awkward she must have stood; she looks at the right and puts the microphone to her lips as she can hear the familiar tone of [I Want a Man] beginning to play.

In a strong tone twice as long as it usually is, Hannah starts off the song;


[Carolina] *Eeeeh eeeeh ye-yeah~*

Carolina continues with her great adlib, she too twice as long as usually, exactly like they have practiced, and Hannah’s focus turns on the performance. As Maria starts off to sing, the band is playing and dancers are appearing, and 5 Pieces slowly steps down a few steps on the wide white staircase, step by step doing it together, the stage turns on and off in bright light.

*Every since you came in, ooh

My eyes found yours, said unspoken words

I saw your gaze flustering for more*

[Julia + Carolina] *Still I wonder what you did, boy

For making me feel so complete

[Carolina] My eyes on yours, oh I want you more*

Moving to the first song to be released in 2014, 5 Pieces are moving in synch to the music, knowing exactly how they have practiced to make it look like this is the easiest thing in the world. Hannah and Emelia continues to sing together while moving their hips;

*All my friends they keep wondering

What about you caught my eye-ey

What made me feel this deep insi-ide*

[CHORUS, 5 PIECES] *I want a man, who can, take on my light

I want a man, who does all things right

You’re the kind of guy, I find, a perfect match

You got class, you got spark, from top to toe you are my style (o-yeah)

I want a man and that man is you, I want no other one but you*

[Maria] *You changed my life completely, NOW SAY (ye-ye-ye)

But try to stay away from the line (oh-oh-oh)

[Carolina] The only man for me I found, and that is you*

After the chorus everyone spread out over the main stage, with 5 Pieces at the centre and dancers on their sides, starting to move along as Maria began her verse, the leader adding in a simple adlib because of the blood rushing quickly through her veins and the fun of a concert. All white dressed people on the stage are moving together, the verses are just as fun as the chorus and they are having a blast the first minutes of the concert, smiling thanks to the song they chose to be first. [I Want a Man] is a great song to begin with just because it is light on the feet and fun to perform.

 [Hannah] *You put a hand on my shoulder, ooh

That feeling goes through my whole body

Tingle, tingle – oh I feel it!*

[Emelia + Carolina] *All my friends they keep talking, oh talking

What about you caught my eye-ey

What made me feel this deep inside*

[Maria] *‘Cause they all want you to know that you’re the only guy in my sight!


Maria crosses the stage for her part, everyone else lined up next to each other to give out different reactions one by one before running to their positions in the joy as the chorus begins, Maria taking her time like a diva to take her position while singing.

 [CHORUS, 5 PIECES] *I want a man, who can, take on my light ([Carolina] my light)

I want a man, who does all things right (right)

You’re the kind of guy, I find (I find), a perfect match (perfect match)

You got class, you got spark (spark), from top to toe you are my style (o-yeah)

I want a man and that man is you, I want no other one but you*

(Show them all now, ha)

[Emelia] *I want a man, a man, that man is you

I want a man, who can, make all things right

I want a man, who can, can love me right

I- I, I want no other

[Carolina] I want no other man but you, woaowa*

A stranger’s male voice after the chorus said ‘show them all now, ha’ as the music prepared for the dance part and Emelia took on the centre, everyone else behind her in a formation on the stage to give her the spotlight. Maria keeps bouncing, preparing for her long adlib, smiling as she jumps to her positions during Julia’s part and she puts her arm on a male dancer’s shoulder when passing by, smiling as she is having a blast like all the others.

 [Julia] *You step up, stand by my side

Talk so nice, boy you got class

Give me strength, now you’re the best

[Maria] You’re the only one I ever gave a second glance~~!*

[CHORUS, 5 PIECES] *I want a man ([Hannah] ho!), who can (ye), take on my light (take on my light!)

I want a man, who does all things right (yeah right)

You’re the kind of guy (ouooh!), I find (I find a perfect match!), a perfect match

You got class, you got spark, from top to toe you are my style (o-yeah)

I want a man and that man is you, I want no other one but you*

[Hannah] *And I’ll keep telling you, I want no other man than you oh~~*

As soon as the chorus began after Maria’s adlib, Hannah twirled to the centre with the others moving around her, doing her fun bouncing adlibs and simply following a few parts of the choreography and at the last line of the chorus she raises her hand goes up in the air and she bounces happily looking out at the purple waving ocean as she sings her part and then sings out, fast to join the others in the final chorus afterwards, singing and dancing and having her blood hot in her body.

 [CHORUS, 5 PIECES] *I want a man, who can, take on my light ([Hannah] oh~oh~oh~)

I want a man, who does all things right (all things right yeah!)

You’re the kind of guy ([Maria] oh yeah), I find (baby, baby, baby!), a perfect match

You got class, you got spark, from top to toe you are my style (OH!)

I want a man and that man is you, I want no other one but you*

The song ends but the band keeps playing, the ladies and dancers moves around some more before taking a last dramatic pose, but again the music starts playing, the mysterious song with a lot of instruments playing the beat. Carolina throws off her hat and male dancers steps forward to help the ladies take off the suit blazers before Maria starts singing the song, female dancers already dancing and the performance of [Tainted] from their album takes off. The vocals are of a ballad but the music is a little more to the pop side, a fun mix if you have live music. It is quite y too, only women on the stage.

They dance and sing to the song with the live band making the song great, and fans are screaming when the ladies sing nicely two and two throughout the song, harmonizing with each other to the beat.

Song number three is [I Love You], and 5 Pieces take their positions for the song, Hannah giving a cute wink to the audience before she sings the song, acting cute. The audience knows this song for sure, 5 Pieces’ debut song in Japan, so she feel confident they will like it. They move around simply, their skirt flying around and it is so much fun. Carolina is moving so much to the song that she will probably get exhausted soon, but the concert is fun and the audience looks to enjoy it.

Ending [I Love You] without the typical cuteness but with more of a vocal ending. After the song has ended the band plays in the background while 5 Pieces starts to walk forward, stepping up to five pair of chairs coolly standing on the transparent stage at the front. Maria grabs her chair to turn it a bit, holding on to the backrest with her hand and placing her knee on the seat, her other hand holding the microphone to her lips as the ladies take their positions too. It gets quiet for a second, the lights shimmer as if the performance has ended but there is just a second of shimmer before the performance of [I Still Want You] begins, without any music Maria sings out;

[Maria] *Oh-oh I~

I still want you, baby*

Background vocals sings ‘yeah’ in low wavering as the drums and instruments play this shaking expectation start, then it gets quiet and Hannah brings the microphone to her lips, using more power in her voice and holding on to the chair tightly with her free hand as the stage lifts up;

[Hannah] *I~~~ still want that special, special, special, special feeling we had before, oh-no

[Julia] And I~ think I better say it to you now that*

Between Hannah and Julia’s parts there is that music again, and after Julia’s it is again before Emelia sings;

*I think we, I really think that we*

The drums take off playing and Carolina bouncy starts to sing with the instruments;

[Carolina] *Have something going on, yeah (oh, it feels like love)

Oh-oh, something is going on between you and me now (oh, it feels like love)

Once I tell you that,

I get this feeling, it get so strange,

Everything between us that I can’t explain

Step by step, I just can’t pretend

I even have the words stuck when I talk

I think oh (oh-oh), oh (oh-oh), oh (oh-oh)


I think baby, oh, it feels like love (we know it must be love)*

During the ‘once I tell you that’ part he ladies stands up, holding on to the chair and simply moving their bodies to the bouncy sound, letting go as the song continues and the stage is moving over the cheering audience. The fear of the flying stage is still there for the ladies but they are into the music. Maria closes her eyes and lightly waves her head back and forth, holding on to the chair tightly as the ladies starts moving on the flying stage, and Carolina is just taking her spotlight as the one singing.

Emelia takes some cute steps to the side as she begins singing her part, pointing down at the audience and enjoying flying over everyone;

[Emelia] *Once I tell you that,

We have something going on, yeah-yeah (oh, it feels like love)

Oh oh oh oh, something is going on between you and me now (oh, it feels like love)

[Maria] You can tell me that,

You get this feeling, it get so strange,

Everything between us that you can’t explain

Believe me now, when we meet again

It sure feels strange but I sure it’s us

[+Emelia] You think oh (oh-oh), oh (oh-oh), oh (oh)


You think baby, oh, it feels like love (we know it must be love)*

Hannah bounces and shakes her hair around at the instruments, the band making the music feel alive, and she is moving back and forth when she sings in a voice playing with the words and the melody;

*What is coming over me!

My heart is beating, like never before

I walk so light, how can I be alright?

Who is this lady, standing in front of me

Mirror-reflections it is what I see*

‘I walk so light’-part she lightly moves over the stage and happily smiles at Carolina in front of her, smiling brightly at each other as Hannah sings ‘how can I be alright?’ in a light tone and she then turns to the audience with a hand to her chest singing ‘who is this lady, standing in front of me’. It is a fun song this too, flying over the stage they can see their fans all over the stadium.

Julia’s part might be short, but her last words are like a low mumble like Elvis Presley and she shakes her shoulders towards Maria out of the fun in it and when the ladies are bouncing, shaking their hairs around at the melody while enjoying the song and flying stage.

[Julia] *I never knew it was you and me

Even when we sat there by ourselves

[Carolina] I never thought I could feel this way

But love sure got us turning again

[+Julia] I think oh (oh-oh), oh (oh-oh), oh (oh)


I think baby, oh, it feels like love (we know it must be love)*

For the last part the ladies are waving their hands and hair, bouncing and moving as if they have been possessed by the music;

[Maria] *Heeey, I still want you, my love (you know I still want you)

[Julia] I still want you, my one (you know I still want you)

[Hannah] If it feels alright! (we make it feel alright)

[Carolina] I still want you oh (I still want you now)

[Emelia] Na na na na! (na na na na)

[Hannah] Na na na na~! (na na na na) Oooh hey

Ey, heeeey~ oooh, oh…*

And they end the song with adlibs, almost a competition and Hannah smiles at Maria who is looking at her, at the same time ending their last adlib and the drums ends the song along with them. The 55,000 people at the concert start screaming loudly as 5 Pieces smiles, turning to face their fans. Hannah lifts her hand up, waving crazily to them as the stage has stopped at its location.

The seconds passes and Hannah smiles widely when remembering she is the one starting off the greeting.

“Pieces of one!” she cheerfully starts off in Japanese and she takes a step forward to stand with her members when they bow and greets; “Hello, we are 5 Pieces!”

Julia bows a second time, greeting in Japanese; “Hello, I am 5 Pieces’ Julia!” She waves with both hands when she is done, to the fans all around them.

“JAPAN!” Emelia roars and then burst out in laughter at the loud response, “Hello everyone, I am your Emelia and 5 Pieces’ charismatic rapper. We have finally come to Tokyo Dome! If you are excited to be here, scream for me!”

She holds out her microphone and the ladies smiles at the audience cheering.

“That’s not screaming…” Emelia mutters in Japanese and counts down before holding out her microphone, and this time the audience really screams. You can see the fans closest to the stage taking it from their feet when screaming their lungs out.

Hannah puts the microphone to her lips to say her greetings, but pauses when the audience starts screaming again. She pauses for a second, smiling, before saying; “Our third tour GIRLS POWER is starting at Tokyo Dome… It is an honour for us to be here and a joy to see such beauty join us, thank you so much for giving us this honour to perform for you here. I am 5 Pieces’ Hannah, and I hope you all will enjoy and remember this time with us as we will, and let’s have a lot of fun tonight, okay?!”

She claps her hands together one and bows once she is done.

“Let’s have fun tonight!” Carolina cheerfully says with a hand hitting the air above her, laughing. “I am 5 Pieces’ mascot, Carolina!”

Waving her hands, Carolina finishes and it goes to the last member.

“Nice to meet you all again, I am the trustable leader of 5 Pieces,” Maria says and calmly lowers her head, smiling when standing straight. “What’s my name?”

Holding out her microphone, the audience loudly screams out her name and she bows again, thanking them for remembering.

“And this is 5 Pieces’ GIRLS POWER concert,” Emelia says, waiting for the audience to finish their cheering before saying in English, almost rapping: “*Hey boy, women like us, ha, we know how to do it. Pretty doll, I am for sure, but independent women we are, I teach you*”

“Woooh!” Carolina cheers as the ladies take their positions, the band starts to play the English song from earlier this year, [(Dare to) Face Me], with a slight remix, and the ladies starts dancing, singing the song. It is a remix with their international debut song [One and Only], mixing the good and bad.

They dance out on that stage, giving their all and seeing their fans from a little closer view, and when the song ends the place goes dark and the big screens next to the main stage begin to reveal a video to introduce the next segment.

5 Pieces are shown behind the stage where they are quickly getting changed. It is not much talk, just change clothes as fast as possible, wipe your sweat and fix your make-up under the few minutes the video is shown.

Hannah trips back out on the stage in the multicoloured glitter platform high heels, a white drapery hanging down to cover the stage so no one really sees her but a staff is walking her, grabbing her arm to help her to the staircase at the centre back of the stage where the ladies sits down on different heights, sitting down nicely in their long beautiful dresses. It is uncomfortable to sit down in the dress Hannah is wearing, but it looks graceful and beautiful, so she holds her complaints and makes sure her gorgeous high heels are seen, holding the microphone in hand and waiting for all ladies to be ready.

The band begins playing first when the video ends, just playing as the draperies are going up to reveal 5 Pieces gracefully sitting in the stairs and the band then begins playing the melody for [Thief] from 5 Pieces’ latest album. Background vocals sings the (cursive) parts, the ladies calmly sitting in the staircase and listening to their song as they beautifully sings the ballad;

*(A thief stole his heart, he believed in her…)*

[CAROLINA] *In the story of love they say everything is possible,

That true love can break the sleeping spell

[+ JULIA] Everybody believes, everybody will see, yeah, yeah

[MARIA] And even if your heart has been broken so many times before,

That your hopes were dying, no need to keep trying

[+ JULIA] Everybody can be, everybody keep on trying, yeah, yeah

[HANNAH] Then she came and held you tight, she opened up another life

And now you’ll see, if you open your eyes, and suddenly, you’ll realise*

It is impossible to sit still for the song. Like all songs on the album you just want to move your body to express the music, and Hannah moves her hand, shakes her leg when singing her part, wanting to express the song with her body too because of the melody and live band.


* (A thief) Aaah… (Stole his heart) Stole his heart… (Believe in her)

For all the times you open up your heart, you fell in love

Why do you have to fall back down so hard?

(A thief) Aaah… (Stole his heart) Stole his heart… (Believe in her) [CAROLINA] Believe in her

There were many chances where you had to prove,

If you really wanted to be loved*

[MARIA] *Ooooh

Oh thief (A thief) Aaah… (Stole his heart) Stole his heart… (Believe in her)

After everything that she put you through,

Now you see that you’re in love in a-

[MARIA] Thief. She will steal your heart*

[HANNAH] *The stupidity you had to face the crowd,

To have the confidence to not step down

She pushed you up, gave you strength to try, yeah, yeah

[JULIA] The faith you needed to think positively,

To have the strength to not break apart

She helped you walk and stayed around

Yeah, she figured you out, said ‘you’ve got this done’*

[EMELIA] *Now there’s no way to hide from love, it always finds that little crack

Baby, ooh, she can see you through, this is not the end, for you~*

Emelia adds her own adlib, receiving low cheering from the crowd. The crowd is quiet for the song, waving their purple glow-sticks in the air and enjoying the beautiful ballad.


* (A thief) Aaah… [EMELIA] Aaah… (Stole his heart) Stole his heart… She stole his heart! (Believe in her)

For all the times you open up your heart, you fell in love [MARIA] Oooh yeah

Why do you have to fall back down so hard? [MARIA] Why fall so hard?

(A thief) Aaah… (Stole his heart) Stole his heart… (Believe in her)

There were many chances where you had to prove, [MARIA] you had to proove

If you really wanted to be loved*

[MARIA] *Aaaaah

(A thief) Aaah… (Stole his heart) Stole his heart… (Believe in her)

After everything that she put you through,

Now you see that you’re in love in a thief. She will steal your heart yeah, yeah…*

[EMELIA + CAROLINA] *Baby, will she listen now, can’t she see just what he’s talking about?

Said baby won’t you listen now, can’t you see just what he’s talking about?

[HANNAH + MARIA] Love went on, and she was wrong, to keep her distance for so long

So afraid, she wouldn’t say, but he never turned away~

[CAROLINA + JULIA] He’s always right, by her side, he’s forever in her life

Don’t you leave, it’s not the end, for he’s always in her embrace

[HANNAH] And now you’ll see, if you open your eyes, and suddenly, you’ll realise~~*

Hannah sings out loudly for her part after cutting her line into pieces, singing with so much emotion like her members are. The audience is quietly listening, watching with big eyes and listening at the vocals 5 Pieces did not have a few years ago. The last chorus begins; you can hear it on the adlibs and highlights;


*(A thief) Aaah… (Stole his heart) Stole his heart… [Carolina] She stole his heart! (Believe in her)

For all the times you open up your heart, you fell in love

Why do you have to fall back down so hard? [Hannah] Oh no, no, no!

([Carolina] A thief) Aaah… (Stole his heart) Stole his heart… (Believe in her)

There were many chances where you had to prove

If you really wanted to be loved*

[Maria] *Yeah yeah ah… A thief, she stole his heart

(Now you see that you’re in love in a thief) *

The song comes to an end; the piano plays the last keys but continues to play for the next song, a smooth melody.

The song [Time Pass] is also from their new album, a song written by Carolina and a smooth song from beginning to end without any loud adlibs or strong vocals. It is a pretty song. Hannah breathes out when Carolina starts to sing it.

[CAROLINA] *As hours, days and months pass

I think of you

I still think of you

As months, days and hours pass

It is the same*

[MARIA] *A raindrop falls down on my cheek,

[EMELIA] It reminds me of you

[MARIA] When we took walks in the rain,

The two of us

[CAROLINA] It reminds me of us*

[CHORUS, 5 Pieces]

*As hours, days and months pass – The weather outside my window changes

I think of you, the savour of my life – I still think of you, even if years pass*

[CHORUS 2, 5 Pieces]

*As hours, days and months pass – The feelings I have for you won’t change

As hours, days and months pass – I still think of you, even if years pass*

At the end of the chorus, Hannah had stood up, and after the chorus she starts singing standing up, the ladies standing up too. They start to slowly walk out on the main stage during the song to stand there and sing.

[HANNAH] *Everything around me is painful

All my routines have been poisoned

[JULIA] Everything reminds me of you

[HANNAH] Everything around me is you*

[MARIA] *Everything we once had

All memories we had together

[JULIA] Everything reminds me of it

[MARIA] Everything around me is you*

[CHORUS, 5 Pieces]

*As hours, days and months pass – The weather outside my window changes

I think of you, the savour of my life – I still think of you, even if years pass*

[CHORUS 2, 5 Pieces]

*As hours, days and months pass – The feelings I have for you won’t change

As hours, days and months pass – I still think of you, even if years pass*

As the chorus began, the stadium is calmly shifting colours from the spotlights. After the chorus there is rap, and even the rap is soft, Emelia’s dark voice and then Carolina’s whispering voice, and in between the two vocalists singing clearly.

[RAP, EMELIA] *You know, I did love you that day

The day you told me you love me

Those words “you are just my friend”*

[MARIA] *I lied, [HANNAH] I lied to you,

[MARIA + HANNAH] Afraid of what would happen*

[RAP, CAROLINA] Punish me, a girl like me

I shouldn’t love you, I shouldn’t love you

A man like you I don’t deserve

[CHORUS, 5 Pieces]

*As hours, days and months pass – The weather outside my window changes

I think of you, the savour of my life – I still think of you, even if years pass*

[CHORUS 2, 5 Pieces]

*As hours, days and months pass – The feelings I have for you won’t change

As hours, days and months pass – I still think of you, even if years pass*

[CHORUS, 5 Pieces]

*As hours, days and months pass – The weather outside my window changes

I think of you, the savour of my life – I still think of you, even if years pass*

[CHORUS 2, 5 Pieces]

*As hours, days and months pass – The feelings I have for you won’t change

As hours, days and months pass – I still think of you, even if years pass*

The stage goes dark when the song ends, just to have the lights turn on and based on 5 Pieces’ soft smiles the fans knows they can scream; the fans screams loudly to show their support now when the beautiful ballads have ended.

“Are you having a good time so far?” Hannah asks the audience in Japanese, walking to the centre of the stage where five adjustable chairs have appeared from the lift. The ladies are taking their seats in the beautiful long dresses while the audience answers loudly. Hannah smiles out at the audience when gliding up on her seat. “I’m happy you all are having a good time.”

5 Pieces has taken their seats. Hannah is sitting in the middle, smiling to her left and right while Emelia asks if they are ready.

“I’m ready,” Maria says in Japanese, but she is adjusting her dress.

“To tell you all a story,” Hannah begins to say in Japanese to the audience, smiling when hearing some of them laughing as they probably think she is telling a story to let the ladies take their seats. “When we were told that we would have a concert at Tokyo Dome, we actually laughed – all five of us.”

Emelia nods when the audience laughs, saying it is true.

“Because … it seem so unbelievable, doesn’t it??” Hannah asks the audience, starting a conversation and Emelia is nodding next to her again before putting the microphone to to agree it seemed unbelievable, while the audience says it is not. “And here we are; having a concert at THE Tokyo Dome.”

“This has been a long-time dream of ours,” Emelia says in Japanese and the fans are screaming.

“That one cried when we arrived here the other day,” Hannah reveals and points over at Maria.

Maria and Carolina both looks at Hannah in shock, Emelia laughs at Hannah’s way to say ‘that one’ and the leader is fast to understand she said something rude.

“Ya!” Maria shouts in the microphone after shouting without it. She turns to the audience with a frown, asking in Japanese; “What she say? She bad?”

Hannah is laughing, shaking her hand and unable to explain as she is laughing over everyone’s reaction, so Emelia calmly explains in Korean that Hannah said Maria cried when they first came to Tokyo Dome. Maria talks in Korean, then motions for Hannah to translate for the Japanese fans. “Maria said she didn’t cry, but she got very emotional imagining this large place being filled with such a beautiful colour.”

Maria nods one time strongly, knowing Hannah said it correctly. Hannah moves in a bit in her seat.

“Our next song for you all is a little different from how you usually hear it,” Hannah reveals, talking in Japanese; “Please listen to it well.”

She looks at her left at Carolina who brings the microphone to her lips, and Carolina starts off with the harmony. The audience is quiet. Julia and Emelia joins Carolina in the harmony and Hannah joins in too, letting Maria start to sing their Korean debut song [Moon Child] with the other member harmonizing. You can hear some cheers, but the stadium is filled with 5 Pieces’ harmony. They sing their parts one by one, Hannah doesn’t have one so she focuses on harmonizing differently with the ladies, and together they sing the chorus together like one voice echoing.

The audience is listening through the song, not the whole song, and then starts cheering when in the middle of the harmonizing, Carolina starts harmonizing completely different and then the ladies goes all quiet and Hannah helplessly sings out;

*I am tied up (ooh…)*

The ladies harmonizes right after, and the audience screams out suddenly. Hannah wonders if they even know what song it is by the short hint, the song from their third Korean album two years ago called [-erase you-] and Hannah continues;

*The black walls of your heart [5 Pieces] is holding me

I don’t want to remember you, [5 Pieces] I don’t want you here

Oooh… It’s suffocating, the deeper it goes

[Maria] Your love is hurting me, [5 Pieces] it’s suffocating me

I just want you gone, [Maria] so don’t come back

I will erase you~~*

Doing the chorus mixed together like that in harmonies is really nice, and Julia is even smiling for half a second before getting serious. All in the emotions the ladies continues with their acapella remix of [Moon Child] and [-erase you-], not doing both at once but doing half-half andthey sing while sitting on the chairs, glancing at each other more than out at the audience. Hannah turns to one side to look at Carolina and Maria, then turns to look at Julia and Emelia, smiling at them because they are all singing together.

They sing in harmony to then beautifully let it die out beautifully to the audience raising cheers.

Hannah smiles widely when the acapella ends, and the stage goes dark while the audience is cheering. Hannah gets down from the chair and walks to the back with the others to have some dancers help them remove the skirt and hand them the jackets, and meanwhile the dark stage allows Carolina to start the remix of the next song to begin.

[CAROLINA] *What should I do?

What should I say?*

There is a pause between the lines, but the melody she comes out with makes the audience cheer as they seem to know it is [Oppa] from their last repackage album. The ladies do the remix in the dark while getting dressed.

 [JULIA] *My heart beats so fast

What should I do?

[EMELIA] What should I say?

My heart beats so fast,

The drums joins in for Emelia’s part, she fastens it a bit as the stage lightens up for the band; for the audience to see the drummer.

 [HANNAH] What should I do?

What should I say?

[MARIA] My heart beats so fast,

Fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, fast*

“Wooah! You know this one, right?” Emelia steps forward as the whole stage lightens up.

Hannah removes the hair from under the sleeveless jacket in different colours for each lady while stepping forward with her members; dancers have taken on the stage to dance as well. The ladies cheer the audience on for the soul remixes of [Oppa].

Carolina starts singing, some soul in the pop song and she smiles widely hearing people cheering in front of them.

[CAROLINA] *It is at times like this – I realise I’m still young

What love is all about – I still don’t know that~

[MARIA] To hold your arm – To make you laugh

I start to dream away – off to a fairy-tale~* ha-ha

[JULIA] *I become a fool all of a sudden, [CAROLINA] When you come around, I go crazy~*

Hannah is walking around during the first verse of the song, smiling and waving to the audience, dancing along to the music a bit too. The ladies are excited, coming with their own adlibs and bouncing around with their fans all over the large main stage. You have the main stage at the centre, and a side stage leading all the way out to the corner to the audience sitting up some sections, and Hannah walks over there, waving before the lyrics begins and she is jumping, holding on to the jacket and singing. The audience is singing along for the chorus, making Julia hold out the microphone for them.


*Oppa, my oppa

[MARIA] What should I do?

Oppa, my oppa

[CAROLINA] What should I say?

Oppa, my oppa

[HANNAH] My heart beats so fast (I still don’t know oh)

Oppa, do I like you?*

Hannah laughs at her own cute part, smiling so widely to the fans and after asking if she likes Oppa, a remix starts so the ladies all dances with their dancers, simple moves but it is still fun as they are spread out on the large stage.

*(Ah – oh – oh, oh – oh-oh

Ah – oh – oh, oh – oh-oh

Ah – oh – oh, oh – oh-oh)*

After the remix, it is Emelia’s turn to sing. The crowd goes wild as Emelia steps down from the stage, singing while walking between the crowded audience sections, she seems to love the attention and wild reaction.

[EMELIA] *There are so many new things – That I want to try with you

[MARIA] Take a walk, hand in hand – What about that~*

While Emelia has all that attention, the dancers are dancing on the main stage and the ladies are walking to follow their rapper. Maria stops at the stage where she is supposed to walk down the stairs, and she holds out her hand to Hannah coming jogging over to her and when Maria starts to sing prettily, Hannah takes her hand and they walk together to the screaming crowd. Carolina and Julia are already in front of them, happily bouncing together to the song and waving at their fans while lip-synching to the other members’ parts.

[HANNAH] *Hold me close to you – Kiss me on the cheek

[CAROLINA] Just the thought of it – Baby oh baby~~~*

Maria tries to kiss Hannah on the cheek during the youngest singing part, almost pressing her lips on Hannah’s cheek with force but Hannah is holding her away – this is all planned to fit Hannah’s line and for Maria’s lipstick to not get on Hannah’s cheek – and they laugh after the part as they start running to the stage they earlier had flied over with to the middle, joining the members during Carolina’s part. Carolina loves filling out an adlib there, showing off her voice and the audience is on their feet cheering.

A remix starts again, this time it is a cool remix with a strong beat and the stage-light softens up to make the dancer’s charismatic movements be pointed out as they are dancing their way through the crowd over to 5 Pieces and the place lightens up, the music changes when the male dancers reaches the stage and a playful drumming remix lets everyone just shake their booty and jump and go a little crazy.

The [Oppa] song is then for Julia to start singing her part right away, laughing as the dancers all falls down and the ladies are fooling around while Julia takes her part seriously.

[JULIA] *There is no one like you – I think about you, oh

It’s the first time – I act like such a fool*

[Hannah] *I don’t know what my heart will say – When you come around, I go crazy~ yeah~~*

Feeling like they are in heaven Hannah gladly takes on the extra adlib and she jumps when the chorus starts, all of them dancing to the song.


*Oppa, my oppa

[HANNAH] What should I do?

Oppa, my oppa

[MARIA] What should I say?

Oppa, my oppa

[JULIA] My heart beats so fast (I still don’t know oh)

Oppa, do I like you?*

[MARIA] *The day I go up to confess – My shy heart I can’t accept

What if you don’t feel the same? – I think I’ll go crazy~*

[CAROLINA] *But when I come up to you – You smile back to* You smile at me

*My heart it starts to race

[HANNAH] Oppa, you make me nervous~ [+CAROLINA] Oh~*

Out of the blue Maria gives out a strong adlib, followed by Emelia making a new rap with the old one and Hannah gives off a falsetto high tone, they all receiving cheers for the highlight remix.

[MARIA] *Aaaah~~*

[EMELIA] *Oppa, what my heart has tried to say, my Oppa, you knew it all the way ([HANNAH] *iiiih~~~)

My eyes unable to stay, that when I looked away, you glanced back at me*

*Oppa, my oppa ([EMELIA] you glanced back at me)

Oppa, I like you (I think I know oh)

Ah-ah, I like you*


*Oppa, my oppa
[MARIA] With a kiss on the lips,

Oppa, my oppa
[JULIA] You take my hand

Oppa, my oppa
[EMELIA] Say you like me too, [CAROLINA] I make you go crazy~

[HANNAH] Oppa, I like you (hi-hi)*

Cutely, the ladies strike the final pose at Hannah’s giggle and Emelia does not hesitate to push her hip towards Hannah for her to bump into Julia and the ladies stumbles a step to the side with Emelia giving the thumbs up to the audience, laughing when Hannah and Julia pretends to kick her.

Carolina is in her own world; “I say no, no, no – you say yes, yes, yes!” she tells the audience and sings out; *No, No, No!*

The crowd answers loudly *Yes, Yes, Yes!*

Carolina does it one more time with the ladies before Carolina starts to sing;

*They say no, no, no, it is a no

Again you say no, no, no, no, no

Go say yes, yes, yes, it’s a yes!

Again we say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!*

The audience is loudly singing along, knowing the song [Diamond] surprisingly well. Carolina sings it while pointing out at people and music joins in them. Hannah moves a finger to her singing as she does her part.

[HANNAH] *They say no, no, no, it is a no

Again you say no, no, no, no, no

Go say yes, yes, yes, it’s a yes!

Again we say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!*

Maria jumps and shouts out ‘yes’ with her; she has removed her high heels to freely jump around barefoot, which has received a lot of screaming but it is typical Maria. The ladies start leaving the stage again, this time spreading around to be all over the place. Singing the feel-good song and doing expressions to their fans while imitating the one singing or just playing around with the fans.

[MARIA] *Are you a diamond? ([JULIA] Am I a diamond?)

Why are you so pretty? Why are you so beautiful?

[HANNAH] I get jealous, why am I surrounded by light?

The small me next to big you*

[CAROLINA] *They say no, no, no, it is a no

Again you say no, no, no, no, no*

[JULIA] *Are you a diamond? ([MARIA] Am I a diamond?)

Why are you so handsome? Why are you so great?

[HANNAH] I get jealous, why am I surrounded by light?

The simple me next to perfect you*

[CAROLINA] *Go say yes, yes, yes, it’s a yes!

Again we say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!*

[CHORUS] *Yeah, yeah, you are a diamond

So perfect, so sharp

Oh, oh, you are a diamond, right

No one can measure, ah*

[CAROLINA] *They say no, no, no, it is a no

Again you say no, no, no, no, no

Go say yes, yes, yes, it’s a yes!

Again we say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!*

The ladies have walked up on stages following the outer line of the stadium, the small but high stages being dragged around for the ladies to see all faces in the stadium while singing the song, dancers occupying the main stage with colours and movements.

 [EMELIA] *Oh, oh, why so pretty?

[MARIA] No, no, not me in the mirror

[EMELIA] Oh, oh, you are so pretty*

[CAROLINA] *They go 1, 2, 3 – oh, oh, ah

It’s what your personality does,

It’s what your walk does

[JULIA] Everything is a diamond*

[RAP, EMELIA] *Whatever you do, wherever you are

Crazy, they call me crazy

You, you, you make me go crazy

So pretty, so pretty, who are you?*

[CHORUS, MARIA] *Yeah, yeah, you are a diamond

So perfect, so sharp

Oh, oh, you are a diamond, right

No one can measure, ah*

[CAROLINA] *They say no, no, no, it is a no

Again you say no, no, no, no, no

Go say yes, yes, yes, it’s a yes!

Again we say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!*

[JULIA] *I am blinded, oh, oh, I am blinded

Why, why – [HANNAH] why so pretty?

[JULIA] Why, why – [HANNAH] why so handsome?*

[MARIA] *You make my sight blurry,

Perfect on the outside,

Perfect on the inside

[CAROLINA] Have you heard that recently?*

[RAP, EMELIA] *Whatever they say, wherever they are

Jealous, they are all jealous

You, you, you make me smile

So blinding, so blinding, a diamond*

[HANNAH] *They say no, no, no, it is a no

Again you say no, no, no, no, no

[CAROLINA] Go say yes, yes, yes, it’s a yes! ([MARIA] What should I do?)

Again we say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!*

[CHORUS] *Yeah, yeah, you are a diamond ([MARIA] A diamond in my eyes)

So perfect, so sharp

Oh, oh, you are a diamond, right ([MARIA] A diamond in my heart)

No one can measure, ah*

[HANNAH] *They say no, no, no, it is a no

Again you say no, no, no, no, no ([MARIA] Diamond, oh)

[CAROLINA] Go say yes, yes, yes, it’s a yes!

Again we say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!*

[Diamond] ends and 5 Pieces disappear as a short video is revealed to welcome the next song. The ladies are rushed behind the stage, only Carolina and Maria are in the quick rush to throw on their next beautiful dresses before the music begins to play and they take their positions.

For the fourth album Carolina and Maria had done the duet [Run, My Love], and while the two of them are showing off why they are 5 Pieces’ best vocalists, the other three members are getting ready backstage.

Hannah is having two people help her with the outfit and she has Manager Kawayama give her some water.

“Is it okay?” Hannah asks the Japanese manager nervously, trying to hear the performance while getting ready and she takes a few sips of the water before handing it back.

“You’re doing well,” Manager Kawayama answer and Hannah smiles at her before grimacing.

The next outfit is fight. It is a custom made geometric leather dress, it is like putting on metal because it is not the kind of outfit that likes to move along with you. It is a tube dress, holding on to your s tightly and it has been custom made to sit perfectly on your body, one unique dress suited for each lady and the lower part goes out in a simple a-line shape, stuck like that as well and the ladies are wearing a thin body underneath. Hannah has been wearing tights underneath her clothes all day. The dress is really fitting and Hannah grimaced because her stylist pulled at the back of the dress as if someone pushed Hannah, making her gasp for air.

“Sorry,” Yong Hyun apologizes in a low voice, focused on making sure the dress sits correctly. “Where are her shoes?”

“No, no, no,” Hannah stops him, looking over her shoulder, “Not yet. I put them on later.”

It is the duet now and then it is a video for the next segment, so Hannah is in no hurry to put on her high heels. Instead she goes to fix her hair and make-up, to stop sweating and calm down, listening to the last seconds of the duet and listening to everyone backstage. Emelia and Julia are both quiet, resting their voices to when they go up on the stage again, and in their minds they are going through the set list. Hannah has to grab the paper to look through the list, calming her breath while Carolina and Maria are in a hurry to change clothes.

Hannah stands up, fixes her hair and puts on the black coal crystal quartz high heel boots (stunning high heels) and when heading to the stage with her members she gets the microphone in hand, getting up next to Julia and they both breathes out at the same time.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^