Chapter 18

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

“When we were in New York for a performance, I told Hannah that I had to go poop. Yes, I am human, I do that. But our manager – the strange one who understands English – said it wasn’t sensitive to say it that way as we were surrounded by Americans and I was talking in English. So instead I said that I had to go boo. What? Boo. It’s nothing wrong with that word. Our manager though, that strange one, he told me ‘why not just say you have to go use the bathroom?’ and I was all, ‘OMG that’s so clever!’”

The radio DJ looks like she is trying to get the point of what just was said, and she laughs when Emelia says;

“I have no idea what she is talking about…”

Maria gives the rapper a stern look. “I’m talking about a funny story that happened during our time in the US.”

No one has a clue how Maria’s poop-story could come out after Carolina and Julia talking about promotions outside Asia and even Hannah is looking at Maria with hanging open, finding it unbelievable that Maria even came to remember such a story.

“Apologizes,” Emelia tells to the listeners, “Maria has been spending a lot of time with Carolina lately, so her jokes are getting just as bad…”

“Hey…” Carolina pouts in a sad voice and the DJ laughs.

“Even if I don’t understand the point of that story, I am certain our listeners find it entertaining. Maria remembers the bathroom in the US while Julia remembers the crowded streets,” the DJ jokes and chuckles as she looks at her papers. “I have a few random questions to ask the members of 5 Pieces, are you ready for it…? Here’s the first question; What is 5 Pieces’ favourite late snacks lately?”

“Ooooh,” Emelia sounds interested and she smirks when Julia gives out a laugh at her big interest in the question. “We all like to eat ice-cream, that’s probably the favourite one.”

“Carolina always wants ramen,” Hannah points across the table at Carolina who gives her a tired smile.

“When working we eat dukbbokki and chips too,” Julia says as if this is a serious conversation, the others are smiling though. “When working we have the habit of being very unhealthy with what we eat…”

“But it’s necessary with your hectic schedules, right?” the DJ nods with an understandable expression and tone, having the ladies agreeing.

Hannah wants to eat dukbbokki all of a sudden, and she glances over at the window to see in the control room for their manager, but since she can’t really motion for him that she wants to eat that, she turns to her side to tell Emelia instead. Emelia gives the thumbs up and Hannah knows Emelia can make sure they eat it on the way to practice after this.

“Ooh, next question: When did you cry recently?” the DJ asks.

“Ha!” Emelia says, being talkative today. “Maria cries when she listens to Japanese ballads.”

They filmed the video for their own Japanese ballad just the other day, so the ladies all smiles at the memory of Maria being all emotional listening through the song.

“Duuuuh!” Maria sighs at the rapper. “They sound beautiful! No ballad sounds as good as those in Japanese. That is a fact.”

Hannah can’t help but to just sit there and rest her head in her palm, smiling at her members. Emelia and Maria have been talking back at each other all day, they can’t stop talking to each other. To answer the question more direct, Carolina sitting closest to the DJ explains that the members all shed a tear during the beginning of their promotions, feeling very touched by the reaction of fans to their album.

“And just today we were very touched too when receiving the 12th win for [POWER UP],” Maria adds and blinks cutely with her eyes.

They won on today’s Music Bank. It was amazing and incredible and the DJ has already congratulated them for it as it was the opening of their program on the radio.

“5 Pieces’ performances have been very well spoken of these weeks. You all look to be having such a fun time on the stage that everyone is having fun along with you,” the DJ warmly compliments.

“It is fun,” Maria smiles and Hannah smiles too when their eyes meet for a second.

“Performing as 5 Pieces has opened up the brightest part in our lives,” Carolina adds and the ladies get actually a little ‘eeeh’-reaction at the sudden deep comment.

“I like our teamwork,” Maria starts to say in a light yet well-though tone to not let it get all too silent and weird after Carolina’s comment, “We don’t always have to talk to know what we think and honestly, the best time is when we can laugh together-”

“Which is on the stage,” Carolina interrupts.

Julia laughs next to Hannah, hitting her own face so Emelia laughs on Hannah’s other side and Hannah is just doing her best to smile along. They are all tired, and distantly thinking of either food or practice – Hannah is certain their manager will scold them later again, though the listeners are always deeply entertained when 5 Pieces is the guest.

“Here’s an interesting question though: The last episode of your famous show Good Sister is airing this weekend, and on the show you are all showing your daily lives with the extra of being sisters to child actor Kim Kyung Ho. Spending all this time together, you sure must have had your differences, have you not?”


“There are a lot,” Emelia nods and then laughs with an apology when Hannah says Emelia doesn’t know that. “I don’t have any differences with Kyung Ho, he and I are like playmates.”

“Emelia ignores the seriousness and just plays,” Maria agrees with a sigh, “Which makes me the bad person at times.”

“It seems like Maria had her differences with your little brother,” the DJ giggles.

Maria nods. “Kyung Ho got angry at me once and deleted me from his contacts on the cell phone,” she starts telling. “Hannah laughed when she heard about it and explained to Kyung Ho that he is the one missing out if he deletes the contact information because I can still contact him – only that he won’t know the owner of the number. Kyung Ho’s expression after that was really one of a kind.”

The smile Hannah shows in her palm is wide, not really remembering everything Maria says other than a slight fading picture of it, and she knows it happened maybe a year ago.

Finishing off their visit at the radio, Hannah checks her phone and sees she has three missed text messages – from Jonghyun. ‘Don’t forget meeting me before practice later, I’ll be waiting’, ‘You’re not talking much at all on the radio… I wanted to hear your voice’ and ‘Nabi, please use your voice on the radio, at least say something about Kyung Ho, your pretty voice need to be heard’. She breathes in deeply seeing the two later ones, slightly annoyed at her boyfriend lecturing her about her work – it’s not really a big deal, just that he should also be working and not be trying to hear her voice on the radio. With a pout she writes a response on the way to the van, ‘Hush it, I won’t talk just because you want me to. Focus on your own work, pretty boy, and I’ll see you later

He doesn’t answer right away, and Hannah gets in the van, forgetting all about it as she joins in Emelia to beg their manager for dukbbokki. Carolina starts craving it too and like usually, 5 Pieces gets together at the thought of food. They don’t get much, but it satisfies the ladies so they are ready for practice when arriving at the agency.

“Why would you pay for their dinner?” Carolina asks Emelia, dumbfounded in a conversation.

“It’s my way to show generosity – the same way Hannah pays for Kyung Ho.”

“Ooh…” Carolina nods, but then shakes her head. “I don’t get it though.”

Emelia smiles and pats her friend on the shoulder. “You don’t have to.”

Emelia had paid EXO-K on dinner today at Music Bank, as it was a Half-Year Special the boy-group were there to perform and after chatting for a while Emelia ended up paying dinner for them. Emelia is just smirking at Carolina’s question, and also over EXO-K’s stupidity to believe Emelia used her own card to pay when she with no hesitation could take the agency’s card their managers uses. She can’t believe they didn’t see that; if Chen had been there, he would see through it right away – which, by the way, probably most members of EXO-M would have. Emelia really can’t believe they thought she used her own card to pay their meal.

Hannah is busy showing Maria the text message she just received from Jonghyun, ‘I have fifteen minutes free, come to the music room now’. Maria nods, it is obvious their practice won’t begin in fifteen minutes so she waves Hannah off when taking her bag and the youngest hurries her steps, just to begin running when no one can see her.

She knows what music room he means and hurries there with her eyes glancing at the time, fifteen minutes. The door is open when she arrives and Hannah glances inside, a smile bursts through her face seeing Jonghyun sit by the piano in the room, his fingers had been playing lightly on the keys but he was sitting the other way around to be facing the door – and he sees her at the corner of his eyes that makes him turn forward to smile at her.

“Hi, beautiful,” he softly says, his smile that charming smile where his lips are lightly parted and that sends off this confident vibe that he knows exactly how great he looks in dark distressed jeans, a black t-shirt and a gray cap is put backwards.

Hannah gives off a giggle at the sound of his voice and she hurries inside, closing the door behind her and rushes up to him where he is sitting to throw her arms around his neck, two fingers grasps his cap for it to not fall off on the floor and as his hands wraps around her waist their lips meet for a kiss.

“Hi, handsome,” Hannah whispers, her smile is big even if she gives her a lot of kisses on the mouth, and Jonghyun smiles wider too. He takes a grip at the back of her legs to lift her knees up on the piano chair he sits on, to sit astride over him to be closer to each other and Hannah deepens the kiss without hesitation.

He smells divine of Jonghyun and cologne, his hands are big when his fingers touches her face as if he wants to feel her expression while kissing her and his tongue is soft and warm when he her lips. All of her focus is on him and the number fifteen; all they have is fifteen minutes.

Breathing in and then breathing out deeply, Jonghyun moves from her lips to kiss her chin.

“I’m coming over tonight,” he tells her, his breath sends thrills on her skin and she shivers when his hands travel down her body. “I can’t get enough of you, Nabi, it’s driving me crazy.”

“Just come,” Hannah whispers back. She doesn’t want just fifteen minutes to see him, to feel him – she needs more than minutes.

He chuckles, a sound coming from deep in his throat and she knows it is because he hears the desperation in her voice. She can’t help that she wants him, and she is more than happy knowing he wants her too.

It feels like she just came when they both have to go work, and even if Jonghyun is holding her hand tightly when they leave the room she can’t help but to pout. Their moment has to end so quickly.

“I’ll come as soon as my radio ends,” Jonghyun tells her, caressing the back of her hand with his thumb.

Hannah sighs when looking up at him, just to get caught in a sudden kiss on the lips with his other hand holding on to her face.

“Don’t look like that,” Jonghyun warns when leaning back, his eyes follows his thumb when wiping her lip. “I might ruin my career by skipping work just to be with you.”

His words make her smile and a smile of satisfaction enters his face. “And there you were telling me to talk more during my own work,” Hannah comments, laughing when he looks like he will tickle her. “You better do well at work, because I will wait for you, okay?”

“I know,” he answers, that overflowing confidence of his makes her blush slightly.

Going to practice after meeting Jonghyun is probably the best thing for her to get in other thoughts and for time to pass by quickly. With a practice-room crowded with the friendly crew, everyone gets into the dance routine right away and they dance for hours with breaks in between where they talk to each other mostly of the song, choreography and the up-coming promotion of it.

[Like That] will be promoted with flash mobs, that will be the main promotions overall. Since school ends at the middle of July in Korea, it will be the last week before summer break for many students when 5 Pieces are going around doing the flash mob with them, and the overall idea of this is to make Korea dance. Therefore the light and fun choreography, though it is exhausting to do the full song – but that’s the point to it. Something that joins people together is music, and this song is supposed to welcome people whether they are good or bad at dancing to just enjoy it. 5 Pieces will promote it that way, and they go through it with their American choreographers who are well aware of this, all of them excited to dance with the country. For the music video, they have even asked people to come tomorrow and learn the choreography so they can have fun filming on Monday. Sadly, 5 Pieces won’t be with them tomorrow, but the choreographers and a few of the dancers will be there to help out.

In two weeks, 5 Pieces will try to make a lot of people dance along to their song. The song is in their fourth album so they know there are a lot of people listening to the song; it will hopefully be a great follow-up promotion.

“YEAH!” one of the dancers’ cheers in the middle of the song when everyone in the room is dancing and several laughs at the lively cheer, and it also makes them move with more energy.

Before they know it, the clock on the wall shows over two in the morning, midnight has passed over two hours ago and when noticing the time most people in the room start to get ready to leave. Hannah grabs her things too, being the first lady to stand by the door as the others seems to be too tired to think that the faster they come home the faster they can go to sleep. Hannah only thinks of hurrying home after seeing that Jonghyun has texted her a few times, his texts become cuter to show that he is waiting for her, and she realises he is actually outside the apartment, waiting for them to come home.

She is pulling Emelia’s arm, telling Maria in a low voice to stop talking, she pokes Carolina to tell her to hurry up as well… The ladies are slower than usual just because Hannah is in a hurry.

With a sigh she walks out first, stopping by the entrance as Manager Kim tells her there are fans outside. She sighs again and checks the time on her cell phone, and just at that moment it starts ringing. Hannah waits for the screen to lighten up just to let it tell her that Jonghyun is calling; she had texted him when leaving the room that she is on her way home.

“Hannah speaking,” she answers the call.

Didn’t you say you would be the one waiting for me, Nabi? I have waited a long time now…” Jonghyun is whining. It is probably the most adorable sound in the universe and Hannah is just about to start moving her body cutely in response but ignores the feeling with a glance at her manager standing there and impatiently waiting for the other members.

“Oppa…” she pouts instead, sighing for him to hear that she doesn’t like that she hasn’t arrived yet either. “The ladies are super slow… So slow…”

You haven’t left the agency yet?” Jonghyun sounds surprised and Hannah sighs once again.



“It’s not my fault at all. And since when did you start acting cute?” Hannah mutters as she steps further away from her manager.

Since you called me cute, I have been acting cute. Why? Is it good? Does it make you miss me even more?

Still, he is so full of himself and it makes her smile. Julia and Emelia comes, and with a glance at her manager who said something to them, Manager Kim nods to the door and says they can go out first, letting the last two come when they come. Hannah holds on to Emelia’s sleeve lightly when following them out the door, and right away she can hear fans burst out that it is Julia, ‘omg 5 Pieces’ in foreign voices. Hannah doesn’t say anything when she walks to the van waiting for them, but she listens to Jonghyun who says he hears the fans and asks if they are on their way soon, being given a short ‘mm’ in response.

She talks to him once she has sat down in the van, hugging that dog plush she got from a fan and her eyes can’t keep open for long though she talks to him. The ladies doesn’t say much during the ride and Hannah is soon hanging up on the phone, just to minutes later be walking inside the apartment with Jonghyun’s hand in hers.

“Go straight to bed,” Maria warns them, seeing how tight they hold on to each other.

“Sorry, can’t promise anything,” Jonghyun jokes and bites his lip when looking at Maria, seeing Hannah look up at him too. “My girl here has made me very ual f-”

Hannah’s jaw drops and she hits her free hand over his mouth before he finishes saying the whole joke and she is fast to give him a warning glare, knowing he might be joking but if he says ‘ual frustrated’ to Maria; Maria will know exactly what he means because Hannah has told her about it and that will be so freaking embarrassing that Hannah wouldn’t handle spending the rest of her life being teased for it. Maria smiles though, saying she don’t mind what they do as long as they let her sleep.

“Your girl?” Emelia butts in though, peeking inside the hall as she had hurried inside the apartment first.

“MY girl,” Jonghyun answers and puts his arm around Hannah who just rolls her eyes.

“I am my own girl, excuse me,” she says and puts down his arm, but holds on to his hand. “Now let’s go, before anyone of you plan on making me go to bed alone.”

Jonghyun would never plan that, so they say goodnight to the others before going upstairs.

“I thought you would be moving out soon,” Jonghyun mentions when entering the bedroom. Hannah glances around too. “When are you going to pack?”

There is no sign in her room that they will begin moving in a few days, and Hannah admits it feels unrealistic that they will even manage to move the up-coming weeks because of their schedule. They have most of July to move out of this apartment before the contract ends, which she tells Jonghyun, so there isn’t much of a hurry.

“Julia’s mom will be here in … um, a few days before Julia’s birthday, I think,” Hannah mentions in a low voice, starting to take out new clothes from her wardrobe and with a glance behind her she can see Jonghyun take his shirt off. She can’t stop looking when he pulls the shirt up over his head, his slim and fit body underneath. There is really nothing wrong with him at all, he looks like a sculpture of the perfect boyfriend. His jeans are hanging perfectly for her to see how ily his boxers are sitting around his hips. Looking away when he looks at her, Hannah mumbles that she is going to take a shower, grabbing what she will need and begins heading to the bathroom.

“Is that really necessary?”

“What?” Hannah turns around at the question, confused as to what he would mean with that and she almost falls backwards when his face is right in front of her. He doesn’t manage to kiss her because she leans away but manages to catch her from falling with his hand grabbing her arm, a big smirk in his face while Hannah gives out an embarrassed laugh behind her hand.

“Don’t shower,” Jonghyun whispers, in his own world when pressing her against him, and Hannah is about to fall again – this time from weak knees – when he leans in to breathe in her hair. “You’ll have to shower when waking up anyway.”

There is no chance for her to answer; she just gapes when he takes the things in her hands to put it away, how simply he takes that one step away from her to put her things on the side. Turning back to her, his whole face is warm, and Hannah is just staring at him as if she is all new to having a boyfriend. He holds out his hand for his fingers to touch hers, slowly getting a grip of her hand to bring her around the bed.

“Jonghyun…” Hannah says in a low voice, not really sure what to say after that but he gives her a smile just as warm as his touch. It’s his eyes giving away his intentions, making her whole body wait in anticipation. She isn’t sure if she has to do anything with those eyes on her, she isn’t sure if she can do anything with those eyes on her. But for sure, she wants to do something; touch his hair, kiss each inch of his face, she definitely wants to let her hands travel on his muscular body…

Jonghyun’s chuckle makes her look up, blushing as she realises she was admiring his body. His fingers slink through her hair, her entangled hair, and he steps closer to take both his hands through her hair, making her look up at him.

“I seem to be liking this hair on you more and more,” he tells her in his warm voice. “It’s not green anymore, is it…?”

“Its mint,” Hannah breathes, her eyes fluttering for many reasons. The way his fingers goes through her hair, how his arms are closely to her, how close he is standing so the divine scent of Jonghyun is all she breathes in. She knows the name of the colour very well because she repeated it at the hair saloon, though no one seems to ask which colour it is.

“Mm,” he mumbles; his face closer to hers and he puts her hair behind her ears, both sides so he holds on to her face. “I want you all by myself now, Nabi. No one to hear your voice on the radio and no one to see you on the TV – you’re only mine.”

She likes the sound of that.

He finally kisses her, holding on to her face to be in control, and she gladly gives it to him. The kiss is light to her lips and he holds on to it for along time, so long that she puts her hands on his body to support herself and as soon as her hands touches his skin it is like they both begins to burn from the touch.

“Damn,” Jonghyun mutters, his lips leaving hers.

She gets surprised at the choice of words and leans back, just to have him grab her waist, push her into place and start removing her top. With a laugh she puts her arms in the way, surprised again over his reaction and she looses strength in her body as he grabs on to her waist again. He has lost all patience, all sense of , and Hannah can’t stop laughing when trying to help him get her top off. She still wears a tank top underneath. Still puzzled at how he fired up by her hands on his body, Hannah giggles when he messily tries to kiss her on the lips, and before she knows it he lifts her up for her to wrap her legs around him and he lies them down at the centre of the bed.

Hannah falls down on her back, her arms falls down on her sides and she gasps after the fall just to have Jonghyun lie over her, attacking her lips again. It’s passionate now when they are lying down, his kiss is strong and he is lying over her leg that is pressed down on the bed. Her other knee is pointing up, as she had them both wrapped around him when lying down at first.

The kiss takes the breath out of her and she loves how he isn’t putting his weight on her but still managing to press her down underneath him, his hand travels down her body and her hand finds its way to his hair, grabbing it into a fist to then let go when he moans and she grabs his hair anew when tilting his body over hers to get between her legs. With a gasp her hand gets down to his waist, going around his back and her fingers lightly gets under his boxers, her fingers stuck on his skin when he starts grinding.

“You will make me crazy one day,” Hannah breathes with a muffled moan.

“Good to know,” Jonghyun grits his teeth back at her, amused by her words. “I’ll make you crazy so you’ll always be obsessed with me, Nabi, the same way I’m obsessed with you. There is no going back from this.”

She leans her head back in the bed, her eyes tightly shut and she smiles as his words repeats in her head. “You’ll be only mine then.”

He responds by sitting up, shocking her from stopping all of a sudden but when she looks up at him she smiles seeing he s his jeans, looking down at her with lust.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

“That’s pretty.”

“Indeed it is,” stylist Yong Hyun agrees and smiles up at Hannah while making sure the strapless dress is sitting correctly, the girl not saying a thing while looking at the mirror. 5 Pieces are at Music Core today, getting ready for the show in their room, and the person Hannah can see sit on a chair in the mirror reflection who had commented it is pretty is none other than her boyfriend. Jonghyun had taken with him a change of clothing so he could head straight to the agency in the morning, and after a few hours he has joined 5 Pieces after their rehearsals. It is nerve-wracking to have him there and look at Hannah as she is preparing for the stage, how his eyes follows her the whole time when he isn’t looking down at his tablet.

The sweetheart cocktail dress is fitting in a black colour underneath the silver and bronze, the dress shining up with the details. Hannah is wearing tights underneath like the ladies always wear, and somewhere in the corner she has a pair of sweet knot bows platform high heel pumps waiting for her to use once the performance is nearing; for the moment she is wearing slippers.

Once Yong Hyun is satisfied with the dress, Hannah sits down on a chair to have the stylist see which lipstick suits the best – dark red, , light pink, soft pink and so on.

The other ladies have their lipsticks ready, but for Hannah whose hair-colour changes about once every week and she can’t have too many different colours with hair, make-up and dress; it is a tricky thing to figure out which lipstick would be the best choice.

“I like this one,” Hannah comments on to dark red. She hasn’t worn a lot of red on her lips for [POWER UP] like the other ladies.

“Hm…” her stylist is thinking about it. “It does suit the hair…”

Since the dress isn’t in bright colours, Hannah’s pastel mint hair-colour is what puts her on this edgy fashion list today, but the stylist is considering the thought that the dark red colour will make it a darker look than what this concept is.

“I like it too,” Jonghyun mentions from behind.

Hannah smiles up at her stylist by the sound of his voice, and the stylist says they will give it a try. The colour put on Hannah’s lips is so different from how she usually has her lips that Hannah is actually excited to “dress up” for this performance, while her make-up, hair and dress is pretty much dressing up for most people. Just the colour of your lips can change your whole appearance.

Once she is done, she turns the chair around to show Jonghyun, and he is leaning back in his chair with tablet in his hands and the look on his face shows that he likes it. The stylist had agreed it looks good and lets Hannah have it.

With a giggle she walks over to sit next to Jonghyun. The room is big with one side covered with make-up tables and mirrors, the middle of the room has a table standing there (where Jonghyun sits by) and the other side is where everyone have left their things like bags and clothes on the clothing racks and there are chairs and whatnot – like the leftover corner.

“Look at this,” Jonghyun says and shows her the tablet as soon as she has sat down, revealing a picture he took of Hannah when she sat by the make-up table, her long pastel mint hair is what mostly is seen and that is what he seems to have focused on as well. You can’t tell it is Hannah, or that there are a lot of people in the room, all you can see is that slightly wavy pastel mint hair and a pair of arms from the stylist. Jonghyun is showing this proud smirk of his when glancing at Hannah before showing her something else, revealing that he actually has uploaded this picture on SNS.

“Why would you do that?” Hannah gapes and takes the tablet from him.

Jonghyun has surprisingly a lot of Korean comments on his SNS, so different from Hannah’s that are mostly in English, but she frowns reading them. It’s not any bad comments, but it is kind of obvious who he took the picture of – every comment writes that it is Hannah or that they are cute together, asking him to take a selfie of them together and so on. It’s not once question ‘who is that?’ Everyone knows it is Hannah he has taken the picture of.

“I’m marking my territory,” Jonghyun teases, moving his face closer to hers as if he will kiss her cheek, but he doesn’t go that far.

“I thought you did that last night,” Hannah whispers, turning to look at him so they are as close as they can be while still looking at each other, to have no one else hear their conversation. Jonghyun smirks, his eyes glancing from her lips to her eyes as he tilts his head a little bit.

“I did. That was for you, and this is for them,” he whispers back and without breaking their eye-contact he takes the tablet back, seeing her smile. “I want to kiss you.”

She giggles and leans away, aware of the people in the room and her eyes gets to the table where she puts her fingers to pretend her nails are more interesting to look at than the handsome boyfriend sitting on her right. “Too bad I just put lipstick on then,” she teases him, glancing around the room before flashing him a big smile.

Before he can decide whether he should say something or give her a light kiss anyway, there are voices in the room suddenly lightening up as if someone arrives and Hannah stands up. Jonghyun looks over at the door, seeing the person that had made Hannah stand up so abruptly, and he looks at her as she hurries away from her place next to him to go greet actor and model Kwon Hyunsuk – an old colleague of Hannah’s and a good friend of Maria’s. Tall and skinny, Hyunsuk has his brown-black hair styled lazily backwards, wearing a long-sleeve t-shirt and a pair of baggy pants. It is a relaxed look and on the skinny friend of 5 Pieces, it looks like he is on his way for a photo shoot. Jonghyun can’t help but to feel jealous seeing how Hyunsuk and Hannah greet each other with friendly voices and smiles, and also a light hug. Jonghyun has always gotten the impression that Hyunsuk is shy – mostly because of what Hannah told him a few years ago when she was working with him – but he is at the moment smiling when greeting everyone, talking as if he knows them, and Jonghyun gets up from his seat to join side next to Hannah. Hyunsuk is a year older than Jonghyun, taller and skinnier, not muscular at all and that is probably what makes Jonghyun get the confidence to reach out his hand.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Hannah’s boyfriend,” Jonghyun greets in a playful way. Even if Jonghyun wouldn’t be famous, Hyunsuk would know who he was just by that, and Hyunsuk shoots him a big smile at the introduction.

“Nice to meet you, Jonghyun, I am Maria’s boyfriend; Kwon Hyunsuk.”

“What?” Hannah’s jaw drops at him, and she stares at Maria who is a little behind him, busy talking to someone else that she can’t see she shock in Hannah’s face.

“It’s a joke, Hannah,” Hyunsuk smiles at Hannah, lightly touching her arm as he is done shaking Jonghyun’s hand. Jonghyun takes notice of it.

“Hannah never understands a joke,” Emelia comments next to them, shaking her head.

Maybe because Maria has been talking so much about Hyunsuk lately that the sound of ‘boyfriend’ just freaked her out, the joke in his face didn’t reach her as all she heard was the words he said. She wonders if they actually like each other, if they could be together one day. She forces out a smile to Hyunsuk when he asks if the producer from SBS has contacted her. She shakes her head, asking why he would do that.

“A second season of Midnight Dream will begin filming in a few weeks,” Hyunsuk says as they go to sit down around the table. Jonghyun stays close to her side, touching her wrist.

“They are?” Hannah looks surprised, maybe impressed, by these news. But then she remembers something and points at him. “Oh, Honggi texted me about it. The producer called him and asked if he could ask me, because it was difficult to get in touch with me…”

Hyunsuk nods, smiling. “There is a completely different cast for season two though, but they want to ask if anyone of us can make appearances.”

“Have you agreed on it?” Hannah wonders.

He shakes his head. “I haven’t decided yet. Hyejong is planned to make an appearance though,” he answers.

“It’s strange he hasn’t called me,” Hannah pouts and picks up her phone from the bag by the chair she is sitting on.

“Maybe he knows how busy you are,” Jonghyun comments. Hyunsuk nods.

Maria comes to join them, hitting her palms on the table to get the attention even if the conversation she begins is absolutely not something interesting. Hannah smiles at Jonghyun, seeing that he isn’t smiling even when he looks at her, which makes her frown questioningly at him. He squeezes her hand lightly.

“I’ll go talk to Junhyung,” Jonghyun tells her before standing up. She looks over at her other side when he walks around her, he walks towards the door and only then does she stand up, telling Hyunsuk they can talk more later before hurrying after her boyfriend.

Jonghyun looks down at her when she links her arm around his.

“You’re going to walk like that?” he asks.

She gives him a glare. “I didn’t have the time to grab anything because you were rushing out,” she says in defence, taking her arm out of his to wrap her arms around herself, which doesn’t help her bare shoulders at all and her s stands out even more.

Jonghyun sighs and takes off his sweater, wearing a t-shirt underneath, and he calmly puts it around Hannah with the sleeves hanging down her shoulders, ignoring the upset look she gives him. She likes it though, but is still upset he left the room just like that. Her upset look changes as soon as they reach B2ST’s room, and she greets them friendly even if they have to comment that the “couple” comes to greet them. Jonghyun is close to the members of B2ST and Hannah’s members are too, while Hannah isn’t in much contact with anyone of them anymore. She got too awkward with Doojoon a few years ago when she accidentally revealed some bad thoughts in a text message that wasn’t meant for him, and she think that is probably where she got a lot quieter around this talkative group and he too much aware of her.

Mostly for Jonghyun does she stay there for a while, and when they are about to leave, Yoseob remembers something and asks Hannah to sign the album.

“Your signature wasn’t in it,” he explains and takes out 5 Pieces’ album that B2ST had received.

“You still walk around with it?” Hannah frowns but walks over to the table to look through it; she is pretty sure she signed it.

“Ha-ha, no, our manager told us to not forget your autograph,” Yoseob teases the manager and Hannah smiles at them.

Jonghyun waits outside the room, chatting with Junhyung without a hurry to leave at all. Hannah can’t find her autograph anywhere, looking like she thought that would never happen and Doojoon just laughs, telling her to write it a little quick then. Just as she is trying to find her picture in the album again, she can hear girly voices outside the room; girly voices greeting Jonghyun.

“It’s AOA,” Junhyung whispers to those in the room, and Hannah fastens her writing as she can hear one especially girly voice talking to Jonghyun as if they know each other.

Yes, she is a very jealous girlfriend. And the fact that a female idol is talking in that overly girly tone to her boyfriend when everyone in the industry knows that SHINee’s Kim Jonghyun is not single, that is something Hannah does not like. Finishing signing the album, and hearing the girly laughter of several girls outside the room – one particularly stands out in the laughter – she finishes talking to Yoseob and waves to the lazy boys who are not walking to the door to chat to the pretty girls outside, while Hannah walks up to the door and slowly puts her hands on his stomach to slink her arms around him, happy on the inside when he puts his arm around her while her face is glaring at the girl-group members of AOA stand in the corridor in their tight, fitting outfits and hair bands. Hannah doesn’t know their names, but she does know which girl who was flirting with her boyfriend based on the face-expression of the girl. The girl did not know Hannah was in the room, and it is obvious she takes a step back with her giggling, her girly tone and talkativeness.

Jonghyun takes his hand through Hannah’s hair right before the girl-group says they should hurry back to their room, lowering their heads slightly before taking off, and Hannah finds herself glaring after them over Jonghyun’s shoulder.

“Not even greeting their senior,” she mutters, as none of them had greeted Hannah.

“What are you saying?” Jonghyun smiles down at her but Hannah shake her head in answer, pouting slightly. They showed no respect for Hannah, while they had been all flirty and friendly to Jonghyun and Junhyung.

“Oh-oh, you should’ve seen that death glare!” Yoseob laughs though, running up to the door where they stand. “I had no idea you were the jealous type, Hannah.”

“He is worse than me,” Hannah defends herself and points at Jonghyun who chuckles.

“You glared at them?” he asks, sounding surprised.

Hannah gives him a quick glare too, making Junhyung and Yoseob burst out in the same sound, and Jonghyun smiles widely – not hiding how excitedly happy he is to hear she got jealous of him talking to girls. Hannah sighs and says her goodbyes to B2ST one more time, waving inside the room as well, before she starts walking down the corridor with Jonghyun holding her hand to get pulled along.

“You actually glared at them?” Jonghyun asks in an amused voice, his arm heavily laid around her shoulders to keep her close to him.

She doesn’t answer, just staring forward. His steps are bouncy, showing just how happy he is, and eventually she can’t help but to laugh at him. When walking by AOA’s dressing-room, Hannah can hear them talk in there, and she smiles when putting the sleeve around her shoulder’s of Jonghyun’s sweater by to both hide her laugh and to smell it. With a smile behind the sleeve she turns back around.

“What-” Jonghyun starts to ask but gets quiet when seeing Hannah go up to the room for AOA, the door wide open.

Two girls notices her at the same time as the manager, the two girls stands up and bows politely while the manager calls for all girls to greet their senior; the manager obviously want them to be polite. Hannah smiles as friendly as she can when politely saying;

“Do your best today.”

The way seniors talk to their juniors, and she has the manager thanking her and saying they will do their best, mostly because the girl-group is just taken back to be told that. Satisfied, Hannah lowers her head to the manager for being polite, and turns around, smiling widely with her teeth holding on to her lower lip as she holds out for Jonghyun’s hand. He bows slightly to those inside the room when lifting his hand to put his arm around her instead, and when walking off he is frowning, asking what she did that for.

Hannah looks like she has gotten taller, a smirk in her face and her chin held up tight as she puts her arm around Jonghyun’s waist. Her steps are confident when walking, her hip hits against his and she can almost be sure the members of AOA are looking out from their room.

“Marking my territory,” she proudly tells her boyfriend.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 28th: 5 Pieces Sings [Rainbow Of Summer] OST For Japanese Anime

Headline 28th: 5 Pieces Performs [POWER UP] On Today’s Music Core

Headline 28th: Hong Suk Chun Reveals He Personally Invited Hannah To Visit His Restaurant To Secretly Date

Headline 28th: Maria Lends Her Voice To SBS Drama ‘Endless Love’ With OST Track [Don’t Walk Away From Me]

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias – Hong Suk Chun Reveals He Personally Invited Hannah To Visit His Restaurant To Secretly Date: “We grew to know each other through a drama we filmed together, and while I asked her to bring her members to my restaurant I also told her that she can date there too; discretion is important for celebrity dating and I am able to give them that. She has come with SHINee’s Jonghyun a few times, and I have treated them well every time”

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^