Chapter 11

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

5 Pieces is nicely sitting next to each other with a plain background and cameras in front of them, filming an English interview for Billboard; talking about their album and style. One question is what is hard working as a group?

“When preparing for an album, especially this album where the members participated in producing and song-writing, there are … a lot of opinions to care about. As a group, we always have to think of the other four minds,” Emelia is answering, “We always have to talk to each other to be on the same page about things and if one member doesn’t like something, we need to fix it.”

“It’s a lot about teamwork,” Carolina nods.

“Yeah, a lot about teamwork,” Emelia agrees.

“We rely a lot on each other now,” Carolina adds, “We have learned to rely on each other and share our ideas and troubles and happiness. After working together for six years, I think we are more comfortable working as a group than by ourselves.”

“We’re used to be together, so I think the hard part about being in a group is that once you have gotten used to it, you really can’t live without each other,” Maria says and she smiles when hearing Emelia chuckle. “It’s true, the hardest part is when we have our solo activities on the side and we are just constantly checking what the other members are doing.”

Billboard asks them if they have different opinions about their songs.

Maria looks at the members for someone to answer, and Carolina begins to say;

“If you check the music we listen to personally, all of us have … We listen to a lot of different genres and I think the more we work, the more we get to show our individual colours. As 5 Pieces, we all have a lot of ideas and opinions about what to wear, how to sing, how to perform, what suits the group the best… But we work with a lot of people who knows what they are doing, so in the end we just have to trust our team and do our best to make the songs 5 Pieces’ style.”

“When we first heard the songs for the album, we all loved it and thought they had strong meanings behind them. We struggled a bit because the genre was so different and we had to stretch ourselves a bit, but overall, all our worries disappeared once the album came out,” Emelia adds.

The next question is; what is it about 5 Pieces and 5 Pieces’ music that pulls people’s interest and attention? To this question, Maria laughs lightly and smiling, shifting position in her seat a little before answering.

“Meaningful lyrics and fun melody, that is what we go for,” Maria answers. “Most of our songs so far have had a meaning behind them, and we believe in what we sing while the melodies to the songs are either addicting or fun. For this comeback, our music turns to the ladies. It has been so much talk about women this year that it felt like the best time to come out with a song suited for women; that we don’t have to lower ourselves because of what others tell us to do, that we aren’t capable of doing things, that we can’t proudly tell people that we are pretty or that we can’t turn down a man’s invitation without being called things. There is so much said on this album that I think reaches out to not just our fans but for anyone who listens to it, and we don’t try to fit into a frame, which I think people like.”

According to Billboard, there are a lot of girl-groups in America and Britain who aren’t going for a y concept, what makes 5 Pieces go for it?

“For six years working in Korea, we have had a lot of different concepts but we have never gone for the y kind. In Korea this year, a lot of girl-groups go for the y concept, but we wanted to make a different stand and instead of pleasing the men we wanted to entertain the women,” Maria answers.

“We are all turning 22 this year, which makes us more mature than what we have been before, so we went for a more mature look,” Emelia adds.

The next question makes them smile, Billboard asking Maria personally, since her birthday is coming up in a few days, what she wish to get as a birthday present.

“Hmm…” Maria is widely smiling at the members. “What do I want to get…?” She turns back to the cameras. “Usually I have a lot of things I want to do and get on my birthday, but I think I am very pleased this year. Maybe a boyfriend…?”

The ladies starts laughing, Carolina even claps her hands.

“A boyfriend?” Hannah leans forward to look at her.

“Yes, I think I want a boyfriend for my birthday,” Maria jokes, turning to look at her members, “Can that be arranged?”

“I don’t think so,” Carolina shakes her head and Emelia adds;

“I wouldn’t keep my hopes up.”

Maria smiles, shrugging her shoulder, “I am a very simple person. I want either a boyfriend, a y driver who looks like Tyler Hoechlin or a birthday cake…”

“I can tell you already which one you’ll get,” Emelia jokes.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

5 Pieces go from one interview to one pre-recording; it’s over midnight when they pre-record for Music Core before heading home to sleep for three hours and start off Saturday morning working again. Morning doesn’t come easily though: Carolina was almost crying in bed, not wanting to get up, saying her bed was holding her captive and that she’d rather be captive than leaving… The ladies had to drag her out of bed, even patting water on her face to get her out of the room, and then trusted her to their manager.

During the day the girl-group attend rehearsals for tonight’s Dream Concert before heading back to Music Core for the four-o’clock live program.

5 Pieces look gorgeous dressed in white today, wearing a sheer beaded dress filled with gorgeous crystals and jewels to cover the illusion neck and long-sleeves; it is a y v-back stunner dress. Hannah’s blue hair is lightly wavy and the makeup is in light shades of pink on the eyes, cheeks and lips. Absolutely gorgeous from head to toe, the ladies keep looking dashing for each performance.

Backstage at Music Core, EXO’s Luhan and Chanyeol stops by 5 Pieces’ room on the way to the stage, and what they see are five sleeping seniors. They get a surprise to see how 5 Pieces sleeps in their room, while their manager and stylists are quietly working around them. Carolina is sleeping with her upper-body on the sofa, and her legs on a chair, her hand behind her head and a blanket over her; another pair of legs are on top of hers on the chair as Maria is stretching out on the sofa in her tall figure, her arms and head leaning over the armrest with a napkin covering her face. Hannah and Emelia are curled up sitting on a blanket on the floor, having a blanket each other them and leaning towards each other’s arms and heads as if they want to keep each other warm, and Julia is sitting on a chair lying over the makeup table that is covered in bags and blankets.

Manager Lim smiles over at the door seeing the two idol boys glancing inside.

“Are you getting up on the stage now?” the manager asks the boys in a low voice.

Luhan and Chanyeol nod their heads. “We’re up in a few minutes,” Chanyeol politely answers. “Maria told us to say when we’re up, but…”

“They have to wake up anyway, I’ll let them know,” Manager Lim assures them. “Good luck out there.”

Bowing, the two members leave the room and Manager Lim sighs turning to the others in the room. It is already time to wake up. Just a few minutes ago he saw Hannah blinking, fifteen minutes earlier Julia had been moving around too. Carefully he walks up to the sofa, lightly shaking Carolina and Maria awake but doesn’t dare to shake them too much, and while he says EXO is about to perform soon and that they have to wake up, Hannah and Emelia starts moving. Emelia has been listening to music but she has still managed to hear the others, always sleeping lightly, and with the manager noticing the two of them waking up he asks them to wake the heavy sleepers.

Hannah squats down by the sofa; resting her head on the armrest with her eyes closed but still puts a hand on Maria’s arm.

“EXO is about to perform,” Hannah tells the leader while shaking her arm, glancing at Carolina who gets a pillow thrown at her from Julia who also wakes up. Hannah sighs for not be given any reaction. “Maria, you will miss something y if you don’t wake up.”

One arm falls over next to Hannah; Maria turns to lie on the side and she kicks Carolina on the legs when crawling in to a ball, making the mascot wake up with a whine. Of course the leader reacts to the word ‘y’, Hannah shakes her arm anew and tells her that EXO is about to perform.

“Mm…” Maria grumbles.

After six years living together, Hannah knows all too well that the leader is still sleeping. she continues to shake her friend’s arm, telling her that EXO is about to perform and asking if she wants to disappoint eleven boys and she talks in different tones until Maria finally starts to react, stretch out and mumble;

“Yeah, yeah, I’m awake… stop talking… … Oh please, shut up, your voice is freaking annoying.”

Hannah smiles, cutely looking at the leader when her eyes finally blink open. “I’m happy you have woken up,” Hannah jokingly says.

“Screw you,” Maria curses and groans when stretching out her legs over Carolina. “Oh, come on, why does she get to sleep?”

“Everyone is getting up,” Manager Lim strictly answers and pushes Carolina’s feet away from the chair, waking her up. “All of you need to fix your makeup; now.”

Hannah has succeeded in waking the leader up, so she walks over to check her face and get help from the stylist to prefect what has fallen while she was sleeping.

5 Pieces watch EXO’s performance while getting ready and it doesn’t take long until 5 Pieces is heading to the stage themselves to entertain the audience while their pre-recording airs on the TV. They dance along to [POWER UP] while it plays, only half of it though because like usually, 5 Pieces is the last performer and since their performance is pre-recorded, every idol attending Music Core gathers on the stage and 5 Pieces is standing at the front with EXO and Fly to the Sky, with the three hosts standing between them. The three artists at the front at the three nominated for first place, and the ladies really doesn’t care which one of them has the number one best song this weekend. Because honestly, EXO are hardworking juniors and Fly to the Sky is THE Fly to the Sky, they are all standing there for a reason – including 5 Pieces.

Hannah never seems to include her own group when looking at who they are up against for first place; she is just honoured to stand on the stage with a supporting audience. But for some reason, she dares to think it today. 5 Pieces is standing at the front for a reason as well, and she is hugging Maria from behind, smiling over her friend’s shoulder as the numbers are being counted.

“Who do you want to win?” Hannah whispers to Maria.

The leader takes her time to answer, turning her head slightly towards Hannah while her hands are put behind her to rest on Hannah’s hip. “I want us to win, of course,” Maria starts to say, “But I think I would cheer just as happily if one of the two next to us won as well, just because I have loved Fly to the Sky’s music for eight-nine years and they keep praising us far too much, and because the little wolves are pretty cute.”

Hannah glances on their right and she starts laughing seeing Sehun is mouthing ‘little wolves’ next to them.

“You are little wolves,” Maria tells him as she has seen him mouth it too. She pats Hannah’s hips and turns their attention back to the counting as the final two songs counts who the winner is. Fly to the Sky has come on third place; EXO’s numbers stops and 5 Pieces’ keeps increasing and Maria starts bouncing. For sure, whatever the ladies say that they will be happy if the others win, they surely are happy to win themselves.

“Congratulations, the winner is 5 Pieces!” the hosts cheers and Maria lifts up her hand in front of Hannah, the youngest laughs when giving her a high-five and Maria is fast to clap her hands lightly, and she looks so happy that she isn’t the closest to the host because now it is Carolina who accepts the trophy and Julia who receives the microphone to say their speech. “Please say a few words!”

“Like always the most important ones to thank is our fans; Puzzle, thank you so much!” Julia is happily saying, laughing when Carolina waves the trophy towards the audience. “To our incredible crew; dancers, the band, our stylists and managers, the A-Team… Park Hyekyung and everyone who have worked on the music for this album, including our very own members… Thank you, everyone, for loving our album!”

Maria holds up a hand by her ear to listen to what Julia says, also in a gesture to keep the audience quiet, and she laughs when seeing Sehun and Kai to the same thing. Hannah just laughs behind them, slinking by behind Emelia to hug her too while Julia gives the microphone to Carolina for her to say some words, Carolina there hands the trophy to Emelia and Emelia on her hand steps aside to make Hannah stand next to her and they hold the trophy together. Carolina starts naming all the people she wants to thank, taking so long that the hosts are starting to say ‘yes’ and ‘yes’ for her to round up. Emelia ends up taking the microphone and shout out;

“Thank you!”

She gives the microphone back to the hosts, and Hannah keeps happily waving the trophy held with both hands to the audience, Emelia hugs an arm around her while the hosts says their goodbyes. Maria interrupts them, turning the ladies to the side and behind the hosts they start bowing and being congratulated by the duo Fly to the Sky; and Julia appears from nowhere handing out microphones to the ladies that she had received from a staff member.

Maria is just getting out of hugging Brian, smiling brightly at him when she starts singing to the encore;

*Somewhere walking down the street tonight*

She is smiling when facing the front, the camera focusing on her and Maria lets her eyes follow someone bowing to the ladies. She puts an arm around Chanyeol for him to stop lowering his head and congratulate her, and he is nodding his head smiling while she sings.

*There is a girl! You can’t deny

Come on and give it a try

Let’s see if you caaaaaaan

Keep these ladies down*

“LADIES!” Maria cheers loudly, hugging on to Chanyeol while turning to the side. “I LOVE YOU!”

Hannah leans her head back with a laugh at the leader’s confession and the audience is screaming so wildly at those words as the music is earning up. Maria let’s Chanyeol go as the boys are leaving the stage and the ladies gathers together, all bouncing in excitement.

The crazy thing is that as soon as the encore stage is over, 5 Pieces takes a picture backstage and then rushes out to go perform at the 2014’s Dream Concert. It’s difficult to imagine these girls were sleeping an hour ago, because in the van they are still excited; singing and cheering to the radio.

It feels like they just left the stage at Music Core when walking backstage at Dream Concert, heading straight to their room to change clothes and wait for their time on the stage.

They wear a backless mesh and lace dress in blue that melts in with Hannah’s hair and makes Carolina’s red hair glow, and they are wearing chic lace-up high heels boots with rhinestone, all in beige. Once again, Hannah and Julia sits down and admires the shoes. Hannah takes a picture of the skirt and down.

{Instagram, 5P_HANNAH: I think I am in love}

“Oh my gosh!”

The ladies turn to look at the door, and laughs seeing Girls’ Generation’s very own pink lover gazing at the ladies.

“You all look smashing gorgeous!” Tiffany whistles and enters the room with her eyes on 5 Pieces’ clothes. Her hand stretches out to touch Julia’s dress and her eyes lands on the shoes before she gapes up at Yong Hyun. “Do you have an extra pair for me?”

Carolina gives out a happy sound before hugging Tiffany whose eye-smile is shining up the room as she laughs and says she will never get used to see 5 Pieces look so gorgeous in the prettiest clothes and shoes.

“No, but seriously, I want those,” Tiffany says when the others laughs.

“I can order a pair for you,” Yong Hyun laughs.

“You can seriously do that?” Tiffany gapes at him.

“Darling,” Yong Hyun raises an eyebrow at her, “I had to call around for two weeks to get these – one call now, and I can get nine more.”

Once 5 Pieces are done changing and looking okay for the stage, they go out to mingle with whoever friend they see. Okay, they are all going to greet their friends in SNSD after meeting their dancers. Wearing the custom-made gowns, 5 Pieces look like they are from a different time and life when walking backstage. Hannah is in slippers instead of the chic high heels to rest her back a little, and she is happily hugging the members of SNSD and talking to them.

While the show is on-going, Hannah ends up sitting on a table in one of the bigger parts of the corridors backstage, sitting with a blanket over her legs and looking very comfortable just sitting there and talking to Yoona, Jessica, Julia and some of their managers while they are eating snacks.

Just as the subject turns in on that Hannah showed her abs on their Guerilla Date, some members of younger boy-bands walks by in the corridor, and among them are EXO’s Xiumin, Sehun and Luhan. Julia waves her hand at them, the whole group of boys’ bows politely.

“Come here,” Julia waves them over, pointing at Luhan. Hannah waves a little late to the EXO members, like usually not knowing who the others are but the boy members seems close. “Have you ever been asked to show your abs on shows?”

Hannah and Yoona laughs at how direct Julia asks Luhan, and he looks like them with growing eyes and gaping before looking at all of them, asking what she means with that. Xiumin has come forward with him, while Hannah can hear Sehun tell the others that they are close friends. Is he boasting?

“I have never been asked that,” Luhan laughs awkwardly when Julia explains the question for him.

“Why do you ask?” Xiumin is curious.

“Hannah showed her abs on Guerilla Date,” Julia doesn’t hesitate to answer and Hannah can only laugh when the faces turns to her.

“You did?” Xiumin sounds impressed.

“It was just a little. It was super embarrassing but that one-” Julia “- kept bringing it up. She set me up.”

Out of nowhere, Xiumin laughs and does a high-five with Julia as if she did a good thing and in a reflex Hannah is about to kick out her foot at him; which she does without reaching, but he gets the point when he backs away with a laugh. Hannah isn’t that close to many of the EXO members, but to be teased is something she always can kick out her foot for.

In a low chuckling, Kai rounds the corner and slowly walks up to them, Luhan and Xiumin are already talking to Julia about other things. With a nod to Hannah he asks how she came up there – how she came up on the table.

She gapes at him at first for being talked to like that, but seeing the look in his face she can only guess he is acting macho in front of the other boy-groups. Hannah thinks it is two other boy-groups based on what they are wearing, but she can only remember one group that EXO is close to, and that is VIXX – she has no idea of who VIXX is. Hannah sighs and with three fingers she motions for Kai to come closer, and still he does step closer. When Kai is close enough, Hannah hits the side of his head lightly.

“Don’t make fun of my height,” she warns him with a grimace that lets him know she really isn’t that upset.

“I didn’t,” Kai says and smirks charmingly at her, taking a step away as the others are about to leave, “I was thinking of your clothes and how you would easier sit on the floor than the table considering your height.”

Laughing he runs after the others when Hannah raises a bottle of water next to her, looking like she will throw it at him but just lifts it up in a threatening motion. It is fun, but the way Kai joins the other boys and laughs when repeating his joke to them, Hannah wonders if she can get revenge somehow.

“He’s bold,” Yoona comments when coming to sit next to Hannah, smiling at the blue-haired girl.

“Yeah… Taemin has taught him,” Hannah mentions and smiles back.

“That’s because you’re close. He just glances at me before bowing, as if no word can be spoken between us.”

Hannah isn’t sure of what that means; probably that Hannah has gotten close to Kai through Taemin – she isn’t sure they would’ve spoken if Taemin didn’t talk between them at first. It has been two years since they were at the SM Town concert and Taemin made them shake hands in an agreement to be friends. There is even footage evidence of that since they did it on the stage; fans were wondering what Taemin made them do for shaking hands like that. Taemin has gotten his own ‘Three Musketeers’-club, though Hannah isn’t really sure what her role is among them. But while just the thought of giving revenge is amusing, there are no ideas coming through her head.

Before knowing it, the ladies are surrounded by dancers next to the stage, waiting for their turn. The most shocking thing today must be that they are performing after SNSD. You could say that the show is based on popularity; the biggest idols perform last. The last idol-group to perform tonight is 5 Pieces, EXO and SNSD is before them. The ladies can easily understand they are performing late on the show, they can understand why they are performing after EXO (as seniors), but they can’t understand why they are performing after SNSD – their seniors and the only girl-group that was interesting to Hannah and Carolina before they went to Korea in 2008. 5 Pieces are watching SNSD’s performance with loads and loads of interest, even leaning forward to see out in the audience. The audience is so loud for SNSD, singing along to the songs, and 5 Pieces can’t stop watching in amazement.

Hannah holds on to her microphone tightly with both hands as the stylist gives a final check on her make-up, SNSD’s performance comes to an end.

The audience is shouting for an encore, and Hannah is nervously glancing around when they start taking their positions. The stage is huge; a stair at the centre back leads up to a smaller stage that so has during the concert been for cool entrances, the screen behind is large too. The main stage leads out to another stage, a really cool labyrinth shape, and 5 Pieces’ opening stage will be at the top stage above the main stage, appearing up from the floor, sitting on their chairs. It’s not the first time they perform at a concert like this, but for some reason Hannah is scared when hearing the audience chant an encore with SNSD; what if they don’t like our performance?

Hannah is sitting on the chair, legs crossed and hands nicely on her lap, holding the microphone in one hand and she is looking straight ahead while waiting for the platform to rise up. 5 Pieces have taken their positions, the five chairs next to each other with about one meter in between. Carolina is the only one sitting with the chair’s backrest between her legs, but she is also the only one who sits facing the audience the earpiece they all wear counts down for them, and at the same time the band begins to play the soft music and Carolina begins singing, soft spotlights starts to react while the platform begins to lift.

*In this not so friendly world,

That is waiting outside*

Carolina’s voice is low singing the beginning of [Girls Power], and she has only gotten two lines when the spotlights hits 5 Pieces – they are visible on the stage – and Hannah takes a deep breath in relieve hearing the audience starting to just scream as high and loud they can. Carolina gives a little more power in her voice, keeping it dark and y, completely into character with her blue dress, red hair, the chair, a glittering microphone, and the sound of support in front of them:

*So baby, me and my girls, are giving you a chance

SHOW A LITTLE SKIN, to put you in a DAZE



The music continues when she is done and the audience is just screaming as 5 Pieces’ five members begins to slowly move on their chairs to take on a nice pose to start snapping their fingers. Female dancers have stepped up on the main stage, just a few, to start snapping their fingers along, but the spotlights and focus is on 5 Pieces at the top of the stairs. While snapping their fingers, the ladies are looking at the arena, seeing the same audience that earlier was chanting for SNSD now jumping and screaming for 5 Pieces. And the amount of people present is no joke, Hannah only see thousand of stars before them, and she loves it.

A darker base in the music makes the ladies strike a different pose. Hannah lowers her head over the backrest, her arm held down before throwing her hair up and the microphone is by her lips to say with her ladies;

*Hot, power, love, hate, touch, and gain



The audience is saying the same thing. It sounds incredible to hear each word being said together; 5 Pieces does it in their way while moving and the audience screaming it out.

*Hot, power, love, hate, touch, and gain



*[Maria] I have heard you call me out like a wolf~

Roar and roar for more and more, you beg~*

First half of the verse is sung by Maria, and loud roaring responses to her voice, Maria looking like a diva singing to the audience. Hannah’s turn is next, to sing the second half of the verse, and swallowing her feelings she stands up, kicks up a nicely dressed foot on her chair and pierces her eyes straight forward at some faces in the audience as she sings and moves her body and hand;

[Hannah] You know you want a piece of me~

That is what a female’s body get~ hey*

*[Julia + Carolina] Imagine what, would happen if I let,

Get you close enough, get a little touch

Come to the reality, you never want to believe

Baby this is our lead

[Emelia] How?*

The chorus earns up right away and the audience that has been screaming at 5 Pieces are suddenly singing very loudly and clearly along to the chorus;

*[CHORUS] It’s my passion, your emotion


We can move you, give it to you

If you do what I do (GIRLS POWER)

[Maria + Julia + Emelia] All girls get up if you know it

[Hannah + Carolina] Boys come on try if you want it


We are, 5 PIECES*

*Hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu (GIRLS POWER)

Hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu (GIRLS POWER)*

*[Hannah] We’ve been hiding in the back some time~

But now we’ve gotten out of our minds~

[Maria] I know you want a piece of me~

Now get down on your knees, baby~*

After the chorus, Hannah did her part; feeling extremely excited to be on the stage and completely focused on her part until a hand touched her . As soon as her part ended she glances around and sees Emelia smirking, and Hannah smiles back while the rest of the female dancers runs up on the stage during Maria’s part. All female dancers on the main stage turns their backs towards the audience and starts moving butts and hands, 5 Pieces moving about the same up on their stage but while facing the audience, singing;

*[Julia + Emelia] Imagine what, would happen if I let,

Get you close enough, get a little touch ([Maria] ooh!)

Come to the reality, you never want to believe

Baby this is our lead

[Maria] How?*

They don’t know just how great it looks when the camera zooms out to capture 5 Pieces at the top, facing and being at the focus, with the female dancers moving like puppets on the stage below.

*[CHORUS] It’s my passion, your emotion


We can move you, give it to you

If you do what I do (GIRLS POWER)

[Maria + Julia + Emelia] All girls get up if you know it

[Hannah + Carolina] Boys come on try if you want it


We are, 5 PIECES*

In the middle of the chorus, right before their special parts come, all ladies gets together to strike a pose for the (GIRLS POWER) part; an elbow resting on someone’s shoulder, a foot kicked out like a lady, hands on hips and just strike a pose for a second before continuing to dance and sing.

*Hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu (GIRLS POWER)

Hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu (GIRLS POWER)


*[CHORUS] It’s my passion, your emotion


We can move you, give it to you

If you do what I do (GIRLS POWER)

[Maria + Julia + Emelia] All girls get up if you know it

[Hannah + Carolina] Boys come on try if you want it


We are, 5 PIECES*


Finishing the song, Hannah is already out of breath. She is exhausted from performing so much these past two weeks that just one performance makes her tired, but she smiles when stepping to the front of the top stage with her members, the audience cheering from the performance and the ladies starting to walk down the stairs together. It is amazing how the audience keeps screaming while the ladies walks down, taking their time walking in high heels but once they have gotten on the main stage they take some good long steps until stopping next to each other.

“Pieces of one,” Emelia greets in the microphone and the ladies together greets; “Hello, we are 5 Pieces!”

Hannah laughs at the response from the audience. She has not been able to stop looking around at the audience, taking it all in for the first song and she keeps looking at the audience now with a smile seeing how they are waving hands, and coloured light-sticks, and other things she can’t really see.

“We hope you have enjoyed tonight’s Dream Concert!” Carolina happily says in the microphone, smiling widely and looking around at the cheering audience. “We got one more song to sing for you, so you all better POWER UP!”

As the screaming goes higher the lights on the stage disappear, the whole stage turns black. But there is a lot of things going on in the dark, Hannah almost laugh when pumping in to Julia but covers so no one hears.

Only one spotlight goes on, and the audience begins to scream seeing Maria sitting on a specific table on the stage, looking like a true diva without really giving an effort. She isn’t half-lying down like she does on music programs, but she has one leg over the other and leans back a little with her hand on the table, bringing the microphone to her lips to beautifully sing;

*Somewhere walking down the street tonight

There is a girl! You can’t deny

Come on and give it a try

Let’s see if you caaaaaaan

Keep these ladies down*

With her voice going down for the last words, the spotlight softens to then two by two go on to the music and the ladies and female dancers getting up on the stage, dancing and moving and the audience cheering – the whole stage shines up as Emelia and Julia take the front.

*[Emelia + Julia] We go to the club looking for a good time

Gonna take that, shake that

Come here to dance

You can try to follow me, work it just fine

Oh up on the table,

She’ll be dancing all night*

*[Carolina] Ye-e-e-yeyeah! (ah-oh-oh)*

Carolina has taken the spot on the table, standing up and receiving loud cheers and you can just know that she loves to stand on that table, taller than the others.

*The ladies just come to life (ah-oh-oh)

Lighten up my spotlight (ah-oh-oh)

All the girls gonna fall in line*

*[Hannah + Maria] She say!

[Carolina] Ye-e-e-eh!

Here comes the ladies, gonna show who’s on the top

[Carolina] He-e-e-ey!

Here comes the boys, wanna show a little more*

The crowd screams higher than before when they sing that last line, as if they are preparing to loudly sing and jump with hands in the air to the chorus, and Hannah happily bounces forward to take her middle position, probably moving more than necessary but she can’t help it with this enormous audience singing along;

[CHORUS] *[Hannah, Emelia, Julia] Power up, get it up ([Maria, Carolina] this is just a test)

Power up, get it up (there is no time to rest)

Power up, get it up (just give me your best)

So put your hands up, gonna show you who is on top!*

[CHORUS] *[Maria, Carolina] Power up, get it up ([Hannah, Emelia, Julia] this is just a test)

Power up, get it up (there is no time to rest)

Power up, get it up (just give me your best)

So put your hands up, gonna show you who is on top!*

*[RAP, Emelia] A little bit of this, a little bit of that

Ladies are a while lot of hot, glam, daze, spice, sweet candy, all that

Just power, power up, up, give a little hu-hu

Oh up on the table,

She’ll be dancing all night*

There seems like there is no end to the audience’s voices as they keep cheering to Emelia’s part. Hannah is smiling when hurrying over to the table, throwing her hair to the side when abruptly stopping with the female dancers to sing her part, and as soon as Hannah does her first line, the adlib, the male dancers arrive on the stage and the main stage filled with matching movements seems to put the audience on a higher octave than earlier.

*[Hannah] Ye-e-e-yeyeah! (ah-oh-oh)

Everybody just come alive (ah-oh-oh)

Under the spotlights! (ah-oh-oh)

All the boys wanna fall behind*

*[Julia + Maria] She say!

[Hannah] Ye-e-e-eh!

Here comes the ladies, gonna show who’s on the top

[Hannah] He-e-e-ey!

Here comes the boys, wanna show a little more*

The last adlib Hannah does while moving one hand in the air along to her hip, moving to the rhythm with her tone high and light, she almost starts laughing because of the loud cheering and when the chorus begins the audience is heard louder than the music. It is so amazing. Backstage all the artists are watching, some are even singing along and most of them are somehow moving their body whether it is following the dance or just lightly bouncing to the rhythm, but everyone is having a blast. To them, there is no question as to why 5 Pieces performs last among the idols.

[CHORUS] *[Maria, Carolina] Power up, get it up ([Hannah, Emelia, Julia] this is just a test)

Power up, get it up (there is no time to rest)

Power up, get it up (just give me your best)

So put your hands up, gonna show you who is on top!*

[CHORUS] *[Hannah, Emelia, Julia] Power up, get it up ([Maria, Carolina] this is just a test)

Power up, get it up (there is no time to rest)

Power up, get it up (just give me your best)

So put your hands up, gonna show you who is on top!*

The chorus ends with all female dancers gathered at the back of the main stage, standing a few steps up on the stairs on different heights to create their formation while the up-beat music from the chorus stops to let the snap-your-fingers be heard. Maria lifts her chin, one diva hand snapping in the air and the microphone by her lips and there are a lot of voices in the audience standing out in full-power screaming that everyone on the stage are smiling. The leader though, charismatically says in English:





Everyone dances to the music repeating the adlib, shifting positions and their movements are so light thanks to the loud support from the audience.

[Carolina] Say ye-e-e-eh-yeeey!

… …

[Hannah] Say ye-e-e-eeeh!

[Maria] Say yeeeeayeya!*

Hannah steps up doing her part, throwing a hand in the air before starting to shake her hair down like all of the others are doing before hurrying to bend down to the side as Maria comes in her great voice to finish off their vocal-battle and as soon as her part ends she begins dancing to the chorus that plays right away. the whole stage dances; no, no, the whole ARENA dances to 5 Pieces’ [POWER UP].

[CHORUS] *[Hannah, Emelia, Julia] Power up, get it up ([Maria, Carolina] this is just a test)

Power up, get it up (there is no time to rest)

Power up, get it up (just give me your best)

So put your hands up, gonna show you who is on top!*

 [CHORUS] *[Maria, Carolina] Power up, get it up ([Hannah, Emelia, Julia] this is just a test)

Power up, get it up (there is no time to rest)

Power up, get it up (just give me your best)

So put your hands up, gonna show you who is on top!*

In ending position, the ladies bows to the audience, breathing heavily and seeing everyone standing up, everyone screaming and waving their hands to the girl-group. Hannah’s body is shaking and she is super happy when Emelia links her arm to get off the stage, waving towards the audience on the way. Just like that, it ended, and their bodies are still into the music that they are almost shaking when getting off the stage.

Maria sits down as soon as she has gotten off the stage, out of breath and her skinny body completely exhausted. None of the ladies can talk when coming off the stage, only focusing to breathe correctly and having their managers or staff giving them some water. Definitely the comeback weeks are tough; they have performed their songs so much these past two weeks with lack of sleep or too much movements that rehearsing for two places and performing three times in one day is just a lot on their bodies.

The tough part is that backstage at this time is crowded, idols waiting to get up and staff prepared to show them the way and doing whatever they can. Hannah leans lightly against some metal pipe supporting the stage, her legs are killing her and her back will be painful once she lies down tonight, but she still smiles when members of SNSD applauses them and asks if they are okay.

Hannah is pretty sure at least one of the ladies answers to the questions, but all she thinks of is wondering for how long the ending will be – everyone jumping around on the stage.

Their stylists and managers are very busy too, making sure 5 Pieces gets water, have someone fan them, their make-up is checked and microphones are taken away. Hannah smiles when meeting Carolina’s eyes. Her legs are shaking and she really want to sit down, but with no chairs left and they are soon going up on the stage, Hannah just follows the others on having fun to the music played on the stage by No Brain.

Hannah ends up sitting down on the stairs to the stage, sitting on a blanket with Emelia sitting in her lap. They sit there and wait until they have to wake up on the stage. The song the idols walk up on the stage to is a song to cheer on Korea in Brazil for the world cup, and the ladies are walking up on the stage singing along without microphones, bouncing with SNSD walking up first from one side. Maria bounces – how she is able to do that in high heels is incredible – while Hannah only walks and claps her hands.

They walk all the way out to the stage furthest out; Hannah keeps her focus on the audience to not have to bow to idols around her. She waves and smiles, moving her shoulders to the song and then moves her head when Julia standing next to her does it. A fan in the audience is jumping and screaming out 5 Pieces’ name, her face completely red from screaming and she does a heard above her head when Hannah looks towards her, and when Hannah finally sees her she starts laughing and points for Julia to see her too; Hannah and Julia does a heart together above their heads.

All too soon the song ends and Hannah keeps waving and waving to the audience, waving her hands up to the mountains of the audience and to the sides and right in front of them until Julia turns around to leave and the youngest follows, still waving to the audience though.

They are stuck by the side as everyone is slowly, slowly heading off the stage and Hannah smiles next to Julia and starts pointing by her self straight ahead, spotting Kai in the corner waiting to follow s to leave. He glances at the side and sees her, and points back without really knowing why before he lightly bounces his body. Hannah ends up not knowing what he is doing until she sees he is dancing 5 Pieces’ song and she laughs, lightly doing the ‘drunken’ dance move for EXO’s [Overdose]. Kai smiles with his head on the side, making her wonder if he will dare to say she is not good at it.

Julia is talking to Sehun and Chanyeol, and Hannah can hear her friend laugh and mention the variety show Running Man, which reminds Hannah of something Chanyeol had said earlier today. He had asked the girls ‘guess who will be recording Running Man on Monday’, to which Maria had said ‘we are’ and Chanyeol had looked surprised until they confirmed both 5 Pieces and EXO have it scheduled.

As the idols keep moving, Hannah comes closer to Kai as he is still stuck in the corner.

“I will beat you on Monday,” she tells him, still thinking about her personal thought of revenge from being teased earlier. Kai looks questioning at her. “On Running Man, I will beat you in whatever game it is.”

That makes him smirk. “Nuna,” he says in a low tone, “not to be mean to you, but you look like you won’t even be able to make it off this stage until we are done filming on Monday – you look like you have no strength left to live.”

The word Nuna along with ‘no strength’ makes her feel old, and Hannah gives out a grandma-whine, grabbing his shoulder and takes a hand to her back.

“Aigoo, my old body…” Hannah acts and she can hear that even some in the audience nearby are laughing instead of screaming, making her smile and Kai is only laughing at her sudden acting. “Would you help an old lady off the stage, young and healthy boy?”

“Did you call her old?” Julia is grimacing in front of them, looking amused by Hannah’s acting and Hannah laughs when standing straight, raising her eyebrow at the laughing Kai.

“I am not old, and I will show you that on Monday,” Hannah tells Kai and Chanyeol is heard laughing.

“I believe you, Nuna.”

“And don’t call me that.”

Getting off the stage she keeps smiling though, for the fans and for Kai to know she isn’t really serious about what she said. He likes it though, he can’t stop smiling back and he keeps telling s that Hannah has challenged him to win during Monday’s recording – though they have no idea of what games they will play. If you want to get revenge on a boy, you need to play on his level; boy level, meaning you needs to set a bet or challenge him because boys can never turn down a challenge. Any way to let the boy think he is a winner, and then take that winning spot means Hannah wins. The only problem is – she has no idea of what Running Man has set up for Monday’s recording.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 07th: 5 Pieces Receive International Love-Calls

Headline 07th: 5 Pieces’ [POWER UP] Wins On Music Core

Headline 07th: Emelia Becomes The y Rapper For 5 Pieces’ Fourth Album Commenting “It’s All About The Smirk”

Headline 07th: 5 Pieces Praises Hannah’s Body + Viewers In Nosebleed Getting A Tease Of Hannah’s Abs

Headline 07th: 5 Pieces Says Emelia Is The Strictest Towards Their Junior EXO On Their ‘Guerilla Date’


Headline 08th: 5 Pieces Wins [Power up] 1st On Inkigayo

Headline 08th: Brian Thanks 5 Pieces On Instagram For Watching Fly To The Sky’s Concert

Headline 08th: SBS ‘좋은 자매’ Episode 14

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^