Chapter Fifty Three

Super Junior Gangs

Han Geng sat at one side of Donghae's desk with a stack of folders next to him. Donghae was sitting across from him at his chair with his own pile of stuff as the paired worked silently together. It had been a couple of weeks since the partnership with Leeteuk and the T's and the number two had to admit, he was surprised how much well they were cooperating with each other. Information between the two gangs has been open and flowing freely and they have made some major strides against EXO. The gang had been making some major moves and it was almost as if they were a ticking time bomb and it was only a matter of time before it finally blew up and they all faced off. Hang Geng only hoped they had time to be fully ready.

The phone on the desk suddenly rang causing both men to jerk their heads up in surprise. Donghae dropped the folder in his hands and grabbed the phone.

"Hello." He spoke calmly even though it was obvious he was thrilled for the break.

"Donghae-shi, this is Leeteuk. Do you have a moment?"

"Of course Leeteuk-shi, how may I help you today?"

"First of all, is Han Geng with you?"

"Neh." He said as he glanced at the other.

"Can you put the phone on speaker for me? I like him to hear this as well."

Donghae looked over at Han Geng again before he put the phone down. He hit a button on the key pad and nodded to the Chinese Man. Han Geng straightened up in his seat.

"This is Han Geng."

"Han Geng-shi, good to hear you are there. I have a mission that I would like your assistance on."

"Damn it Leeteuk! I told you I don’t need any ing help!" Heechul's voice screamed in the background. Donghae and Han Geng's eyebrows rose up at his voice.

"That is not for discussion anymore."

"Hello Princess." Han Geng called into the phone with a smirk on his face.

There was a scuffle over the phone before Heechul's voice came more clearly across.

"China Man I don’t care what the old man tells you. I do not need your help on this! I will be fine."

"Heechul give me the phone." Leeteuk's voice was heard ordering the other.


"Give me the ing phone!"

"This is all entertaining and all but what is this mission you are going on about?" Donghae finally interrupted. He was starting to get annoyed from the antics. There was a second scuffle before Leeteuk was back in control of the phone.

"Kangin, make sure you keep a good hold on him. And be careful, he will bite your hands. Heechul that didn’t mean to try right now! Yes, sorry about that Donghae-shi, Heechul can be feisty at times. But the reason I am calling is in regards to EXO. Do you remember I was telling you that one of the members was sleeping with one of the girls in Gee Gee?"

"Yes, Baekhyun."

"Exactly. Well I just heard from one of my contacts that he will be there tonight and we have decided it was time we talked to him. So I am sending Heechul in to grab him."

"And where do I come in?"

"I need you to make sure he doesn’t get himself killed."

The two M members glanced at each other. Finally Han Geng spoke again.

"Um, I may be wrong here but Heechul doesn’t seem like the type to be needing protection."

"Normally yes. But this is different. He won't be able to arm himself as usual and I want a second pair of eyes on him. Too many of my gang members there and he'll wise up and bolt. But they won't suspect anything with you there."

"Make sense."

"So you'll help?"

Han Geng and Donghae looked at each other. They were considering the pros and cons of taking part in this. There was a lot on the line but it was the perfect opportunity as well. Donghae knew this and have his consent to Han Geng with a simple nod. Han Geng gave a nod himself.

"Okay I'll help."

"Perfect. Thank you Han Geng. I will have Heechul discuss with you the plan."

The phone was passed off again and Heechul was back.

"This is ing ridiculous." He grumbled over the phone. "Yah, China Man I really don’t need you but Leeteuk will be unbearable if you don’t tag along so I'll play nice. Meet me at Gee Gee at 10 PM tonight and don’t be late."

"And then what?"

"You make sure I don’t get killed. Weren't you listening?"

"Should I at least know what you are planning on doing so I know how to at least protect you?"

"Don’t worry China Man you'll know soon enough. Just don’t be late."

There was a defiant click as Heechul hung up the phone on the pair. Donghae blinked in surprise as he turned to Han Geng. The Chinese man could only shake his head in amusement. He wasn’t surprised with the lack of phone etiquette that Heechul had, it fit his character completely. What he was surprised about was the fact Leeteuk reached out to them to help protect his Silver Gunman. If Heechul needed the help then whatever he was planning must be super dangerous.

"Well this is new." Donghae finally muttered.

"I wonder what those two are planning. You would be best to be on your guard. Something tells me this will be a difficult night."

"Donghae I agreed to work with Heechul. Its already a difficult night."

Donghae laughed at this which caused Han Geng to smile. The comment was rather cleaver for him. He looked at the clock on the wall then back at Donghae.

"We still have a few hours before I leave. Shall we continue?"

"No need. You will be filled in on more from the EXO brat when you grab him."

Han Geng nodded at this. There was some truth to the statement. This might be the break they were needing when it came to figuring out what Kris' next move was and soon. Time was starting to run out on them. A knock at the door caused the two men to look over. Donghae called out and Henry poked his head inside. When he realized it was only the two of them he walked in and closed the door.

"Henli-ah, welcome back. How was WooHyuk today?"

"Boring. He spent most of the time at the station with Jongwoon-shi. But he stays far away from Kibum-shi."

"Does he make contact with anyone outside of the police force yet?"

"Not in person at least. He is normally glued to his phone though so I suspect if he is that is how it is done. I haven't seen it though."

"If he makes any contact with Moon then that is how he will do it. We need to get our hands on the phone somehow."

"How do you think I should do that?" Henry asked curiously.

Donghae had a smirk on his face as he leaned across the desk.

"That is for you to figure out kid." He replied calmly. "That is why you are given this mission. Now handle it."

Henry looked down at his lap in thought. Han Geng watched as the young Chinese man seemed to think it all over. He hoped that Henry would be able to figure it out on his own.  This whole mission was a big test for the other. Something that, while Donghae was hesitant at first to do, was a big part in what direction the leader had for the youngest member. Finally Henry seemed to gain some confidence in himself. Clenching his fist together he looked up at Donghae and gave a sharp nod.

"I will figure it out." He declared in a strong voice.

"Very good. Then off you go. You have a lot of work to do, but you need to go see Zhou Mi. He is starting to turn into a nagging girlfriend with me about you." Donghae teased with a grin.

Henry blushed but stood up. With a polite bow to the two men he made his way out of the room. The two watched him go and grinned at each other.

"He may be of use to our gang finally."

"He always has been, you just treated him like a child."

"You protected him like an over bearing brother."

Han Geng chuckled at this.

"Fair enough."

"Good, now get the hell out. You need to get ready for tonight. If you are dealing with Heechul and EXO you will be kept on your toes the entire time."

Han Geng smirked.

"Don’t worry about Heechul. I will be fine with Princess." He said as he stood up as well. He gave a casual wave to the leader as he left the room himself. Once the door closed he let out a huge sigh.

"What the hell am I getting myself into?"


Several hours later Han Geng showed up outside of Gee Gee at the appointed time to find the place full of people. As he casually scanned the crow for his cat like princess he was annoyed that the other has yet to be seen. For someone who was so vocal about being on time, to have him be late was rather rude. He was about to pull out his phone and call Heechul when someone tugged on his arm. Turning he expected to see the man but was surprised when a beautiful blond woman was there instead.

"You are Han Geng correct?" She asked calmly.

"Perhaps, who is asking?"

"My name is Jessica. I am a worker here at Gee Gee. Heechul sent me to get you."

"Where is he?"

"Getting ready. I am to show you to a table." She gestured for him to follow.

"Getting ready?" He echoed.

"Don’t worry about that. I am to make sure you know where to go. Heechul will tell you the rest when the time is right."

"I don’t like this plan. I feel like I am being led into a trap." Han Geng muttered as he looked around.

"I can understand you don’t trust Heechul but…"
"Oh it's not Heechul I don’t trust. It's you. I have heard about Gee Gee and your loyalties. You ladies work for the highest bidder and have been known to back stab people to get what you want."

"True." Jessica admitted with an easy grin. "You better hope that Heechul was the highest bidder tonight then."

Han Geng made a face when Jessica opened a door and waved him in. He was suspicious of the woman but also knew that he needed to go inside to figure out what the hell Heechul was planning. Placing a hand on his gun he walked into the dark room. He blinked his eyes a couple of times to adjust to the light and looked around.

Gee Gee was a popular strip club, one of the most popular in all of Seoul. The room was filled with mostly middle aged men but since it was a popular spot for the local gangs there were a lot of different people milling around as well. The main draw to the place was the nine Gee Gee girls who acted as dancers and personal servers to their more VIP guests. They had been in the business for years and took over the place a few years back and made it their own. They had connections with everyone in Korea, from politicians, celebrities, and the underworld. They were not as powerful as say, BoA or TVXQ, but they were an important asset to anyone who got in their favor. Even if they were quick to turn on you for the higher payer.

There were other female workers as well who served drinks and cheap s for anyone who is willing to pay. Han Geng was led to a table in the back where he had a good view of the main stage but was well hidden from any curious on lookers. He could easily blend in the darkness and go completely unnoticed. Taking his seat he leaned further into the shadows and looked at Jessica.

"Okay I'm here. Where is he?"

"He is getting ready like I said. You don’t need to worry about that. But the other person you are interested in should be arriving shortly. He likes to sit close to the stage whenever he comes in." Jessica said calmly. "I will come by to let you know. Until then, enjoy the show."

She walked away from Han Geng with the obvious grace and talent of someone who knows her power over men. Every table she passed the people would pause in their conversations and turn and watch her. Han Geng had to grin at this, she was good. He considered ordering a drink but thought against it. He knew he needed to keep a clear head for tonight and any alcohol would impair his reasoning. Looking around the club he noticed the place was quickly filling up and was going to be a packed house. The table next to him were talking in fervent whispers about a special guest that was finally back to perform again. Han Geng had a hard time catching the name of this amazing dancer, just that she was called 'Lady'. But before he could gather any more information, or finally demand where the T member was, the lights on the main stage dimmed. Looking up he saw the main girl of the Gee Gee club standing there with a microphone in hand.

"Hello boys." Taeyeon said with a  like grin. "I like to welcome you all back to Gee Gee and I would like to note that there are some new faces in the crowd. It seems word has travelled fast. As you have all probably heard we have a special guest with us tonight. One that hasn’t been here in quite some time. And I know she is just as excited to be here too. So I hope you make her return a special one and convince her to stay with us Gee Gee girls more often. So everyone put your hands together and welcome back to the stage. LADY HEEHEE!!!"

The lights dimmed a second time as Taeyeon made her way off the stage. A sort of hushed anticipation seemed to fall on the crowd and even Han Geng leaned forward in his seat. He was very interested to learn who this Lady Hee Hee was, despite the nagging thought that he already did. A light fell on the center stage where a woman stood with her back to them. She had long fiery red hair that was done up in an exotic style. She wore a black dress that clung to all of her curves and with blood red fishnet tights and garters. Over her shoulders was a red shawl which was draped sensually over her shoulders and back. There was a moment of silence and then a sensual beat started to play which caused her to start to dance. Swaying her body back and forth to the music she began to let her shawl drop from her shoulders and dip down her back. Right away the crowd began to whistle and catcall at her. This seemed to encourage her as her moves became more confidently. Han Geng was already completely enthralled by her that he almost forgot about Heechul or why he was even there.

So he was rather surprised when Jessica was back at his table. Setting a drink down he leaned closer to whisper in his ear.

"He's here. Front row." She spoke huskily.

Han Geng jumped slightly in his chair but used the motion to act like he was just rising up to scan the room. He doubted she believed him, he didn’t even fall for the act himself, but that all left his mind when his eyes landed on the man they came here for. Baekhyun was surprisingly a lot younger than what the Chinese man was expecting. Granted the age for the EXO members was young but if he was truly the one sleeping with one of the Gee Gee girls then that was surprising. He sat in the middle of the table with his eyes fixated on the stage and what Lady Hee Hee was doing. He was, for a quick glance, alone. But Han Geng wasn’t too sure how accurate that was.

Han Geng turned his attention back to the dancer when he noticed she had finally turned around. Her top have of her face was covered with a silky black mask that had diamond stones framing her eyes. Her lips were painted a ruby red and were turned up in a mischievous smirk. He allowed himself to scan her body now that she was facing them. She was rather flat chested for someone who was so popular at a place like Gee Gee where since, in fact, did matter, but he supposed she made it up with her dancing. Lady Hee Hee danced with the moves of a well-trained dancer and someone who belong on the stage. She seemed to know what to do in order to get the crowd riled up and had no problem using her charm to get the men to go crazy. Walking close to the edge of the stage she leaned close and ran a sultry hand over Baekhyun's body. The EXO man had a gaping look to him and he looked as entranced as all the others. She seemed to whisper something in his ear before pulling back. Walking back to the bar she did a couple more moves before wrapping her body against the bar and posing with the ending of the music.

As soon as the music ended the stage blackened again and the crowd went wild. Han Geng found himself clapping along with them and wondering when he was going to see the y dancer again. There was something about her that was gearing for his attention.  He took his seat and looked around the room. Now that the dancer was gone Han Geng needed to figure out where the hell Heechul was so he could come up with a plan grab Baekhyun without any issue. But before he could look for long Jessica was making her way back to the table, and she was being followed by a familiar party.

"Han Geng, there is someone who wants to see you." Jessica explained to the man.

Lady Hee Hee seemed even more beautiful up close. Her dark eyes were staring at Han Geng like all she wanted to do was strip him down and have her way with him. He barely hand enough time to say anything before he found himself with a lap full of the y woman. The woman wrapped her arms around his neck and smirked at him. Han Geng's hands automatically made their way around her hips.

"Did you enjoy my show, China Man?" Lady Hee Hee asked with a grin.

"H-Heechul?" Han Geng sputtered in shock.

"That's right." Heechul smikred and wiggled a little in the lap. "Hmm, it seems you rather like my show. Quite a bit actually. Maybe when we are done with this little mission of ours I can take care of this little problem."

Han Geng smirked back and tightened his grip.

"Oh that sounds like a plan. But Princess you already know. There is nothing little about my problem."

Heechul smirked at this and leaned forward to engage in a hot and heavy kiss with the Chinese man. But before he could return the favor the T member pulled back.

"Later my y China Man. We don’t have a lot of time. I have already set up for a private show for that EXO brat and I need you there to help me."

"Lead the way Princess."

Heechul smirked and got of Han Geng's lap. Straightening the dress he held out his hand. Han Geng took the hand and rose to his feet. It was time to finally make the grab.

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Babygirl239 #1
Chapter 60: More updates please i really love this story and i wanna read more
Icequeen1412 #2
Chapter 60: thank you for the update
hebteuk #3
Chapter 60: I just found ur story nd read it all on one go...I like kangteuk in this story, just sora's existence annoys me..I hope leeteuk will end up with kangin
giggley #4
Chapter 60: Just got the chance to read the 2 chapters ^^ I am happy to see the positive progress on YeWook and that things are paving out slowly - the war. Thank you for the update!
giggley #5
Chapter 58: Thank you for the update! Very touching TeukSora moment. Can't wait to see what you have planned for the story now that EXO has started to attack
mysterycodes #6
Chapter 57: Glad that leeteuk at least give his permission for hyuk to meet hae.
Chapter 56: This is so awesome. It should be make as a movie.
chicken15 #8
Chapter 56: Plz make eunhyuk top
mysterycodes #9
Chapter 56: Glad that Henry is fine.
mysterycodes #10
Chapter 56: Glad that Henry is fine.