Chapter Fifty

Super Junior Gangs

It was a regular ole Saturday that Ryeowook found himself sitting in the back of a black car along with Siwon and Henry. Their car was following a second one which the remaining members, including Donghae, were in. Today they were making their way over to Leeteuk's place to go over the plans for the potential alliance between the two gangs that they were forming in order to take down EXO. Ryeowook was surprised that all of them were going, but Siwon explained that it was Leeteuk who had wanted them all present because each person had their own information about EXO. And so it would beneficial for them all to be there. So Donghae agreed as well.

"But I'm sure he will agree to pretty much anything that happens at the meeting if it means seeing Eunhyuk more. You can guarantee that Leeteuk will use his successor as a bargaining token against Donghae the whole meeting." Siwon finished with a mock eye roll.

Ryeowook chuckled at that. It was true that Donghae was completely obsessed with the other man. But the surprising thing, none of the other members of the gang seemed upset by this. One would think that Eunhyuk, being the successor of Leeteuk, Donghae's most hated enemy in the underworld, would cause everyone to be up in arms and throw a fit about the whole matter. But no one even batted an eye when Donghae went on and on about the other. In fact even Han Geng, someone that Ryeowook would have expected to be the biggest complainer, didn’t even react. He just gave a casual consent to the whole matter and continued the conversation on to something else. It was different that the two seemed okay with the matter, Han Geng was normally Donghae's voice of reason when he went too overboard. Ryeowook was curious to know what it was that Donghae may have said to the Chinese man for him to be so calm about it. But before his thoughts could go in that direction he felt the car start to slow down.

"We're here." Siwon said in a low voice as he looked out the window.

Ryeowook could only nod his understanding before looking at Henry. The youngest was looking rather petrified about the whole thing and so he reached over and ruffled his hair. It had the desired effect as the boy pouted at him and  brought his hands to his head to fix it carefully. Ryeowook chuckled at him and followed Siwon out of the car. When he was outside he raised his hands up and stretched out his body. His eyes were gazing around the area to see what kind of base Leeteuk had. The man was clearly rich and had the power and ability to create a very lavish base. The area was huge and grand looking.  There were men everywhere with guns in their hands and security cameras every couple of feet. The driveway curved around to a large garage area where it was obvious that it was filled with a good hundred cars of different value and rarity. The place was not quite like what Yunho had but he was definitely a powerful person. Ryeowook would believe that this base was even better than Donghae's. But not like he would tell his leader that. Looking to the side he saw Donghae and the others were also out of their car and were looking around.

"Han Geng?"

"Yes Donghae?"

"We have some serious remolding to do. I refuses to have Leeteuk have a better place than me."

Han Geng sighed but nodded his head. Ryeowook guessed that their leader also felt like this place was pretty amazing as well. He suspected that in the coming days their base would go through some major remolding in order to fit Donghae's new mood. The man turned to the doorway where one of Leeteuk's main members were standing. It was Shindong, their sniper. Ryeowook followed with the others as they walked up to the man. When they arrived in front of the man Donghae was the first to speak.
"Hello, I am Lee Donghae of M. I am here to see your leader." He said politely with a small bow.

"I am Shindong. My leader sent me here to get you. Please follow me." He replied back as he turned to lead them inside.

"I'm surprised they sent you though." Kyuhyun said as they followed the man. "I know who you are but I have never seen you before."

"Well what do you honestly expect? Leeteuk would never lower himself to this level to welcome someone he technically considers an enemy. Kangin never leaves his side. And the other three were forbidden to meet you."

"Forbidden? Why?" Siwon asked curiously.

Shindong raised his eyebrows at them before turning and sending Donghae a pointed look.

"There is no way Leeteuk is letting our successor be alone with you. And that goes for Heechul and Sungmin. Since you have two of your own that have influence over them. So to speak. So they sent me. Since none of you have any issue with me."

Donghae seemed pleased with this answer. But the others were curious on who Shindong was referencing when he meant the two were being influenced by one of their own. Ryeowook had a feeling Kyuhyun was one of them. Since the party whenever Sungmin's name was brought up he would cackling evilly and a grin would appear on his face. Sort of like now, he thought as he looked at the younger. But he had no idea who had a pull on Heechul. He didn’t even think it was possible for anyone to have any power over the famed Silver Gunman, besides Leeteuk. But no one said anything more to this.

The gang quietly followed the larger man through a maze of hallways as he led them deeper and deeper into their hideout. At each turn Ryeowook was beginning to feel like Shindong was purposely taking them to Leeteuk in the longest roundabout way just to make them feel lost. Because he felt like a few times they back tracked a bit before taking another turn. But since he didn’t know the blueprints of Leeteuk's place he couldn’t be so sure. After what seemed like forever they finally arrived at a set of large double doors. Outside the doors stood a bored Sungmin and a rather peeved Heechul. When the Silver Gunman saw the group approaching he shot them a nasty glare.

"Shindong, what the took you so long."  He snapped at the larger man.

"Sorry hyung." Shindong apologized with a grin that made him seem not so apologetic. "I guess I took a little too long bringing them here."

"Did you take the scenic route?" Sungmin questioned with a grin of his own.


"What? You telling me we followed you all over the place when there is an easier way to get here?" Donghae snapped at the man.

Shindong and Sungmin started to snicker. Donghae looked rather livid but before he could say anything Heechul reached over and smacked both T members in the head.

"You little s. Do not waste my time today." He growled at them. "Now get the inside before Leeteuk has to worry about your dead bodies."

The two men were still snickering as they went inside the room. They didn’t seem too concerned with the older man's threat. It seemed like Heechul threatened them often. Heechul rolled his eyes at them before turning back to the M's. He scowled at them but gave a polite, if grudgingly, nod to Donghae.

"Welcome Donghae to Leeteuk's home. We thank you for coming here so we can discuss the current situation. On the other side of the door the rest of us have assembled. I would ask for your weapons but I have a feeling you would fight me on it. So I just ask you don’t try anything stupid that forces me to kill you. Because I will kill you." He threatened darkly.

"Don’t worry Princess, we'll behave." Han Geng replied with a smirk.

"Be sure you do China Man." Heechul replied barely sparing the man a glance.

He then opened the door and took a step back to allow Donghae and the rest of them to enter. Ryeowook followed after Siwon and took a good look at the room. The room seemed to be one of the larger ones in the place. It was a cool room with marble floors and walls.  The walls also were lined up with famous paintings and statues that Ryeowook would guess were original copies. Also inside the room there was one large table. At one end of the table sat Leeteuk in a large red chair. On his right was Kangin and the left was Eunhyuk. From there it went Sungmin next to Kangin and an empty seat next to Eunhyuk before the final seat was Shindong. The T members were all sitting there waiting but based on the barely concealed grins on some of their faces they were told of the reason behind their delay. Ryeowook didn’t know if he should be amused or insulted by the obvious prank that the larger man had obviously pulled on Donghae. Donghae had a scowl on his face because of it but seemed to understand the situation because he bowed to the sitting man.

"Hello Leeteuk-shi, I apologize for our delay." He said respectfully.

"I understand Donghae-shi. I hear you were given a through tour of my place by Shindong." Leeteuk replied with a grin. "I do hope you enjoyed yourself."

Shindong and Sungmin snickered again and even Eunhyuk joined in on it. Heechul was making his way around the table to his seat when it happened so he smacked the two for their actions before sitting down next to Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk pouted at his partner but Shindong seemed unconcerned about the whole thing. He did stop laughing though. Leeteuk glanced at the man before standing up himself. He gestured to the series of chairs in front of the gang.

"I apologize for their little prank. I assure you it won't happen again." He said respectfully. "Please take a seat. I know we don’t really care for one another so I won't pretend that we do by having pleasantries."

"Fair enough." Donghae muttered as the members of M took seats. "Now that we are here. How do you want to go about this?"

Leeteuk had also taken his seat. Glancing at his own gang he turned to someone he has always considered his enemy.

"I'm not going to lie and say that I like this plan. I just know that in our current situation a team up is probably the best thing we can do. But what I want to know, is why is EXO after us? This gang use to be a real nobody, and now they are causing enough drama to get TVXQ involved. You tell me what you know and I tell you what I know."

"To make a long story short." Donghae began calmly. "EXO is after revenge. Kris and the other Chinese members were initially going to join M but because of circumstances they ran instead. The problem is we trained them very well and they are using all of that information against us. Which includes what they know about you."

"Well that makes working with you even more unpleasant. It's your fault." Leeteuk sighed. "I am still confused about some things though."


"Their plan seems very ludicrous. In the past month they have made major strides not only against us but also some major gangs in the area. And they aren't keeping any secrets on the matter. They go after us and you to accomplish what? Our positions in the underworld? It doesn’t work that way."

"I know what you mean. Kris has some major plans but he doesn’t mind us knowing them. Each of his men who we have met with has let us know basically what they are after. And that is taking us down piece by piece."

"But what's the end game." Leeteuk muttered under his breath. "That is what has been bothering me lately. It's one thing to take out a gang or two but there is something about all of this that seems odd. Like we are part of a bigger plan for Kris. One that will be even more disastrous than either of us disappearing."

Donghae thought on this but it was clear he had no idea either. He could only shrug at the T leader. Leeteuk didn’t seem thrilled about it but let it pass. He leaned back in his chair.

"At the party a few of their members approached us and told us basically what you did. But there is something else I'm wondering. Yunho claims he doesn’t want to get involved but he sends some of s to talk to us about it. So he does want us to fix it but he wants us to do it on our own."

"I think there is an end game that Yunho is playing as well. He seems very particular about making sure we win this."

"Well you know how he is. He needs us. Without us a lot of his power would be threatened as well…" Leeteuk trailed off. He seemed to be thinking about something but shook his head a moment later. "Regardless, what do you propose we do?"

"I think we should take them apart piece by piece. If they are attacking then they must be feeling pretty confident in their abilities. There are, what 12, of them? We should be able to pick them off one by one with no problem if we can figure out their habits."

"I call dibs on Luhan." Heechul cut in suddenly. "The little needs to learn some manners and I plan to teach him. And then I will put a bullet in his ing face."

Leeteuk shook his head at Heechul. He was obviously a prideful person. Donghae shrugged.

"I have no qualms with that."

"Wasn’t really asking for permission Fishy."

Donghae raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment. He turned to Leeteuk instead.

"How do we go about gathering info though?"

"Already a head of you on that. I have some good connections inside Gee Gee. One of the girls there is apparently sleeping with one of EXO's members. So we can use her for information."

"I suppose you trust her?"

"More than you."

"Touché."  Donghae replied with a grin. He continued on almost casually. "I suppose I should tell you then that Jang WooHyuk is back in town."

The effect of that one sentence brought a chill to the entire table. It looked like Leeteuk and Kangin turned into statues. Heechul looked like he saw a ghost and the other three shifted uncomfortably. Leeteuk turned to Kangin with a worried look.

"Him too?" He whispered.

"Too?" Donghae echoed.

"Yeah, one of my contacts saw Moon HeeJun recently as well."

"What?!" Donghae hissed. "What the is MOON doing back?"

"I don’t know. But that's three of five. And that is a big problem for us."

". Moon and WooHyuk? What the hell is going on?" He looked at Han Geng. "We should do more than team up. What if we partnered within the gangs as well? A M and T working together. Insane I know, but it will probably help."

"That is not a bad idea actually. It would prove our loyalty to this alliance. And we can use both of our resources and knowledge for all of this. Now that those two are back we will need all the help we can get."

"Great!" Donghae had a grin on his face that never was good for anyone else. Ryeowook had a feeling what he said next was going to create quite a scene. Everyone turned to the leader of M for his next comment.

"I will work with Eunhyuk then."

And then all hell broke loose.

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Babygirl239 #1
Chapter 60: More updates please i really love this story and i wanna read more
Icequeen1412 #2
Chapter 60: thank you for the update
hebteuk #3
Chapter 60: I just found ur story nd read it all on one go...I like kangteuk in this story, just sora's existence annoys me..I hope leeteuk will end up with kangin
giggley #4
Chapter 60: Just got the chance to read the 2 chapters ^^ I am happy to see the positive progress on YeWook and that things are paving out slowly - the war. Thank you for the update!
giggley #5
Chapter 58: Thank you for the update! Very touching TeukSora moment. Can't wait to see what you have planned for the story now that EXO has started to attack
mysterycodes #6
Chapter 57: Glad that leeteuk at least give his permission for hyuk to meet hae.
Chapter 56: This is so awesome. It should be make as a movie.
chicken15 #8
Chapter 56: Plz make eunhyuk top
mysterycodes #9
Chapter 56: Glad that Henry is fine.
mysterycodes #10
Chapter 56: Glad that Henry is fine.