Chapter 30

The Neighbours


Jessica was banging hard on Soo Young’s front door. The guy locked himself up in the room ever since Taeyeon left him the email and for UK. It has been 3 days and Yoong couldn’t get him out of the room. Hyoyeon has been bunking with Yul since Soo Young refused to come out.

“Is he still alive?”

Krystal was there too. They were worried for him.

“Well, the chips in the kitchen have been depleting. I’m strongly inclined to believe that the “mouse” must have been Soo Young.”

Yoong spoke up.

“Let’s break the door open.”

Jessica was suggesting that. The boys were just staring at each other.

“Why are the ladies so aggressive?”

“Isn’t she your sister, J-Hope?”

“My sister’s born aggressive. When I mention sister, I meant both sisters.”

Krystal kicked him from his rear. Jessica knocked his forehead with her knuckles.


“Choi Soo Young, you have to come out from your room somehow. You’re going to grow webs in your room if you stay in for that long.”

Yul tried to persuade him.  And Hyoyeon suddenly appeared with a hammer. Yul turned to him.

“What are you going to do? Hammer the door open?”

“I’ll get you a new lock. I’m going to break in.”

Hyoyeon was an expert. He broke the doorknob open without a sweat. Yul stared at him. J-Hope was awed and didn’t hesitate to ask.


“That’s really neat.”

“Not my first time.”


“I used to this for a living.”

“You break into houses?”

“I used to work as a locksmith!”

Hyoyeon was infuriated when J-Hope grunted. Hyoyeon rolled his eyes as he moved away; letting Yoong and Yul to rush in. The room was in a mess.

Empty chip bags; empty beer cans and bottles were lying all over the floor. But the man in question was missing. And the room was in total darkness.

“What the hell. Is he having a cult inside here?”

Krystal earned a smack on her forehead by her brother.

“It’s so dark and creepy!”

“I think he’s sleeping.”

Hyoyeon was pointing to the sleeping figure on the bed. Yul came around and Yoong stood next to him. The two were looking at each other before leaning closer to Soo Young.

“Soo Young, are you okay?”

No reply.

“Hyung, it’s almost 2pm now. You must be hungry. You have been locking yourself up in the room. You need fresh air.”

Still no reply.

Jessica was already pulling the curtains away; the sun rays immediately rushed in; blinding everyone in the room but Soo Young remained unnerved.

“Is he okay?”

Tiffany finally spoke up after a long time. Yul shrugged his shoulders but nevertheless put out his hand and placed it on Soo Young’s forehead. His skin burnt.

“Oh .”

“What’s wrong?”

“He’s burning up!”

Yoong then pulled Soo Young’s blanket away and the poor guy was shivering violently. His body frame was shaking so hard that prompted Yoong to hold on to him.

“Hyung, hang on! I’ll rush you to the hospital!”

Yul mounted Soo Young over Yoong’s back and the younger guy was already running out of the room. Jessica was ahead of him.

“I’ll get the car ready.”

Suddenly everyone was scrambling towards the door. Tiffany grabbed her car keys and Yul locked the doors. All of them rushed Soo Young to the hospital.  They managed to reach the hospital at the quickest time.  Jessica almost made the car flew over the bridge.

Soo Young was immediately rushed to the emergency room. Krystal sat beside J-Hope and Hyoyeon was standing up. Yoong and Yul were worried and their girlfriends comforted them respectively. Yoong was quiet and Yul was extremely concerned. Tiffany noticed it first.

“Yul, he’s going to be okay.”

“He is but you’ll see a completely different Soo Young after this.”

“What do you mean?”

“He was like this before when Hyorin broke up with him. He lost weight and refused to eat anything. I’m just worried that he’ll do the same thing now.”

“I’m seeing Soo Young in a different light now.”

Jessica was hugging Yoong.

“Hyung is the kind of guy who doesn’t reveal his feelings much. I talked to him before about Taeyeon. He was just too sceptical about relationship and love. He’s afraid that he might hurt Taeyeon but he knows he has been hurting her all this while. “

“We have to tell Taeyeon the truth.”

“I tried calling her last night but she didn’t answer. I left her messages. The only contact I had with her was after she reached UK safely. After that, I couldn’t get her anymore.”

Tiffany was explaining. She tried to speak to Taeyeon but the lady mysteriously vanished.

“I think she’s hiding. She just doesn’t want to be reminded of Soo Young.”

“But I sent her an email telling her everything.”

“Maybe she doesn’t have any access.”

Hyoyeon was listening in. Tiffany and Jessica were discussing about Taeyeon. Hyoyeon actually knows where his sister is. But she implored him not to tell them. She has been reading their messages and emails but she couldn’t bring herself to believe them.

“Hyoyeon, you don’t have any idea where Taeyeon is?”

“No, she just called me to say she has arrived.”

He had to lie. He was protecting his sister. But yet, seeing Soo Young like this didn’t seem right either. His sister needs to know.


Thankfully, Soo Young was okay. He was just running temperature and the doctor was convinced that it would go away in 2 days time. He just needed a lot of rest and eats well. Hyoyeon left the hospital after knowing that Soo Young would be fine. Anyway, the rest were keeping him company so he left first.

Hyoyeon took out his phone and called Taeyeon. Taeyeon answered immediately.

“Hey Hyo.”

“Noona, are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine. It’s just a little cold here. How are you doing in Seoul?”

“I’m fine; you don’t have to worry about me.”

“I know.”

“Noona, something happened.”

“What is it?”

“Something bad happened here.”

“Huh? Are you alright then?”

“It’s not happening to me. It happened to Soo Young.”

Taeyeon kept quiet. And Hyoyeon knew his sister was hurting again.

“Noona, you must believe Tiffany noona and Jessica noona. Soo Young hyung is not doing well without you. He has been locking himself up in his room for the past few days.”

“I thought you said he’s fine?”

“That night when I saw him, he looked fine to me. After you left, I went to Anyang to visit some friends. I just returned a night ago and Soo Young hyung has been hiding in his room.”

“That’s impossible. He didn’t leave the room at all?”

“Noona, Soo Young hyung is a living zombie. He’s neither here nor there. Maybe he just realizes how much he actually cares for you.”

“He didn’t reply my email, Hyoyeon.”

“Perhaps he doesn’t know what to say.”

“Maybe someone else is hurting him.”


“I have to go now. You take care okay?”

“Noona, you’re not going to believe me either?”

Taeyeon sighed.

“It’s hard now. I’m putting my feelings aside and concentrate on my job. I think that’s something I should be doing right now. Anyway he has so many people by his side; looking after him. He will be fine.”

Hyoyeon was exasperated. His sister was equally stubborn.


Sunny was locked out from her house. She has forgotten her keys and none of her siblings were home. She didn’t have a choice but to wait at the lift lobby. There were some seats around and Sunny sat one of them. She looked at her wrist watch.

“Geez, what time these monkeys will be coming home?”

She tried calling them but Jinki and Soon Kyu didn’t answer at all. She was getting hungry and bored when someone approached her.

“Miss Lee?”

She turned. Hyoyeon was behind her; staring at her.

“Hey Hyoyeon.”

“What are you doing so late at night?”

“I’m locked out of my house. I forgot my keys and my two brothers are not home yet.”

“Oh, if that’s the case, have you eaten yet?”

“Not really, I had the intention to cook ramen.”

“Ramen? That’s not really healthy.”

“I don’t cook. My brothers don’t eat at home either. So I think the best would be ramen.”

“Well, if you don’t mind, I can eat with you. What do you want to eat?”

Sunny was looking at Hyoyeon warily. She only met this guy like once or twice but he seemed comfortable with her.

“How? Or you don’t feel like eating?”

“I can eat a cow now. I’m that hungry. But you really don’t mind eating with me?”

“I haven’t eaten either. We can just have a quick supper. Maybe your brothers will be home by then.”

Sunny gave a thought carefully before agreeing. Hyoyeon seems decent and Sunny was convinced that he was not one of those erts. So she agreed. The pair went to the nearby night market and settled down at one of the eateries along the streets.

Hyoyeon was being a gentleman. He paid for everything.

“I haven’t seen you around lately.”

Sunny decided to break the ice. It was getting awkward.

“Oh, I was busy with work.”

“What are you working as?”

“I’m actually a choreographer. There’s this latest idol group that’s going to debut soon so I’m in charge of them. We practiced day and night.”


“I love to dance. Dancing has been my life all the while.”

“And your sister’s okay about your career?”

“She’s always supportive of me.”

Sunny nodded and smiled. Hyoyeon’s heart skipped a beat when he saw Sunny’s cute dimples on her side of her cheek. They ate and talk over supper – Hyoyeon found out that Sunny’s father is one of the millionaires in South Korea but she and her brothers hardly see him.

“So you stay together with your brothers?”

“Dad bought us the apartment. Since my father’s not based in Korea, we sold off our house and live in a condominium. Anyway my twin brother is hardly home because he’s a cop and my other brother often makes himself sacred. One moment he’s in the room and the next thing, he’s no longer there.”

“Wow, but aren’t you getting a little lonely without them?”

“Well, I’m used to it. That’s why I work till late hours all the time. So the moment I get home, I’d crash on the bed immediately.”

Hyoyeon was listening carefully. He wasn’t too sure if he should feel sorry for Sunny. His family isn’t really poor but they were not a well to do family either. But at least his parents were there with him when he was growing up with Taeyeon.

“Don’t worry about me. I know that look. You’re feeling sorry for me, aren’t you?”

“No, I don’t mean it in a bad way.”

“I’m not offended. I’m used living this way.”

Hyoyeon nodded. The conversation between him and Sunny was getting more interesting. Sunny quizzed a lot of information about him and willingly shared hers to him. Hyoyeon’s heart skipped a beat whenever Sunny flashed him a soft smile.

“Sunny, if you need someone to talk to or have dinner with, you can always look for me.”


“I mean, if you’re lonely, you can look for me. I can be your friend.”

Sunny was giggling.

“I know.”

“If you need company to eat together, look for me.”

“I will.”

And then she smiled once again.  

And Hyoyeon’s heart just skipped a beat – making him realised that there’s more than friends whatever he’s feeling right now.


Yoong got Yul to send the girls home while he remained behind to look after Soo Young. He informed TOP and Minho but because it was late, they decided to come the next morning. Yoong sat on the sofa; watching Soo Young sleeping soundly on his bed.

For some reasons, Yoong felt lousy because he didn’t notice Soo Young’s hidden feelings. He should have known better; he should have guessed better that his hyung didn’t really heal from his heartbroken relationship.

He was in deep thoughts when suddenly Soo Young coughed softly. He looked up to find Soo Young waking up slowly. He rushed to him immediately.


Soo Young’s eyes were flickering about before he opened them fully. He stared blankly at Yoong.

“Hyung, are you feeling better?”

“Where am I?”

“You were running temperate so we rushed you to the hospital. You need to stay here for a couple more days until your fever’s gone.”

“Oh man, hospital food .”

“Deal with it. You made us worried.”

Soo Young was adjusting himself and Yoong helped him. He managed to find a comfortable position. Yoong looked on; worried about his hyung.

“I’m fine now.”

“Hyung, what were you thinking of?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re hurting. Taeyeon noona has left and you wallow yourself in self-misery.”

Soo Young looked away; he was staring out of the window. Yoong came closer and smacked his forehead.


“Why did you let her go?”

“I don’t know why.”

“You’re still hurting from your last break up?”

“It has never been easy to get over it.”

“Hyung, you’re good in hiding your feelings. You seem like a dork all this while.”

“What am I supposed to? I don’t think I should be wallowing in my misery for the longest time.”

“But you already are now.”

“Yoong, honestly do you think I’ll make a good boyfriend?”


“I mean, do you think am I suitable for Taeyeon?”

“You doubt yourself?”

“Taeyeon is a good girl. She has a good job. You should know what kind of guy I am.”

“Hyung, is that really your reason for giving up on Taeyeon noona?”

Soo Young looked on into the empty space. He wasn’t too sure why he let Taeyeon slipped away from the grasp of his hands.

“She deserves someone better, Yoong.”

“Who are you to judge that?”

“I’ve already hurt her. I cannot hurt her further.”

Yoong gave up.


Yul sent the girls home. J-Hope went straight to bed and Hyoyeon was watching some television. After saying goodnight to Tiffany, Yul went back to his apartment. He sat with Hyoyeon in the living room; he was clearly exhausted after the whole day at the hospital.

“Coffee, hyung?”

“No, it’s okay. What are you watching?”

“I have no idea. I just got home too.”

Yul nodded and turned to face the television as well. The two guys were watching some lame show and Hyoyeon fell asleep on the sofa. He was holding on to his phone and Yul saw it. He took it from Hyoyeon’s hand before gently pushing the guy to lie flat on the sofa. He was about to put it down when he accidentally unlocked the phone. The screen showed the time duration for the last call and Yul was surprised when he saw Taeyeon’s name as the last caller.



“You mean you saw Taeyeon’s name on Hyoyeon’s phone?”

Yul didn’t confront Hyoyeon immediately. Instead he shared his discovery with Tiffany.

“Yeah, I accidentally unlocked the phone and the last caller’s name popped out. It was Taeyeon’s name.”

“That means Hyoyeon is keeping in touch with his sister but not letting us know.”

Tiffany frowned when she realized she was being betrayed by Hyoyeon.

“Maybe Taeyeon doesn’t want him to tell us.”

“Yup, that’s more likely the case. Is Hyoyeon still in the house?”

“No, he was gone when I woke up this morning.”

“I’ll talk to him later. Are you going to work now?”

“I want to eat breakfast with you before sending you to work.”

“So is that the reason why you’re still wearing your apron?”

Yul glanced downwards. He forgot about his apron. He was busy making breakfast for Tiffany and quickly brought it over to her apartment. Yul stuck his tongue out and Tiffany went in for a soft kiss.

“You’re so adorable. I cannot believe you’re mine.”

“Aren’t you glad that I’m yours?”

“I’m so glad I keep you with me.”

“You should be!”

“So, has my darling eaten yet?”

“No, I’m waiting to share it with you.”

Tiffany took the plate from his hands and put it on the dining table. Yul followed her from behind. The house was empty. Jessica has left for work this morning. J-Hope wanted to have breakfast with her before she left for work.

“Only left you in the house?

“Why? Are you expecting someone else?”

“Baby, I was just asking.”

“I know, I was just teasing you.”

“You and your jealousy.”

Tiffany pouted her lips which prompted the boyfriend to capture her lips perfectly. They kissed for a bit more before Yul ushered her to the bathroom.

“You haven’t taken your bath?”

“I was still sleeping when you pressed the doorbell.”

“Oh, let’s get you wash up then. I’ll heat up the food later.”

“I’m so lucky to have such caring boyfriend.”

“I’ll be a better husband when we get married one day.”

Mentioning marriage made Tiffany blushed. She has never thought that far yet but it seemed like Yul has been thinking about it.

“We haven’t brought Mason home yet.”

“We will do that soon.”

“Are you sure you want to spend your lifetime with me, Yul?”

Yul wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He kissed her forehead.

“I want a life with you. I want to grow old with you. I want you to be the mother of my children and the woman in my life. I think we’re destined to be husband and wife. Do you want to know why?”

Tiffany nodded as she looked up and gazed at his handsome face. Yul rubbed the tip of her nose with his and then kissed her lips.

“Because I’m so deep in love with you until there’s no way I could return. I’m practically lost now in your world. My life revolves around you and just you only.”

Tiffany was moved to tears. She just hugged him tighter and kissed him on his lips.

“I love you, Kwon Yul.”

“I love you too, Tiffany Hwang.”

The two lovers shared some intimacy moment together.


“How’s he?”

Jessica dropped by at the hospital. She was worried about Yoong. She bought breakfast for him after dropping J-Hope off somewhere. Yoong ate it heartily.

“He woke up last night; he was a little groggy.”

“He’s sleeping again?”

“Yeah, the nurse checked on him earlier on. His fever has gone down a lot. But that idiot refuses to eat his medicine. They had to force the pills down his throat.”

“Okay, baby. By the way, I brought some clean clothes for you to change into. Yul passed them to me this morning.”

“You’re so thoughtful.”

“I was worried. You stayed here all alone. Aren’t you tired? You need to go for training later on.”

“I’ll be fine, don’t worry. With such thoughtful girlfriend, my life is truly blessed now.”

Jessica grinned and watched as Yoong gobbled his breakfast down his throat. She was chiding him for eating too fast but nevertheless, she showed some tender loving by wiping the sauce at the corners of his mouth.

“You’re such a child.”

“I’m your man child!”

“Yes, yes you are. Can you just eat slowly? Are you in a rush?”

“I want to send you to work. Yul hyung is coming over after sending Tiffany later.”

“Oh alright but just take your time. I can wait, baby.”

Yoong flashed his impish grin which earned him a smack on his back by his girlfriend.  He finished the breakfast quickly and grabbed the clothes to change.

“Why don’t you wait for me in hyung’s room? I’ll be out in a jiffy.”

“Okay. Be careful, baby.”

Yoong kissed her forehead before rushing to the toilet. Jessica made her way to Soo Young’s room. The guy was still sleeping when she entered. She stood by his side; watching him. The guy looked pathetic at this state. And Jessica couldn’t help but feeling sorry for him. She stood closer and leaned forward.

He was sleeping like a child; bending his body into two. There were tear streaks at the corner of his cheeks and Jessica was alarmed to see a tear escaped from the corner of his eyes. He was crying in his sleep.

“Soo Young?”

She shook his body and the guy stirred in his sleep. He slowly opened up his eyes and he was taken aback to find Jessica staring at him. He wiped his tears away.

“Are you crying?”


But Jessica wasn’t buying it. It was obvious that he was crying but she didn’t want to embarrass him. She pulled some tissue and gave it to him. He took it without hesitation and covered his eyes with his hands.

“Yoong went to change his clothes.”

Soo Young nodded.

“We’ll be leaving soon. Will you be alright on your own?”

“I think so.”

“Yul will be here and then later, we will visit during lunch.”


Jessica bit her lower lip. She gave a thought and then asked him again.

“Do you want to eat anything?”

Soo Young turned to look at her, surprised.

“I’m not really a witch like you said I am.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I know you’re feeling awful inside. And hospital food .”

“Thanks for sharing the same sentiments.”

Soo Young managed a soft smile which Jessica returned it well. The two loggerheads were able to have a decent conversation without any one of them screaming at each other.

“So is there anything you want to eat?”

“Can I have fishcake soup?”

“That’s all?”

“Yoong should know what I like.”

“Okay, I’ll buy for you but you must promise me something.”

Soo Young frowned.

“Why is there a condition?

“You have to get well.”

“Oh that, I will.”

“And be a good boy and listen to the nurse. Yoong has been telling me that you’re not eating medicine.”

“Am I your son?”

“Technically speaking, you’re still Taeyeon’s friend. You’re Yoong’s hyung. I’m going to show you the same amount of care like how they did. I don’t want to see them worry for you.”

Soo Young looked away at the mention of Taeyeon’s name. He felt like he doesn’t deserve the chance to talk about that girl anymore.

“Taeyeon must have hated me before she left.”

“She doesn’t. She cares about you. She even went out to look for you.”


“You went missing the night before she left. She found you at your studio.”

Soo Young was stunned.

“She heard you sang. She even recorded it down. She was worried about you. And I’m sure when she left; she was leaving with a heavy heart.”

Soo Young’s eyes were watery again. Jessica then stretched out her hand and squeezed Soo Young’s shoulder.

“I know you’re scarred before. But trust me; Taeyeon is simply the best lover in the world. I know because I’ve dated her. Her pure heart; her genuine concern and everything about Kim Taeyeon would make you cherish her for the rest of your life. I didn’t get to be with her romantically anymore but I love her to death now even though we’re just best friends.”

“Why are you telling me this, Jessica? I thought you hate me?”

“I’ve never hate you. Yes, you got on my nerves on the first day we met but that doesn’t mean I hate you. I want Taeyeon to have her own happiness and if her happiness lies with you, I won’t stop her.”

Soo Young kept quiet; his mind was in a whirlpool. He was confused.

“If you really care for her; and if your heart wants to be with her but you’re afraid; then you’re not doing yourself any justice. What kind of man you are doesn’t affect Taeyeon at all. She loves you for who you are and what you are. So don’t be afraid to embrace a new love because you’ll regret one day if you lose all your chances with her and she’s not coming back anymore.”

Soo Young was in a daze. He suddenly felt terrified of losing Taeyeon totally.

“Soo Young, you know your feelings better than I do. If you love her and you want to have her, then fight for her. Go to UK and tell her you love her.”

Jessica took his hand and squeezed tightly.

“You have my support. Even Tiffany is behind you. Taeyeon’s in love with you. You’re such a lucky man because you’re the second man she loves so much in her whole entire life.”

Soo Young’s tears fell immediately.


“How did you do it?”

Tiffany was asking. The two couples decided to meet up for lunch. Jessica bought Soo Young’s food as promised. Yoong was surprised at his girlfriend’s sudden kindness.

“I talked sense into him. He was just afraid that he’s not good enough for our dear Taeyeon. I didn’t think he was that afraid of love.”

“His past relationship must have scarred him.”

“I guess so. And then he made me buy all these.”

Jessica rolled her eyes.  Tiffany giggled.

“Well at least you made him changed his mind. So he’s going to UK to find Taeyeon?”

“Yeah, but that stupid woman is not answering my calls!”

Tiffany and Yul looked at each other. They had to tell Jessica.

“Sica, Yul saw Taeyeon’s name on Hyoyeon’s phone call log.”


“Hyoyeon is keeping in touch with his sister.”

“Hyung, did you ask him?”

“No, I decided to discuss with Tiffany first.”

“Taeyeon must have told him not to inform us.”

Jessica shared the same sentiment with Tiffany.

“That silly woman; I’m going to strangle her.”

Tiffany sighed.

“I’m going to strangle Hyoyeon first.”

Jessica declared.

“Let’s visit Soo Young. The visiting hours are going to end soon. If we don’t hurry, they might not let us in.”

The couples went to visit Soo Young.


Hyoyeon was blasting music in his ears; his body was grooving along to it. He even did some slick movements and he was on his way home. He was walking along the corridor when he heard someone screamed his name. Despite the loud music, he could still hear it.


Hyoyeon was shocked when he was abruptly pulled into the girls’ apartment. He raised his two hands up and surrendered.

“What? What?”

“Why are you raising your hands up? Are you surrendering something?”

“You just pulled me in when I was completely lost myself in the music blasting in my ears. I was shocked!”


Hyoyeon sat down obediently. He was a little afraid of Jessica to be honest.

“Turn off your music and look at us.”

The poor guy did what he was told. He got nervous when Tiffany and Jessica sat on his sides – Tiffany on the left and Jessica on the right. They were staring at him.

“Did I do something wrong?”

“What do you think?”

Hyoyeon was confused. He tried to recall what he did wrong but he couldn’t remember anything.

“Who did I offend? Jessica orTiffany?”


Tiffany replied. Hyoyeon gulped.

“What did I do?!”

“Why don’t you tell us?”

“You ladies are frustrating enough. If I know, why would I ask?”

“Where’s your sister hiding?”

Hyoyeon’s eyes changed direction. He was nervous.

“I have no idea.”

“Are you sure you don’t have any idea?”

“She’s in UK. That’s all I know.”

“No, that’s what we know but you have something more.”

Hyoyeon looked up to find Jessica glaring at him. He swallowed hard before moving away from Jessica. But the lady caught him and held him down.

“Jessica, you’re the scariest woman I’ve ever met in my life.”

“I can be worse than that.”

“I’m aware of that.”

“Then why don’t you spit out the truth?”

“What truth?”

Jessica went closer and her face was just inches away from Hyoyeon. The guy was breaking out in cold sweat.

“What are you doing?”

“Where’s your sister?”

“I told you I don’t know.”

“Don’t lie!”

“Jessica, stop scaring him like that.”

Tiffany couldn’t stop laughing when Hyoyeon suddenly moved away and hid behind her instead.

“Yeah, stop scaring me like that!”

“You’ve been hiding something from us!”

“What am I hiding from you?”

“Do you want me to check your phone?”

Hyoyeon’s eyes grew larger.

“How did you know?”

Tiffany was smiling when she took the softer approach. She took his hands and made him faced her. Jessica came closer but stopped when Hyoyeon threatened to throw the cushion at her.

“Hyoyeon ah, Yul saw Taeyeon’s name on your call log. He said Taeyeon called you last night.”

“How did he find out?”

“You were sleeping; and the phone almost slipped from your grasp. He took it and placed it on your table when Taeyeon’s name appeared.”


He nervously glanced towards Jessica who was already staring at him.

“Don’t stare at me like that!”

“I won’t be staring at you if you have been truthful to us.”

“Noona doesn’t want me to let you girls know. It wasn’t my fault.”

“So did she say what she will do with you if you let us know?”

“She didn’t say anything.”

“So it should be fine if you tell us.”

“Are you going to trick me in telling you her whereabouts?”

“Either way, you’ll get it from me.”

Hyoyeon’s mouth was wide open and Tiffany hit Jessica on her back.

“Stop threatening the poor guy!”

“He’s so cute when he’s scared.”

“That’s not funny.”

“Do you want to say or not?”

Jessica lunged towards him; pretending to hit him but Hyoyeon ran away. Tiffany was laughing at them but she managed to pull Jessica back to her seat.  She coaxed Hyoyeon to sit next to her. The boy obliged.

“Hyoyeon ah, we need to help Soo Young and Taeyeon. I’m sure you want to see your sister happy right?”

“It’s not that I don’t want to help him but he’s unsure about what he wants.”

“He wants your sister. He loves her.”

Hyoyeon looked up.

“He confessed?”

“Yes, he’s like you. He’s afraid of me.”

Hyoyeon rolled his eyes.

“You know, you should work as a police officer.”

“Shut up.”

“Hyoyeon, can you tell us where Taeyeon is?”

“She’s in UK. She has been reading your messages and emails but she doesn’t want to trust your words.”

“Why not?”

“She’s hurting so badly. Maybe she just wants to forget about Soo Young for once.”

“Did you tell her what happened?”

“I did but she’s stubborn. She refuses to believe me.”

“This is bad.”

Jessica nodded; agreeing to Tiffany’s words. Hyoyeon then suggested something.

“He can look for her at UK right?”

The two ladies turned to look at him.

“I have her address. If he wants to look for her, he should find me.”

“Ooh, the protective little brother is y.”

“Did you just say that, Sica noona?”

“What did I say? Stop calling me Noona!”

“You’re older than me!”

“It’s only by few months! We were born in the same year!”

“Well, no matter what, we have to acknowledge our seniors with respect.”

“I’m so going to throw this slipper at you!”

“Tiffany is so much nicer than you.”

“Why are you calling me Noona while you address Tiffany by her name?”

“She’s only two months older than me.”


“You’re at least 6 months older. By default, you’re older!”


Hyoyeon took off before Jessica could get her hands on him. Tiffany laughed when Jessica managed to catch him and the guy was screaming in madness.





Poor Hyoyeon; Jessica refused to let him go until Yoong came to his rescue.


Soo Young was packing his bag. He was allowed to leave the hospital. He was discharged after he has fully recovered. He was busy with the packing when someone appeared at the door. He was surprised to find Hyoyeon with the guy Taeyeon was with before. He frowned.

“Soo Young, this is Woo Young.”

Woo Young stretched his hand out and shook his hand. He was smiling and Soo Young was feeling a little infuriated by his sudden smirk.

“You’re Soo Young?”

“Yes, I am.”

“I have something from you. Taeyeon asked me to pass it to you.”


Woo Young gave him a small paper bag. Soo Young was reluctant at first but Woo Young shoved it into his hands.

“This is a gift from Taeyeon. She was supposed to give it to you on your birthday but I guess she has forgotten or something.”

Soo Young listened as he cautiously took out the gift box. It looked familiar. It was the same gift box he saw when Woo Young gave it to her Taeyeon.

“Wait, this is not your gift to her?”

“No, this is a gift she wanted me to get it for you. She has been telling me about this guy who caught her attention and her heart.”

Soo Young’s heart started to ache. He pulled out the cover and saw a watch. He was stunned. That was a limited edition watch.

“Yes, it is. She asked me to get it for her. The last available edition was in US so I bought it for her. You’re so lucky.”

Soo Young remembered telling her how much he loves Panerai watches.

“Wow, your watch looks expensive.”

“Oh, this watch? My late grandfather bought it for me when I entered university. He feels like a perfect man will not be complete without a fine watch. So he got me this – one of the finest Panerai watches.”

“Are these limited editions only?”

“Yes, it is! They don’t produce in bulks. So it’s difficult to get them.”

“It must have cost a bomb.”

“Yes it is!”

“You love them?”

“I only wear this brand.”

He couldn’t believe Taeyeon remembered. He took out the watch and realized it was the latest 2014 editions.

“This is...”

“Yes it is. This is RADIOMIR 1940 CHRONOGRAPH ORO ROSSO. It only has 100 units available in the market. But she managed to get it and asked me to collect for her.”

[A/N: if you want to check out the watch, this is the website: ]

Soo Young was moved to tears. He was in the wrong. He was the stupid man. He couldn’t believe that he let go one fine woman.

“She has something else for you. It’s a CD. You can listen to it later.”

“Wait, how are you related to her?”

Soo Young had to know. He held back partly was also because of Woo Young.

“I used to date her back in high school. But now I’m married to her cousin in law. I’m married with a son. I’m not romantically linked to her anymore.”

Soo Young felt like slapping himself silly.


Soo Young was finally home. He went back alone since Yul and Yoong were busy. Hyoyeon went to get them lunch so he was home alone. He was still holding on to the watch Taeyeon bought for him. It cost a bomb and Soo Young was aware of that.

And she bought him the finest watch. There was a note in the bag and Soo Young took it out. It read:

“I’m not sure if you will like it but it looks good on you; I’m sure. I don’t know what else I should get for you on your birthday. And I’m not sure if you’re going to accept it because it costs a lot. But I hope you will accept it. Because I really like you and I’m sincere about my feelings for you.”

Soo Young was crying again. He crushed the note and punched the wall in front of him. He regretted letting Taeyeon go. He felt so stupid for not asking Taeyeon properly. He should have confessed his feelings to her; he already knew hers in the first place.

There was a CD inside as well. He took it out and saw another note on it.

“I heard from Yoong. You prefer to have a woman who can sing. I don’t know if I’ll qualify that. But Yoong helped me with the recording so I hope you’ll listen to it. My innermost feelings are in it. I hope you will like it.”

Soo Young put it into his player and pressed play.

Oh no, did I get too close?
Oh, did I almost see what's really on the inside?
All your insecurities
All the dirty laundry
Never made me blink one time

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally

Come just as you are to me
Don't need apologies
Know that you are worthy
I'll take your bad days with your good
Walk through the storm I would
I do it all because I love you, I love you

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally

So open up your heart and just let it begin
Open up your heart and just let it begin
Open up your heart and just let it begin
Open up your heart

Acceptance is the key to be
To be truly free
Will you do the same for me?

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
And there is no fear now
Let go and just be free
'Cause I will love you unconditionally (oh yeah)
I will love you (unconditionally)
I will love you
I will love you unconditionally

Taeyeon’s voice filled his room. Her melodious voice was soothing Soo Young’s heart. He never thought Taeyeon could sing. His heart was screaming “STUPID ” at him. His mind was cursing and swearing for being an idiot.

What the hell. Soo Young just sank onto his bed. Taeyeon expressed her heart; she understood his heart. She knew about him and his stupidity. Why couldn’t he see Taeyeon’s heart?

“You finally understood her?”

He turned to find Hyoyeon at his door.

“My sister loves you for who you are. Why are you running away from her?”

“I was afraid.”

“What are you afraid of? Afraid of her breaking your heart? She’s not your ex girlfriend. They are two different people. How could you assume the same for my sister?”

“I’m sorry. I realized how stupid I am now.”

“I told you before. I will never forgive you if you hurt my sister. But I cannot allow my sister’s to give up on her happiness just like that. Now let me ask you for one last time. Are you going to fight for her or are you going to let her go?”

Soo Young stood up instantly. His eyes were determined. His heart was ready.

“I’m going to win her back.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been so sure in my life. I’m going to do all I can to get her back.”

“How are you going to do that?”

“Do you know her address in UK?”

“What are you going do to?”

“I’m going there to win her back.”

Hyoyeon turned into a wide smile and nodded his head.

“I’ll trust you this time but this is going to be the last time. Win my sister’s heart and make her happy, Soo Young.”

He nodded.

“I promise. I’ll make your sister the happiest woman on this Earth.”

Soo Young was going to win Taeyeon’s heart back; by hook or by crook.


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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Dude no offense but can you tag your genderbender. It kind makes the exclude tag from searches option useless.
yenthuong #3
Chapter 13: Chapter 13 and there is still nothing between Yoonsic, I gave up.
zellyoon #4
Chapter 55: Hey there author I want to congratulate & thank you for the great fic I must admit this is the best fic I read so far looking forward on part II .. fighting!!
KM_3451 #5
Chapter 55: Hi i just finished reading this story and I'm looking foward for the part two..
series_9 #6
Chapter 54: *being

Some errors we're in the story, like writing "her" as "him", or "mother" as "brother". Some did confused me when I was lacking sleep, but it's okay after I figured it out haha.
series_9 #7
Chapter 54: I finished reading within two days! Having all the emotions with me through the ups and downs for the whole story. I read this when it was marked completed, so the cliff hanger didn't work on me.. Although I prefer them as neighbours before all of them got their partners, their love life was awesome too.

SooTae at Taeyeon's clinic was really cute. Their conversations are always so funny. I remember when Soo Young was injured, he gave Taeyeon so much pouting and the "):" was so cute hahahaha. Oh and when Soo Young received the CD Taeyeon passed to him before leaving for UK, that song was totally a... I can't describe it. But I could literally feel Taeyeon's sincerity. But I found it brave that Taeyeon did so much for him.
YoonSic was quite common, sweet and child-like boyfriend, full of aegyo. As expected, Jessica would be the jealous one. Jessica bring a psychiatrist was heartwarming, she attends to the family with so much love. However, I wondered how her sessions are held. There wasn't much scenes about her job, except for Mrs Im. Maybe it's a bit out of the story, but I'm curious :P
YulTi was full of drama. So many things happening in one go! Yul was the perfect the perfect guy. I still remember one scene that he bought flowers for Tiff, I was wondering what her reaction would be, bad sadly, it wasn't written. I was listening to the songs Yul was playing while reading, it was so sweet.

Overall, the story was great. Ending up as couples with neighbours was slightly unrealistic but since its fiction, I still like it. Soo Young and Jessica interaction was fun to watch too. I really wanted to know the love story of TaengSic when they were younger (expected from me, TaengSic fan).

Thank you for writing this story, I kept me accompanied but I lost some sleep due to it. Haha good job author!
Chapter 54: please share more
yeonnie9313 #9
Chapter 55: You really write a good story.. The way you plotting your story is amazing.. Cant wait to read the neighbour ll...jjang!
Author, can I have a .pdf file of this story so I can read it offline? Thanks! :)