
A Man in love.


3rd POV



It was a cold Sunday Morning. Everyone in _____’s house is all awake to help Dara and Thunder set for their flight.


“Unni do you want me to help you?” ____ said as she hurried to support Dara by carrying her luggage.


“No it’s okay.” Dara smiled. “I’ve got it!”


“Aren’t you going to help me?” Thunder smirked.


____ smiled. “Of course I will.”


“I’m just joking, I can handle it myself.” Thunder giggled. “I can HANDLE it!”


“I’m going to miss you guys.” _____ sniffed. “I hope you could stay longer, or come back!”


“We will come back eventually.” Dara hugged her.


“I will miss you so much!” ____ cried.


“We will come back!” Thunder smiled. “Don’t miss us too much.”


“Don’t flatter yourself.” Dara snickered.


Suddenly ____’s mom walked in the room with tickets on her hand.


“Dara and Thunder!” she called.


“Ne?” Thunder asked.


“Here are your tickets!” she smiled.


“Thanks so much.” Dara smiled as she hugged ____’s mom.


Thunder joined in. ____ did too.


“We have to go, your flights is in 2 hours.” ____’s mom smiled.


“2 hours…” _____ whispered.


They all went inside the big car. _____’s mom started the car and head off the airport. _____ opened the car window as she feels the air pass her face. She rest her head on the Dara’s neck. She closed her eyes and relaxed for the trip.


Dara smiled to ____’s as she rest her head on ____’s head.


When ____ opened her eyes she saw bright sky. “Are we here already?”


“Yes!” Dara smiled as he opened the car door.


_____ went outside to help Dara and Thunder unload their luggage. As they all unloaded their luggage all of them head for the door.


“I guess this is it.’ Dara smiled.


“Yes” Thunder said.


______ smiled at Dara and hugged her tightly.


“I know I’ve only been here for a week.” Dara said. “But I’ll be coming back.”


“I know.” ____ smiled as he grabbed Dara’s hand.


_____ pulled Thunder and hugged him as well.



“_____ they have to go now.” ____’s mom smiled.


“I have to go now.” Dara said.


“Bye unni.” ____ smiled as she let go her hand.


“Say bye to Donghae for me I didn’t get a chance.” Dara smiled.


“I will.” ____ said.



Dara turned away but she quickly hug _____ and say. “Always listen to your heart and decide from there.”


_____ nodded as Dara and Thunder went to the other door and left.



“_____ let’s go home.” Her mom said.








On the way home ____ quickly entered the house and quickly grab a snack. She opened the fridge and took out a perfectly cut cake.


Yoona went inside and sat next to her.


“How are you?” Yoona asked.


“Fine, and you?” ____ said.


“I’m well, everything went alright?” Yoona asked as she took the fork and took a piece of the cake.


“Yoona,” _____ asked.


“Yes?” Yoona asked.


“Tell me what do you think of Donghae?” _____ asked.


Yoona froze but she continued to eat the cake.


“He’s okay.” Yoona said.


“Okay?” ____ asked. “So there is something you don’t like about him?”


“It’s not that.” Yoona said. “He’s okay we just don’t get along very well.”


“You don’t?” ____ asked. “Well you should, he’s great!”


“Of course you think he’s great, he’s your boyfriend.” Yoona said.


“Well maybe but still I think that you guys should know more so all of us can hang out.”


“No…” Yoona said. “I’m fine with what we are now.”


“Well it’ll be great if you are good friends with him so it’ll be a lot cooler.” ____ explained.


“That’s what you think.” Yoona bit her lip.


“Of course!” ____ said.


“What do you think of him?” Yoona asked.


“Well he’s great and really sweet.” _____ said. “Really sweet!”


“Really sweet?” Yoona giggled.


“Yeah, he even wrote me a note.” ____ smiled.


“A note, what did it say?” Yoona asked.


“It’s for me to know and for you to not know!” _____ said as she walked of.




Monday Morning…


Donghae’s POV


I woke up feeling amazing. I quickly head towards the shower and bathe. After the shower I quickly dressed myself and head downstairs to eat breakfast.


I was expecting Eunhyuk, Yesung, Leeteuk and Sungmin to be down there but I found all of them with my dad.


“Donghae!” dad yelled.


“Dad?” I said. “Why are you here?”


“I live here!” dad giggled.


Yesung, Leeteuk, Eunhyuk and Sungmin stood there quietly along the couch.


“I decided not to go to work today.” Dad said.


“Guys have you eaten yet?” I asked the guys as I grabbed my plate and get breakfast.


“We’re alright!” they all said.


“Boys don’t be like that!” dad yelled. “Come join us!”


Yesung, Eunhyuk, Leeteuk and Sungmin obeyed dad and quickly sat and grabbed breakfast.


“So how’s school.” Dad asked.


“Why are you asking that?” I asked.


“Is it bad to know?” Dad asked. “Well?”


“We’re fine Mr. Lee.” Yesung smiled.


“Yes we are all good.” Eunhyuk said.


“That’s great.” Dad said.


Suddenly my phone rang that made everyone stare at me.


“Who is that?” Leeteuk asked.


I grabbed my phone to see who it is and it was _____.


“It’s ______.” I smiled. “She texted.”


“She texted?” Dad asked. “Who is this _____?”


“______?” Sungmin asked.


“Yes” dad asked.


“Oh, she’s Donghae’s girlfriend.” Eunhyuk said.


“Donghae you have a girlfriend and you didn’t tell me?” dad asked.


“I don’t know why you would be so interested.” I said.


“Well when am I going to meet this young lady?” dad asked.


“Meet her?” Leeteuk said.


“They’ve been only dating for 3 days.” Yesung said.


“3 days?” dad asked.


“Yes” I answered.


We all continue to eat until dad asked something that made me blushed.












“Have you kissed her yet Donghae?”  Dad asked in normality.


Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, Sungmin and Yesung almost choked themselves laughing.


“BWEOH?” I asked. “Why are you asking that?”


“Why are you blushing so much?” dad asked. “This might be the first time I see you blushing because of a girl.”



“Why are you asking these questions dad?” I exclaimed.


Dad started to giggle. “Relax son, I’m just joking but you have to tell me the details about your first kiss.”







“First kiss?” Eunhyuk exclaimed.


I started to become red.


“So you haven’t kissed anyone yet?” Eunhyuk laughed.


Dad and the rest started to laugh.


“What about Je Hoon?” Leeteuk asked.


“Yeah you’ve dated.” Sungmin said.


“Yeah but we didn’t do that.” I shyly said.


“This is too good, can’t wait till I say this to _____.” Leeteuk laughed.


“DON’T!” I yelled.


“Why?” Leeteuk asked. “You’re shy?”


“No, just don’t tell.” I said. “Anyways we have to go!”


“Okay son, get to school now I shall see you soon.” Dad said.


“See you dad.” I smiled as me and the guys headed to school.



3rd POV


Yoona and ____ both headed towards the car. Yoona and ____ fastened their seatbelts and head to school.


As they got off Yoona and ____ started to walk to the classroom.


Yoona and _____ opened the door and entered. They took their seats and started to chat for a while. Not so long ago, Donghae and his friends entered the room and took the nearest seat next to ____ and Yoona.


“Hey!” Donghae exclaimed as he grabbed ____’s hands and hugged her.


Eunhyuk broke the hug.


“Too much hugging.” Eunhyuk said.


_____ sat on her seat as Donghae  did too.


“Hi Yoona” Donghae waved.


‘Er.. Hi.” Yoona smiled.


Yoona started to loosen up and actually socialize with Donghae and his friends. They all chatted. But ____ is looking everywhere for Kyuhyun but he wasn’t there.


First classes were finished but Kyuhyun still wasn’t there. So when lunch came ____ came to see Sunny.


“Sunny!” ____ yelled.


“Oh ______.” Sunny said.


“Where’s Kyuhyun?” ____ asked.


“Oh, he went on a vacation with dad in Japan for a month.” Sunny said.


“What?” _____ yelled. “And he didn’t even tell me?”


“He didn’t bother because you’re too busy.” Sunny said.


“Busy?” ____ asked.


“Yeah, well I heard you’re going out with Donghae now.” Sunny said.


“How’d you know?” ____ asked.


“It’s the talk of the whole school.” Sunny said.


“Well I’m just bummed that Kyuhyun didn’t say goodbye at all.” _____ said.


“Why should he?” Sunny asked.


“What do you mean Sunny?” ______ asked.


“Never mind, I’ll catch up with you in DANCE.” Sunny said as she smiled.


“What’s wrong?” ____ mumbled.





Suddenly a pair of hands grabbed ____’s waist. ____ looked behind and it was Donghae resting on her shoulder.


“What are you doing?” ____ asked. “Don’t be all weird.”


“I’m not weird, I’m being a normal boyfriend.” Donghae smiled.


____ suddenly saw few eyes on them.


“Donghae, people are looking.” ____ whispered.


“Let them.” Donghae said.


_____ took Donghae’s hand apart from her waist and grabbed just one hand and pulled him to their table.


“Let’s just eat.” ____ said.



They soon got into their tables where Eunhyuk, Yesung, Leeteuk, Sungmin and Yoona are seating.


“Hey” Eunhyuk said.


“Donghae have you done it?” Leeteuk asked.


“Done what?” ____ asked.


Donghae shot Leeteuk a ‘look’.


“Er… Done homework.” Leeteuk stuttered.


“Oh,” ____ said.


Donghae and ____’s hand are holding each other Yoona was just looking at them. She still feels a bit awkward with ____ and Donghae together.


____ was looking at Donghae all the time. Eunhyuk and Leeteuk noticed it and told Donghae when they were in the toilet.


“Donghae you should see ____ was just looking at you the whole time.” Leeteuk said.


“Yes, she was looking at this part especially.” Eunhyuk said as he touched this mouthpart.


“What are you saying?” Donghae asked.


“That means she wants to kiss you!” Leeteuk said. “Isn’t it obvious?”


“She does?” Donghae smiled.


“Donghae you don’t need the whole ‘talk’ so just go ahead and kiss her this time now.” Leeteuk said.


“Don’t pressure me.” Donghae said.


“We’re not pressuring you!” Eunhyuk said.


“It’s just that…” Leeteuk said.


“What?” Donghae asked.






“It’s just that if you didn’t maybe ____ will feel unwanted then break up with you!” Leeteuk smirked.




Donghae froze. “She will?”


“Donghae don’t listen to that!” Eunhyuk yelled. “He’s just being an idiot!”


“I’m just saying!” Leeteuk said.


“I… Er…” Donghae stuttered.


“You don’t have to do it so suddenly, decide for yourself.” Eunhyuk said.


“I…I know…” Donghae said. “And I will.”


“Donghae you don’t have too.” Eunhyuk said. “Trust me ____ wouldn’t break up with you just by that.”


“I just don’t want to lose her,” Donghae smiled.



“You won’t” Leeteuk said.


“This might be the first time I see you act this way Donghae,” Eunhyuk smiled as he tapped Donghae’s shoulders. “_____ must be really something.”






I haven’t updated in days!  Because of the ‘writers block’ thingy and SUPER JUNIOR’s COMEBACK “MR. SIMPLE” I spent 3 days thinking of what would happen next and fortunately I got some! This kind of a long chaper!


So I decided to make the situation a bit easier. But I hope you liked this chapter! Please comment!


Please comment of what you think of the story up this point, and suggestion are needed! If there is something you are curious about please do ask I’m willing to answer.


Anyways thanks for reading! <3


Mr. Simple...Mr. Simple...Simple <3

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Update plssss
LuLuHim #2
Chapter 73: Update soon! :)
jenidragon #3
Author-nim please update soon!! *New subscriber, but I needed to catch up so it's now 4AM hahahahaha
Chapter 75: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa huhuhuhuhuuhu Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *cries*
MissTae #5
Chapter 75: Omg!!! One word: Troll!! Hahaha you totally got me!!!
At first I was like O.O
Then I was like -_-
Chapter 72: Oooohhh, someone is being a je~erk··· anyway, finnally reading this again.. :) i somehow forgot which chapter i stopped., but i read it from the start ㅋㅋㅋ
angel116 #7
Chapter 72: Update soon!!!
anggita #8
Chapter 72: :( so saaaaaad my donghae please wake up
meggie016 #9
Chapter 72: What happen to Kyu??? Is he the bad guy now?
Chapter 72: Let __ know tht Donghae is in coma , so tht Donghae can wake up faster^^^ update soon , author-nim~~