Listen To Your Heart

A Man in love.



_____’s POV


Listen to your heart and decide, because you never know if you’re too late


You’re too late


Too late



 “Damn, everything Dara unni says always means something.” I thought as I looked at the window. I brushed away the hair covering my face as I pouted my lips. “Love, Love, Love, how complicated can you go?”


Saturday Morning.


I feel someone slapping my face. “Wake up _____!”


“5 more minutes mommy.” I mumbled.


“_____!” a familiar voice shouted.


I woke up in the sudden. It was Dara unni.


“It’s 9am, what’s the deal?” I asked.


“You know, I’m only going to be here for a few days.” Dara said. “And you choose sleeping over me?”


Dara scoffed.


“Get out, I’ll be ready in 20!” _____ yelled as she threw a pillow on Dara.



“Yay!” Dara cheered.





I went downstairs after a hot shower. Dara unni was on the door waiting.


“What’s for breakfast?” I smiled.


“Muffin!” Dara answered.


“Someone baked?” I smiled. “I love muffins so much!”

“Yes, the people from the café” Dara yelled.


“What?” I asked. “How is-“


Dara interrupted. “Get yourself on the car and we’ll go out!”


“Aish, then we’ll get muffins.” I cheered.

“Yes, whatever.” Dara said as she opened the door for me.





Donghae’s POV


“A morning jog sounds good.” Donghae yawned as he stood up from the couch.


“Dude its 9pm, you usually jog like 6am or something.” Eunhyuk said.


“I just want to go out and get some fresh air.” Donghae said as he went to change.


“I think I’ll come with you, I don’t want to be alone in your house.” Eunhyuk pouted.


“Yeah, sure whatever.” Donghae murmured.





Donghae and Eunhyuk decided to jog around park centre.




“Hmm, I love muffins so much!” _____ said as she bites her muffin.


“How many muffins have you eaten yet?” Dara asked as she took a sip of her coffee. “No wonder you’ve gotten bigger.”


“Your evil, you know I love muffins.” _____ muttered.


____ Bite a huge chunk of muffin she had.


“Hmm, you must really love them.” Dara smiled in disgust.


“So what do you want to do here in the park centre?” ____ asked as she sips a hot chocolate milk.


“I’ll decide after we finished eating breakfast, we’ll go around.” Dara said.


“Okay…” Dara said as she continues to watch ____ swallow eat the muffin.


She smiled.





“Hey, I see no one’s here.” Eunhyuk said. “Is it a holiday or something?”


“I don’t know it’s Saturday, they are probably at the big malls.” Donghae explained as he continued to jog.


“Yeah, who would go in park centre, it’s just full of café’s and restaurants.” Eunhyuk smiled.


“Let’s rest in for awhile.” Donghae said.


“Weakling,” Eunhyuk giggled. “Anyways, I’m hungry can we get a muffin to-go?”

“Yes sure, let’s go to that café in front of that beauty salon or something.” Donghae said as they jog their way through there.




“Hey maybe we could go to that beauty salon at front after we eat?” Dara suggested. “We’ll have our nails done.”


“Yes sure whatever.” ____ said as she wiped her face.


“Enjoyed that 3 huge muffins?” Dara asked.

“Are you mocking me?” ____ asked.


“Anyways, after we finish our drink let’s go.” Dara said.

“I was hoping to stay in here for awhile.” ____ said. “Maybe we can chat?”


“Sure, let’s start now.” Dara said. “So anyways, what we were talking about yesterday.”


“Yeah?” _____ asked.


“You can tell me anything right?” Dara asked.


“I tell you everything.” ____ grin.


“Yeah, so who is he?” Dara asked.


“What?” ____ asked. “There’s no one!”


“I know it there’s someone.” Dara said. “Because if I ask you, you turn red and you can’t help but bite your lip.”


____ turned red and can’t help but bite her lip.


“Like what you’re doing now.” Dara chuckled.

“He is my classmate at school.” _____ explained.





“This café looks old.” Eunhyuk said as he opened the door.


Him and Donghae made their way through the front and order lunch.


“Hi, what can I get you?” the staff said.

“Um, can I get that funny looking muffin?” Eunhyuk smiled.


“You idiot, that’s a blueberry one.” Donghae said as he turned away and shook his head.


“Sorry, you know I was just joking right?” Eunhyuk gave a nervous smile.

“Sure, sir.” The staff said. “So the blueberry muffin?”


“Yes, to go please.” Eunhyuk said.


Donghae laughed.


“What’s so funny?” Eunhyuk asked.


“Look who it is.” Donghae said as she pointed his direction on ____ & Dara who was sitting in the corner.


Donghae started to walk forward to _____ & Dara.


But Eunhyuk pulled him.


“What are you doing?” Eunhyuk asked.


“Sir, here’s your muffin.” The staff said.


“Oh, thanks.” Eunhyuk said as he gave the money out.


“Anyways, what do you think you’re doing Donghae?” Eunhyuk asked.


“Going over to them?” Donghae said.

“To do what?” Eunhyuk asked as he pulled out the muffin and eat it.


“Say hi to them, plus I need to talk to ____.” Donghae explained.


“Wait for the dance trials, she’ll be impressed. Let the girls chase you not vice versa.” Eunhyuk said.


“I don’t care, I’ll just say hi that’s all.” Donghae said as he walked to Dara & _____’s table.




“So this Je Young guy, you’re dating is in a band?” ____ said. “I guess that’s cool.”


“I know and-“


Dara stopped. “Um, ____?” Dara said.

“Yes?” _____ asked.

“I think someone wants you.” Dara said.


“Hi there.” Donghae said.



______’s POV


“Hi there.” A familiar voice said.


“Could it be?” I panicked.


That feeling came again.


I felt cold. My heart beats so fast. My lips are dry.


“Hi” Dara smiled.


I kept quite.

“____, I think it’s rude to not greet your friend here.” Dara said.

“I’m Dara, her best friend.” Dara greeted as she offered a hand.

“Donghae, ____’s classmate and good friend.” Donghae smiled as he reached and shake Dara’s hand.


“Good friend?” Dara said.


“Yes, we have same classes.” I replied.

“So, Donghae you and ____ are good friends?” Dara asked. Smiling.


“Yes” Donghae smiled.

“Aren’t we going to the salon now unni?” I asked.

“Well, it’s rude to just leave a friend of yours now.” Dara said. “You know what have a seat!”


My eyes widened.

“____, please move and let your friends sit.” Dara said.


“You know, were actually in a hurry.” Donghae said,


I widened my eyes. “Chinca?”


“Me and Eunhyuk have to go somewhere, anyways.” Donghae said,


“Yes” Eunhyuk agreed.


“Bye, nice to meet you Dara, see you at school _____.” Donghae smiled.


“You too.” Dara said as she waved goodbye.


I smiled at him,


He winked at me.




Did he just wink at me?


I can’t help but smile.


“So he’s the guy.” Dara murmured.


“What?’ ___ said. “Why would you think that?”


“Because you turned red when he talked to you and you smiled when he winked at you.” Dara explained.


Gosh, is Dara unni a weirdo or something. She knows everything!


“Anyways can we go to the mall now?” I asked.


“Yeah whatever, let’s go!” Dara answered.




“What’s up with that?’ Eunhyuk asked.


“What?” Donghae asked.


“A wink?” Eunhyuk said. “LAME”


“Yeah but she smiled, I saw it.” Donghae said. “If being lame can get her, then I’ll be the lamest person.”


“You know all you do is talk, but you don’t do the act.” Eunhyuk said,


“I’m just waiting for the moment, then if I got it, then it’s showtime.”




I know, boring? I'm warming up on the GOOD stuff. Anyways I still have that terrible writers block.


If you have ANY SUGGESTION, run it by me. Comments are very much welcomed.


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Update plssss
LuLuHim #2
Chapter 73: Update soon! :)
jenidragon #3
Author-nim please update soon!! *New subscriber, but I needed to catch up so it's now 4AM hahahahaha
Chapter 75: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa huhuhuhuhuuhu Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *cries*
MissTae #5
Chapter 75: Omg!!! One word: Troll!! Hahaha you totally got me!!!
At first I was like O.O
Then I was like -_-
Chapter 72: Oooohhh, someone is being a je~erk··· anyway, finnally reading this again.. :) i somehow forgot which chapter i stopped., but i read it from the start ㅋㅋㅋ
angel116 #7
Chapter 72: Update soon!!!
anggita #8
Chapter 72: :( so saaaaaad my donghae please wake up
meggie016 #9
Chapter 72: What happen to Kyu??? Is he the bad guy now?
Chapter 72: Let __ know tht Donghae is in coma , so tht Donghae can wake up faster^^^ update soon , author-nim~~