My Saviours

The Way You Look At Me


”You’ll see.”

Yookwon jumped and kicked the first man in the face, knocking him out.
“Aish! How dare you!” another large man ran to Yookwon and tackled him to the ground. As they were rumbling, Jaehyo just stood there, staring at you, sadness in his eyes. You stared back, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. Your eyes widened, seeing one of the men charging behind him. “OPPA!” you screamed, struggling to get up, but you fell back; you were so weak from the beating beforehand. Jaehyo quickly turned around and punched the guy in the stomach, causing him to stagger back in pain. The fight kept going, and you were struggling to keep your eyes open. You were so weak and tired. Suddenly, large, stubby hands picked you up from behind and dragged you away from the scene. “Yookwon?” you whispered, but you saw him and Jaehyo still where the fight was. You instantly turned around, flinching at the pain in your lower ribs. In front of your face was a sharp blade… Of a knife… You gasped. “N-no… you can’t do this…” you looked up at the man, who was smirking. “Help me, someone!” you screamed in fear. Jaehyo heard you and quickly ran from where the fight was towards you. “Stop! Or this chick will die!” the man threatened as he put the blade to your jaw line, tracing your jaw bone with the tip. Jaehyo immediately stopped. Yookwon, after knocking out the last man, looked up and stood there in fear. “Y-yah! Don’t you dare!” He started sprinting towards you. “I said stop! Or she’ll die!” The man threatened again. You whimpered at the cold blade resting against your cheek. Yookwon halted next to Jaehyo, shooting a worried glance at him. You looked up at them, praying the next minute will be fast and painless. “Let her go,” Jaehyo glared. The man just laughed, “What are you gonna do? I am the one with the knife!”. That was a fact, he was the only one. You closed your eyes, letting tears flow out silently. Jaehyo was in so much pain, physically and emotionally. He hated seeing you cry, it pained him inside. ‘You’ll be safe, I promise.’

“Yah, what do you want, why are you doing this? Look at this, just look. All your so called ‘friends’ are knocked out on the ground. Why are you so persistent? And now you have the guts to bring out a knife and threaten a young innocent girl’s life? With two witnesses? We know your face, you won’t get away with it anyway. Just leave before you cause any more trouble.”
The man just stood there. He worriedly glanced at you and then back up at Jaehyo. “D-don’t call the police, please, I-I didn’t want this to happen. It is all because of them, I never wanted to be like this. I just- please don’t turn me in!” The man cried, surprising all of you. “Go. Now. Before I kick your !” Yookwon stomped forward. The man ran away. Both of your saviours ran to you and Yookwon gently put you on his back. “Yah… Kenchana?”
You slowly nodded. But inside, your were dying slowly and painfully. You wanted Jaehyo to run and pick you up. To ask if you were okay so you had an excuse to cry in his arms. He was just slowly following slowly behind as you all went home.


You all got home, Yookwon let you off his back and put you on the couch, You were already fast asleep. He stared at you, sighed and looked up at Jaehyo. “Yah, do you know what she was saying when on my back? That only I could hear, while she was sleeping? ‘Oppa, I’m sorry. Oppa, I miss you. Oppa, thank you for saving me, but why was it Yookwon that picked me up, why not you? Oppa, why are you like this?’”

The last sentence struck Jaehyo. ‘Oppa, why are you like this?’ But he stayed calm. “Let time pass, she can’t get attached to me, you know that.”


Both of them left you on the couch. You didn’t hear anything that was previously said, and it was good that way. Yookwon went into his room and clenched a fist. “Who is this friend of hers? Who left her to be like this, to suffer this?!” He banged his fist on the door. Jaehyo was occupied in his room, so no one heard. “I can’t see you like this, ______, nor your brother. Your brother is going through a lot. I want the best for both of you. He’s like my brother, too. And you… You’re more than my little sister, I think, I think …..


I…. love you.”



Hey everyone! Sooooooo sorry for the late update! D: I was busy.... I hope this will make up for it... :)

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Chapter 55: wow~this story really made me cry....such an amazing story...i love it...keep it up author-nim...*thumbs up* (:
ChuRin #2
Chapter 55: You my friend should be banned for writing such good story... i have been glued to my phone reading this for the past 2 nights... ^^ soo good~ going to check your other stories too~ ^-^/
Did u make the main image?
Chapter 55: This is probably one of the best things I have ever read in my life. If you ever become a published author, I shall own all of your books. This gave me so many feels! ^^
Lamees #5
Chapter 53: I meant are*
Lamees #6
Chapter 53: You ate the most amazing writer i have read about ! Your fanfic is absolutely beautiful ! Its the first fanfic that made me cry and feel something ! Seriously i salute you for this gift of writing .. Please continue to write more
Would love to read more of your work !
Keep up the good work :*
I was crying when I read Jaehyo's letter T.T I'm not lying! This story was lovely and I am glad I got the chance to read it. Gomawo unnie for such a heartfelt story ^^ ~
Jaehyo was alive!! This story was so touching!! Great work!! You may have made me cry here and there but that's the beauty of it~~ :D one of the best block
B stories I have read! :)