The Way You Look At Me

Hi guys!

Wow! It's been over a year since I started this story.... Wow. I'd like to thank each and every one of you for subscribing and commenting, it really makes me happy! I reached over 200 subbies! Yay! But I have bad news regarding the sequel... I've decided... There won't be one. I HAVE REASONS THOUGH! You see, this story was written last year, and I was all excited for a sequel but then I sort of got lazy, and then I got writers block, and then I started a new story and THEN I wanted to do it after that but I had a new story and I honestly can't do two or more stories at once! I, sadly, have also lost all inspiration to do a sequel for this story... Even though I loved writing it! 

However, I will still continue to write fanfics. I also sadly discontinued my other story due to lack of motivation... But I have many new ideas for a new story. I'm working on it! I feel really bad for disappointing anyone, because I know what it feels like to be let down. I hope no one got too attached to this story though! I know there were some people a while back who personally requested me to make a sequel, and for bringing hopes up and then breaking them.... I am extremely sorry. I hold a lot of regret and I hope you all forgive me. 

If anyone was wondering, yes, I took a long break from writing stories because well, I lost motivation and I was.... lazy. I'm hoping to turn that around, though. I want to continue writing, so I hope you guys see more of me and my stories in the future! 

Once again, I am extremely sorry *90 degree bow* please forgive me for disappointing you.



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Chapter 55: wow~this story really made me cry....such an amazing story...i love it...keep it up author-nim...*thumbs up* (:
ChuRin #2
Chapter 55: You my friend should be banned for writing such good story... i have been glued to my phone reading this for the past 2 nights... ^^ soo good~ going to check your other stories too~ ^-^/
Did u make the main image?
Chapter 55: This is probably one of the best things I have ever read in my life. If you ever become a published author, I shall own all of your books. This gave me so many feels! ^^
Lamees #5
Chapter 53: I meant are*
Lamees #6
Chapter 53: You ate the most amazing writer i have read about ! Your fanfic is absolutely beautiful ! Its the first fanfic that made me cry and feel something ! Seriously i salute you for this gift of writing .. Please continue to write more
Would love to read more of your work !
Keep up the good work :*
I was crying when I read Jaehyo's letter T.T I'm not lying! This story was lovely and I am glad I got the chance to read it. Gomawo unnie for such a heartfelt story ^^ ~
Jaehyo was alive!! This story was so touching!! Great work!! You may have made me cry here and there but that's the beauty of it~~ :D one of the best block
B stories I have read! :)