
The Way You Look At Me On Rainy Days- BEAST

Sorry for another beast song, I'm a major fan :P keke

Yookwon arrived back at the apartment. Opening the door slowly, he looked around to make sure you weren’t in the living room. He had to hide the present. You weren’t in the living room so you must have been in your bedroom.. Sighing, he quietly walked to the hallway.

“Omo! ______?” he whispered to you. You didn’t respond. ‘Is she alright?’
He squinted to get a better view of your body leaning against the wall. ‘Why is she in front of Jaehyo’s room?’
He cringed at the thought of not seeing his best friend again. Shaking off the thought, he looked at you more closely. ‘Is she- unconscious?’
Yookwon sighed when he saw you move a bit to get into a more comfortable position.
Slowly opening the door to his bedroom, he put the present in his closet. Closing the closet door, he sighed. “Tomorrow, you’ll get this, ______-ah,”

He walked out of his room and carefully picked you up bridal style, so you wouldn’t wake up. You flinched a bit, but went back to deep sleep.Yookwon put you on your bed and laid the covers on you. ‘Sleep well, _____-ah. You’ll need all the rest you can,’

You woke up and rubbed your eyes. Looking around the room, you noticed you weren’t in the hallway anymore. You were in your bedroom.
“Why am I in here? How did I get here?” you mumbled as you slowly got out and fixed the bed cover. Stretching your arms, you walked out of your room yawning. Still half-awake, you went into the living room only to see Yookwon sleeping on the couch with the TV still on. You chuckled and turned the TV off. Getting a blanket from the linen cupboard, you put it over his sleeping figure. “Sleep well, oppa…”

You checked the clock. It was midnight.
“Mwoh? I slept for that long?” you gasped.
“What to do at this time? I can’t watch TV, I can’t clean up otherwise he’ll get up..”
Suprisingly, for two whole hours, you played games on your phone. It was quite fun, to be honest.
“No! I must not die on this level!” you yelped as you concentrated on the game. You were on your bed, the covers over you. But to your bad luck, you lost the level.
“Aish, stupid game!” you bitterly muttered as you put your phone on charge.
By being unoccupied, you had a feeling in your gut again. That eerie feeling had come back. But why now? How come it wasn’t there when you woke up?

You got out of your bed and went into the lounge room. You peeked at Yookwon; he was still sound asleep. Sighing you walked to the hallway. You reached the last door and a cold, empty feeling hit you.
“Should I go in?” you thought. Frustrated with yourself, you grabbed hold of the door knob.
“I’m going to do this. Nothing will happen. It’s just a look, it’s not like I’m going to trash the place.”
Slowly, you twisted the doorknob. You took a deep breath as you pushed the door open. You closed your eyes. You weren’t ready to see what was before your eyes even though you had no clue as to what the room looked like.

Finally, you pulled yourself together and took one last breath as you opened your eyes. You stood there, motionless. No words escaped your mouth. You looked around the room with your eyes, not moving your head at all. The room, it was empty. Except for a neatly covered plain bed and a study desk in the corner with nothing on it, the room was empty.
“It can’t be,” you whimpered as you ran into the room and frantically looked around. “It can’t be!”
You opened the closet door frantically and expected there to be clothes in there, but there was nothing.
Sure, when you go to stay at a friend’s house you take some of your stuff but not ALL of it. There was nothing in the room. You looked in the bedside table, there was nothing again.
You fell to the floor and started crying. You let out all your emotion. Sure, it was 2 in the morning but nothing mattered at that moment. Slumping your head down, you whimpered,

“He left me, again..”




 A/N: Hey everyone! I'm back with another update! Sorry, my updating hasn't been very paced and I don't think it will be for a while...  Sorry, but I will try to update as often as I can! How was this chapter?

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Chapter 55: wow~this story really made me cry....such an amazing story...i love it...keep it up author-nim...*thumbs up* (:
ChuRin #2
Chapter 55: You my friend should be banned for writing such good story... i have been glued to my phone reading this for the past 2 nights... ^^ soo good~ going to check your other stories too~ ^-^/
Did u make the main image?
Chapter 55: This is probably one of the best things I have ever read in my life. If you ever become a published author, I shall own all of your books. This gave me so many feels! ^^
Lamees #5
Chapter 53: I meant are*
Lamees #6
Chapter 53: You ate the most amazing writer i have read about ! Your fanfic is absolutely beautiful ! Its the first fanfic that made me cry and feel something ! Seriously i salute you for this gift of writing .. Please continue to write more
Would love to read more of your work !
Keep up the good work :*
I was crying when I read Jaehyo's letter T.T I'm not lying! This story was lovely and I am glad I got the chance to read it. Gomawo unnie for such a heartfelt story ^^ ~
Jaehyo was alive!! This story was so touching!! Great work!! You may have made me cry here and there but that's the beauty of it~~ :D one of the best block
B stories I have read! :)