C53: Mianhe


(Seungri's POV)


"How about this?" I asked Yuri as I went out of the dressing room.

"Hmm... No. The polo doesn't look good with those pants." She said. 

"Why? I like 'em.." The polo I tried on was a dark, long-sleeved denim paired with a lighter denim pants.

"I just don't like your top, oppa. Change it."

"But it looks good.."

"You're asking me for advice yet--"

"Okay fine. You pick one out then."

Yuri goes around the store looking for something while I stare at myself on the mirror. A minute later, Yuri comes beside me, holding up a navy blue polo matched with a black blazer.

"This again? I have several back at home, why would you want me to try on this coat?"

"I just want to see how it looks like with the top. You know how much I love seeing you in blazers."

I didn't argue. Its kind of my thing too. Everywhere I go, it'll always be blazers but I wanna try something different this time.

"Now?" I asked once more as I opened the curtains.

"Better! But you're right, lose the jacket." So I took it off.

"MUCH better!" I turn around, checking myself out at the mirror and saw how much it looked good on me.

"Oh wow." I say silently.

"Oh, don't style your hair, by the way. Just comb it, don't gel." Yuri adds.

"Don't worry, messy hair is kind of a trend to me right now." I say.

I went back in, changed back to my old clothes and bought the pants and the polo.

We drive back to my apartment, thinking that today was very tiring. I still needed some rest, first from all that traveling, secondly, the stress YG had given us, rather, me, and lastly, the show.

"Ya, I'm really thankful that you' were with me today or else, I won't be able to know what to wear for tomorrow's show."

"Its fine, oppa. I mean, you look good in whatever you wear." She explains as I sit down on the couch and Yuri resting her head on my lap. She gently pokes my nose and says, "I never knew you guys could get a show right away. Especially since its 'Strong Heart'."

"Well, its always been like that, moreso when we're busy. But since we paused for a moment, we made time for this." Its true. Before, we couldn't get into any show, no matter how bad we want. Its very rare for us to be together in one episode and today will be a first in a long time. Yuri nodded her head and held my right hand, locking her fingers to mine.

"What do you think Jiyong oppa is feeling right now?" She asks.

"Hyung? I don't know... But I do know that he's the type of person who gets nervous, just like all of us, but he knows the right words to say when time comes." I explain.

"Then what about Daesung?"

"Ahh, I doubt that he'll stay quiet. He's mostly the member who talks a lot. Announcing to Korea about his relationship with Dan will be hard but I believe that he'll feel really, really excited about it."

"That's good. Dan and Cielle won't have a problem then.... And... How about you?" 

"I kenw you'd ask that. But to answer your question, I am nervous. I don't know how the fans would react to it. I mean, even if before we announced the relationships in Danny From L.A. Daesung hyung already gave the public the news, that time when he proposed to Dan in Japan and that lead to the breaking of your leg. But anyway, I promised that that won't happen again. So, I'm setting my nervousness aside and decide that I'll be 100% open about it."

She smiles a little and decides to change the topic, asking, "What would you do if you lose your fans then?"

I thought about this for a minute. But then I realize, we never actually thought about it at all. Even when YG said that our fans would stay but I had doubts that they will.

"I... I don't know, honestly. I just wish that it'll turn out okay like what happened to Se7en hyung."

"Yeah, but the difference with you guys is that he kept it for YEARS. You're telling Lee Seung-Gi about this and the whole community of Korea. If the episode will be posted on youtube or anywhere else, then the whole world would know."

"The show is called 'Strong Heart' for a reason and I'm strong enough to tell them that I'm in a relationship with you, no matter how much they'd hate it. Its my life, I decide who to be with and what will happen."

"Can we go to Jiyong oppa's apartment? Meet up with Dan and the others? Cause I really want to know how things are going."

I then started to feel frantic about it. I wanted hyung's comfort as well so i agreed with Yuri.



Upon arriving the apartment, we could hear loud music coming from his room. Yuri looked at me, confused. To make things faster, I knocked at his door and Cielle opened it, with full. She swallowed hard and laughed then bowed, "Ahh, oppa. Annyeohaseo!" Then she greeted Yuri, helping her with her crutches.

"What are you guys doing?" Yuri asked.

"I told Fran on what's gonna happen..." Jiyong started.

"What's gonna happen?" I ask.

"We should wait for Dan and Daesung. They should really know about this too." Cielle added.

"Okay then. But, what were you guys doing?" Yuri asked again.

"Oh, we ordered a lot of food cause someone is being nervous about everything and we put on loud music to forget his worries for a while." Cielle said and sat down on Jiyong's lap, letting Jiyong feed her a sushi roll.

"Will TOP and Taeayang hyung come?" I ask and Jiyong nodded.

"Yuri-ah! Seugnri oppa, you want to eat?" Cielle asked but we both declined. I don't know why we were both feeling full and we don't have the appetite to eat. 

I sat down next to Yuri as she admired Jiyong hyung's apartment. It was definitely clearner than mine and absolutely bigger. Of course, everyone knew about the two rooms he has only for clothes which was off limits to most of us. 

"You and Jiyong are alike." Yuri whispers in my ear.

"How?" I reply.

"His place looks neat!"

"Oh! Haha! Well, I try my best to keep my place spit and polished." Later on, I hear Dan and Daesung knocking on the door. It was easy to tell since we could hear Dan yell a little.

"What took you guys so long?!" Cielle directed her question at Dan.

"ASK DAESUNG. HE KNOWS! OH WAIT, MAYBE HE DOESN'T" Dan shouted while walking towards us. 

"Why do you have to be so mad about it?!" Daesung hyung calmly answers back.

"Whoa wait," I say, standing up with both my hands in the air. Dan sat beside Yuri, taking my spot and I walked towards Daesung hyung.

"What happened?" I then asked Dan.

"Ask him." She says.

"What -- Dan, why do you have to be like this?!" 

"What? Be like what? Disappointed? Left out? Or maybe act all stupid?" The room immediately fell silent due to their fight and I had to back out as soon as Dan stood up, facing Daesung hyung.

"How did I become stupid?!" Daesung hyung exclaimed.

"At least think for once! How can you not even tell Lee Seung-Gi about our relationship yet you announce to EVERYONE who was in Ropponggi about how you wanted me to be your girlfriend!"

"Could you at least stop yelling??"

"Daesung! How can I not stop?? Knowing that my friends here are doing this just to save their relationship with the people around them and you stand there, telling me you want to back out of the show?!"

"Ya! Daesung-ah! What do you mean?!" Jiyong hyung quickly stood up, letting Cielle sit on his chair for a while.

"Hyung... I-I...."

"What is it? Why won't you tell Seung-Gi?"

"I just can't, hyung." His voice was trailing off, sounding like he had given up. He looked at everyone in the room, bowed down and left.

Dan suddenly bursts into tears and sat down on the floor, weeping. Yuri came to her side asking if she wanted some food to eat or water to drink. I could only watch...

When Dan was feeling a little okay, she started to talk. I don't think she intentionally wanted all of us to hear but we did.

"I'm not usually like this... But anyway.... I got mad at him because he's being such an idiot! I don't understand it at all. First he proposes to me in front of a hundred people then now he doesn't want to talk--"

"Is there a particular reason?" Yuri asks.

"I'm not sure. He didn't tell me exactly. But all I know is that he's afraid of the feedbacks he's gonna get."

"Wow, Daesung isn't usually like this." Jiyong hyung said.

"I mean, he's usually the most excited among us. Maybe something came-- Hey he texted." Jiyong's face became serious and read the message to us,



"Mianhe, hyung. I'm not going to the show with you tomorrow."



Jiyong hyung replied with just a simple , "Wae" but not reply was sent back.

"This is really weird." I say. 

"I... Uh better go. I'm sorry I disrupted." She got her things and left.

"I just don't unedrstand why Daesung is being like this." Cielle said.

"Nobody knows..."  I add.

"Or maybe someone does know. Maybe TOP oppa..." Yuri suggested.

"But.. They haven't been together in a while." Jiyong hyung says.

"You know what, just let him be. Maybe he'll tell us after the show or whatnot." Jiyong hyung suggested.





Hi! Haven't updated for quite a while. I have decided... I don't think I'll end this immediately. DD:

(No proof read)



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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
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Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
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Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
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Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
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Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
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Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe