C27: Spill (Daesung's POV)


I felt really bad for the both of them... And considering myself too. In all honesty, if Seungri didn't meet Yuri at all, we wouldn't be in this kind of situation. But I really thank him for letting me meet Dan; she's my pill -- always makes me feel better when I'm down. I can't deny that I like her but its just I can't have any commitments other than my promotions. My feelings are bottled up, waiting to explode and I can't take it anymore. I have to tell someone about this. I need TOP hyung. I tried calling him several times, wishing that he'd pick up his phone. The third time I tried, I finally got an answer.

TOP: "Daeungie, why are you calling at such a short notice?"
Me : "Hyung, I have a problem... Technically, the three of us..."
TOP: "Three of you as in You, Seungri and Jiyong?"
Me: "Ne."
TOP: "Wow, this sounds rather serious... Well then, what is it?"
Me: "Uhh.. How do I start??? Long story short........ We kinda have media issues..."
TOP: "Thats it?! You guys can handle that! We've been through this a lot, how can this be a problem?!"
Me: "Hyung, its not just an ordinary fuss... It involves... *gulps* girls..."
TOP: "Wae? Who are they?"
Me: "Remember the time when Seungri asked if it was ok to answer to fans via twitter?"
TOP: "Ne, what about that?"
Me: "He uhh... He actualley met her already... WE met her already..."
TOP: "Then its Seungri's problem. How did it become the problem of you three? Do you all like her?"
Me: "ANI, ANI, HYUNG. ANI. Lets just say she has friends... And they happen to like Big Bang... A LOT."
TOP: "Oh, this is a problem..."
Me: "Eotteoke, hyung?"
TOP: "Look, Daesung. We should talk about this some other time, I'm busy right now and this is gonna take a lot of time if we continue."
Me: "But hyung--"
TOP: "Daesung, I'll talk to you soon. Just... relax your mind for a moment. I have to go."
Me: "Hyu--" He hung up. What should I do now? I can't really tell Dan, it'll make me confess to her to. But, right now, she's the only person I could think of talking to and... I have to set things right even if I didn't come up with the problem.

It was 8 pm. I was hoping that if I call Dan right now, she'd still be awake. But, I can't tell her through the phone about what's happening so I'm asking her if she could just come here tomorrow or I'd go to them. "Oppa, you're welcome here..." I thought about it for a moment and realized that Yuri and Cielle was there so I asked politely if she could just go to my place. "Okay then. Is there anything special?" "Ani, I just want to talk to you..." After saying our goodbyes, I felt butterflies on my stomach and my head spinning. I already ate dinner so I didn't have to worry about that but I was worrying too much of how I'd confront Dan tomorrow. What if I did say everything but forgot to tell her to keep this from Cielle and Yuri for the meantime? Uh, too much thinking made me pass out on bed, waking up to the sun's light in the morning. I took a really long shower, got dressed for today and ate. I remembered that Dan was going here today so I had to make sure I know what words I have to say. Its going to be her first time here so I tidied up a bit. I texted her the address and after waiting for a few hours, she knocks at the door multiple times till I open it. "Sit wherever you want." 

Dan: "So.. oppa... What talk is this going to be?" I swallowed hard, clearing my head and just thinking about what to tell her.
Me: "Dan... If I tell you, can you promise me something first?"
Dan: "It has to depend on the topic but... okay."
Me: "Last night... Seungri and Jiyong hyung fought."
Dan: "Then what does it have to do with me promising?"
Me: "Just hear me out..." I told her every single thing that happened last night but left out a few things...
Dan: "There's something else you want to tell me?" I could now see the hurt in her eyes, what more if I told her my side? But, here goes nothing.
Me:" Yes, Dan. What I'm about to say... I hope this doesn't change a thing..."
Dan: "I'm listening..."
Me: "Dan... In between Seungri and Jiyong hyung's conversations, I might have said somehing..."
Dan: "What?"
Me: "I..."
Dan: "Just spill it out, Daesung."
Me: "I said that I like you and............ but........... I can't be with you.......... yet." Her face froze, making her look straight forward.
Me: "Dan, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for constantly giving you false hopes--"
Dan: "What do you mean you can't be with me?! Having a celebrity to like me is already enough. I have never thought you'd even think of being together." She didn't even noticed that I said the word 'yet' which means there are possibilities that might end up together.
Me: "You're not mad?"
Dan: "I'm kind of disappoint because I did somehow think and hoped that we'd be together but my point is, I'd never thought we'd, or you'd come this far." I feel like an idiot... I confessed! To her! My hands covered my face and I started to tear up but at the same time, laughing. 
Dan: "Why are you laughing?"
Me: "Because I confessed to you and I thought you'd be mad at me but you're not and I thought everything would come to an end oh my gosh."
Dan: "Well, that's how it is. I'm glad you told me though and since we're confessing I think I like you too."
Me: Its pretty obvious, you really didn't have to tell me."
Dan: "Hahaha, but seriously though. I don't have hard feelings about your statement."
Me: "You don't?"
Dan: "I don't. All I'm worried about is how Cielle and Yuri are going to handle this."
Me: "You're not going to tell them, are you?!"
Dan: "I might. Why, I can't tell them?"
Me: "I'm not sure... But for now, can we keep this to ourselves first and wait for Seungri and Jiyong to talk to them?"
Dan: "That would be better. Man, I never thought you'd guys would do be so..." I looked at her, waiting for her to say the next word.
Me: "'So' what?"
Dan: "Well... So... Indecisive?"
Me: "Ah. Well... It is something. I'm trying my best to make decisions, especially now. I don't know about the two of them. For all I know, Seungri has strong feelings for Yuri and Jiyong is just afraid of admitting to Cielle that he has too."

Our conversations went on and on for hours, as if we couldn't stop talking. Its past 4 o'clock now and Dan said she'd go out with Cielle and Yuri to somewhere. She didn't tell me but I let her be. When she left, I finally felt like the weight on my shoulders are gone. Its not everyday that I get to confess to a girl and get in the middle of fights, especially to two of the closest people to me. This is all so new and its really hard to adjust but I'm getting used to it. I have to. There's nothing else I could do but just move on.

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
sunset812 #3
Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
sunset812 #4
Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
sunset812 #5
Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
sunset812 #8
Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
sunset812 #10
Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe