C28: Break down (Seungri's POV)


Everything was falling out of place now. I'm going back to Korea in porbably more or less than a week and I won't be able to see Yuri in, well, I don't know. I locked myself inside my room for almost the whole day and never even thought of going out. I really did got pissed at hyung. Its my life. I know he's older than me and he's our leader and all but its really just annoying that he's being controlling. I know that he's just taking care of us but sometimes, its getting a little over board. Gradually thinking about what happened, Yuri crossed my mind. I decided to tell her everything -- I don't want to keep things from her especially now that I'm going to leave. It'll be too much for the both of us to handle and I don't want to lose our relationship. 

I decided to go to her apartment, not giving any notice to hyung. Leaving, I saw him in his room, lying down, I guess he was sleeping. Nevertheless, I still went on. As I came across Yuri's door, she oepend it.

Yuri: "Oh, Seungri. You're here. Why is that?"
Me: "I ummm, wanted to talk to you."
Yuri: "About? Wait, I'm just gonna go and throw this downstairs. Walk with me?"
Me: "Sure."
Yuri: "You can go talk now, I'm listening."
Me: "H-How are you?" I'm shaking.
Yuri: "I'm... doing fine? How about you?"
Me: "Same, same." We make our way downstairs and I helped her throw the trashbags. 
Yuri: "Seungri, I don't think I'm getting your point. What do you want to talk to me about?"
Me: "I think it would be best if I tell you in your apartment..." Walking back, she told me how much she had fun during our stay in Wakayama and how her parents still didn't find out about it. 
Me: "When will plan to tell them?"
Yuri: "Maybe never. As long as they don't see my sprained ankle, then its fine." She giggled. Everything just feels better when she's around.As we arrive in her home, Cielle and Dan were sitting on the couch, minding their own business as they hold on to their gadgets.

Yuri: "So, oppa, what did you want to talk about?" I was hesitant to tell her so I formally asked her if we could talk inside her room. "Why not here?"
Me: "Please, Yuri? Its something important and I don't think they have to know yet..." I was whispering so they don't hear. I hoped that Cielle and Dan won't think anything malicious once we entered. Yuri sat on her bed, tapping her hand on the sheets, asking me to join her. I sat down, forming my legs into an indain seat and she did the same, facing me. 
Yuri: "Okay, now that we're here, tell me." I can tell that she's eager, I'm beginning to feel the same way too. I took a deep breath and started.
Me: "Yuri, what I'm about to tell you... Just promise me first that whatever happens to me or you or to the both of us or whatever I say doesn't change a thing."
Yuri: "I promise." I can feel the sincerity in her voice, making me feel warm inside.
Me: "Me and hyung fought last night and it was terrible. I mean, it was a verbal fight..."
Yuri: "Why? What about?"
Me: "You three..."
Yuri: "What? What about us?"
Me: "Uh.... hyung... is... as you know... hard working and dedicated. Daesung and I are just the same but he is older than us so it makes him a big brother while TOP and Taeyang hyung aren't around..."
Yuri: "Okay..."
Me: "What I'm trying to say is that... He's worried that something bad might happen... He's afraid that Hang Yun Suk might find out about this."
Yuri: "What 'this'?" I showed her the pictures on my phone. People were stalking us, taking multiple shots of what we were doing from the first time we met till the day I set foot on her doorstep. The corner of her eyes began to curve, covering in shock. 
Me: "You're tearing up..." I gave her the hankerchief inside my pocket but declined my hand, pushing it slowly away from her.
Yuri: "I-I... only saw these now."
Me: "Why? Weren't you checking your twitter?"
Yuri: "I don't anymore, now that you know, we're friends."
Me: "Yeahhh, about that. That's another reason why I wanna talk to you." She gave me back my phone and leaned her back on the bed's header, lifting her legs up to her chest, hugging them.
Me: "The root of me and hyung's argument last night as actually about this. He told me that its going to become a huge distraction if I keep on doing this."
Yuri: "What exactly is this?"
Me: "Keep seeing you..." She became quiet, resting her chin on her knees.
Me: "Hyung said that I should stop seeing you for a moment, for our career's sake."
Yuri: "I understand, Seungri. If its for the betterment of your career, then I should back off."
Me: "No, I don't want you to. I don't want to lose my friendship over this."
Yuri: "But oppa, we're just friends. We could catch up anytime we can."
Me: "And another thing... I'm going back to Korea in a few days."
Yuri: "Like I said, I undestand completely. Its your job and I don't want to interfere. If Jiyong oppa suggested this, then you should follow him."
Me: "Yuri, that's the thing. I don't want to."
Yuri: "Where is this going...?"
Me: "Yuri, I'm afraid that one day if I leave you here in Japan just as my friend, I won't be able to become determined to talk to you anymore..." She sat still, lifting her head, her eyes focusing on me.
Me: "Yuri, (I can't believe I'm saying this) I-I....I... want you to be my..."
Yuri: "Your what?"
Me: "M-my girlfriend..." I covered my face with both of my hands as I uttered those words. She wasn't responding to what I said, so I peeked through my fingers. She was just staring at me.
Yuri: "Oppa... C-could you repeat what you just said?"
Me: "Kim Yuri," I held her hand this time. "I want you to be my girlfriend." Still staring at me.
Yuri: "Oppa... I don't think I can--"
Me: "I believe its not a choice." She smiled widely, making her cheeks turn so pink. She then held my hand tightly and I smiled back. I hugged her, making her feel that everything is going to be alright. I felt her breath trickling my neck and said, "oppa, what about Jiyong oppa and Cielle? And Dan and Daesung oppa?" I pulled myself away from her.
Me: "This is the next topic. You have to promise me that you have to wait for Jiyong to tell Cielle about what's happening to him."
Yuri: "I will. What is it?"
Me: "Hyung is confused. At one point he said he wants Cielle, even made out with her and then the next time, he said he couldn't. He feels like I'm forcing him into this and its like he's just doing those things to Cielle to flatter himself, giving her false hopes."
Yuri: "Wae?! But it looked obvious that he likes her, why does he suddenly want to turn around as if nothing happened?"
Me: "I told you. He's afraid that he might not manage his time anymore. And frankly, afraid that Yang Hyun Suk might find out. He doesn't know what kind of consequences there are but he knows it exists. That's why for the meantime... Its hurts for me to say this and for someone else to listen to it but, hyung wants to let go of Cielle, just for the meantime."
Yuri: "What do you me--" Suddenly, I heard someone sob outside Yuri's door followed by footsteps leading to the other room. It was easy to hear since Yuri's bathroom is connected to Dan and Cielle's room, giving them permission to go to Yuri's room through the bathroom.



Yuri turned to me with her eyes wide open. "Oh no."

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
sunset812 #3
Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
sunset812 #4
Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
sunset812 #5
Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
sunset812 #8
Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
sunset812 #10
Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe