C29: Beginning



I clenched my teeth when I heard someone running towards the other room, assuming that it was Cielle. Its got to be her. We weren't talking about Daesung and Dan but Jiyong. I looked at Seungri with my eyes wide open and said, "Oh no." I told Seungri to stay in the room for awhile and quickly got out of bed, went straight outside to our living room. "Where's Cielle?" Dan was looking at me and said she ran to their room. I knocked, slowly opening the door and saw Cielle lying face down on the bed. Her shoulders were shaking and she had a hard time breathing. 

Me: "Cielle?" She wasn't responding.
Me: "Cielle? Hey, Cielle?" I sat down beside her, patting her back gently.
Cielle: "Was that -- Everything Seungri said..." She wiped her eyes, breathed in and out so she could talk properly.
Cielle: "Was it all true?" I had a hard time letting her know what's happening, heck, I don't even know if Dan knows about this but I called her anyway so I could talk to the both of them, leaving Seungri in my room.
Me: "Look, guys. As much as I don't want to believe it, I don't think Seungri is telling a lie. Both of them aren't sure of... their.... feelings?"
Dan: "Can I just say something? Yesterday, when Daesung invited me to his place.. He kinda... confessed."
Me: "Confessed what?!" Me and Cielle were focused on what Dan has to say.
Dan: "Well, I think I'm the first person to know about all this but he asked me if I could just keep quiet about it. And after the talk, he said he likes me but he can't be in a relationship."
Me: "Then? What did you say?"
Dan: "I said that liking me is almost enough since he's a celebrity. A shot like this, it can't possibly happen again. Though I did hear him say 'yet'."
Cielle: "This is practically unfair. How come I'm the last person to know?! I'm so clueless!"

Seungri butted in, the door slightly opened with him leaning against it.

Seungri: "Hyung is really like that. Don't get me wrong, he likes you. He's just not the type of person to be with right now."
Cielle: "Then why did he do that to me? Making me believe that he's falling for me too and then the next day he wants no part of my life?"
Me: "Just, think of it this way... Maybe he's trying to find for the right moment to tell you all this. Maybe he stopped himself right now so that he won't hurt you any longer." She didn't say anything. 
Seungri: "I couldn't tell you because it wasn't my duty, it was hyung's."
Cielle: "I understand, Seungri. If he doesn't want to talk to me, I'll be more ignorant than him."
Dan: "We'll just have to wait and see..."
Cielle: "I'm going to sleep this off. He's been such a pain and its frustrating me."
Seungri: "Oh, uh, okay. Good night, Cielle. Good night, Dan. Thanks." He went out and Dan fixed herself in the bathroom, Cielle readied for bed. Before I went out, I hugged Cielle and said, "Cielle, if only I found out sooner... It'll be alright, this just needs time." And I went out. 

On the other hand, Seungri was waiting for me outside but he was also ready to leave. He stood up from the sofa and held both of my hands.

Seungri: "I'm sorry if things ended up like this."
Me: "I'm sorry too. For suddenly appearing in your lives."
Seungri: "No, don't mean it like that. I'm glad that I met you, and Cielle and Dan, but let me handle this for now and hyung will take care of the rest."
Me: "What will you do?"
Seungri: "Nothing. He'll realize it anyway. Its G-Dragon, he knows what he's doing... I think." I too had seconds thoughts about what he said but he is the one and only G-Dragon.
Me: "I know he can handle this... I hope he can." 
Seungri: "By the way, thank you."
Me: "For what?"
Seungri: "For this." He leaned in to kiss me. It was tender and his soft lips pursed against mine. The kiss gave me shivers so I let go and hugged him tight with my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist. "You're welcome, oppa." The hug lasted long and it seemed like I didn't want to let go. I just wanted to hug him forever. "Take care when you go home, please." "I will, don't worry..." He burried his face in my neck and silently said, "Saranghae, Yuri." My heart raced but I don't want to be rude so I said, "Nado, saranghae, oppa." Pulling me away, he slowly walked towards the door and within a few seconds, he was gone.

I sat down on the couch, processing the moment. I couldn't believe everything that happened today; it just wasn't syncing in yet. I did notice how today was a lot of first times -- it was the first time Seungri ever said 'Saranghae' to me, the first time he hugged me so tight, the first time he kissed me on my lips and more importantly, the first time anyone had ever made an impact on me (specifically a guy and its him). I checked in Dan and Cielle's room and saw her sleeping but her eyes were swollen. I went straight to my room and without any notice, I too fell asleep.



Its been days now since me and Yuri are together and I'm constantly going out with her. Hyung didn't mind at first but once it became redundant, he had the urge to ask where I was going. I couldn't resist not telling him and I don't think he's still furious with me but if I tell him the truth, I'm sure it'll set things right.

Me: "I'm going to Yuri's."
Jiyong: "What? I thought I told you not to see her anymore? How long have you been seeing her?"
Me: "4 days now since..."
Jiyong: "Since what?"
Me: "Since the night Daesung was here."
Jiyong: "I always thought you had work to do. You never even bothered to tell me?"
Me: "You wouldn't understand, hyung. Especially now."
Jiyong: "What do you mean I won't understand? I understand completely, Seungri."
Me: "I don't think you will. I'm going."
Jiyong: "Why are you being like this, Seungri-ah?! You have to stay here. I'm telling you, stop seeing her!"
Me: "I'm afraid I can't do that, hyung. Mianheyo."
Jiyong: "And why is that?!" He was getting mad but i really have to tell him. Without thinking, I said,
Me: "Because, Yuri is my girlfriend." He didn't say anything but he chuckled, like he didn't want to believe me. "I'm telling the truth. If you don't want to believe it, suit yourself." I paused for a while, looking at his face. His expression became denial but before he could even speak, I left.




I couldn't believe what I heard. Seungri didn't tell me the first time he saw me in this apartment after the night of our argument. I got frantic with him but I still had doubts if it was true. I texted Fran and asked if Yuri was home. She replied with a simple 'no' making it sound so cold. I asked if Dan was home and replied the same thing. Daesung and Seungri!! I know they're up to something and I'm going to find out about this. I can't help but go to Cielle's apartment thinking that today might be the chance I tell her everything I've been bottling in. I didn't ask if I could go to her place but I insisted that I can. She opened the door once I knocked and her face had a blank expression but her eyes gave me a piercing stare. 

Me: "May I come in?"
Cielle: "Yeah." She doesn't seem alright... Entering her house doesn't seem right as well. It felt rather gloomy.
Cielle: "Why'd you come to visit?"
Me: "I just wanted to. Its been a while, hasn't it?"
Cielle: "Can you not play games with me anymore?" I was surprised at what she said.
Me: "What? What games? Fran, I'm not playing."
Cielle: "Right." Maybe she knows... But how?! I couldn't think of anyone else who could've told but Seungri.
Me: "What did you find out?" She sat on the sofa and I sat opposite to her.
Cielle: "Find out? What are you talking about?"
Me: "I know you know something."
Cielle: "Then what do you know?"
Me: "Fran, why are you being so cold?"
Cielle: "I'm being so cold? At what point?"
Me: "Right now. Just tell me."
Cielle: "Why would I tell you? Its suppose to be the other way around."
Me: "Did Seungri had anything to do with this?"
Cielle: "Why are you bringing Seungri up in this conversation?"
Me: "Because there's no other way I could see a source."
Cielle: "But that's not the point."
Me: "Fran, I wanted to tell you. I really did. But I'm afraid that I might hurt you--" I injected it so it could be over with.
Cielle: "Afraid?! You already did! And whats worse is that you kept it from me."
Me: "But, Fran, I don't want to say this but, we're not even together for you to get mad like this."
Cielle: "I know we're not but you made me feel like we are! And then you're going to turn your back as if you did nothing to me? Don't you know how hurt I was when Seungri told me? You didn't even bother checking up on me! How dare you?!" She was holding back her tears but her voice made everything sound so frightening.
Me: "Fran, I'm sorry--"
Cielle: "Sorry doesn't change a thing right now. It would have if you told me earlier but no, you had to wait for how many days till you find the guts to talk to me. You could've at least said so yourself instead of letting Seungri explain everything!"
Me: "I didn't let him explain! He told you himself without my consent! How was I suppose to know? The kid wasn't even talking to me! And I only found that that Yuri and him are together just before I came here!"
Cielle: "Don't blame Seungri. It was your responsibility to tell me but he felt more sorry for me than you were and he gave me an explanation. How come you couldn't?! The legendary G-Dragon can't even give me a clarification!"
Me: "How come you expect me to do extraordinary things?! I'm still a normal person, Fran and its hard for me too!"
Cielle: "Because I know you could handle these things yet you cowardly back out without even giving me notice?! Did you know how clueless I was?! Everybody knew except for me. I thought out of all people, I would hear it from you but no."
Me: "Its hard for me to handle these things because of the schedules I'm given! I wouldn't have time for you anymore, even if I did want you to be a part of my life! And by the way, what did Seungri tell you the first time we met? When he talked to you outside of the car?"
Ceille: "You really want to know? Fine. He told me to be careful. I don't know what he meant by that but I'm sure its what's happening right now."
She bowed her head and covered her face. That was it? He told Fran to be careful?
Me: "I don't understand... You've always been careful..."
Cielle: "That's the whole point. I was. The mere fact that I wasn't doing anything and yet I became the victim."
Me: "Fran--" I started to plead for her to listen.
Cielle: "Can you please, go? Just tell me when you're ready... Because its certainly not today." My head started to ache and without looking back, I left. I didn't want to disappoint her more if I said something so I left. I didn't slam the door or anything and I didn't want to make her feel more bad. 

When I got home, Seungri wasn't still there. I started to tear up and anger started to fill my eyes with rage. I threw the first thing I saw which was a vase. Everything was falling a part. I'm becoming confused. I went straight to my room and messed up the blankets and sheets,. My hands formed into a fist and as hard as I can, I punched the wall, making my hands bleed and ache. I've never felt this way before and its making my stomach whirl. I've never felt this way before; I've never felt so torn and hurt at the same time. I sat down on the floor, thinking of all the days I've seen Fran from the beginning till today.

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
sunset812 #3
Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
sunset812 #4
Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
sunset812 #5
Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
sunset812 #8
Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
sunset812 #10
Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe