C39: End Game (Part 2)



The morning was unsual. Like the air was heavy and I felt weary despite the long hours of my sleep. My usual routine in the morning was first check my phone for any messages from Yuri. It was very strange to find none. Not a missed call nor a message. Worried on what could have happened, I called her. It rang multiple times but there was no answer. I called again until I left about 10 missed calls. I waited patiently, sitting on my bed, thinking of possibilites on why she's was not answering. 

Before I could dial her number again, Taeyang hyung called. 

Taeyang: "Seungri-ah!"
Me: "Hyung! What's up?"
Taeyang: "Come down here at headquarters."
Me: "Wae?"
Taeyang: "I'll help you with your album, remember?? We talked about this."
Me: "Ahh yes of course, I forgot about that. Yeah okay, I'll be there after lunch."
Taeyang: "Bring me some food too!"
Me: "I'll take care of it."

Right after he hung up, I tried to call Cielle and Dan. Neither picked their phones up. Now I was beginning to panic. I tried to call Yuri's phone once more and still, no answer. I gave up, just for today, and prepped up for a meal. Wearing just a simple white shirt, blazer and pants (just like the first time me and Yuri went out), I decided to eat somewhere classy. I felt really alone. At usual times when I eat, she's always on the other line, talking to me, making me feel like she was with me the whole time. Now it seemed different so instead of talking to her, I opened my phone and made her picture my screensaver. At least I felt a little at ease just by looking at it. I ordered a medium rare filet mignon, just the way I liked it with a side of vegetables and sauce. 

It was good, but it would have been better if I heard her voice. Everything just felt wrong. 

Is she cheating on me?? Maybe she told Cielle and Dan not to answer too so i won't suspect anything! I wonder who the guy could be. I mean, why would she even have anyone else?! I'm a celebrity, there's no one else that could top that. I'm handsome... I'm charismatic... I can even make her... Smile.

Aiiiiiiiiiish! So many thoughts are going through my head. Maybe she's just tired to talk. This whole time I was sitting, I didn't realize that I was almost late to meet up with hyung. So, along the way, I bought him some kimbap, where he usually buys them and of course, TOP hyung's sweet, guilty pleasure. His ice cream. 

Entering YGE was like a second home to me and I felt safe whenever I'm there. Going up to the studio, hyung was waiting for me. "Seungri-ah! Where have you been? Oh, is that for me?" He asked. "Ne, hyung. I bought TOP's hyung's ice cream too. Where is he?" "In the stuido. Oh, before we begin, there's someone else waiting for you inside." Who could it be? I brisk walked to the studio and when I opened the door, Goo Hara was there, my childhood friend back at Gwangju. We used to be classmates at a dance school and school mates with Minzy. "Seungri oppa!!!" She said, with her arms wide open. I hugged her back and said, "What brings you here???" "Taeyang oppa personally asked me to collaborate with you. Of course, I couldn't say no to an old friend." I chuckled. "I really didn't plan on this--" "Just thank him, Seungri. I'm gonna be a big help with this album and you really don't have to worry." She sat back down and I sat beside her. "So, Hara, how are you? Its been a while, huh? Oh and I'm sorry I didn't bring extra. I didn't know you'd be here." Almost forgetting, i handed TOP hyung his ice cream before it could melt. "Gomawo, Seungri-ah." I nodded and turned my gaze back at Hara's. "I'm doing fine and its alright. We've been busy and today was the only free time I had to help. Its ironic how I'm free and yet still work." I laughed a bit. She really is this type of person who'd just turn my mood from negative to positive. Momentarily, my phone beeped. I recied two messages from CIelle and Dan...

After a few catch ups and remarks, we started to record and my gosh, Hara's voice was stunning. Well, what can I say? People from Gwangju had a lot to bring. (Yep, I'm talking about me)



Back at their homes, they were messaging each other but this time, Yuri wasn't included.

Cielle: "Dan, I'm scared."
Dan: "Why? There's nothing to be worried about."
Cielle: "Yes there is. Look at what happened to Yuri. You'll never know, we could be next."
Dan: "I know but I'm not trying my best to think that we are but right now I feel like we just have to take care of her."
Cielle: "Yeah but I'm also really worried about Seungri. He called me, by the way."
Dan: "He called me too! Did you answer? What did he say?"
Cielle: "I didn't. I don't think I'd be able to know what to say if I did. Why? Did you?"
Dan: "Nope. Not as well. But.. I'm sure he's getting worried as well. I think he's used to talking to Yuri like every single time."
Cielle: "I know!!! Do you think we should leave a message just in case?"
Dan: "What will we say?"
Cielle: "How about tell him that we're sorry for not picking up... Cause we have a huge project ot work on... And Yuri's really tired so she needed to sleep early."
Dan: "Yeah I guess that would work."
Cielle: "Do you think he' thought of Yuri cheating on him?"
Dan: "Possibly. I mean, it's Seungri. How could he not think of it?"
Cielle: "Good point. Okay, my message was sent."
Dan: "Mine as well. Hey, I gotta sleep. I have to sync everything for a moment."
Cielle: "Okay, goodnight."
Dan: "Night."

Dan went straight to bed after he conversation with Cielle ended. On the other hand, Cielle was wide awake, not being able to sleep. And of course, out of boredom, she logged in to her twitter account. "Hmm, its been a while since I've opened this." Noticing that her mention was flooded and so with her DM (Direct Message [private message]), she checked one by one. Her hands began to shake not only from the chilly night but with what she had read. 




And it went on and on. Still nervously shaking out of rage, anger, annoyance and slightly afraid, she came a cross a three part message all anonymous. (She/he was the only person smart enough to go anon. She checked the profile and it had no information since the only person she followed was Cielle, no picture, no followers, no nothing. And her username [can't identify])

"You don't have to know me. What I'm about to say is a serious matter and if you don't read carefully, there will be people that'll get hurt." <-- Part 1

"I'm sure one of you already has and if you don't follow these 2 simple rules I'm about to give you, I assure you, you or Dan will be next." <--- Part 2

"1. Stay away from them (you do know who I'm talking about) and 2. If you don't, you better be careful. I know exactly where you are." <--- Part 3

Cielle's body almost felt so lousy that she dropped her phone on the bed, safely landing on a pillow. Instead of feeling scared, she felt really angry and wanted to rebel more against the rules. " that." Hurridly, she called Jiyong.

Jiyong: "Yeoboseyo?"
Cielle: "I'm gonna send you a message. Read it at once."
Jiyong: "Can't you just tell me?"
Cielle: "No."

She hung up and copy pasted everything that stupid death threat contained. Jiyong called minutes later.

Jiyong: "What the hell is this?"
Cielle: "A death threat. It was sent in my twitter through DM."
Jiyong: "When?"
Cielle: "I read it just now."
Jiyong: "Wait, Fran. You mean to tell me... YURI GOT HURT?!" Her eyes widened and forgt that it was suppose to be kept secret. She face palmed herself and decided to just tell him the truth.
Jiyong: "Fran?!"
Cielle :"Yes, she did..." Cielle told him the entire story and once she was done...
Jiyong: "And now this was sent right after her accident?"
Cielle: "Yes. Oppa, please don't tell Daesung!!!! Let Dan tell him!"
Jiyong: "I won't--"
Cielle: 'Especially Seungri."
Jiyong: "Why would you want me to keep this from him? He has to know!"
Cielle: "Yeah but--"
Jiyong: "But what? If I had an accident, would you want the guys and your friends want to keep it from you?!"
Cielle: "We just don't want him to get worried."
Jiyong: "But he'll get hurt more if he knew this last!"
Cielle: "Why are you getting mad?! Then tell him, goddamit!"
Jiyong: "BECAUSE! I'm not there with you and you don't know how much its killing me to be away from you, not being able to see you and protect you from these kinds of ! So don't tell me not to get mad when being worried is all that I can do!"

Jiyong hung up on Cielle and Cielle just started to burst out in tears. She knew that Jiyong had a point but she also felt mad that he didn't give her a chance to talk. Right now, the question is, who would talk to who first?

In other serious matters, Dan was also giving Daesung a small sermon.


No proof read so im sorry for grammatical and typographical errors D:
Oh, and I hope you get the meaning of this picture on this chapter D:

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
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Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
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Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
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Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
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Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
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Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe