C40: End Game (Part 3)


So, more on conversations on this chapter. 




Dan's conversational sermon with Daesung wasn't escalating as it was with Cielle.

Dan: "Oppa... I have to tell you something."
Daesung: "Does this concern another guy?"
Dan: "What-- No!"
Daesung: "Then why do you sound so serious, baby?"
Dan: "Because it is a serious matter."
Daesung: "Okay, what is it, baby?"
Dan: "Well, earlier today... Uh..."
Daesung: "Uhhh....."
Dan: "I really don't know how to tell you..."
Daesung: "Sure you can!"
Dan: "Okay fine. Yuri got into a car accident--"
Dan: "Babe, please just listen first! I'll tell you, just wait!"
Daesung: *clears throat* "Oh yeah sure okay.."
Dan: "But to answer your questions, yes I was with her (and Cielle) and no I'm not hurt.
Daesung: "Then what happened to Yuri?"
Dan: "We left her in the car while buying drinks from the mini mart then all of the sudden we saw a car crash right into ours. Then.."
Daesung: "What? Then what?"
Dan: "Then Yuri got hurt. Her knees were up, trying to protect her upper body, pushing the sit in front of her. Her head swung from the window to the headrest and the impact gave her a concussion and a broken left leg."
Daesung: "Did you see the car??"
Dan: "No. that's the problem."
Daesung: "Then how would--"
Dan: "Hold on, Cielle's calling. I'll call you back."
Daesung: "But--"
Dan: "I'll call you back!"

As Dan answered, she heard Cielle crying. "What happened?!" She asked. "Jiyong, that bastard, hung up on me!!!" "What were you guys talking about and he hung up on you?!" Cielle told every Dan every detail of their conversation and right after their talk, Dan logged into her twitter.

Seeing that her mentions weren't as flooded as Cielle, there were multiple threats; just the same as Cielle's. Out of curiosity, she checked her DM as well and saw a 2 part message.

"You're friend didn't read and understand the rules carefully. I'm happy to tell you that it has been changed." <--- Part 1

"1. Wait. and  2  See." <--- Part 2

Dan called Cielle right away without any second thoughts. "SHE MESSAGED ME AS WELL." She said, with a panting voice. "What did she say?! And... Why do you sound so tired? Did you jog?" Cielle asked. "No. I don't know why but I just felt nervous. I don't know what she meant by 'wait and see'." Dan said.
"Wait, what did the message say?" Cielle asked again. "She said, 'You're friend didn't and understand the rules carefully. I'm happy to tell you that it has been changed. 1. Wait and 2. See' Wait for what?! See what?!" Dan said apprently panicking. "Well, this time there are no rules because that's what we're basically doing. Go talk to Daesung first. I have to deal with gae sae ki." Cielle replied. "Alright."

Dan called Daesung as promised.

Daesung: "Baby?! Oh thank goodness you called back. I thought you wouldn't."
Dan: "Of course I'm gonna call back. I don't want to leave you hanging."
Daesung: "Good. Okay, so, what did Cielle say?"
Dan: "Jiyong oppa and her got into a fight and..."
Daesung: "And?? Babe, can you not always pause when you're going to say something because it really gives me the chills."
Dan: "Sorry... Okay, I recieved a message too."
Daesung: "What did it say?"
Dan: "It said that Cielle didn't read and understand the rules ccarefully so we have to wait and see."
Daesung: "What does that mean?"
Dan: "I don't know but I hope it doesn't involved injuries anymore."
Daesung: "I hope so too. If anything happens, even a slight threat or cut from you, tell me right away."
Dan: "I will. You don't have to worry."
Daesung: "You promise?"
Dan: "I promise."
Daesung: "I trust you, babe. Please just take extra care of yourself."
Dan: "I told you, you don't have to worry. It's going to be alright."

The conversation ended there, making Dan feel relaxed and get ready for bed. She just had to wait and see.


But the one thing she didn't tell Daesung was to keept his from Seungri for a while.




"Thanks, Hara! I appreciate it. I'll see you... When?" I asked. "More likely next week. I have to set a schedule. And, its not a problem. I told you, I was a big help." She smiled. I hugged her and waved good bye. "Well, the track sounds nice." Taeyang hyung said. "Yeah, sure does. Hyung, I'm going home now. I'm really tired." "Yeah okay. See you tomorrow, Seungri." TOP hyung left just before Hara did and now, it was time for me to leave as well.


I took off my shirt to slip into my sleep wear, changed my pants to boxers, didn't bother to eat dinner and just lay on my bed. I was still worried and really frustrated. "Aish! What's happening to her?! What's happening to me?" Its driving me crazy! I pulled out my phone and started dialing her number. No answer. This was hopeless. She's not answering my calls. I placed it beside me and just a few seconds later, Daesung hyung was calling.

Me: "Yeoboseyo?
Daesung: "Seungri!!!!!!!!! How are you holding it in???"
Me: "Huh?"
Daesung: "You know, about Yuri?"
Me: "You talked to her?! When?!" I jumped out of my bed really surprised.
Daesung: "I didn't--"
Me: "What do you mean holding it in? Why?"
Daesung: "Her accident. Seungri, how come you sound so surpsied?" I almost fell to the floor, dropping my phone and sat on my bed.. I put my head down to my knees and started to feel so frustrated, pulling my hair out of anger and worry.
Daesung: "Seungri? Seungri? Are you there?" I almost forget he was on the other line.
Me: "Hyung, I-I didn't know."
Daesung: "What do you mean? Didn't she tell you?!"
Me: "No. No one told me except you. I tried to call Dan and Cielle but neither answered."
Daesung: "What?"
Me: "Now I know why she's not answering. But... How come they didn't answer too?"
Daesuing: "I don't know. I just talked to Dan an hour ago and told me they have death treaths."
Me: "How come they recieve it and not us?"
Daesung: "I don't know either but I'm hoping none of them take action."
Me: "Too bad they already hit a target..." I squinted my eyes to hold back the tears because my words sounded so hurtful.
Daesung: "The last message that was sent was to Dan."
Me: "W-w-what did it say?" I was nervous now and I almost couldn't breathe.
Daesung: "Wait and see."
Me: "What's that suppose to mean?"
Daesung: "I don't know but I told her to really be careful."
Me: "I pray that both of them do. Hyung, I-I have to go."
Daesung: "Sorry to surprise you, Seungri. Hope you feel better."
Me: *sighs* "I hope so too."

The room felt like it was closing in on me and my head just started spinning. How could Dan and Cielle keep this from me? Was it because I'd get worried? I'm more worried now especially since I was the last to know from the group. (Except TOP and Taeyang hyung, they don't personally really know the three of them). How could I talk to her? What if I called both of them again and don't pick up? I'm not mad at them but I sure am disappointed.


But right now, there is only one thing I'm sure of doing... And I don't want anybody else to know.




A cliff hanger! Aha! So, this "End Game" chapters are gonna be really long. I haven't estimated how much parts it'll go on but I'm quite enjoying it. Are you? :3

And sorry, no proof read again plus I hope you understand the GIF in accordance to this chapter D: :3 

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
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