C11: D-day (Yuri's POV)


I woke up to the sound of my phone and after reading Seungri's text message, I got up of my bed and entered Cielle and Dan's room. "Guys, wake up!!!!!!!" I shook them both and waited for them to open their eyes. No luck. "Just 10 more minutes. God its a vacation, not a school day." Cielle said with a hoarse voice. I didn't want to spoil the surprise for the them so me, being as impatient as I can be, I stood up on the bed and jumped continuously until they finally wake up. 

Dan: "What time is it?" She as she sat and and stretched.
Cielle: "Yeah, and what are you so hyped about?" She scratched her back and yawned.
Me: "I just wanted to tell you guys that we're going to have lunch with Seungri. Okay. Good morning." And I quickly ran out of the room before they could say anything else. 

Cielle: "Yaa, just because he's a celebrity ah." And they both lied down once more. I didn't mind so I let them be. I was excited, especially for Dan. Her reactions are always the best when it comes to Big Bang. She talks loud, even shouts what she has to say, when there's an update about Daesung. What more if she meets him personally?

I made Tamagoyaki, trying to imitate Seungri's and I can proudly say that I did quite good. I didn't mind cooking for the two since I know they'd still be sleeping till 11:30am. While waiting for the time to go faster, I cleaned the house a bit, even if it was already tidy and then listened to some music. I dozed off to the sound of "In My World" playing. Seungri's voice was marvelous and I couldn't stop listening to it. I woke up at around 11:00 and decided to prepare to day's lunch. Walking to the bathroom, I checked my phone and there were 3 messages saying, "Yuri, I hope you didn't tell Dan and Cielle about this. Daesung hyung doesn't know ANYTHING." The other one stated, "Are you guys prepared? I'll pick you three up." and lastly, "I'm gonna be there 11:30." I panicked a bit and turned my around to rush to the two's room. 

"GUYS, GET UP! GET UP, GET UP, GET UP!!!!" I shouted while jumping up and down again.
Dan: "yaa. I'm up."
Cielle: "mmmmmmmmmm kay."
Me "Seungri's going to be here at 11:30. PLEASE PLEASE DON'T MAKE HIM WAIT."

Dan looked at the clock beside her and got up. She went straight to the bathroom and peed, went out, took her towel with her and undergarments and with a straight face, went back inside. 

Cielle: "I'll be right after her....." She slept again.

What is wrong with this people? Ack, anyway. I headed back to my bathroom and took a shower as well. After brushing my teeth and drying my hair, I picked out an outfit that wasn't too formal yet appropriate. I wore this white striped dress with matching cardigan that came along with it, red  flats so I would feel comfortable and put on black stockings so that I won't feel too cold. We all finished just in time when Seungri texted that he was downstairs. We didn't want him to wait so long so we went down as soon as I read it to them. He didn't ride the cab this time but instead, he drove his black mercedes benz tinted in black as well but didn't get the chance to see what model it was. He just told us to go inside so that no one would see him. I sat on the passenger's seat and the two sat at the back. 

During our trip, the whole car was silent until Dan asked, "Uhh, Seungri oppa. Where exactly are we going to have lunch?"
"You'll see..." He replied. Cielle was confused as well but only the two of us knew where and why. 
We arrived at the restaurant called "Aronia de Takazawa" and serves Japanese and French cuisine. The restaurant only occupied 8 people inside as their maximum number of customers which makes it one of the most high-end restaurants in Tokyo. We parked just around the corner and beside us was the same Mercedes Benz. I figured it was Daeusung's. As we entered the restaurant, Seungri immediately took off his glasses so that the people there would recognize him. 
"Ah, our reservation?" He asked. "They're with me." He said. I wonder how much they had to pay just for the reservation. While walking towards the room, I gazed on Seungri's clothes. He wore leather pants, Saint Laurent shoes (obvious cause of the logo), a blue v-neck and a coat to finish. As for Cielle, she wore a 3-inch white stilettos and a simple straight cut dress, showing her figure. And Dan, black skinny jeans, a plain white v-neck and black high heels but to complete her whole attire, she wore a dark, blood red blazer. We all looked so casual just for lunch but what can I say? That's how it is when a celebrity asks you and your friends to eat lunch together in one of the most fanciest restaurants in Tokyo.

As well enter the room where the tables were set just for us, it was empty. Where was Daesung?

Seungri pulled each chair out for us to sit and as the waiter took our orders, someone suddenly shouts, "Seungri-ahh!!!!!"
Daesung suddenly enters the room but in full surprise, his expression changed.
I felt like the whole room got into a state of shock like they saw a ghost.

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
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Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
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Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
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Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
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Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
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Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe