C20: Hee (Daesung' POV)


Me and Dan are becoming closer now and I find her really interesting. She's quite different from other girls and frankly, I'm surprised to have met a person with the same personality like mine. She told me just recently that she's going to be alone in her apartment 'cause of Jiyong hyung who's going out with Cielle and Yuri came along with Seungri to Wakayama. I wasn't busy at all since the next promotions in Tokyo has been postponed. I felt bad for her but she did tell me she's fine being alone sometimes and without hesitation, I told her to buy a plaid red and white blanket. I planned something for us today... a picnic! I asked one of my bodyguards if he could come along just for safety mesaures. I know a great place where not a lot of people go to which was the Shinjuku Gyoen Park. I picked out a picnic basket and filled it with vegetable salads and fruits, also put in some lollipops 'cause I know how much Dan loves them. Right after lunch, I immediately told her to buy the blanket and hope that she sucessfully did. I texted her the directions to where the park is and told her to meet me in this specific area, making sure that no one is following her. (You'll never know, people might have already spotted us before and recognized her face...) But, no worries, she's with me, the one and only Kang Daesung. 

I arrived at the meeting place, telling her I was wearing a simple white shirt so she'd see me easily. I saw her from a distance, walking towards me. "Yaaa, you made me walk all the way here?" She said, panting and trying to catch her breath.

Me: "Of course. Its good exercise for you, Dan!"
Dan: "You know that I'm not suppose to sweat, right?"
Me: "Yes. Did you?"
Dan: ".......... No"
Me: "Then there's no problem! Did you buy the blanket?"
Dan: "Yes. What is it for anyway?" Taking it out from her teal colored backpack with a bunch of doraemon kaychain attached to it. I took it from her hands and lay it on the grass.
Me: "Yaaaaa you have so much Doraemon on your bag!!!! But I have more. Hahahaha Here, we're going to have a picnic!" I revealed the basket behind the tree and put it down on the blanket. Our bodyguard roamed around to see if there was anyone who'd try to sneak up on us so it made me and Dan a little calm.
"Look what I have prepared for you~" I opened the basket, showing her one by one the fruits and veggies I've packed along and finally putting out the lollipop. "These are for later. ^^" I looked at her gleaming face yet her eyes seam to be worried "Yaaaa you're so healthy ><" I laughed when she said that. "I have to be healthy, and you should be as well. Here try this." I poked a couple of leaves onti my fork with mangoes and crab sticks -- kani salad! "Open wide!!!" The fork was almost in but she suddenly closed them "C'mon eat it! Its good!" "Oppa, I don't like Kani salad." I frowned a little and ate the salad on the fork instead. "But, I could try... just for this one time ^^" My face lit up a little and I started to feed her little by little. She's so cute when she chews! He cheeks turn so round that she almost looks like a hamster. "Oppa, you look like a hamster!!!" Did she read my mind?! "No, you look like one!" And we started to laugh. Minutes later, I bit a part of an apple and soon found myself offering it to Dan. "I don't eat apples, oppa." "Ya, its really hard to feed you! You're such a picky baby." and I pinched her cheeks. I gave her the lollipops instead 'cause I know she wouldn't eat anything else. I lay down on the ground, putting my arms up behind my neck as a pillow. 

Me: "You know, its been quite a while since I've done something like this."
Dan: "Like what?"
Me: "Go to a park with someone..."
Dan: "Well, you're famous. Its ought to be tough to do things like these now."
Me: "Yeah......" My eyes turned to her.
Me: "Dan, would lie down next to me?" She crawled beside me and watched the clouds pass by, pointing at it, imagining images that it can form. She pointed one cloud that looked like my nose and I faced her, "hey, my nose isn't that big. In fact, yours is! It makes you ugly...er" She lightly punch my arm and said, "ya, your eyes turn into lines when you smile. Can you even see anything?" "I get that a lot. I'm used to it. You have to do better than that." She sat up, stretched her arms, walked around a little and then back to her spot. "Oppa, can we go somewhere else? I'm bored..." Thinking about it, it did get kind of boring so I nodded and packed up all the things we brought. "Where do you want to go?" I asked while fixing myself.  "Hmmm.... Anywhere sounds good, until we find a place we think would be fun." I like her idea. She thinks like me. We went around the city, going to different kinds of malls and arcades, people even tried to gather up on me but I really did try to cover up Dan more so media wouldn't see her. We got to this one arcade called "Tokyo Joypolis". Dan pulled me to ride the rollercoaster which I'm sure she knows I don't handle it very well. I could feel the kani salad rushing back up to my throat and tried my best to cover my mouth in case I spill it out. After the ride, Dan said, "lets go again!!!!" What?! Another? "Ani ani ani, you go ahead." One of her eyebrows raised at me and crossed her arms, "Don't tell me you're getting sick?" "What? Me? Of course not!" And straighten my back. "Alright then, lets try the Ghost Hunters."

"Danee, stay beside me, I'll protect you." The room was pitch black and the walls were made of screens, flashing a bunch of ghosts as your target. To my surprise, I screamed at the first ghost that appeared right in front of me and Dan shot it. I kept calmed a little while and soon, a lot of them started flash multiple times. The game was over and once we got out, the first thing Dan told me was, "Oppa, I can beat you at anything! Why is that?" She's mocking me now. "Ya, you're sitll pretty ugly to me." I just really wanted to make her happy today and as far as I can see, I'm doing a good job, regardless of all the pain I've been through in one day TTuTT. I didn't notice time, how much it flew while we were having fun. It was almost sunset and I really wanted Dan to see how beautiful it was in the park so i told her that we should go back. Arriving at the same spot, I once again placed the blanket on the grass and rested my back on the tree with Dan sitting beside me. "Danee, you should really watch the sunset. Its a lot different from Korea -- " I paused for a moment, slowly turning my head around, realizing that she  dozed off. I couldn't help but do something to wake her up so as hard as I can, I blew into her ear. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAA OPPAAAAAA WHYYYYYY?? TTmTT" I started to laugh so loud that I forgot about watching the sky. She wrestled with me and even tickled me. As a token of revenge, I let her blow the back of my neck and gave me so much chills trickling down my spine. "Aiiish, this is what I get... Danee, you have to be awake to see this!" We watched the sun getting closer and closer to the horizon, making its way down the mountains until it was gone. The colors of the sky was brightly colored in pink, orange purple, contrasting to Japan's weather and atmosphere and giving the day a sweet end. I could sense that Dan was already tired so I brought her home, helped her bring her things up to their apartment since she won a lot of doraemon plushies from the arcades. I put down her things on the couch and she went inside their bathroom. It didn't even reach 5 minutes till I heard her scream. I ran to her, afraid that she might have hurt herself. I knock on the door, making sure she wasn't doing anything else and quickly came in. I saw splats of blood on the floor, following the trail leading to Dan in front of the sink. "Danee, what happened here?!" She turned around with a small yet deep cut on her thumb. "I was trying to uhh... open the soap and my hand slipped so it hit the edge of the sink's counter." I moved closer to her and held her hand. "Aish, is it really that sharp? You should really be more careful next time." I help her rinse her hands, drying it and putting bandage around her hand. "There, that should keep it from bleeding." I clasped both of my hands to hers, kissed it and smiled. "Good night, Dan." I hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head this time. Leaving the apartment, everything felt perfect. It made me think that It was meant to happen... As soon as I got to my place, I rested a bit, making myself rethink the whole day.

My phone suddenly rang. It was Jiyong hyung! Out of my excitement, I answered.

Jiyong:" Yes! I just got here yesterday!"
Me: "We have so much to catch up on."
Jiyong: "Hahaha yeah! Wait, is Dan with you?"
Me: "No, not anymore. She went home a few hours ago. Why? Wait, how do you even know her?!"
Jiyong: "Oh okay. I'll tell you everything tomorrow. Bye."
Me: "Ahh, okay." And hung up. Why was he such in a hurry? And why wasn't Dan answering her phone? Maybe she fell asleep right after I left. She is in fact the heaviest sleeper among the three of them... I shrugged at the thought and just continued with thinking, not realizing I was already snoring.

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
sunset812 #3
Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
sunset812 #4
Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
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Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
sunset812 #8
Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
sunset812 #10
Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe