C45: Bonding


(Yuri's POV)


I felt like the meanest person in the world, cursing and yelling and not forgiving the girls. But my head keeps on telling me that it was the right thing to do but it wasn't necessary. They actually should be thankful that I didn't hit them back after what they did to my circle of friends. Its unfair, really. But what can I do? Nothing.

That night, after Taeyang oppa called for a celebration, we decided to take a little trip down to in-and-out burgers.

"Oppa, have you ever tried them?" I asked Seungri.

"Yeah, once when we had a tour. Danny made us eat them." He said.

"How was it?" 

"It was good!" 

Although I know their not fond of burgers since they eat healthy, especially Daesung oppa, we ate them anyway.

Seems that Cielle and Jiyong were enjoying. Out of everyone, they ate the most but finished first. Dan doesn't eat burgers and to that, they ate somewhere else, leaving the rest of us in in-and-out.

"I didn't know Dan doesn't eat burgers..." TOP oppa started. "Yeah, well. She thinks its gross." Cielle said. "Really?" Jiyong asked. "No. She just doesn't like them. I mean, I know she tried it once but she doesn't have the appreciation of a burger between bread." Cielle explained.

"Where did Daesung go?" Taeyang oppa asks. "Probably some place where he could eat healthy food." Seungri stated. 

Not a moment later, they came back. Apparenrly, having an argument with Dan.

"You're allergic to chicken. You don't like burgers. I have to force you to eat vegetables and it has to be PRECISE and you don't like my choice of meal. Then what DO you eat?!" Daesung exclaims but it was a playful conversation that all of us had to listen and giggle.

"I eat anything! Just not what you eat 'cause its icky!" Dan says.

"Icky? Since when did my food become 'ICKY'?' I laugh as Daesung imitates Dan's tone.

"Shut up!" She says as she lightly pushes him on his shoulder. Daesung laughs at her instead. "Just eat or you'll starve."

"I'm not hungry. You made me lose my appetite. Plus, you insulted me." Dan sits down next to Taeyang and crosses her arms.

"What did you do Daesung?" Taeyang says calmly. "Nothing!" He exclaims again.

"Aish," Taeyang turns his gaze from Daesung to Dan who had a serious look. "What did he tell you?" Ugh! He's being too sweet that I just watch them the whole time while Seungri and Jiyong were conversing with Cielle.

"He told me............ I can't say." Says Dan. "Just tell me." Taeyang says as Daesung sits down beside Dan.

"He told me I was getting fat." And she covered her face with her hands, fakingly cries.

"Tsk. Daesung, how could you, ah?!" Taeyang stands up, goes to Daesung's side and strangles him playfuly, slightly tickling his neck as Daesung whimpers and pleads him to stop.

"You don't say that to a girl! Especially to your girlfriend!" He doesn't stop.

I just laugh my off while Dan tries to stop them both.

I was watching them the whole time when I noticed TOP was looking at me.

"Uhhh, oppa, are you alright?" I ask him.

"Yeah... Can I talk to you for a minute.. Outside?" I nod then he helps me stand up.

"Where are you guys going?" Seungri yells.

"I'll borrow her for a second." TOP yells back.

There was a bench outside that TOP made me sit on as he walks back and forth in front of me, carefully taking out a cigarette and lights it up.

"How is this talking to me?" I ask as I watch him closely. I've seen this in articles before. Whenever TOP smokes, it means there's something good that happened or at least something he had accomplished with s. Sometimes even during their tour, he and Jiyong oppa were caught smoking inside a car when they arrive in a different country, like its their ritual. Thats why they always separated from the others when they're going to go a hotel.

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that," He inhales a bit of the cigarette and exhales a white puffy cloud of smoke, "I'm happy for you and Seungri."

"Thanks... That as a hyung to him, you approve of me." I hold up a smile and I see him inhale a little bit more and stops, throwing it on the ground and steps on it.

"There's something else I'm worried about though." He continues. 

"What is it?" I ask him. He sits down next to me, elegantly crosses his right leg over the left and says,

"I'm worried because I know Seungri is planning to tell the media about your relationship." I smirked.

"Don't they already know?"

"They do but its not confirmed. You wanna know a secret?" He looks at me as he rests his back on the seat.

"Sajangmin doesn't know we're here." I glanced at him, shocked.

"What would happen if he found out? And by the way, how about your work??" 

"That I don't know. It was all of the sudden. It was Seungri's idea. The night we found out about him going to LA was when he told us his flight would be the next day so we had no choice but to come along. I personally asked him if it was alright for me to tag in since I do want to meet my dongsaengs girlfriends." I blush a little.

"Oh.." Was all that I could say. "Anyway, as for our work? The due date is gonna be postponed. Seungri's working on his album which will feature me, Taeyang and Goo Hara." I take in the words he said about making Seungri have a track with Goo Hara.

"And... if I may ask, how's the song going... With... Hara?" I remembered how Seungri told me oveer the phone and how she used to see him everyday.

"Its really good. But at that time, Seungri looked so stressed. I guess that was the time that you were in the hospital. But all in all, the song's nice."

I rested my back and sighed, not sure of what to say about it. I am happy that he's pregoressing but I don't know. Maybe something might have happened between them while we weren't together. I just thought that maybe he wanted company and she wwas the only person there to give him a little affection. Aish! I don't want to think about it. 

I hold my temples and start to shake my head repeatedly.

"Are you okay???" TOP holds both of my arms and looks me in the eye. Its hard to look straight when someone you admired so much stares at you as if he wanted to see my soul.

"I-I'm fine..." I stutter but TOP smiles as if he knows something.

"Are you jealous of... Hara???" 

"No!" I demanded

"No is what your mouth says but deep inside its a yes." He lets go of me and laughs.

"Fine. I am." I say.

"Don't worry. There's nothing to be jealous about. I know Seungri. He's not that type of guy... And they're just friends." But he is... I thought to myself...

I could recall the time me and Seungri fought over his past relationship where he cheated on his girlfriend. I got mad with no rights to but I did.

I do it again. Covered my face and shake my head repeatedly so  I could stop overthinking. TOP holds my arms one more time and says, "You should really stop doing that, you know? Its freaking me out. Its like your having a seizure."

I stop once more. Look, I didn't know he'd stop me a lot of times when i do that but its just really a habit of mine. I can't help it. Whenever I think about negative things, I literally try to shake it off of my head.

With TOP, who was still holding me in place so i could try to forget, he relax my shoulders and put my head down.

"I'm not jealous of Hara... Or maybe I am but--" 

"TOP HYUNG!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HER?!?!?!" Seungri runs to us as he shouts.

"Nothing! She was having a seizure!" He jokes.

"What?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" TOP let goes of me and Seungri is finally in front of me, bending his knees and holds my cheeks with both of his hands.

"What happened?! Did you really have a seizure?!" He shakes me head as if it could help with anything.

"If you don't stop doing that then maybe I will." And he stops.

"Anyway, I have to take you home now. Its getting late."

So again, he helps me up and out came Jiyong, Cielle, Daesung, Dan and Taeyang. 

"I guess we can celebrate a little bit more tomorrow." Taeyang oppa suggests.

TOP nods his head in approval. The rest of them walked to the van as for Seungri, he told me to stay a while and he'll get the car. Okay, he has a separate one for us and I don't know why. But before TOP walks away with the others, he says, "Tell me the rest when we get the chance." Smiles and walks away.

Wait, who was I kidding? We had a convoy. Dan, Daesung and TOP in one car,  Jiyong, Youngbae and Cielle in one and I was with Seungri.

Seems a little unfair that I get alone time with him and the others had compnay. But, what the heck, its better than walking.

"So," Seungri starts as he drives passed several buildings, "what did you and TOP hyung talk about?"

I froze a little. I didn't want him to know that I was jealous of Hara. Because I'm not that type of person. I don't want to become controlling unless its necessary and this was not necessary. " Don't worry. There's nothing to be jealous about. I know Seungri. He's not that type of guy... And they're just friends." TOP's words repeat in my head. 

I just didn't want Seungri to know that I'm the type of person who easily gets jealous or least he doesn't think that I'm clingy. I just want him to know that I'm happy whenever I'm with him and that's enough. Besides, I don't want to add up to our problems today.

Maybe some other time when I can tell TOP about what I was suppose to say.

"Nothing, really. He's just happy to be with us..." It wasn't a lie. It was true of course but I had to leave out the rest.

"Then why was he holding you like that? Look, I'm gonna tell you straight that I don't want other guys holding you like that, or even just having a conversation without me knowing but since he's my hyung, he's an exception. I trust him." 

Hmm, honesty, eh? Well, I'm sorry but some other time would be nice.

"I was shaking my head and I felt dizzy, that's all."

"Alright then. I trust you guys anyway." He smiles while driving, as if he could see me smiling too, holds my hand and kisses it.. 

Right, he trusts me anyway. And its TOP. He trusts him too. And what was I afraid of? Keeping things from him. Its not a big deal... I mean, I am gonna tell him eventually about my emotions so... Its not a problem.





Hehehehehe just making this a little bit longer DD:

And there's a little seungwhores action for you ^^

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
sunset812 #3
Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
sunset812 #4
Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
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Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
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Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
sunset812 #10
Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe