C12: D-Day (Seungri's POV)


As Daesung hyung went inside with his arms raised up high, his face suddenly turned upside down. 
"Am I in the wrong restaurant??"
"No! No, hyung, ahh... We should talk outside for a moment..."
"Who are they? How do they know you?" And as he was pointing to the three, i grabbed his shoulders and pushed him out. I told him who they were, how I met and why they were with me. I didn't explain him the whole story for it would take long.

"hyung, I'll tell you every detail when we have time." He nodded his head and pursed his lips as a signal that he understands.
We head back to the restaurant and as soon as Daesung sees the three of them his mood heigtened.


He sat down beside Dan, knowing that she was the biggest fan among the three.
"You must be Dan."
She didn't answer but we could all sense that she was being shy and excited at the same time.
"Is she sick? She's not answering..." Daesung said, facing me.
"No hyung, I believe she's just starstruck." I replied.

Cielle: "DAN. Daesung just introduced himself to you!" I heard her whisper and Dan snapped out of her state.
Dan: "Ah. Mianhe. Yes, my name is Dan. Bang Dan Hee."
Daesung: "Bang Dan hee." He repeated and smiled at her, making his eyes smaller than it already is. Dan blushed and couldn't get a hold of herself so she started making conversations with Daesung. Hyung was a having a good time and he was smiling the entire moment. Me, Cielle and Yuri were talking about the different places in Japan and Korea. They seem to have a large amount of interest in traveling, luckily, I know so much about those two countries.

Our food arrived just in time. Our table was full and so were we. Before getting up to leave, Daesung faced Dan and said, "Dan, if you're not busy tonight --" she cut him off, "No I'm not and whatever is is you're planning, I'll go." She smiled widely and Daesung was surprised with what she said. "Actually, I was planning if you could go to the CD signing. Don't worry, I'll look for you in the crowd and then we could go grab something eat. ^^" He said it in full confidence. "What? We just ate lunch and you're already thinking about food again?" They both laughed out loud which made me think that they knew each other for some time now. I think they already feel comfortable around each other, regardless of Daesung's status of being a celebrity. I doubt that she'd say no.

After Daesung hyung asked Dan for tonight, it was my turn to ask Yuri but I don't wanna leave Cielle out so, I gave her Jiyong's number. Of course, I asked hyung first and said it was alright since he wanted to meet someone new and it wouldn't hurt to know a fan. 
"A word of advice though, he'll reply to you, just don't spam him. He'll think you're...uhh...desperate???? That's not the word but just don't annoy him D:" I told Cielle. She nodded her head and went inside the car. Dan said goodbye to Daesung and thanking him for today's lunch and he expects to see her tonight. She quickly went inside the car as soon as Daesung drove off. I saw them spazzing inside the car, knowing that they're getting closer to big bang. Yuri explained to me once that it was their dream to meet big bang, even just for once but it was a miracle to even become friends with one of their members which was me, who had the biggest connection out of everyone else. After that conversation, I asked Yuri.

Me: "I know we've known each other just a few days ago and I really wanted to ask you this since the day you woke up from my apartment."
Yuri: "Ask me what?"
Me: "Nevermind, I don't think its appropriate for me to ask."
Yuri: "C'mon, you already told me." She pushed my right shoulder lightly and made me trip a little.
Me: "Okay, since you insisted. Will you marry me?" I looked at her straight in the eyes but her reaction was making it hard for me not to laugh.
Yuri: "A-a-are you serious?" Her face became so pale and I started to laugh so loud, my stomach started to hurt.
Yuri: "Ba! Bo!" Then she started to hit me and as a shield, I used my hands to cover the spots where she'd smack me.
Me: "Okay okay. I just wanted to know if you can go out with me somewhere tonight." And I giggled, still thinking of her reaction.
Yuri: "No!"
Me: "What?! I'm sorry about that!! Please???" Still laughing.
Yuri: "Okay fine. Its hard not to resist you, babo. >.<" 

We went inside the car and I can finally say that me and Yuri are becoming closer and I'm gaining good friends. 
I took my time to pick out my clothes for tonight but I felt excited. It was just 4:00 pm and i texted Yuri to wear something classy. I don't expect this to become a date or whatsoever. I just wanted company.
I'm taking her to a place where Tokyo is most famous for. Tokyo Skytree. A tower with a spectacular view, making it the highest building in all of Japan. She doesn't have to worry about my fans hoarding my space for I was bringing two body guards with me just in case and I reserved a private room just for us. I still don't expect it to be a date, we're just friends. Nothing less, nothing more.

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
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Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
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Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
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Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
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Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
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Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe