C31: Who (Yuri's POV)


Seeing Seungri walk into the airport made my heart drop. I rolled the windows down and watched him until he disappears. I couldn't hold my tears and my nose was strating to clog. I felt the heat go up my head and now I started to cry. Seungri looked back and waved his hands directly at me and I gestured that same. His nose turned pink all of a sudden which made me think that he too is crying. I'm thankful enough that he was wearing shades and a scarf so that if ever people did see him, they wouldn't wonder why. A few more steps and he was gone. I closed the window and told the driver my address. As fast as I could, I sent a message to him saying, "Please take care. God bless your flight. I will miss you." I was waiting for his reply but sadly, I recieved it when I got home. He said, "I will miss you too. Take care of yourself. I don't want you to get hurt especially when we're apart. Saranghae." I sent him another message with just a simple "Saranghae." in it and he didn't reply after that. I guess he was in the plane already. 

Upon entering the house, it felt so different. Dan and Cielle, as usual, we're sitting on the couch like they're waiting for me to say something. So I did and started to break down. Dan hugged me first and patted my back, it made me feel a little better but it was time for me to tell them everything that had had before he left. I told them about the amusement park and the hotel. I let them guess what happened next... In a nick of time, they found out what happened that night. I didn't want to go into further detail (because it was just horribly wrong if I did) but I did tell them how depressing it feels like. Its like a part of you was taken away but he took it along with him. I don't think my explanation was right but it just feels that way and it wasn't really embarrassing when I told them the story. I got up and said to Cielle and Dan that I'd be inside my room if they needed me.

The first thing I noticed when I went in my room was that, there was a single Lavander rose placed in the middle of my bed. Attached to it was a letter saying, "Lavander because it symbolizes love at first sight. Put this in a large vase with water inside." So I did. I got curious but I had a thought that it was from Seungri but I'm not sure why. I went out and asked, "Seungri put this on my bed, right?" Cielle looked at Dan with a questioned expression. "I don't really know. We saw that there when we got home..." Dan agreed and I was boggled by it. I couldn't think of anyone else that could possibly send the rose but I let it go and accepted it anyway.


A few days has passed when Seungri left but glagly, I've been talking to him for at least 2-3 hours a day. He's been busy and sometimes our conversation is becoming shorter. His eyes were beginning to have darker circles underneath them. A week later, someone knocks at our door with a pale pink rose on his hands. He looks like a florist than someone who'd actually give them to me so I accepted it. There was another letter attached to it sayng, "Pink because it symbolizes love. Put this in the vase where you put the lavander rose." Now I'm guess its the same person who gave them to me. Instead of weeks, it turned into days where the vase has already been filled with the flowers but each time I was given the flower, it was alternate; one day is pink and the next is lavander. It never occured to me that Seungri would be sending me a flower day by day but I should really thank him for this so I called him through facetime.

Seungri: "Yaa, how are you?!"
Me: "Oppa, I'm doing well! How about you? Oh wait, listen, I really love the roses you keep sending me."
Seungri: "What flowers?"
Me: "The flowers... Here look." I showed him the vase where the flowers gracefully bloomed.
Seungri: "Uhh Yuri, as much as I would love to send you flowers... I haven't." I choked for a moment.
Me: "W-what do you mean its not you?"
Seungri: "Its not me. I haven't sent you a single rose ever since I left..."
Me: "Don't joke around about this."
Seungri: "I'm not! Okay, now I'm starting to become worried."
Me: "Who do you think these are from?"
Seungri: "I don't know but I'm not hoping its a stalker."
Me: "Seungri, the flowers aren't sent as a bouquet. It was given to my each day, one by one, alternately."
Seungri: "Who the hell would send you flowers? Damn it, I should've thought of that."
Me: "Oh wow, I can see that you are concerned."
Seungri: "I'm kidding. Okay, the next time someone delivers them to you, ask who its from. I won't let anyone try to steal you away from me just because I'm in Korea... and just because he keeps sending you those plants." That's what I wanted to hear.
Me: "Alright. But... what if he didn't tell me?"
Seungri: "Keep on persuading him. I have a bad feeling about this, Yuri and if it keeps on going, I'm seriously going to rush to go back there."
Me: "I'll be fine. Let me handle this first. I'll let you know."
Seungri: "I trust you. If this was a secret admirer, I won't have second thoughts of flying back to Japan and hunt that person down, whoever it may be."
Me: "Yeah, okay. I trust you too so don't go flirting around with other girls. Remember that I have sources to tell me what's happening around you."
Seungri: "Sure. Likewise, don't worry about me too. HAHAHA. I have to go now, work is waiting."
Me: "Bye."
Seungri: "Saranghae~"
Me: "Saranghae"

Now its starting to become blurry. I tried to think of a hundred reasons and who it maybe but all doesn't seem to be valid... What's weirder is that it was sent right after Seungri left and if it wasn't him... Then who is? 

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
sunset812 #3
Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
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Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
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Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
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Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
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Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe