C15: Sober (Yuri's Pov)


As I quickly got out of the car, I brisk walked to my apartment. I didn't even bother to look back. I was pissed with what he confessed me and I got hurt when he told me we're not together for me to get mad but I tried my best to understand. I hate arguments, especially this. I'm not sure why I got mad... Maybe because I thought I had a chance with him. What if I did? He did tell me he won't hurt any other girls, especially me. I'm confused... I don't know if he likes me as a friend or something else but either way, I'm trying to let it go. He was right, its in the past. Where it should be and I overreacted. Im just really concerned, yeah, I am.

I entered the appartment and saw Cielle on the couch.
Cielle: "How was it??"
Me: "Not good..."
Cielle: "Why?? What happened?"
Me: "I really don't wanna talk about it now." Cielle's one of the people I could talk to about my problems. I really like it when she listens because it makes me realize how she really cares for me and Dan. By the way, where is she??
Me: "Hey, uhh, where's Dan? Its 10 o'clock already"
Cielle: "Still out with Dae. Its really surprising, she's never been out this late before... And what they're really doing.." I giggled a little at the thought she put it in her words. "Maybe Daesung just really wants to get to know her." I said. "Cielle, I'll tell you everything tomorrow. I'm just gonna take a long bath to clear my head." I said as I faced Cielle. "Yeah okay, I'll go to bed. Wait, Dan texted. She said don't wait up for her. Daesung is touring her around Tokyo. Wanna bet she's not even feeling tired nor sleepy?" "Hahaha, yeah... Good night, Cielle. Hope you dream of Jiyong." I replied to her. At least Dan's having fun. We went our separate ways and I filled the bath tub with warm water mixed with bath soap. I merged my skin onto the water and felt so relaxed that I forgot about what happened. I was feeling a bit sleepy as well but seconds right after I closed my eyes, my phone rang. I ignored it. It rang again. It occured to me that it might be Dan, getting back with her date so I hurried to get out of the bath tub and quickly answered it.

"Hello? Dan?"
"Yuri? Yuri?" It was Seungri.
"Yuri? Hello?" The sounds in the background made me think that he was in a club.
"Seungri? Where are you?" And the line was cut off. Crap. I wonder what's happening to him. 

There was another ring and it was him.

Seungri: "Yuri? Where are you?"
Me: "I'm right where you left me."
Seungri: "Yuri I can't hear you... Its too loud here."
Me: "Well that's not my problem!"

It was cut off again. What is wrong with this boy???

I rolled my eyes and threw my phone lightly on my bed and got into the tub once more. I started contemplating and rethink the whole conversation in my head. I now feel like a total moron. Why would I get mad for Seungri's past? It wasn't me he hurt, heck he's not even mine to lose... but I definitely don't think he'd make the same mistake. He just made a big impact in my life that I'm afraid that if ever we do end up together, he might do the similar thing to me. I closed my eyes, covered my face with my hands and shook my head multiple times, wishing that I should have never started the argument. I'm so stupid! I was being irrational! He's a friend and that's all its going to be! I might even ruin our friendship for this. God, I hate myself.

Suddenly, I heard someone knocking at our door loudly. It couldn't be Dan 'cause she has her own key and she's still with Daesung. The knock was getting louder and louder but I couldn't hear any voice. Of course, I didn't want Cielle to wake up from her slumber so I quickly put on my bath robe and ran to the door, not even trying to peep through the little hole. As soon as I opened the door, Seungri threw himself at me and I caught him. He smelled of strong alcohol so I was right that he was in a bar. 

Me: "Seungri?? Seungri! C'mon, get up!!!"
Seungri: "Yuri! Yuri, I'm glad you're hear. Yuri I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things." He told me while trying to stand up. His eyes were tired and both of his hands were holding my arms, trying to balance himself. "No, I'm sorry. Oppa, please, lie down. You'll hurt yourself." I assisted him to my room and lay him on my bed. When his back touched the comforter, his eyes closed. I lay him there so that I could return the favor he gave me, when we first met, when he let me sleep in his bed. I was about to walk out but then I heard him say, "Yuri, please don't go yet." My back was facing him and I slowly turned around. 
Me: "Why?"
Seungri: "I need you. Please, just for tonight."
I coldn't help it so I quickly changed into a comfortable shirt and jogging pants in the bathroom. I sat beside him on the bed trying to watch his every move.

Me: "Why do you need me?" I noticed how his blazer reeked of vodka so I told him to sit up just for a while and I removed his blazer. I didn't bother removing his shirt...

Seungri: "Yuri. May I please use your bathroom?"
Me: "Yeah sure go ahead." This isn't going to be good. I'm guessing he's gonna vomit anytime soon but I didn't hear him struggle inside so maybe he didn't.
He lied down next to me and I just sat there, waiting for him to talk.
He covered his eyes and said, "Yuri, I'm very sorry. I know I should be aplogizing to my ex for what I did but I'm sorry for what I said to you earlier. It was just the anger that was talking." I didn't want to make the conversation longer so I said, "Its okay. I should be the one saying sorry for starting the argument. We're just friends and I didn't have any rights to judge you in your past." I folded my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around it. "Seungri, you should really sleep now. You have to rest... Good night." And got out of the bed. Then again, before I got out of the room, he stopped me. He stood up from the bed and grabbed my right hand.

Seungri: "Why do you always have to leave? Could you please stay with me? Just for tonight?"
Me: "I'm just returning the favor..." I looked at his eyes.
Seungri: "Please?" But he made his look even more pitiful as he pleaded.
Me: "Fine. Just for tonight." I love the way he held my hand, making me feel like I'm well protected with how big it was from mine. He then led me to the bed and I lay down with him. We're now lying face to face and he was still holding my hand. Before he fell asleep, he kissed it good night, making me blush a little. I stared at his flawless face for a while and dozed off, still holding his hand as well, not wanting to let it go.


I woke up from the sound of people talking in the living room. I opened my eyes a little and saw Seungri beside me, realizing that the voices were my parents, talking to Cielle and Dan. ! They can't see Seungri here!!!! I sat up and woke up him up, as quiet as possible before they could come into my room. 
Seungri: "Ughhhhhhhhhh. What time is it?????" I covered his mouth and whispered into his ear, "Oppa, please get up. My parents are here and they don't know you. They might have the wrong idea because we slept together." His eyes suddenly widens and looked at me, still covering his mouth. "If you could, hide in my bathroom. Now." He got up and ran to the bathroom and hid behind the shower curtains and crouched down where you can't see him from the outside. I tied my hair into a pony tail, locked the bathroom, telling Seungri that this wouldn't take long and went out to meet my parents.

"Hey mom, hey dad." I both kissed them on the cheek good morning and saw Cielle and Dan eating breakfast. 
Mom: "We were just checking in on you guys. Your dad and I are going to Matsudo for a sightseeing."
Dad: "Wanted to see you before we go."
Me: "Oh yeah, have fun sightseeing! Okay, bye."
Mom: "Why are you in such a hurry???"
Me: "Well, you wouldn't want to waste your time today, don't you?"
Dad: "Ya, just let her be. We do have to get going. Here's some extra money in case if you need it. Its for the 3 of you" And he handed them to me.
They both gave the three of us kisses on the cheek and went on with their travel. Dan and Cielle noticed how giddy I was and couldn't help but ask why.

I stared at each one of them and said, "Someone's here with us right now...."

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
sunset812 #3
Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
sunset812 #4
Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
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Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
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Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
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Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe