C18: First (Cielle's POV)


Looking back, I saw a lot of people already pointing their cameras at Jiyong. I kinda felt bad for him but I did feet kind of afraid since media can sometimes be really wrong about a person and I'm a fan, you don't know what kind of juice they could squeeze out on me.

We entered our apartment and sat down on the couch...

Yuri: "So, what happened?" trying to remove her shoes and put her legs up.
Dan: "Yeah? I could see you guys from a distance and he was smiling the whole time." She sat back, waiting for me to say something
Me: "Well...... ugh I can't help it! He smelled so good and his hands were luxurious!!!!"
Me: "Yeah................ and he held my waist too....... AHHHHHHHH!!!" We all screamed together and I started to jump up and down. I can't keep calm.
Dan: "Yaaaaaaaa, what did you guys talk about, besides touching each other's body?" I threw a pillow at her, making her laugh.
Me: "He asked me a bunch of question a normal guy would ask the first time you meet. Like, when is your birthday, what are your talents..."
Yuri: "And you dance, right?"
Me: "Yeah. He 'tested' my dance skills and that was why he was holding me so close."
Dan: "And --" I threw her another pillow because she made a smug face and I knew what she was going to say next.
Me: "Shut up! Anyway --" I suddenly recieved a text message from him. It says

"I'm going to be busy till 5 pm tomorrow. If you can, go to me and Seungri's apartment. Don't worry, its my place too." I read it out loud so the other two could hear.

Me: "SHUT UP, DAN!!!! He's just asking me out!!!"
Yuri: "Oh, perfect. Seungri and I would be going some where tomorrow."
Me: "Where to?"
Yuri: "Wakayama. He wants me there for the shooting, I don't really know why."
Me: "Yeah and I hope you guys sleep in the same bed... again."
Yuri: "WHAT. NO. God no. that was once!"
Dan: "AND it could happen again."
Me: "Whatever, I'm going to bed." Me and Dan just laughed.
Dan: "Hey wait, both of you are gonna leave me here?!"
Yuri: "You could just ask Daesung out."
Dan: "Nahh, he has something in mind. And you guys thought I'd be left here alone. Psh, no way that's happening."
Yuri: "Ha, then I hope for the best tomorrow. Good night guys."
Me: "Ya, good night." And headed to my room with Dan. Knowing Yuri, she'd pack her things tomorrow. 


11 o'clock. I wake up to the sound of people talking. I assume it was Yrui and... Seungri? Dan was still sleeping, she was the heaviest sleeper among the three of us.
I got up, went out and saw him.

Seungri: "Oh, you're awake. Good morning."
Me: "Uh yeah, good morning" rubbing my eyes. I went straight to the kitchen to eat pancakes Yuri already made. I don't usually eat breakfast but trying it for this morning won't hurt. The moment I sat down, Seungri walked towards me, holding a box from Givenchy.

Seungri: "Cielle, hyung wanted me to give this to you."
Me: "What is it?" I took it from his hands and opened it only to find a golden link bracelet with diamonds encrusted onto it. 
Me: "H-he wanted me to have this?"
Seungri: "Yes. He bought it last night after we dropped you off here."
Me: "Wow. This is incredible. Thanks, Seungri."
Seungri: "Sure. I helped him pick it out. He paid for it." And laughed a little. I don't usually wear braclets as well but since its from Jiyong, why not?
Seungri: "I'm going to steal Yuri away for a couple of days. I hope you don't mind.
Me: "Oh sure, take all the time you need with her" and I winked.
Yuri: "Hey, eat your breakfast." She was still packing her things and Seungri was helping her. 
Yuri: "Okay..... Do I need anything else?" crossing her arms.
Seungri: "You need me..." 
Yuri: "Yeah, your my means of transportation. Why do i have to go again?"
Seungri: "I just want you there."
Yuri: "Okay then, I'm all set." She picks up her bag and Seungri helped her carry her other things.
Yuri: "We'll be going. Hope you have fun with Jiyong later. And tell Dan to please maintain the house clean?"
Me: "Of course. We're just one text message away." She hugged me tightly just like how she always does when someone leaves.
Me: "You guys take care." I slightly pulled Seungri's shirt making him turn around and said, "Seungri, please take care of her." He said, "I will. You don't have to worry>" and both left.

Dan woke up just a few minutes after they left.

Dan: "They left already?" Yawning a little.
Me: "Yeah, few minutes ago." She sat beside me holding her iPad and saw a message from Dae.
Me: "What he say?"
Dan: "He said he wants me to go to this shop and buy... a red and white plaid blanket?"
Me: "Hmm, what for?"
Dan" I don't know either. I better just buy it. He might get upset if I don't."

Yuri texted...

"By the way, I made lunch already..."
Yep, she knows us too well. After finishing the pancake I ate, me and Dan prepared for lunch. I'm kinda hungry but I really don't know why I ate breakfast

After eating, i cleaned up everything so Dan could prepare for her date. She tried different outfits, making me choose for her, but in the end, she just wore skinny jeans, flats and a black and white long sleaves. Its her style; its Dan's style. I was alone now. I don't know what to do till 5 pm so I cleaned me and Dan's room and everything else. Still had few more hours till 5. I took out my laptop, still not knowing what to do but got bored afterwards. I wonder what Jiyong was doing... Gahh, I might disturb him while he's working and even if I text him, I might not get a reply. I'll just sleep so that time could fly and it would at least save me some energy.

I hear ringing noise and opened my eyes to check who texted.One from Dan saying that Daesung surprised her at the Shinjuku Gyoen Park to have picnic and watch the sunset. I smiled a little after reading a it but the second message gave me butterflies.  It was Jiyong. He said that he'll meet me there at his place and he'll be waiting. I hurried to the bathroom to prepare and wore a dress Yuri picked out for me while we were at the market the first time we got here. It was a simple black and white tube dress, fitted at the top and then flows straight down. The upper was white, having a black ribbon on the middle to divide the dress into two colors so the lower part was black. I matched the whole attire with black heels and a coat and checked myself out on the mirror... Was this formal? It seems casual as well... But its the first time I'm going to be with Jiyong, alone so, what the heck. I almost forgot about the bracelet he gave me so I made sure I wore that. I had a small bag with me for my wallet, keys and phone and left the apartment to go to his. Seungri texted me the address and once I sat down the cab, I felt nauseous . I let my hair lose, the way I usually do and made myself keep calm. The taxi stopped to a building bigger than ours and figured that this has to be where they stayed. The closer I come nearer to their apartment, the more I felt like vomitting, just to let the anxiety out of my chest.

And this is it.... I arrived at their doorstep, finding myself to knock on the door. Jiyong opened it, made me go in and got my coat for me. He bowed and said, "I thought you'd never come."

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
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Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
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Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
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Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
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Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
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Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe