C13: Privacy (Yuri's POV)


I was shocked with what Seungri asked me awhile ago. I didn't know what to feel but I'm sure as well that it wasn't a serious question. We got home and from Dan's excitement, she left again to buy new clothes for the CD signing tonight. I was left with Cielle but I could see that she was busy talking to Jiyong on the phone but I needed her help because Seungri told me to wear something classy for our thing tonight. I don't expect it to be a date but I assume a lot so I guess I'd be having this feeling that it would turn out to be one. As far as I'm concerned, we're just friends, nothing less, nothing more. Yes, he's my ultimate crush and I'm friends with him, I just don't think he sees me the way I do between the two of us so I'm trying my best ot feel comfortable around him.

Cielle admitted to me that she's not good with picking out clothes although I needed accompaniment to pick out clothes for tonight's occasion so i took her with me to Yoyogi Flea Market where clothes are really affordable. I don't mind not buying branded clothes cause I could get the exact same thing with a lower price.

As we roam the streets of the market, I saw this one black, casual dress with laces. (Note how much I love laces) Its a U -shaped bare-back with sleeves up until my elbows and it was knee-length. I immediately asked Cielle if it would look good on me. She has taste too and sometimes, we'd even pick the same thing without knowing it. I got it for a fair price and it was time for me to look for heels. During the past few days, I've been wearing flats, its time for a little tweak with how I dress. Just in front of the stall where I got the dress, there were a variety of shoes. I hate heels that have a pointed nose and I really don't like it when its inches are shorter than 3. It just doesn't look good on me. 

Cielle: "How about this? It matches well..." She held out a pair of black heels that had ribbons from the tip to the ankle.
Me: "It looks nice, but, don't you think black's a little too dead for the whole outfit?" We giggled. 
Cielle: "Okay, how bout something white or cream?" She walked around a little and as soon as she picked up the heels, I was already laying my eyes on it.
Cielle: "We're just looking at the same thing!!" Laughed a little and both high-fived each other.
I bought the cream colored pumps, 3 inches to be exact, just the way I want it to be and its really simple. 
"Don't you want to buy anything?" I asked Cielle.
"Nahh. I'm good. I'll just prep up when I'm about to meet Jiyong." She smugged. 

We then headed back to the apartment only to find Dan trying out the clothes she bought. It was all pretty but the best one I could see is a white, knee-length,  A-symmetrical dress with its sleeves just like mine, up to the elbow. For sure, Daesung would notice her. Cielle curled Dan's hair and finished it with a white headband, making it easier for Daesung to spot her. After prepping Dan, she left for the CD signing. Though it was early, the travel time wasn't. In her excitement, I forgot to show her my dress. Cielle laid down on the couch and texted Jiyong throughout the whole afternoon and I sat opposite to where she was. Just moments when I already felt comfortable, I recieved a text a from Seungri saying that he'd pick me up around 6:00 sharp. It was 4:30 and you know how much time girls take to prepare.

I took a shower, tied my hair into a high bun to make myself look clean and wore the things I bought from the Market. I twirled in front of Cielle and applauded for me. I can sense she's really happy since she's finally talking to Jiyong. I could even see the smiles she makes when she gets a reply from him. Seungri then texted , teling me to go down and I told Cielle my good byes. 

Me: "I bought food already so you won't have to cook. Its just in the fridge, heat it up if yuo want to."
Cielle: "Yeah, okay. Have fun!" She smirked.
Me: "Thanks, you too. Enjoy texting Jiyong......... things." I laughed and quickly ran downstairs.

I was trying to look for the car and all that was in front of me was a black van with a bouncer standing outside. I wasn't sure if it was Seungri but when he saw me, he assisted me to the van's door and now I'm sure it was Seungri's. As I got in, there was a large amount of space with the seats being on the side, not in the middle. It looked kinda like a limousine; the bouncers and the driver can't see us from the back since there was a window blocking their side and ours. 

Seungri: "I told you to wear something classy.... What is this?"
Me: "What?! Its classy! You said classy, so I wore something classy."  I feel kinda embarrassed now. Was there something wrong with the way I looked?
Seungri: "Nahh. I'm kidding. You look good."
Me: "God, stop doing that. You're making me nervous. But thanks, you lookd pretty good yourself." He did. He was wearing a white shirt with a navy blue blazer folded up until half os his arms had a dollar sign pin attached to it, navy blue jeans with a chain dangling on one side of his pocket and white sneakers... I thnk. It looked like sneakers to me. I was too casual for the way he dressed but it fitted me well so, what the heck.

Tokyo Skytree wasn't far from where I stayed. He told me that he reserved a private room for us but since I was new to all this, he meant a room from the restaurant called Musashi Sky Restaurant. As we went in, the people started to gather up on him and started to take pictures and autographs. Seungri told one of his body guards to assist me and the other one to assit him so if ever we'd split up, I 'd still be safe. He signed some of the fans shirts or even the things they bought from the Skytree shop and had pictures taken with them. He told the body guard who was with me to lead me upstairs where the restaurants were and tell the manager that Seungri was responsible for me. I got a quick access and then I thank the body gaurd for guiding me. I roamed around the room a bit and it had a marvelous view. I was mesmerized and as I was looking down, Seungri entered.

Seungri: "I'm sorry for the inconvenience. So... shall we order?"
Me: "Oh no, its okay. And if you can, just order for me."
Seungri: "Alright, what do you want then?" He pulled out a chair for me to sit in and he sat down in front of me, telling his body guards to go outside and keep watch.
Me: "Anything's fine. You know me."
Seungri: "Okay okay." He asked one of the waiters waiting outside and told him our orders. I couldn't remember the names but it was damn good.
Me: "Wait, aren't your body gaurds going to eat?"
Seungri: "They did already, just before we left."
Me: "Oh, I'm just concerned, cause you know, they're taking care of a celebrity like you."
Seungri: "What do you mean celebrity like me?"
Me: "Hard to handle." I laughed.
Seungri: "Hey! That's not funny at all. I'm so easy to handle!" 
Me: "Sure you are!" And I laughed a little more.
Seungri: "How are you so sure about what you said?" Smiling at me while eating.
Me: "Well, look are your fans. The only time they won't notice you is when you cover up completely. Like awhile ago, they swarmed you--"
Seungri: "Its not my fault I'm famous." It was arrogant but he had every right to say it cause he is well-known.
Me: "Well anyway, its just an opinion. If you believe that you're easy to handle, then you are." And I smirked while I was eating my food.

The room wasn't only a dining table, it also had a couch where you can rest a bit and marvel at the site.
We both sat down and as for dessert, he ordered Tiramisu. Ironic how they served Japanese food yet they have Italian on the menu.
As our orders came...

Me: "You know, this is one of the my favorite desserts, ever."
Seungri: "Oh yeah? I knew you'd like it. They're tiramisu here tastes like heaven."
Me: "So you had a taste of heaven already? Does it taste like this?"
Seungri: "Ahaha, yeah." 

It took us a few hours to talk about ourselves again. I opened the topic about having a relationship with someone just so I could see where it would lead to and I didn't expect to hear words like that from him...

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
sunset812 #3
Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
sunset812 #4
Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
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Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
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Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
sunset812 #10
Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe