C22: Surprise (Daesung's POV)


It was so nice seeing hyung today and really weird seeing that thing on his neck.... and weirdly enough that Cielle has one too. I wonder why. After eating lunch with Dan and the others, this time, it was her turn to clean up since I prepared the meal. "So this is what I get for not helping you?" She asked. "Ne." She went on with washing the dishes and I cleaned the table, handing her the plates and everything else. Simply checking around the house, i stumbled on Cielle and Dan's room. Sneaking in, I saw her iPad, going through her camera roll, seeing a lot of pictures of me. To add it up, I took selcas (which I don't normally do until now). I went out immediately and sat next to Jiyong hyung and Cielle went to Dan.

Me: "Ahh hyung, what brought you here?" crossing my legs and stretching my arms.
Jiyong: "Cielle-ssi." He crossed his legs like mine and put his hands on his knees.
Me: "How did you guys meet anyway? You said you'd tell me..."
Jiyong: *sighs* It was because of Seungri. He wanted me to talk to her so I did. But she's not the only reason why I'm here."
Me: "Work?"
Jiyong: "Yeah. Daesung, after this, where will you go?"
Me: "I don't know yet. I was just planning to stay here with Dan the whole day but since Cielle is back, maybe I'll go somewhere else."
Jiyong: "Oh.. Okay."
Me: "Why? Do you have anything in mind?"
Jiyong: "No... I'm tired and I wanna go back to my apartment."
Me: "Mind if I come along? It has been a while since I've bonded with you, hyung."
Jiyong: "But I thought you're gonna stay here with Dan?"
Me: "I was because she didn't have company but Cielle is here now."
Jiyong: "I-I need time to think, Daesung.. Maybe some other time."
Me: "C'mon, I insist!"
Jiyong: "I --" 
Dan: "What are you guys talking about?"
Me: "Hyung wants to go home. He said he needed time to think."
Cielle: "Think about what?" Her eyes seem to become worried as it layed on Jiyong and then hyung hit my with his elbow.
Jiyong: "Nothing." He grinned so wide that his eyes closed, scratching his head with one finger.
Dan: "Ohhh kay? Anyway, Daesung oppa, where are you going after this?"
Daesung: "With Jiyong. We need time to bond." I admit, I was forcing him. I don't think I'll ever find time to do things with him if he's here to work. I could see his eyes widen and he chuckled.
Cielle: "Where you guys going?" She faced me making me want to spill it out but I really don't know.
Daesung: "That, I don't know. Its up to him."
Jiyong: "We have to go..." He quickly stood up and faced Cielle, giving her a hug, holding her arms after and stared at her for a moment then leaned in to kiss her cheeks. "I'll see you soon." Smiled and went out the door. I panicked a little, not kowing what to do with Dan after what Jiyong executed in front of all of us. "Uhh, I guess I'll see you soon too?" I could feel my face turn pink. Instead of being sweet like hyung, I put my arms on Dan's shoulders and made my face so close to hers that not even a finger could go through. "You're still pretty... ugly." I laughed and she smacked my head lightly. "Just kiss her, Daesung." We both looked at Cielle who was watching us the whole time. "Okay, I think I'm disturbing.... I'll... Go... to my room now." And walked out. Still holding on Dan's shoulders, I just hugged her instead, kissing the top of her head and said, "Take care of yourself. If you want to eat, just tell me so I could cook for you." "Right. I'll take note of that. Thank you, oppa." I could feel her face smile and felt the heat of her body rubbing against mine as she hugged me back. "Bye, Dan." I let her go, went out and followed hyung. "Hyung! Hyung! Wait for me!" Running as fast as I could so I could catch up with him. We drove back to his and Seungri's apartment. Once I entered, the first thing I noticed was how it was suspiciously clean. "Wow, hyung. Did you hire someone to clean or something?" My eyes were allured with what I saw. It wasn't like Seungri. I mean, he's tidy and all but not like this. Its too clean, as if he already had a wife to do all this. "Seungri's changing his ways, I guess. Ever since he met Yuri, he's been cleaning the house, bossing me around as well when I don't clean right away." He smirked, took of his jacket as he walked towards his room. He changed into a simple white shirt and took of his shoes. He probably doesn't have work today. Sitting on the couch, he lay his head back and closed his eyes. 

Me: "Hyung, is there any problem?"
Jiyong: "No, why? Does it look like there's a problem?"
Me: "You seemed tense a while ago..."
Jiyong: "Its nothing..." Now I could tell that he's hiding something.
Me: "Hyung, you could tell my ANYTHING. What's the matter?" He changed his position, bowing his head down between his legs and clasped his hands together.
Jiyong: "Daesung. I think..."
Me: "Think what?"
Jiyong: "Nevermind. I can't say it."
Me: "You already started. Don't stop."
Jiyong: "I-I... I'm a bad person, Daesung. I think I'm giving Cielle false hopes. Last night, we had a make-out session. She slept here, but nothing happened other than that, and, and..."
Me: "And???" My heart began to race. I've never heard hyung say those kinds of words. So that's where that thing on his neck came from!
Jiyong: "And I can see she really likes me. I don't want to hurt her, Daesung." His voice was starting to crack up. I could hear little sobs in between. He's hurting too. 
Me: "But hyung, do you even like her?" I leaned in a little closer to him and patted his back.
Jiyong: "I'm trying to, but my focus is on my work. I can't split my time. I only did this because of Seungri. He asked me this favor." No. I can't believe this. 
Me: "Hyung, just give her some time. Maybe you'll get to know her better..."
Jiyong: 'Daesung, I'm having such a hard time. She doesn't see it. Yet." He wiped his face with his hands and ran his fingers through his hair, making him sit back up and tilting his head once more, closing his eyes. "I'm afraid for the both of us. I could already see pictures of her in the internet. Its not that I don't wanna be with her. Its that I'm not yet even ready." I questioned him for a moment... "Not yet ready? But you made out with her?" My left eye twitched a little as my mouth pronounced the words 'made out'. "What is wrong with me, Daesung?" I looked down, feeling sorry for him. He's confused. He has never been this troubled before. Deep down, inside him, I know he likes Cielle. Its just hard for him to admit it.  Right now, he needs something to make him feel better... I looked around, not knowing what to do but since its Jiyong, he'll appreciate the things I'll do... "Hyung, today, we're going to be girls." He opened one of his eyes and raised his eyebrows, "What?" I bought ice cream and brought out my laptop with several chick flicks. "Why do you even have these?" My face scrunched to think of something to reply to him. "Uhhhh..... I uhhh... Look, I like them, okay? Don't judge! They have interesting taglines that makes me want to watch it..." I told hyung to sit back, relax and feel comfortable since we're watching something different. Its unlike us but its to make him feel better. "Hyung, I hope you enjoy this..." I chose 'She's the Man'. Ever heard of it? You should watch it, its really funny! Hyung was defintely enjoying himself while watching it. I can't believe it worked. I thought he'd sleep halfway through it but my expectations were wrong. I'm just gonna wait here till he tells me that he has feelings for Cielle. I'm sure he does, work is just making him think that he doesn't. Stress is what they call it, I believe.

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
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Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
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Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
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Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
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Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
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Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe