C44: Confrontation (Part 2)



(Third Person POV)


Yuri was sent home a day after the doctor announced it. In doing so, they went their separate ways; Seungri went back home with Yuri, introduced himself properly to her parents and finally confessing on what had had been happening to the both of them for the past few months (except for that night before he left for Korea.)

Dan took Daesung out with TOP for a little tour around LA. Of course, they had to suit up so not a lot of people could see them and it was working. Plus, Dan knows places where not a lot of people are fond of kpop or in this case, bigbang.

As for Jiyong and Cielle, they decided to bring Youngbae along. TOP and Youngbae weren't meant to look like third wheelers because they weren't and sure enough, they were enjoying themselves.

Since Jiyong and Youngbae's image can easily be spotted, Cielle made sure they went to a place somewhere almost similar to Dan's, where less people could notice them.

But the kpop community in LA was growing and a lot of people knew who the legendary G-Dragon was and the astounding Youngbae. 

Soon enough, Jiyong pleaded Cielle to take a detour to Chrome Hearts factory, just for a quick visit. Not a moment later, they were each given bags of clothes as a gift from the factory and Jiyong requested another for Cielle. Since they weren't familiar of herr, they did as he wished and was then given a bag. "I don't really need it." She says. "C'mon, its a gift! You'll love it." Jiyong said. She couldn't exactly say no so the best was just to accept it.

"Jiyong-ah, I'll go on ahead. I'll leave you guys alone." Youngbae said. "Where will you go?" Jiyong asked. "Some place. Don't worry about me." He smiles and then leaves. 

"Guess its just you and me, huh?" Jiyong said, eyes locked at Cielle. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks. "Like what?" He said. "Like... .That. Its creeping me out." Jiyong just stared at her for a while and began to make weird faces, scrunching his nose and filling his mouth with air, making it round and puffy. Cielle clasped her hands together at Jiyong's face and said, "Stop." She was enjoying it but it all seemed to be a little public. "Should we go some place else?" Jiyong asks. Cielle nods in agreement and soon after, they left.

"You know, I really do want to feel normal." Jiyong starts up a conversation. "How can you not?" Cielle says. "Haha. I'm serious. I mean, I want to walk the streets without anyone noticing me. Hold hands with you while strolling the park and people not giving a damn about it..." 

"We could do that, you know?" Cielle says. "But, people are gonna--" 

"Look, you said you want to feel normal and here's your chance. Hold my hand." Jiyong looks at her dumbfounded but then grabs her hand. "There, we're holding hands. No one's looking at us." She says. "Yet." He added. "Yet." She repeats.

"Okay. Now, what other 'normal' things would you like to do?" Cielle asks.

"Are you hungry? Lets eat!" Jiyong says.

He then grabs her hand tightly and brisk walked to a nearby Italian restaurant. "I haven't had pizzas in a while..." He says. A waiter then approaches and assists them to a table.

Jiyong and Cielle, who were both coindientally skinny, ordered a lot. Take not, Italian food is really heavy but they finished it anyway. Jiyong, who was ever so generous, paid for the bill and said, "now, how about another stroll after a heavy dinner?" Cielle smiles widely, grabbed her things and went on.

Cielle was leading the way. "I haven't seen your house, Fran."

"Its okay, there's nothing to see anyway." She says.

"Take me home with you, just for tonight." Jiyong says.


"At least let me take you home."

"Fine. But we walk."

"What? Why? I could just call up on my manager to bring you there."

"No. We walk. Its near anyway. Besides, don't you want to hold hands with me while we walk???" 

Jiyong laughs and just goes with what she wanted.

After passing by numerous houses, lamp posts that automatically as the night sky fell and the children were already preparing to go home, they arrive at her street.

"So, this is where me and Dan live."

"You live together?"

"No! You nut! This is the street where we live in."

"Sorry! You could've at least be clearer on that... Where does Yuri live?"

"Its... Somewhere there. Like a few blocks away..."

But her house was almost at the other end of the street so it took time to get there.

Upon sharing stories about each other's lives, Jiyong heard a rustling on of the bushes.

"Shh. Shh. Did you hear that???" Jiyong whispered.

"No. What is it?" 

"Shh! Listen."

And the rustling started again.

Both of them were looking around, still holding on to each other. "It... stopped." Cielle said. 

"It was probably just squirrels."

"Probably." Jiyong said.

And as they continued walking, Cielle heard someone running from behind and when she turned around, a lady, taller than her and an inch taller than Jiyong was standing in front of her.

Jiyong quickly grabs Cielle and runs as he noticed she was holding a knife, the blade shining as the light from the lamp posts reflects on it. 

But since Cielle was startled, she froze and snapped out of herself as she noticed the knife as well. She punched the lady repeatedly until she was held down by her hand. Cielle then punched her again and they both fell to the groun, making her drop her weapon. Before she could strike another punch, the lady who had long fingernails scratched Cielle's face, leaving long streaks of bruises and bled. Jiyong quickly runs back when he realized that Cielle wasn't following her and kicked the lady out of her way. She helped Cielle up and took the knife along with him.

He wanted to stab her so badly for hurting Cielle but he knew he couldn't so he took time to observe his face as he requested Cielle to call on his manager.

Jiyong stabs the knife through the grass and grabbed the lady by her collar.

"Who the are you?!" He shouted.

She didn't answer. As the artificial light illuminates her face, he saw that it wasn't a lady but a tall teenager whose face was completely blank.

He lets go her, grabs Cielle and left the girl lying on the ground but before they leave, he picks up the knife and hops in the car. Apparently, his manager was following them all this time but he was far away from them to even see what had happened.

Jiyong's manager had at least body guards with him and took the girl to the nearest police station. 

Cielle started to cry inside the car as trickles of blood drips from her face. All in all, there were three long scratches on each cheek, all deep enough for it to leave a mark.

Jiyong held Cielle tightlty and said, "I'm sorry for letting this happen to you."

"Gae se ki!!!! Why did you run?!?!?!" 

"I thought I was holding you--"

"You could've at least checked!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Sorry isn't gonna do anything!" She starts hitting Jiyong on his chest and he tries to block her off. He holds up her arms and hugs her again, comforting her, redundantly saying, "I'm sorry" as he caresses her haid so that she could calm down.

Arriving at the hospital, Jiyong sees TOP sitting, who looked like he was waiting for soomeone.

A nurse gently assists Cielle to a room and Jiyong sat beside TOP.

"What are you doing here?!" He asks surprised.

"I could ask you the same question... It's because of Dan." There was worry in his eyes and he couldn't look straight at Jiyong's face.

"Where are they??" 

Jiyong stood up, asked the people from the information for Dan's room since Cielle was still being treated.

"Hyung! How did you find us?!" Daesung said as Jiyong entered.

Jiyong's eyes widened and he stiffened as he saw Dan lying down on the bed.

"W-what happened??" He asks.

"Well... We were walking downtown and then decided to play at the arcade--"

"Then I went to the bathroom for a while to freshen up when suddenly, a girl comes out at one of the cubicles who was clearly taller than me and decided to blow tremendous amounts of sand or dust or what ever it is on my face."

"A girl??? What did she look like???"

"Well, at first i thought it was an old woman but when she came closer, she looks actually young. Her hair was black and sh ehad fair skin and her face yeah, you know. Anyway, after that she sprinted outside. I tried to rinse it off with water but it triggered my skin asthma quickly and I had to run back to Daesung. And then this happened, my whole skin itched like hell....

Wait, why are you here? Isn't Cielle suppose to be with you?" Dan says right after she finishes the story.

"She is. The same girl who 'attacked' you busted her face. She was suppose to be home by now but that girl decided to appear out of nowhere and almost stabbing both of us..." Jiyong continues on with the story and when he finishes, he says his goodbyes to both of them, saying that he hopes to see Daesung tonight back at the hotel and runs back to Cielle's room.

It wasn't all that bad but she looked like cat with whiskers... He sat next to her and told her what happened to Dan.

"Guess they had Yuri first and then us..." Cielle says.



The next morning, Seungri wakes up from his slumber to find that Yuri was still sleeping. Her parents were kind enough to let him stay for the night as her "assistant". Fortunately, Seungri's charismas immediately gained Yuri's parents' trust.

He tried to prepare breakfast for everyone, showing off how great of a cook he can and can't be. Her parents were very pleased even more so when he said that he's gonna give her a breakfast in bed. Before going up the flight of stairs, her dad said, "Seungri... Later this afternoon, we're going to meet up those girls who attacked her. I want you to come along -- no, you have to." His smile slowly fades as he hear the words 'attacked Yuri' but tried to put a smile back on his face.

As he went back upstairs, Yuri was already up with a sad face. She heard the news about her friends from TOP and tells Seungri whilst eating.

"By the way, your dad said we're going to... confront (?) those girls."

"I really don't want to..."

"But you have to. Its actually the time to know what they want and we're here, no one can hurt you."

She couldn't do much so she did eventually go.



When they arrive at the police station, Cielle, Dan TOP, Youngbae, Jiyong and Daesung were already there, waiting for them to arrive.

They all entered a room and there sat the three girls who have hurt them.

Cielle, being anxious and mad about this whole situation, bursted and said, "Alright, spill." She slammed her hands on the table and sat down. Seungri assisted Yuri to hers and Dan was furious enough to keep quiet.

Blondie number 1 said that her name was Kath, blondie number 2 said hers was Erin and the brunette said hers was Carrissa. Among the three of them, she was the most nervous, obvious with the way she was shaking and her eyes began to swell up with tears.

"It was their idea!! I swear!!" Cielle was taken aback, smiling as if she knew that one of them was bound to say a word.

"Go on." she said as she crossed her arms.

"Well, at first I wasn't included. I guess Yuri and Seungri already saw them both back at Japan. Erin told me that the first time she saw Yuri, she looked like a total snob and it annoyed the hell out of her. And then the hate started when Kath said Seungri doesn't deserve a girl like her -- a . I told them just to let the celebrity's life be and soon when they came back, they had loads of information about the three of you."

She paused for a moment and looked at both of the blondes who weren't saying anything.

"Apparently," She continued, "They knew someone who knows how to sneak in a cam and a mic through Yuri's stuff and it was a success. Later on, the girl who bumped into you at Roponggi, Kumiko, attached the mic to your belt instantly and heard your conversations of going back to LA."

"Wait a minute," Youngbae interrupted, "Why Yuri?"

"She was the bait. They figured that if they targeted Yuri all at once, even to that point where she'd break her bones, all of you would stop... But since you didn't, I regret saying this, I tagged along."

"And why?" TOP said, almost angrily with a sharp, deep and loud voice.

"I was so mad. I'm a fan who was envious of seeing loads of pictures on the internet that it made me furious too. I didn't mind it at all but these two pulled me in, telling me that its best for the group and for the fandom."

"That is ing STUPID!" Yuri yells.

"I'm the bait?! Trying to break us apart?! Didn't you see that it only made us closer?! Such dumb dimwits!" Yuri yells once more.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't suppose to attack you guys and I tried to stop myself--"

"What's DONE, is DONE." Dan says. She stood up, gave one last glare at the three girls and left the room.

Cielle then followed her and soon, everyone was out of the room except for Yuri.

"I'm gonna forgive you, Carrissa, for telling the truth but it won't be easy for me to forget this. Plus, the both of you girls...

you both. You get what you give."

After those words came out of , Erin and Kath started to burst out in tears, speechless.

Seungri guides Yuri outside and the police says that those three would be put into prison for a good 5 months plus community service.

After a talk with the chief, Yuri's parents said that they'd be off and that they'd do what ever they wanted to. They'll be out of their way.






Not long, Youngbae shouts, "THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION!'








So, that's was the reason~! Its shallow, and the paragraph only fits a portion of the title, I know but you know how sasaeng fans can be. 

Its long, I know but ehe D:

Plus, I've chosen that GIF cause its got that "WATCHU GON' DO NAO ES' feel to it XD

No proofread so I am sorry.

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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
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Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
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Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
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Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
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Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
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Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe