C33: Five (Daesung's POV)


Me and Dan had been talking non-stop for the past couple of days. Just recently, she told me about her tour with Yuri around the streets of Tokyo; walking around instead of getting in a taxi cab and having to pay for it. She gets tired easily but bearable although exhausting but at the same time enjoying. It was weird though, when she told me that Cielle and hyung disappeared out of the blue when he asked if Cielle could just catch up and they never came back. I didn't want to interfere Yuri and Dan's afternoon so I decided to finish whatever work I had to do and leave it as is whatever Cielle and hyung planned.


Three days later, Dan called me, almost sobbing. 

Me: "Yeobohseyo?"
Dan: "Daesungiie..." Her voice was cracking a bit and the background was surpsingly quiet., but I could hear lots of plastic bags being spread open.
Me: "Danee, is everything alright? You seemed worried..."
Dan: "Oppa... I have to tell you something..."
Me: "I'm listening..."
Dan: "Oppa... We have to leave the country..." My heart dropped and my whole pulse stopped.
Me: "W-what? Wae?! When and where?!"
Dan: "We have to go back to California. Yuri's dad was needed and they have to relocate immediately, sad to say that we have to come along."
Me: "When??" I closed my eyes, sitting on the couch, resting my head and rubbing my temples.
Dan:"In exactly three days. We're already packing up so that we have the rest of the days free." 
Me:  "Why can't you just stay behind a little longer?"
Dan:"Its not our choice although I wish it was. Yuri's parents are in charge of our flight tickets and they basically hold our money to everything we buy."
Me: "Ah................" There was a long pause between us until the only sound you could hear was our breathing.
Me: "Dan, if you could, the day after tomorrow, please come with me. Don't ask where but I want you to meet me outside of your apartment. I'll see you then."
Dan: "Okay, oppa. See you then."

- hangs up -

I know me and Dan aren't official................. but this is the only chance I have. I can't fly to half way across the globe like this so I have to make my move. 


I didn't have any kind of social networking accounts in any website except for my me2day and diary but that was enough for me to spread the word. 


"Good evening, VIPs! ^^ 

It's been a long time, hasn't it??? I'm here in Japan now! And I met amazing friends! 

Did you listen to my new album? I hope you liked it! I made it especially for you guys!

But right now, I need to ask a favor from everyone, in or out of Japan.

I need as many VIPs to gather up in Roppongi, National Art Center, Tokyo, on April 19 as early as 2pm.(Today is April 17). Does anyone know where it is? I know its all of a sudden but please if you can, cooperate (o^u^o)

To anyone who is coming, please make a banner that says with just this word. 

Here is what I need you to do next:


(((you'll find out later ^)))

Before hitting that publish button, I texted Yuri and Cielle saying, :"Whatever you do, do not let Dan open her twitter, facebook, instagram or anything that can connect to me and the internet." Within a few seconds, both replied with a simple "ok", not even asking 'why?'.

The first person to know about my plan was hyung and he said it sounds pretty cool and unique. I immediately got his support.





It was the day. I spent the whole day yesterday trying to plot everything out. I dressed myself in a simple white shirt, topped with a beige jacket, jeans and sneakers. Causal. 

I drove to Dan's building and texted her to go down. I saw her walking out of the building wearing floral printed leggings, a cream colored coat, not too long to reach her knees and boots with her hair tied. I like how she looks. She hopped into the car and said, "Okay, so... Where are we going?" I drove a while, not answering her question for a minute then I said, "Shopping." 


I was hoping that the VIPs were there and instructed them to go to the National Art Center, not inside but out, in the middle where was a ginormous upside thumbtack that was made of glassand the architecture was just breathtaking. I also told them to hang on to their banners and bring food if they wanted to in case we'd be late. I assigned one of our directors to help me with this and told the VIPs to get instructions from him coming from me. (This was kind of a big thing for me so I decided that they'd place a small stage in that circle just enough for the VIPs [as witnesses] to see).


Going around Roppongi, I told Dan to go first this game store. Tokyo was known for its exhilarating and high-tech gaming so it wasn't that hard to spot one.
"Oppa, what are we doing here?" 
"You need to buy this for me." I handed her a huge rectangular box from one of the shelves with a steering wheel inside it.
"What? But, why don't you buy it for yourself? I don't even need this."
"Trust me, you will later."
"No, I'm not buying this."
"Danee, just please buy it... For me???" I pouted my lips and looked at her, knowing that my eyes were becoming smaller.
"Ugh, fine. This better be worth it."
"Yaa!! Thank you!!! You won't regret it!" I clapped my hands repeatedly until the cashier got pretty annoyed with me so I stopped.

Leaving the store, she handed me the plastic bag and said,
"Here's your toy. Now, hold it."
"Nahh, you hold it." 

I walked pass by her and she stopped for a few seconds trying to look at me with her eyes squinting, as if she couldn't believe what I just did. She soon caught up with me, not saying a single word. I know she isn't pissed nor tired but I know she just wants to get this over with.

Still ignoring her, I texted my director, asking how the VIPs are. He replied shortly saying that they gathered up pretty quickly and they're clearly outnumbered but most of them, or at least almost all of them, had the banner. I was pleased with what I read so I felt even more excited as we went on.


The next store we went was a hardware. I asked one of the staff to help look for a magnet that was shaped like a letter "U". You know, like a horseshoe and then within minutes, he handed them to me.

"Dan --" I said as I faced her.
"What is this now?!"
"A magnet."
"I know that!!! For what?!"
"Something. I really need this!!! Please, again?"
"But you have your own money!"
"PLEASE?!?!?!" I pleaded once more and again, found herself buying it.
"Kang Daesung, this better be good or I will punch you." Her stare frightened me a little so I squeezed her cheeks with the palm of my hands. "Okay, next." I let go of her and continued to walk.

I was looking around with Dan by my side, looking for another store to catch my eye. 
"Oppa, I'm hungry."
"What do you want to eat?"
"I want Ice Cream."
"I know the perfect place!"

I lead her to one of the ice cream stands just a few minutes away from where we were (but still in Roppongi. Don't get me wrong, this was a HUGE place but we only had limited time to complete what I have to do). The stand sold mounds of ice cream, almost a foot tall that you can mix two flavors or just one. I bought two, vanilla for me and chocolate for Dan. We sat down on the nearest table we could find a suddenly, VIPs start to notice us. I told my director to spread the word to them that whatever they do when they see us, don't let Dan know or bother us. And so, they didn't. Dan finished her's seconds after I did and quickly got on our feet. Luckily, the VIPs who spotted us didn't hold up the banner which made everything calm.

"Aren't you tired from all the walking?" she asked.
"No. I don't get tired on days like these."
"Like what?"
"When I'm with you, of course." I smiled widely at her and I can see that she blushed, just a little bit of pink right on her cheeks.


The third 3rd stop I intended for us to go to was an arcade. I knew how much she loved them and how we both enjoy doraemon so I went up to one of those dream catcher things that had a bunch of doraemon stuffed toys in it. I needed luck for this game. The stuffed toys had different costumes on them which was unlikely but cute. I wanted to reach for that one little doraemon hiding in the corner that wore a bumblebee suit. It was perfect, almost like love at first sight (in this case, love at first catch). It took me almost 20 minutes just to get it and Dan was just watching from behind. "Can I try?" "NO. I'm getting this on my own!" And I laughed but half serous when I said it. Dan, still watching me started to mock me. I didn't give up and for the last time I insterted a token, I finally got it!

"I caught it and now you can hold it." I put the stuffed toy inside the plastic bag where the steering wheel was and we were 80% done with the shopping.


The 2nd to the last stop was in the Sanrio shop. Instead of buying all those girly things, I bought this poster that says "MY MELODY" and had a picture of it on the sides. Half of the things we bought was from Dan's pocket and half of it was from mine and finally, all the shopping was done.

"Dan," I held her hand.
"Follow me." It was finally the time to go to the museum but not directly inside.

I texted my director and said we were on our way and he said that they're all set up. There was even a mic on the stage and a projector. Dan really had no idea what's gonna happen next.




It took us approximately 6 minutes to get to the museum and I saw how crowded the place was. The VIPs were all looking in one direction so they couldn't see me from behind.
"What's going on?" Dan asked.
"I don't know either. C'mon, lets check it out." While walking, I saw my director and told me that the banners are folded on their hands. He made them hide it and he said that all that's left was my signal. My heart was racing so fast once we entered the crowd and the VIPs I came across didn't bother tugging me but made Dan enter anyway as I lead her through. 

I climbed up the stairs of the stage and Dan's expression suddenly changed. I pointed to the ground, making her go up on the stage beside me. She shook her head 'no' and all the VIPs were now trying to convince her. I asked one of them, a girl who is probably older than Dan but younger than me, to assist her and she gladly did. She pushed and shoved Dan onto the stage and finally she was beside me. I thanked the girl but before leaving the stage, I asked her what her name is and said it was Kumiko. In return for the favor I asked, I gave her a friendly hug and she left the stage. Int he sea of people, I spotted Cielle and Yuri, smiling at me. I think they had banners as well.

I held the mic in front of my mouth, breathing in and out slowly and finally said,

"Danee," I faced her. "Today, I made you buy all these things for a reason. And I am sorry if it costs much but I really want you to analyze it through." I grabbed everything we bought from her arms and placed it infront of the stage according to how we bought it; the steering wheel first, the magnet, the doraemon and then the poster. But before I layed the poster on the floor, I ripped in half, leaving the "MY" and throwing away the "MELODY". I opened the steering wheel so it'll be easier for a few people to see what it was but fortunately, my director set up a camera that directly flashed to a projector beside the stage, making everyone see.

I once again grabbed the mic and said, "Bang Dan Hee, please state EVERYTHING we bought today."
The mic that was on my hand is now in front of , ready to be spoken to.
"Uhh.... Okay.. The steering wheel... The magnet.... The doraemon bee and the word 'MY'."
"Now, please be literal about these things." She paused for a moment and I handed her the mic, giving her time to think. The crowd wasn't saying anything and they were waiting for Dan to say something. Her eyes began to widen and she clasped her hands on .

"Kang Daesung, what are you trying to say???"
"Everybody, please hold up the banner!" They did and a little while, I announced,





"Bang Dan Hee, (pointed at each item everytime I say the word) WHEEL, U, BEE, MY..." and as the VIPs held the banners up high, including Cielle and Yuri, my hand gestured her to look at it and they VIPs shouted,












She started to laugh hysterically and was still covered. Despite her shyness, she looked at the VIPs first who were smiling back at her, waiting for her response. My heart was pounding so hard that I could hear it. My palms were sweating like crazy even in this cold weather and my neck was itching. She then turned her eyes on me, bowed her head and directly saying to the mic...








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Chapter 56: HI YURI. REMEMBER ME? LOL. I miss you a lot. And your goodbye just made me miss you more. I'm sad that you're not going to finish this story because it's the only place I got the chance to be with Jiyong. Hahaha! Stay safe. Always.

P.S. Remember that I'm still here if ever you need someone to talk to.
Chapter 54: HIHI :"""""""">
sunset812 #3
Chapter 53: Well, that wasn't so bad. Not great, but not too bad either.
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Chapter 52: Well, at least they figured out ways around the problems. I wonder what YG has to say.
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Chapter 51: Fun interview and interesting chapter. Legitimate concerns with the public knowing, people are crazy.
Chapter 49: OMG. I'm developing feelings for TOP. Oh btw, where's Jiyong?
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Chapter 48: Join the club dearies... I like this chapter. It adds a little more drama!
Chapter 47: TOP OPPA!!!! *O* So perfect XDD
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Chapter 47: Dun Dun DUN!!! Greedy little thing ain't she? wanting two boys attention? Hehehehehe