me mom.

A Twist In My Story


▣▣▣▣ Kyuhyun's POV ▣▣▣▣

She was embarrassed when she asked me if we could continue our exchange of letters. I chuckled and took out the pen recorder on my pocket.

"I saw this in one drama so tried it."

She bit her bottom lip and lowered her head.

"Look at me." I ordered her.

Slowly, she lifted up her head to look at me.

"If the letters help you then expect me to continue sending you one every night." I said and ruffled her hair.

She nodded. "It's getting late. We need to sleep."


She step tiptoed, placed her hands on my shoulders and reached to kiss my cheeks. "Good night!" She left the room before I could do something.

My phone suddenly rings. It was my sister calling.

"Do you know who Jamaica Perez is?"

My brow rose. "She's Kaori's older sister. Why?"

" got a call from her."

"What?" I got puzzled.


▣▣▣▣ Henry's POV ▣▣▣▣

I woke up at 6am and walked downstairs to the kitchen and found others already awake. I sat beside Siwon hyung and as usual he's reading English magazine while drinking Americano.

I'm totally not the kind of person he was but there's a feeling inside me that I should read it too. I leaned a bit and found an article.

“What is Kaori’s real last name again?” I asked; looking at Pauline.

“Perez.” She answered me.

I pointed one article. “They own Miu Miu right? She talked about Kaori in this article.”

Siwon hyung turned it to the page I was looking at. “Is this Kaori’s mom?” He asked.

Pau came over to look at it. “Ow, that’s aunt Jia.”

“Seriously?” Some of them asked.

“Let me read it.” I said and took the magazine from Siwon hyung.

She was covered to share her success story as a single mother. There are a lot of sections in the magazine. She showed all their family business and how they got that far. She shared tips for those who are just starting in their business and even shared how hard she worked for their business to become successful. Mrs. Jia Li Perez mentioned her children’s; it was said that she lost a son and the three remaining children were in different places for work.

“Read that, it’s hard to be a mother.” Pau told me so I nodded.

She mentioned how hard she treated her children’s. That she was regretting that she focused too much in work and forgot about her angels. She even said that she was the most sorry towards her youngest daughter and she’s hoping for the better for her family. The writer said that she was shocked when Mrs. Perez said that the last time she talked to her two daughter’s was three months ago.

“That’s the time when Kyuhyun and Kaori went to Paris, right?” Aki asked.

I nodded.

“Wow! Kaori’s mom was really daebbak!” Siwon hyung shook his head in disbelief.

“My father was like that too.” Pau commented.

We all blinked.


▣▣▣▣ Heechul's POV ▣▣▣▣

As the son of my mom and dad, it hurts too to know that my father cheated on my mom. Worst, he has a child on her woman. I will never get mad at her since I know that kid was innocent as an angel. Now everything was clear. My little sister is just near me. Kaori is actually welcome in our house. My mother once said that she’ll treat my dad’s daughter like her own if ever we find her. Now everyone at home knows, they’re just waiting for Kaori to come.

I don’t know if I should treat that phone call as the worst to have in the morning. Kaori’s biological mother called me and asked for my help.

“I’ve never been a mother to Kaori.” I heard the old lady said.

I remained silent as I listen to her.

“If it’s possible, even if she doesn’t want to accept my apologies at least I want to let her know how much I am sorry for what I did and said.”

“How can I help you Mrs. Perez?” I asked.


▣▣▣▣ Kaori's POV ▣▣▣▣

I sat at the edge of the bed and looked at the envelope that Jino gave me. I haven’t read the kid’s letter for me.

“Kaooorrriiiii!” I heard Mika shouting my name.

Her high pitch tone made me frown. I heard continues knocks on my door.

“Come in!” I shouted in annoyance.

“Kaori…come!” She excitedly pulled my arms and dragged me downstairs.

I saw a big box in the living room. My brow rose. “What’s that?”

“It’s a package for you.” Heechul oppa said.

“Really? Who sent it?” I asked blinking.

Wookie kneeled in front of the box. “It says here…from: your number one fan.”

I chuckled and walked towards the box and excitedly unpacked it. “WHoah!!” I saw a lot of teddy bears.

“Wow! The sender must really be a huge fan. That’s a lot.” Mika commented.

I was so thankful to my fan that sent the stuffed toys. I carried them in my room unknowingly smiling brightly.

The whole day is such a good vibes for me. My drama scenes were shot perfectly without repeating the scenes. We spent three days in Jeju to shoot the drama. I’m not the lead character but my role was important too.

“You worked so hard today Kaori! Keep it up!” The PD told me before we went home.

I didn’t feel that I was tired when I reached the dorm. I entered the living room and found Aki and Lei lying on the couch.

“How’s filming in Jeju?” Aki unnie asked me.

“It’s perfect!” I answered right away and climbed up the stairs. I turned the knob and my eyes went wide with what I saw. I blinked many times thinking the things I’m seeing would disappear.

“Unnnnniiiieeeee!” I called out.

Heechul oppa came first since his room was just across mine. Kyuhyun and Wookie followed.

“What happened in my room?” I asked looking at them. Mika came with Pau and peeked inside the room.

“Your fan changed your room, are you mad?” Heechul oppa asked me.

“My fan????” I was astonished.

“Yes, it’s right. She even sent packages for you these last three days you were away.” Kyuhyun informed me.

This is too much for a fan. I thought.



Everyday a package was being delivered for me but unlike the first time; the fan was sending it one by one. I even received a dollhouse that made me really laugh.

Do I look like a little girl to her?

The fan of mine even sends me inspirational quotes. One time my fan sent me a letter

Dear Kaori,

                Hi! To be honest with you this is my first time writing a letter. Many of your fans might think that they are your number one fan well they’re wrong. I’ve been your fan ever since. I have watched you for so long. If you ask me what’s the first performance that I saw you in…that was the first time you step on stage. Yes, I was there when you perform ‘The Sound of Music’. I was so proud of you back then. Now you’re rising as a global star, would I ever get to see you and talk to you again personally?

I stopped and raised my brow. Talk and see me personally? AGAIN? My heart skips a beat when I felt something was so strange about this fan and letter. I continued reading.

                I never got the chance to tell you before how happy and proud I am to see you being so successful but now I have found a way. These past months, people were so troublesome and they are giving you a hard time. I hope you’ll stay strong and stood up, lift up your chin honey. You’re not doing anything wrong to be scared and ashamed. The criticisms your receiving was nothing. I know you can surpass them. I believe in you!

P.S. Do you like my gifts? I’ve never done that to my own daughter before that’s why I’m so guilty and feeling sorry towards her. Do you think she can still forgive me after all these years?

                                                                                                                                                                , Your biggest fan.


I was certain that it was her after I read the last part of the letter. I sat there dumbfounded. I wasn’t aware that my eyes begin to swell.

I keep staring at the toys she sent me every night before I go to sleep or whenever I woke up in the morning. She didn’t stop sending me one every day.

It’s the 18th time she’s sending me stuffed toys. Unlike the first times I wasn’t that excited to open it. I weakly took the toy inside my room and pulled my comforter and covered the collection.

I hate you so much!

I don’t want to see you!

I say those words inside my head. Then I saw something being slipped in my door. It was a post-it note. 

I smiled with his first greeting. Then he slipped another paper.

I chuckled a bit.

I pouted and nodded. I waited for the next one.

Awww <3

 “You didn’t even call me.” I said pouting. I heard him chuckled.

I shook my head as if he sees me.

"Yes." I finally answered.

"hmm, how?" I asked.

"Yeh?" I can't stop my smile now after I took it.

I giggled with his last message.


▣▣▣▣ Kyuhyun's POV ▣▣▣▣


My mother asked me to be there because she said someone is looking for me and she said it was urgent. I got nervous when I found out who was waiting for me at home. They are Kaori’s family, her sister Jamaica, her brother Andrew and her biological mother was there too.

The old lady thanked me for taking care of Kaori. She even told me that she’s envious of me because she thinks her daughter loves me more than her.

Her mom told me about their family’s future plans but before anything else she must gain Kaori’s forgiveness.

“I’ll beg of her even if it takes years for her to forgive me…” She sadly told me.

“Kaori has a good heart, I know. She’ll forgive you one day Mrs. Perez.”

The guilt and sadness were written all over her face. “Thank you my son.”

I looked at her with wide eyes.

She smiled at me. “Just call me mom. I know how long you’ve been dating and I even asked one of my employees to give you a present on your first anniversary.”

My eyes blink, frowning a bit, trying to recall if we ever received a gift from their company. “I’m sorry but we’ve never received anything from your company.”

She chuckled. “Ah, yes, all the videos you watched all came from my employees work.”

“Really? So that’s the reason why it looked so realistic.”

“Kaoli’s mom was there in Montgomery when your father and I had our anniversary vacation.” My mom suddenly butts in.

“What? Why you didn’t you tell me?” I asked my mom.

“Oh, Mrs. Perez doesn’t want Kaori to know about it. She really took good care of us.”

I bowed 90 degrees and thank Kaori’s mom.

“Can I come to your dorm so I can cook for my daughter?” She suddenly asked me.



I just got back in the dorm from our house. I hurriedly walked to Kaori’s room to give her my letter.

“Go to sleep you’re tired.” I heard her told me after she giggled with the last piece of my post-it note love letter to her. I leaned over the door.

“Good night Kaori!” I softly said.

“Saranghae oppa.”

I smiled to myself and walked to my room. I changed my clothes and take a rest.

I woke up because of the aroma of Latte all over my room so I wondered where it did come from. I slowly got up, sat on my bed while scratching my sleepy eyes. I looked around with half-lidded eyes and saw the latte on my table. I took the spoon as I noticed something was written there. 

"Good...morning...handsome." I read each lines and laughed a bit.

That's when I know that I'm fully awake. I stared at the coffe and saw that something was written too.

Then I saw something. It was Kaori's sketchpad. I took it and found the first and last page. She drew me.

I didn't know how far my smile went and I took my phone to send Kaori a message. 

Kyuhyun: Do you love me that much that you even drew me? kekeke

Half an hour passed but she's not replying. I frowned.

"OWW ! Her assistant has her phone." I shook my head.

Yikes! hihi I worked extra hard on this chapter, the post-it notes&drawing hahahhaha lewl
Guys guys guys, don't stop commenting <3.<3 I super love them I swear!

and yesseu now it's down to three T^T

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Chapter 100: amazing story ever <3
lee-chelle #2
Chapter 71: Totally random but that gif made me cry... Hangeng. ㅠㅠ k... Back to the story.
Chapter 101: OH MY GOSH... this is literally one of de best kyu fic I read ever!! it's so goooooood!!!! nw I'm off to read ur other stories~~ haha~ de chullie in SS5 gif is it from SS5 malaysia?? haha
Chapter 76: OMG... this chapter is jz soooooooo sweet!! I cried when jino called kyu appa...
ZeloBabys #5
Chapter 101: Ends already? Aaaaaa I love your story good job author-nim ;)) I'm going to miss this story tho :'( kekekee keep on writing
iLoveSJ01 #6
Chapter 101: That ending was really sweet <333
First time I encountered a scene like that :)))
If ever something like that happens in my life ("Pretend we haven't met each other") then I'll definitely do Kaori's style :)))
Thanks for this lovely fanfic unnie ^^
feliciahung_ #7
I love this ff kk :3
mching101177 #8
Chapter 100: oh so sweet....i wish it didn't end.
4everlovingkyu #9
Chapter 100: authorniiiiiiiim!! this.,.. ahhhh! it's sooooo sweet!! eotteokhe?? will you make more??
mching101177 #10
Chapter 99: authornin i cant wait the nxt u wanna really end this fanfic