Break it to me gently

A Twist In My Story


▣▣▣▣ Kaori's POV ▣▣▣▣

"Then don't accept the musical they are offering you too." He told me.

I can't turn it down since I already signed the contract few days ago. It was about Changmin. He seemed to be jealous of his own best friend. I got an offer to do Musical with Changmim oppa. He agreed and said it's okay. The cast were all announced and we already did the press conference. His jealousy towards his friend started when Changmin said to one show that I am his ideal type. It's nothing serious. I was there too and he has no choice but to say my name.


"Why?" I asked him and lifted my hands, showing him our ring.

He showed me his ring too. "I can't say no to this."

"But you haven't signed any contract."

"Its plain work so why are you acting so mad?" His brows meet.

"Then what do you think about yourself?"

"Are you jealous of Yoona?"

"Are you jealous of Changmin oppa?"

Then the door in Kyuhyun's room flew open. "Can you both lower your voice? It's too late." He said rubbing his eyes.

"Oppa mianhe." I lowered in shame.

He sighed and closed the door.

"I moved back here to be with you and not to fight." He sat on the bed. "What now? Are you still going to do that musical?" He asked me in his normal voice.

"You know how much I love theater right?"

"Then enjoy your musical with Changmin!"

"Arasseo, enjoy your musical with Yoona too." I said and slammed the door.

"We're not yet done talking! Yah!"

I quickly locked the door in my room. My phone suddenly rings like hell. I swiped the screen and read the message.

Kyuhyun: I'm sorry if I yelled at you. Let's just talk over this tomorrow. Good night baby! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! ♥

It's the very first time that Kyuhyun sent a heart message. I find it funny and cute. I quietly walked on my toes to check on Kyuhyun but the lights downstairs caught my attention. I slowly walked down the stairs and looked around.

I peeked on the garden to see DongHae oppa. I heard sobs from him so decided to comfort him.

"You can lean on my shoulder." I said looking up at the stars.

"You knew it?"

I nodded. "It will be over soon."

"I don't know what to do."

"Seriously...if you guys need my help just call my name and i'll be there."

He chuckled. "Is that from a song?"

I smiled at him. "You dont look cool when you're crying. Oppa should be strong."

"Love, trust and hold on; those are the things that you need when you love someone." He didn't control his tears from falling.

"Did you already try to talk to her father?"

He shook his head.



Kyuhyun and I started our musical shows so we rarely see each other but this night is truly for us. The moment I went inside his room he already attacked me like he's going to beat me.

"What are you?!" I exclaimed when his strong arms dropped me down to bed.

"I missed you so much!" He said with a serious face.

I leaned my elbow and tried to get up. "Let's play your precious game."

He shook his head and buried his face on my arms. "Just stay here and cuddle with me."

I giggled and lay down to cuddle him. Then I noticed that he kept on giving a slight kiss on my lips then on my forehead.

So I asked him. "Is something wrong?"

He shook his head and remained silent.

I gently pinched his cheeks. "Come on, tell me."

He kissed my lips and my forehead again. I sighed. I was wondering what was wrong with him. The feeling of being ignored came to me when were awake the whole night but he's not even talking to me.

Maybe he's tired. I thought.


I seldom receive messages from him the past few weeks and whenever I'll try to call him he'll tell me that he was busy. So I decided to surprise him in his recording of Mamma Mia. I came as a part of the audience but Misun sunbae acknowledge my presence. At that moment I saw the sudden change from Kyuhyun's expression and it was even caught in the camera.


"Why did you do that expression when we said Kaorishi was here?" Lee Yeongja asked him.

He shook his head; laughing a bit. "I was surprised. I didn't know that she'll be here."

Like the usual filming, they were given a few minutes break. He excused himself to others and hurriedly went to where I was. He grabbed my wrist with so much force that it hurts so much. I didn't say a thing 'cause I'm scared what might others think.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He eyed everyone who’s inside his waiting room asking them to leave us for a moment.

"Why are you here?"

"You're not answering my calls so...."

"I'm working that's why!"

"I've been trying to call you more than a week now and..."

He cut me. "You shouldn't be here, don't ruin my mood."

I got even more surprised by him. "What?"

"Let's talk later please? Just not here."

"No, it's okay. I got it. I won't bother you anymore." I said and started to walk away.

He followed me and grabbed my hands. "It's not what I mean..."

I coldly pulled my hands off and went out of the building. I felt like tears would come out but I should hold it in because a lot of people would see me if ever.

I got a message from him.

Kyuhyun: Let's talk tonight please? :(

"Tch as if you have the right to become sad." I said and didn't reply on his sms.

I drove straight to SBS and I got so many missed calls from him. I'm still mad and hurt so I took off my battery.

I just got back home after hosting a program. My footsteps lead me to his room. I slowly entered and saw him playing Starcraft.

"It's been so long since I saw you playing your game."

I didn't expect it but he did just ignore me. I felt humiliated and look around to do something. I saw his phone and I took it. I got scared when he forcedly took it out of my hands.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Who told you to search for my things without my permission?"

"What????” I exhaled from my nose.

His phone suddenly ring, I saw it was Yoona calling him.

"Yoboseyo." He hirriedly answered it.

"We're talking!" I glared at him.

"Can't you see I'm talking over the phone?" He snorted.

"Arasseo! Just talk to Yoona as long as you want!"


▣▣▣▣ Kyuhyun's POV ▣▣▣▣

I should have just listened to Kaori; I shouldn’t have accepted that musical. I was regretting that I didn’t listen to her.


I met Yoona at the waiting room. She plainly smiled at me and bowed a bit.

I did the same thing. Before she completely went out of the room she came to me. “Let’s talk oppa.”

I followed her in some secured and silent place. “What is it?”

“About Kaorishi.”

“What about her?”

“Do you love her?”

I frowned a bit and nodded. “More than what you think.”

She sneered. “Then that means you don’t want her to get hurt right?”

I nodded again. “Why?”

“Then split up with her.” She frankly told me.

I chuckled. “Are you nuts?”

She shook her head. “Just split up with her then she won’t get hurt.”

“Stop this.” I’m slowly losing my temper.

“I know everything about her.”

I smirked. “Whatever! I know something about her too.”

I was about to leave her alone when she spoke. “I know her real family.”

I stopped and looked at her. “What?”

“I said I know who her real family was.”

I chuckled. “That’s funny!”

“Heechul oppa is her real brother.”

I walked closer to her. “What did you say??”

“Don’t you think she’ll get hurt if she learned that she was a bastard?”

“Watch your words!!” I shouted.

“Not only that, I know a lot oppa. I told you; I know everything.”

I closed my fist. “Who told you about this?” I’m still trying to calm down and besides I don’t know if she was telling the truth.

Then I suddenly remembered what Donghae hyung told me years ago. That Heechul hyung was looking for her little sister.

“The only way to protect your girl is to split up with her. Or otherwise, in just a snap; I’ll make her world turn upside down.”

I sighed and left the room.


I think I’m going crazy with everything that’s happening. Each day that passes by I was trying my best not to talk to Kaori. I’m afraid of what Kaori will do if she knew about it. If that news was revealed; what would others say about her? Most people nowadays are being judgmental. I was scared of losing her at the same time so when I’m alone I was sending Kaori a message saying I love her so much but I never dared to reply on her messages.

I acted mad in front of her though what I really wanted to do was to hug her tight and never let her go.

“I know what Kaori was doing; if she’s with you or not. I have eyes inside the dorm.” Yoona once told me.

That made me think who the hell was that I’m only sure about it’s not one of my hyungs or even Henry. I went to her room after a few days of not talking to her. I went there at dawn so none of them would see us together.

She was holding back her tears when I hugged her tight.

“Don’t you dare love any other man than me!” I said to her.

Her arms crawled on my back and she buried her face on my chest. I can feel her tears from my shirt.

“Don’t go.” She softly said while still crying on my chest.

“I won’t leave you.” I whispered.

I didn’t leave and stayed the whole night in her room. I felt how tight her hug was even when she’s asleep. I slowly pulled away from her when I heard the clock tic saying it’s already five in the morning. I don’t want to wake her up. I know how tired she was because of work. I saw Akiko at the kitchen.

“Can I help you cook?”

She jumped a bit in shock. “Oppa, you scared me.”

I chuckled. “Mianhe, I just want to help you make breakfast.”

“Really? Eyy, you just wanted to prepare for Kaoli.” She said teasingly.

I nodded, smiling plainly. “Yeh. I want to surprise her.”

Akiko taught me to make garlic breads and I even fried heart-shaped eggs. I took a tray and a plate; doing the plating all by myself.

Aki came close then looked at what I did. “Kaori would be really happy if she saw this.”

I smiled. “You think so? Oh do we have strawberry milk?”

She nodded. “I envy her now, omo, she was talented, pretty, came from a rich and perfect family.”

I looked up at her when she said ‘perfect family’. I chuckled. “There are a lot of things that she doesn’t have too.”

“Hmm, what else? She almost has everything including a loving boyfriend.”

I smiled and poured strawberry milk on Kaori’s favorite Doraemon mug. “Nothing can be perfect in this world.” I said and carried the tray up to Kaori’s room.

I left a note. I walked to my room and accidentally heard Lei talking over the phone.

“SHIBAL! Just give me back that necklace!!!!” She hangs up.

My eyes went a little wide and then chuckle. “Are you alright? Who taught you to swear?”

She shyly smiled. “Yeh, I’m fine. Heechul oppa taught me.”

I took a bath and went back to my room. I drove back to our dorm to get some of my things then along the way I got a message from Yoona.

Yoona: Are you a good cook now?”


I want to curse loudly.

“DAMN THAT BACKSTABBER!” I shouted instead hitting my stirring wheels.

Without thinking about it I sent Kaori a message.

Kyuhyun: Let’s split up


▣▣▣▣ Kaori's POV ▣▣▣▣

I can’t hide the smile when I saw the breakfast that Kyuhyun made just for me. He’s crazy at times but I love how he does things sweetly. I read his note once again.


                Good morning piglet! ^^ I cooked breakfast for you. Finish them all or I’ll punish you. Kkk I love you babe! Don’t take work too seriously and think about me every day! :P

                                                                                                                The loveliest person in the world Kyuhyun ^_~

I ate it everything and I was making my way down on the kitchen to wash the plates when I felt my phone vibrates. I got a message. It was Kyuhyun.

I dropped what I’m holding and read the message again thinking I read it wrongly. I felt my whole body trembling as I slowly pick up the broken glass.

“Kaoriah, gwenchana?” Mika hurriedly walked to the kitchen.

I nodded. “AHHH!” I cried in pain when I got cut.

“Leave it there. Let me clean it up for you.” I heard Henry’s voice.

I found myself sending a lot of messages to Kyuhyun.

Kaori: Let’s talk about this please…

Kaori: Tell me what’s wrong…

Kaori: Answer my calls please?

Kaori: Where are you?


▣▣▣▣ Henry's POV ▣▣▣▣

I was looking at Kaori for almost an hour but she doesn’t even notice that I was there. The restless look on her face made me worried about her. I saw that face before in Montgomery but now it’s a bit more than that. There’s something wrong. I know. I can feel that and it was about Kyuhyun hyung. I noticed them.

I came close to her and snatch her phone away just to get her attention.

Her eyes widened. “WHAT THE HELL YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING???” She shouted.

I looked around trying to let her notice that others were watching us.

She slowly calmed down and lowered her head. “I’m sorry.”

I went back inside and talked to their manager. I lied that Kaori was not feeling well, that she needed to rest. All of them went to their schedule today; leaving me and Kaori alone. I entered in the garden where she was.

“Is it about Kyuhyun hyung?”

She looked at me with teary eyes.

“It’s okay if you don’t answer me.” I said.

She sobbed.

“Cry it out until it hurts no more.”

She lowered her head and chuckled a bit. “You sure know when I’m fine and when I’m not.”

“I’m your best friend.”

She looked away and played with the grass. She might be pulling them all the while. “Remember when we played with our breakfast? The day when Pau came?”

I chuckled; just remembering that day making me smile. “Of course.”

“If not because of Donghae oppa we would have the best breakfast in our lives.”

I started laughing softly. “We wasted a lot of food that morning.”

“I remembered Heechul oppa’s face when he squeezed the Mayo on Kyuhyun’s face.”

“What about when Kyuhyun hyung squeezed it on Yesung hyung’s face?”

“It’s epic. And how about when Kyuhyun protected me from you?”

She looked at me, tears were already flowing down from her eyes but she’s still trying to smile by remembering that funny day.


Her tears became cry. I came closer and pulled her head to my arms. “Cry on my shoulder.”


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Chapter 100: amazing story ever <3
lee-chelle #2
Chapter 71: Totally random but that gif made me cry... Hangeng. ㅠㅠ k... Back to the story.
Chapter 101: OH MY GOSH... this is literally one of de best kyu fic I read ever!! it's so goooooood!!!! nw I'm off to read ur other stories~~ haha~ de chullie in SS5 gif is it from SS5 malaysia?? haha
Chapter 76: OMG... this chapter is jz soooooooo sweet!! I cried when jino called kyu appa...
ZeloBabys #5
Chapter 101: Ends already? Aaaaaa I love your story good job author-nim ;)) I'm going to miss this story tho :'( kekekee keep on writing
iLoveSJ01 #6
Chapter 101: That ending was really sweet <333
First time I encountered a scene like that :)))
If ever something like that happens in my life ("Pretend we haven't met each other") then I'll definitely do Kaori's style :)))
Thanks for this lovely fanfic unnie ^^
feliciahung_ #7
I love this ff kk :3
mching101177 #8
Chapter 100: oh so sweet....i wish it didn't end.
4everlovingkyu #9
Chapter 100: authorniiiiiiiim!! this.,.. ahhhh! it's sooooo sweet!! eotteokhe?? will you make more??
mching101177 #10
Chapter 99: authornin i cant wait the nxt u wanna really end this fanfic