§Summer Dream§ Micky Yoochun *7*

§Summer Dream§ Micky Yoochun *DBSK/TVXQ*

Yay! ^_^ okay so i hope you enjoy this as it will get more interesting! ~{xxxKissTheAngelxxx}~ Melissa Playing: "Energy" By Keri Hilson & "Crazy Love" By DBSK/TVXQ(Love Micky's voice in this!)  {K} spoken in Korean



“…I came here to do a job, to look after you guys and I’m not leaving Korea until my job is done so get used to it!”

Tianna’s voice ran through my mind. It had been two months since she talked to me on the sofa. We haven’t talked properly since then, unlike the rest of the DBSK members who constantly talked to her about anything and everything.

“I guess she’s not leaving yet,” I mumbled quietly to myself, while fixing my hair in the mirror.

“Micky...Come on we have to go pick up Tia!” Jaejoong burst into the bathroom and glanced at his reflection.

“Jae, she’s only a couple floors down and why are you speaking so much English?” I asked watching him adjust his hair.

“I’m making an effort to make Tia feel at home, plus its practice…Come on!” He answered walking out of the bathroom. I followed behind him.

Now that I thought about it, they were all speaking English whenever they could with Tianna, except when we had interviews or when we they were tired then they’d just talk to Tianna in Korean and she’d respond back in English or Korean or sometimes both.

They really had fallen for her and her friendship but I still kept my distance, waiting to be disappointed.

We shuffled out of our hotel suite room and headed towards Tianna’s floor via elevator.

{K}“I wonder what she’s wearing today,” Junsu randomly said as the elevator descended.

{K}“Why would that matter?” I retorted, Junsu just responded with a shrug.

{K}“I hope she’s wearing that top with the butterfly on it, she looks beautiful in it!” Changmin smiled.

Jaejoong burst into laughter, {K}“Yeah she does but that’s not the only reason you like it!”

The elevator doors opened up on Tianna’s floor.

{K}“That’s not true!” Changmin stated, he seemed embarrassed. We walked out of the elevator and down the hall to Tianna’s hotel room.

{K}“So what else do you like about Tia’s butterfly top Changmin?” Junsu asked him very intrigued.

{K}“I…Ummm…like…the colours?!” Changmin didn’t seem to have a steady answer.

We stopped at Tianna’s door, Jaejoong knocked.

{K}“Ohhh….I see now…You like her butterfly top because it shows of her chest…her BIG chest!” Yunho gasped and we all laughed.

{K}“No no….maybe a little...” Changmin covered his face in embarrassment then Junsu lightly hit him in the back of the head for being so dirty minded.

{K}“OUCH…you know you were thinking it too hyung!” Changmin said nursing the back of his head.

“Umm...Micky?” Jaejoong grabbed my attention. He seemed to be staring at a piece of paper attached to Tianna’s door.

“Can you read this…I think it’s in English,” He said taking it off the door and handing it to me.

I looked down at it and read it out loud, “Hey DBSK! I left early, I will meet you at the dance studio, see you soon, love Tia,”

“She left before us?!” Junsu moaned.

“I guess so,” I replied.

The rest of the guys shrugged and headed back towards the elevator. I put the note back on the door then noticed there was some more writing on it. I read it to myself,

P.s. Thank you Micky for reading this for the boys xxx

“How did she know I’d read it?” I shook my head and caught up with the guys in the elevator. With a push of a button we were off to the dance studio…


I soon found myself walking down the hallway to our dance room. Jaejoong was so excited to see Tianna, I didn’t know why since we see her every day.

I noticed my shoelace was untied so I stopped, {K}“Hey guys…go ahead, I’ll be there in a minute,”

Jaejoong and Changmin nodded while Yunho and Junsu gave me thumbs up something they used more because of Tianna. They continued to walk till I couldn’t see them anymore.

I bent down and tied my shoelace. I began to hear music so I stood up and looked around. The music seemed to be coming from a dance room just behind me. I walked back to the dance room where the music became louder. The door was slightly open so I took a peek inside through the gap.

I couldn’t see anyone but the song seemed familiar, something I heard when I was online looking through music.

“That’s it…Keri Hilson Energy,” I whispered to myself. Then I saw her appear, Tianna was dancing.

I watched her for a moment. Her moves were sharp and strong with a hint of femininity. She also had good steps and great natural rhythm. I’d never seen her like this before; I don’t think any of us had.

I snapped out of my daze and headed to our dance room in a rush.

“Micky, what took you so long?” Jaejoong asked me as I shut the dance room door behind me.

“Oh… nothing just my shoelace,” I smiled.

“Well Tianna’s not here yet, I think we should wait for her,” Junsu said stretching out.

“No, we should start practice...I’m sure she’ll be here soon,” I replied trying not to grin.

The guys nodded and spread out across the dance room floor.

“In fact she’s already her,” I whispered to myself with a smirk.


‘I hope Micky read the note,’ I thought to myself as I stretched out once more. I had been in the dance studio from 7am and I had already been through my routine a few times.

I normally wouldn’t get up this early to dance but it seemed to relax me. These past two months had been so demanding, the interviews, the T.V. shows, we hardly got a break at all sometimes. And as for Micky, he was okay but still making it weird and awkward for me to be their assistant.

It felt wrong not talking to him like I talk to the rest of the guys but there’s nothing I can do. I’d put all my energy into trying to know him and getting nothing but a brick wall.

I pushed play on the stereo, Keri Hilson’s song Energy, filled the room. Perfect song really for my situation with Micky although it wasn’t as bad as when we first met.

I let my frustration flow through my dance, every move I made was fluent and strong. I watched myself in the mirror and saw my steps come to life. I had never been so relaxed dancing. Well not in a long time so it felt good.

Before I knew it, it was 9am, the boys were supposed to be in the other dance room at 8.30 am for dance rehearsal.

“Oh ! How can I be 30 minutes late when I’m already here?” I called out getting my stuff together.

I quickly sprayed perfume over my clothes, there was no time to change so i just grabbed my bag and walked to the other dance in my tracksuit bottoms and crop top that show my tattoo and navel piercing.

I burst through the dance door in a bit of a panic, “Guys, Mianhae I’m late, I had a lot of stuff to work out!” {Sorry}

“Don’t worry, you haven’t missed much,” Jaejoong said as he and the boys stopped dancing.

I smiled and walked to the far back corner of the room and put my stuff down.

“Tia...why are you dressed like a dancer?” Junsu asked looking me up and down.

“Oh. This…” I sat down on the floor against the wall, “It’s for support and since all of you are in dance practice gear, as your assistant I should be too!”

They all nodded and continued to dance. Micky looked at me and smirked then carried on dancing. It was weird and different, he had never given me that look before. I just sat back and watched them dance.

I watched them dance to a number of songs, a few of my favourites like, ‘O’, ‘Purple line’ and ‘Rising Sun’. They were currently dancing to Mirotic. They looked amazing, there moves were so sharp and y. The boys occasionally turned to dance for me, which made me giggle like one of their super obsessed fans.

The song ended and the boys were in their finishing poses.

“Wooo… Jalhaeseoyo, that was amazing, guys!” I applauded. {Good Job}

The boys bowed and blew kisses at me they made me giggle and smile. I watched Micky sit on the other side of the room and drink from his bottle of water… he was all sweaty and hot….

“Hey Tia, we have one more song we can practise, why don’t you pick it,” Yunho recommended making my eyes move away from Micky sweaty body.

“Ummmm….Crazy love!” I said off the top of my head.

Junsu nodded, “Okay!”

Yunho ran towards the stereo system and selected the song.

“Come sit here!” Jaejoong said pulling me up and placing in front of the mirror, I turned around to face them and sat down.

They were all in position facing me and the mirror. It was kind of weird like they were going to dance for me.

“Tia press play!” Changmin smiled at me.

I reached over and pushed the play button. The song began to play and Micky stepped forward,

“Yo…I’ve been waiting for this for so long….T.V.X.Q!”

Then they broke out into the dance, they looked so amazing. It felt weird sitting on the floor as they danced for me. Then the verse kicked in, Changmin stepped towards me and grabbed me up and began to sing to me.

“Pyeongsoen an geureodeon…” Changmin was trying to get me to dance but I kept saying no but they wouldn’t give up.

They began to circle around me while dancing, and I started to blush. Jaejoong began singing the part before the chorus to me holding my hand. He then spun me around as they sang the chorus.

They continued to dance around me. I finally had to give in… I mean how many girls get to dance around with DBSK...Not a lot!

Junsu started his verse and danced next to me. I followed his lead, he came up behind me and we did a little body roll thing, then he whispered ‘L.O.V.E.’ part in my ear, it made me giggle.

They then danced around me again, each singing in turn and together. Micky stepped up to me awkwardly and sang his part before the second chorus to me and danced. My heart fluttered a little but I didn’t know why.

They took turns in spinning around until Yunho sang the bridge verse, he looked into my eyes and sang it circling me.

Jaejoong then held my hand and sang, “Geudael saranghaeyo,” this was every girls dream to have Jaejoong sing to them.

Then Micky came up to me and softly my cheek, “Geudael himdeulge hae,”

I wanted to faint right then and there but I didn’t. Junsu sang us into the final two chorus’, where I relaxed and danced with each member, Yunho first then Changmin spun me round, while Junsu did a sort of tango with me then spun me to Jaejoong who did a little close up grinding with me. Jaejoong then gave me a little nudge and I ended up in Micky’s arms, he danced with me and we ended the song with a salsa style dip.

Micky looked at me as he held me in the dip, the room was silent and I was looking straight back at Micky. He was all sweaty and hot and had a weird glazed look in his eyes. I normally wouldn’t have problem with him looking at me but this was extremely awkward being that Micky’s face was quite close to mine and the salsa dip he was holding me in was beginning to hurt.

“Micky...” I said quietly. Micky suddenly snapped out of the daze he was in then fell back and dropped me.

“TIA!” The rest of the guys squealed running towards me.

Micky sat up and looked at the floor, I just laid there on my back staring at him

“Sorry,” Was all I heard Micky say, before I could reply the guys were all over me.

“Tia you okay?” Junsu asked helping me stand up.

“I’m fine,” I smiled dusting myself off.

“Micky, why did you drop Tia?!” Jaejoong asked Micky as he went to sort out his things.

Micky huffed, “It was an accident,”

“It’s okay, I’m fine guys,” I said trying to make guys stop fussing over me.

Jaejoong nodded while Micky didn’t even look at me. He was pretending like we didn’t just dance together…what the hell was with him? I shook my and sorted out my stuff. Soon all the boys were ready to go but I weren’t.

“Hey guys go ahead, I wanna change first, I’ll meet you outside,” I smiled looking at each of them.

“Okay!” they said in unison and walked out of the dance studio room.

I began sorting through my stuff again and noticed Micky was standing by the dance studio room door. Before I could ask why he was standing there, he spoke up,

“I saw you dance earlier…you’re pretty good,” With that he walked out of the room.

‘He saw me dance….and he thinks I’m good...” I thought to myself and smiled.

Micky Yoochun is a mysterious man but I’m sure I’d figure him out soon.


I walked out of the room before Tianna could reply then walked half way down the hall before I stopped against the wall.

“Okay what the just happened?...I sung to her, I danced with her and then I dropped her… Good going Micky!” I shouted at myself.

I mean it felt different…like when I danced with her I forgot she was our assistant. She was just so hot especially her navel piercing and that tattoo above her hip…

“What the am I thinking!!?” I shouted at myself again. I took a few seconds to clear my head before heading outside to wait with the rest of my band members.

{K}“Hey Micky what happened in there?” Jaejoong was the first to jump on my case.

{K}“Nothing, I just slipped,” I lied.

{K}“It didn’t look like nothing,” Junsu said while leaning against the car.

I rolled my eyes, {K}“Oh yeah, what did it look like then?”

Changmin cleared his throat, {K}“It looked like you were into her,”

{K}“No, of course not!” I was quick to defend myself.

{K}“Oh come on Yoochun, you should have seen the look in your eyes!” Yunho teased me.

I was getting slightly frustrated, {K}“You know what…I’m gonna tell you what I told her two months ago…I don’t trust her and I’m not going to pretend I like her so quit it, okay!”

They all shut up apart from Jaejoong, {K}“If that’s how you feel, I might just have a plan,”

I looked at him intensely, {K}“Jae, what plan?”

He smirked evilly, {K}“I’m not telling you!”

{K}“Oh come on Jae, just t-“

“Hey guys you ready to go?” Tianna appeared behind me.

“Yeah,” We all said, she just nodded and we got into the car.

There is no way I would fall for her….

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foamtwt #1
koreankendi #2
I love loe love the story and ending!!! ^___^
bwahahahahaha!!!! <3

Good good job!! ^_^
i loved the story................please have another good story like this it was awesome........what country is your mom from ......in this story.......i'm from trinidad............update soon..........annyeong unnie ^_^ congrats
Awww guys!!!! *cries a little* Thank you so much for your kind words, this story is my first completed story, my pride and joy and loved writing it. I'm really glad you all liked it! :D
(Y) (y) (y) (y) I love this fic!! God!! Aaaaah you make such a great fic!! XD
drizzleandrain #6
aaah! I loved this. she comes back and everyone's happy. :D Sorry I came by your story only now, but I'd liek for you to know that I'd root for you from the first chap. (well, if we could rewind some things) seriously, this is greaaattt! :D and you featured Yoochun, eek! I have the hots for the guy. okay, let me clear that up. I have the hots for all the DBSK members. *fans myself* haha. :D thank you for posting this. Congratulations!
kannielove #7
p.s.<br />
why does this only have so little subscribers?!! >.<<br />
You deserve to be featured unnie~! you worked so hard!!! ^_^<br />
oh and another thing........ ^^<br />
I'm CONGRATULATING you for successfully making Mr. Park Yoochun as my new bias... LOL! o.O I can't believe it either!!! what about yunnie u-know who~!!!! HAHAHA! I guess I have two biases now... but I have to admit... there are only very little fics that make me crazy like this :)) hwaiting! again~! ♥♥♥ xoxo
kannielove #8
amazing~! seriously~!! unnie i don't know what to say~<br />
it was simply perfect! ^_^<br />
i know how hard it is to write a fic... lol! (I experienced it) XD<br />
but you were really good! no I mean amazing! XDD<br />
The plot, how the story went it was really good! and to think that I only found this because I was super bored but this fic kept me busy for two days! :)) It was hard though since I have school and I was being a little naughty ... but still! It was all worth it... ^^<br />
although I did think the story kinda went slow... but that's not a problem! I loved it no matter what~! ♥♥♥ and I feel like crying since this already ended... *sigh* T.T anyways... I'm off reading your other fics~! HWAITING unnie! I'll support you! ^_^